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658,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9655 ,Next-Generation Deformable Mirrors for Astronomical Coronagraphy by Utilizing PMN-PT Single Crystal Stack Actuators in integration with Driver ASIC,"This SBIR Phase I project aims to develop a new manufacturing approach for deformable mirrors (DMs) by batch fabricating the stack actuator array. The innovation leverages on our experience in developing stack actuator DM system with integrated ASIC driver electronics, enabling the next-generation DM-ASIC systems that are featured with: electro-mechanical performance exceeding traditional piezoelectric DMs by about 5 times, reduced number of wires from thousands to several tens, reduction of the power dissipation by two (2) orders of magnitude, shrinking of the form factor (weight/size) of the DM driver electronics by up to two (2) orders of magnitude, and reducing the DM cost by about 5 times. With both DM and the driver ASIC scalable by mosaicking to 96x96, 128x128 or larger format, the innovation holds promise of filling the NASA Technology Gap on DM and associating driver electronics connectors/cables as listed in the recently released Exoplanet Exploration Program Technology Plan Appendix 2017."
589,Science,GSFC,2017,S5.02-8891 ,Operationalizing SAR for agricultural decision support,"The innovation of Synthetic Aperture Radar for AGriculture (SARAG) is the operationalization and true integration of satellite radar remote sensing for agricultural monitoring and assessment. While many SAR sensors have been utilized for crop mapping (i.e., ERS-1, ENVISAT ASAR, TerraSAR-X, Radarsat, ALOS-1), no options for cost efficient, systematic, and continental scale data have existed until now. In this new Phase 1 SBIR we are expanding upon current research to integrate SAR products and workflows into global food security Decision Support Tools and expand ecosystem services markets. This effort will support NASA missions, prep for NISAR, and democratize SAR into existing DSTs."
649,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-9933 ,3D Printed Silicon Carbide Scalable to Meter-Class Segments for Far-Infrared Surveyor,"Using technology spun out from Sandia National Laboratories, Goodman Technologies LLC with our Small Business and Minority Institution partners (Team GTL) has demonstrated the feasibility of 3D printed metals and ceramics for low areal cost, ultra-lightweight mirrors and structures. Our technology development roadmap shows production of the first meter-class mirror segments in time for the 2020 Decadal Survey. Our 1.5-meter hexagonal silicon carbide segments will meet or exceed all NASA requirements for the primary mirror of a FIR Surveyor such as the Origins Space Telescope (OST), and may also provide a solution for the LUVOIR Surveyor. Our analysis and internal research and development show that we will achieve an areal density of 7.75 kg/m2, a cost to print of $60K/segment, and an optical surface that has nanometer-scale tolerances. Our encapsulated lattice construction provides a uniform CTE throughout the part for dimensional stability, incredible specific stiffness, and the added benefit of cryo-damping. Our process will also allow for direct embedding of electronics for active structures and segments, and the potential for actively cooling with helium for unprecedented low emissivity and thermal control. Finally, the particulate paste extrusion process may be very suitable for printing mirrors in the zero gravity of space."
513,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.05-9148 ,Integrated Waveguide Optical Gyroscope,"We propose a radical new approach for to the design and fabrication of an integrated Waveguide Optical Gyroscope (iWOG) that enables the development of very small IMU with near tactical grade performance, higher reliability, high level of robustness and lower cost. Modeling predicts that the iWOG will have up to two orders-of-magnitude improvement in bias stability over temperature (for the same volume) when compared to the highest performance commercially available MEMs gyroscope. The iWOG is also inherently radiation hardened and is the ideal technology for future cubesat applications at NASA."
666,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.10-8457 ,Long Term Ultrastable Laser System at 780 nm for Atomic Clocks,"Gener8 and AOSense team together to propose a novel new architecture for a low-phase noise, single-frequency electronically tunable laser at 780 nm. This laser concept has a demonstrated electronic tuning coefficient 2.37 GHz/Volt and will meet all the demanding requirements for atomic clock applications. The compact laser technology is based on previously developed hybrid integration technology that enables the direct optical coupling of active and passive waveguide chips. The integrated design proposed reduces system complexity, lowers cost and lends itself readily to array scaling. A rugged packaging solution is proposed to package the laser head in a volume of 3.0 cubic cm."
576,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.02-8691,High Response Control Valve,"WASK Engineering proposes to adapt the design of an existing piezo actuated valve that has demonstrated the ability to open within 0.5 msec, operate for more than 2x109 cycles while maintaining a leakage rate of less than 1x10-3 sccm of He. The valve is less than 3.5 inches long with a maximum width of 1 inch. It has been sized to flow 0.27 lbs/sec of LOX, sufficient to support either the LOX and LCH4 flow rates of a 100 lbf thruster. <l>A piezo actuated valve has many benefits for RCS thrusters. The speed with which the valve can adjust its throttle position means that with two such valves the thruster propellant mixture ratio can be rapidly adjusted to prevent hardware damage. The valves have the ability to continuously throttle over a range of thrust levels, allowing the thruster to operate from zero to full thrust. The piezo crystals use very little power, reducing the overall power consumption, again reducing weight."
742,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.02-9590 ,"Novel, Functionally Graded PIP Coating System for Hot Structures","This proposal addresses some of the most challenging materials issues with respect to Hot Structures, very high temperature, up to 4000 degrees F, applications. The very successful, record breaking, NASA led X-43A hypersonic flight proved the ability to use state of the art (SOTA) material/coating system for short duration, single mission, and very high temperature applications. The issues associated with the leading edges are quite different from the Hot Structures issues where transverse properties are very critical and the longer duration time with much wider temperature distribution can be expected. Also the shear component size makes the application of CVD based coatings impractical. Allcomp proposes an extremely innovative solution to this problem by using functionally graded (FGM) PIP coatings to alleviate interfacial shear stresses and greatly reduce transverse thermal cracking, which historically have plagued ceramic coatings applied to very low thermal expansion coefficient 2-D and 2.5 D C-C composite substrates. The success of this Phase I will totally open new avenues in the area of high temperature materials. That, in turn, will enable NASA designers to implement hot structure solution in lieu of parasitic passive insulation system, resulting in significant weight reduction in future NASA Space Exploration vehicles, as well as a plethora of other applications."
755,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.04-8930 ,Innovative Laundering and Sanitization System to Extend Duration of Crew Clothing Wear,"The proposed innovation will refresh crew clothing to extend the duration of wear. It is a collapsible or portable light-weight cleaning sanitizing and deodorizing system using ozone and water vapor to:<l>(1) remove the combined contamination from perspiration salts, organics, dander, and dust;<l>(2) kill 99.9% of common bacteria and viruses; and <l>(3) reduce or eliminate associated odors.<l>The system will address the issue of using liquid water in microgravity by treating the fabric while it is flat using water vapor which acts like a gas. The vapor which may or may not be steam will be attenuated by using movable nozzles that will allow it to be directed on all areas of the fabric. The movable nozzles will replace the random tumbling of items inside of a conventional washing machine which is state of the art in industry and ensure that all areas of the fabric are treated.<l><l>The significance of the innovation is that a vapor based portable light-weight cleaning sanitizing and deodorizing system will:<l>(1) allow more available payload capacity by the weight reduction associated with reduced water usage and clothing inventories;<l>(2) reduce laundry based water and consumable usage to less than 200g of water and less than 10g of consumables per kg of clothing washed;<l>(3) reduce the use of power for laundry usage; <l>(4) require no attention from the astronauts during the cycle;<l>(5) decrease or eliminate odor from crew wear by sanitizing (99.9% kill of bacteria);<l>(6) reduce disease transmission and odor of other materials like the TEVIS harness;<l>(7) fight potential infection; <l>(8) and reduce the inventory of garments needed by reducing the need for frequent change."
506,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9957 ,Additively Manufactured Bimetallic Combustion Chambers for Small Launch Vehicles,"Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc. (ASTS) is pleased to present this proposal for demonstrating feasibility of an additive manufacturing (AM) approach for fabricating bimetallic combustion chambers. Our chamber design, which is applicable to future NASA small launch vehicles, exploits the combined capabilities of selective laser melting (SLM) and magnetic pulse welding (MPW), in order to reduce manufacturing lead time and cost and to improve quality through ease of inspection.<l>The benefits of such a design are substantial. First, it is well understood that for complicated components like a modern combustion chamber, an AM manufacturing approach can drastically reduce cost (by 50% or more) and lead time (weeks instead of months). Second, our particular design overcomes weaknesses of other additive designs by enabling easy inspection of the printed parts that otherwise would have to undergo CT scanning or X-ray inspection, which has proven to be exceptionally difficult for complex internal geometries like regenerative cooling channels and propellant manifolds. Third, our basic material and manufacturing approach is scalable to booster class combustion chambers at a rate controlled solely by scaling of the build volumes available in commercial SLM machines (which is occurring rapidly). In fact, commercial MPW systems are already being used in the automotive industry that can instantaneously weld parts of several meters in length."
804,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-9024 ,Argument-Driven Application of Formal Methods,"This proposal, in response to SBIR topic A2.02, develops low-cost, high-assurance UAS autonomy through argument-driven application of formal methods to runtime assurance.<l>Autonomous UAS operations promise lower cost hardware and a reduction in labor force compared to conventionally piloted aircraft. While loss of a UAS may not be catastrophic, the possibility of catastrophic collateral damage exists. UAS software is therefore safety critical, and safety-critical software remains expensive to build and certify. The full economic benefit of autonomous UAS operations cannot be realized until the cost of autonomous UAS software can be reduced without negatively impacting safety.<l>Software architectures providing software fault tolerance through reconfiguration to a trusted backup, such as runtime assurance, offer fixed-cost assurance for autonomous software. They obviate traditional V&V by shifting the assurance burden from the autonomous software to the architecture.<l>Traditional V&V approaches focus on rigorous testing, but providing the level of assurance required to enable UAS autonomy through testing remains infeasible. Formal methods offer an alternative, but comprehensive application of formal methods remains too costly. Application must be targeted at elements of the architecture for which assurance is most critical. Determining where formal methods should be targeted is a challenge.<l>Rigorous safety arguments link safety claims to evidence gathered and not only provide justifiable assurance of safety, but also enable developers and certifiers to identify the most critical elements of the system. Rigorous safety arguments can identify where formal methods should be applied.<l>Argument-driven application of formal methods to runtime assurance therefore provides high assurance of safety while reducing development cost. This circumvents traditional V&V of autonomous UAS software without sacrificing system safety, enabling low-cost high-assurance UAS autonomy."
739,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.02-8880 ,"Resiliency Evaluation, Assessment and Contingency Tools","Resiliency Evaluation, Assessment and Contingency Tools (REACT)<l>Achieving resiliency in any system requires capabilities that are beyond the boundaries of currently available engineering tools and processes. Comprehensive analysis using Use Cases, Activity and Sequence diagrams provide significant benefits over text-based requirements and specifications. However, although these specifications include fault identification and recovery identified as part of the review process, they not consider potential systemic problems that may arise post-deployment in response to unforeseen external influences, unanticipated faults or as a result of cumulative operational anomalies. The REACT project proposed in this Phase I effort will develop a suite of software that will:<l><l>Integrate research in temporal and hypothetical reasoning with use case and scenario specification. <l><l>Perform extraction of scenarios described in SysML/UML Activity Diagrams into external tool.<l><l>Perform initial resiliency evaluation based on extracted scenarios.<l><l>Perform automated analysis of NASA operational scenarios identifying potential degraded performance or failures.<l><l>Automated identification of failure recovery options.<l><l>Generate scenarios leading to potential failures and recovery options for engineering review.<l><l>Analyze system engineering tool architecture and develop integration plan with COTS SysML/UML modeling tools.<l><l>Evaluate options for incorporating deep learning to evaluation and assessment phases.<l><l>Investigate adaptable hardware approaches supporting advanced resiliency through reconfiguration."
768,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H12.02-9628,Adaptive Augmented Reality enabled electronic Procedure Toolset,"The proposed research is aimed at investigating the feasibility to provide an integrated tool suite for development of Adaptive user interfaces for Augmented Reality (AR) enabled electronic Procedures. Human Space program has relied on procedures to operate efficiently and safely any spacecraft systems since its inception. Over the past few years, efforts to enhance these procedures using Augmented Reality has demonstrated the possibility to increase crew autonomy from ground support by providing improved guidance and just in time training. Many challenges persist in the following areas: difficult and time consuming development of the AR material, a range of potential AR hardware devices and software platforms to deploy on, and limited flexibility of the User Interface causing underwhelming user experience. Tietronix proposes to develop a toolset that will support the development of robust and adaptive user interface for the electronic procedures that leverages the power of AR technology. The envisioned toolset combines an authoring environment that enables the user to create electronic procedures with adaptive user interfaces which are dependent on their context of-use defined in terms of the user, platform, and environment. The UI can adapt to multiple elements such as the context in which the procedure is executed (workload, stressful conditions), the user skill level, the deployment platform (AR headset type, VR environment, tablet, phone), the type of cues to be provided. The use of this toolset will enable procedure developers to provide to operators enhanced situational awareness during the execution of the procedures by overlaying additional information such as instructions or graphical cues on top of the target system views, and auditory or tactile inputs. The proposed integrated suite of tools will provide critical technologies needed to develop adaptive UI for AR enabled electronic procedures, and execute these within the context of NASA space program."
787,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8644 ,Vision-Based Automation System for Safe and Efficient Taxi Operations,"In 2012 the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued safety recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), recommending certain anti-collision aids for large airplane models. These communications referenced investigations of accidents that occurred during taxi when a large airplane?s wingtip collided with another airplane or object on the taxiway. In all of the accidents referenced, the pilots of the large airplanes were either unable to determine or had difficulty determining the separation between the airplane?s wingtips and the other airplane or object while taxiing. Typically, pilots look out the cockpit window at the wingtips to determine wingtip path and clearance, but on large airplanes the pilot cannot see the airplane?s wingtips from the cockpit unless the pilot opens the cockpit window and extends his or her head out of the window, which is often impractical. Certain aircraft have cameras to aid taxi operations, but the cameras? view did not include the wing tips. NTSB recommended the installation of an anti-collision aid, such as a camera system, on all newly manufactured and newly type-certificated large airplanes, and existing large airplanes to be retrofitted with a similar anti-collision aid. In view of the recommended camera systems, additional automation is proposed that will take advantage of such sensors to further enhance the safety and efficiency of taxi operations, beyond that made possible by the sensors alone. The envisioned vision-based automation system will provide benefit in three applications: (i) to provide automated collision detection and avoidance for enhanced safety during taxi; (ii) to provide vision-based navigation for enhanced situation awareness during taxi operations; and (iii) to aid in autonomous taxi capabilities."
786,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8665 ,HATIS: Human Autonomy Teaming Interface System for UTM Risks Management,"Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) is a key NASA initiative to integrate low altitude UAS into the national airspace system, and one of UTM key thrusts is to ensure safe usage of UAS. Technologies which can be used for real-time risk assessment of UAS flights are being developed by UTM Safety researchers, but there is currently no user interface to connect these technologies with the UTM managers and/or UAS operators. We propose to develop a human autonomy teaming interface system (HATIS) composed of tools, multimodal interfaces, and human-autonomy teaming software, which will permit human operators and UTM/UAS automation to collaborate in real-time risk management and mitigation (RMM). In Phase I, we will work collaboratively with UTM Safety researchers throughout the project to identify hazard categories; make assumptions about UTM RRM roles, responsibilities, and automation capabilities; develop representative use cases; formulate HATIS requirements for interface, software, and interoperability; design and document HATIS architecture; and demonstrate HATIS proof-of-concept through interactive wireframes of interfaces and presentation of software architecture. In Phase II, we will implement HATIS interfaces and software components, work with UTM Safety researchers to transition HATIS to NASA, and identify technology transition partners and develop a commercialization plan."
826,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.06-8999 ,"LIGHT-WEIGHT, NON-CONTACT MAGNETIC TRANSMISSION FOR UAV AND ROTORCRAFT APPLICATIONS","Speed reducing units consisting of mechanical gears are widely used in applications to match high speed prime movers to low speed loads. All aerospace applications of gearboxes require lubrication, maintenance, and overhaul; and are subject to eventually wearing out due to tooth surface wear and gear tooth fatigue. In many cases the requirements for gearbox lubrication, maintenance/overhaul and service life limits are acceptable; but in some extreme applications these requirements become a severe performance limitation. For example, high altitude long endurance missions (HALE) typically operate at an altitude greater than 60,000 feet and stay in flight for durations longer than 24 hours. HALE vehicles need a lightweight, highly efficient solution to operate slow moving propellers maintenance free for an extended period of time in an extreme environment. We are proposing to develop a magnetic gearbox technology that can meet the needs of these extreme applications. A magnetic gearbox has many advantages over a traditional mechanical gearbox. The different rotating components in the magnetic gearbox will never touch so the only lubrication required is in the bearing systems. The magnetic gearbox will be essentially maintenance-free except for periodic bearing lubrication/inspection. Vibrations that do not exceed the pull-out torque of the magnetic teeth do not add measurably to the mechanical stresses in the magnetic gearbox so fatigue issues will be minimal. If the pull-out (maximum) torque is exceeded the magnetic gearbox will simply skip a tooth and re-engage when the overload situation is resolved. In the present research we have demonstrated an experimental magnetic gearbox that achieves much higher specific torque than any previously demonstrated design."
838,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9051 ,Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Based Solid State Smart Circuit Protection,"Advanced solid state power component technology is necessary for future hybrid aircraft systems with increased power demands. There is a need for adequate circuit protection in these high powered electrical systems to achieve safety, reliability, and ultimately airworthiness. Solid State Power Controller (SSPC) modules already exist for aircraft applications but they were developed for the lower power levels seen in existing aircraft branch circuits. Hybrid-Electric aircraft have electrical power levels that are one or two orders of magnitude higher than existing aircraft and the presently existing SSPCs are simply not appropriate for use in these vehicles. SSPCs at the power levels required for a GA aircraft propulsion motor hardly exist; and SSPCs at the power levels required by small electric UAVs are too heavy and bulky. The LaunchPoint SSPC unit will incorporate all of the capabilities of existing SSPCs but with a few distinctions. LaunchPoint's SSPC will utilize Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride semiconductors to create SSPCs that are not only significantly smaller but can operate at much higher power levels. In addition to utilizing a different MOSFET element, the LaunchPoint SSPC would incorporate a microcontroller that would perform high bandwidth monitoring of current and voltage waveforms and derive low bandwidth metrics that can be reported back to the system Hybrid Power Controller. These metrics could include transient peak currents and voltages, RMS currents and voltages, and frequency content. In addition to these metrics, LaunchPoint would like to evaluate the feasibility of using the smart SSPC to detect imminent insulation failures resulting from coronal discharge, a particularly troubling problem associated with high altitude flight. This could be accomplished by real time analysis of partial discharge currents and other characteristic phenomena. These advancements represent a novel contribution to electric aircraft propulsion systems."
587,Science,JPL,2017,S5.04-9682 ,An Open-Source Simulation Environment for Model-Based Engineering,"The proposed work is a new spacecraft simulation environment for model-based engineering of flight algorithms and software. The goal is to provide a much faster way to begin working with vehicle simulations, to make collaboration and integration with modern software development tools easier, to reduce cost and complexity with growing projects, to make ""swapping"" subsystems a trivial task (e.g., for trade studies), and to provide flexibility for integrating with C code (e.g., flight software), parallel computing (e.g., Monte-Carlo runs), and communication protocols (e.g., processor-in-the-loop testing). The work rests on the high-level Julia language, as it is both fast and excellent for algorithm design. The environment will be open-source in order to drive adoption and to enable it to become a common platform for providers of models, consulting services, and education."
573,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z10.03-8482,Fuel Element for an Affordable NTR,"Howe Industries LLC will investigate, design, and demonstrate the fabrication of fuel elements for a safe, robust NTR - the Scored Plate Reactor as an Innovative Nuclear Thermal Rocket -- SPRINTR. This design will enable a compact, safe, robust, NTR to be designed that emits clean exhaust, high specific impulse, high thrust to weight, intrinsic subcriticality in accident scenarios, and affordability.<l><l>The SPRINTR design uses a stack of thin plates of fuel which have radial grooves etched into the top surface. The size of the grooves, number of grooves, and thickness of the plate can be varied to match power density. The coolant flow is a folded flow path identical to the particle bed reactor but the solid fuel form solves the problems of matching the power density. The flat plate fuel element allows extreme ease of manufacture and allows coatings to be easily applied if needed.<l><l>The basis of the concept will utilize LEU loaded tungsten fuel. This will allow retention of all radioactivity and clean exhaust. Clean exhaust will enable much more affordable ground based testing facilities to be considered. Separating each fuel plate will be graphite composite plates. These will be unloaded graphite which will moderate neutrons and provide a more thermal neutron spectrum. By providing a more moderated neutron spectrum, much less LEU will be required in the tungsten fuel. In the event the graphite elements crack or erode, no radioactivity or fuel is lost to the flow stream.<l><l>Due to advancements in cermet fuels, the SPRINTR can succeed where previous flat plate designs struggled. The proposed design allows for simple manufacturing, effective heat transfer, high thrust, and low mass."
757,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.03-9217 ,Solid State Oxygen Concentrator and Compressor,"Sustainable Innovations has developed a novel solid state technology for gas separation and will be applying it for the first time to meet a critical life support function: to develop an oxygen concentration module that minimize the hardware mass, volume, and power footprint while still performing at the required NASA capabilities. The Sustainable Innovations Oxygen Concentration Module is an extension of our proven H2 concentration, generation and compression technology that we are currently developing for NASA applications, including several configurations specifically designed for operation in Zero Gravity. This cell hardware has been demonstrated in mock zero and negative gravity on the bench-top and is currently being scaled for greater throughput applications."
525,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.02-8495 ,Adaptive and Cognitive Modem for SmallSat Lasercom at High Data Rates,"In this NASA SBIR program, Fibertek, Inc., working with its team partner, proposes to design, develop and demonstrate a SmallSat/CubeSat form-factor, optical communication modem suited for space optical communication links from LEO/MEO orbits. The modem will be suitable for use in both space-to-ground and inter-satellite links. Unlike fiber-optic telecommunication modems, this modem is specifically adapted to the highly dynamic nature of space optical links. Moreover, a software-defined approach leads to an adaptive and cognitive optical modem, that optimizes link BER (bit-error-rate) performance, compared to a fixed-point design of large-SWaP space optical modems used in recent and planned space optical communication demonstrator missions. Protocols originally developed for RF/wireless fading channels have been be optimized and extended to terrestrial free-space-optical (FSO) modems, that have high scintillation and fading. The objective of this program is to further optimize and validate such algorithms and protocols for space optical links. Fibertek's focus will be on small-form-factor hardware implementation of such adaptive and cognitive FSO modem, compatible with a space-qualified roadmap, which can be integrated with ongoing CubeSat and SmallSat optical communication payload for demonstrator missions with Fibertek's end customers."
703,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8776 ,High Speed Frequency Locking Module for Lidar Based Remote Sensing Systems,"A fundamental requirement for all Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) systems is wavelength switching of the probe laser on and off of an absorption line of the species of interest. For most trace gas species it is also required that the accuracy of the switching be on the order of 10 MHz. Further complications for many DIAL measurements are that the platform for the system moves, such as an airplane or spacecraft, and that the lasers used are often high peak power, pulsed lasers. The combination of a moving platform, pulsed laser, and the requirement that the online and offline measurements be made in essentially the same volume implies that the switching time between online and off line measurements be less than ~ 1 ms, and many cases even shorter. To date, most lasers used in DIAL systems rely on piezo-electric (PZT) mechanisms to perform the cavity length changes needed for the frequency switching. In practice, this limits wavelength switching speeds to a few hundred Hz. This relatively slow frequency switching prevents researchers from fully exploiting DIAL systems utilizing the high efficiency, multi-kHz lasers or the lower repetition rate, dual pulse lasers systems that are now available. In order to improve the wavelength switching speeds needed to fully exploit the capabilities of airborne and space-based DIAL systems, Fibertek is proposing to develop a high speed, non-mechanical frequency locking module that allows shot to shot frequency switching of single-frequency lasers at up to 3 kHz with a spectral resolution of <10 MHz. Our approach to the proposed locking module is an innovative synthesis of all electro-optic (EO) based switching and locking, a compact and efficient EO driver design that reduces voltage requirements by 4x over conventional designs, a novel EO voltage that's profile that eliminates electrochromic darkening, and a larger off-set locking capability that eliminates the requirement for an additional phase shifter in the cavity."
719,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8624 ,High Power (50W) WDM Space Lasercom 1.5um Fiber Laser Transmitter,"Fibertek proposes to develop and demonstrate a spaceflight prototype of a wideband, high power (up to 50W), polarization maintaining (PM), 1.5-um fiber laser transmitter, supporting high data rate wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) operation for space optical communication links.<l>The proposed 1.5-um fiber laser transmitter will support up to 8x WDM channels at 4W/channel, with 256-ary pulse-position-modulation (PPM) format, operating at ~10-kW peak power per channel, with >20-nm gain-flat bandwidth, and with 20% power conversion efficiency. The proposed 1.5-um fiber laser transmitter also supports 20x WDM channels at 2.5W/channel, operating at 10 GHz data rate (for 200GHz total) in burst-mode RZ-DPSK modulation. The proposed 10x scaling of the average and peak power performance for such a space-qualifiable WDM 1.5-um transmitter enables >100x data-rate scaling of current space laser communication links. <l>The successful outcome of Phase I and II will be to develop a prototype, space-qualifiable, high-efficiency, high-power (50W), 1.5-um WDM space lasercom transmitter. This advances the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 3 to 5 and supports TRL-6 environmental testing in subsequent phases."
756,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.03-9928 ,Regenerable Carbon Filter,"A Regenerable Carbon Filter (RCF) is proposed for the removal of carbonaceous particulate matter produced in Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) processes. Successful development of this technology will result in a device that effectively collects ultrafine carbon particles in a high density, high storage capacity volume which is subsequently regenerated in-situ using self-cleaning techniques. Various reactors considered for use in air revitalization in NASA's exploration life support closed habitat mission concepts result in the generation of solid carbon compounds as byproducts. These include the Carbon Formation Reactor (CFR) within a Bosch-type carbon dioxide reduction system and, what the proposed RCF technology specifically addresses, the methane Plasma Pyrolysis Assembly (PPA) within a Sabatier-type carbon dioxide reduction system. Capture and disposal of this carbon material in a manner that eliminates crew handling while maximizing equipment operating capacity and lifetime is of paramount importance within manned space habitats that rely upon these processes."
562,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-8839 ,Controlled Stagnation Radiator,"NASA Technology Roadmap Area 14 outlines a turn down goal of 6 to 1 by a thermal control system operating at the scale of kilowatts of heat removal. These thermal control systems must be designed to perform this turn-down and turn-up within a required time frame reliably and predictably. Paragon?s innovation will achieve this with lower weight, less complexity, and reduced costs, all while maintaining a highly flexible design. <l>The Controlled Stagnation Radiator offers the ideal combination of maximized radiator performance at high heat loads and a high turndown ratio via controlled, determinate stagnation at low heat loads. By placing one or more passive pressure equalization devices on some of the radiator fluid tubes, that portion of the radiator becomes more resistant to stall, and those tubes without the innovation will be the first to stagnate. In effect, this system provides controlled stagnation by adding local stagnation resistance, rather than by adding mechanical systems which increase complexity and mass, or flow imbalance which impact design load performance. Since the implementation of the innovation has no impact to the flow distribution in the design load case the radiator can both be optimized for full flow performance and be designed to exhibit determinate performance in deep stagnation for high turndown and intermediate loads, as is required of modern spacecraft thermal control system design.<l>This improvement upon the state of the art is expected to mature stagnation technology by giving the system greatly improved performance determinance which will allow the solution to be baselined for use in next generation spacecraft and optimized for any application with minimized design cycle, testing, cost and schedule impact. <l>The innovation concept is also highly compatible with Paragon?s xRad radiator manufacturing technique, meaning that any size and aspect ratio of radiator panel can be easily manufactured without the need for complex tooling."
765,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.01-9384 ,Expandable Habitat Outfit Structures,"Topic H3.01 captures the need for robust, multipurpose deployable structures with high packing efficiencies for next generation orbital habitats. Multiple launch and payload providers have expressed interest in repurposing pressure vessels as on-orbit habitats and require outfitting for secondary structure, floors and dividers, ECLS ducting, thermal control accommodation, radiation shielding, wiring, lighting etc. to make the volume functional. The proposed innovation uses multi-functional, intelligent fabrics in a tensioned membrane architecture that can be deployed by means of (a) pressurized annulus envelope that when inflated, expands against the habitat hull to anchor the structure while (b) multipurpose telescoping tubes at the core of the habitat expand in the axial direction across the opposing bulkheads to index the annulus pressure vessels. Tensioned membrane structures exhibit the highest specific stiffness of any known structure and can produce significant weight savings over hybrid structural designs. Inflatable structures package well and can significantly reduce stowed volume requirements and dampen launch vibro-acoustics. An inflatable habitat structure can most effectively address packaging, deployment, damage tolerance, ease of repair and in-flight maintenance. With lightweight rigging, these secondary structures will be designed to be fully repositionable, creating a modular approach to habitat outfitting. The Paragon/TRLA team will develop a design that packages efficiently, deploys repeatability, and provides valuable capabilities including a.) minimum mass, design simplicity, minimal parts count, b.) a structure which folds efficiently deployment repeatability c.) secondary soft goods fabricated which are integrated during build-up yielding minimal ground handling loads, and d.) flooring, walls, ECLS air flow ducts, TCS fluid loops, lighting, electrical/data lines, and radiation protection structures all integrated in unison during buildup."
833,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.04-9154 ,Advanced Chemically-Based Actuation for Active Flow Control,"The proposed SBIR program by Virtual AeroSurface Technologies (VAST) focuses on the development of a novel variant of pulsed blowing active flow control in which chemically-based flow control actuators are utilized to create high-impulse pulsed jets from discrete reaction chambers with a flowable propellant mixture provided to each. Chemically-based actuation is capable of producing high-impulse jets with sufficient control authority for full-scale flight vehicles and speeds, and, compared to other pulsed blowing flow control schemes, this type of actuation inherently requires less energy from other flight systems as the energy used to create the high jet momentum is stored chemically within the propellant. This general actuation approach has been successfully demonstrated before in the form of COMPACT (in which gaseous fuel and air are repetitively combusted to form pulsed jets for control of separation) and gas generator actuators (in which microfabricated combustion chambers with solid propellant mixtures are utilized for single-shot trajectory control of spin-stabilized projectiles). The innovation proposed here (in which flowable propellant is dynamically supplied to the chambers from an integrated local reservoir) will eliminate the challenges and infrastructure associated with supplying large volumes of air which are necessary for most pulsed blowing approaches and, to a lesser extent, for COMPACT. The proposed Phase I program will investigate multiple propellant chemical compositions, mechanisms for delivering the fuel and oxidizer compounds to the actuator chamber, and methodology for successful repetitive initiation of the chemical reaction within the chamber. A benchtop prototype with repetitive firing will be demonstrated at the end of the Phase I program. A prospective Phase II follow-on program will proceed to develop and demonstrate large arrays of these actuators and perform wind tunnel demonstrations of their utility for active flow control."
728,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-8465 ,Evaluation of Multifunctional Radiation Shielding Material Against Long Duration Space Environment - Utilization of MISSE-FF,"Radiation shielding is needed to protect personnel and equipment for extended stays beyond low earth orbit. Ideally, the shielding material would be of dual use, i.e., shielding and structural. Recently, a tailorable multifunctional composite with increased structural strength combined with efficient shielding against GCR and secondary neutrons was developed by this team. For these multifunctional composites to be seriously considered for such applications as crew vehicles and habitats, their durability against the overall space environment such as atomic oxygen, UV radiation, and temperature extremes have to be evaluated. During this effort, we aim to further improve the multifunctional radiation shielding material and use the MISSE-FF facility to test our composite against the combined space environment. To further improve the shielding and structural properties of the composite, incorporation of boron nitride as nanophase particles or tubes (BNNT) and enriched boron carbide will be evaluated. Aside from having large cross-section for neutron attenuation, significant enhancements in strength and stiffness can be expected from incorporating these phases in the composite architecture. In addition to radiation and mechanical testing, these advanced composites will ultimately have to be tested against the combined space environment, which will be conducted during Phase 2 and 3 efforts."
745,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.01-9246 ,OmniFlex - Modular Power for Mars Surface Missions,"NASA has a need to deploy an aggregate PV area of 2500 m2 on Mars - a very large area comparable to more than 60 of the largest wings ever deployed in GEO. Heritage large space (0-g) deployables are not applicable on Mars, as they require offloaders. If smaller deployables were used, the number of deployables and mechanisms grows exponentially, as does cost, and mass when sized for 0.4-g and aeolian loads. <l><l>A robot-erected, power farm from modular components is much more practical, and can have greater performance than any 0-g solar array. The proposed innovation, OmniFlex, a solar array without any deployment mechanism, can be thought of as a pre-deployed UltraFlex that has been perfectly optimized for large area landed PV farm installations.<l><l>OmniFlex panels are very simple and low cost: Each is a pre-built hexagonal platform composed of a thin composite ribs emanating from a central hub, to which is bonded ultra-light flexible blankets composed of high efficiency PV bonded to a gossamer fabric scrim. The rib design allow stacking at a low (3.3-mm) pitch, enabling 190 panels to stack for launch at only 0.65 m high. <l><l>OmniFlex is like Ikea for planetary power: Compactly shipped, easily erected, and cost effective. And yet performance is extraordinary, even with respect to the challenging subtopic goals. The technology is extremely light (>300 W/kg) and stacks hyper-efficiently (>100 kW/m3) for transport to Mars. The deployment of the power field will be by pick and place robotics, using modular OmniFlex units. The proposal details and demonstrates the practicality and performance of this approach for construction of a huge array farm on Mars (or the moon, or in-space). Individual units can be re-purposed on rovers, habitats, comm stations, etc. <l><l>And with viable in-space assembly tech emerging, the potential for OmniFlex panels to be tiled onto robotically-assembled MW-scale truss structures looks extremely promising as an adjunct application."
551,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.02-8958 ,Solid State Non-powder Process for Boron Nitride Nanotube Metal Matrix Composite,"Boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) provide potential for advanced lightweight high stiffness structures that are critical for virtually all NASA space missions. State of the art powder metallurgy and fusion processing to produce BNNT MMC have resulted in disappointing results that in part relate to poor dispersion of the BNNTs, poor interface bonding and high porosities in the MMC. A new breakthrough method of producing nanotube MMCs consists of friction stir processing (FSP) which is a solid state/non-melt process that produces pore/defect-free MMCs with excellent metal matrix interface bond. The FSP process produces aligned nanotube MMCs with substantially enhanced mechanical properties. BNNTs shall be processed to produce alignment and coupled with the FSP additive manufacturing process (FSAM) that demonstrates enhanced properties over monolithic light metals of magnesium, aluminum and titanium. Samples shall be produced that verify enhanced properties, FSAM shall demonstrate producing example parts with an economic model generated for application to NASA structures."
805,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-8755 ,Developing a certifiable UAS reliability assessment approach through algorithmic redundancy,"Manned aircraft, civilian or military, are required to meet certain reliability standards specified by the FAA in order to operate in the US national airspace. These reliability standards are typically met via hardware redundancy. Multiple, dissimilar components of hardware designated for a single purpose increases the physical redundancy and offers a viable way to detect and correct for hardware malfunctions. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are often subject to weight/power constraints and therefore unable to accommodate similar redundancies. A common approach to solving this problem has been to employ analytical redundancy in the form of fault detection and isolation (FDI) algorithms. Although significant breakthroughs have been achieved in increasing UAS redundancies analytically, certification has been challenging. The primary objective of the proposed work is to develop a software architecture for UAS that provides certifiable analytical redundancy. The proposed approach is called algorithmic redundancy, owing to its underlying philosophy of increasing UAS reliability via multiple, dissimilar FDI algorithms. Certification of an algorithmically redundant system relies on well-established methods similar to those for hardware redundant systems. We propose to develop a framework for evaluating and selecting FDI algorithms, combining them to build algorithmically redundant software and finally, assess the overall reliability for certification"
693,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9156 ,Improved Microwave Photonic Links via Receive-Side Nonlinear Signal Processing,"We propose to significantly enhance the state-of-the-art of photonically-assisted microwave measurement and distribution systems by incorporating a highly efficient nonlinear optical process into the system design. The use of a nonlinearity can improve the dynamic range of the system without causing a reduction in the inherent noise-figure, thus eliminating a trade-off currently encountered when designing microwave-photonic systems. The photonic system will optically down-convert the microwave signal of interest thereby eliminating electronic mixers that can otherwise add loss, reduce dynamic range, and constrain the operating frequency range. Furthermore, we propose to exploit an emerging highly efficient modulator technology which is well suited to photonic integration. The expected net result is a high performance measurement of microwave signals over large frequency ranges (e.g. 10 - 100+ GHz) with low size, weight, and power. The systems will be well suited for integration into spacecraft as only a simple phase modulator is required at the antenna since almost all of the measurement apparatus can be connected to the modulator via low loss, low weight, and electro-magnetic interference free optical fiber."
740,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.01-9516 ,Flexible Integrated System Health Management for Sustainable Habitats using TEAMS,"QSI proposes to field a ""Flexible"" ISHM Solution for Sustainable Habitats utilizing the TEAMS Toolset and concomitant model-based and data-driven diagnostic/prognostic reasoning technologies to enable the habitat crew to obtain crucial alerts that affect the operation of critical habitat subsystems, as well as provide decision support in the selection of appropriate corrective actions. The solution will utilize habitat's real-time system health assessment, anomaly and failure detection, machine learning and active learning techniques to preserve the operational integrity of the habitat system. The proposed effort will result in a novel capability, where the habitat crew will be given clear and concise decision support to improve situational awareness and perform proactive corrective actions. Automated health assessment, crew alerts and future degradation estimates will be generated to facilitate corrective actions in the face of off-nominal and failure conditions. Additionallly, mechanisms to incorporate undiscovered anomalies into the machine learning algorithms will be pursued. The ISHM solution would reduce the cognitive load on the crew given the abundance of information that has to be reasoned upon in a timely fashion. They will be critical for improving mission and system safety. These technologies would reduce the cost and risk of habitat operations, across all its phases: development, flight unit production, launch, and operations."
528,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.01-8547 ,Multi-Mode Micropropulsion,"This project will further development of a thruster capable of both chemical monopropellant and electrospray propulsion using a single ""green"" ionic liquid propellant. the thruster concept consists of an integrated microtube/electrospray thruster that shares all propulsion system hardware between electric and chemical thruster modes, i.e. one propellant, one propellant tank, one feed system, and one thruster. Thus, the thruster is not significantly more massive than a standalone state-of-the-art chemical or electric thruster, but capable of either thrust mode and selectable as mission needs arise. This has several benefits, including the optimization of trajectories using both chemical and electric thrust manuevers as well as a significantly increased mission design space for a single propulsion unit. The propulsion system is capable of both high impulse per unit volume and high thrust per unit volume as the total impulse per unit volume is 1500 N-s/U in the chemical thrust mode and 2750 N-s/U in the electric thrust mode, where either type of manuever could be selected on-the-fly.<l><l>The specific objectives for this study are to build a single microtube setup and feed system and test both the chemical monopropellant mode and electrospray mode with the same setup. This setup will allow verification of thruster models stemming from previous chemical mode tests, verify electrospray operation at lower flow rates than we have previously tested, and study the interactions in switching from the chemical mode to the electric mode and vice-versa with specific attention paid to potential life limiting mechanisms. As an additional part of this contract, we will work in parallel to investigate techniques required to manufacture multi-emitter arrays and conduct fluid flow and electrostatic simulations to further develop the preliminary thruster design."
529,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z7.03-8642 ,"Flexible, Phase Change Fabric for Deployable Decelerators",SDMA proposes to develop a flexible fabric containing Phase Change Materials that is suitable for use on Deployable Decelerators. This technology will make Deployable Decelerators substantially more efficient. Previous work at NASA has shown that increasing the thermal capacitance of the structure can make hypersonic vehicles more efficient. SDMA's work will build on NASA's previous efforts by developing practical methods of containing PCM's in a flexible system that withstands the thermal and mechanical mission requirements.
