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Created October 29, 2012 04:15
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Cross-platform module
(function pgControlWrapper (definition) {
// Got the cross-platform browser code from here:
// This file will function properly as a <script> tag, or a module
// using CommonJS and NodeJS or RequireJS module formats. In
// Common/Node/RequireJS, the module exports the PressGang REST API and when
// executed as a simple <script>, it creates a PressGangCCMS global instead.
// The use of "undefined" in the arguments is a
// micro-optmization for compression systems, permitting
// every occurrence of the "undefined" variable to be
// replaced with a single-character.
var isBrowser = false;
if (typeof exports === "object") {
definition(require, exports, module, isBrowser);
// <script>
} else {
isBrowser = true;
definition(undefined, pg = {}, {}, isBrowser);
})(function (serverSideRequire, exports, module, isBrowser) {
var restget;
if (isBrowser) {
restget = function(url, cb){
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
success: cb
} else {
var restler = require("restler");
restget = function(url, cb){
restler.get(_this.url + requestPath).on('complete', cb);
exports.DEFAULT_URL = '';
exports.CONTENT_SPEC_TAG_ID = 268;
exports.REST_API_PATH = '/seam/resource/rest/';
exports.REST_UPDATE_TOPIC_PATH = 'topic/update/json';
exports.DEFAULT_REST_VER = 1;
exports.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = 0;
exports.DATA_REQ = {
xml: 'xml',
topic_tags: 'topic_tags',
json: 'json'
exports.ContentSpecMetadataSchema = [
{attr : 'specrevision', rule : /^SPECREVISION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'product', rule : /^PRODUCT[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'checksum', rule : /^CHECKSUM[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'subtitle', rule : /^SUBTITLE[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'title', rule : /^TITLE[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'edition', rule : /^EDITION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'bookversion', rule : /^BOOK VERSION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'pubsnumber', rule : /^PUBSNUMBER[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'description', rule : /^(DESCRIPTION|ABSTRACT)[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'copyright', rule : /^COPYRIGHT HOLDER[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'debug', rule : /^DEBUG[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'version', rule : /^VERSION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'brand', rule : /^BRAND[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'buglinks', rule : /^BUG[ ]*LINKS[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'bzproduct', rule : /^BZPRODUCT[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'bzcomponent', rule : /^BZCOMPONENT[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'bzversion', rule : /^BZVERSION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'surveylinks', rule : /^SURVEY[ ]*LINKS[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'translocale', rule : /^TRANSLATION LOCALE[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'type', rule : /^TYPE[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'outputstyle', rule : /^OUTPUT STYLE[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'publican.cfg', rule : /^PUBLICAN\\.CFG[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'inlineinject', rule : /^INLINE INJECTION[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'space', rule : /^spaces[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'dtd', rule : /^DTD[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
{attr : 'id', rule : /^ID[ ]*((=.*)|$)/i},
// {attr: 'bookdir', rule : injected}
// {attr: 'serverurl', rule : injected}
exports.PressGangCCMS = (function () {
function PressGangCCMS(settings) {
this.url = exports.DEFAULT_URL;
if('string' == typeof settings) {
this.url = settings;
if('object' == typeof settings && settings.url) {
this.url = settings.url;
this.restver = exports.DEFAULT_REST_VER;
this.loglevel = exports.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL;
if('object' == typeof settings) {
for(var i in settings) {
this[i] = settings[i];
PressGangCCMS.prototype.setSelf = function () {
this.self = this;
PressGangCCMS.prototype.supportedDataRequests = function () {
return exports.DATA_REQ;
