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Last active March 23, 2024 08:23
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Solve a square or least square linear system with the QR householder reflector algorithm
using LinearAlgebra, Random, Base.Threads
alphafactor(x::Real) = -sign(x)
alphafactor(x::Complex) = -exp(im * angle(x))
function householder!(A::Matrix{T}) where T
m, n = size(A)
H = A
α = zeros(T, min(m, n)) # Diagonal of R
@inbounds @views for j in 1:n
s = norm(H[j:m, j])
α[j] = s * alphafactor(H[j, j])
f = 1 / sqrt(s * (s + abs(H[j, j])))
H[j,j] -= α[j]
for i in j:m
H[i, j] *= f
for jj in j+1:n
s = dot(H[j:m, j], H[j:m, jj])
for i in j:m
H[i, jj] -= H[i, j] * s
return (H, α)
function solve_householder!(b, H, α)
m, n = size(H)
# multuply by Q' ...
@inbounds @views for j in 1:n
s = dot(H[j:m, j], b[j:m])
for i in j:m
b[i] -= H[i, j] * s
# now that b holds the value of Q'b
# we may back sub with R
@inbounds @views for i in n:-1:1
for j in i+1:n
b[i] -= H[i, j] * b[j]
b[i] /= α[i]
return b[1:n]
for T in (Float64, ComplexF64), mn in ((50, 50), (60, 50), (500, 500), (600, 500),
(1200, 1000), (2400, 2000))
m, n = mn
@show T, m, n
A = rand(T, m,n)
A .= real.(A)
b = rand(T,m)
A1 = deepcopy(A)
b1 = deepcopy(b)
t1 = @elapsed x1 = qr!(A1, NoPivot()) \ b1
A2 = deepcopy(A)
b2 = deepcopy(b)
t2 = @elapsed begin
H, α = householder!(A2)
x2 = solve_householder!(b2, H, α)
@show norm(A' * A * x1 .- A' * b)
@show norm(A' * A * x2 .- A' * b)
@show t2 / t1
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