518,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.03-9293 ,High-Strain Composite Deployable Radiators for CubeSats,"In response to NASA's need for compact, lightweight and efficient, low-cost deployable radiators for CubeSats, Roccor proposes to develop a high-strain laminate composite deployable radiator capable of dissipating over 50-watts of thermal energy. The proposed design leverages Roccor's experience in high-strain composite deployable structures and thermal management products for CubeSat and SmallSat applications. While solar arrays and instrument capabilities in CubeSat applications keep growing, the limited radiator surface results in a thermal bottleneck that limits the actual use of science or communication instruments. State-of-the-art deployable radiators use multiple rigid panels connected by a flexible hinge, replicating designs used in large space structures. However, the miniaturization of such designs have proven incapable of meeting the tight mass and volume constraints of CubeSat applications. Roccor proposes to utilize a novel packaging of large surface areas, made of highly conductive materials, and with enough strain energy to deploy passively in a radial arrangement."
547,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-9290 ,Fully Adaptive Slit-tube Structures with Electrically Integrated Smart Joints,"In response to NASA's need for compact, low-cost in-space modular construction components, Roccor proposes to develop structural elements designed for rapid in-space assembly and structural adaptation. The proposed invention, FASTEn (Fully Adaptive Slit-Tube structures with Electrically integrated smart joints), utilizes deployable composite slit-tubes in conjunction with electrically integrated structural joint connectors for simple in-space assembly of truss-like constructions. The proposed design will advance autonomous in-space assembly opportunities through innovative features such as: 1) implementing coilable slit-tubes in structural arrangements at low-weight, low-cost and minimal stowage volume 2) developing rigid plug-and-play joints for connecting slit-tubes in modular arrangements, 3) integrating conductive elements for a fully connected structure with joint connection verification, 4) near zero thermal expansion in carbon fiber composite slit-tubes.<l><l>The principal objective for the Phase I project is to conduct a preliminary design-analysis-fabrication-test loop for an electrically integrated modular slit-tube boom (STB) truss assembly. The project will clearly identify engineering risks that must be addressed to ultimately ensure adequate performance on-orbit and in gravity loaded environments. Detailed mechanical and electrical design will be performed including investigation of attainable truss geometries, repeatable plug-and-play joint fastening mechanisms, material selection and conductive routing. The design efforts will be followed by local and global strength, stability and thermal analyses to describe the capacity of slit-tubes in truss arrangements and strength of the connective truss joints. Furthermore, elements of the concept will be prototyped to test areas such as modular assembly and electrical continuity across slit-tubes and joints."
634,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9418 ,Trussed TRAC Boom for Solar Sails,"In response to NASA's need for low-cost deployable solar sail booms for mid-size (~1,000m2) solar sails, Roccor proposes to develop the composite Trussed TRAC (T-TRAC) Boom system. Like the original TRAC boom, T-TRAC has a triangular cross section that flattens and rolls around a spool for packaging. Unlike TRAC, T-TRAC is applicable to much larger scale boom designs. The proposed design will advance TRAC technology through: 1) scaling up the cross-section size and length of the boom, 2) light weighting the boom through material re-distribution and removal, and 3) cross-section modification for enhanced strength. Preliminary analyses indicate these steps will achieve more than a 5X increase in TRAC Boom structural mass efficiency over recently developed high performance composite TRAC Booms, while maintaining an extremely compact roll stowed configuration that maintains heritage with NASA's solar sail mechanical architecture lineage.<l>The overarching Phase I objective is to conduct a preliminary design-analysis-fabrication-test loop for a T-TRAC boom capable of meeting requirements for NASA's future mid-sized solar sail mission. Multi-scale micro-mechanics, laminate, cross-section, and full section analyses will be performed to quickly narrow the laminates and boom designs to a few candidates. These efforts will necessarily be performed in close communication with material vendors to select a few laminates for short coupon testing prior to building proof-of-concept booms. During Phase II, a four-boom T-TRAC solar sail system will be developed, and prototype units will be built and tested to establish performance for missions of interest to NASA."
679,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.06-9292 ,Simplified High-Performance Roll Out Composite Magnetometer Boom,"In response to NASA's need for compact, low-cost deployable magnetometer booms for CubeSats, Roccor proposes to develop a Simple High-performance Roll-Out Composite (SHROC) Magnetometer Boom. The boom is capable of motor-less self-deployment and lock-out through a unique combination of bi-stable composite laminate design and features that increase torsional rigidity and deployed precision at the end of deployment. The boom can be built to diameters ranging between 1.6 cm (5/8 in) and 2.5 cm (1 in) and fully deployed lengths ranging from 0.5 m to 10 m while being packaged in less than 1/2-U volume (10 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm). A launch-retention mechanism is provided to lock the tip-mounted instrument package for launch. For deployment, this launch retention mechanism is released and the strain energy stored within the high-strain composite boom drives the deployment with predictable and nearly constant motive force.<l>The overarching Phase I objective is to conduct a preliminary design-analysis-fabrication-test loop for a SHROC Magnetometer Boom capable of meeting requirements for a variety of future NASA Heliophysics science missions. During Phase II Roccor will address the key engineering development risks, mature the system design to a CDR level of development, and validate performance objectives through a series of ground-based qualification tests on engineering development units. Overall, the anticipated outcome of the combined Phase I/II program is development and proto-flight validation of a SHROC Boom system for a wide range of future Heliophysics missions."
584,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.02-8904 ,"Highly Efficient, Durable Regenerative Solid Oxide Stack","Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) proposes to develop a highly efficient regenerative solid oxide stack design. Novel structural elements allow direct internal reforming of regolith off-gases (e.g., methane and high hydrocarbons) within a solid oxide stack as well as efficient H2O/CO2 electrolysis, overcoming shortcomings of traditional approaches. The resulting enhanced heat transfer design offers the potential for light-weight and simple design with high efficiency and durability. This effort would be valuable to NASA as it would significantly reduce the known spacecraft technical risks and increase mission capability/durability/efficiency while at the same time increasing the TRL of the solid oxide systems for ISRU application. Technology concept of highly-efficient regenerative Solid Oxide Stack will be demonstrated in Phase I with a clear path towards Phase II breadboard demonstration."
585,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z1.01-9731 ,Radiation and High Temperature Tolerant GaN Power Electronics,"Power electronic components with high operating voltages are desirable in NASA Power Management and Distribution (PMAD) systems since they can lead to reduced mass and higher efficiency at the system architecture level, and serve as an enabling technology for solar electric propulsion systems. Gallium nitride (GaN) offers significant advantages over silicon (Si) technologies for power applications including higher breakdown voltage and power density, rapid switching, lower switching losses, and higher temperature tolerance. Enhancement mode GaN-on-Si high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are a rapidly advancing technology that are scalable with voltage, offer superior electrical performance, and also demonstrate high tolerance to displacement damage and total ionizing dose (TID). However, prior tests have shown that heavy ion (HI) induced leakage currents and catastrophic damage may occur well below rated voltages. A thorough investigation of the HI response of emerging, higher voltage GaN HEMTs and underlying mechanisms is essential to develop radiation tolerant devices for space applications. CFDRC, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University and EPC, proposes to use an integrated experimental and physics-based modeling approach to address this challenge. In Phase I, we will perform heavy ion testing of commercial EPC GaN HEMTs to generate response data. Detailed TCAD models will be developed for the HEMT structure to investigate physical mechanisms behind measured radiation response. In Phase II, we will perform additional heavy ion and TID testing as a function of temperature and bias. Extensive TCAD and higher-fidelity modeling will be performed to determine radiation and temperature-dependent mechanisms, and to investigate device design modifications for improved radiation tolerance. Promising solutions will be prototyped and characterized via testing. Participation by EPC in Phase II and beyond will ensure advanced space-qualified, GaN power devices."
814,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.10-9734 ,Non-Intrusive Computational Method and Uncertainty Quantification Tool for isolator operability calculations,"Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are extensively used by NASA for hypersonic aerothermodynamics calculations. The physical models used in CFD codes and initial/boundary conditions for numerical simulations carry significant uncertainties. There are also inherent errors in experiments designed for model validation, and numerical discretization. Despite this knowledge, only a limited number of efforts have been undertaken to formally characterize these uncertainties and to evaluate their impact on the predictive capability of CFD tools for hypersonic applications such as isolator dynamics. Major challenges with uncertainty quantification for such simulations include lack of sufficient data to characterize the associated uncertainties in the isolator dynamics phenomena and the computational cost of the required large number of cases. CFDRC in partnership with Virginia Tech and UTSI proposes to directly address these issues and deliver an non-intrusive tool for uncertainty quantification that can be integrated with the state-of-the-art CFD tools currently utilized by NASA and its customers. During Phase I, this team will develop and demonstrate a dimensionally adaptive sparse grid approach for uncertainty quantification coupled with NASA LaRC VULCAN-CFD code. In phase I, the developed tool will be demonstrated on the test rig developed and characterized at the NASA-LaRC Isolator Dynamics Research Lab. Surrogate models including polynomial response surface and gradient-enhanced Kriging will be developed based upon the samples generated from the adaptively sparse grid algorithm, thereby providing a modeling tool to estimate the operability of isolator over the relevant flight regime and ultimately to optimize design of isolator to prevent scramjet unstart. In Phase II, the framework will be further developed to include uncommon probability density distributions of uncertain parameters, and will be validated and demonstrated on more complex problems."
820,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-9737 ,Integrated Fluid and Materials Modeling of Environmental Barrier Coatings,"Environmental barrier coatings (EBC) prevent oxidation of ceramic materials in reactive, high temperature environments such as the exhaust regions of gas turbine engines. CFDRC proposes to a develop a physics based model of an EBC system interacting with the flow environment to provide a means to gain better understanding of the dynamic processes that effect EBC durability and performance under propulsion conditions. The model will use computational fluids dynamics to establish the conditions and species concentrations across the surface of the structure. Structural models of the part based on the finite element method (FEM) will be used to establish the thermal and mechanical loads acting on the coating material. The response of the coating materials will be modeled at the microscale where each component of the coating system is discretely resolved. The micromechanics model is based on peridynamics, a mesh free theory of continuum mechanics that is well suited to model damage in brittle ceramic materials. Recent developments in peridynamics adapted the method to model diffusive transport coupled with deformation and damage, which will be applied to predict the distribution of reactive species over time through the coating system."
828,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-9738 ,A Software Tool for High-Order Element Mesh Generation,"Various attempts to advance high-order mesh generation technology have been made in recent years, however an integrated solution capable of robustly creating optimal curved element meshes in 3D still does not exist. In this SBIR project, CFDRC will develop a software tool for the generation of meshes formed by high-order elements. Our approach consists of (a) linear mesh generation and import, (b) reconstruction of curved boundary using NURBS and B?zier surfaces and optimal high-order nodal distribution; (c) volumetric deformation using elasticity analogy with imposed boundary displacement on curved part of the boundary; and (d) export and display capability of final mesh. Phase I will develop an advanced NURBS fitting procedure and B?zier surface method for retaining boundary geometry and will demonstrate the solution of both linear and nonlinear elasticity analogy to accommodate curved elements and retain high quality for both orthogonal and stretched linear meshes. The resultant improved accuracy will be demonstrated using two high-order CFD codes, including FUN3D with high-order scheme implemented by CFDRC, and a high-order Discontinuous Galerkin code. Phase II will fully develop the software and bridge the gap between linear mesh generation and high-order CFD predictions for complex configurations. Parallel algorithms will be implemented to enable execution on NASA HPC clusters. Phase II will also increase the TRL by integrating with high-order CFD codes for demonstration on large scale applications."
839,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.02-9739 ,High Fidelity Tool for Noise Source Identification,"Thorough understanding of airframe and propulsion aerodynamic noise sources and the subsequent acoustic propagation to the farfield is necessary to the design and development of efficient, environmentally acceptable aircraft. In this SBIR study, we propose to develop a high fidelity tool using high-order low-dissipation methods in the NASA flagship unstructured CFD code FUN3D. The developed prediction tool can accurately represent the nonlinear flow processes with minimum dissipation, including turbulence, coherent vortices and shock waves critical to the noise generation. Compared to the state-of-the-art unstructured production codes, an increase of one order-of-magnitude in resolvable scales is expected at the expense of just 10% overhead. In Phase I, the effort will include improvement of the 3rd-order scheme for high-aspect ratio unstructured grids, and consistent temporal and spatial accuracies. High-order limiters will be developed to improve the shock capturing capability for sonic boom. The performance improvements will be assessed for the unsteady subsonic and supersonic flows. The Phase II effort will further mature and advance the technology utilizing FUN3D?s massively parallel infrastructure to enable its applications for the prediction of airframe noise sources and the noise sources due to the aerodynamic and acoustic interaction of airframe and engines."
603,Science,JPL,2017,S4.02-9202 ,Extended Length Marsupial Rover Sensing Tether,"Luna proposes to continue development of its marsupial rover sensing tether (MaRS Tether) technology by extending the length of the sensing technology out to nearly a kilometer. Luna's revolutionary technology monitors the distributed tension and curvature of a tether that connects a marsupial rover to its base station by turning a passive cable for power and communication into a powerful tool that provides information about the health and state of both the rover and the tether. The MaRS Tether can alert the base station to possible pinch points, snagged cables, or high tension due to poor traction or steep slope. Luna recently completed a Phase II SBIR with NASA JPL that introduced the first MaRS tether, identifying a snag location on a 50m tether with JPL's Axel rover and showing operation on a 100m tether. A related Phase I SBIR developed a road map for miniaturizing the tether's acquisition system. In this Phase I effort, Luna will prove the feasibility of extending the length of the sensing capabilities of the MaRS Tether through a focus on the tension measurement. This will greatly increase the operating range of lightweight, highly mobile rovers enabling more complex missions."
819,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.08-9460 ,Distributed Anemometry via High-Definition Fiber Optic Sensing,"Luna is developing a distributed anemometer that can directly measure flow field velocity profiles using high-definition fiber optic sensing (HD-FOS). The concept is inspired by hot-film anemometry, but extends the capability from a point measurement to a distributed measurement. With a spatial resolution of 1.25 mm, thousands of data points can be collected along an optical fiber to enable 1D, 2D or 3D field measurements, depending on the routing of the sensor. The benefits of this approach compared to particle image velocimetry (PIV) include: no seeding of the flow is necessary; the sensor can be used in non-line-of-sight locations; velocity and temperature profiles can simultaneously be acquired; and the technology can potentially be implemented in a flying vehicle. Measurements of boundary layer velocity and temperature profiles, transition location, and skin friction can be attained with this technique. Phase I will prove the feasibility of flow velocity measurement from a distributed fiber optic sensor over a range of temperatures and Mach numbers to quantify its accuracy. During Phase II, the technology will be matured for implementation in NASA wind tunnels and commercial jet engines. During Phase III, Luna will work with NASA and industry partners to commercialize the technology."
780,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2017,H10.01-8389,Innovative Ultra-High Efficiency Cryogenic Actuators for Rocket Test Facilities,"The SBIR Phase I project will develop advanced ultra-high efficiency cryogenic actuators for NASA cryogenic fluid transfer application. The actuator will have low driving voltage, large stroke, high driving force, low profile and light weight, low thermal mass, broad operation temperature down to cryogenic temperature, and high reliability. The excellent performance is achieved by using a patented technology that combines (1) d33 mode piezoelectric operation that is at least 100% stronger than d31 mode, (2) piezoelectric single crystal with high piezoelectric response at cryogenic temperature, (3) multilayer design to reduce driving voltage, (4) force amplified design to increase stroke and reliability, and (5) multi stack design to reduce the mechanical impedance. The Phase I will develop demo device for the NASA application."
705,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8484 ,1.57 Micron High Pulse Energy Single Frequency Fiber Laser,"We propose to demonstrate and build a 1.572 micron single frequency high pulse energy and high peak power fiber laser by using an innovative Er-doped gain fiber with large core diameter and high gain per unit length. 1.572 micron single frequency high energy and high peak power fiber laser is needed for accurately measuring column CO2 concentrations . In Phase I, we will design and fabricate the large core diameter fiber, demonstrate high gain per unit length at 1.572 micron, and demonstrate high pulse energy and high peak power fiber laser with a short piece of gain fiber. Successful demonstration of such a fiber laser will enable many new NASA and commercial applications."
836,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9411 ,Low AC-Loss Superconducting Cable Technology for Electric Aircraft Propulsion,"The availability of low AC loss magnesium diboride (MgB2) superconducting wires enables much lighter weight superconducting stator coils than with any other metal or ceramic superconductor. This, together with Hyper Tech's capability to fabricate long piece-length (potentially 60 km) wires, in turn enables lighter superconducting motors/generators, essential components in the turboelectric aircraft propulsion system with high power densities (over 10 kW/kg) envisioned in next generation Air Vehicle Technologies. To that end, this proposed SBIR Phase I program focuses on developing MgB2 multifilament superconducting cables with exceptionally low AC losses (targeting a loss budget of 1 W/cm3) because superconductors in a cable form is arguably the only easily-accomplished and viable way to push down AC losses while retaining high operating current levels in the stator coils. Two recent advancements at Hyper Tech greatly increase the odds of success in developing superconducting cable technology in the Phase I: 1) the development of cutting-edge superconductor strand architecture designs with fine filaments, small twist pitches and resistive components for reducing AC losses and 2) improved wire manufacturing capability to fabricate multi-strand cables. A second benefit of using superconducting cable technology, beyond AC loss reduction, is the much lower heat load produced by the conductor."
837,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9410 ,Advanced Superconducting rotors Coils for Turboelectric aircraft Propulsion,"Future Turboelectric or Hybrid Electric aircraft requires high power density and efficiency power generation components for which superconductors are likely key enablers. Therefore, there is a need for light-weight, high-performance superconducting wire with sufficiently high operating temperature, is stable, and available in long piece-length for coil fabrication. Improved 2nd generation magnesium diboride (MgB2) superconducting wires potentially provide an order-of-magnitude enhancement in current carrying capacity, and offer many advantages in materials, technological, and engineering aspects over wires based on current state-of-the-art MgB2 and all other classes of superconductors. These proposed wires will be light-weight, low-cost, and have high engineering current density, operating temperatures of 4-30K, and long piece-length, potentially up to 60 km. This proposed Phase I program focuses on: 1) developing and improving 2nd generation MgB2 multifilament wires with very high engineering current density and uniform superconductivity properties over length, and 2) developing prototype rotor coils based on these improved wires. A two-pronged approach is proposed to achieve enhanced current density and uniformity of the wire: 1) maximizing critical current by alloying and modified heat treatment approach to increase the superconducting fraction inside wires, and 2) homogenizing the MgB2 formation reaction along each sub-element in the wire by modifying conductor design, and wire fabrication and heat treatment processing parameters."
586,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z1.01-8631 ,High Power Ga2O3-based Schottky Diode,"This SBIR Program will develop a new generation of radiation hard high-power high-voltage Ga2O3-based Schottky diode, which is suitable for applications in the space environment. Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors have the potential to yield much more efficient power electronics than silicon, because their larger bandgaps allow them to withstand higher electric fields with less material, which also leads to lower system size and weight. While SiC and GaN are the two most technologically advanced WBG semiconductors, Ga2O3 is very promising and a new alternative. It has a larger bandgap (~4.8 eV) than either SiC (3.3 eV) and GaN (3.4 eV). Its large bandgap allows it to handle large electric fields, which in turn gives it a 4-10 times larger figure-of-merit than SiC and GaN for power devices. Ga2O3 has already been demonstrated in a variety of discrete electronic and optoelectronic devices, such as metal-semiconductor and metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, and UV sensors. Despite its potential, few companies have explored the Ga2O3 for power electronics in the US. The Schottky diode proposed will be used as a rectifier in the power applications because of its low forward voltage drop leading to lower levels of power loss compared to ordinary PN junction diodes. The Schottky diode performance can far exceed that of other diodes in many areas due to its low turn on voltage, low junction capacitance and fast recovery time. The Phase I project will also include modeling of material and device design, and production costs to NASA for commercial implementation. During Phase II, we will build complete high power Ga2O3-based Schottky diode prototypes and test them under heavy ion and total dose radiation. We will demonstrate scale-up of the processing technology to the high power Ga2O3-based Schottky diode. We will also define the pathway to Phase III high volume production."
762,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H3.02-9356 ,"A 3D Printer Enabled, High Performing, Microgravity Compatible, and Versatile Sample Preparation Platform","AI Biosciences proposes to demonstrate the ability of a microgravity-compatible, compact, light-weight, and automated versatile sample preparation platform (VSPP) that processes samples from various sample matrices (swab, potable water, blood, urine, etc.) to yield high quality nucleic acids for downstream molecular detection and identification in a closed-cartridge system. Its primary function will enable NASA to rapidly identify microorganisms that could affect crew safety. This near-term deployable cartridge and platform system also has the option to perform isothermal and PCR amplification of nucleic acids. This highly flexible system will allow previously complicated, labor-intensive, and time consuming processes to be carried out by a turn-key and closed system using pre-filled cartridges. We have demonstrated on the ground in a laboratory setting that the entire setup for high quality DNA/RNA extraction from urine, whole blood, serum, and saliva can be achieved via simple and reversible retrofitting of a low-cost fused deposition modeling (FDM) based 3D printers ranging from $199 to $750. The VSPP can also be used to capture and purify cell and protein targets. The ability of having a dual-use 3D printer in-flight to carry out sample preparation and additive manufacturing in-flight can be an attractive option in long duration space flights."
686,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-8720 ,Wafer level Integration on PolyStrata(R) Interposer (WIPI) (17013),"Nuvotronics will develop a robust wafer-level integration technology using our proprietary PolyStrata interposer to enable high-frequency interconnects and routing between two dis-similar substrates: silicon, SiGe, GaAs, GaN, InP wafers. The PolyStrata passives grown on the wafers will consist of high performance interconnects capable of aligning and soldering the two wafers using copper pillars to create a Ball Grid Array (BGA). Establishing novel wafer-to-wafer push fit technologies will demonstrate sub 5psec interconnection delay between technologies. With integration of low loss routing between the technologies, our proposed interposer can monolithically integrate passives such as high Q inductors, filters, resonators directly between the two wafers. The PS interposer offers an excellent structure to improve the CTE mismatch between wafers and enable thermal heat piping to direct the heat away from the different stack. In Ph I, Nuvotronics will demonstrate the integration of GaAs on Silicon using the PS interposer technology. The goal: to integrate a 1""x1"" GaAs and Silicon die, demonstrating interface loss < 0.3dB and sub 5psec interconnection delay. The design will integrate CTE compensation structure to enable over 100C of temperature variation. Nuvotronics will design and optimize the interface between PolyStrata and silicon, and between GaAs and PolyStrata, to minimize stress and improve mm-wave RF performance. Next, Nuvotronics will fabricate a surrogate silicon and surrogate GaAs wafer with PolyStrata interface. A solder ball back-end process will be applied to both wafer technology and integration of solder balls. The 4"" wafers will be diced in 1""x1"" dies before being integrated. DC and RF measurements will demonstrate electrical performance. Preliminary temp. cycling will be performed to demonstrate reliability of the interface. In Ph II, Nuvotronics will demonstrate 4-inch wafer level integration and performance under temp. cycling."
626,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8745 ,Silicon Carbide Gate Driver,"NASA needs efficient, low mass, low volume power electronics for a wide variety of applications and missions. Silicon carbide (SiC) switches provide fast, low loss switching, low on-resistance and high breakdown voltage to potentially meet this need. Gate drivers are a key component to fully realize the system level advantages that SiC power switches can provide. By implementing gate drivers in SiC, they can tolerate extreme temperatures (500 deg. C) allowing them to be collocated with the power switches they control. This reduces parasitic inductance and circuit area improving the performance of the power switch and converter. The SiC gate driver will have direct near term application in power processing units and other NASA power conversion systems and also be suitable for future exploration missions in extreme environments.<l><l>In Phase I, we will design and simulate the gate driver to show its feasibility. In Phase II, we will fabricate the gate drivers and demonstrate them operating at high temperature in a practical circuit such as a high voltage boost converter. We will also perform radiation testing on the gate driver to evaluate its radiation hardness as need for extended space operation. Following Phase II, we will integrate the gate driver with co-packaged SiC switches for NASA and commercial applications. Additionally, the advancement in TRL demonstrated by Phase II testing will help accelerate commercial availability of USCi's SiC integrated circuit fabrication service."
592,Science,ARC,2017,S5.01-9609 ,Operational High Resolution Chemical Kinetics Simulation,"Numerical simulations of chemical kinetics are critical to addressing urgent issues in both the developed and developing world. Ongoing demand for higher resolution models with larger chemical mechanisms drives exponential growth in computational cost: many models spend over 90% of their runtime simulating chemical kinetics. Energy efficiency and renewable energy system research and development depend on simulations involving thousands of chemical species and reactions, but there are no general analysis tools that can handle mechanisms of this size. Simulations of more than a few hundred species or reactions are hand-tuned, ad-hoc solutions that will ultimately become obsolete. ParaTools will address this need by improving its ""Kppa"" general analysis tool for chemical kinetics to facilitate coupling with high resolution models and to support large chemical mechanisms. Phase I will explore the feasibility of methods for large mechanism support including flux analysis for sub-cell parallelization and mechanism reduction, dynamic mechanism selection based on environmental conditions, and iterative methods for large sparse systems. Phase I will also improve Kppa as a general analysis source code generator by implementing accelerated analysis methods that use many-core and multi-core devices and/or GPUs to reduce mechanism analysis, support for non-Arrhenius reaction rates, and an interface for coupling Kppa-generated code with high resolution models. Phase II will implement large mechanism support based on Phase I findings. Pre-coupled open source model packages containing Kppa-generated source coupled with a multi-physics or flow code will be provided in Phase I to facilitate commercialization through Phase II and beyond. The improved Kppa tool will reduce time-to-solution by combining the latest numerical and algorithmic developments with accelerated computing technology to enable supercomputer-level performance on smaller computers with lower costs."
811,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-8971 ,"Tunable Laser for High-Performance, Low-Cost Distributed Sensing Platform","The proposed effort will establish technical feasibility of an approach to optimizing a low-cost, fast-sweeping tunable laser for distributed sensing. Multiple approaches for performance optimization will be reviewed, modeled, and simulated. Subsystem prototypes will also be fabricated and analyzed to understand subsystem hardware manufacturing and performance limitations. This Phase I effort will result in selection of an appropriate laser performance optimization approach and will yield estimates of performance, size, weight, power, and cost improvements expected from a Phase II prototype.<l>The resultant optimized tunable laser module would enable a distributed fiber-optic sensing platform with dramatically-improved performance and significant simultaneous improvement in platform size, weight, power, and cost compared to current commercial offerings.<l>The technology will considerably improve NASA's flight test measurement and in-situ monitoring capability over the current state of the art, opening up new distributed sensing possibilities for real-time, in-situ airframe/spaceframe measurements. In addition to supporting distributed static strain and temperature measurements, the technology allows for distributed fiber-optic acoustic/vibration sensing allowing for distributed modal analysis, non-destructive evaluation, and identification/characterization of transient events.<l>With an improved understanding of distributed airframe/spaceframe structural dynamics, the technology will lead to improved airframe and component designs. With improved, integrated real-time feedback control signal generation and structural health monitoring, future aircraft and space-flight vehicles will operate more safely, predictably, and efficiently."
572,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z10.03-8922,Multi-Physics NTR Safety Analyses,"Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) offers high promise to reduce launch mass, decrease mission costs and increase mission effectiveness, particularly for crewed missions to the planets. However, NTP has been plagued with high uncertainties in cost, schedule and safety, particularly launch safety. To reduce programmatic uncertainty, an unambiguous approach to documenting NTP safety prior to, during and after launch needs to be made. Until recently, the multi-physics models and computing power were not available to perform compelling analyses, and testing is exceptionally expensive, and unrevealing in many cases.<l><l>This proposal directly addresses programmatic uncertainty by providing benchmarked, definitive product documenting the safety of a NTP system during all launch phases. The proposal takes work performed by the SBC under IR&D which has performed detailed hydrocode modeling of a NTP impacting an unyielding surface from heights of 50 and 150 meters. These impact and compaction results, in this SBIR will be analyzed using the meash0based Serpent 2 nuclear code to demonstrate that the reactor will not become critical during compaction events, or will demonstrate what design changes must be incorporated in order to ensure this end.<l><l>If the NTP system can document an unambiguous safety case prior to major program decisions, it will dramatically reduce programmatic uncertainty, and provide decision-makers with a far less costly approach to NTP development.<l><l>Because the entire reactor must be designed, modeled and subject to impact scenarios, it is not possible to obtain meaningful results at the component level. Small-scale analyses have sown the viability of this approach and the LPS team is ready to proceed to a full-scale NTP engine."
781,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H1.02-9600 ,Advanced Mars Water Acquisition System,"The Advanced Mars Water Acquisition System (AMWAS) recovers and purifies water from Mars soils for oxygen and fuel production, life support, food production, and radiation shielding in support of human exploration missions. The AMWAS removes water from Mars soils using hot, recirculating carbon dioxide gas to provide rapid heat transfer. The AMWAS evaporates water from ice and salt hydrates, leaving dissolved contaminants in the soil residue. The water distilled from the extraction vessel is condensed, treated with activated carbon to remove residual volatiles and organic material, filtered to remove suspended solids, and subjected to deionization in preparation for proton exchange membrane electrolysis. Recuperative heat exchange is employed to minimize heat losses from recirculating carbon dioxide gas. Cold temperatures of the Mars atmosphere are used to facilitate condensation and separation of water from recycled carbon dioxide gas. A vacuum jacket is used to minimize heat losses from the extraction vessel. Much of the net heat input to the AMWAS can be supplied by solar concentrators or waste heat from radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The AMWAS vessel is equipped with a single, stationary seal that facilitates materials handling automation and minimizes potential leakage over the nominal operating period of up to 480 days."
574,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.02-9316,Spinning-Scroll Pump for Cryogenic Feed System,"The innovation is an efficient, compact, lightweight, reliable, electric-driven, cryogenic spinning scroll pump (CSSP) capable of pumping liquid methane or oxygen at flows of 8-10 lbm/s. The pump will satisfy propulsion feed system needs stated in SBIR Research Topic Z10.02: Methane In-Space Propulsion. The primary goal is to develop a versatile CSSP, capable of pumping liquid or two-phase methane or oxygen at a wide range of speeds (i.e. 1,000-8,000 RPM) and a wide range of differential pressures while maintaining high reliability and a compact size.<l><l>For Cryogenic pumping, state of the art (SOA), consists of two vastly different technology options. Centrifugal turbopumps and positive displacement pumps. Turbopumps utilize an impeller-inducer combination that relies on high impeller speeds to create a differential pressure. While the high-speed operation makes turbopumps more compact, it also limits bearing life, differential pressure, and they can't handle two-phase flow. Positive displacement pumps can handle larger pressure differentials and don't have issues with two-phase flow. However, they can't achieve speeds over 3,000 RPM without bulky and high-load bearings. This typically makes positive displacement pumps larger, and consequently, less desirable for aerospace applications.<l><l>The CSSP offers the best of both options. As a positive displacement pump, it can achieve high-pressure with minimal reduction in flow and pump saturated liquids at low net-positive suction heads. Due to the spinning motion of the pump various centrifugal loads are eliminated, with reduced loading, speeds over 8,000 RPM are possible, making the design compact and lightweight. Additionally, the spinning motion of the scrolls eliminates the need for a counterbalance common in orbiting scroll designs. This further reduces weight by eliminating counterweights and eases bearing loads. Air Squared believes the proposed CSSP is a perfect fit in support of Methane In-space Propulsion."
524,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.02-8945 ,A Novel High Gain Active Reflect Array Antenna Architecture for Small Spacecraft,"The objective of this Phase I SBIR effort is to develop and demonstrate an advanced, deployable, high gain, active reflect array antenna for use in high data rate transmission to, from and among small spacecraft. While the antenna architecture proposed by AOE can be targeted for frequencies from below L-band to Ka-band and higher, AOE has selected X-band for a demonstration array for this proposed effort. Under the Phase I effort, AOE and LoadPath will focus on achieving an efficient deployable reflect array configuration and, within the trade space of reflect array architectures, will explore several approaches and perform the trade analyses in terms of performance, cost, size, weight and power. The results of this investigation will yield a high gain antenna architecture that will support future NASA and commercial small satellite communication operations. During the Phase I effort, the array deployment mechanism will be demonstrated with hardware while a complete beam-scanning reflect array antenna will be demonstrated with hardware during the Phase II effort."
581,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.03-8766 ,Ultra-Radiation-Hardened Power Conversion,"Current designs for NASA fission power systems include relatively heavy shielding to protect the system components and payload from radiation emitted by the reactor. This shielding typically comprises over 35% of the power system mass. We propose to develop ultra-radiation-hardened power conversion technology to reduce shielding requirements for the converter and electronics so the large central shadow shield can be reduced or eliminated, in favor of smaller localized shields positioned to protect specific items that are sensitive. This work has great potential to reduce overall system mass significantly for Kilopower, Nuclear Electric Power (NEP), and Surface Power missions being considered by NASA. Consequently, these missions will become more practical and affordable to execute. Although we plan to focus on Brayton converters and electronics, the results will also apply to Stirling converters and their electronics. Creare is well-suited to succeed because we have a long history developing turbo-Brayton systems and radiation-hardened electronics for spaceflight applications. During the Phase I project, we will develop converter and electronics designs with radiation-hardened features, we will specify conceptual mission details, and we will optimize shielding mass. We will then fabricate and test prototype hardware during the Phase II project."
588,Science,GSFC,2017,S5.03-9687 ,"Open-Source Pipeline for Large-Scale Data Processing, Analysis and Collaboration","NASA's observational and modeled data products encompass petabytes of earth science data available for analysis, analytics, and exploitation. Unfortunately, these data are underutilized due to vast computational resource requirements; disparate formats, projections, and resolutions that hinder data fusion and integrated analyses; complex and disjoint data access and retrieval protocols; and task-specific and non-reusable code development processes that hinder algorithm sharing and collaboration. Due to these limitations, recent advances in unsupervised machine learning using deep neural nets (DNNs) have not been widely adopted for applications such as pixel-based classification, image preprocessing, feature recognition, and scene understanding. Creare proposes to develop an open-source, standards-based Python software framework that removes major barriers to widespread exploitation of geospatial earth science data. This will be achieved through development of PODPAC (Pipeline for Observational Data Processing, Analysis, and Collaboration), a pipeline-based architecture that (1) enables multi-scale and multi-windowed access, exploration, and integration of available earth science data sets to support both analysis and analytics; (2) automatically accounts for differences in underlying geospatial data formats, projections, and resolutions; (3) simplifies implementation and parallelization of geospatial data processing routines; (4) seamlessly integrates with DNN machine learning frameworks; and (5) unifies access, processing, and sharing of data and algorithms via interfaces to existing NASA repositories. To demonstrate the impact of these innovations, we will use PODPAC to derive an on-demand, high-resolution global soil moisture data product from the Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) satellite radiometer observational data to support applications in hydrology, agriculture, and humanitarian response missions involving flooding, drought, and water resources."
614,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.06-8949 ,A Two-Phase Pumped Loop Evaporator with Adaptive Flow Distribution for Large Area Cooling,"NASA's future remote sensing science missions require advanced thermal management technologies to maintain multiple instruments at very stable temperatures and utilize waste heat to keep other critical subsystems above minimum operational temperatures. Two-phase pumped loops are an ideal solution for these applications. A critical need for these pumped loops is a microgravity-compatible evaporator having a large cooling area to maintain the temperatures of multiple electronics and instruments. The evaporator must be able to accommodate multiple heat loads with a wide range of heat flux densities and allow heat loads to be mounted on any available locations of its cooling surfaces to facilitate vehicle-level system integration. To this end, Creare proposes to develop a lightweight, compact evaporator with innovative internal design features to adaptively distribute liquid refrigerant to heated areas, preventing dryout in areas with high heat flux. This advanced flow distribution feature reduces liquid recirculation flow in the pumped loop and thus the system power input. The design features also provide strong internal structural support for the evaporator, reducing the size and mass of the evaporator cover plates. In Phase I, we will prove the feasibility of the evaporator by developing a preliminary evaporator design, predicting its overall performance, and demonstrating its key performance features and fabrication processes by testing. In Phase II, we will optimize the evaporator design, fabricate a full-scale evaporator, demonstrate its steady state and transient performance in a representative pumped loop, and deliver it to NASA JPL for further performance evaluation."
670,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9725 ,Low Cost Cryocooler Control Electronics for Small Space Platforms,"Future NASA space science missions will utilize small satellites. Many of these missions will require cryocoolers for cooling detectors, sensors, shields, and telescopes. For Class C and D missions, the cryocooler technical requirements for performance, size, and mass, coupled with the programmatic requirements for minimal cost and development time, are extremely challenging. Flight ready cryocoolers and associated control electronics that have been developed for traditional satellites do not meet technical, cost, or schedule requirements for future small space platforms. Creare proposes to develop low cost cryocooler control electronics that leverage technologies and capabilities previously demonstrated on prior programs. During Phase I, we will develop a set of requirements, design low cost electronics to meet these requirements, and assess production cost. We will also work closely with a leading developer of low cost infrared space subsystems to ensure compatibility and readiness for upcoming missions. During Phase II, we will work closely with our partners to fabricate and qualify protoflight electronics with representative cryocoolers. Successful completion of this program will enable advanced sensor systems for space-borne science, surveillance, and reconnaissance."
750,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.02-9635 ,"Compact, High-Accuracy Oxygen Flow Meter","Life support systems for future space suits will require advanced instrumentation to enable use of the suit for multiple missions. We propose to develop an oxygen flow meter for the space suit ventilation loop that will provide highly accurate flow measurements while meeting challenging requirements for low pressure drop, compact size, and durability. In Phase I, we will prove the feasibility of our approach through analyses and trade-off studies, proof-of-concept demonstrations, and prototype design. In Phase II, we will design and assemble prototype flow meters and measure their performance under conditions that simulate operation in a portable life support system."
514,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z8.04-9706 ,MakerSat,"Small satellite platforms such as CubeSats and nanosats are providing opportunities for NASA, DoD, ad commercial ventures to perform missions at lower cost and improved return-on-investment. There is a growing desire to enable SmallSats to perform ""Long Baseline"" and ""Spatially Diverse"" observation, measurement and collection missions. Traditionally, these types of missions would be performed using formation flying or using large, costly satellites equipped with complex deployable structures. For many sensing modalities, fundamental physics demands large apertures or long baselines to achieve the high resolution, sensitivity, and throughput required for these missions. Reliance upon fixed and deployable aperture/mast technologies prevents small satellites from matching traditional large satellite platforms in terms of performance. The proposed ""MakerSat Demonstration Mission"" effort will develop a third alternative that will enable small satellite platforms to perform his class of missions: ""Constructable"" technologies, that use in-space manufacturing technologies to enable SmallSats to ""grow"" significantly larger structures. A SmallSat that, once on orbit, can increase its size from one to two orders of magnitude provides a transformative option to formation flying or deployable structures. ""MakerSat"" is a low-cost system intended to validate the Constructable SmallSat platform and enable nanosat-class systems to perform missions such as single-pass interferometric SAR, long-baseline radio astronomy, and infrared astronomy.uring the Phase I effort, TUI will develop the Requirements, ConOps and Architecture for the demonstration mission. During the Phase II effort, TUI will develop an EM unit suitable for demonstration and testing Trusselator mission technology. During the Phase III effort, TUI will integrate a FM version of the Trusselator demonstration technology into an appropriately sized SmallSat Bus and fly the MakerSat Demonstration Mission."
541,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.01-9712 ,COBRA-Bee Carpal-Wrist Gimbal for Astrobee,"TUI proposes to develop a carpal-wrist gimbal payload for the Astrobee free-flier, called ?COBRA-Bee? to satisfy Astrobee mission needs for a lightweight, integrated end-effector/tool/sensor positioning and pointing system. The COBRA-Bee is an evolution of TUI?s high-TRL, 3-DOF COBRA gimbal that will provide Astrobee end-effectors with the workspace dexterity of a full robotic manipulator (6-DOF via Astrobee fan system + 3-DOF via COBRA-Bee). COBRA-Bee will support target acquisition and tracking experiments for high performance optical communication. It can also support sensors which have limited field-of-view, such as cameras, as well as sensors/end-effectors requiring high pointing accuracy and/or independence from spacecraft attitude control. The 3-DOF (azimuth, elevation, and extension) of COBRA-Bee will support Astrobee experiments with pushing operations for fanless microgravity mobility. COBRA-Bee will provide this precise multi-purpose pointing and positioning capability in a small-scale tightly integrated COTS product, with an interface to support third-party sensors, end-effectors, and tools. The Phase I effort will define requirements for a detailed design, based upon a crew safety analysis and a survey of candidate Astrobee end-effectors. A demonstration will be performed with existing COBRA hardware, maturing the COBRA-Bee TRL to 4. The Phase II effort will develop, test, and deliver an engineering unit and control software."