PressGangCCMS.prototype.log = function (msg, msglevel) {
if(this.loglevel > msglevel) {
PressGangCCMS.prototype.isContentSpec = function (topic_id, cb) {
var _is_spec;
_is_spec = false;
if(typeof cb !== 'function') {
if(typeof topic_id !== 'number') {
return cb('Need numeric Topic ID as first argument', false);
this.getTopicData('topic_tags', topic_id, function (err, result) {
if(err) {
return cb(err, null);
if(result && result.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
if(result[i] && result[i] === exports.CONTENT_SPEC_TAG_ID) {
_is_spec = true;
return cb(err, _is_spec);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.getTopicXML = function (topic_id, rev, cb) {
this.getTopicData('xml', topic_id, rev, cb);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.getTopicData = function (data_request, topic_id, revORcb, cb) {
var _this = this;
var _rev;
var _result;
if('function' == typeof cb) {
if('number' !== typeof revORcb) {
if(cb) {
return cb('Need numerical topic revision as third argument', null);
if('function' == typeof revORcb) {
cb = revORcb;
if(!cb) {
if(!exports.DATA_REQ[data_request]) {
return cb('Unsupported operation ' + data_request + ' passed as first argument', null);
if('number' !== typeof topic_id) {
return cb('Need numerical Topic ID as second argument', null);
if('undefined' == typeof this.url || 'null' == typeof this.url || '' === this.url) {
return cb('No server URL specified', null);
if(('number' == typeof revORcb) && (-1 !== revORcb)) {
_rev = revORcb;
this.getBaseRESTPath(function (requestPath) {
switch(data_request) {
case exports.DATA_REQ.xml:
case exports.DATA_REQ.json: {
requestPath += '/topic/get/json/' + topic_id;
if(_rev) {
requestPath += '/r/' + _rev;
case exports.DATA_REQ.topic_tags: {
requestPath += '/topic/get/json/' + topic_id;
if(_rev) {
requestPath += '/r/' + _rev;
requestPath += '?expand=';
requestPath += encodeURIComponent('{"branches":[{"trunk":{"name":"tags"}}]}');
_this.log(_this.url + requestPath, 2);
restget(_this.url + requestPath, function (result) {
if(result instanceof Error) {
return cb('REST err: ' + result, null);
if(!result) {
return cb('Could not get data from server', null);
_result = result;
switch(data_request) {
case exports.DATA_REQ.topic_tags: {
if(!result.tags) {
_result = [];
} else {
_result = result.tags.items;
case exports.DATA_REQ.xml: {
_result = result.xml;
if(cb) {
return cb(null, _result);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.getSpec = function (spec_id, revORcb, cb) {
var _this = this;
var _rev;
_rev = -1;
if('function' == typeof revORcb) {
cb = revORcb;
if('number' == typeof revORcb) {
_rev = revORcb;
if('function' !== typeof cb) {
if('number' !== typeof spec_id) {
cb('Numeric Spec ID needed as first argument', null);
this.isContentSpec(spec_id, function (err, is) {
if(err) {
return cb(err, null);
if(!is) {
return cb('Requested ID is not a Content Specification', null);
_this.getTopicData(exports.DATA_REQ.xml, spec_id, _rev, function (err, result) {
if(err) {
return cb(err, result);
_this.stripMetadata(result, function getSpecRevStripMetadataCall(err, result) {
return cb(err, result);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.stripMetadata = function (spec, cb) {
var err;
var _result;
var array;
if('function' !== typeof cb) {
if('string' !== typeof spec || '' === spec) {
return cb('Cannot parse spec - expected string value', null);
_result = {
_result.spec = spec;
_result.metadata = {
'serverurl': this.url
array = spec.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for(var j = 0; j < exports.ContentSpecMetadataSchema.length; j++) {
if(array[i].match(exports.ContentSpecMetadataSchema[j].rule)) {
_result.metadata[exports.ContentSpecMetadataSchema[j].attr] = array[i].split('=')[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
cb(err, _result);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.getBaseRESTPath = function (cb) {
var requestPath;
var _restver;
requestPath = exports.REST_API_PATH;
_restver = this.restver || exports.DEFAULT_REST_VER;
requestPath += _restver;
return cb(requestPath);
PressGangCCMS.prototype.saveTopic = function (topic, log_msg, change_impact, cb) {
var CHANGE = {
this.getBaseRESTPath(function (requestPath) {
requestPath += exports.REST_UPDATE_TOPIC_PATH;
requestPath += '?message=';
requestPath += encodeURIComponent(log_msg);
requestPath += '&flag=';
requestPath += '' + change_impact;
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