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Forked from MetroWind/
Created December 5, 2015 01:47
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Create a curve in Blender.
import bpy
import math
import numpy
from mathutils import Vector
w = 1 # weight
Scale = 0.03
def readCoords(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as File:
Coords = [[float(x) * Scale for x in line.split()] for line in File]
return list(map(Vector, Coords))
# ListOfVectors = [Vector((0,0,0)),Vector((1,0,0)),Vector((2,0,0)),Vector((2,3,0)),
# Vector((0,2,1))]
ListOfVectors = readCoords("/file/name")
def genCurveData(fx, fy, fz, u_range, u_count, scale):
Data = []
for u in numpy.arange(u_range[0], u_range[1], (u_range[1]- u_range[0]) / float(u_count)):
Data.append(Vector((fx(u), fy(u), fz(u))))
return Data
def makePolyLine(objname, curvename, cList):
curvedata =, type='CURVE')
curvedata.dimensions = '3D'
objectdata =, curvedata)
objectdata.location = (0,0,0) #object origin
polyline ='NURBS')
for i in range(len(cList)):
# bpy.context.scene.frame_set(i+1)
if i > 0:
x, y, z = cList[i]
polyline.points[i].co = (x, y, z, w)
makePolyLine("NameOfMyCurveObject", "NameOfMyCurve", ListOfVectors)
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