545,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-9708 ,The Automated X-Link for Orbital Networking (AXON) Connector,"NASA has identified the need for a joining technologies to support the ability to connect spacecraft components autonomously in-space. The joining technology should be modular, reversible, have an open-architecture, and allow ""plug-and-play"" functionality for maximum flexibility and utilize simple approaches amenable to robotic assembly and disassembly. TUI has been working on structural truss joining (Class 1 joints) and robotic connection approaches through separate efforts and has several ongoing and future efforts that will require in-space joining of modular systems (Class 2 joints).<l>TUI proposes to develop and demonstrate an open-architecture Class 2 joining solution called the Automated X-Linked for Orbital Networking (AXON) connector. The AXON connector will be a reversible module-to-module connector that minimizes mass and complexity while maximizing assembled stiffness, strength, power transfer, and data communications. The development of the AXON connector will leverage TUI's existing programs and place emphasize automated robotic mating and de-mating.<l>In the Phase I effort, we will identify a complete set of requirements, develop a concept design, fabricate the concept using TUI's 3D printing and rapid prototyping capabilities, and test the AXON connector using TUI's Baxter robot. In the Phase II effort, TUI will mature the Phase I design and perform reliability testing."
730,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-9710 ,Metal Advanced Manufacturing Bot-Assisted Assembly (MAMBA) Process,"Tethers Unlimited, Inc. (TUI) proposes to develop the Metal Advanced Manufacturing Bot-Assisted Assembly (MAMBA) Process, a robotically managed metal press and milling system used to create precision parts on orbit. This manufacturing process provides an alternative to 3D printing metals in space, which is difficult due to space environment or print quality issues. Instead, the MAMBA-Process relies on an ingot forming technology to create a metal ingot. This ingot can then be milled and machined to form a precision part using a standard CNC milling technique. In order to minimize astronaut time and exposure to the process, the MAMBA-Process will be outfitted with a robotic assistant, using robotic assistance to remove the ingot from the press, to place the ingot in the mill, and to perform tool changes on the mill. The MAMBA effort will also develop a novel process for management and recycling of metal chips in a microgravity environment. Testing of the process technologies will lead to a lab demonstration of ingot formation and milling in the Phase I effort, maturing the MAMBA Process to TRL-3. In the Phase II effort, a full scale engineering unit will be built and tested to begin validating this technology for flight."
652,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-8723 ,Advanced Athermal Telescopes,"This proposed innovative athermal telescope design uses advanced lightweight and high-stiffness material of Beryllium-Aluminum (Be-38Al). Peregrine's expertise with Be-38Al, Electroless Nickel and Liquid Interfaced Diffusion (LID) Bonding leveraged by Rochester Institute of Technology's experience with Optical Systems for sounding rocket instruments will provide synergy in this visionary development. Be-38Al seamlessly joined through our proficiency in LID Bonding will produce an athermal telescope that can fully operate in any in-situ environment whether in the laboratory or on-orbit while maintaining alignment. This innovative design and application of advanced fabrication processes like LID Bonding will allow athermal telescopes to be aligned at room temperature and then maintain that alignment and performance as they reach low operating temperatures. A ""monolithic"" metering structure of Beryllium-Aluminum used within an athermal telescope design would give sounding rocket applications and in-situ telescopes for high altitude balloons and space the ability to align telescopes at ambient temperatures and also have those positional alignments maintained through launches and their entire mission life."
729,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-9767 ,ISS Multi-Material Fabrication Laboratory using Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing Technology,"The goal of this program is to demonstrate the use of Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing (UAM) solid state metal 3D printing to provide in-space, on-demand manufacturing capabilities to support the unique challenges of long-duration human spaceflight. Previous and ongoing work in NASA SBIR programs has demonstrated the ability to 3D print quality metal parts using UAM. The goal of this Phase I program is to demonstrate the feasibility to reduce the size and power consumption of current UAM machine technology to 3D print aerospace grade aluminums for In-Space manufacturing. In fact, for the UAM process, operation in a micro-gravity environment contributes to power reduction goals expressed in recent NASA documents (NASA, 2016)."
830,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-8731 ,High Order Mesh Curving and Geometry Access,"During Phase I, our effort will focus on three software tools; CurveMesh, Geode and SLUGS. These tools will be developed in anticipation of use in the commercial mesh generation software Pointwise and consideration will be given to requirements for parallel implementation in a distributed computing environment. A new initialization procedure will be implemented in CurveMesh to provide more robust starting perturbation field prior to the optimization based smoothing scheme placing points in final position for optimal cell quality of the curved mesh. Access to the geometry kernel, Geode, will be provided through an API for operations required for mesh curving and mesh adaptation. Communication protocols will be developed to permit flow solver to prescribe mesh sizing information to mesh generation programs for h-p adaption. And discrete surface tessellation will be process using SLUGS to create smooth splined surfaces."
753,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.01-8870 ,"Impact-Resistant, Damage-Tolerant Composites with STF Energy Absorbing Layers","We propose an innovative hybrid composite that combines the smart energy-absorbing shear thickening fluids (STF) with validated hard upper torso composite materials to create new STF composite structures with superior impact and damage resistance and self-healing functionality. The proposed innovation directly addresses the subtopic H04.01 need for thin, lightweight composite materials that can be fabricated in complex geometries. STFs are currently being developed by NASA and STF Technologies LLC for use in enhanced puncture and MMOD protective softgoods to improve astronaut survivability. Here, we propose to exploit the unique energy-absorbing properties of shear thickening fluids and prior work by the team, which developed advanced energy absorbing STF materials for sports and military applications, to meet the challenge metrics of a pressure structure composite capable of withstanding 300J of energy in low velocity impact with a structural density of 1.7 g/cm3 or less and thickness of 0.125"" or less. The proposed work will combine experiments and modeling to determine the optimal integration of STF with the current best composite materials in the Z-2 suit prototype. The project will leverage the Z-2 suit specific expertise of our partners at UD's Center for Composite Materials (UD-CCM) to develop and test concepts and advance the TRL of new lightweight, damage-tolerant and potentially self-healing hybrid composites. The conformable nature of the STF is amenable to fabrication of complex curved geometries, while the flowable STF within the hybrid laminate can offer healing and leak mitigation after damage. Rapid prototyping, downselection, and validation will be performed in collaboration with UD-CCM, commercialization partners, and NASA scientists and engineers through a combined computational/experimental program with feedback refinement that exploits the unique expertise of all teams."
555,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.01-8823 ,In-Line Inspection of Additive Manufactured Parts Using Laser Ultrasonics,"Additive manufacturing (AM) is an increasingly popular technique for rapid, low-cost production of parts directly from a CAD file. AM is especially appealing for complex parts that would be costly or impossible to fabricate by machining or casting. It is also attractive for fabrication of prototype parts.<l><l>At present there are no reliable, cost-effective process control techniques to minimize defect production and for qualification of finished parts. Studies at NASA, NIST, and other agencies have noted this gap and urged increased efforts to develop techniques for part qualification. In this project we will demonstrate the feasibility of applying laser ultrasonic testing to inspect each deposited layer in real time as it is formed. This in-line inspection qualifies the part layer-by-layer, ensuring finished parts that require no further testing. In Phase I we will first develop a database of the types and sizes of important defects in NASA-specific components. We will then optimize the beam configuration for sensitivity to these defects, and also develop signal processing algorithms to enhance defect detection and collect size information. In Phase II a prototype in-line inspection system will be developed and tested."
675,Science,ARC,2017,S1.08-8821 ,Luminescent Sensors for Ocean Water Monitoring,"Space-based global measurements of atmospheric CO2 must be complemented with ocean water analysis. Monitoring ocean acidification, which results from the accumulation of CO2, is of critical interest, since progressive acidification is already affecting oceans and coastal estuaries and waterways. To that end, NASA and NOAA are seeking in-situ monitoring devices for oceanic and coastal water monitoring, including a pH sensor for seawater, to support space-based monitoring programs. Monitoring ocean pH accurately over large areas has proved to be extremely difficult, and classic sensor technology, based on potentiometric measurements (pH electrodes), have shown significant limitations: current instruments are expensive, do not monitor pH directly, and therefore need complex signal compensation to yield accurate measurements, and require frequent calibration. Intelligent Optical Systems proposes to develop a novel luminescent sensor for pH, taking advantage of novel materials developed to monitor pH and other parameters of interest in high salinity and elevated pressure environments; it will exhibit high selectivity (direct pH measurements) and stability. A novel antifouling technology with no mechanical parts will prevent sensor degradation in seawater. To contain the cost of the electronics while maintaining high performance in detecting the luminescent signal, we will use Circuit Seed circuits, which process analog signals on 100% digital components. This enables them to reduce size and parts count, simplifying quality control and power requirements, and will enable us to produce high-performance, low-cost optoelectronic units."
759,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H3.02-9639 ,Compact Chemical Monitor for Silver Ions in Spacecraft Water Systems,"NASA has identified silver ions as the best candidate biocide for use in the potable water system on next-generation spacecraft. Though significant work has been conducted to develop systems for controlled release silver ions in the water systems, there is no sensor for continuous in-line monitoring of the concentration of silver in the water used by the crew, nor a reliable device to analyze silver in space. Intelligent Optical Systems plans to develop a luminescent indicator-based optical sensor probe to monitor silver concentration directly in spacecraft water systems in real time. The proposed sensor will be based on a technology recently demonstrated by IOS for monitoring wastewater in space systems, in which a specific indicator dye is copolymerized with a stable polymer matrix, resulting in highly sensitive and stable sensor elements. The capability of indicator-doped polymer matrixes to detect silver in the ISS has been demonstrated by NASA and its partners, but further development is required to achieve in-line stand-alone monitoring. Our monitor will incorporate robust sensor elements, interrogated via a compact, low-power optoelectronic unit. The proposed sensor elements will be remotely connected to the electronic circuitry by an electromagnetic interference (EMI)-proof optical fiber cable, allowing flexibility in placing the sensor system, where space is highly valuable. In Phase I we will develop novel sensor elements for silver, and will demonstrate sensitivity, measurements range, and stability. In Phase II, in collaboration with UTC, we will produce prototypes for integration into the ISS Potable Water Systems, and conduct extensive testing under simulated environmental conditions, culminating in delivery to NASA of a monitoring system, bringing the monitor to TRL 7."
591,Science,ARC,2017,S5.01-9825 ,A New Architecture for FUN3D on Modern HPC Systems,"The goal of this project is to refactor NASA's FUN3D computation fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation code to enable it to take full advantage of accelerator hardware available on modern hybrid computing environments. We will rearchitect FUN3D to take advantage of HPC tools we are currently building for NASA Goddard, using a dynamically-scheduled, task-based approach, with the goals of improving scalability, performance on the CPU, and the amenability to accelerators current and future. In Phase I, the focus will be on proving the validity and applicability of our approach for a given subset of FUN3D code. To meet this goal, we have identified two primary objectives for Phase I: rearchitect FUN3D and develop a prototype demonstrating feasibility. This will decouple the science being performed from the intricacies of implementations on a variety of platforms. In Phase II, we will build off this work to create a full accelerated solver for ongoing use. Once complete, the full solver will be efficient on today's hardware and easily adaptable to future systems."
688,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.03-9822 ,Microwave Photonic Imaging Radiometer,"Passive Microwave Remote Sensing is currently utilized by NASA, NOAA, and USGIS to conduct Earth Science missions, including weather forecasting, early warning systems, and climate studies. Due to budgetary constraints and lack of reliable access to medium-lift vehicles, the current trend in the space industry is towards smaller, cheaper, and more frequent missions. Nano-satellites, such as CubeSats, are gaining in popularity due to their low cost and ease of deployment. These miniaturized platforms impose severe constraints on the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of the payload. However, relatively large apertures are required to achieve desired spatial resolution. In this NASA SBIR effort, Phase Sensitive Innovations (PSI) will dramatically reduce the SWaP of our microwave photonic imaging radiometer technology, thus making it amenable to deployment on spaceborne platforms. Our innovative approach employs distributed aperture imaging (DAI) with optical upconversion of the incoming microwave radiation and subsequent coherent optical reconstruction of the microwave scene. The sensor features a flexible, two-dimensional form factor that allows the antenna array to be stowed for launch and deployed once in orbit using space inflatables, which enables a large RF aperture to be realized on a small platform. Besides easing implementation on small satellites, PSI?s imaging radiometer provides capabilities beyond those currently available on conventional microwave sensors, most notably the ability to generate real-time, two-dimensional radiometric imagery with no mechanical scanning. The end result of our effort will not only greatly reduce the SWaP of our instrument commensurate with deployment on emerging platforms, but also reduce the cost and complexity while increasing reliability and performance. These improvements in turn will open up new market segments for the technology."
629,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8373 ,GaN-based High Power High Frequency Wide Range LLC Resonant Converter,"SET Group will design, build and demonstrate a Gallium Nitride (GaN) based High Power High Frequency Wide Range LLC Resonant Converter capable of handling high power and high frequency operation. The GaN LLC Converter will operate at 1 MHz with an input voltage of 80V - 300V and output of 300V - 2kV, capable of handling up to 1 kW. The GaN LLC Converter will have an approximate size of 4in x 2in x 0.5in. Current technology utilizes silicon-based solutions for power conversion and distribution. GaN can fundamentally perform well beyond current silicon based hardware. GaN has direct benefits such as higher power density, reduced footprint, increased power capacity, and improved power efficiency. Increasing frequency of operation results in smaller components but it also creates a challenge for thermal management and magnetic component design. The proposed work will include a matrix transformer which offers: low profile, high power density, robust and flexible for shock and vibration handling, and superior electrical characteristics. In addition, the wide range capability will be handled thanks to the LLC topology which offers: wide input range, ZVS operation, low turn-off current. Finally, the GaN-LLC Converter will make use of additive manufacturing for its thermal management. The marriage of GaN, LLC, matrix transformer design, and additive manufacturing results in a design that is smaller, more efficient and more cost-effective than Si-based products. <l>SET Group will design the GaN-LLC Converter to be used in PPUs, but the outcome of this work will help as a platform for other power conversion products utilizing GaN technology to be developed."
797,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8346 ,High Integrity GPS Solution for Trusted Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B),"Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) is the most CSWaP compatible safety solution for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and will be mandated for use by the FAA in the National Airspace System (NAS) by 2020. The ongoing miniaturization efforts will continue to enable a cooperative approach to the integration of UAS into NAS moving forward. A critical limitation of ADS-B is the use of GPS-derived position vector in its broadcast, which can be easily spoofed or jammed, or confused by reflections in urban areas. We present a low-CSWaP solution to secure and verify the GPS integrity using a novel antenna design so that ADS-B can be used as a trusted vehicle to vehicle communications and navigation link for UAS."
618,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-9777 ,Ultra low noise compact high performance IMU,"We propose a new approach for to the design and fabrication of miniaturized Interferometric Fiber Optical Gyroscope (FOG) that enables the production of smaller IRU and IMU with substantially reduced noise (ARW) and better bias performance. The gyro noise is reduced by a factor of at least 4 to 6 by utilizing an innovative approach for the light source noise reduction. In addition the sensor is using a new fiber combined with innovative coil design that results in lower bias drift and up to tenfold reduction of the bias temperature sensitivity compared to the existing FOG products as well as additional x 2 reduction of the ARW. The combination of these attributes supports a smaller, lower cost, high performance and robust IMUs that can serve future NASA mission needs; a 33 cube inch IMU (LN200 size) is expected to deliver Navigational grade performance, with ARW of 0.001 deg/rt-hr and bias residual over temperature of 0.02 deg/hr, while a larger FOG is expected to enable ARW of 0.0002 deg/rt/hr with 0.005 deg/hr bias and IMU volume < 70 cube inch. We also present innovative concept for a miniaturized tactical IMU based on the above technology (< 1 deg/hr bias over temperature and 0.02 deg/rt-hr ARW) with a volume as small as 5 cube inch."
594,Science,JPL,2017,S4.05-8282 ,"Unique, Voltammetric Electrochemical Sensors for Organic Contaminants, with Excellent Discrimination, Based on Conducting Polymer-, Aptamer- and Other-Functionalized Sensing Electrodes","In ongoing and recent prior work for the Army, this firm has developed a unique, patented technology for voltammetric electrochemical detection of toxic gases, chemical warfare agents, proteins such as Thrombin and Fibrinogen and other analytes. Features include: (1) Voltammetric detection yielding analyte ""fingerprints"" much like an IR spectrum for high discrimination. (2) 3-module construction (disposable sensing element; tiny Microcontroller; Android cellphone control interface). (3) Small (1cmX1cmX1mm), inexpensive ($250), portable, thin, flexible, lightweight (2g), body-wearable, environmentally durable construction. (4) Operating temperature -40 to +80 C. (5) Detection times"
789,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8309 ,Detecting Anomalies by Fusing Voice and Operations Data,"Our innovation will detect, in near real-time, NAS operational anomalies by uniquely combing with analytical methods our existing Microsoft Azure based TFMData flight information warehouse, live Air Traffic Control (ATC)-Pilot voice communication records, and IBM Watson capabilities such as natural language processing.<l>Implementation of our proposed capability will fill one of the gaps for monitoring and predictive safety tools in the terminal area. In the enroute domain, predictive metrics such as the Monitor Alert Parameter (MAP) and ""going red"" forecasts help traffic flow managers balance traffic and workloads, thereby increasing safety. However, this relies on the assumption that ATC-pilot communication is of superior quality, unambiguous, and strictly procedural. Also, pilots reacting to controller resolutions by changing the trajectory of the aircraft (either using lateral or vertical maneuvers) may react late, react wrongly, or not react at all. We aim to find these anomalies by correlating actual flight trajectory data and ATC voice communication data. While these anomalies could be precursors to unsafe events, we view them as indicators of inefficiencies in flight operations. Identifying these inefficiencies through innovative data mining methods can uncover unique and recurring problems that otherwise go undetected. Our concept will also provide better insight into the frequency and content of controller instructions and interventions."
794,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8740 ,Selecting Days for Concept and Technology Evaluation in SMART-NAS Test-Bed Scenario Generation,"Crown Consulting, Inc. will investigate and demonstrate methods to enable rapid selection of days for scenario generation in the development and evaluation of Air Traffic Management concepts and technologies (C&T) in the Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the National Airspace System (SMART-NAS) Test-bed (SNTB). The proposed capability will enable the rapid generation of highly operationally relevant scenarios for use in the development and evaluation of technology demonstrators such as NASA Airspace Technology Demonstrator, ATD-2 and ATD-3, Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management, as well as new operational concepts such as Integrated Demand Management and Trajectory Based Operations. <l>A significant motivation for the development of the SNTB is enabling C&T benefit, impact, safety and cost assessments for speeding up deployment in the NAS. Today, C&T introduction into the NAS takes decades. The primary reason for this is an inability to assess the operational impact of the interaction between the proposed C&T and operationally deployed systems in terms of NAS-wide safety, traffic flow efficiency, roles and workload of controllers and traffic managers, and impact on airline operations. Human-In-The-Loop testing and shadow-mode evaluation driven by operational data. Slow and incremental steps are typically taken towards deployment because of limitations in the development of mathematical modeling and simulation.<l>The proposed innovation seeks to augment the scenario generation capability of NASA's SNTB with methods and tools for selecting traffic, winds and weather based on the needs of the experiment allowing for highly operationally relevant scenarios. These methods and tools would actively categorize incoming and historical data using advanced machine-learning algorithms, allowing fast access to NAS streaming and legacy data in a big-data warehouse through queries generated via a simple user interface for specifying desired characteristics."
710,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.04-8557 ,GaN MMIC Ka-Band Power Amplifier,"NASA is seeking innovative Advanced RF Platform technologies at the physical level, specifically Ka-Band high efficiency high linearity microwave 10 to 20 Watt solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs), to meet the needs of future space missions utilizing complex modulation for communications and sensor applications. Space missions require the smallest size, lowest power, space qualifiable hardware components leading to the choice of monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology. In Phase I of this SBIR, Custom MMIC Design Services, Inc. (CMDS) will analyze the GaN MMIC technologies from the available domestic foundries (NGST, Qorvo, HRL) and select best GaN HEMT foundry and process technology to achieve Ka-Band high efficiency high linearity microwave 10 to 20 Watt SSPA. CMDS, utilizing the appropriate CAD tools, will thoroughly design and develop the required MMIC PA. We will also prepare all necessary design rule check (DRC) and layout versus schematic (LVS) documentation during Phase I to assure clean layouts ready for fabrication submission to facilitate the first pass of GaN MMIC fabrication on the first day of a follow-on Phase II contract. By being completely ready for submission on the first day of phase II, we assure the time necessary for two complete GaAs MMIC LNA iterations during Phase II."
657,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9865 ,Technology Development for High-Actuator-Count MEMS DM Systems,"We propose to develop a design and manufacturing approach for a small-stroke, high-precision deformable mirror scalable to 10,000 actuators, that promises inherent advantages in scalability, yield, and reliability in comparison to current generation microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) DMs, to address a technology gap for next-generation planet finding instruments. Our proposed design aims to ensure high yield while maintaining a superb optical quality and retain the proven aspects of BMC?s commercial MEMS DM design and core manufacturing processes. Our objective in the Phase I project is to complete a design study for an innovative approach to scaling up our MEMS DM technology. We will develop new approaches to design and fabrication of routing lines by replacing the single wiring layer by interconnected, stacked wiring layers, and replacing wirebond technology with a flip-chip architecture for the device-to-package integration to overcome two key challenges that currently limit MEMS DM scalability to higher actuator counts. The outcome of the Phase I work will be the design and mask layout of the 10,000 actuator DM, the design and layout of the 10,000 channel PCB subassembly, and the development of a flip-chip bonding process that will enable the fabrication of this DM in a Phase II effort."
575,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.02-9079,Integrated Powerhead for Methane Propulsion Systems,"Development of an electric powerhead or Electropump for a 25,000 lb class Methane engine.<l><l>Components for integrated RCS (~100-lb class) and Main Propulsion System (MPS) (25,000-lb class) feed systems (utilizing common propulsion tanks)"""
595,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-9333 ,Large Area Diamond Tribological Surfaces with Negligible Wear in Extreme Environments,"In Phase I we propose to demonstrate the processing of very large area diamond sliding bearings and tribological surfaces. The bearings and surfaces will experience negligible wear and long life in extreme environments, such as encountered in high temperature exploration of Venus. Low temperature bearings that survive conditions encountered in Mars, Moon, Titan, Europe and Ganymede will be also considered. A pressure-assisted fabrication procedure will be developed to produce particle-dispersed and fabric-reinforced composite bearings and coatings. Diamond composite surfaces will consist of crystallites that are toughened with oriented fibers. Long-life diamond composites will be achieved at low cost. In Phase I, we will compare wear and friction properties of sliding interfaces and optimize bearing performance. In Phase II, we will collaborate with a manufacturing company to scale the new processing technology, and with a bearing manufacturer to fabricate prototype bearings for performance testing in extreme environments."
519,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.03-9220 ,Flexible High-Efficiency Solar Panels for SmallSats and CubeSats,"MicroLink proposes to develop and test, a new type of photovoltaic module that will be suitable for use in SmallSat and CubeSat platforms requiring maximum power in a highly stowable format. MicroLink proposes to assemble and test a completed series array of five 20 cm2 cells that will output in excess of 3.5 W while demonstrating a pathway for producing significantly larger arrays capable of outputting powers in excess of 100 W. The typical areal weight of conventional Ge-based space cells with a 5 mil thick rigid coverglass exceeds 1,000 g/m2. MicroLink's proposed flexible photovoltaic module with ultra-thin ELO solar cells and flexible coverglass material will not only be flexible and comparable in efficiency to Ge-based cells but also have an areal mass of less than 400 g/m2. This represents greater than a 60% reduction in weight which is of particular importance for SmallSat and CubeSat applications."
640,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9222 ,"3D Nano-Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth (nano-ELOG) of Large Area, Highly Efficient, and Flexible Multijunction Solar Cells for Space Applications","By Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth (ELOG) and Selective Area Growth (SAG) in nanometer scales, MicroLink Devices will develop the next generation of multijunction solar cells for Space applications. The proposed innovation is the first attempt to use advanced surface nano-engineering technologies to control the formation, propagation and annihilation mechanism of extended defects including dislocations in multijunction solar cells. There is significant gap between the theoretically calculated efficiency of multijunction solar cells and the experimental results. That efficiency gap increases with the increase of number of junctions/subcells. Misfit dislocations created due to high lattice mismatch between subcells play a major role in hampering the efficiency and reliability of such devices. A successful implementation of nano-ELOG in solar cells will results in 3J solar cells with significantly reduced dislocation density, resulting in an improved Voc and Isc and conversation efficiencies of the cells. Therefore, MLD can utilize this method to grow devices with increased number of junctions to reach practical efficiencies close to 40% (6J) from the current 30% (in commercially available 3J cells) in AM0 and 1sun conditions. It is important to explore, and consequently, take advantage of the latest nano-patterning developments for NASA's photovoltaic devices."
641,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9061 ,Radiation Tolerant 35% Efficient Phosphide-Based 4-Junction Solar Cell with Epitaxial Lift-Off,"MicroLink proposes to develop a phosphide-based ELO-IMM four-junction (4J) solar cell that will enhance the performance and capabilities of solar photovoltaic arrays for a variety of future NASA missions. Relative to state-of-the-art incumbent GaInP/GaInAs/Ge 3J space solar cells, the proposed phosphide-based 4J solar cell has superior radiation tolerance, higher beginning-of-life (BOL) and end-of-life (EOL) efficiencies, lower areal mass density, higher specific power, and lower cost. The improved radiation tolerance is enabled by eliminating arsenide-based subcells in favor of only phosphide-based subcells. A reduction in the mass of the solar cell relative to incumbent technology is enabled by removal of the thick GaAs substrate. Cost savings compared to incumbent technology are enabled by the recovery and reuse of the substrate via the ELO process. The superior radiation tolerance can also relax the requirements for radiation shielding, enabling further reductions in array mass and stowed volume."
792,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8935 ,ON-DEMAND: Operations in Dynamic Environments with Manned And Unmanned Aircraft Deconfliction,"NASA Unmanned Traffic Management Program (UTM) and its early builds focus on requirements for fixed geofencing and low-altitude UAS without interaction with manned flights. However, later builds will require functionality for operation in dynamic missions employing multiple collaborating UAS in mixed manned-unmanned teams, and in environments where pre-specified geofencing, flight planning, and separation rules are not applicable. To address this challenge, SSCI proposes to develop, implement and test an innovative ON-DEMAND (Operations in Dynamic Environments with Manned And Unmanned Aircraft Deconfliction) system, a portable ATC center, whose role will be to monitor the environment, predict the environmental changes, and approve new geofencing boundaries, new manned-unmanned vehicle separation boundaries, and new flight plans in real-time while avoiding conflicts and assuring overall system safety. Specific system functions will include: (i) Prediction and adjustment of the geofence boundaries based on user requests or environmental changes; (ii) Prediction of the effects of user commands which may generate potential conflicts between manned and unmanned aircraft; and (iii) Dynamic mission re-planning, requiring real-time generation of new flight-plans under separation assurance guidelines. The main project objective is to develop requirements for the design and implementation of a local ATC for dynamically varying environments. We plan to propose an effective mission and flight plan re-planning approach, and effective conflict monitoring and resolution procedures which will enable smooth mission operation while assuring overall system safety. Under the project SSCI will leverage its state-of-the-art flight path prediction routines, collision detection and avoidance system, and system-level safety evaluation approach. Phase I will also include simulation testing and flight data collection with our partners at Olin College of Engineering."
808,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-9699 ,Active Battery Management System with Physics Based life modeling topology,"Robust Data Acquisition on flight applications enables Researchers to rapidly advance technology. Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) and Hybrid Electric architectures rely heavily on batteries to achieve fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. DEP Aircraft of the future have demands for Energy Storage Systems with large counts of cells put in series and parallel to achieve needed voltage and energy levels. The X57 Maxwell Battery comprises of over 6000 cells. As the pack goes through repeated charge/discharge cycles, as well as environmental cycles, each individual cell begins to lose its capacity. Cell to cell capacity variation causes the entire pack to limited by the weakest cell. Traditional Passive Balancing topologies are limited in their ability to address cell mismatch on the discharge cycle. Active balancing allows a dynamic measurement & control system to discharge cells at variable rates. With a more robust measurement & control architecture, Active topologies have the ability to integrate more advanced algorithms. These algorithms include predictive health monitoring, life based management, physics based cell modelling. Batteries can last longer, avoid thermal runaway, and avoid maintenance. EPS is proposing development of an active BMS concept, with associated algorithms to achieve a 40% life improvement on the X57 pack."
663,Science,JPL,2017,S1.11-8595 ,WOLFEChip: Wholly-integrated Optofluidic Laser-induced Fluorescence Electrophoresis Chip,"In this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) effort, Leiden Measurement Technology LLC (LMT) proposes to design and build the Wholly-integrated Optofluidic Laser-induced Fluorescence Electrophoresis Chip (WOLFEChip), a microchip capillary electrophoresis (MCE) system using a miniaturized optofluidic approach for packaging all optical elements necessary for laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) on-chip. WOLFEChip uses cutting-edge laser micromachining to fabricate fully-three-dimensional optical elements that focus excitation laser light into a MCE microchannel to excite fluorescence. The fluorescence emission is collected using a heat-bonded lens on the backing layer. This improves on current and past implementations of MCE-LIF by (1) greatly miniaturizing the optical elements which comprise a significant amount of space in MCE-LIF systems; (2) making the entire LIF optical system monolithic and immune to misalignment which greatly enhances the vibration-resistance of the entire system; (3) making the system immune to operator-to-operator variations caused by the periodic need to carefully align traditional MCE-LIF systems; and (4) greatly reducing measured stray light and thereby potentially increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the MCE-LIF system by employing right-angle excitation/emission optical geometries and through the use of high-quality fluorescence-free fused silica."
735,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.03-9503 ,Integration Framework for Building Autonomous Intelligent Systems,"Among the many challenges of Mars exploration is the creation of autonomous systems that support crew activities without reliance on Earth mission control. These intelligent autonomous systems will have different levels of autonomy and will be designed to effectively communicate with the crew. These autonomous systems will be transparent (able to explain what they are doing) in order for crew members to trust them.<l><l>It remains still a challenge to build highly intelligent, collaborative and transparent autonomous systems. With the existence of so many algorithms, knowledge representation techniques, and autonomous agents architectures, it is desirable to have a general integration architecture that allows the quickly evaluation of proposed software modules facilitating in turn the evaluation of diverse software configurations.<l><l>We propose the development of an autonomous agents integration architecture for the definition of goal directed agents exhibiting transparent task execution behavior. The architecture has as goals to (i) facilitate the integration of existing algorithms and systems employed by most autonomous agents architectures, (ii) define how these modules interact and the ontology used to communicate data between these modules, (iii) provide default implementations for the four basic modules in the architecture (goal manager, planner, diagnosis, task executor), and (iv) provide insight on how to build transparent autonomous agents that can effectively communicate with the crew (e.g., explain the rationale behind key decisions during a task execution). <l><l>During Phase I we will show the utility and feasibility of the integration architecture by (i) developing operational CONOPs describing envisioned tasks done by autonomous agents, (ii) identifying specific technologies that will be integrated during Phase II, and (iii) developing a software prototype illustrating the agents capabilities in scenarios of interest to NASA."
517,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.03-9393 ,High Watts per Kilogram - Advanced Integration and Heat Management solar array technology (HaWK-AIHM ),"Small satellite architectures have become a desirable low cost alternative to larger heritage spacecraft for advanced scientific missions. Unfortunately, the traditional component make-up of a small satellite or cubesats is for short duration missions and not specifically designed for space environment resiliency. NASA has identified several scientific missions which would benefit from highly engineered, space environment tolerant and high reliability components. MMA Design (MMA) proposes new innovations in small satellite deployable solar arrays for theses missions, specifically targeting high reliability, simple and heritage proven designs, and high performance. ? Composite deployable hinge mechanism - due to volumetric constraints and stowed thickness requirements, an innovative composite panel-to-panel hinge mechanism is required. MMA has extensive knowledge in the design, manufacturing and test of composite tape hinges for deployable structures. The challenges that will be addressed in this effort is how to design a composite hinge with a tight stowed radius of curvature and a method of integration to the substrate panels that provides higher thermal conductivity than a traditional clevis hinge. ? Advance high stiffness, high-k solar array substrates, multi-functional - limitations with traditional polyimide or glass-fiber substrates is that they exhibit low stiffness and thermal conductivity properties. Alternatively, High-K Mesophase-pitch based graphite fibers would provide magnitudes higher thermal conductivity, thus providing better heat transfer throughout the solar array panel. Also proposed are innovations in co-cured substrate construction whereby a highly emissive film is cured directly into the substrate panel creating a surface for significant heat rejection a on the backside of the solar array. The front side of the panel will also include a cured in circuit trace, which will significantly reduce wiring routing on the solar panel."
691,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9973 ,Deployable Ka/W Dual Band Cylindrical Parabolic Antenna including feed support structure,"The need for large radio frequency (RF) apertures in space has long driven technology developments that enable aperture sizes that exceed the allowable volume within a launch vehicle fairing. As the operating wavelength of these systems increases, the difficulty and cost grow exponentially. Large aperture high frequency antennas are of significant interest for science instruments and commercial communications. NASA weather and precipitation monitoring efforts utilize RF sensing instruments operating at Ka and W band frequencies. The proposed deployable high frequency antenna, will enable future satellite missions with one-dimensional parabolic dual frequency RF apertures operating at 35 GHz and 94 GHz in sizes ranging from <l><l>The ~1 meter x 2 meter ""module"" can satisfy the needs of the following subtopics:<l>- Deployable Cylindrical Parabolic Antenna including Feed Support Structure<l>o Supports dual frequency at 35 GHz and 96 GHz<l>o Stows in 20 x 20 x 100 cm<l>- Deployable Cylindrical antenna<l>o Supports 36 GHz<l>- Deployable W-band (94 GHz) antenna suitable for CubeSats and SmallSats<l>o Supports SmallSats<l>o Scalable to smaller apertures for CubeSats"
803,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-9133 ,"Low-power, ultra-fast deep learning neuromorphic chip for unmanned aircraft systems","Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving the fourth industrial revolution as well as permeating every aspect of our day-to-day life. From big data analysis to language analysis and real time translation, from speech recognition to image recognition. The latter is a powerful and quite general application with a scope that spans from medical imaging to autonomous driving and to military applications.<l>Mentium Technologies Inc., spun from a UC Santa Barbara research lab in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department is committed to embrace the AI revolution strong of the experience of its team in the neuromorphic hardware for AI. Indeed, we will develop a neuromorphic chip able to do higher than real-time image recognition and/or object classification on board the UAS. The chip will use 1/100th of the energy while reaching 100x in speed compared to state of the art. The team already had demonstrated 1000x and 1/1000th energy consumption in a smaller scale experimental demo. From this experience UCSB has a patented technology licensed by Mentium Technologies Inc. <l>thanks to this technology and its develpment within this project, the Neuromorphic Chip will empower the UAS with Cognitive functions enabling autonomous guidance, decision making and complex image processing, while keeping the power consumption low."
598,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-8643 ,Rad-Hard LDO,"Alphacore Inc. will develop a wide temperature range, digitally controlled linear low-dropout regulators (D-LDOs) for space and harsh environment applications. Alphacore Inc will collaborate with ASU scientists to develop a radiation hardened-by design, digital intensive, unconditionally stable D-LDO with the following features:<l>- A fully integrated digital low drop-out regulator (DLDO) with a fast transient response providing a well-regulated supply for system-on-chip (SoC) power management applications <l>- Wideband operation and fast transient response are achieved through a transient enhanced digital Proportional and Integration (PI) controller, without compromising the stability of the DLDO. <l>- The transient enhancement stage boosts D-LDO loop-gain dynamically during load transients. In the gain boosting mode, the D-LDO closed loop bandwidth is increased, resulting in reduced undershoot/overshoot and faster recovery of the output voltage. When the output voltage recovers to the desired level, the boost mode operation is disabled. <l>LDOs are commonly used in low noise, fast response RF, analog, mixed-signal, and digital core power management applications. Fast response associated with LDOs provide a fast and energy-efficient wake-up, and low noise operation. Lack of high-speed switching and an LC type output filter makes them more attractive for high dynamic range telecommunication signal chain applications. To ensure fault-free operation of the digital cores and memory chips, the supply voltage must remain within a certain error window with minimum deviation under transient events, typical in space application. This supply voltage window is determined by reliability constraints of the process used in the upper boundary and speed requirements on the lower boundary. Alphacore Inc. and ASU's proposed digital linear low-dropout regulator will be fully digitally controlled, enabling portability across various process technologies."
716,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8838 ,Geiger-Mode SiGe Receiver for Long-Range Optical Communications,"The objective of this program is to develop, demonstrate and implement a photon-counting detector array sensitive in the wavelength range from 1000 nm to 1600 nm, with monolithically integrated time-tagging electronics, suitable for free-space optical communications, where high data volume returns from space missions are critical, such as in the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD) and other future NASA missions. Conventional photon counting detector arrays are implemented in either Silicon (Si) or Mecury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe), negating detection at wavelengths longer than about 1000 nm in the case of Si or incurring high cost and complexity for HgCdTe. In this program, Freedom Photonics will develop a novel Geiger-mode Silicon Germanium (SiGe) receiver for photon counting applications with increased sensitivity for wavelengths in the range of 1000 nm to 1600 nm, which utilizes standard BiCMOS process, resulting in a low-cost, high-sensitivity, high-speed and radiation hard receiver for long-range optical communications."
809,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-9301 ,Integrated Photonic Engine for Miniaturized Fiber Optics Sensor Interrogators,"Structural health monitoring is critical capability for NASA, and it is required for launch vehicles, space vehicles, re-entry vehicles, vehicle pressure systems, Space Station, as well as in flight research. Health monitoring systems need to have fast and robust data acquisition and management, low volume, minimal intrusion, and high accuracy and reliability. Armstrong Flight Research Center has developed a revolutionary 4-fiber interrogation system for Fiber Optic Smart Structures (FOSS) sensor networks interrogation. This system meets the required specifications on the sensing side, however, its size, weight, power consumption, fragility and cost make it prohibitive for the massive deployment into air vehicles. <l>In this program, we are proposing to develop and integrate all optical functions needed to enable next generation of miniaturized, low-cost NASA's FOSS interrogator systems. Through innovative photonic integration of key functions, and hybrid packaging using interposer technology, we anticipate that the size of the existing system will be reduced by two and cost by one order of magnitude. This, in turn, will fulfill one of the key requirements of the solicitation, yielding a miniaturized fiber optic measurement system with low power suitable for migration into platforms spanning from launch vehicles, reentry vehicles, to UAS platforms or aviation."
813,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-8297 ,A Reconfigurable Transmitter and Receiver for Aeronautical Telemetry Applications,"This project focuses on the development of a reconfigurable microwave transmitter and receiver for telemetry applications. Both the transmitter and receiver are able to operate at any frequency between the L and C Bands. The software defined transmitter is able to change its center frequency, output bandwidth and output power as well as operate with multiple simultaneous output frequencies. The flexible receiver is also capable of reconfiguring its center frequencies and bandwidths to match the output characteristics of the transmitter. Interference sensing and mitigation techniques also allow the receiver to provide pristine signal reception in over-crowded microwave environments."
784,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-9117 ,Turbulence Awareness via Real-Time Data Mining,"We propose to create an automated, real-time, remote turbulence detection and diagnostics system for the National Airspace System (NAS). The system is remote in the sense that it does not mount any sensors onboard any aircraft, nor does it add any software to Flight Deck (FD) avionics systems. The system exploits data mining to search through thousands of aircraft surveillance measurements in real-time as aircraft fly in the NAS. We propose to use Automatic Dependent Surveillance ? Broadcast (ADS-B) information as the basis of atmospheric wave and turbulence detection, and combine this with satellite-based visual and infrared imagery to complete the diagnostics. We design the system to access a large network of ADS-B receivers across the NAS. Automated analysis of ADS-B aircraft altitude and velocity information is used to detect the presence of mountain waves and Mountain Wave Turbulence (MWT) in the vicinity of steep terrain as well as atmospheric waves and turbulence from other sources, for instance, Convective Induced Turbulence (CIT). When combined with other weather state information gained by in situ sensors, satellite, and radar-based technology in the NAS, our SBIR effort will allow for a total situational awareness of mountain wave, MWT, and CIT information in the Continental United States (CONUS). Because ADS-B is mandated by 2020, the percentage of aircraft using ADS-B will grow each year, and this in turn will benefit all who use our innovation."
