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Schelling's model
For the Schelling model, there is one file of interest,
The main data structures are Cell, an opaque type, and Array Cell.
I use 1D arrays, but process them as if they were 2D arrays using
the functions
location :(Int, Int) -> Int
location (row, col) =
nRows * row + col
matrixIndex : Int -> (Int, Int)
matrixIndex n =
(n // nCols, modBy nCols n)
Seems retro, but actually works well for this problem. I don't
know if it has bad performance implications.
The main function is
updateCells : List (Int, Int) -> Array Cell -> Array Cell
updateCells tupleList cellArray =
List.foldl updateCell cellArray tupleLis
The functon of the tupleList : List (Int, Int) to (a) determine the order in which
cells are updated and (b) to furnish a random number which is used
in the update process for the given cell. In practie, (via Main.elm),
the tupleList is a list or pairs where the projection to the first
coordinate is a random permutation of the list 0, 1, ... (N^2 - 1),
where the array is NxN. The projection to the second coordinate is a
list of random integers.
The function upDateCells is just a driver for
updateCell : (Int, Int) -> Array Cell -> Array Cell
updateCell (idx, rand) cellArray =
(row, col) = matrixIndex idx
updatedCell = updateEmotionalStateOfCellAtIndex (row, col) cellArray
if emotionalState updatedCell == Unsatisfied then
swapWithUnoccupiedCell rand updatedCell cellArray
replace updatedCell cellArray
While the app works just fine for 40x40 arrays with 500 ms delay between updates,
I would like for it perform as well as possible. In general, I am interested
in places where the code can be improved.
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jxxcarlson commented Apr 6, 2019

Here is the relevant part of the old data structure:

type Cell
    = Occupied Id Threshold Identity EmotionalState
    | Unoccupied Id

type Id = Id Int

I changed it to this:

type Cell
    = Occupied CellIndex Id Threshold Identity EmotionalState
    | Unoccupied CellIndex Id

type CellIndex = CellIndex Int

type Id = Id Int

Then the index function is

idx : Cell -> Int
idx cell =
    case cell of
        Unoccupied (CellIndex k) _ -> k
        Occupied (CellIndex k) _ _ _ _ -> k

Of course one now has to be VERY careful about how cells are updated. If they are not "moved", all is OK. In this project, the only way cells move is by swapping two cells. So we run all changes through this function,
which swaps the indices when the cells are swapped. Then cells always
carry a valid index.

With Evan's amazing compiler, it took exactly one hour to conceive and implement
all the changes. The result (using the benchmark program) is a 47% decrease in
in execution time. This carries over the app. I had reduced the update interval
from 500 ms to 250 ms. But it was somewhat jerky. I've reduced the update
interval to 50ms and it is still very smooth. This is better than can be explained
by the above.

swapCells : Cell -> Cell -> Array Cell -> Array Cell
swapCells cell1 cell2 cellArray =
       idx1 = idx cell1
       idx2 = idx cell2
      |> setWithIndex idx2 (setCellIndex idx2 cell1)
      |> setWithIndex idx1 (setCellIndex idx1 cell2)

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