791,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-9118 ,Machine Learning of Multi-Modal Influences on Airport Delays,"We build machine learning capabilities that enables improved prediction of off-block times and wheels up times which are critical inputs to NAS stakeholders. NextGen will rely on machine learning techniques utilizing all sources of useful information in order to improve predictive accuracy and reliability of flight operations in the NAS. These predictive capabilities will support real-time optimization of surface operations. We use machine learning to learn from historical data and similar situations in the past in order to optimize the performance of the NAS for the current situation. The proposed Multi-Level, Multi-View (MLMV) machine learning approach takes real-time weather, demand, and other data inputs (including landside data from TSA security line queues and traffic congestion levels on highways), searches through an archived set of historical data, identifies similar situations and NAS controls used in those situations, ranks historical situations according to their effectiveness, estimates a set of Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs) and other control strategies impacting off-block-times and wheels up times."
800,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.01-9556 ,Turbulence Awareness for Strategic Aircraft Re-Routing (TASAR-R),"The Innovation Laboratory, Inc., proposes to develop a Decision Support Tool (DST) for strategic guidance to pilots for mitigating encounters with en route turbulence hazards. Implemented on either Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) or Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs), and standard turbulence data formats, the system is designed to increase the likelihood of Air Traffic Control (ATC) approval of a pilots trajectory change request by strategically presenting viable, pro-active trajectory change options to the pilot based on timely traffic and weather information. Distribution of our turbulence information to Airline Operations Centers (AOCs) allows airline dispatchers the ability to provide an additional safety net, adjusting flight plans to strategically avoid turbulence related hazards."
520,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.03-8424 ,High Power Radiation Tolerant CubeSat Power System,"No vendor has yet to provide a radiation tolerant, high efficiency, small Power Management and Distribution module for the SmallSat and CubeSat market yet. Let alone one with built in batteries. That is where ExoTerra's mission ready Universal Power Storage, Management, And Distribution comes in. Offering nine different voltage rails, each with multiple switched outputs, and an attached thermally moderated 40Whr Lithium Ion battery pack, all packaged in a CubeSat standard PC104 electronics form factor. Its highly modular nature and inherent radiation tolerance will allow it to be used in a multitude of missions right off of the shelf."
727,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-8809 ,Industrial Crystallization Facility for Nonlinear Optical Materials,"Made In Space, Inc. (MIS) proposes the development of an Industrial Crystal Facility (ICF) for microgravity product manufacturing and applied research. The ICF is focused on advanced materials engineering, rather than biomedical research, and serves a complimentary role to existing NASA-developed hardware, expanding utilization of ISS. Intended applications include nonlinear optical single crystals and other relatively large material formulations. This is a critical next step in the development of Low Earth Orbit as an economic development zone, using the ISS National Lab as a proving ground and following the forthcoming Made In Space Fiber (MIS Fiber) demonstration of manufacturing a product in space with economically-significant intrinsic value on the ground. <l>The ISS National Lab serves as an ideal platform to explore whether industrial crystals can be grown in microgravity to larger sizes and/or improved quality as compared with terrestrial sources. Existing low temperature solution growth methods take days to weeks to complete, so parabolic flights and suborbital vehicles are not suitable for establishing process baselines and making effective comparisons. Microgravity production holds the potential for room-temperature production of NLO materials for high-energy applications with size and quality undiminished by the effects of sedimentation and convection. A new facility is needed to explore the feasibility of microgravity-enabled industrial crystals as a new product market for Low Earth Orbit."
731,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-8696 ,The Vulcan Advanced Hybrid Manufacturing System,"Made In Space is developing the The Vulcan Advanced Hybrid Manufacturing System (VULCAN) to address NASA?s requirement to produce high-strength, high-precision components on-orbit with comparable quality to commercially-available, terrestrial machined parts. Such capability enables the in-situ manufacturing of critical parts for human spaceflight and without dependence on terrestrial resupply. Made In Space integrates flight-proven microgravity process controls and payload support systems, such as environmental and master controls, with a modular manufacturing & tool system that generates a near net shape for surface finishing or other industrial processing into the final product. <l>One of the key innovations of Made In Space?s VULCAN is the ability to produce finished metal parts with one device, eliminating the need for separate additive manufacturing and subtractive machining facilities. The wire feed architecture of both the thermoplastic extruder and metal manufacturing head allows the hardware to be interchangeable and supported on the same gantry without requiring modification of any of the components. The two manufacturing heads follow the SBM-Spec interface standards for ?plug-and-play? operation. Thus, the manufacturing heads can be exchanged easily by crewmembers with no formal manufacturing training. Using this capability, the VULCAN device produces both non-metallic and metallic replacement parts with a minimum of crew interaction. VULCAN is scalable and supports the open SBM-Spec architecture for the thermoplastic and metal manufacturing heads, resulting in a manufacturing methodology that uses multiple materials and can be upgraded over time."
563,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-8791 ,High Lift Heat Pump,"NASA has identified a need for higher heat rejection temperatures due to an equatorial lunar mission profile, where surface temperatures reach 400 K. To meet this need for space exploration vehicles to reject waste heat to high temperature heat sinks, Mainstream proposes adapting our oil-less vapor-compression (V-C) refrigeration compressor technology for operation at high temperature and high lift. Vapor-compression systems use two-phase heat transfer which reduces component size and mass over single-phase heat pumping cycles such as reverse-Brayton or Stirling. Mainstream?s current oil-less V-C compressor technology is gravity-insensitive, has a long operating life, can be scaled to match various heat loads, and has been mission-proven on the international space station (ISS) placing it at a TRL 9. The proposed development effort will extend this compressor technology to operation at high temperatures and high lift, to which it is inherently well-suited. The resulting compressor will be an enabling technology for the needed high temperature heat pumping systems."
659,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-8536 ,Proximity Glare Suppression for Astronomical Coronagraphy,"There is a critical need for stray light suppression in advanced astronomical telescopes and imaging systems. For optical instruments that are required to view objects with brightness dynamic ranges on the order of 1010, precise control of diffraction and scattering from occulting apertures, Lyot stops, shields, and baffles is critical. Super-black broadband absorbers can help control stray light, and work by absorbing light across the ultra-violet, visible, and infrared spectral regions. No stray-light control application is more stressing than space-based astronomical telescopes because the stray light characteristics of the instrument itself typically limits the ultimate contrast of the imagery. Ultimately, the reflection or scattering of light from an absorber will be limited by the effective ""impedance mismatch"" of the electromagnetic wave as it transits the interface from the incident medium (i.e. vacuum) to the absorber medium. <l>Recent developments in the patterning of nanostructures have opened great opportunities for the fabrication of nanostructured films which exhibit gradual transitions in refractive index, leading to high performance broadband antireflection coatings and enhancement of black-body absorption. Surface nanostructures that have sub-wavelength dimensions can greatly reduce light reflection, and are biomimetic to moth's eyes, which are designed to minimize reflection in the VIS and NIR spectral bands. <l>Nanohmics proposes to use its ""Thermodot"" technology to produce a sub-wavelength structured surface that effectively couples incoming electromagnetic waves into a material with vanishingly small reflectance. Nanohmics proposes to extend the Thermodot technology to absorbing substrates to produce non-reflecting super-black absorbing materials with performance characteristics compatible with space-based telescopes."
752,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.01-8991 ,Damage Tolerant Composite Systems for Spacesuits,"The project goal is to increase impact resistance compared to the baseline laminate used in Z-2 test article from 100 J to 300 J. After impact, the laminate has to have an operational loads. It is also desirable to make improvements in the efficiency and quality of the manufacture of suit components.<l>Two high-level approaches are being proposed to inhibit post-impact air leakage: (1) make the laminate more impact resistant, and (2) prevent cracks from traversing thickness of laminate. The first approach, making the laminate more impact resistant, also aims to improve post-impact mechanical properties of the laminate. <l>Maher & Associates LLC proposes to design and develop three new concepts for improving the damage tolerance of the current composite structure concept of the Z-2 spacesuit. In developing these concepts, Maher & Associates LLC will partner with University of Delaware. Our personnel with work with university personnel at their Applications and Technology Transfer Laboratory (ATTL) to fabricate coupons and conduct testing. In addition to characterizing the structural and impact resistance of the concepts, panels will be fabricated that include Z-2 design features to assess the manufacturability of the concept. <l>In reviewing the literature, we noticed that there are subtle differences in the clamping approach in the impact testing that was done as art of the original Z-2 development work and the ASTM D-7136 test called out in the topic. In order to assure that a proper baseline is established, we will also fabricate and test fabricate acceptable leak rate and retain sufficient mechanical properties to sustain <l>a test article representative of the original design."
775,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2017,H10.03-9438,Helium and Hydrogen Mixed Gas Separator,"This product innovation is directed toward separating hydrogen from helium gas mixtures using a micro-channel separation unit with thin walls of a palladium-silver alloy. The micro-channels are produced in a size range of 100-200 microns such that the boundary layer thickness inside is drastically reduced when mixtures of helium and hydrogen gas flow through the channels. This thin boundary layer enhances the thermal and mass transport fluxes to the channel walls increasing the separation rate. With this micro-channel approach, the membrane surface area to volume ratio is maximized reducing the operating costs and capital costs for the unit."
720,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9852 ,High Speed Data Capability to Increase the Utilization of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE-FF) Flight Facility,"Solstar's innovation addresses SBIR RFP Subtopic H8.01 ISS Utilization and Microgravity Research, whereby NASA is soliciting ""capabilities that will continue to enhance improvements to existing ISS research and support hardware, ...that promote commercial enterprise ventures ...; Specifically, NASA is soliciting mid-TRL space technology experiments to fly on a platform mounted on the outside of the ISS called MISSE-FF (Materials International Space Station Experiment Flight Facility). This project supports NASA's goals the commercialization of LEO spaceflight, by completing one more commercial component - communications - to the chain of commercial capabilities. The proposed communications system can also serve other payloads (at NASA's choice) and is could be a pathfinder for other spacecraft beyond ISS. Solstar's innovation meets the objectives of the subtopic by proposing to provide economical, commercial, high speed data services (up to 60Mb) for MISSE-FF's commercial, NASA, and Non-NASA payload customers. Solstar's innovation meets the objectives of the subtopic by providing a commercial, dedicated short burst data services for MISSE-FF's industrial, NASA, and Non-NASA payload customers. Some MISSE payload customers (especially industrial), want a more efficient way to interact with their payloads than TDRSS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellites). Solstar is teamed with Alpha Space, the owner of MISSE-FF. Alpha Space and NASA have a cooperative agreement to attract more commercial and non-NASA customers for MISSE-FF. Alpha Space and its customers believe Solstar's proposed commercial high speed data services will improve how customers interact with their experiments on MISSE-FF. MISSE's industrial partners are especially interested in being able to interact with their proprietary research through a more direct means, more often and consistently"
785,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8743 ,Development and Assessment of Loss of Control Prevention Techniques,"Our team proposes to develop an innovative Angle of Attack (AoA) system for General Aviation (GA) with the new ability to estimate flap position combined with our derived AoA algorithm yielding the correct AoA for the current aircraft configuration. The algorithm will be combined with cost-effective haptic feedback and a head-mounted display. The result provides a substantial improvement in alerting pilots that they are nearing stall conditions, addressing Loss of Control, which is recognized by the FAA and NTSB as the leading cause of fatal GA accidents. Current GA AoA systems are limited due to lack of flap position information, and their displays are not likely to capture a pilot's attention while maneuvering. Our cost-effective haptic feedback (similar to a 'stick shaker' which is known to be the most effective interface but not compatible with GA aircraft), and our head-mounted display are expected to capture the pilot's attention. <l><l>AAG's experience in developing and flight testing AoA systems and our history of partnering with avionics manufacturers to develop and flight test commercial avionics systems, uniquely position us to successfully develop and commercialize this innovative AoA system. Our novel derived AoA algorithm has been tested in flight against other AoA systems under FAA and internal funding and shown to have good performance to near-stall conditions. Technical objectives for Phase I are to demonstrate technical feasibility of flap deflection estimation, cost effective haptic alerting in a typical GA cockpit, and cost-effective head-mounted display, and to create a prototype implementation of the integrated AoA system ready to flight test in Phase II. The Work Plan includes: development and evaluation of flap position estimation algorithm in simulation and flight; design, prototype development and inflight evaluation of haptic interface; simulation evaluation of AoA alerting on head-mounted display; and integration of components."
807,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-8360 ,High-Integrity SAFIT,"Our team is proposing to develop a high-integrity flight management system and multi-UAS ground control station (GCS) called the Safe Autonomy Flexible Innovation Testbed (SAFITTM) for safe operation of multiple fixed-wing UAS across a wide range of missions, including Beyond Visual Line of Sight operations. The onboard flight management system will include: Onboard autonomous traffic and obstacle avoidance, geospatial containment, and flight envelope protection; Waypoint route-following, using preplanned route or waypoints produced in real-time by an onboard application or from ground control station; Direct control inputs from an onboard application or manual control from the ground control station.<l>Traffic and obstacle avoidance and geospatial containment will be based on publicly available ICAROUS software developed by NASA Langley's formal methods team. Formal methods will be applied to core safety elements, including high-level formal specification and verification of accordance with key safety properties.<l><l>AAG's key strengths in flight dynamics and UAS separation assurance, combined with NIA's formal methods experience make our team uniquely suited to perform this effort. Phase I will show technical feasibility and demonstrate verification/certification feasibility of applying formal methods combined with extensive testing, through meeting the following objectives: Generate high-level architecture and verification/certification strategy; Demonstrate feasibility of applying formal methods by proving the high-level specification meets a limited set of safety properties; Create a prototype implementation of the flight management system and limited GCS and demonstrate in simulation and in flight; Create a simulation prototype of an advanced multi-UAS GCS; Develop commercialization plan. <l>In a follow-on Phase II effort, AAG and NIA plan to focus on completing development and verification of SAFITTM and collecting artifacts to support future certification."
706,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2017,H9.05-9443 ,QUANTUM EFFECT MATERIALS AND DEVICES FOR FUTURE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS,"NanoSonic proposes to design, fabricate and demonstrate the performance of optical detectors that use multiple quantum material effects to overcome fundamental microelectronic device limits. Through prior research, NanoSonic has fabricated single-element optical detectors and theoretically and investigated several quantum material behaviors separately. Here we would combine these technologies into a single device to serve as a ""pathfinder"" for future quantum materials research and product development. NanoSonic would work with researchers in the Department of Physics at Virginia Tech, and microelectronics scientists at a major US electronics company to analyze and build the devices, and demonstrate the quantum principals on which they are based.<l><l>Our proposed prototype detectors will incorporate the following quantum effects.<l><l>- Sub-quantum electron transport associated with ballistic electron transport leading to decreased conductor resistances and thermal losses, and in part overcomes Moore's Law <l>- Resonant sub-optical wavelength antennas that treat incoming optical signals as waves instead of photons<l>- Metal nanocluster surface plasmon resonance effects to increase detector efficiency<l>- Tunable bandgap quantum dot detectors that exhibit Multiple Electron Generation effects and quantum efficiencies QE>1<l><l>NanoSonic has investigated and published observations of the basic physics of some of these effects. During Phase I we would design, fabricate, test and deliver first-generation materials and devices to NASA, and work with electronics company device engineers to consider how these technologies may be transitioned to future communication system hardware."
522,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.02-9571 ,Efficient and Secure Network and Application Communications for Small Spacecraft,"For complex missions that are further away from Earth's resources, there is an unmet need for more autonomous operations with minimal Earth contact. Additionally, secure communications and networking topologies at various Quality of Service levels are needed to meet future mission requirements with swarms of small spacecraft. Antara's proposed innovations are: 1) Efficient, secure, mission-configurable, dynamic, and highly scalable key management protocols and 'chipper-suites' for multiple Quality of Service (QoS) Levels. These will include algorithmic optimizations and asynchronous execution methods for the bundle protocol (bp) to augment Delay & Disruption Tolerant Networking solutions based on Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION); 2) Efficient and standards driven adaptation of the Constrained Application Protocol (COAP) over the bundle protocol. The ""CoAP over the bundle protocol"" (CoAP-over-bp) integration with Antara's security enhanced ION framework will enable secure and scalable low-power application communications systems for clusters of small spacecraft. The innovation will make possible Autonomous and Complex Networks in space at multiple QoS Levels while minimizing the implementation footprint of the inter-networking software, memory, and processing for clusters of spacecraft by infusion with hardware such as space-hardened FPGAs and on the horizon compute technologies. Utilizing the ION framework will lower the cost and the time to develop a high TRL solution and reduce implementation risk. Antara's highly efficient network application communications with key management and cryptographic component innovations will deliver higher security and higher performance relative to existing system technology, support complex and time-varying networks and scale to large networks, via trusted pools in space. Successful implementation of the described innovations will address important technology gaps in NASA TA5.3."
609,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.07-9949 ,Sensitivity enhanced fiber laser gyro,"The essential elements that characterize the performance of a laser gyro are (a) a bidirectional ring laser, (b) a lightweight, efficient instrument (c) a high sensitivity to rotation and (d) a linear response without dead band. To address (c), substantial enhancement has been predicted through large intracavity dispersion; we have demonstrated this property in a mode-locked laser with intracavity Fabry-Perot etalon, yielding a decrease in response due to the fact that the Kramers-Kronig dispersion of the Fabry-Perot is positive. The objective of Phase I is to experimentally demonstrate an enhancement using a Gires-Tournois interferometer for dispersion control, in combination with demonstrating the absence of dead band (d) in a solid state laser. A key element is the realization that it is possible to engineer a mode-locked laser where the pulse envelope velocity is controlled by other parameters than the dispersion. This property will be exploited in Phase I by inserting in a ring mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser a Gires-Tournois and a Rubidium cell, to demonstrate simultaneously the enhancement of the gyro sensitivity, the use of a solid state gain medium in a gyro, and the absence of dead<l>band. We will also prepare for Phase II, in which these results will be implemented in a mode-locked fiber laser gyro, to demonstrate the light and efficient instrument required for space applications."
779,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2017,H10.01-9546,An Affordable Autonomous Hydrogen Flame Detection System for Rocket Propulsion,"NASA has long used liquid hydrogen as a fuel and plans to continue using it in association with their advanced nuclear thermal propulsion technology. Hydrogen fire detection is critical for rocket propulsion safety and maintenance. A significant fire at a rocket test or launch facility could be catastrophic to infrastructure or even worse, to human life. Detection monitoring is problematic as hydrogen flames can be nearly invisible during the day. Non-imaging, non-visible fire detection technology has limited range and can suffer from false alarms from sources outside the region of interest. Low-cost visible imagers, commonly used for wide-scale routine surveillance, have limited utility detecting hydrogen fires. Although it has been known for decades that multispectral imaging outside the visible range can be used to detect fires with low false alarm rates, the price of such systems and the lack of processing algorithms and the ability to implement them in real-time has largely prohibited their use. During this project we will develop a low-cost imaging capability that fuses data collected from sensors operating in the (1) solar blind ultra-violet, (2) thermal infrared and (3) visible spectrum, using advanced spectral, spatial and temporal processing techniques optimized to detect and generate alerts associated with hydrogen fires in real-time. This multi-sensor, multi-processing approach will enable us to automate flame detection with extremely low false alarm rates. In addition to control room alerts, we will make use of the wireless communication capabilities found within smart phones and other mobile devices to build an App to alert key decision makers and first responders of a fire detected in real-time. This multi-sensor imaging research could also support NASA's important cool flame microgravity research occurring on the International Space Station."
568,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.01-9889,Health Interrogation for Space Structures (HISS),"Invocon's Health Interrogation for Space Structures (HISS) system provides a significant improvement over current alternatives for monitoring pressurized space structures for leaks and impacts. HISS will quickly detect and locate leaks based on their acoustic emissions or other signature. It will provide prompt warnings to flight and ground personnel in order to help save the vehicle (and mission). It will also complement the present Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) capabilities by providing leak location as well as warning of the leak up to several minutes before the ECLSS. The primary transducers with which HISS interfaces are acoustic emissions. However, Invocon plans to design HISS so that it will interface with other types of sensors in order to maximize its usefulness. This will allow HISS to be used for many other flight and ground monitoring applications."
724,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9395 ,Crystal Growth of New Radiation Detector Materials in Microgravity,"RMD proposes to conduct a series of crystal growth experiments on the International Space Station in the SUBSA furnace inside the MSG glovebox to grow crystals of new materials that have shown a good radiation detector response and present a commercial interest. There is a great demand for spectroscopic gamma-ray detectors capable of not only detecting presence and intensity of radiation, but also distinguishing the energy of an emitting isotope with high resolution. Another market is for solid-state neutron detection and dosimetry, where crystals can replace the difficult to obtain 3He gas. RMD is currently researching several detector crystals that have been developed to that stage: TlBr, SrI2:Eu, and 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA). These are detector materials of different types for specific applications: TlBr is a semiconductor for gamma-ray detection, SrI2:Eu is a scintillator for gamma-ray detection, and DPA is an organic scintillator for neutron detection.<l>Crystal growth of these materials presents a number of challenges which limit the yield of high quality crystals or degrade their detector properties. The proposed microgravity research project will focus on developing a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern defect formation during crystal growth of these materials, and correlating those mechanisms to detector properties.<l>RMD assembled a strong team of experts with significant experience in crystal growth and materials research in microgravity, who are very familiar with the equipment to be utilized for this project. Despite whether our hypotheses are confirmed or disproven, this series of crystal growth experiments in microgravity would allow us to determine which process parameters have the largest impact on quality and yield without interference from convection, in order to focus on optimization of those parameters, for improved production on Earth."
646,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-8778 ,Pyramid Nanostructured Coatings for Stray Light Suppression,"State of the Art In-Space Telescopic imagery suffers from deleterious effects of image quality due to radiation, in the form of stray visible light. While treatments to reduce the impact of stray light exist, the effectiveness of these treatments have limitations thereby limiting the range and reliability of astrophysical telescopic imagery. NASA is seeking a scalable, highly effective solution to reduce and/or eliminate the impact of stray light.<l>Applied Sciences, Inc. (ASI) proposes Applied Sciences proposes a unique solution for stray light suppression in space flight instruments. The innovation utilizes non-reflective/ nano-structured polymer coatings combined with a proven and scalable process that yields a light trapping nano-textured surface. Stacked-cup carbon nanotubes will provide additional absorptive properties to a currently-used aerospace qualified resin system (legacy material). A non-reflecting surface will be fabricated by plasma etching and replication into pyramidal nanostructures for broadband absorption with efficiency at or better than 99.9%. This new approach comes at a much lower cost, is readily scalable and safer than the competing technology. ASI has previous success formulating spray-able room temperature cured coatings with tailored reflectivity and is working with U.S. Air Force to scale-up the nanomaterial enhanced coatings manufacturing capability. That separate effort, and the use of a (modified/enhanced-) legacy material, will benefit the proposed effort as it will enable rapid verification, qualification, and transition of the technology."
605,Science,JPL,2017,S4.01-9312 ,Non-mechanical High-resolution Low-SWaP Lidar,"This Phase I effort will be a proof-of-concept demonstration of a non-mechanical (no moving parts) 3D lidar system that provides in real time high-resolution terrain point cloud information. The objective is to build a compact sensor that meets the low size, weight and power (SWaP) requirements of small autonomous space vehicles, robots and rovers being developed for future NASA planetary and asteroid/comet exploration. The lidar sensor will provide a variable angular resolution of 0.04 degrees by 0.04 degrees to 0.005 degrees by 0.005 degrees with"
702,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8884 ,High Speed Beam Steering Components for Lidar,"Boulder Nonlinear Systems (BNS) will develop a high speed (sub-15 micro-second response time) low size, weight, and power (SWaP) beam scanner for application to space-based Lidar. BNS will employ their current liquid crystal polarization grating (LCPG) technology and ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC) switches to meet the discrete scanner speed and resolution requirements called for in the solicitation. Advantages of applying BNS LCPG and switch component technology specific to the space-based Lidar application will include accuracy, reliability, and improved SWaP as well as high rate (at least 8 kHz ) scanning. In addition, BNS will develop an environmental test and or mitigation plan for our components tailored to the space-based Lidar application. The Phase I analysis will result in the design of a scanner prototype which will be built in Phase II."
566,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.02-9203,GPU Accelerated Ultrasonic Guided Wave Simulation Toolbox (UGW-Sim) for Virtual Inspection of Complex Aerospace Structures,"Ultrasonic guided waves are being used as a NDE/SHM technique to detect flaws and damage in fracture critical structures such as aerospace structures. However, due to the complexity associated with the waveguide problem, direct interpretation of large amount of NDE/SHM data is difficult. A rapid and accurate simulation tool is needed to keep up with the demand automated and timely detection and assessment of damages in complex aerospace structures. We propose to develop a ""virtual inspection"" simulation toolbox (UGW-Sim) specifically for ultrasonic guided waves. This tool will be able to help analyze and interpret ultrasonic guided wave signals obtained from NDE/SHM measurements for damage detection and identification. It will include modeling of critical structural components such as stiffener and bonded joints and various types of damages that are commonly encountered. The tool will also help determine the optimal sensor placement and inspection parameters to maximize the detectability of various damages. Phase I will focus on the feasibility demonstration of the approach on metal structures and simple defects. Phase II will fully develop the software tool and extend to composite material with complex geometries and defect types."
694,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9097 ,"Deployable microwave antennas for CubeSats, NanoSats, and SmallSats","A small deployable antenna is proposed with an offset-fed paraboloidal reflector for use between 8 and 100 GHz in CubeSat, NanoSat, and SmallSat applications. Apertures vary from 0.5 to 2 meters. For a 0.5 m aperture, the approximate dimensions of the stowed reflector are 6 cm in diameter and 8.86 cm in length, with an approximate mass of 0.25 kg. For a 1.2 m aperture, the approximate dimensions of the stowed reflector are 14.4 cm in diameter and 21.26 cm in length, with an approximate mass of 0.6 kg. For a 2 m aperture, the approximate dimensions of the stowed reflector are 24 cm in diameter and 35.4 cm in length, with an approximate mass of 1 kg. This antenna design builds off the proven mission success of similar designs while remaining competitive in performance with smaller deployable antennas. The stowed volume of this antenna is comparable to the volume of the KaDPA antenna developed by JPL, while providing a potential increase in the antenna efficiency due to the advantages of an offset-fed design compared to its center-fed counterpart. During Phase I, a preliminary design of this antenna system will be developed, as well as its deployment and testing procedures will proposed."
736,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.03-8918 ,Holonic Spacecraft Autonomous Agents,"In this proposal, Cybernet proposes to leverage our distributed Procedure Execution and Projection (PEP) system that focuses on supporting automation of complex spacecraft, subsystem, maintenance, and consumables management procedures while ensuring crew situational awareness and anticipating future problems. The PEP system will provide the capability to:<l>? Work in a dynamic collaborative manner with crew to execute procedures,<l>? Dynamically offload and re-assume tasking from automation,<l>? Autonomously offload tasking from crew based on the system?s initiative when perceiving that the crew member is overloaded or otherwise requires assistance,<l>? Project forward in the task execution to look for potential problems and develop contingencies,<l>? Ensure crew situational awareness even during complete automation handoff,<l>? Work on multiple procedures at the same time while detecting procedure conflicts (such as for limited resources)"
684,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-9289 ,Type-II superlattice based low dark current short-wavelength infrared photodetectors with optical response from 0.4 to 2.5um,"In recent years, Type-II superlattices have experienced significant development. However, the full potential of Type-II superlattice has not been fully explored and alternate superlattice architectures hold great promise. Despite demonstration of SWIR photodetectors based on this material system, there has been no report about Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors that have been sensitive to visible light. We propose to develop Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors and focal plane arrays for NASA's imaging and spectroscopy applications in the spectral band from visible to extended short-wavelength infrared (0.4 - 2.5 um) with a very low dark current density. In mid- and long-wavelength infrared spectral bands, Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors already offers performance comparable to the state-of-the-art mercury cadmium telluride but at a fraction of the cost due to the leveraging of commercial growth and process equipment. Our goal is to extend that benefit into the short-wavelength infrared. Using the best material currently available and a novel bandgap-engineering design and process, we will fabricate photodetectors and, ultimately, focal plane arrays. <l> In Phase I, we are going to demonstrate photodetector designs based on Type-II superlattices, which can cover spectral range between 0.4 to 2.5 um with a very low dark current density (<10^-11 A/cm2) at temperatures below 100 K.. In Phase II, we are going to continue reduction of the dark current density to <10^-13 A/cm^2 -level at temperatures below 100K. Then, we will use the optimized device design to develop and deliver 1Kx1K imagers to NASA for planetary sciences."
687,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-8477 ,VLWIR Sensors for Detecting and Tracking Near-Earth Asteroids,"An important NASA mission is to detect, count and track near-earth asteroids for a variety of reasons including the hazards of collisions with our planet. Such asteroids are mostly dark, small and cold (~ 200K); so they are best detected in the very longwave infrared (VLWIR) wavelength of ~ 16 microns where they glow brightest. To accomplish this, we propose a new cooled VLWIR focal plane array (FPA) of antimony-based strained layer superlattices (SLS) that will leverage the significant advances in quantum efficiency (QE) and dark current recently achieved by QmagiQ in SLS FPAs with cutoff wavelengths upto 12 microns. Compared to the incumbent mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) technology, SLS promises comparable QE, lower dark current, and much higher array uniformity and operability. Most importantly, it offers superb image stability - which will eliminate the need for frequent non-uniformity correction when using MCT. In Phase I, we will develop and deliver a prototype FPA with 16 micron cutoff. In Phase II, we will increase FPA format and deliver a camera to NASA for evaluation."
539,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z5.02-9041 ,Deft Control Software (DCS) for Remote Robotic Operations with Underlying Structure,"BluHaptics proposes Deft Control Software (DCS), which utilizes machine learning to enable intuitive and efficient control of robotic arms in remote operations with underlying structure. The human-centered control methodology utilizes 3d sensor fusion for workspace visualization, machine learning with on-the-fly training, and pilot assist features to garner operator trust, improve safety, mitigate training latency, and support rapid task switching. The integrated algorithms identify and track underlying structure to enable pilot assistance and other safety features such as collision avoidance. DCS utilizes a common interface across robotic platforms and supports variable levels of autonomy specific to each task and/or operator. DCS permits robotic execution of exceedingly complex tasks that require high-levels of cognition and precise motor control which, to date, have been intractable for purely manual or automated control schemes to accomplish.<l><l>The overall Phase I and II objectives are to: (1) demonstrate the value of a DCS interface to support intuitive manual control for remote operations, (2) demonstrate 3d visual-feedback and operator assistance supported by machine learning for tasks with underlying structure and varying levels of complexity, and (3) demonstrate the DCS platform can be extended to support different classes of robots with varying levels of autonomy. <l><l>The objectives specific to Phase I are to: (1) Demonstrate intuitive manual control of a simulated NASA robot, (2) mitigate program risk by demonstrating basic assistive features, and (3) refine Phase II technical objectives based on collected user feedback and specific scenario requirements."
597,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-8775 ,Silicon Carbide Integrated Circuits for Extreme Environment Operation: High Radiation and High Temperature,"To extend the survivability of high temperature extreme environment missions, we propose to design, fabricate and test silicon carbide integrated circuits that are radiation tolerant and high temperature operation capable. Bulk silicon electronics mostly cease to operate properly at temperatures above the 150C to 200C range due to high off-state leakage. The Silicon-On-Insulator version pushes this limit further to 300C; however, the Venus surface exploration systems and gas giant probes require electronics that can operate above this temperature. A solution for high temperature electronics is the use of devices fabricated using wide bandgap semiconductors. Silicon carbide as being the most mature wide bandgap technology and shown to operate at temperature as high as 500-600C offers alternative device and circuit solutions for high temperature electronics. To this end, CoolCAD has the expertise to design, layout and fabricate silicon carbide integrated circuits to address this need, and extend the useful lifetime of vessels and probes in extreme environments."
681,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.05-9394 ,SiC 10um-Pitch UV Imaging Array and APD with Active Pixel Readout,"CoolCAD Electronics, LLC, proposes to design and fabricate a SiC UV detector array with a 10μm pixel pitch, sensitive to EUV, VUV and Deep UV. SiC is a visible-blind material with very low intrinsic dark current, able to operate at >350C. Expanding from our past successful demonstration of UV sensors and MOSFET circuits on the same substrate, we will develop fabrication processes and capabilities to design and integrate SiC pn-junction photodiodes and low-voltage MOSFET devices with the required small dimensions. To our knowledge, this represents the first program to scale SiC optoelectronic circuits to such feature size restrictions; particularly, a 1μm MOSFET gate length and submicron margins for layer overlaps. Scaling monolithically-integrated sensors and transistors to submicron feature sizes advances the SiC technology state-of-the-art. We plan to extend our process flow and device designs to use a semiconductor reduction stepper during fabrication to enable submicron features. We will demonstrate single pn-junction photodiodes, photodiodes with MOSFETs in the 3-transistor pixel architecture, and arrays of both these structures. We will deliver a 32 x 32 passive array and a 4 x 4 active array that contains SiC MOSFETs as well as photodiodes. This effort lays the groundwork for developing a megapixel array in a future Phase II or related program. We will further design planar SiC avalanche photodiodes and planar APD arrays, as the initial step to monolithically integrating APDs with their readout electronics and therefore obtain a high-temperature-operation-capable detector, sensitive to extremely low illumination levels. The entire design and fabrication will be performed in the United States, and using CoolCAD's patent pending fabrication processes."
790,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-9829 ,Predictor of Airport Runway Capacity (PARC),"Estimates of arrival and departure capacities of individual airport runways are used to predict occurrences of demand-capacity imbalance, and to meter arrivals and departures to balance runway demand with capacity. Inaccurate estimates incorrectly identify demand-capacity, imbalance time periods and metering solutions; resulting in underutilized runways or excessive traffic congestion. Accurate predictions enable maximizing airport and flight efficiency. The Predictor of Airport Runway Capacity (PARC) forecasts the future capacities of individual airport runways under specified operating conditions and a time horizon. PARC uses historical operations data to create and update statistical Bayesian network (BN) models of inter-aircraft spacing, accounting for influencing factors. The BN models are used in Monte-Carlo simulations of airport runway traffic to predict their arrival and departure capacities for the specified operating conditions and scheduled traffic. Traffic managers use PARC's capacity estimates to implement metering programs to efficiently balance runway demand with capacity. For example, forecast weather proximate to Charlotte-Douglas International Airport (CLT) will change the prevailing wind direction, ceiling, and Runway Visual Range (RVR), requiring changing the airport runway configuration from South Flow to North Flow and the operational flight rules from visual to marginal. Traffic planners want to know if these changes will cause excessive traffic congestion warranting implementation of a departure metering program. PARC determines that the number of scheduled departures will exceed capacity on runway 36C under the forecasted runway configuration, visibility, and traffic conditions. The traffic planners implement metering of runway 36C departures using PARC's runway capacity estimate. Because the estimated runway capacity is accurate, metering neither starves the runways of flights nor creates excessive runway departure queues."
818,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.08-9629 ,"Fast Response, Fiber-Optic Micromachined Five-Hole Probe for Three-Dimensional Flow Measurements in Harsh Environments","The Interdisciplinary Consulting Corporation (IC2) proposes the development of a fiber-optic, micromachined five-hole probe for three-dimensional flow measurements in harsh environments. The goal of this research is to develop a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based, optical probe capable of significantly improved performance compared to existing available sensors, by enabling faster response time, higher bandwidth transduction and increased angular measurement range while reducing sensor power requirements. The proposed technology offers these benefits in a compact, high-temperature capable package, extending past successes in fiber-optic, micromachined pressure sensing technology. Specifically, this sensor technology will be developed to address NASAs objective to develop innovative tools and technologies that can be applied in NASA?s ground-based test facilities to revolutionize wind tunnel testing and measurement capabilities and improve utilization and efficiency as per subtopic A1.08 Aeronautics Ground Test and Measurements Technologies of the NASA FY 2017 SBIR/STTR Solicitation."
840,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.02-9654 ,"High Channel Count, High Density Microphone Arrays for Wind Tunnel Environments","The Interdisciplinary Consulting Corporation (IC2) proposes the development of high channel count, high density, reduced cost per channel, directional microphone arrays for noise source measurement using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based piezoelectric microphones with backside contacts and advanced packaging technology. The goal of this research is to develop an advanced phased-array technology to revolutionize array measurement capabilities through increases in array density and channel count while easing installation into wind-tunnels and significantly reducing cost per channel. Specifically, this array technology will be developed to address NASA?s needs for acoustic and relevant flow field measurement methods for subsonic, transonic and supersonic vehicles targeted specifically at airframe noise sources and the noise sources due to the aerodynamic and acoustic interaction of airframe and engines, as per Subtopic A1.02 Quiet Performance - Airframe Noise Reduction of the NASA FY 2017 SBIR/STTR Solicitation. This work is aimed at meeting the aerospace industrys need for economically viable array technology that meets required metrics."
829,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-9645 ,A Fully Automated Mesh Generation Tool,"This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a fully automated mesh generation tool which contains two parts: surface mesh generation from the imported Computer Aided Design (CAD) models and volume mesh generation from the generated surface mesh. It is well known that CAD geometry models constructed for manufacturing purposes are generally not directly useable by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Currently it usually takes several weeks to repair and defeature CAD models for surface mesh generation. The proposed effort aims to alleviate this issue by replacing the tedious CAD-fixing process with the fully automated level set approach. After obtaining high-quality surface mesh, the proposed mesh generation tool further generates high-quality volume mesh with mixed elements, taking advantages of the Cartesian cells away from the surfaces and semi-structured cells next to the surfaces. The resolution requirement is satisfied with local refinement capability."
777,Human Exploration and Operations,KSC,2017,H10.02-8588,Inflatable capsule recovery raft using OTS pontoons and other components,"The objective of the proposed innovation is to research and study the feasibility of using pontoons (based on Off the Shelf (OTS) equipment) to make an inflatable raft that will support a water-landed space capsule. The advantages of this approach over traditional methods are: 1) Provides stable platform to open hatch for Flight Crew access/egress in less than 1 hour from the time the recovery vessel reaches the capsule, 2) Does not drive an increase in flight weight of capsule, 3) Protects the capsule during handling and loading operations, 4) Can be deployed from different types of vessels, 5) Allows for launch and recovery from support vessels with Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC) or Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat (RHIBs), 6) Minimizes operations in turbulent wake zone of ship, 7) Raft draws very little water, 8)Transports on standard commercial carriers in deflated and stowed condition, 9) Minimal pre-op set-up time on recovery vessel, 10) Based on existing technologies resulting in low technical and operational risks."
810,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-9077 ,In-Flight Measurements of Unsteady Pressure using Fast PSP,"Flight research is a critical element for the validation of ground test measurements and the maturation of new technology. Experimental measurement systems that offer fast response, high accuracy and reliability, and require minimal modification of the flight vehicle are needed to conduct flight research more effectively. There have recently been significant advances in the use of one such technology, fast responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint. Fast PSP offers a means of acquiring unsteady pressure data at millions of locations on a model surface, a capability that has recently been demonstrated in large transonic wind tunnels such as AEDC 16T, the Ames 11-foot, and Langley 14X22. Demonstration of this measurement technique in flight testing is the goal of this proposal. Use of the fast PSP system in flight involves, applying a polymer paint to the region of interest, illuminating the paint with 400-nm lighting, and then imaging the paint with a fast framing camera. Each pixel on the camera acts as a pressure tap, and therefore, continuous distributions of the unsteady pressure on the painted surface are acquired. While optical access to the region of interest is required, there are key fluid structures on the top surface of a wing, such as shock boundary layer interactions and wing buffet, that are easily viewed from the passenger compartment of a plane. ISSI, in collaboration with Calspan, propose a demonstrating unsteady pressure measurements on a shock wave boundary layer interaction on the top surface of the Calspan Gulfstream G-III wing in-flight using fast PSP. By combining ISSI experience with fast PSP and Calspans existing flight test capability, a successful program is anticipated. During Phase II, we anticipate packaging the fast PSP system for deployment to the NASA flight test bed aircraft, specifically the SCRAT program, and repackaging the system for use in regions with limited optical access, such as the landing bay, to study cavity acoustics."
579,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.03-9659 ,Linear Acoustic Nuclear Conversion Engine (LANCE),"Nirvana Energy Systems (NES) has pioneered and is commercializing an innovative ThermoAcoustic Power Stick (TAPS), partially based on technology developed by Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and NASA. NES has demonstrated and is building a 1 kW TAPS for use in remote power applications where reliability for 15+ years is of paramount importance. Moreover, NES is developing the Thermoacoustic Radioisotope Generator (TRG), a 300 W Radioisotope Power System (RPS), under the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program for NASA based on TAPS technology. The novel TAPS technology has no hot moving parts and incorporates well proven, reliable linear motors and alternators in an engine based on the Stirling cycle. NES has designed, optimized, built and tested all sub-systems for reliability, ease of manufacturing and cost reduction over currently available Stirling engines. The TRG is a 300 W tunable power thermoacoustic device which is insensitive to radioisotope heat degradation, capable of 20+ years continuous operation, is inexpensive to manufacture using well established methods, and yields greater than 25% thermal to electrical efficiency all while being designed for a convertor specific power greater than 30 W/kg and anticipated system specific power near 10 W/kg. The TRG will serve as the foundation for the Linear Acoustic Nuclear Conversion Engine (LANCE), which will satisfy all of the Z1.03 solicitation requirements, as a robust and redundant 10 kW tunable power supply, representing the ultimate in remote power devices and the next step in reliable dynamic power conversion for space."
644,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-9989 ,Pre-collimator Chemical Milling for X-ray Telescopes,"Combining Chemical Milling with wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), Mindrum Precision will build a precollimator (PC) faster and more cost effective than current methods.<l><l>Space-based x-ray telescopes currently involve the use of a PC to shield the optics from stray light. Each PC requires extensive build time from highly skilled technicians. The PC cylindrical aluminum ribs (or blades) are individually attached to alignment frames. This hands-on ""place/weld/measure and repeat"" process is ineffective for the thousands of ribs. Build times have exceeded a year, and sometimes the PC still failed to perform. Some telescopes scrap the PC early to avoid these complications and accept the limitations in performance.<l><l>Eliminating the hands-on time with CNC unattended wire EDM automates the build, but can't reach the thin walls required. Chemical milling of this large, complex structure is an innovation which will bring fast and affordable PC to market. <l><l>Current chemical milling uses HF and HNO3 acids to etch thin films of Titanium. However, etching is traditionally done on thin sheets. Mindrum Precision process will investigate etching of this complex material. New concentration levels, etch times, and agitation methods will be explored to achieve a uniform etch along the entire length of the numerous 3"" slots. <l><l>Mindrum Precision will combine wire EDM with Chemical Milling to rapidly make affordable precollimators for future telescopes."
795,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8717 ,Aircraft Icing Hazard Management LIDAR for Take-off and Landing Safety,"There is a need for technologies focused on increasing the efficiency and safety of UAV operations for the first and last 50 feet, and under diverse weather conditions. UAV's are not typically equipped for icing avoidance and many have been lost close to airports when encountering icing hazards or un-forecasted weather conditions. Current aircraft weather radars that operate at X-band (8-12 GHz) have limited or no ability to help pilots detect and quantify icing potential due to atmospheric attenuation. Use of 3D LIDAR technology for ice and snow avoidance could significantly expand the mission envelope of aircraft and UAV's during cold weather operations. <l><l>IDI is proposing development of a multi-channel 3D LIDAR that will identify low altitude cloud layers - as well as provide runway surface hazard information for UAV's. Unique wavelengths are chosen to identify both cloud moisture content and runway surface contaminates (ice, water, snow, slush) within the local surroundings of the aircraft. During the Phase I IDI will demonstrate a 3D scanning LIDAR in the icing chamber with multiple wavelengths and multiple channels. The LIDAR design will be optimized and packaged to meet the desired range and accuracy requirements during the Phase 2 program."
602,Science,JPL,2017,S4.02-9693 ,Europa Drum Sampler (EDuS),"The main objective of the proposed work is to develop a robust and effective sample acquisition system for the Europa lander called the Europa Drum Sampler (EDuS). The proposed drum sampling system is based on a terrestrial roadheader design and includes a Thwacker that generates percussive vibrations during rotary excavation. <l><l>All components will be designed to withstand Dry Heat Microbial Reduction as well as Planetary Protection requirements. The EDuS' structural components include a support boom, a buffer plate, and a cutter head. The support boom is hollow and its position and length can be adjusted depending on the required excavation depth and volume on the lander. For launch, the boom will be compressed and then spring-extended upon landing. A spring loaded boom has an added advantage of mitigating Thwacker vibrations to the Robotic Arm. The buffer plate is also a structural member whose main purpose is to prevent chips from falling out. <l><l>The cuter head is the central part of the system. The cutter head has been designed in the shape of a typical cylindrical pressure vessel. The teeth are placed on all rotating surfaces, including the convex sides. This shape can deal with a range of surface topographies from flat to very jagged. The teeth are very sharp to reduce cutting forces and are made of carbide to increase longevity. The cutter head also includes a ring of teeth which make up the Thwacker Ratchet. Thwacking will reduce cutting forces and aid in sample delivery."
604,Science,JPL,2017,S4.02-8511 ,SLUSH: Europa Hybrid Deep Drill,"There are at least two fundamental design approaches one could use when trying to penetrate the icy shell on Europa and other planetary bodies: a melt probe and an electro-mechanical drill. <l><l>A melt probe uses a hot point to melt through ice and penetrate downward. In this regard, it is a very simple approach - it requires a heat source. However, the power required to melt 50-110K ice is 10s of kW, of which 90% is lost into the surrounding ice. In addition, melt probes will not penetrate anything else but ice, and if the heat is provided by integrated RTGs, the probe will overheat and melt if the conductive properties of ice change (e.g. if ice becomes porous, it will become a very good insulator). <l>The electro-mechanical approach is an order of magnitude more energy efficient than a melt probe. However, the drill needs to get rid of the cuttings it is generating. The drill can also freeze in-place if it encounters any liquid water. Numerous drills deployed in Antarctica, for example, froze in-place while drilling down the borehole, because ice tuned into liquid water at the cutter-ice interface. <l><l>We therefore propose a Hybrid approach that takes the best of both worlds and reduces risks posed by each of the options above. SLUSH is a hot-point electro-mechanical drill that cuts through ice using rotary-percussive action, and melts chips with its hot bit to form slush. The slush moves up the hole where it refreezes behind the drill. SLUSH is approximately 14 cm in diameter and 2.5 m long.<l><l>Because SLUSH uses mechanical action to break ice, it is significantly faster than a melt probe and also significantly more efficient, since slush does not have as much time to loose heat into the surrounding ice. Since SLUSH uses a hammer drill, it can also penetrate material with a significant fraction of insoluble material (e.g. silt). <l>An added benefit of SLUSH is that science instruments can draw liquid directly from the outside for analysis."
599,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-8391 ,"+500C Hi-Rel Rad Hard, Rugged Modulator","Chronos Technology, proposes to deliver a comprehensive, and conceptually validated feasibility study (in Phase I) for a novel compact, rugged, stable, low power, radiation hardened +500 degrees C radio frequency modulator (HTMX). The modulator would be a subsection of a transmitter used in extreme high temperature and rad-hard space applications such as in-situ atmospheric and surface explorations in the high-temperature high-pressure environment at the Venusian surface (485C, 95 atmospheres). Our intent is to complete the phase 1 study and deliver a design roadmap to the implementation and fabrication of the design in Phase 2. The proposed modulator feasibility study would also address the packaging aspect of the HTMX, its miniaturization and manufacturing processes and guidelines to facilitate reliable and repeatable device fabrication and its full adaptation to mission deployment. Our proposed solution offers compelling features such as a rugged package that would withstand atmospheric pressure in excess of 95 bar ambient pressure at +500 degrees C. The design and analysis of the HTMX configuration would include frequency scalable output, and commercially available compact package footprints. Since any hot planet lander system requires reliable communication, the frequency tolerance for HTMX will be optimized to enable reliable transmission fidelity for the Venusians in-situ surface exploration. The underlying objective in evaluating the different modulation schemes is to keep the approach simple. keeping it simple will positively impact the reliability and the eventual TRL of the proposed solution. Considering the harsh operating environment and the limited operating life for the system, we focus on a simple and reliable frequency modulation scheme. Our approach will also enable very efficient adaptation of the design to ASK (amplitude shift key) modulation as well.HTMX in itself would include other side benefit of a reliable and stable rad-hard clock source."
760,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H3.02-9612 ,"Micro-Electro-Analytical Sensor for Sensitive, Selective and Rapid Monitoring of Hydrazine in the Presence of Ammonia","Hydrazine, a volatile and flammable colorless liquid, is classified as a carcinogen by the US Environmental Protection Agency. It can cause chromosome aberrations and negatively affect the lungs, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, and central nervous system. NASA's existing hydrazine measurement technology is sensitive, selective and reliable, but it takes 15 minutes to collect and analyze a sample. For future missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, NASA will need a measurement system that responds within 30 seconds without any performance limitations such as lack of specificity and maintenance challenges. To address NASA needs, InnoSense LLC (ISL) proposes to develop micro-electro-analytical sensor for rapid monitoring of hydrazine (Micro-Zin) in the presence of ammonia in spacecraft cabin atmosphere (SCA) for long-term performance without maintenance. Micro-Zin builds on ISL's nanomaterial-based sensor technology and electronic data processing systems. In Phase I, ISL will design and fabricate a Micro-Zin working model. To establish feasibility, we will characterize Micro-Zin's sensitivity, selectivity, response time, and reliability. In Phase II, we will optimize sensor performance with an appropriate prototype."
708,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.04-9007 ,"Row Column Phased Array Architecture for Low Cost, Low Profile Millimeter Wave Phased Array Antennas","There is high demand for electronically steered antennas particularly at millimeter wavelengths. However, the cost to develop and procure this type of antenna prohibits this technology from widespread use. The proposed innovation substantially reduces the control complexity of phased arrays by reducing the control set from MxN phase controls to M+N phase controls where M and N represent the number of rows and columns in the phased array. By reducing the control complexity, not only are the phased array devices simplified, but the control distribution network is substantially reduced. This simplification ripples across the entire phased array to improve physical integration and thermal management which often cost as much as the phased array components. This is particularly important for high frequency antennas where unit cell sizes become a significant impediment to system implementation. Another limitation in state of the art phased arrays are the conventional planar radiators that are easily integrated. A three-dimensional radiator and manufacturing technology is baselined to enhance the bandwidth and performance of millimeter wave phased array antennas. This combination enables significant opportunities to support multifunction operation."
718,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8737 ,Ultra-narrow bandpass filters for long range optical telecommunications at 1064nm and 1550nm,"Ultra-narrow bandpass filters with high off-band rejection are needed to maximize signal to noise for free space communications. Omega Optical is developing NIR filters with less than 1 nm bandwidths, which are thermally stable, and provide high rejection of adjacent communication channels. This program will address advancing these filters from a technology readiness level (TRL) of 3 to TRL 5. Development focus will address the manufacturing, materials, and characterization issues needed for space qualification."
557,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.01-8440 ,In-Situ Sensing of Additive Manufacturing Process for safety-Critical Aerospace Applications,"Certification of fabricated components is an important subject in AM research. Adequate quality inspection of finished parts is challenging and non-destructive-techniques are often difficult to realize. The development of an online in-situ sensing is vital for component qualification and certification. The proposed project will support the goals of ICME through the development of an in situ monitoring system for AM. The system will enable the operator to monitor quality of an AM job online and assess quality of the finished part. The system consists of two major developments in hardware and software. The first development is the design of a complete sensor setup. Sensors ensure a high-quality measurement of melt pool and as-spread/as-processed layer surfaces. Open-source control software will transfer sensing-data at high sample rates sufficient for process monitoring. The second development is the data analysis system to translate and visualize measured sensor values in the format of interpretable process quality images. The visualization is accomplished by a mapping algorithm, which transfers measurements from a time-domain into a position-domain representation. The processed data will feed into ICME tool to predict the void formation, residual stress, damage, oxidation, and other anomalies."
577,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.01-9866,Modeling Turbulence Effects in Cryogenic Propellant Tank Thermal Management,"Control and management of cryogenic propellant tank pressures in low gravity is an important technical challenge to overcome for future long duration space missions. Advanced techniques such as thermodynamic vent systems (TVS) are currently being designed for low-gravity space systems, and advanced computational tools are required to analyze the complex multi-phase physics involved. The proposed effort extends computational fluid dynamics capabilities to consider the behavior and effects of turbulence on heat/mass transfer at the tank gas/liquid interface and dispersed-phase droplet vaporization. Model extensions to fundamental kinetics-based mass transfer models are investigated for application to cryogenic systems. The methodology will be tested with the CRUNCH CFD code which incorporates real-fluid equations-of-state for cryogenic fluid mixtures with rigorous fluid property definitions, and an advanced dispersed phase spray model that permits non-equilibrium mass, drag, and heat transfer with the surrounding continuum fluid. The models improvements will be readily transferable to alternate codes and support unsteady RANS simulations in an Eulerian-based gas/liquid framework. This technology will support cryogenic system analysis for long duration space exploration activities."
835,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9836 ,A Software Toolkit to Accelerate Emission Predictions for Turboelectric/Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion,"Electric propulsion represents an attractive path for reducing overall emissions. For larger commercial aircrafts operating in the mega-watt range, power turboelectric and hybrid electric aircraft propulsion will continue to rely on gas turbine engines/generators to provide part of the thrust, charging batteries and driving generators. As a result, reduction of emissions such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx) remains a key concern. The innovation proposed is a software toolkit supporting high-fidelity yet computationally-tractable predictions of NOx emissions and other pollutants in gas-turbine engines/generators within the context of unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. A well-known difficulty limiting the accurate prediction of NOx levels in turbulent flames is related to the fact that NOx production can evolve through several different chemical pathways characterized by drastically different time scales. In this regard, the overall objective of the proposed SBIR program is to develop and implement an accurate modeling extension to CRAFT Tech?s parameterized LEM-CF turbulent combustion modeling framework to address pollutant formation such as NOx in a computationally-tractable manner and by capturing the relevant characteristic chemical time scales. The Phase I effort is intended to build the foundation of the proposed software toolkit by addressing the feasibility of the key attributes of predictive accuracy, computational efficiency, software portability and general applicability."
534,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-9874 ,Radiation Hardened High Speed Integrated Circuits Double Data Rate I/O for Extreme Operating Environments,"Manned and robotic space missions require high-performance electronic control systems capable of operating for extended periods in harsh environments that are subject to radiation, extreme temperatures, vibration and shock. Semiconductor technologies capable of meeting these demanding requirements tend to have limited capabilities, are expensive, and are not easily configured for specific mission requirements. Leading-edge applications will benefit from the ability to implement high speed interconnect protocols between host processors and system slaves, such as sensors, actuators, power managers, imagers and transceivers. The development of a Radiation Hardened Double Data Rate (DDR) embedded macro is proposed for insertion into digital integrated circuits (ICs) suitable for scalable single and multi-core processors, special purpose logic functions and scalable memory blocks on a space-qualified, radiation hardened integrated circuit digital fabric. A NASA-funded Structured ASIC architecture is under development at Micro-RDC, capable of meeting space-grade requirements while creating a cost-effective, quick-turn development environment. The SASIC fabric will implement known Radiation-Hardened-By-Design (RHBD) techniques on an advanced 32nm Silicon on Insulator (SOI) CMOS process, supporting high-density, high-speed low-power implementations. A unique Master Tile architecture with through-seal-ring connections allows the designer to define dedicated logic functions, scalable memory blocks and user-defined I/Os; all on a single, scalable integrated circuit. The 32nm SOI CMOS process technology platform incorporates RHBD building-blocks (e.g. flip-flops, gates, distributed memory, block memory, I/O) required for the systems designer to implement functional blocks for application-specific requirements. During this project, key blocks for a DDR3 macro will be specified and evaluated for optimum inclusion into the Micro-RDC SASIC."
608,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.08-9859 ,"Miniaturized Spacecraft Platform for Command, Data Handling and Electronics","Microelectronics Research Development Corporation (Micro RDC) proposes to develop a platform of low mass/volume/power, reliable miniaturized electronic modules that can be easily configured for multi-functionality. The miniaturized module platform, comprised of reduced set of circuit boards, will be structured for easy configuration of spacecraft systems to provide reliable, low-power solutions for operation in harsh space environments. Each miniaturized module will be designed using a minimum number of components, thus reducing mass, volume and power, while increasing system reliability. The miniaturized modules will be designed using compact System on Chip (SoC) Radiation-Hardened-By-Design (RHBD) configurable digital Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) containing multi-core processors, static memory and built-in house-keeping logic, non-volatile memory and various interface components (Analog to Digital Converters, Digital to Analog Converters and other analog elements). This platform will leverage off of development work recently completed under a contract between Micro-RDC and the U.S. Air Force, where a 90nm CMOS RHBD configurable digital ASIC development platform was invented, developed and verified to produce Qualified Manufacturing Line (QML) qualified RHBD configurable digital ASICs. This digital ASIC development platform allows systems developers access to higher performance RHBD ASICs at lower cost than previous ASIC solutions. Miniaturized, advanced technology, multi-functional circuit board modules will enable satellite systems designers to develop lower cost system solutions for the common, present and future needs of spacecraft operating in harsh space environments, providing lower mass, lower volume and lower power solutions."
637,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-8986 ,"Long Life, Catalytic Advanced Green Monopropellant Thrusters","Sienna Technologies, Inc, proposes to develop a robust, long life, catalytically ignited thruster that can perform multiple cold starts at low preheat temperatures (<<425?C) using high performance green AF-M315E monopropellant that can provide a range of mission specific thrust levels for NASA SMD's sample return missions. In Phase I we will improve upon Sienna's industry leading SSC-111 catalyst and demonstrate its multiple cold start capability at low preheat temperatures (well below state-of-the-art 425?C) in sea-level laboratory tests."
699,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-9205 ,Compact Integrated DBR Laser Source for Absorption Lidar Instruments,"We propose to demonstrate a compact integrated laser module that addresses the requirements of the laser source in a water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system at the 935nm absorption wavelength. Our approach, with the development of the high performance DBR laser diode and the engineering of compact integration technology, will provide narrow linewidth and high power laser modules for numerous Lidar applications with the advantages of reduced size, weight and power (SWaP). <l><l>Under this Phase I SBIR we propose to design and fabrication the EPI material and the DBR lasers with a high gain compressive-strained single quantum well (QW) structure, based on Photodigm's proprietary single growth epi, precision gain ridges, and monolithic grating process. We would develop an integrated module that is optically isolated and fiber coupled by investigating the custom build optical isolators of the operating wavelength and designing a compact, hermetic package to achieve high reliability and manufacturability. <l><l>Continuing device engineering such as extended mode hop mounting, micro lens beam shaping and package space qualification are expected to be incorporated with this device family under Phase II of this SBIR program."
512,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.05-9429 ,Milliarcsecond Small Spacecraft Attitude Control System,"Busek proposes to develop a highly modular attitude control system (ACS) which will provide orders of magnitude improvements over state-of-the-art alternative ACS for CubeSats. The low inertia of CubeSats combined with vibrational disturbances and resolution limitations of state-of-the-art ACS presently limit body-pointing and position control accuracy. Busek's electrospray thrusters aboard the ESA LISA Pathfinder spacecraft recently demonstrated precision control at nm scales; this work extends that success to CubeSat platforms. Passively fed electrospray thrusters are highly compact, including fully integrated propellant supplies, and are capable of ~100nN thrust at 10's of nN noise. Thrust can be throttled over >25x, to a scalable maximum of 10's of uN. These traits, combined with >1200s Isp enable these systems to replace traditional reaction wheel ACS; improving pointing error from arcsecs to 10's of milliarcsec. This work addresses critical development gaps, in both thruster-heads and a multi-axis power processing unit with integrated firmware, presently gating the technology. Phase I will focus on establishing a baseline set of data and methodologies permitting detailed verification of the technology and definition of development gaps. The output of existing designs will be scaled to target ACS applicable performance in Task 1, culminating in assembly of two thrusters. A precisely measured performance map including thrust range, resolution and noise will be measured in Task 2 from both thruster heads. Those data will permit PPU system requirements to be defined and will feed development of control laws to be evaluated, in Task 3, using a hardware-in-the-loop precision pointing test apparatus. Electronics requirements will be assessed against existing single-axis architectures and new HV converter measurements in Task 4, along with identification of thruster head development needs; establishing a path towards a full system development in Phase II."
619,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-9428 ,Versatile Attitude Control Actuators for Sub-Milliarcsecond Precision Pointing,"Growing scientific and practical needs exist for precision spacecraft pointing at milliarcsec (mas) levels. Present state-of-the-art reaction wheels, or similar, actuators introduce vibrational jitter and can ultimately drive pointing error. Busek electrospray thrusters aboard the ESA LISA Pathfinder mission have recently demonstrated nm scale position control. The proposed system will provide vibration-free sub-mas pointing control through integration of follow-on innovations and new deployable boom technologies. Recent thruster innovations have dramatically increased maximum thrust, while retaining control resolution, and reduced propellant loads through increased specific impulse. These gains will be applied in this work to replace reaction wheel actuators for both precision control and slew maneuvers. Accordingly, actuator induced vibrations are virtually eliminated while body pointing will be dramatically improved; resulting in major reductions in ACS SWaP and in the complexity of vibration compensating controllers/active sensors. With applications to, for example, observation and laser communication missions these benefits would both enable high-capability but reduced cost spacecraft and pave the way for new, presently, unobtainable levels of control authority on large spacecraft. Phase I will emphasize acquisition and analysis of precision thrust control measurements using the BET-1mN thruster-head which, uniquely, can be operated in either a high thrust, low Isp, or low thrust, high Isp configuration. The associated complex performance map will be analyzed in the context of highly quiescent ACS needs. These data will then be applied to define necessary control, circuitry and mechanical requirements needed to realize the full-attitude control potential of the technology. A conceptual system level design performed in collaboration with ROCCOR will outline strategies to overcome required developments and produce a complete system demonstration in Phase II."
623,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-9426 ,A Universal High Efficiency Modular Discharge Over a Wide Input/Output Voltage Range for Hall Thruster Power Processing Unit,"Busek proposes a novel, universal, modular, 2.5kW discharge converter for Hall Effect thruster (HET) Power Processing Unit (PPU). The unique advantages of the proposed system include:(1) a wide input voltage range (28V to 100V) with a wide output voltage (150V to 400V) while maintaining high efficiency operation. Therefore, it provides a universal solution for aerospace systems with different bus voltages. (2) this modular converter will be capable of input-parallel output-series (IPOS) operation to support higher output voltage (800V-1200V or higher) and input-parallel output-parallel (IPOP) operation to support higher output power (20kW or higher). An intelligent ""plug-n-play"" power sharing and voltage balancing control is proposed to support the IPOS and IPOP operations. (3) the proposed converter adopts a soft-switching DC/DC topology using the advanced GaN power MOSFETs to enable high efficiency with high switching frequency operation, which leads to significant size reduction of magnetics and other passive components to push for high power density design. The targeting power density for single module is more than 1kW/kg.<l>The Phase I effort includes design and analysis of modular discharge converter with the GaN power MOSFETs and the ""plug-n-play"" power sharing and voltage balancing control system to support IPOS and IPOP operation. The bread board will use COTS EEE parts. Its testing will validate the performance over the wide input/output voltage range. Two modules will verify IPOS and IPOP operation. The initial system integration test with Busek HET will also be conducted.<l>In Phase II we will fully characterize the breadboard discharge converter with a thruster and develop a proto-flight brass-board level unit with multiple discharger modules using GaN devices. At the conclusion of Phase II we will build and deliver several discharger modules to NASA for additional characterization testing."
635,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9225 ,Ultra-Compact Center-Mounted Hollow Cathodes for Hall Effect Thrusters,"The proposed innovation is a long lifetime, compact hollow cathode that can be mounted along the axis of a 600 W-class Hall effect thruster. Testing at kilowatt power levels and above has shown that the thruster axis is the optimal position for thruster throttling and plume divergence. It also minimizes the impact of background conditions upon ground based performance measurements, reducing programmatic and technical risk to the end user. The proposed compact cathode will extend these benefits to low power Hall thrusters. The cathode will be compatible with iodine as well as with noble gases. <l>Hollow cathodes are a critical, life-limiting component for Hall effect thrusters and gridded ion engines. Failure mechanisms include degradation, poisoning and evaporation of the electron emitter, keeper and emitter tube orifice erosion, and heater failure. To achieve >10,000 hr lifetime, compact cathode will use a hexaboride (LaB6 or CeB6) electron emitter. Hexaborides degrade more slowly than state-of-the-art barium oxide impregnated tungsten emitters at equivalent current densities. Hexaborides are also resistant to contamination from oxygen and other impurities. The cathode also includes a new, high temperature heater. To minimize keeper and orifice erosion, the design will be optimized through testing and plasma measurements.<l>In Phase I, Busek shall design, built and test the compact cathode. The plasma plume will be interrogated with an emissive probe to determine spot and plume mode operating regimes on xenon and iodine. An integrated cathode-thruster test will also be performed to determine the cathode's performance with a thruster. The Phase II test program will include duration testing of the cathode and thruster-cathode system with a fully modified BHT-600, thermal cycling and plasma modeling. At the end of Phase II a cathode will be delivered to NASA for testing with a 600W-class Hall thruster."
544,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.01-8677 ,Small Form Factor RFID Applicator,"The proposed development of a small form factor Astrobee dedicated RFID label applicator will allow current and future free flying vehicles to place RFID labels assisting in logistics and asset tracking. Metis Technology Solutions proposes the development of an RFID label applicator designed to fulfill the Astrobee operational requirements, payload interface requirements, as well as satisfy JSC PSRP requirements for safety. The unit is designed to have a replaceable cartridge with 100 Alien Technologies ALN-9640 Higgs-3 RFID labels. Operationally the unit is first installed, Astrobee then propels and aligns the vehicle to the target asset/surface to be labeled once there a pitch maneuver aligns the label applicator with the assistance of integrated cameras. The unit then exerts a thrust force on the target as the applicator quickly applies the adhesive backed RFID label. A proof of concept early prototype shall be developed as a Phase I deliverable in conjunction with the findings report. The prototype is to demonstrate the extraction of the RFID label from the adhesive release liner, and transfer to a target surface with sufficient force to apply the label but minimize transient inputs to the Astrobee flight controller."
507,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9883 ,Affordable Small Satellite Launch Vehicle Reaction Control System,"During this Phase I SBIR program Valley Tech Systems, Inc. (VTS) will develop new long duration solid propellant thrust throttling technology for an affordable launch vehicle Reaction Control System (RCS) for small satellite orbital insertion applications. The new affordable RCS propulsion technology provides NASA with accurate launch vehicle upper stage booster Attitude Control, Post Boost satellite Delta-v and accurate orbital insertion thrust using non-toxic and storable solid propulsion. Additionally, the solid propulsion throttling technology features flexible impulse and accurate thrust throttling in a modular constructed architecture for ease of adapting to numerous future NASA launch vehicle applications. The Phase I program will conduct top level system trades, design concept layouts and critical technology testing to yield a smooth and clear transition from the Phase I to a Phase II prototype demonstration program."
648,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-9958 ,"Additively Manufactured, Thermally Stable Telescope Mirror Substrates","This proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of using selective laser melting (SLM) to develop the material composition and the additive manufacturing fabrication process of silicon carbide (SiC) reinforced AlSi10Mg matrix composite (SiC-AMC). ASTS will also demonstrate feasibility that we can customize the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) in the substrate material based upon increasing the percent SiC by weight in the AlSi10Mg base substrate. As we are able to select a specific SiC-to-AlSi10Mg ratio that has a CTE closest to an electrolytic nickel-plating CTE, we can reduce the risk of mirror degradation over time due to CTE mismatch-based stresses. For both beryllium and pure silicon carbide as a mirror substrate, the cost factor and risk is quite high from a schedule perspective due to both these materials being very hard and brittle. Therefore, machining anomalies is a much higher risk than other metal mirror substrate materials. Our additive manufacturing development of SiC-AMC could be a game changer in reducing the fabrication cost and schedule risk for a mirror substrate. Another key technical risk to address is the problem of smoothly and consistently applying the metal powderbed over the SLM build plate. We will demonstrate that we can eliminate practically all voids and porosity in the SiC-AMC by teaming with Plasma Processes, Inc. to create a spheroid SiC powder. By this company developing the technique to produce a SiC-AMC powder product, which will allow ASTS to manage the SiC-to-AlSi10Mg ratio, we can assure a uniform SiC distribution within the aluminum base. Through this demonstration, great confidence can be obtained to continue material development in Phase II, establish additional SiC-AMC material properties at higher ratios of SiC, and develop weight efficient mirror substrate designs that meet NASA?s mission requirements."
661,Science,JPL,2017,S1.11-9802 ,Ocean Life Detection on Alien Worlds,"This proposal is in response to NASA's request for technologies that can enhance the detection of life in alien oceans. As stated in the call, the Technologies for Detection of Extant Life subtopic seeks instruments and component technologies that will enable unambiguous determination of whether extant life is present in target environments on other solar system bodies. Because there is no single measurable signature of life, this will require advances in a variety of areas, from those involving sample processing to the detailed components of chemical and optical instruments. Searches for extant life can take place in a variety of environments, including ocean depths, ice sheets, dry deserts, seasonal flows, or even dense atmospheres; technologies are required for handling samples obtained from any or all of these environments. Preprocessing technologies required for those samples may include separation, concentration, dilution, drying, staining, mixing, and many other common processes for laboratory analysis, but which must be done in a remote, autonomous environment. Tests of whether a given sample contains or indicates the presence of extant life include the full range of microbiological and chemical techniques, but those that do not require the addition of potential biomarkers (e.g., complex organics) as part of the test are preferred. We have spent he past 5 years developing a novel means of capturing and concentrating organic molecules onto specialized graphene surfaces, available for later detailed analysis. The adaptation of this technology could offer a new avenue for the detection of key organic elements in ocean environments that contain many background elemental noise sources."
662,Science,JPL,2017,S1.11-9800 ,Electro-Kinetic Ice Gun for Frozen Ice Plume Simulations,"This proposal evolved as a result of a conversation with a NASA scientist regarding plans for a mission to Europa to seek signs of life based on observed water plume emissions. With Jupiter as a bright light behind the moon, NASA was able to observe Europa in silhouette, and with ultraviolet light saw what appeared to be evidence of the plumes. If plumes exist, this is an exciting find, lead researcher William Sparks said. It means we may be able to explore that ocean, that ocean of Europa, and for organic chemicals, he added. It would allow us to search for signs of life without having to drill through miles of ice. The apparent plumes seem to be mostly around the south pole, Sparks said, although one appears farther north and may be a likelier candidate for a mission. ""We presume it to be water vapor or ice particles because that's what Europa's made of, and those molecules do appear at the wavelengths we observed.<l>In preparation for such a mission, spacecraft will have to pass through dense clouds of ice particulates, which could damage vital instruments. Accordingly, NASA has indicated there is a need for simulating the production of ice in the size range of 50nm up through 2 microns. The NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range was designed to sent solid projectiles for studying the effects of meteorite impacts on celestial bodies and potential micro-meteoroid damage to spacecraft. At the far end of the barrel, a gunpowder explosion is used to compress hydrogen gas to as much as 1 million times atmospheric pressure. The compressed gas gets released and sent down the launch tube, firing a projectile pellet at speeds between 7,000 and 15,000 mph. No ice particulate could survive being subjected to such massive transitory input of kinetic energy. The Ames gun was not designed for accelerating ice projectiles, so a new technology is required. Here is proposed an electrospray ice plume generator, with electrostatic acceleration."
764,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.01-9493 ,Robotic Interface DogTags for Autonomous Habitat Outfitting and Logistics,"One of the key elements of NASA's future human exploration plans is the development of human-tended deep space habitats. These may serve as habitats during transfer from Earth to a destination (the Moon, Mars, etc), or serve as periodically-inhabited orbital bases. For all of these deep-space habitats, especially ones left in orbit around a destination planet or Moon, astronaut time at the habitat will be both infrequent, and very valuable. As such it would be extremely desirable to develop ways to enable robots to outfit the habitat prior to human occupation, and to allow robots to perform maintenance and logistics tasks both when humans are present and when they are not. These robotic interaction aids ideally can serve three purposes: 1) helping robots determine their relative pose and position with respect to the target, and their relative location/pose inside or outside the habitat, 2) identifying what the objects are, especially if the objects are mobile like soft-goods bags, and 3) simplifying physical interactions with the object, including anchoring to and manipulating the object. To enable these types of robotic interactions, Altius proposes the development of a lightweight, low-cost, passive ""DogTag"" robotic interface that can be attached to various habitat structures and objects. The DogTag interface includes: 1) a thin (<0.4mm) ferromagnetic material layer that allows robots with magnetic grippers to stick to the DogTag, 2) a printed on long-range optical fiducial on the DogTag face for allowing the robot to determine relative pose and position of the object even from across a large habitat, 3) an identification code and possibly RFID tag for identifying the object, also on the DogTag face, and 4) methods for attaching the DogTag to the desired object. During Phase I, Altius and team will define requirements, develop and test the optical fiducials and identification codes, and develop conceptual DogTag designs and prototypes, raising the TRL from 2 to 3."
561,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-9104 ,Thermal Insulator for a Venus Lander,"A lander on the surface of Venus is heated by the 460 (C surface temperature, which, even with the best current designs using passive insulation, cause its electronics to fail in much less than a day. Active cooling concepts are not only exceedingly heavy but also exceedingly inefficient. TDA proposes a new insulation for the exterior of the lander that incorporates heat rejection mechanisms that apparently have not been previously considered for the Venus surface. Our insulation will make use of a flexible material that has been recently developed at TDA, and we will compare it to other potential but brittle insulations. Order-of-magnitude calculations suggest that the lifetime of the lander can be extended from hours to days."
571,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z10.03-9105,Novel Sorbent to Remove Radioactive Halogens and Noble Gases from NTP Engine Exhaust,"Solid core Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) has been identified as the advanced propulsion concept which could provide the fastest trip times with fewer Space Launch System (SLS) launches for human missions to Mars. However, current environmental regulations require NTP engine exhaust filtering of radioactive halogens, noble gases and particulates to stay within safe limits. Particularly high efficiency (greater than 99.5%) removal of radioactive halogens, noble gases and vapor phase contaminants is of specific interest to NASA.<l><l>In this SBIR project, TDA Research, Inc. proposes to develop a novel high capacity sorbent to remove radioactive halogens and noble gases from NTP engine exhaust with an efficiency greater than 99.5%. This sorbent will be part of an effluent scrubber system, which initially cools the hot hydrogen exhaust with a water spray, and then further cools it and removes the water in a series of heat exchangers. In Phase I, we will prepare the sorbent and demonstrate its ability to selectively remove radioactive halogens and noble gases under simulated NTP engine exhaust conditions. Based on the performance results, we will carry out a preliminary design of the scrubbing system for NTP engine exhaust and estimate its size and cost."
758,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.03-9108 ,Spacecraft Cabin Air CO2 Recovery,"An advanced Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) for long duration manned space missions ?such as planetary flight missions or planetary bases- requires an almost complete closure of all relevant material loops. Energy efficient carbon dioxide (CO2) removal and reduction systems are critical to reducing the power consumption of the spacecraft atmosphere revitalization systems. <l><l>TDA proposes to develop a rapidly cycling vacuum-assisted thermal swing adsorption (VTSA) system to remove CO2 from cabin air and concentrate it for subsequent reduction and pressurization. Our unique sorbent exhibits one of the highest capacities reported for CO2 adsorption at very low CO2 partial pressures (1-3 torr CO2 partial pressure range). The low heat of adsorption of CO2 on the sorbent and the relatively low heat input needed to desorb the CO2 across a small temperature differential during regeneration will reduce the power requirement for the process. The new material is also highly tolerant to moisture. <l><l>In Phase I, we will prepare the sorbent and demonstrate its ability in selectively removing CO2 from air under representative conditions. The technology readiness level (TRL) will be elevated to 3 at the end of Phase I. We will also complete the detailed design of the VTSA reactor. In Phase II, we will build a high fidelity prototype assembly and demonstrate the concept at full-scale, elevating the TRL to 5."
776,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2017,H10.03-9107,H2/He Separation System,"NASA uses an estimated 75 million standard cubic feet of helium (approximately $5M worth) each year for safely purging hydrogen systems before filling and after discharging, and while leak checking, pressurizing lines and blanketing liquid hydrogen storage tanks. Despite its expense, there is no substitute for helium in most of these applications because of its extremely low boiling point and unique chemical inertness. The price of helium is expected to increase as reserves are drawn down. In addition to helium, the high supply costs and limited availability of hydrogen fuel also requires its conservation. While it is not as expensive as helium and is more abundant, the transport of hydrogen is still costly and poses a great environmental risk due its flammability and highly reactive nature. Therefore, an efficient way to separate the He/H2 from NASA?s purge streams and recover both the helium and hydrogen in a pure form is critical to reduce cost of operations and to reduce risks. In Phase I we will synthesize and optimize a new sorbent and develop a process and cycle scheme that will allow us to achieve the target helium and hydrogen purities with low energy consumption."
783,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H1.01-9111 ,ISRU CO2 Recovery,"Human exploration of Mars and unmanned sample return missions can benefit greatly from the resources available on Mars. The first major step of any Mars in-situ propellant production system is the acquisition of carbon dioxide and its compression for further processing. <l><l>TDA Research Inc. proposes to develop a compact, lightweight, advanced sorbent-based compressor to recover high-pressure, high purity CO2 from the Martian atmosphere. The system eliminates the need for a mechanical pump, increasing the reliability with relatively low power consumption. TDA?s system uses a new, high capacity sorbent that selectively adsorbs CO2 at 0.1 psia and regenerates by temperature swing, producing a continuous, high purity CO2 flow at pressure (> 15 psia).<l><l>In the Phase I work, we successfully completed bench-scale proof-of-concept demonstrations, elevating the TRL to 3. In Phase II, we will further optimize the sorbent and scale-up its production using advanced manufacturing techniques such as continuous microwave synthesis. We will carry out multiple adsorption/desorption cycles to demonstrate the sorbent's cycle life. Finally, we will design and fabricate a sub-scale prototype to fully demonstrate the technology under simulated Martian atmospheres (TRL-5); this unit will be sent to NASA for further testing and evaluation."
721,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9770 ,Rodent Centrifuge,"According to the decadal report titled, Life and Physical Sciences Research for a New Era of Space Exploration, a Report, ??the AHB Panel would be remiss if it did not strongly recommend an animal centrifuge capable of accommodating rats/mice at variable gravity levels.? Furthermore, the panel stated, ??research on animal models will be constrained without the ability to manipulate the gravity variable as a factor modulating the fundamental processes underlying organ system homeostasis.? In response, Techshot has proposed to develop a Rodent Centrifuge Facility (RCF-QL) that utilizes four locker locations (Quad Locker) in the EXPRESS Rack for life science research. The counter-balanced centrifuge is designed to provide a facility to allow rats and mice to live and be observed in simulated gravity between 0-1 g for up to 90 days. The RCF-QL provides up to five cages. Each cage can accommodate at least six 30 gram mice, three 200 gram rats, or two 400 gram rats per cage. Each individual cage has ablib food and water, controllable lighting, and video monitoring. The habitat is temperature controlled with constant airflow throughout the cages. Air flow entraps waste in a filter that also treats the waste for bacteria and odor. Additional air filters will remove odors and ammonium from the animal enclosure. The subsystems design will minimize crew time. Each subsystem requiring change-out during the 90 day experiment will be designed to be simple and intuitive in operations. The RCF-QL will be the only facility capable of providing group housing for rats and mice, with a medium diameter centrifuge (20 in., 0.508 m) and a large rotating cage volume (1000 in3, 16,400 cm3 for the cage). All hardware cage features are designed to meet NIH animal care and use standards."
733,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.01-9552 ,Software and Tools for Electronics Printing in Space(STEPS),"We are proposing an to develop a direct write electronics and avionics printing capability within the Techshot BioFabrication Facility currently funded and anticipated to be deliver to the International Space Station in late 2018. We are calling this new system Software and Tools for Electronics Printing in Space or STEPS as it will be another step forward to truly having multimodal digital manufacturing ability in space. Throughout this program we will develop the direct write tools, software and platform to test various combinations of conductive and nonconductive materials for antennas, circuit masks and circuit layouts to prepare to move forward to add pick and place capability and substrate printing to build complete circuit boards and eventually complete 3D circuit structures.<l>Although many of the necessary technologies exist, a key feature in out platform will be a unifying open-source software package. We believe that moving to open-source will broaden the potential user base but will also provide the control, training, security and stability that can only occur when the user community is allowed access to the source code. This is a paradigm shift in the commercial controls world but is readily embraced in the 3D printing world.<l>Now as a dual use system, the BioFabrication Facility plus STEPS will not be limited to crew demands or vehicle availability which may limit biological systems. It will be able to print replacement or upgraded electronics or avionics when it?s not printing tissues. Our end goal is to have enough added capability that the facility will never need to sit idle, space on an exploration vehicle is too valuable."
769,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H12.02-9281,Augmented Reality,"Augmented Reality systems come with many benefits derived by co-locating information with a user's environment through the use of one or more output modalities such as visual, auditory and tactile. In the case of future human spaceflight programs involving deep space missions, the ground operations infrastructure currently utilized for support of LEO missions will be less accessible or unavailable. This will place far higher emphasis on the importance of automated and intelligent tools for tasking, advising, and monitoring autonomous crew activity. Augmented Reality systems will play a key role in achieving crew autonomy. With this fusion of real and virtual perception, however, comes challenges to ensure that the information is presented in a way that the user can effective consume it meet the goals of the situation.<l>The proposed innovation is a configurable and extensible Augmented Reality Adaptable Information Manager (AR-AIM) that provides an infrastructure for integration of disparate sensor inputs, task definitions, consideration factors, prioritization algorithms, and output modalities to achieve adaptive augmented reality. Specifically, it will include a diverse combination of capabilities needed to make user interfaces that dynamically change to increase user precision and reduce stress on the user caused by the system. By being implemented as a reusable library, the AR-AIM controller suite can be leveraged across many systems, use cases, and domains. Features will include:<l><l>- FOV Management<l>- Occlusion Engine <l>- Optimal Text Placement <l>- Complexity Scaling <l>- Multiple Modality Support <l>- Data Interfaces <l>- User Contextual Adaptations<l>- Stress predictor <l>- Multi-user Integration"
831,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-8647 ,HeldenSurface: A CAD Tool to Generate High-Quality Surfaces,"One of the primary shortcomings identified during the NASA sponsored CFD Vision 2030 Study conducted during 2012-2014 was that the generation of meshes suitable for CFD simulations constitutes a principal bottleneck in the workflow process as it requires significant human intervention. CAD simplification and cleanup is one of the most user-intensive steps of the CFD mesh generation process and it is also one of the areas with the least amount of research taking place. The successful completion of this Phase I effort results in a validated method (HeldenSurface) for automatically converting arbitrary geometries (such as a cloud of points, ""dirty"" CAD, or CFD meshes) into a collection of watertight CAD surfaces that are smooth, connected, and split into as few number of surfaces as possible. This represents a critical capability needed to automate the CFD mesh generation process, which is the primary bottleneck in the application of CFD. The development of HeldenSurface would permit the thousands of engineers performing CFD to focus their energies on interpreting results instead of generating meshes."
660,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-8266 ,Proximity Glare Suppression using Carbon Nanotubes,"Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are the darkest material known to man and are an enabling technology for scientific instrumentation of interest to NASA. The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of carbon nanotubes directly onto high quality mirrors for diffraction suppression and stray light control is critical for use reflective nulling coronagraphs. The development of an integrated optical stack for these applications is new technology that has never been demonstrated. Sub-micron controlled patterning of carbon nanotubes for extreme stray light control must be made to be compatible with high reflectivity coatings without degrading the near diffraction limited surface figure on the underlying substrate. The entire optical stack; substrate, reflective coating and carbon nanotube forest, must be able to withstand high power laser pulses without damage and be robust to launch environments. This is critical to missions that require extreme nulling of bright sources adjacent to dim companions. The second component required for a nulling coronagraph is a sharp edge low scatter Lyot stop to block light. Etched silicon has been used as an entrance slit for instruments and have been successfully fabricated and coated with ultra dark nanotubes by proposal team members. The Principal Investigator at Lamba Consulting is a recognized expert in the development of carbon nanotubes, novel mirror substrates and coating technologies for space flight applications and has formulated a plan for fabricating and qualifying demonstration optics including for both a reflected apodization mirror and Lyot stop selectively coated with carbon nanotubes."
770,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H12.01-9189,Protecting cardiomyocytes from mixed fields of radiation by BIO 300,"The cumulative dose of radiation exposure to our astronauts remains one of the limiting roadblocks to longer duration missions in space. Humanetics Corporation (Humanetics) is developing a novel radioprotectant, BIO 300, for use in both clinical radiotherapy and as a radiation countermeasure. BIO 300 is a safe, shelf-stable pharmaceutical which has been shown to mitigate both the acute and delayed effects of radiation exposure. BIO 300 is in advanced stages of clinical development, and is currently being evaluated as a radioprotectant of healthy lung tissue during radiotherapy treatment for non-small cell lung cancer in a Phase I/II trial. One component of developing radioprotectants for space is understanding if the therapy can protect against broad-spectrums of ionizing radiation, rather than just man-made X-Rays. Thus, the objective of this proposal is to examine BIO 300's radioprotective capabilities against mission-relevant doses of neutron/gamma mixed-fields of radiation. Another component of the work proposed here, is to utilize a novel cellular platform of terminally differentiated human cardiomyocytes to investigate degenerative consequences of radiation exposure in a functional human tissue model. Together, these studies will validate the utility of BIO 300 as a countermeasure for extraterrestrial radiation exposures."
700,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-9091 ,AGILE Etalon Filter for Differential Absorption LIDAR,"Modern sensing systems often are required to pick out a very specific wavelength in a sea of other light (such as in daylight), making precise optical filtering a vital part of many sensing systems. Michigan Aerospace Corporation (MAC) plans to design, build and test an agile, frequency-tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer (etalon) for use as an optical filter of background light as part of a Differential Absorption LIDAR (DIAL) system. MAC's extensive history with designing and building rugged etalons for NASA and other customers will be key to this effort. Phase I will involve the design of this specific etalon and the testing of a faster method for precisely tuning it. Phase II will then involve the construction and test of the etalon."
653,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-8716 ,Silica-Silica Mirror Substrate Fabrication Technology,"Mentis Sciences, Inc. Proposes to develop a thin walled Silica-Silica composite that can be used as part of a honeycomb core sandwich panel that will form a mirror substrate that has a low coefficient of thermal expansion that is matched in all directions. <l>The sandwich panel will be manufactured as a quartz polysiloxane composite. Following the cure, organics will be burned out and the system will be backfilled using Tetraethyl orthosilicate as a silica precursor. Following conversion, the resulting silica-silica composite will be suitable for use as a mirror substrate. The resulting product will be an ideal solution for reducing the areal cost of ultraviolet and optical mirror systems while meeting the stringent performance requirements of these systems. The novel manufacturing process used by Mentis will allow for thinner walls than have been used on mirrors in the past, resulting in a lightweight materials solution. During Phase I, Mentis will develop the Silica-Silica manufacturing process, and obtain preliminary modulus, cte and thermal conductivity data. In addition, a top-level feasibility study will be conducted and a small-scale piece of silica-silica honeycomb sandwich panel will be manufactured."
650,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-9674 ,Additive Manufactured Very Light Weight Diamond Turned Aspheric Mirror,"The innovation proposed is a method for the fabrication of a very low cost, very light weight large aperture Al10SiMg aluminum alloy mirror by the combination of three manufacturing processes. 1. Additively manufactured mirror substrates as demonstrated in previous Phase 1 NASA SBIR S2.03-9125 with 0.2 mm contour accuracy. 2. Precision robotic welding of hexagonal on-axis and hexagonal off-axis segments to produce a larger mirror. 3. Large capacity diamond turning can produce any desired mirror aspheric contour to visible tolerances on the monolithic large mirror."
772,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H11.01-9532,RSim: A Simulation Tool Integrating Radiation Codes and CAD.,"It is important to NASA engineers to be able to model radiation effects through very complex vehicle structures. This requires (1) integration of modeling tools with Computer Aided Design (CAD); (2) easy and uniform setup of materials, particles sources and tallies; (3) ability to analyze and validate the results across multiple radiation codes.<l><l>Tech-X will deliver RSim, a across-platform standalone application for radiation modeling. RSim will have a Graphical User Interface that will allow users to perform setup, run and do post-processing for several radiation modeling tools. The setup will include Constructive Solid Geometry creation and CAD import, materials annotation, particles sources setup and choosing tallies. RSim will be able to run several radiation codes to facilitate Validation and Verification. Post-processing in RSim will allow for 3D visualization, 2D plots and histograms. Phase I will concentrate on CAD import and material annotation for MCNP6 and PHITS codes and develop RSim prototype. In Phase II we will fully implement RSim and consider integrating with more codes, for example Geant4."
530,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z7.03-8438 ,"High-Capacity, High-Speed, Solid-State Hydrogen Gas Generator","Deployable aerodynamic decelerators are an enabling technology for missions to planets and moons with atmospheres as well as for returning payloads to Earth. These decelerators require a gas source to inflate them, and the objective is to provide an improvement over existing pressurized cold gas inflation systems. <l>A solid-state hydrogen gas generator is proposed which is based on the thermal decomposition of a metal hydride in a controlled manner. Anasphere has successfully demonstrated this technology in Air Force and DARPA projects. Volume and flow specifications for the DARPA generator were within a factor of 10 of what is required for a Phase II demonstration.<l>Advances to be demonstrated in Phase I relate to adapting the generator technology for space operation and optimizing the system from a mass perspective. Phase I work will include thermal reservoir design and optimization for the space environment, gas generation vessel design and optimization for the space environment, heat transfer optimization, physical testing of subscale elements followed by subscale generator testing, and finally the completion of scaled-up designs."
722,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9521 ,Microgravity Granular Material Research (MGMR) Facility for ISS,"TransAstra Corporation in collaboration with Grainflow Dynamics Inc. and the Colorado School of Mines proposes to develop a general purpose Micro-g Granular Material Research (MGMR) facility for use on the ISS. This facility will include a test section into which third party experimenters can place their apparatus and will be suitable for studying steady or variable gas-solid flows over a 2-orders of magnitude range in particle size and 4-orders of magnitude in solids-fraction at gas pressures ranging from atmospheric to vacuum and flow velocities from a 10s of m/s per second down to stationary conditions. This facility will provide a unique opportunity to gain understanding of the fundamental physical behavior of granular solids in microgravity over a range of solids fractions that are unobtainable terrestrially due to gravitationally induced settling. It will also support study of phenomena occurring in static assemblies of solid particulates and in pneumatic transport. MGMR will support exploration of static, transient, and steady-state flow conditions. In micro-gravity, low speed pneumatic transport can cause aggregation of particles resulting in the formation of gel-like structures which grow to fill available volumes. Such fractal-lattice particulate-gels are a potential blocking mechanism that could affect low-velocity pneumatic transport in human habitation systems and/or ISRU operations on asteroids or other small bodies such as the moons of Mars. Understanding what contributes to the strength of such gels and developing the means to avoid or disrupt them will be crucial for the design of solids transport systems in future ISRU facilities. The MGMR will provide a unique environment for advancement of both fundamental science and of technologies important for the advancement of solar system exploration. The MGMR will also serve as a subscale testbed for the fabrication of radiation shields made from asteroid regolith for human deep space habitats."
793,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8875 ,3D Flash LIDAR All Weather Safety,"ASC has tested the LIDAR in diverse weather conditions (rain and fog) and has created landing maps, but has not done the two simultaneously. A number of algorithms for landing site evaluation have been developed, but none of those algorithms have been evaluated for adverse weather conditions. This effort will allow for the acquisition of data and the evaluation of algorithms, so that the architecture for a Phase II prototype can be developed for use in diverse weather conditions."
671,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9255 ,Cryomechanical preconcentration system for trace gas analysis,"Advanced cryogenic cooling systems are required to enable high-precision measurements of trace atmospheric gases and isotopes present at very low concentrations in order to evaluate anthropogenic impacts on climate and stratospheric ozone and to assess compliance with international regulations. This SBIR Phase I project will develop a robust cryogen-free preconcentrator based on a Stirling cryocooler and a novel sample trap design. A high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer will be coupled with gas chromatographic separation for selective and sensitive detection of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. Data acquisition and analysis software will be developed to allow for automated operation of the instrument and data archiving. Combining these three elements will provide a new system capable of rapid automated analysis for field and laboratory measurements. In addition to these applications, the preconcentrator will be useful for enhancing the sensitivity of optical-based isotopic measurements for greenhouse gases."
612,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.06-9615 ,3D Manufacturing of Integrated Heat Exchangers,"This NASA SBIR Phase I proposal presents an unprecedented method to do additive manufacturing of integrated heat exchangers for pumped fluid loop with a femtosecond (fs) fiber laser. It is the enabling technology for 3D manufacturing of high thermal conductivity materials. With our successful history in ultrafast laser AM and SM processing, this proposal has a great potential to succeed. A proof of concept demonstration will be carried out at the end of Phase 1. A prototype will be delivered at the end of Phase II."
521,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.02-9670 ,Low-SWAP Ka-band Antenna for Inter-Satellite Links,"Kymeta Government Solutions (KGS) proposes to apply technology and manufacturing advancements developed by Kymeta Corporation to produce a low-SWAP-C metamaterial antenna that is intended to operate in the inter-satellite link frequency bands between 22.55-23.55 GHz and 25.25-27.5 GHz.<l><l>This antenna will leverage TFT technology, which is used to build flat panel computer monitors, television screens, and smart phone displays, to tune the radiating elements of the aperture. This technology allows for the manufacture of a single aperture that can be tuned to operate on two separate frequencies, allowing for simultaneous transmit and receive. The transmit and receive beams can be controlled individually, allowing each to have its own frequency, pointing angle, and polarization. This technology allows the use of one antenna where two are typically required, resulting in dramatic size, weight, power, and cost benefits to the platform.<l><l>Kymeta has built dual frequency antennas using this technology ranging in frequency from Ku-band (11 GHz) to Ka-band (30 GHz) and in aperture diameters ranging from 20 cm to 70 cm.<l><l>This antenna is well suited for 12U or larger platforms which benefit from simultaneous transmit and receive, wide scan range, fast scanning rates, and the ability to dynamically update the polarization of the antenna.<l><l>KGS objectives for the Phase I effort are: (1) Identify requirements for a low-SWAP Ka-band ISL antenna for small spacecraft, and (2) perform modeling, analysis, and conceptual design for a dual frequency antenna that operates in both the TDRSS forward and return link bands.<l><l>This analysis will result in performance predictions for the dual frequency antenna which will be used to determine whether a dual frequency aperture or two single frequency apertures are the best solution to meet mission requirements. If this project is selected for a Phase II award, Phase II will complete design and fabrication of the selected antenna solution."
550,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.02-9720 ,Manufacturing Decision Tree Model Optimization for Finishing Additive Manufactured Components,"This Phase I program addresses the challenge of gaining the necessary knowledge needed to support certification of additive manufacturing (AM) hardware and achieving the desired surface finish and mechanical properties on high value components produced by AM. To achieve this goal Faraday Technology Inc., will work with team members at UES Inc., CalRAM Inc., Keystone Synergistic Enterprise Inc., and REM Surface Engineering to develop the necessary empirical knowledge to produce a manufacturing decision tree model (MDTM) that will enable the part designer to reduce the cycle time required produce the desired part with the required surface finish. The MDTM will be designed to select the appropriate build pathway to form the desired component and improve the as-built surface finish on the required areas while also determining the necessary secondary steps to achieve the desired surface finish on all required surfaces. With this teams combined expertise range from AM part building [ARCAM (E-BEAM), SLM (LASER), Wire Fed (E-BEAM)], secondary AM part finishing [electrochemical and isotropic], and post process AM material evaluation (tensile and microstructural characterization) we will be able to diagnose the best manufacturing cycle to reduce time and cost while ensuring the functionality of the produced material is maintained through each processing step. It is envisioned that the outcome of this Phase I/II program would be a working MDTM that has the potential to diagnose the best manufacturing pathway to produce a wide range of high-value components with various shapes and contours."
821,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-9718 ,Low cost corrosion and oxidation resistant coatings for improved system reliability,"In order to improve high-temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance of critical superalloy components in turbine engines innovative processing methods must be devised to improve coating and materials properties at a higher reliability and lower costs. Whether or not thermal barrier coating are applied to the engine components, the resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion relies on metallic coatings protecting the superalloy substrate. These metallic coatings are commonly either diffusion aluminides or MCrAlY overlays (where M=Ni, Co, Fe, Ni+Co, etc). Compared with diffusion coatings, MCrAlY coatings are more flexible in terms of composition selection for achieving a more balanced combination of coating properties and having a lower ductile to brittle transition temperature, which makes them more resistant to cracking upon thermal cycling. Several techniques have been developed to deposit MCrAlY coatings including physical vapor deposition, electrolytic codeposition, electrophoresis, and autocatalytic electroless deposition, of which electrolytic codeposition appears to be a promising, low cost, non-line of sight approach. <l><l>Therefore, the overall objective of the Phase I and II programs is to create a scalable cost effective process to produce coatings that can enhance high temperature reliability and corrosion/oxidation and erosion resistance. This program will build off of Dr. Ying Zhang (Tennessee Technological University) electrolytic codeposition work and Faraday Technology's alloy coating development efforts to create a scalable process to electrolytic codeposit MCrAlY onto engine shaped components and to investigate other potential MCrAlX alloy elements that could further increase the coatings temperature resistance. If successful this program has the potential to greatly improve the oxidation and corrosion resistance of metallic coatings while also improving their reliability at higher operating temperatures and reducing their manufacturing costs."
611,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.07-8507 ,Trap-door-buffer Enhanced Fourier Spectrum Interferometer,"To address NASA's need for slow- and fast-light technologies, X-wave Innovations, Inc. (XII) proposes a fiber-based ADF trap-door-buffer FTI with more powerful spectrum resolving power than FTI supported by conventional dispersion-dependant slow-light. For the Phase I program, XII will prototype a fiber-based ADF trap-door-buffer FTI and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique for high delay-time bandwidth and enhanced spectral resolution. For the Phase II program, XII will focus on refining the prototype system design and development with improved hardware and software. For the Phase III program, XII will focus on optimizing the prototype performance and collaborating with our commercial partners to package the sensor technology into a commercially-available system."
812,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-8831 ,A Combined Health Estimation and Active Balancing Electronic System for the Life Enhancement of Batteries in Hybrid and/or All-Electric Propulsion Systems,"NASA seeks intelligent monitoring for hybrid and/or all electric propulsion systems, and methods to significantly extend the life of electric aircraft propulsion energy sources and their safety. Active balancing is an attractive technique that can be used to increase battery pack life. If performed efficiently and accurately, active balancing can translate into longer battery life and more efficient battery utilization. Active balancers presently equalize either voltage or State of Charge (SOC) in a group of cells or super-cells in series. The more accurate in-operando SOC active balancers depend on on-line SOC estimation algorithms that are typically based on terminal voltage, current, and temperature. These algorithms (e.g., Coulomb counting, Kalman-based filter estimation, etc) accumulate errors and/or become unstable as a consequence of measurement errors, model simplifications, and the lack of an accurate battery parameter determination and tracking method, which is critical as the battery ages and/or operates under unforeseen conditions. To address this problem we propose an active balancing electronic system that can jointly balance the battery pack and measure battery health related parameters without additional hardware. We propose to use this efficient electronic system to demonstrate an improved active balancing system capable of battery life enhancement and safety operation."
638,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9909 ,Meso-Scale Ericsson Power Generation System,"Inventherm's patented meso-scale Ericsson power generation system (MEPS) will be used as the enabling technology for radioisotope generators that exceed the performance of existing Stirling power conversion systems. The system will meet or exceed the solicitation specifications including operating at efficiencies greater than 25%, with a life greater than 10 years while being compact and light weight. It is anticipated that the conversion efficiency will exceed 40% with a power density over 100 We/kg."
542,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.01-9621 ,Universal Docking Interface for Free-Flying Robots,"Currently, no universal electromechanical engagement interface exists for free-flying robots, limiting their ability to dock, perch, recharge, change tools, manipulate payloads, and assemble in modular structures for intravehicular, extravehicular, and planetary surface operations. Honeybee Robotics (Honeybee) proposes to develop a Universal Docking Interface (UDI) that provides a common electromechanical connection architecture for free-flying robots. The UDI will enhance capabilities to mount and manipulate tools, sensors, payloads; dock for power and data transfer; perch for short- or long-term storage; and create new modular structures for intravehicular, extravehicular, and surface tasks in support of commercial operations and human spaceflight. The UDI will be based on Honeybee's existing solutions for robotic satellite servicing and planetary rover recharge , modified to meet NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) Human Exploration Telerobotics requirements. This reliable plug-and-play docking and manipulation interface will provide an electromechanical quick-connect/disconnect for tools, sensors, and other payloads, as well as enabling truly modular assembly in microgravity. The proposed Phase 1 effort will perform a detailed investigation of tool change, sensor payload interface, manipulation and docking requirements for free-flying robots supporting missions on-orbit, to Mars, the Moon, or NEOs. Interface requirements such as mate/de-mate cycles, stiffness, strength, repeatability, misalignment tolerance, human safety, debris mitigation, and electrical feedthrough characteristics will be derived through contact with potential end users to characterize potential use cases and future mission payloads."
667,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.10-8423 ,Cold Atom Laser Module (CALM),"Precision Navigation and Timing (PNT) is a critical resource for government and commercial aerospace. Given the high launch cost and shift toward smaller payloads, reducing the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of space-based navigation systems is a critical need. Atom-interferometric inertial sensors have demonstrated superior performance over conventional inertial devices owing to the intrinsic stability of atomic systems. Central to making cold atom sensors practical is their ability to reliably operate for extended periods without user intervention.<l>Current laser diodes, which are at the heart of atomic sensors, suffer from power degradation and mode hops on timescales incompatible with long term deployment. Because these properties are inherent to the diodes, it is prudent to circumvent these problems with diagnostic protocols aimed at early detection and action. Diodes close to mode hopping can be temporarily taken offline to tune away the mode hop via current and temperature. Diodes with degraded power can be taken offline entirely in favor of a healthy diode. This approach will provide a robust, wavelength-agnostic technique to deliver reliable, long-lived laser sources at atom sensor-relevant wavelengths. <l>AOSense proposes to develop a cold atom laser module (CALM) capable of supporting a broad range of atomic sensors. Phase I will focus on addressing laser source reliability. We will identify and test and candidate laser diodes to identify optimal sources. In parallel, AOSense will develop protocols to identify potential diode failure and seamlessly switch to a healthy diode. Development of the CALM laser module will result in a ruggedized and reliable laser source capable of autonomously driving an atom-based sensor within the space environment. Such an effort would enable space-based applications for atomic sensors such as IMUs, clocks, and magnetometers, opening up significant market opportunities in the defense and commercial sectors."
715,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8966 ,InGaAs Photomultiplier Chip photon counting array for 1550 nm operation,"The development of a robust approach for Deep Space Optical Communications is critical to future space missions as communication bandwidth requirements are expected to dramatically increase due to continuing improvements in sensor spectral coverage and resolution. Current solutions do not meet NASAs goals for sensitivity, timing resolution, and data rate. Furthermore, many of the current solutions require cryocooling, which significantly impacts size, weight, and power, as well as reliability. LightSpin Technologies proposes the development of a new generation of single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array devices to fulfill NASA requirements. The innovation includes a new planar processing technology, enabling tight pitch SPAD arrays to be built, mitigating after pulsing and dead time limitations. Furthermore, we propose to use InAlAs gain regions, which have significant advantages due to its avalanche breakdown characteristics and wider band gap compared to InP. The net result at the end of Phase II will be a Photomultiplier Chip SPAD array device incorporating thousands of small area SPAD devices in parallel, enabling precision detection of single photons with sub 100 picosecond timing resolution and maximum count rates in excess of 10 Gcps."
580,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.03-9053 ,High Effectiveness and Low Pressure Drop Recuperator for Closed Brayton Cycle Turboalternator,"Under this Phase I effort, MiTi proposes to establish the design of a high performance recuperator for integration with a Close Brayton Cycle turboalternator for space application, primarily for fission-based power generation technologies for surface missions on the moon and Mars. The proposed recuperator design will emphasize high effectiveness approaching or exceeding 90% in addition to being sized to minimize both volume and weight. Based on requirements for a 10 kWe He-Xe CBC power generating system the key recuperator design parameters such as inlet and exit pressures, temperatures and mass flow rates will be determined and the novel Quasi-Helical flow recuperator concept sized. Design iterations will be conducted to establish wall thickness to accommodate internal differential pressures as well as minimize system weight. This Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. (MiTi) proposal for development of a recuperator capable of satisfying the stringent requirements for a CBC system addresses NASA's stated need for space power systems technology. The preliminary design study will encompass all key aspects of recuperator design, including: 1) parametric Brayton cycle thermodynamic analyses to establish CBC turboalternator requirements and identify optimal operating condition; 2) recuperator sizing and layout to ensure high effectiveness and low pressure drop, 3) stress analysis and fabrication method down-selection to ensure hermetic (leak-proof) construction, 4) solid model of the integrated recuperator-turboalternator system showing the overall system configuration layout. Fabrication of a prototype unit would occur during a Phase II of the program."
774,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H11.01-8533,Ultra-lightweight Multifunctional Magnesium Alloy Shielding Structures,"Radiation from GCRs and Solar Flares provide a hostile ionizing environment for personnel and vital electronic systems. The effects of this environment has been a topic of research for many years. Issues include the exposure for humans under acute and continuous exposures and the radiogenic cancer risk that rises with total dose and is a limiting constraint on long-duration missions. The proposed metal alloy development produces a material that is multi-functional and light-weight for deep space missions. The target material has a significant reduction in mass and potentially volume for protective performance such as radiation and debris shielding applications as well as potential performance thermally and acoustically. Development of these new Mg alloys will improve the margin and overall risk associated with each of these scenarios by improving the shielding performance and provides a reduction in the likelihood of electronic component failure occurrence as well as a reduction in consequence. Equally important, this will reduce the risk of cancer to personnel from radiation exposure. With respect to electronic systems, the systems that provide life support and are considered critical systems are vulnerable to the ionizing radiation effects as well. Once the ""heavy"" particles penetrate the electronic components, shorts are created in worst case conditions and provide temporary upsets in the best conditions. Similarly, those electronic systems that are considered non-critical, similar effects are seen but have consequences that effect the mission assurance aspects. By replacing existing metallic components with appropriate Mg alloys, such as the ones from this project, both vehicle weight and crew dose rate can be reduced. The operational benefits of such a change are manifold. For example, weight can be replaced with fuel to achieve greater vehicle velocity. Alternatively, mission duration could be extended while operating within equivalent dose limits."
771,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H12.01-8754,LGM2605 as a mitigator of space radiation-induced vascular damage,"LignaMed, LLC is a drug development company with a fast track strategy to approval of LGM2605, an oral small molecule for use as a radiation mitigating agent that reduces harmful effects of radiation exposure of normal tissues. LignaMed aims to evaluate LGM2605 as a mitigator of space-radiation induced vascular damage. NASA missions to Mars will expose astronauts to solar and galactic cosmic mixed radiation including low dose γ and proton radiation, but data is lacking on the biological and physiological effects in humans of this mixed source radiation. Research on space radiation effects on cellular systems, molecular targets and ultimately organ systems has identified potential harmful short and long-term effects on the health of astronauts. Work at the University of Pennsylvania identified damage to lungs years after a single exposure to low-dose gamma, 56Fe, 28Si and proton radiation exposure in mice. Acute and chronic radiation effects in organs are closely associated with vascular damage and dysfunction. Multiple studies have confirmed single source radiation side effects associated with significant loss of vascular integrity: increased vascular leakiness (edema), an activated inflammatory phenotype and extensive oxidative damage. However, damage to the vascular network under multiple radiation types simultaneously is not understood. LignaMed will employ gene knockout technology in vascular models exposed to space-relevant mixed radiation regimens to investigate the injury to the vasculature. We hypothesize that LGM2605 will mitigate space radiation-induced vascular damage by inhibiting early events that cause inflammation. This study will confirm that 1) space radiation drives endovascular damage via activation of the endothelial inflammatory phenotype resulting in increased permeability and 2) will validate LGM2605 as an effective mitigator of space radiation-induced vascular damage by inhibiting early events that drive long term adverse sequellae."
656,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9936 ,Polymer Coating-Based Contaminant Control/Elimination for Exo-S Starshade Probe,"Our past success in developing what has proven to be a revolution in contamination control ? that of residue free, strippable polymer coatings for surface protection and cleaning has, so far, been limited use on substrates such as glass, fused silica and aluminum. These are the types of surfaces found on flagship projects such as the LIGO Gravitational Wave Observatory, the 10 meter class WM Keck and the GTC Gran Canarias Telescopes and the optical and mirror surfaces of the National Rocket and Missile test program exemplified by programs at Vandenberg Air Force Base where extensive data has proven our technology. However, significant hurdles exist in applying our stripcoat technology to other technologically important surfaces that are also important to NASA Programs. Anomalous adhesion of our polymer films is seen on iron, steel, copper and nickel surfaces as well as numerous other materials. Since the Starshade edges may be made of sharpened amorphous alloy or anodized black surfaces, the First Contact Polymer coatings that worked so well on JWST gold mirror surfaces and the projects above cannot be applied.<l>Further, application and removal procedures and proof of principle metrology must be developed, verified and tested before use in the critical launch path of the Starshade. Telescope and use in Proximity Glare Suppression for Astronomical Coronagraphy."
698,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-9266 ,All Fiber Gas Reference Cell,"TIPD proposed to build a stable, robust, rugged, compact, fiber coupled gas reference cell (GRC) with tens of meters of interaction length that is required in atmospheric constituent and trace gas analysis sensors as well as LIDAR instruments in the near and shortwave infrared supporting NASA's future planetary science missions. Specifically, this proposal addresses the need for a water vapor reference cell that is required for differential absorption LIDAR (DIAL) systems for water sensing in 820nm and 940nm bands."
543,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.01-9019 ,Modules and Software for Free-Flying Robots,"Energid Technologies will develop actuator and gripper modules with control and simulation software for building mechanisms to attach to free-flying robots. The technology leverages Energid's existing hardware and software to reduce weight and improve performance. The approach enables novel modes of maneuvering, controlling, and sensing. The module infrastructure includes simulated sensors that enable precise control of mechanisms built with the modules to serve to support a variety of other applications. Multiple articulated mechanisms may be attached to one free-flying robot and cooperatively operated, for example. To control the arms and base, Energid's Actin software toolkit will be extended and applied to enable use of articulated mechanisms in perching and acrobatic modes, with one end-effector fixed in perching mode and momentum conservation integral to the control during acrobatic mode. Included will be powerful simulation software that, by leveraging Energid's commercial Actin software, will be cross platform, fast, and feature rich. The simulation, modeling many aspects of the free-flying robot, will support design validation efforts as well as mission planning and testing. It will seamlessly transition between simulating terrestrial test beds and fielded free-flying robots in a microgravity environment. The simulation will include articulated dynamics, contact dynamics, sensors, and the aerodynamics of any mechanism built with the modules."
590,Science,GSFC,2017,S5.02-8498 ,An Interoperable Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Response Assistance,"There is a plethora of remotely sensed information and geospatial data (from models, OpenStreetMap, etc.) available to describe and quantify the processes, magnitude, frequency and impacts of floods. Ongoing NASA (and other space agencies e.g. ESA, ISA, JAXA) missions provide an enormous volume of free data that can deliver information at the appropriate temporal and spatial resolution for flood disaster management and emergency response spanning the natural process of a flood event from ""clouds to inundation"" or ""mitigation to response"". However, information is under-utilized by response teams, mostly because of its relative novelty and unintuitive access: (1)difficulties in obtaining information within the timeframe for mitigation, preparedness, response/recovery, (2)confusion as to the most appropriate data assets for a flood situation, (3)limited time and personnel capacity to process and handle new types of datasets; (4)limited bandwidth for large file sharing capacity in deep-field environments (5)incompatibility between user mapping platforms and geospatial data formats; (6)data availability may be simply unknown and/or data latency may be inadequate; and (5) limited understanding by scientists and engineers about end user operational requirements. This problem was discussed by emergency, science academic, and private sector experts during a workshop on ""Flood Response"" in June 2016. The top priority action item agreed upon was the need to build a ""one-stop-shop"" online GUI that was built on OGC standards and had a number of end-user guided ""wish items"", such as depicting and predicting extent and location of impact area for data acquisition tasking.In order to address these needs, we propose to deliver flood-related NASA and other geospatial data layers to flood emergency managers and responders in an easily accessible format using an online Decision Support System that will integrate with end-user operation systems and provide relevant, timely information."
606,Science,JPL,2017,S4.01-8340 ,An Enhanced Modular Terminal Descent Sensor for Landing on Planetary Bodies,"Remote Sensing Solutions (RSS) proposes to fill a critical niche in Entry, Descent, and Landing with the design and subsequent development of a terrain relative radar altimeter/velocimeter in support of missions to planetary bodies. This sensor, similar to that of the successful Mars Science Laboratory's Terminal Descent Sensor (MSL-TDS) will 1) expand the range of operation over that of the MSL-TDS and 2) mitigate identified risks due to dust and anomalously low backscatter areas. We will achieve this in part by establishing a Ku-band TDS design. In Phase 1 we will explore compact multi-beam shared aperture antenna designs and system trades to minimize antenna aperture size. In addition, the design approach for the system back-end electronics will be modular, compact, reproducible, and highly versatile. Utilizing RSS' novel, modular reconfigurable digital subsystem will enable us to produce reconfigurable architectures and pulse-timing/geometry. Such a solution is independent of the eventual transmit frequency of operation. As such, Ka-band or even W-band sensors could be produced based on this design for landing scenarios where velocity accuracy or size is a premium, and dust or airborne particulates are not a concern.<l>The Phase 1 will establish a design that not only meets the stated MSL-TDS requirements but exceeds them in terms of sensitivity and range of altitudes of operation. We will simulate the sensor capability over the full range of altitude, velocity, and backscatter ranges. A path for demonstration and space-qualification of critical subsystems and components will be evaluated. At the termination of the Phase 1 we will have a design with of the Ku-band TDS, recommendations for a prototype in the Phase 2, a system weight and power estimate and a path-to-space."
548,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-8593 ,Reversible adhesion concept for in-space assembly,"We will develop a conveniently reconfigurable joining approach to connect highly scalable multifunctional architectures with fiber-reinforced polymer composite links. A reversible solid-state bonding mechanism is enabled intrinsically by novel high-performance polymer resin, for which only physical contact and application of heat is required. The attachment scheme is amenable to automated robotic assembly along with minimized mass usage and power consumption. The ITR bonding is a fully reversible and solid-state process, which eliminates approaches that rely on uncured polymer or a meltable interstitial phase. Also, the ITR ensures physical integrity of joint members of the structure and the reversible adhesive within the range of temperatures experienced during day/night cycles in space. The reversible ITR bonding scheme is the first viable composite welding scheme for fully cured thermoset composites. In Phase I, we will demonstrate technical feasibility of the reversible solid-state ITR bonding approach on fully dense neat ATSP resin parts, carbon fiber reinforced ATSP resin composites (ATSP/C), and ATSP coated aerospace grade metal substrates through a wide spectrum of applications. Also, we will develop thermal-electrical-mechanical finite element analysis models for optimized composite design with tailorable physical properties. Additionally, we will design an electromechanically controlled automated induction heater integrated bonding toolkit device through further automated robotic assembly."
842,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.01-8592 ,Interchain transesterification as a solid-state composite welding mechanism,"We will develop novel composite structures of carbon fiber reinforced high performance aromatic thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) resin composites (ATSP/C) being solid-state bonded to primary metal spacecraft structures in order to build lightweight elements with tailorable structural properties without necessitating additional uses of adhesives or mechanical joints. The ITR bonding approach uniquely enables chemical interfacial (surface) self-welding mechanism effectively consolidating pre-cured parts through a smooth strong and continuous bond line. The ITR bonding fully solid-state process, which eliminates approaches that rely on uncured polymer or a meltable interstitial phase. The ITR ensures physical integrity of joint members of the structure and the reversible adhesive within the range of temperatures experienced during day/night cycles in space. The ITR is the first viable composite welding scheme for fully cured thermoset composites. Tailorable ATSP chemistry can be adapted to nearly any polymer processing technique by adjustments in oligomer structure providing unique advantages compared to conventional polymer matrices. In Phase I, we will develop an out-of-autoclave fabrication method to produce solid-state bond consolidated carbon fiber reinforced ATSP composite laminae and ATSP coated aerospace grade metal substrates. Additionally, we will perform physical characterization, thermomechanical property measurements and performance analyses of ITR bonded specimens. Additionally, we will develop thermal-electrical-mechanical finite element analysis models for optimized composite design with tailorable physical properties."
816,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.09-8639 ,Improved UAS Robustness through Augmented Onboard Intelligence,"This work will focus on the development of a highly capable avionics subsystem and machine learning algorithms to provide early warning of potential failures of critical subsystems on small UAS. This modular system will consist of networked onboard monitoring nodes capable of observing operations and providing notification of off-nominal conditions to the autopilot as well as the operator, mitigating the risk of failure, and providing critical information regarding required maintenance. The boards, while computationally powerful will be limited in size, weight and power to avoid significantly impacting the performance of current vehicles and simplify its installation. Furthermore, the networked devices will be able to communicate with each other as well as the autopilot, allowing for vehicle wide information to contribute to a high degree of awareness of the vehicle's well-being. The primary objectives are:<l><l>1.Determination of a set of subsystems commonly employed by UAS whose failure would cause a system critical issue. <l>2.The identification of a set of sensors and machine learning algorithms capable of providing the necessary inputs to detect the health and status of its associated subsystem, and determining the probability of a fault occurring in the near future.<l>3.The design of a monitoring node capable of interfacing to the required set of sensors and implementing the machine learning algorithms. The nodes will also be limited to a size and weight that will allow for them to be installed on most UAS without impacting the vehicle's performance.<l>4.The design of an onboard network capable of supporting communications between all smart monitoring nodes on the aircraft. Each node can then communicate any potential failures to the autopilot and/or operator as well as share information that will allow for the implementation of distributed machine learning algorithms between the nodes and recognition of cross-correlation between systems."
673,Science,ARC,2017,S1.08-9622 ,A total Ammonium Reactor (NHxR) for In Situ Mobile Measurements: A Critical Tool to Understand Aerosol Formation,"We will develop, demonstrate, and optimize a front-end ammonium reactor (NHxR) for the fast, precise, and accurate measurement of gas-phase ammonia (NH3) and particle-phase ammonium ion (NH4+) by fast, high-flow Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS). We address Focus Area 9, Sub Topic S1.08 <l><l>Value Proposition: There is a need to measure the total atmospheric NHX load (NH3+NH4+), with significant ecosystem implications including eutrophication, air quality, and indirectly on atmospheric radiative balance. Current NH3 analyzers miss most of the atmospheric NH3 load, present as fine aerosols.<l><l>The Innovation: The front-end NH4+ reactor cycles between a line that passes gas phase NH3 to the CEAS analyzer, and then a line where NH4+ aerosols are converted to NH3. A key innovation is flow path material, for which the literature is confused, with significant differences between Teflon formulations (factor of 10 difference in adsorption for PFA versus PTFE by one study).<l><l>This fast, in situ, analyzers, will enable measurements at dramatically lower per sample cost and far greater data density than aerosol samplers. The ability to measure both NH3 and NH4+ sufficiently rapidly will allow characterization of the strong heterogeneity exhibited by these short-lived species with localized emissions.<l><l>The NHxR is developed in collaboration with Los Gatos Research, a major manufacturer of state-of-the-art trace gas analyzers with extensive market awareness and well-established clients. BRI retains intellectual property to the NHxR and will license the NHxR for manufacture, potentially by LGR. LGR partnership provides significant commercialization advantages. Dr. Leifer (BRI - Team leader), has led multi-institution, multiple-aircraft NASA campaigns. BRI conducts numerous field studies to solve real-world problems, field expertise that aids in solution-development to meet NASA and market needs."
685,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-8763 ,A Low Power Rad-Hard ADC for the KID Readout Electronics,"The proposal aims to develop a radiation hardened analog-to-digital converter (ADC) required for the Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID) readout electronics. KIDs are developed for photometers and spectrometers for astrophysics focal planes, and earth or planetary remote sensing instruments. ADCs employed in space based KIDs are required to combine several features: radiation hardness, low power consumption, high resolution and high-sampling rate to facilitate increase in the number of the readout tones and to reduce the size of the electronics.<l>The proposed SAR ADC aims to achieve a 12-bit resolution and the lowest to date reported figure of merit (FOM) at the 1GSps rate. A number of innovations will be introduced to the ADC in order to combine low power consumption (below 100mW) with the signal to noise and distortion ratio (SINAD) of at least 65dB. Tolerance to at least 4Mrads of total ionizing dose (TID) radiation and immunity to the single event effects (SEEs) will be achieved by employing radiation hardening techniques such as RHBD, RHBL and RHBS. A novel calibration technique for the capacitor mismatch will be introduced to improve linearity and increase the sampling rate. The proposed calibration technique introduced to the sub-ranging architecture with application of the asynchronous SAR logic will facilitate reduction of switching power.<l>Phase I work will provide the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed ADC. Phase II will result in the silicon proven ADC prototypes being ready for commercialization in Phase III."
689,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.03-9385 ,Correlation Radiometer ASIC,"The proposed project aims to develop an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for the NASA's microwave correlation radiometers required for space and airborne Earth sensing applications. The radiometer instrumentation installed on CubeSats and SmallSats is required to have small volume, low weight and consume low power. Currently used correlating radiometers rely on analog signal processing, thus are bulky, power hungry and cannot be reprogrammed. Analog filter parameters tend to be unstable over temperature, power supply voltage, may degrade over time and need tuning.<l>The proposed low-power, rad-hard ASIC will operate with microwave correlation radiometer front ends down-converting the RF to up to 10GHz IF quadrature signals. The ASIC will include digitizers, bandpass filters, cross-correlators, totalizers, serializers, an output data interface and an I2C interface for the ASIC's programming. Bandpass filters will split up the digitized quadrature IF input signals into bands (up to 16), will cross-correlate the signals within each band and will ship out the resultant data in a convenient format. Instead of analog signal processing performing a strictly defined function, the ASIC will employ a digital signal processing which can be reprogrammed to adopt specific parameters of the filter block such as the number of bands, each filter's corner frequency, bandwidth and filter's order. A number of innovations will be introduced to the ASIC in order to combine programmability, low power consumption and radiation tolerance. <l>The project's Phase I will provide the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed ASIC. Phase II will include finishing the design, chip fabrication, testing and delivering the ADC prototypes which will be ready for commercialization in Phase III."
690,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.03-8764 ,Low-power Radiation Tolerant 4GHz Bandwidth 16k Channel Spectrometer ASIC,"Spectrometers currently employed or under development by NASA are based on a printed circuit board (PCB) including field programmable arrays (FPGAs) and a number of other discrete components. An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) based spectrometer offers a great reduction in weight, volume and power consumption compared to the FPGA/PCB based implementation. This proposal aims to develop a radiation-hardened (RH) low-power (LP) poly-phase spectrometer (PPS) ASIC. <l>The proposed RH LP PPS ASIC aims to achieve a 4GHz bandwidth and 214 (16384) frequency bins. In order to implement the required functionality and meet the specifications while consuming below 2.5W of power, the proposed ASIC will include a state-of-the-art ADC, a demultiplexer, a poly-phase filter bank, a windowing function, a fast-Fourier-transform core, a fast-Fourier-data analysis block, a data readout, a digital control unit and testing features. Tolerance to at least 4Mrads of total ionizing dose (TID) radiation and immunity to the single event effects (SEEs) will be achieved by employing radiation hardening by design, by layout, and by system techniques and also by applying an ultra-thin gate oxide technology for implementation. Low power consumption will be achieved by employing special multiplier-less-accumulators and multiplier-less-""butterflies"". The power consumption will be further reduced by switching off the unused ASIC's blocks, down rating the clock frequency, eliminating unnecessary buffering and applying the 28nm CMOS technology. <l>Phase I work will provide the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed spectrometer ASIC. Phase II will result in the silicon proven ASIC's prototypes ready for commercialization in Phase III."
536,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-8473 ,Robust Multicore Middleware,"Current and emerging spaceflight processors are leveraging heterogeneous multicore/co-processor architectures to satisfy the ever increasing onboard processing demands required by planned NASA missions. These architectures can provide increased processing bandwidth, power efficiency, and fault tolerance for onboard processing applications. However, these advantages come at the cost of increased hardware and software complexity. As software development is a major cost driver for missions, this increased complexity has the potential to significantly increase cost for future missions. To address this risk, Troxel Aerospace Industries, Inc. proposes to develop a robust middleware management technology for spacecraft-focused multicore/co-processor architectures. The proposed middleware technology will enable a fault tolerant computing environment that is agnostic to the underlying hardware and is largely transparent to mission applications executing upon the middleware to provide a standardized, intelligent resource, fault, and power management interface."
709,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.04-8956 ,"Optically Assisted Analog-to-Digital Converter for Next Generation ""Software Defined"" Radios","Next generation commercial and DoD communication systems must meet the demand for higher data rates and the growing number of users in an increasingly over-taxed spectrum. Reconfigurable digital phased arrays that implement high speed ADCs promise to help provide a solution; however, creating broadband high speed high ENOB DACs remains a challenging bottleneck of the system. MaXentric's solution will be to create a Universal ADC capable of interfacing with purely electrical systems for moderate speed applications or optically assisted systems for high speed applications requiring precision timing with order of magnitude improvement in timing jitter. With the Universal ADC using optical assistance, it is anticipated that performance can approach 100 Gs/sec with greater than 8 bits ENOB allowing for truly multi-standard high performance ""software defined"" receivers such as applications of digital phased arrays."
823,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-8869 ,Low Cost Resin for Self-Healing High Temperature Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites,"Over the past few decades, the manufacturing processes and our knowledge base for predicting the bulk mechanical response of fiber reinforced composite materials has matured and opened the capability to design lightweight materials. The rapid development and progress of composites technology has been spawned by the high specific strength, stiffness, and toughness offered with respect to other engineering materials. However, the performance of a composite material is heavily influenced by the strength and toughness of the polymer matrix, which binds the high stiffness fibers into a cohesive element. Unfortunately, the highly cross-linked polymers necessary to achieve the high Tg required by propulsion systems are costly and prone to brittle fracture under even small elastic deformations. While the rigidity of the polymer is required for practical applications, the lack of resistance to crack propagation leads to damage prone materials. This proposed SBIR will develop a new low cost self-healing thermosetting polymer which exhibit high Tg (>550 F), high strength, stiffness and toughness from a room temperature low viscosity resin that allows processing without heating the polymer. The self-healing properties of polymer will yield increased reliability of the composite and reduced maintenance costs. HARP Engineering will formulate a polymer that meets or exceeds both the performance and cost metrics required by NASA through the use of multifunctional self-healing resins. This Phase I will perform mechanical testing of the resin at elevated temperatures and layup composites for ASTM testing to demonstrate the high specific strength, stiffness, and toughness compared to existing high temperature resins."
832,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.04-9841 ,Active Flow Control (AFC) Design and System Integration Software,"Clear Science Corp. proposes to develop and demonstrate computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based software for designing and evaluating active flow control (AFC) systems on aircraft. The software will facilitate the identification of optimal types of actuation and their locations, will support virtual flight testing with both open- and closed-loop control systems, and will enable quantitative trade studies that compare performance enhancements through AFC to the costs of control. In subsonic, transonic, and supersonic applications, AFC systems can improve air vehicle performance by reducing and/or eliminating separation and increasing circulation---resulting in smaller control surfaces, less weight, lower drag, and less fuel consumption. Many AFC applications involve highly unsteady flow dynamics with turbulence, unsteady shocks, separation, and aeroservoelasticity interacting in complex ways that render open-loop systems either ineffective or too costly in terms of energy, weight, and volume. For this reason, closed-loop AFC system design will be a critical area of focus in the proposed project. Components of closed-loop systems include dynamical and measurement-based state estimators, regulators, and compensators. The proposed AFC system design and analysis software will be developed using the X-56 experimental aircraft as a demonstration platform, a long-range, highly flexible air vehicle currently under development at the NASA Armstrong Flight Test Center."
565,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.02-9901,Electromagnetic Characterization of Advanced Composites by Voxel-Based Inverse Methods,"The nondestructive characterization of advanced composites, such as carbon-fiber reinforced polymers (cfrp), by electromagnetic means is well established. What is needed to advance the state of the art are sophisticated inversion algorithms that allow layup and impact damage to be determined in localized regions, which means that more traditional methods of model-based inverse methods must be replaced by voxel-based inverse methods. Thus, one will be able to better distinguish such things as delaminations from fiber-breakage due to impact damage, or other parameters that characterize the mechanical of the cfrp structure, such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio on a voxel-by-voxel basis. This information can then be input to damage evolution models. We describe two such methods, bilinear conjugate-gradients and set-theoretic estimation. The challenge is to extend these methods to anisotropic materials. We do that in this project, and will develop the algorithms for inclusion in our proprietary eddy-current, VIC-3D(R) during Phase II. In addition, we continue our program of discovering and exploiting parallelism in VIC-3D(R) to speed up the modeling and processing that involve massive data generation."
743,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.01-9714 ,Concentrically Mounted Wrapped Array with Cable Support,"Proposed is a lightweight PV array module architecture with up to or beyond 2500 m2 surface area autonomously and robustly deployable in a gravitational field from stowage that is eminently streamlined for integration with space transport and surface mission systems. Supported via simple architectural features are highly prioritized Mars application objectives including modular or single large-unit use, self-cleaning and dust abutment, easy operation including tilt, transportability, robust tolerance for thermal and dimensional perturbations, and <l>retractability. <l><l>Integration with space transport systems is achieved via toroidal storage that can be designed to encircle any, large or small, core equipment such as a lander or habitat unit or a transportable power module, and seamlessly fits into launch vehicle payload envelopes. Similar to the recently developed wrapped array concept, rolled in the belt package are support ribs with the surface sectors folded between them; the PV cells are mounted on the latter. (The ribs concurrently emerge from the package straight and, diverging outward, unfold the sheet sectors.) When deployed, the PV strips, with gentle cross-slopes, are suspended from the ribs with a sagging/slack cable system that renders the design environmentally robust and permits self-cleaning via the wind effects themselves. Rib strength is boosted by cable support, analogous to mature crane jib support technology."
737,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.03-8666 ,A Cognitive Architecture Using Reinforcement Learning to Enable Autonomous Spacecraft Operations,"We propose an architecture to enable the modular development and deployment of autonomous intelligent agents in support of spacecraft operations. This architecture supports both training and application of artificial intelligence models. It particularly enables the use of deep reinforcement learning for each module independently and jointly. Deep reinforcement learning is a technique that enables the automated learning of plans of action and has recently successfully been used, for example, to learn strategies for games like Go. Our proposed architecture provides a ""utility"" layer for generalized learning and a provides for independent functional modules that can be added, modified, or removed easily. It also accounts for intensive multicore computational needs. Lastly, it allows for desired behavior to be learned independently or in the context of the broader system. In Phase I, we will deliver a preliminary cognitive architecture, a feasibility study, a prototype of an autonomous agent, and a detailed plan to develop a comprehensive cognitive architecture feasibility study."
655,Science,JPL,2017,S2.02-8520 ,Redundant StarShade Truss Deployment Motor/Cable Assembly,"The proposed innovations are as follows:<l>1) A fully redundant electrical and mechanical motor/cable deployment assembly<l><l>2) A redundant motor/cable deployment assembly that is integrated and deploys a perimeter truss for a starshade<l><l>The significance and relevance of the proposed innovations is to meet the technical challenges of deploying a large scale perimeter truss (10-30m diameter) for a starshade.<l>The STDT's ""Exo-S Final Report"" identified an open issue to ""Mature perimeter truss technology readiness."" This is part of a defined starshade technology gap S-5 that is titled ""Demonstrate inner disk deployment with optical shield."" In the NASA JPL starshade design the petals are placed into their precise position by the deploying truss. The truss also deploys the spiral wrapped inner disk and at the end tensions the precision spokes. If the truss was not able to fully deploy or meet the on-orbit load (deployment and deployed) and positioning requirements then the mission would fail. Obviously the truss deployment mechanism needs to be a robust and reliable system."
692,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9250 ,Enabling Larger Deployable Ka-Band Antenna Apertures with Novel Rib,"The significance and relevance of the proposed innovation is to design and develop a novel rib that will enable larger aperture parabolic reflectors and antennas. The gain and performance of any reflector is a function of the diameter. Higher communication data rates, longer transmission distances, increased sensor capacity for active radar and radiometers are all directly related to aperture size. The challenge is being able to achieve these larger apertures and still have the packaging efficiency to enable more cost effective small satellites. Tendeg has designed, fabricated and surface tested a 1m aperture Ka-band reflector that is able to package into a 3U cubesat volume. The unique design allows 100:1 area compaction ratios yet the deployed antenna is achieving the surface precision needed for Ka-band operations. Scaling to larger apertures will require a new rib design. Trade studies will consider multiple cross sections, materials and fabrication methods. One configuration is the mini-CTM under development at Langley Research Center. Detailed design will be completed to optimize the integration of each potential rib configuration. Finite element analysis will determine stiffness during deployment and deployed buckling capacity. Testing of a mini-CTM will be done to determine packaging and buckling performance. At the completion of the program a down selected design will be proposed for a Phase II prototype program."
527,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.01-9664 ,Balanced Electric Spacecraft Thruster System,"To address the NASA need for high-thrust electric propulsion technologies that enable/enhance mission capabilities such as attitude control and dual manifest launch opportunities, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Balanced Electric Spacecraft Thruster (BEST) system, which is based on a novel thruster design and a new system integration. Specifically, the innovation in the propellant accelerator and a design with no charge neutralization will enable the device to fully use the potential of any ionic liquid monopropellant, including the advanced energetic monopropellant AF-M315E, the ""green propellant."" As a result, this technology offers balanced and throttled high thrust and variable impulse per unit of volume, which allows for the control of attitude and high efficiency, which directly address NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology Program. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of the BEST approach by the combination of proof-of-concept analysis and experiments with the BEST conceptual prototype to reach TRL-3. In Phase II, POC will design and build a BEST prototype, measure its performance and plume characteristics, demonstrate and deliver it to NASA to achieve TRL-6 at the end of Phase II activities."
554,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.01-9533 ,Penetrating High-Resolution Inspection Tool for In-Process Control of Additive Manufacturing,"To address the NASA need for reliable in-process sensing and monitoring technologies for additive manufacturing(AM), Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Penetrating High-Resolution Inspection Tool (PHRUIT). The PHRUIT, intended primarily for layer-by-layer quality control in the power bed fusion (PBF) process, is based on innovative X-ray Compton backscatter microscopy, which enables single-sided, high-resolution (~50 um), subsurface inspection of PBF parts. Due to the penetrating nature of X-rays, the PHRUIT will be able to inspect not only the surface of the last layer, but also the subsurface features, with typical penetration depths of 1-2 mm, and therefore will reveal voids and defects that are not visible with optical imaging. The PHRUIT will enable a user to ""focus"" on a particular depth within the part and localize any features or voids in x/y/z with accuracy of ~50 um. The PHRUIT will have a capability to cover arbitrarily complex part profiles with two dimensional translation, with a total inspection time of typical parts of around 1-2 min. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of the PHRUIT high-resolution imaging approach by fabricating and testing a technology readiness level (TRL)-4 preliminary prototype. In Phase II, POC plans to develop a fully functional and integrated TRL-6 prototype and demonstrate its NDE capabilities to NASA by testing it with relevant PBF AM systems. At the end of Phase II, the PHRUIT system prototype will be delivered to NASA for further characterization."
672,Science,ARC,2017,S1.08-9678 ,Portable Atmosphere Scanning LIDAR,"To address the NASA need for innovative instrumentation to support its current and future missions related to the investigation of Earth's ecosystem, Physical Optics Corporation proposes to adapt its portable, robust, ground-based light detection and ranging (LIDAR) weather system to measure winds, temperature, and humidity in a 3D volume with the ability to scan horizontally and vertically with a range of up to 10 km. The proposed Portable Atmospheric Scanning LIDAR (PASL) system will include POC's recent developments in coherent LIDAR for wind sensing, Differential Absorption LIDAR (DIAL) for measurements of water vapor content distribution, and Rotational Raman LIDAR for temperature measurements. POC's existing and proposed innovations in the integrated LIDAR designs will provide NASA with a system with very low size, weight, and power consumption, which will make the PASL easily deployable to any place on the globe and capable of long-term autonomous operation in support of NASA's research missions. In Phase I, POC will refine its existing non-scanning system and modify its design to facilitate 3D scanning, extend its functional range of operation to 10 km, further develop software for fast data processing, and fabricate a prototype of the wind LIDAR (TRL-4). In Phase II, the operational prototype of the entire scanning PASL system will be fabricated and tested (TRL-6)."
610,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.07-9364 ,Slow Light Based On-Chip High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer For Geostationary Imaging of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases,"Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS) in infrared wavelength range is an effective measure for global greenhouse gas monitoring. However, conventional FTS instruments are bulky, heavy, and frail to environmental vibration, making them not suitable for satellite platforms. In this proposal, Omega Optics, Inc., together with the University of Texas at Austin, proposes a slow light enhanced on-chip FTS array covering compound spectral wavelength range (1.1 ~ 6.2 (m) for geostationary imaging of greenhouse gases. Each array pixel is made of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, one arm of which is conventional waveguide and the other is ?fishbone? slow light waveguide. Harnessing the nonlinear phase enhancement generated by the slow light effect of the ?fishbone? waveguide, a resolution better than 0.2 cm-2 can be readily achieved within a limited chip surface. An N x M array can be formed by integrating N pixels on one silicon-on-sapphire chip and stacking M chips. Leveraging the CMOS compatible fabrication process, the imaging unit can be ~$10 per pixel and the whole imaging array weights ~ 30g. In addition, the whole module does not have moving parts, making it an ideal candidate for airborne and spaceborne applications."
676,Science,JPL,2017,S1.07-9843 ,Monolithic Chip-Integrated Absorption Spectrometer from 3-5 microns,"A monolithically integrated indium phosphide (InP) to silicon-on-sapphire (SoS) platform is being proposed for a monolithic portable or handheld spectrometer between 3-5microns. SoS provides the necessary refractive index contrast to fabricate slotted photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) structures for lab-on-chip sensing. Monolithic integration of quantum cascade laser (QCL) and quantum cascade detector (QCD) has been previously demonstrated by us at 9.5 micron wavelength on a solely InP platform in which PCWs cannot be fabricated without significant fabrication complexities. At 3.4 micron wavelength, we have also demonstrated 1ppm gas sensing by slow light and intensity enhancements of slotted PCWs in SoS. The Phase 1 proposal takes the crucial step of wafer bonding to integrate the best capabilities of the individual platforms and integrate into a full-fledged monolithic absorption spectrometer. The work plan is thus to demonstrate the technical objectives which are: 1) Design and fabricate slotted PCWs at 4.55 micron 2) Demonstrate feasibility for sub 10ppb detection sensitivity in our slotted PCW at 4.55 micron in SoS for carbon monoxide 3) Demonstrate monolithic integration of quantum cascade laser, quantum cascade detector and silicon-on-sapphire waveguide at 4.55 micron and 4) Design simultaneous QCL-QCD structures for operation around the selected wavelengths at 3.3 micron (CH4), 4.2 micron (CO2) and 4.55 micron (CO) for fabrication in Phase 2."
695,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-8426 ,A High Efficiency 400W GaN Amplifier for X-Band Radar Remote Sensing Using >50 VDC FETs,"An efficient 400W amplifier for pulse spaceborne radar active remote sensing applications at X-Band will be investigated. Current X-band radar transmitters use TWT devices requiring kV bulky power supplies, or 0.25 um GaN solid-state devices operating at 28 V or 50 V at most, with 40 V typical upper limit. Solid-state technology is desirable for its better SWaP figure of merit. However, achieving 400 W at X-band with 28 V or 50 V GaN technology requires power combining of several low-power MMIC or internally-matched 50 Ohm devices. Combiners require space and introduce losses. Integra Technologies proposes a new 400 W X-band GaN amplifier that operates using 0.25 um GaN FETs at 75 V and possibly at 100 VDC with 30% duty cycle and >50 MHz bandwidth and achieves >40% power-added efficiency.<l>The preliminary effort will investigate Integra's 0.25 um GaN devices operating at 50 V and 75 V for a ~50 W output power to determine gain and efficiency at X-band using Class J matching techniques for enhanced drain efficiency. Longer term device investigation will include geometry and epi modifications to optimize the chip size and cell dimensions for 100 VDC operation at X-band; a 2-stage module will target 400 W peak power and an appropriate driver device. The final amplifier module will include bias modulation techniques for efficiency. The amplifier will include material selections and layout techniques for reliability under high RF energy signal levels and low pressure environments"
564,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-8746 ,Ultra-Lightweight Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications,"Spacecraft environmental and thermal control systems make use of a variety of heat exchangers and condensers to provide clean water and maintain component temperatures at acceptable levels. In many cases these heat exchangers and condensers are fabricated using passivated stainless steel to retard corrosion and fouling processes, representing a significant weight penalty even for heat exchangers with minimal solid material. Leveraging extensive experience in the design and fabrication of ultra-compact heat exchangers, evaporators, and condensers using photochemically etched thin metal laminates, microVection has developed a concept for fabricating ultra-lightweight compact microfinned heat exchangers using 3-D printing technology. The concept involves 3-D printing a frame using relatively low-cost resins, followed by fully-dense plating of the frame to produce the desired heat exchanger feature dimensions. Heat exchanger fabrication is completed through heating in a furnace to remove the frame. The result is a heat exchanger that possesses all of the benefits of a laminated microfinned heat exchanger without the design constraints of continuous load paths through the structure. The proposed effort supports the NASA goal of reducing the mass and increasing the efficiency of heat acquisition components (per the 2015 NASA Technology Roadmap, TA 14.2.1 Heat Acquisition). Specific goals of the program are to design a heat exchanger with a performance metric below 0.4 kg/kW-K, eliminate the need for bonded/brazed joints, and demonstrate the ability to fabricate the concept."
615,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.06-8747 ,Asymmetric Conductance Thermoelectric Cooling Modules for Cryogenic Applications,"Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) have long been noted for their compact construction, high reliability, and clean, quiet operation, and they are now widely used in consumer products. However, TECs are inefficient devices requiring large electrical currents to provide a refrigerant effect. Even modest improvements in TEC performance would vastly increase the market potential of thermoelectric cooling, expanding its role into maintaining space science instrument components at cryogenic temperatures (<90K), as well as increasing adoption in consumer appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners. microVection has identified a means of improving the efficiencies of TECs with minor design and fabrication changes. This involves shifting the peak temperature location through modification of the conductance in a simple and controlled manner. This was demonstrated first analytically and then by using a small cell of 3 couples (6 legs), and the results showed a significant (~30%) increase in the temperature differential of the cell at no heat load. The simplicity of the concept suggests that it offers a near-term, affordable cooling solution that can take advantage of both advanced materials and reductions in scale to improve temperature differentials by as much as 30%. Conversely, the same temperature differential can be achieved at lower input power levels, or at higher cold-side heat fluxes, with input power being reduced by as much as 60%. The overarching goal of the proposed effort is to bring high-performance thermoelectric cooling technology to a maturity suitable for the space science and commercial marketplaces, and to demonstrate analytically and experimentally that asymmetric conductance TEC designs offer significant advantages over conventional thermoelectric devices. The specific objective of the Phase I is to show that asymmetric conductance thermoelectric devices offer near-term improvements to thermoelectric coolers in high current design scenarios."
627,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8712 ,Lightweight Electrical Power Cable Production,"In this SBIR Program, Structured Materials Industries, Inc. (SMI), working with the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) will develop graphene wire, as a lightweight higher conductivity superior electrical power transmission cable to present copper (or aluminum) wire. Replacing metal wiring with graphene wire will result in significant weight savings for space, military, and commercial craft; translating directly to reduced fuel consumption, extended operational parameters, and increased payload. The technology developed in this SBIR will ultimately be extended to many other systems with electrical or electronic subcomponents. In prior wire work, SMI demonstrated the concept of producing lightweight, highly conductive wire based on multiple layers of graphene. Calculations based on that work showed that a greater than 50% weight reduction is possible by replacing copper wires with graphene wires. The weight savings increased with higher amperage wires. We will build upon the prior work and demonstrate technology for manufacturable production of graphene wire to NASA performance specifications. We will also produce and deliver samples of lightweight graphene wire for evaluation by our NASA sponsors."
537,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-8284 ,SpaceVPX Switch-Controller,"Crossfield Technology proposes a SpaceVPX (VITA 78) Switch-Controller Module implemented in a state-of-the-art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) System on Chip (SoC). The System Controller and Chassis Management Controller (ChMC) functions will be implemented in the embedded ARM processors and the Control and Data Switches will be implemented in the FPGA fabric. Crossfield proposes to use an FPGA SoC implemented in FinFET technology for the design, and to assess the radiation hardness of this FPGA SoC as part of the program. The FPGA SoC integrates sufficient logic elements and high-speed transceivers to implement a 16-port RapidIO Data Switch. Crossfield proposes to use 3D XPoint memory or MRAM to provide radiation hardness of the memory system.<l><l>For space applications requiring more robust radiation hardness, the design can be ported to the radiation-hardened multi-core General Purpose Processor (GPP) under development by NASA plus one or more radiation-hardened FPGAs."
511,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.05-9984 ,Rad-hard Smallsat / CubeSat Avionics Board,"VORAGO will design a rad-hard Smallsat / CubeSat Avionics single board that has the necessary robustness needed for long duration missions in harsh mission environments. The board will exceed processing performance of 100 DMIPS and will include a rad-hard MCU and an FPGA to implement mission specific processing functions. I2C, CAN, SPI, and SpaceWire busses will be supported on-board along with four 8-10bit SERDES interfaces. On-board memory will include 16 MB of EDAC protected RAM, 4 GB of non-volatile memory storage and 256 kB of non-volatile memory for boot software. The board will accept and digitize 16 thermistor inputs and 8 active analog inputs. A watchdog timer and external reset signal will be provided on the board. The board will be no bigger than 90mm x 90mm and will be specified to consume no more than 3W. <l>The deliverables for the project will include board schematics, bill of materials and costing, industry-standard deliverables for fabrication of the board, assembly and testing. In addition, a thorough component analysis will be reported including power consumption characteristics (to demonstrate that 3W will not be exceeded) and radiation performance specifications to ensure that the board has been designed to meet the objective of long duration missions in radiation environments. A board-level FMEA will be supplied as part of the deliverable and QML design practices will be followed and documented. In addition, a detailed list of software and hardware development tools for programming and developing command and data handling software will be supplied. Important software such as an RTOS will be supplied."
607,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.08-9948 ,Rad-hard Embedded Processing SIP,"VORAGO Technologies will create a design for a radiation-hardened miniaturized System-In-Package (SIP) that will comprise of an ARM-Cortex based microcontroller, an MRAM memory chip and an Analog-to-digital converter. The significance of the innovation is to enable a highly integrated SIP assembly that integrates multiple die from different processes and foundries, enabling a miniaturized, highly-reliable embedded processing / sensor interface module. The SIP will be optimized for size, weight, power consumption and radiation hardness. Based upon preliminary calculations, we expect that the SIP will be a minimum of 5X the area of implementing discrete chips. Combining multiple functions together will significantly reduce the mass and volume compared to existing solutions that would require at least three separate ICs to provide the same level of functionality. Designers will be able to reduce their PCB size and the amount of effort that it takes to layout and route a board. Fewer PCB connections and solder joints will improve the reliability of a design. A single SIP can also be tested and qualified more expediently than three individual devices. The technical objectives for the SIP are to select best-in-class radiation hardened semiconductor devices that offer a high level of performance, interoperability, very low power consumption and produce a design to integrate them into a single package. The resulting package footprint will be the smallest possible but will be designed so that it can be tested and qualified to MIL-PRF-38534. There are two package configurations that are possible to implement. One option does not involve die stacking and will reduce the area (versus using three standalone chips) of 5.03X. Another option uses a stacked die configuration and will result in an area reduction of 7.37X. After analyzing out both options in more detail, we will decide which option to pursue. A test and qualification plan will be provided."
678,Science,JPL,2017,S1.07-8853 ,Coded Aperture Techniques for High-Throughput Imaging Spectroscopy,"We propose the use of programmable, two-dimensional (2D) coded apertures for high-throughput imaging spectroscopy. Spatially-varying, 2D, transmissive or reflective encoded mask, such as a hadamard or bernoulli random matrix, can be leveraged to realize high-throughput variants of many standard imaging spectroscopy techniques with throughput enhancements surpassing 50-100x compared to slit-based systems. In addition, recent advances in fast-switching spatial light modulators enable the reprogramming of mask encoding on the millisecond timescale. The combination these two technologies enables a wide array of potential innovations for hyperspectral imaging systems offering high-throughput, compressive measurement, with significant operational-flexibility. In this proposal, we target the application of these techniques to the development of a high-throughput, pushbroom imaging spectrometer for planetary science applications."
766,Human Exploration and Operations,KSC,2017,H2.01-8820 ,Cuberover for Lunar Resource Site Evaluation,"The proposed innovation is a Lunar CubeRover specialized as a 2 kg payload to evaluate lander ejecta and to characterize small-rover trafficability. This CubeRover and its roles are specific to the RFP though broadly more general and impactful for exploration enterprise. The proposal offers the prospect for standardization, democratization and broad applicability of CubeRover analogous to the way that CubeSats transformed the domain of Earth orbit and SmallSat enterprise. For the specific context of this proposal, CubeRover is specialized to address III-C-2 In-situ Lunar Surface Trafficability (topic III-C-2) and Descent Engine Blast Ejecta Phenomena (topic III-D-4)."
552,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.02-8909 ,Thermoplastic forming of bulk metallic glasses for precision robotics components,"Demand for novel manufacturing methods for space systems brings unique properties of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) into the spotlight. In addition to superior mechanical properties associated with enhanced reliability, BMG technology can offer new manufacturing processes that result in components with higher precision and complexity, eliminating machining and minimizing final assembly. In this project, we propose to utilize the unique thermoplastic forming (TPF) ability of bulk metallic glasses to net shape high precision robotic gears. The fabrication method that we propose to develop for NASA applications will yield shapes and dimensional accuracies that can't be achieved with any other metal fabrication method and produce thin walled geometries beyond what is possible with machining and casting processes. BMGs have demonstrated superior mechanical properties in extremely low temperature environments and ability to operate without lubricants in gear mechanisms. To take this further, we will explore improvement of friction and wear properties important for gears by fabricating composite surfaces through TPF method using molybdenum disulfide particles. The outcome of the project will be a demonstration of capabilities to manufacture precise robotic components with complex thin walled geometries and improved properties. Beyond space applications, the use of versatile thermoplastic forming processes for precision gears has a strong potential to bring cost savings for a wide range of industries that use robotic mechanisms."
625,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8929 ,Single-Chip DC-DC Converter for Harsh Environments,"Alphacore Inc. will develop a digitally controlled, high switching rate, digital hysteresis based DCDC converter suitable for space and harsh environment applications. Alphacore will collaborate with ASU scientists to develop a RHBD, digital intensive, single-chip hysteretic DC-DC converter module to achieve:<l>- Utilizing 180nm digital CMOS process, supporting up to 4.5V input supply, and up to 4A of load current utilizing a stacked power stage.<l>- First all-digital hysteretic converter, achieving 10MHz switching rate, with reduced output component sizing <l>- A digital slow-start (SS) option to sequence and daisy chain and sequence power supplies <l>- Digitally controlled regulation loop parameters, including switching speed, hysteresis window, settling time<l>The switching regulator will be fully digitally controlled, enabling portability across various process technologies. Alphacore's design provides a very fast transient response and high efficiency operation across the full load range of operation using digital. Having a fast-transient design is critical when operating a digital ASIC or FPGA that typically require a large amount of decoupling capacitance (lots of area on the board) to be able to respond to dynamic load change within their core. <l><l>The main characteristics of this design are: 1 to 5 V input voltage, 0.8 - 4.5 V regulated output voltage, fully integrated, load current scalable power train, high efficiency (peak efficiency at 94%) digital hysteretic converter. The main deliverable of this research will be a single chip, all digitally hysteretic controlled solution, where a fully integrated all digital DC-DC point-of-load regulator with programmable hysteresis window will deliver a load current of 0.1A to 2A. Due to its fully integrated solution, the controller design will be 2.5x2.5 mm2 on a 0.13um 18um CMOS process. The converter will utilize drain extended power devices to achieve high voltage compliance."
600,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-8372 ,High Temperature Stirling Cooler,"Although Honeybee and others have made huge advances in developing mechanisms, motors, and electronics for use in high temperature/high pressure environments such as the surface of Venus (460C), certain types of critical electronic and sensing technologies are inherently temperature sensitive. The lack of high temperature tolerat cameras and optical sensors has, to date, prevented up-close in-situ analysis of the Venusian surface. In this SBIR we will close that technology gap by developing a miniature Stirling cooler, suitable for integration with a sensor package at the end of an effector or robot arm, which is capable of keeping conventional electronics cool outside of the spacecraft body in the high temperature Venus environment. This advance would vastly expand the list of technologies which can be deployed on the surface of Venus, and correspondingly advance the types of science that can be performed. We will demonstrate in Phase-I a brassboard system at high temperature, followed by a flight like system in full Venusian conditions in Phase-II."
802,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-9572 ,Portable Virtual Aircraft Test System (PVATS),"TMC's reusable modeling and simulation technologies are currently utilized by NASA for enabling advanced verification and validation (V&V) and dynamic analysis of complex systems such as spacecraft and launch vehicles by executing the exact flight software binaries in a software-only test bed. These reusable technologies, already developed under a NASA contract, are also applicable to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and will provide a portable, faster-than-real-time test bed capable of dynamic analysis, fault injection, and automated testing, including Monte Carlo analysis. <l>This test bed, named Portable Virtual Aircraft Test System (PVATS), leverages TMC's existing virtualization and modeling technologies to create a virtual environment that includes a CPU instruction set emulator and modeled UAS components such as sensors and actuators, and which executes in an automated virtual machine. <l><l>The PVATS goals are to directly improve the timeliness and thoroughness of test and evaluation outcomes while reducing costs and increasing UAS flight software assurance. The three targeted goals are 1) V&V of UAS flight software, 2) Assist UAS software development and early testing by providing many portable virtual test environments to developers, and 3) Training of UAS operators using a virtual environment."
806,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-8539 ,NExT ADS-B - An Affordable Architecture for ADS-B Coverage to the Surface for UAS in the NAS,"We have designed an UAS and aircraft extended communication network to cover the critical low altitude national tracking gap from the ground to 3000ft in the FAA?s NextGen. Our no-Gap ADS-B network design is nationally scalable and offers interoperability with the deployed national network. Our design does not need expensive infrastructure, it is modular for on-location demand yet is nationally scalable, so will cost far less than existing solutions. <l><l>Our FAA approved secure weather data network design will be extended to provide secure UAS & aircraft traffic data."
553,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.02-8480 ,Engineered Alloy Structures by Friction Stir Reaction Processing,"This SBIR Phase I effort examines the feasibility of an innovative surface modification technology incorporating friction stir reaction processing for producing engineered alloy structures, or conventional parts with strategically enhanced locations for wear, environmental, and/or creep-fatigue resistance. Friction stir reaction processing is an emerging microstructural modification technique based on the solid state friction stir welding and friction stir processing. It can be applied to enhance the microstructure-properties of the parent material through the introduction of nano-particles into the ""weld"" thus improve the damage tolerance capabilities of the reinforced region. This separate step allows high value parts to have tailored microstructure-properties based on component region-specific requirements, as opposed to one set of microstructure-properties fits all as a compromise."
843,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.01-8463 ,Manufacturing For Design of Titanium Alloys,"This SBIR Phase I program proposes to exploit the tremendous benefits that could be offered by the development of a microstructural refinement and control technology for titanium alloys. A severe plastic deformation (SPD) technology based on hot die isothermal forging technologies will be explored in this work. The goal is to demonstrate a practical, production level manufacturing approach to producing bulk-sized titanium alloy components with refined and controllable microstructure-properties. Higher performance titanium alloys would be particularly advantageous for next generation airframe and engine structures and components seeking improved structural efficiency. The effect of different thermomechanical conditions to achieve the requisite microstructure-properties also needs to be understood in order to identify the optimum process."
533,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z7.01-8404 ,weaved distributed plastic optical fiber sensor (DIFOS?) SHM system,"In Phase I, Redondo Optics Inc. proposes to develop, demonstrate, and deliver to NASA an innovative, fully integrated, miniature size, light weight, ultra-low power, and wireless communication weaved distributed plastic optical fiber sensor (DIFOS) SHM system suitable for the global monitoring of passive and dynamic - axial and bi-axial - stresses and shape history within the canopy broadcloth fabric of large and entire cross-sections of NASA's disk-gap-band (DGB) parachutes planned for the Mars 2020 mission landings. ROI's DIFOS structural health monitor (SHM) sensor system is based on the innovative integration of proven state-of-the-art technologies: 1) use of minimally invasive (50-μm-fiber) plastic optical fiber (micro-bend, and/or FBGs) strain sensors cross-weaved within the parachute canopy broadcloth fabrics and strands of supersonic parachutes; 2) use of ROI's proprietary PIC microchip optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) for the high spatial resolution (cm's) distributed monitoring of the axial and bi-axial strain/stress state of the weaved optical fibers over the entire canopy broadcloth fabric of the parachute structure. In Phase II, the DIFOS SHM system will be integrated into an airborne ready decelerator system and tested under load environments representative of decelerator decent missions."
815,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.10-9277 ,Machine-learning & QMU for multi-fidelity analysis of scramjet operability,"Dual-mode scramjets have the potential to operate efficiently in a variety of flight conditions without requiring complicated variable configurations, thus providing cost-effective access to space and potential for high-speed atmospheric transport. However, the successful design and operation of these systems requires the identification of potential failure modes related to the transition between ramjet and scramjet modes and inlet-isolator-combustor unstart events. High-fidelity computer simulations and detailed diagnostics in a ground-based facility provide invaluable data, but cannot be routinely used for an extensive exploration of design solutions due to cost. Furthermore, it is challenging to formulate efficient design strategies that accommodate performance constraints and guarantee safe operations; as a consequence safety factors (and limitations in vehicle operability) are typically introduced a-posteriori leading to suboptimal systems. Cascade's proposal aims at investigating modern scramjet systems using a combination of computational tools focusing on design strategies that a-priori include safety margins from unstart. The project goal is to combine machine-learning tools, in-house high-fidelity simulation capabilities, and high-throughput low fidelity engineering techniques within a risk-aware optimization framework that can potentially enhance the ability to generate safe and performant design. Machine learning will enable the extraction and categorization of knowledge from in-house high-fidelity data and experiments; the engineering tools afford the exploration of a large set of geometrical configurations and operating scenarios; the QMU (Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties) technique, will provide the optimization framework. Validation of the high-fidelity and low-fidelity tools with data from the HIFiRE experimental campaign will provide an explicit measure of the confidence in the simulations which will explicitly be included within QMU."
717,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8808 ,Kilowatt Level Uplinks for Deep Space Optical Communications,"In a prior program, Optical Engines was able to achieve 300 W average CW power in a Packaged Deep Space uplink transmitter delivered to JPL. In order to meet the stated JPL goal of 500W of average power with a 20% duty factor in a low data rate configuration, over 3kW of pump power will be required. In order to operate with the nested high data rate option, mj level pulse energies at high average powers will need to be achieved. These performance requirements call for novel and unique designs in order to navigate a potential system around fiber non linearities and thermal modal instabilities. Optical Engines proposes to develop a 1030nm counter pumped composite microstructured fiber based transmitter system. To accomplish this a counter pumped fiber combiner and a specific double mode adapter will be developed and demonstrated, with the 500W average power 2500 W peak power low data rate configuration being developed and demonstrated along with designs for the nested high data rate configuration being completed."
751,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.01-9146 ,Impact Resistant Composite Structures for Space Suit Applications,"Composites Automation (CA) and partners University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (UD-CCM) and ILC Dover, propose to evaluate innovative composite material and structure concepts that improve impact performance for space suite hard composite components. A systematic experimental screening methodology in Phase I, followed by detailed design and assessment in Phase II. Material innovations evaluated in this effort include hybrid laminate constructions, interlayers and thin-ply composite laminates; as well as potential synergistic combinations. A Low-Velocity Impact (LVI) protocol will be used in combination with leak resistance checks to evaluate concepts and guide composite design. A two-stage methodology is proposed with initial screening of concepts under equivalent conditions for comparative assessment, followed by performance limit assessment (maximum impact energy with no leak)."
540,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z5.02-8656 ,Tensegrital Wheel for Enhanced Surface Mobility,"ProtoInnovations introduces the ""tensegrital wheel"" an inventive concept for wheeled locomotion that exploits the geometric and mechanical attributes of a tensegrity structure to engage with the terrain in an effective and efficient manner. The tensegrital wheel emulates the behavior of a variable pressure tire without the need for an inflation system. The construction of the tensegrital wheel is such that it absorbs and diffuses ground forces fairly evenly. The stiffness of the tensegrital wheel can be tuned to match the demands of a given environment that the wheel is to operate in or can be adjusted on-the-fly. These attributes allow for better adaptation to the terrain thus increasing the amount of thrust that can be generated at the wheel/ground interface, and improving a vehicle's dynamic response and obstacle negotiation abilities. We assert that the tensegrital wheel can be designed to achieve a very high strength-to-weight ratio and exceptional capacity for long-life specifically in the context of planetary exploration. For the Phase I of this SBIR project we aim to prove the feasibility of the tensegrital wheel and quantify its capabilities and limitations through analysis, prototyping, and testing. The technology proposed here is of particular value to planetary missions involving mobility over various terrain geometries and ground compositions."
704,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8514 ,Advanced Coherent Lidar Receiver,"An advanced wide bandwidth coherent lidar receiver is proposed that will enhance sensitivity, and reduce support hardware complexity. With built in signal processing, the receiver will provide high resolution spectral estimates for Doppler frequency extraction of weak signals in noise. If successful, the innovation will increase lidar system efficiency, reduce cost, size, weight and power."
773,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H11.01-9190,Novel Radiation Shielding Composite Structural Materials for Deep Space Human Protection,"Advances in radiation shielding systems technologies are needed to protect humans and electronic components from all threats of space radiation. This is especially important as NASA continues to develop plans for long duration missions, where exposure to harmful radiation is greater than ever before. Brimrose Technology Corporation, in collaboration with Penn State University, proposes to develop a novel integrated radiation shielding material based on aluminum and UHMWPE and Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) will be used to fabricate the prototypes of these materials. Beside radiation shielding capabilities, such materials would also have desirable thermal and mechanical properties suitable for forming protective structures that are strong, durable, thermally manageable, and hermetic."
654,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-8565 ,Rapid Fabrication of High Stability Optical Mirror Blanks,"Soter Technology is pleased to offer NASA a new technology for manufacturing diffraction limited visible telescope mirror blanks. This technology can support both symmetric primary mirrors and off-axis segments for segmented telescopes. The recurring fabrication cost and cycle time for these mirrors is quite low, once nonrecurring equipment (e.g. the optical test set) has been completed. For example, a 0.25 m diameter mirror with >2 KHz first mode and 19.5 kg/m2 would be fabricated in < 30 days. A 0.75 m diameter mirror with >350 Hz first mode at 21 kg/m2 would be completed in 1 m) depends strongly on the stiffness requirements, because stiffness drives overall mirror volume. Fabrication costs for the blank and polishing are expected to be between $0.3M/m2 and $0.4 M/m2 for sizes up to 1 m, and 400 Hz first mode, 10 nm RMS surface, and has"
647,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-8407 ,Freeform Optics for Optical Payloads with Reduced Size and Weight,"Future optical systems for NASA's low-cost missions such as CubeSat and other small-scale payloads are constrained by the traditional spherical form of optics. As such, there is a movement away from traditional spherical optics to nonspherical optical lenses or mirror surfaces. Freeform optics are anticipated to enable benefits like fast wide-field and distortion-free cameras. Although various techniques to create complex optical surfaces are under investigation, the design and use of conformal and freeform shapes are currently costly due to fabrication and metrology of these parts. To address the need for lower-cost smaller-sized lighter-weight optics, freeform-surfaced 3D gradient-index optics will be developed that allow complex gradient-index profiles to be fabricated directly into the optical materials, allowing for optical power to be realized and for geometric and chromatic aberrations to be corrected, while reducing the tolerance requirements of freeform-surface machining. In Phase I, the 3D freeform optical-index materials will be demonstrated in planar, spherically figured, and 3D-freeform surface implementations. The 3D freeform GRIN materials will be shown to relax the requirements and lower the cost of optical design and manufacturing, while offering superior performance."
665,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.10-8993 ,Optical Flywheel for Yb+ Ion Clock,"OEwaves Inc. offers to develop and demonstrate an extended cavity ultra-stable 436 nm diode laser system that features the properties required for long duration space applications. The system will be based on a semiconductor laser locked to a monolithic microcavity using self injection locking technique. This technique results in a complete suppression of mode hops in the laser during its operational lifetime. The microcavity will not only stabilize the frequency of the laser, but will also be used to measure and stabilize the power of the laser. Furthermore, the microcavity provides a modulatable laser that features exceptionally low residual amplitude modulation, allowing a robust lock to the clock transition of interest. <l>The laser is intended as an optical local oscillator (LO) suitable for Yb+ ion clock. The LO will include a semiconductor diode laser stabilized to a millimeter scale monolithic reference resonator. The reference resonator is a high quality factor (Q) and narrow-linewidth dielectric whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator that is thermally compensated to produce a vanishingly small temperature coefficient. The LO will deliver the same performance as the best existing high-end laboratory Fabry-Perot resonator-based LOs--which are large, expensive, and fragile table-mounted instruments--but in a robust, 100 cc volume module that is inexpensive and consumes small power."
761,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H3.02-9523 ,Wearable Personal Hydrazine Monitoring System,"We propose to develop a rapid, high sensitivity, personal monitoring device for hydrazine that is based upon the Surface Triggering of Propagated Crystal Lattice Destabilization (STPCLD) phenomenon. This represents a novel approach to rapid, high sensitivity sensors and is based upon noncovalent derivatization (NCD). The sensor will consist of a two-dimensional cocrystal film of a hydrazine-interacting molecule and a color-forming molecule. When bound within the crystal, the color-former is not colored, but when the crystal liquefies, the color-former takes on color. The uncolored crystal is maintained just below its phase transition temperature. When hydrazine interacts with one of the hydrazine-interacting molecules, it causes a defect in the two-dimensional lattice. Because the composition is chosen near the crystal melting temperature, the crystal is entropically poised to melt. A local liquefication occurs, which spreads rapidly along crystal dislocations.<l><l>The specific objectives are:<l><l>1. To synthesize and prepare a set of bis-phthalimide derivatives for testing as hydrazine-interactive substrates.<l>2. To test the set of bis-phthalimide derivatives as hydrazine-interactive substrates for hydrazine induced melting.<l>a. To determine the best substrate.<l>b. To determine the ideal operating temperature.<l>c. To determine the sensitivity to hydrazine and ammonia.<l>3. To design Phase II configuration."
549,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.02-9914 ,Additively Manufactured Multi-Material Insert,"Parabilis Space Technologies is pleased to propose development of a novel additive manufacturing method which enables the use of multiple dissimilar materials in an additively manufactured parent part. This revolutionary process dramatically extends the economic and design advantages of additive manufacturing into areas where either tolerances or available homogeneous materials would otherwise be insufficient.<l>The use of additive manufacturing has the ability to both reduce part count by enabling innovative designs and reduce design cycle time because of the direct connection between the computer generated geometry and the final part. In addition to expanding the range of possibility for part geometries, additive manufacturing is also unique in the property that the cost of manufacturing increases with the addition, not the removal, of material. Conventional machining is driven by the cost of the time required to remove material. This discrepancy often makes lightweight, minimalistic additive manufacturing designs cheaper than traditionally machined parts. This conveys a significant advantage for aerospace parts where mass is at a premium.<l>Unfortunately, these revolutionary manufacturing processes are still limited to homogenous powders. This limits their application to parts made from single materials, which, in turn, limits the components on which they can be used or else requires multi-piece assemblies. Aerospace components often have very different temperature, stress, or material compatibility constraints on different regions of the same part or assembly.<l>The proposed innovation offers a solution to these problems through an innovated method for joining parts into an additively manufactured parent part, creating a functional seal between the materials. This innovation will significantly advance the state of the art of additive manufacturing technology, not only for thrusters and in-space components, but for aerospace and general mechanical parts as well."
645,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-9520 ,Battery-Powered Process for Coating Telescope Mirrors in Space,"ZeCoat Corporation will develop a battery-powered, aluminum deposition process for making broadband reflective coatings in space (wavelength range: 30-nm to 2500-nm). The process uses an array of evaporation filaments powered by batteries contained in pressurized vessels placed in the vacuum of space. The vacuum coating process is scalable for large mirrors several meters in diameter, but is applicable to any size mirror. By simultaneously discharging batteries through individual evaporation filaments, a tremendous amount of energy may be released rapidly. By placing iridium (or a multi-layer interference coating) on the mirror initially (coated on earth), followed by a fresh coat of aluminum in space, the broadband response of the telescope could be extended down to 30-nm. Current coating technologies limit the reflectance response to 90-nm because of the absorbing fluoride coating which protects the aluminum from oxidation on earth. The ability to coat optics in space offers a tremendous potential benefit to astronomy because the 30-nm to 90-nm region is rich in spectral lines. <l>Since molten metals such as aluminum are held onto a hot tungsten filament by surface tension, the proposed evaporation process will work in zero-gravity. A high aluminum evaporation rate has been shown to produce the least scattering and most highly reflecting aluminum coatings, particularly in the vacuum UV spectral region. To achieve future wavefront requirements over a large primary mirror, it is likely that many evaporation sources will be required. By placing the power supply (the battery) very near each evaporation filament, electrical losses are minimized. <l>In Phase I, we will demonstrate feasibility using prototype battery-powered deposition (BPD) units previously manufactured at ZeCoat Corporation. In Phase II, miniaturized battery-powered unit will be designed and manufactured, and the coating process will be developed and tested in a simulated space environment."
732,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.01-9646 ,Adaptive Laser Sintering System for In-space Printed Electronics,"The goal of this project is to enhance the Optomec Aerosol Jet(R) technology for additive manufacturing by introduction of an Adaptive Laser Sintering System (ALSS) module to enable a fully automated system for printed electronics. The Optomec-Harding team seeks to reduce the localized laser sintering concept to practice by developing ALSS with in-situ automated adjustment of laser power and processing time. ALSS will include a laser for sintering with sensors to monitor the process so that any flaws in the printed electronics circuitry can be repaired with minimal human intervention. The benefit will be two-fold: it will enable Optomec, Inc. to expand its commercial applications of the Aerosol Jet technology in printed electronics industry, and to pave the way for the use of this advanced technology in the next generation of human space exploration. The success of this endeavor will be of vital importance to the NASA's in-space, on-demand manufacturing capabilities to support the unique challenges of long-duration human spaceflight. The developed automated adaptive in-line quality control system with ALSS is also applicable to that required for long-duration human space missions with minimal need for astronaut intervention, when printing conformal electronics and sensors onto flexible substrates of various geometrical complexities using the Aerosol Jet technology. The liquid metal nanoparticle (NP) inks as printed are not conductive enough for required circuit functionality; they must be transformed to solid metal path by a sintering at an elevated temperature. To reduce sintering time and exposure of the substrate to damaging temperatures, localized laser sintering has been shown to be promising. The challenge to commercialization of laser sintering is controlling the laser power and processing time required for effective sintering of metal NP inks while avoiding thermal damage to substrate, which will be addressed by the ALSS."
556,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.01-8785 ,Layer Topographic Mapping (LTM) for L-PBF Process,"Metal AM like laser powder bed forming (L-PBF) have low process MRL and part-to-part inconsistencies. In process inspection (IPI) can detect inconsistencies and potential defects on a layer-by-layer basis, offering lower rejections, higher yield, closed loop process control and in process repair. We will develop a novel IPI method called Layer Topographic Mapping (LTM). Surface morphology of every layer is measured after melting to very fine detail at high speed using a COTS laser profilometer (LP) sensor. Dense 3D point clouds (LTMs) of the top layer of the surface are created with high accuracy and spatial resolution. The LTM map describes detailed surface morphology of the layer and also is used to calculate the incremental thickness distribution of the formed layer. The data is analyzed in several ways to detect, classify and locate layer defects such as pores, balling and unfused powder. Both 1D and 2D frequency analysis of the surface profile has been shown effective detecting atypical or aberrant layer topography features that may correspond with flaws. Computer vision tools developed to reliably detect subtle defects in textured surfaces will also be employed, analyzing statistical variation of regions of the image from the overall image. These methods are effective detecting texture abnormalities without any a priori knowledge of the texture itself and are successfully used in high speed industrial inspection applications such as textile production. Flightware has teamed with Edison Welding Institute (EWI) who built and operate a dedicated L-PBF Test Bed to develop effective IPI methods and closed loop process control. This includes several local and area sensors, including a Laser Profilometer mounted on the powder Recoater. EWI's Test Bed is operational today; no SBIR investment is required. In Phase I we will acquire extensive LTM data with the LP sensor and analyze it to detect, classify and locate specific defect conditions in in L-PBF process."
538,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z5.02-9047 ,Robot Application Development Using a Library of Reactive Control Actions,"Future NASA missions will require robots that are adaptable in the face of dynamic and unpredictable environments. Existing robot systems have largely relied on a combination of highly-controlled, known environments and slow, carefully preplanned motions that require intensive human preparation and oversight. This strategy leaves little room for variation or adaptability in the face of unforeseen errors and limits the amount of direct interaction the robot can have with its environment.<l><l>Consider the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) arm. This system is used to grapple payloads docking with the ISS and to transport astronauts for EVA operations. In the first case, the payloads remain essentially stationary relative to the ISS, while in the second, the manipulator remains stationary during the actual EVA activity. The current SSRMS software simply does not support dynamic activities such as acquiring a moving object, nor does it allow the astronauts to use its capabilities to assist them during the EVA task. Similarly, consider the tasks performed by the R5 humanoid robot during both the DARPA Robotics Challenge and for the ongoing NASA Space Robotics Challenge. These tasks include manipulating objects such as communication dishes, valves and buttons that are placed in fixed locations. In each case, the robot is commanded to perform a series of carefully constructed actions, typically relying on a remote human operator to react at rates slower than necessary for many crucial tasks. Handling non-rigid soft goods, grabbing a tool from a human co-worker, or using a wrench to tighten a bolt with a specific torque are well beyond the current mission capabilities.<l><l>To address these challenges, we propose an application development framework in which both experts and non-experts can draw upon a set of reactive control actions to quickly program complex robots to perform complex tasks, expanding their capabilities and advancing the state of the art."
734,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.03-9534 ,A Flexible Cognitive Architecture for Space Exploration Agents,"In space operations, carrying out the activities of mission plans by executing procedures often requires close collaboration between ground controllers who have deep knowledge of the spacecraft's systems and crewmembers who have on-board situation awareness. Because of the light distances involved, this close collaboration will not be practical for inter-planetary exploration. This proposal seeks to develop a software cognitive architecture for space exploration (CASE) that will autonomously carry out exploration operations by using the same knowledge and executing the same plans and procedures as those developed on Earth. Over the past several years, TRACLabs, in support of NASA and other government agencies, has developed a number of components that can be used in such an architecture, and now proposes to design an exploration agent based on that architecture and to show that it is feasible for use in space exploration. These components include a procedure development system known as PRIDE that allows for variably autonomous execution of both crew and robotic procedures, an automated planner that plans and re-plans the execution of procedures to achieve overall mission goals, and an ontology data management system that makes system states available to all the components. In this work we will develop two new but vital elements for the architecture: a process manager that will manage the use of distributed computing resources to support the CASE components, and a natural language dialog system to allow the crew access to any part of the architecture. CASE will provide a feasible approach to agent design for space exploration, provide on-board autonomy in nominal operations and human-computer solutions for off-nominal operations, allow for the interchange of components from external sources and be robust in the face of computational failures."
508,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9627 ,High Performance Hybrid Propulsion System for a Small Launch Vehicle,"Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) proposes to design, develop and demonstrate an innovative high-performance, green, storable hybrid propellant system in a high mass fraction launch vehicle for small satellites. The hybrid system utilizes an innovative composite solid fuel technology that significantly enhances fuel regression rate and ignitibility relative to state-of-the-art hybrids, without relying on a multi-port fuel grain geometry, complex port flow behavior, or the use of metallic additives. The high energy, high density liquid oxidizer improves hybrid motor combustion capabilities and reduces logistical operational cost compared to current state-of-the-art cryogenic oxidizers. This new system offers all advantages associated with hybrid propulsion, including inherent safety and simplicity in design. In Phase I, the hybrid system efficacy will be quantified through subscale motor demonstrations. The results generated will be utilized to conduct a realistic system level design of the propulsion system for full-scale demonstration in Phase II."
558,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-9765 ,Passive Set-Point Thermal Control Skin for Spacecraft,"Current manned and unmanned spacecraft require sophisticated thermal control technologies to keep systems at temperatures within their proper operating ranges. Future manned and unmanned missions to the moon, mars, and other destinations will require new technologies to maintain spacecraft temperature near a set-point while under variable heat loads and thermal environments under increasingly stringent size, weight and power constraints. Passive components that can assist with this goal can greatly extend and expand NASA mission capabilities. Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to develop a passive thermal skin with set-point temperature control using phase-change-material nanofilms. Our innovation will allow for simultaneous control of the visible reflectivity and the infrared emissivity of the spacecraft, causing the craft to reflect sunlight and radiate heat when hot, and absorb sunlight and become non-emissive when cold. By simultaneously optimizing both the visible and infrared optical properties, a turn-down ratio (TDR) of 18:1 is ultimately achievable."
593,Science,JPL,2017,S4.05-9760 ,Antimicrobial Coating for Metallic Surfaces,"NASA needs innovative technologies to protect biological sensors and to prevent contamination of extraterrestrial bodies such as Europa, Enceladus or Mars. Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) will develop novel broad spectrum antimicrobial (ABFV: anti-bacterial/fungal/viral) coatings for the exposed surfaces of spacecraft metals, plastic, and electronics that will act as a bio-barrier to prevent both forward and backward contamination. The technology will offer a complementary and milder approach to the current, energy intensive sterilization methods such as heat processing, gamma/electron beam irradiation, cold plasma and vapor hydrogen peroxide. In addition, these current technologies only provide a one-time sterilization. The PSI approach is a permanent coating that will prevent inadvertent contamination throughout the spacecraft assembly and integration.<l><l>The Phase I work will build upon PSI's previous efforts that developed highly efficacious and broad spectrum antimicrobial (ABFV: anti-bacterial/fungal/viral) finishes for textile surfaces. During the Phase I work, PSI will synthesize ABFV compounds that permanently attach to the surface of metallic materials such as aluminum and stainless steel. PSI will demonstrate high efficacy and broad spectrum antimicrobial activity of the treated metallic surfaces as well as compatibility with current sterilization processes. In a potential Phase II, PSI will further demonstrate the technology at a scale relevant to spacecraft applications. In addition, PSI will extend the use of the new antimicrobial technology to other spacecraft hardware materials such polymers, electronics and composites and demonstrate the ABFV treatment on representative pieces of spacecraft hardware."
632,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9632 ,Adaptive Venturi for Monopropellant Feed Systems,"Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to develop a unique venturi for future monopropellant feed systems that uses a passively controlled throat area to adjust propellant flow rate. The adaptive venturi eliminates water hammer in monopropellant thruster manifolds by rapidly adjusting flow area to prevent pressure surges. These benefits are achieved with a one-to-one replacement of existing cavitating venturis without added weight, volume, or power requirements. Furthermore, the total lifetime impulse of the propulsion system will increase due to increased flow area during nominal flow conditions. In Phase I, we will optimize the venturi design and measure key performance metrics in full-scale flow tests. The Phase I will conclude with a miniaturized adaptive venturi design accompanied by performance analysis results. In Phase II, a set of geometric models will be created to meet the range of flow conditions required for attitude and reaction control thrusters, as well as divert/insert thrusters up to 100 lbf. Upon successful technology development under the SBIR program, protoflight components and venturis for ground testing will be developed in technology transition programs."
639,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9761 ,A Ferroelectric Semiconductor Absorber for Surpassing the Shockley-Queisser Limit,"Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) proposes to develop new solar cells based on a ferroelectric semiconductor absorber material that can yield a 30% increase in efficiency and a 20% increase in specific power compared with current triple-junction III-V cells. These gains will be realized by exploiting a unique charge separation mechanism in ferroelectrics that enables open-circuit voltages many times the band gap, leading to maximum power conversion efficiencies exceeding the conventional Shockley-Queisser limit (33%). PSI and team members will create photovoltaic cells based on Earth-abundant SnS stabilized in a ferroelectric state by epitaxial strain engineering. By combining above-gap cell voltages with the high absorption coefficient (45% is anticipated to be achievable. Importantly, these cells will also offer improved radiation resistance due to the reduced carrier diffusion lengths required by the unique ferroelectric charge separation mechanism. During Phase I, PSI, guided by first-principles calculations conducted by the PARADIM Center at Cornell University, will demonstrate room-temperature ferroelectric ordering in SnS through epitaxial strain engineering. During Phase II, PSI and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will demonstrate the potential of the proposed absorber by achieving above-band gap open-circuit voltages in prototype cells. During a Phase III effort, the efficiency of these cells will be increased to a target value of 45% through reduction of intrinsic defects, leading to substantial improvements in cell size, weight, and power output."
664,Science,JPL,2017,S1.11-8294 ,Compact UV Laser,"In response to the development of components to advance the maturity of science instruments focused on the detection of evidence of life in the Ocean Worlds, Q-Peak proposes to develop a compact, robust, efficient, and radiation hardened UV laser capable of detecting organic molecules by means of the laser desorption technique. When slightly modified, the laser can be used to advance the development of instruments suitable for deployment on in-situ planetary and lunar missions such as ExoMars and Mars 2020 to analyze mineral composition of rock samples by performing imaging/Laser-Raman/Laser-Induced-Breakdown spectroscopies. The advantage in using these techniques for planetary science is the ability to rapidly collect a wealth of chemical information, by directing a laser beam on target of interest.<l>In Phase I, Q-Peak proposes the development of an ultra-compact, passively Q-switched laser, < 10 cm3 in volume that will produce 0.1-0.3 mJ energy, < 2 ns, 266-nm pulses at 5 kHz repetition rates. This laser will be designed to survive shock, vibration, thermal cycling, and radiation.<l>In order to make a very compact laser, Q Peak will use diode pumped solid state laser technology to produce 1-2 mJ of energy at 1064 nm using a Cr4+:YAG saturable absorber as the passive Q-switch to eliminate the need for a high voltage supply which is required for actively Q-switched lasers. The output of the laser will be frequency converted in two stages to produce 266 nm via nonlinear crystals specifically selected to survive a high radiation environment. Compact electronics will also be designed from radiation hardened components. <l>In Phase II program, specially designed optical components will be procured to make the laser very compact and alignment insensitive; for example, bonded nonlinear crystals to minimize wavelength walk-off and maximize nonlinear conversion efficiency. The laser will be subjected to representative environmental condition to bring the TRL to 6."
824,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-8502 ,Ceramic-Metal Interfaces by Functional Grading,"Glacigen Materials proposes a novel technique for producing large-area sheets of functionally graded materials (FGM), which yield robust ceramic-metal interfaces capable of withstanding harsh environments that include high temperatures. Propulsion systems offer some of the harshest possible design conditions from a materials perspective and the demands placed on engineering materials will become more rigorous in future systems. The combination of structural and environmental constraints often dictate that ceramics and metals be used synergistically. Unfortunately, the limitations of ceramic-metal joining are exacerbated in these same environments where simultaneous use of ceramics and metals would be most useful. Large discrepancies in thermal expansion coefficients and near-planar interfaces lead to delamination and spallation even in the best engineered bonds.<l>As a novel approach to this problem, Glacigen will create robust C-M interfaces by grading from one material phase to the other through a tailorable thickness. The technique is materials flexible, enjoys exceptional damage tolerance, and can accept significant mismatches in thermal expansion coefficients. The method for producing FGM sheets presented in this proposal will have the added advantage of controlled anisotropic properties within the sheets. In particular, it is anticipated that this new material system will be particularly valued for its damage tolerance at the interface where up to 96% of the interface can be destroyed before contact area is reduced to that of a planar joint with the same footprint. A second point of unique value will lie in the utility of engineered anisotropy where through thickness thermal conductivity is expected to be dramatically higher than in-plane thermal conductivity. Phase I efforts will demonstrate fabrication of these sheets and will include the characterization of mechanical, thermal, and functional properties."
526,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.01-9758 ,Fiber Fed Advanced Pulsed Plasma Thruster (APPT),"CU Aerospace (CUA) proposes the development of the Advanced Pulsed Plasma Thruster (APPT) that will enable cis-lunar and deep space missions for small satellites. While classic PPT technology is mature, it has historically been limited by its size and propellant load to small Delta-V applications. A recent advancement by CUA, Monofilament Vaporization Propulsion (MVP), uses extrusion 3D printing technology to provide polymer propellant to an electrothermal thruster. APPT will leverage this advancement, using PTFE fiber to allow for class-leading propellant capacity and more reliable feed than previous PPT designs. APPT is inherently safe, containing no pressurants or hazardous materials, significantly reducing range safety concerns. A 1U APPT, operating at 1200 seconds Isp, will provide 10,400 N-s total impulse, allowing for 1,400 m/s Delta-V for an 8 kg CubeSat. Increasing to a 2U form factor increases total impulse to 30,000 N-s, allowing for a Delta-V exceeding 4 km/s. CUA anticipates delivering to NASA an integrated system by the end of Phase II which includes the advanced thruster head, PTFE filament feed system, and an ACS subsystem."
621,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-8406 ,Strain Actuated Solar Arrays (SASA),"The team of CU Aerospace and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign propose multifunctional solar arrays, which can be used for attitude control of a spacecraft. The solar arrays are actuated using PZT panels which produce strain. The proposed platform is called Strain Actuated Solar Array (SASA). SASA is intended to be a modular package that can be added to any satellite to provide sub-milli-arcsecond pointing and active jitter dampening. Due to the actuating mechanism and modular design, SASA will be able to scale to be used in a variety of satellite bus (regular satellites to smallsats). This study aims to develop different control algorithms and a high fidelity hardware in the loop platform to test the control algorithms for a scaled SASA prototype. The study would conclude with testing and verifying the control response for the prototype, thereby increasing reliability of the SASA platform promoting it to TRL 4. Subsequent Phases of this project would test the SASA platform in vomit comets and culminate with a test flight on a CubeSat platform to prove flight worthiness (CAPSat)."
713,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.03-8954 ,CUA OpenMP Nonlinear Optimization Tool,"Nonlinear programming (NLP) allows for the solution of complex engineering problems, however, none of the currently available solvers capitalizes on parallel computing. Many NASA trajectory design packages (OTIS, EMTG, MALTO) have already had their own code streamlined, and it is now the serial execution of existing NLP solvers that represents the largest bottleneck. CU Aerospace has an existing prototype of this kind of solver, the Nonlinear Parallel Optimization Tool (NLPAROPT), which has already demonstrated speed superiority over comparable serial algorithms and shown that there remains significant potential for improvements. Currently, NLPAROPT is restricted to run on distributed memory systems. It is the goal of this Phase I effort to create a sister program to NLPAROPT, the CUA OpenMP Nonlinear Optimization Tool (COMPNOT), which will be compatible with shared memory systems. As large-scale shared memory parallel systems, such as Intel's Xeon Phi family, become more commercially available, COMPNOT will greatly expand the market for this NLP solver, even enabling most modern desktop computers to effectively run it. Additionally, Phase I will entail developing hardware-specific optimization, focusing on the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), but other platforms will be explored as well. At the end of Phase I, can begin integration into NASA trajectory design packages, significantly reducing the time-to-solution."
677,Science,JPL,2017,S1.07-9695 ,Rugged multigas sensor for planetary missions,"Mesa Photonics proposes an optical gas analyzers suitable for planetary and lunar missions that will be smaller, more rugged, and more reliable than existing technology. These are point sensors for measurements within planetary atmospheres or for analysis of gases collected during lunar activities. Target gases include CH4, CO2, CO, NH3, O2, C2H2, C2H4, H2S, and H2O. The innovation uses optical absorption spectroscopy at near-infrared wavelengths. Sensitivities will range from 2 ppm for H2S (in a 101 kPa mixture) to less than 1 ppb for HF. Instruments will weigh less than 3kg, be under 1 liter in volume, and draw less than 10W. Power consumption could be as low as 3W depending on platform temperature stabilization. The Phase I project will test the new technique by (1)assembling and testing instrumentation electronics, (2)measuring detection sensitivity, precision, drift, linearity and dynamic range using CH4 as a representative gas, (3)develop a numerical model of the technique, and (4)determine the expected physical and performance specifications for instruments that could used on planetary missions and lunar deployment. Based on the most recent decadal survey, possible planetary missions include a dropsonde for studying the atmosphere of Venus, analysis of trace gases in the Martian atmosphere, characterization of atmospheric composition of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and a dropsonde into the atmosphere of Uranus."
763,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H3.02-8895 ,Hydrazine monitoring technology for spacecraft cabin,"This project will develop an innovative, fast, sensitive and selective hydrazine measurement technology specifically designed for spacecraft cabin monitoring applications. The target instrument will be compact, robust and low-power with battery-powered option. The target hydrazine limit of detection is < 1 ppm, time response 30 s or better. The Phase I project will demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed hydrazine measurement approach and will yield benchtop technology ready for transition to a compact standalone prototype in Phase II."
523,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.02-9171 ,Compact Multi-Protocol Modem,"At present, CubeSat and many SmallSat radios are not compatible with CCSDS waveforms - these are the dominant waveforms used by NASA ground stations and international partners. Furthermore, none of the current CubeSat radios have ranging capabilities. With CubeSats being considered for a wide range of missions outside the realm of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) - compatibility with CCSDS waveforms is ultra-important and ranging capability is critical.<l><l>Innoflight proposes to adopt CCSDS waveform and ranging capabilities that are compatible with NASA's NEN (Near Earth Network), DSN (Deep Space Network), and SN (Space Network) into the single-board CubeSat form factor IF-SDR platform. In addition to waveform adoption - we propose to design on the fly re-configurability of waveforms to support switching between different ground stations and different mission phases. At the end of the Phase II, we will commercialize the most flexible and capable CubeSat radio on the market."
535,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-8732 ,FLASHRAD: A 3D Rad Hard Memory Module For High Performance Space Computers,"The computing capabilities of onboard spacecraft are a major limiting factor for accomplishing many classes of future missions. Although technology development efforts are underway that will provide improvements to spacecraft central processing units (CPUs) they do not address the limitations of current onboard memory systems. In addition to CPU upgrades, effective execution of data-intensive operations such as terrain relative navigation, hazard detection and avoidance, autonomous planning and scheduling, and onboard science data processing and analysis require high-bandwidth, low-latency memory systems to maximize processor usage (i.e. to overcome the ""memory wall""). Copious amounts of data being generated on a mission require large amounts of non-volatile memory storage in order to store this data for transmission back to earth when power to do this operation is available. Furthermore, the memory system must be capable of providing the necessary operational robustness and fault tolerance required for space applications. In an effort to support the needs for NASA's High Performance Space Computer (HPSC), it is proposed that this research investigates the challenges and opportunities in developing a space-qualified, 3D Flash memory cube utilizing COTS memory devices supplemented with a custom Radiation-Hardened-By-Design (RHBD) controller. Focus would be on developing a NAND Flash memory module that could be used for SSRs to help increase the memory densities, lower power, lower cost and to achieve higher data throughput."
616,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.05-9786 ,Advanced Li batteries for terrestrial balloons,"For future advanced terrestrial balloon missions, NASA requires energy dense and power dense energy storage solutions significantly exceeding the performance of state of art Li ion batteries. The requirements for a typical 100 day mission are for a 28V system capable of providing wide power demand of 100 W minimum to 2 kW peak. Lynntech proposes to design a battery system with energy density in excess of 400 Wh/kg and power density in excess of 1,000 W/kg for the terrestrial balloon application, based on its advanced Li ion or Li-S battery technologies. The Phase I project will involve further improvements of Lynntech's battery technologies for improving the energy density and power density numbers followed by selection and optimization of the most promising option among these two technologies. A 2 kWh scale battery prototype design will be developed at the end of the Phase I project that can provide the target energy and power density as well as cycling stability for the terrestrial balloon application. The Phase II project will work on fabrication and demonstration of the battery technology at relevant scale."
712,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.03-9749 ,Spacecraft Position Estimation in Interplanetary Trajectories Using Star Trackers,"Lynntech proposes a novel spacecraft position estimation method that leverages existing star trackers on board of a vehicle in an interplanetary trajectory for exploration missions. The method is based on observing visible planets in the solar system with Star Trackers and being able to discriminate between planets and fixed stars. Thus the proposed method is autonomous and does not require assistance from ground facilities. Space vehicle autonomy is particularly important to enable long term human exploration of space. Star Trackers are ubiquitous in space vehicles, having the function of estimating the vehicle attitude with respect to the inertial reference frame. This is accomplished by observing the fixed stars and comparing them with the on-board star catalog. Planets may also be observed, but the Star Tracker typically ignores such observations. It is possible to discriminate between stars and other bright objects in the image, thus the direction of observed planets in the camera reference frame can be evaluated, and the planet identified combining a number of heuristics, including time. The proposed method is based on a closed-form least-squares solution obtained by minimizing the sum of the expected object-space squared distance errors. A weighted least-squares solution is provided by an iterative procedure. The weights are evaluated using the distances to the planets estimated by the least-squares solution. Such novel weighted approach only requires one iteration to converge and results in significant accuracy gains compared to the simple least squares approach. The light-time correction is also taken into account. The proposed work includes the development of a library of algorithms to augment star tracker capabilities by providing the interplanetary position estimation function. This can be used in new Star Tracker development or to augment existing capabilities, at no additional requirement of weight or size for the spacecraft."
569,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.01-9067,Microwave-Interrogated Embedded Sensor System for Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Complex Structures,"Makel Engineering, Inc. and Lawrence Livermore National Lab propose to develop a new class of microwave-interrogated embedded sensors for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of complex structures. Three-dimensional sensors will be formed by additive manufacturing technology and will employ advanced sensing materials for accurate measurement of structural integrity. Microwaves are a particularly effective and versatile probe for complex structures because they readily penetrate a wide range of solid materials. At the highest frequencies (~100 GHz), wavelengths can approach the 1 mm scale, allowing for the possibility of sub-millimeter embedded sensor size, since resonant features can be scaled smaller than the interrogating wavelength. Structural health can therefore be unobtrusively measured and mapped from locations distributed over a defined volume of material or over a wide area.<l><l>A potential issue associated with any physical sensor is the size of the sensor relative to the minimum dimensions of the structures being measured. Our team can develop microwave-interrogated sensors with diameters smaller than 1 mm that can be embedded in structures. Electrically small 3D antennas coupled with capacitive or piezoresistive materials are embedded structural component. The passive antennas are interrogated by sweeping frequencies in the microwave range. Pressure and temperature changes in the system are observed by the corresponding changes in resonant frequency of the antenna due to capacitance changes in the sensor material, and captured by the reflected energy spectra. The sensor in each node has a unique characteristic frequency, enabling mapping the response to a specific node location, and simultaneous characterization of multiple sensors with a frequency sweep. Data acquisition and processing software is used to convert spectral response into changes in temperature, pressure or other measured variables, and to map conditions at each node over time."
834,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.04-8890 ,Modeling and Controls for Synthetic Jet-Based Active Flow Control,"In order to enable widespread application of Active Flow Control (AFC) technology on commercial transports, Actasys Inc, in collaboration with The Center for Advanced of Multifunctional Material Systems at University of California, Los Angeles (CAMMS-UCLA) and the Princeton University, intend to develop a model-based environment for the advancement of design and performance validation of AFC using Synthetic Jet actuators (AFCSJ). The core of this approach is establishing a feedback loop between new computational models, lab tests and field experiments in order to mature AFC actuation system design in a time-efficient and cost-effective and ready-implementable manner. This is a significant improvement on the current prevailing approach of iterative build-and-test for AFC development. Phase I will result in computational tools for modeling the performance of Synthetic Jet Actuators (SJA) resulting in optimized performance; Control loops which increase system energy efficiency; and a Data Management Platform (DMP) for test bed result analysis. Phase II will result in full- scale system validation in lab and field tests. Field demonstration of the system capabilities will use phase I outputs and will be performed using a previously developed full-scale tractor-trailer test bed in order to reduce risk and cost compared to flight-testing."
622,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-9828 ,Liquefied Gas Catholytes for UItra-Low Temperature Lithium Primary Batteries,"NASA's Ocean Worlds exploration missions require batteries which operate as low as -100 C (defined here are ""Ultra-Low Temperatures"") and lower, a critically difficult challenge using current state-of-art materials. Conventional lithium primary batteries utilize a liquid catholyte with a low melting point which allows operation as low as -80 C. However, these conventional materials will be unable to push the low-temperature operation limit to meet NASA's requirements for Ocean Worlds missions.<l><l>South 8 Technologies proposes the use of ""Liquefied Gas Catholytes for Ultra-Low Temperature Lithium Primary Batteries"". These catholytes are gaseous under standard conditions, but may be liquefied under mild pressures, showing exceptionally low melting points, very low viscosities and relatively high dielectric constants, allowing for ultra-low temperature operation of Lithium Primary Batteries. South 8 Technologies believes the technology proposed will enable energy storage at temperatures as low as -140 C, whereas the state-of-art allows operation is limited to -80 C. High temperature operation will be similar with operation limited to about +60 C. Further, the energy density of the active cathode material may be increased by as much as 30%, as will be shown. Voltage delay, a reoccurring issue in lithium primary batteries, may be reduced as well. These items will be discussed throughout the proposal."
510,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9158 ,Affordable Integrated GPS-Actuator GN&C System for Small Launch Vehicles,"A small launcher GNC system which maintains GPS fix while rotating, improves drift performance for COTS-based inertial sensors and provides efficient use of actuation system propellant. Provided in a package with components and systems already under development and proven in the space environment. Phase I will result in a flight test ready system"
601,Science,JPL,2017,S4.03-8399 ,Advanced Ignition System for Hybrid Rockets for Sample Return Missions,"To return a sample from the surface of Mars or any of the larger moons in the solar system will require a propulsion system with a comparatively large delta-V capability due to the magnitude of the gravity well. Consequently, significant propellant mass will be required. While it is technically feasible to generate O2 and CO propellants by electrolysis of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere, it will only work on bodies where there is significant CO2 in the atmosphere, and the mass of the required infrastructure (electrolyzer, batteries, solar panels) is significant. A recent study has shown that bringing the propellant from Earth is a mass-competitive option. In particular, a hybrid rocket with multi-start capability trades more favorably than either a CO2 electrolysis system or a bipropellant system where the propellants are generated on Earth. Using a high-performance hybrid propellant combination and being able to restart the hybrid rocket are the keys. In previous and ongoing work, Ultramet has demonstrated that electrically heated open-cell silicon carbide foam can be used as an igniter for both monopropellant and bipropellant rocket engines. Due to its low mass and favorable electrical characteristics, the foam can be heated to 1300?C in just two seconds, which enables it to quickly ignite any propellant flowing through it. In this project, the technology will be applied to hybrid rocket engines to give them multi-start capability. A portion of the liquid oxidizer stream (typically oxygen or nitrogen tetroxide) will pass through the foam and be heated such that the high temperature gas leaving the foam will be sufficiently hot to cause spontaneous ignition on contact with the fuel (typically paraffin). Once the engine is ignited, power to the foam heater can be turned off. Ultramet will design, test, and characterize electrically powered foam heaters and perform ignition testing with paraffin fuel grains."
583,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.02-9465 ,High Energy-Density Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with Extended Cycle Life,"Conventional lithium-ion batteries demonstrate great potential for energy storage applications but they face some major challenges such as low energy density and high cost. It is worthwhile to pursue alternative strategies to address the barriers of cost and energy density. In this project, we will develop advanced rechargeable lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries that have much higher energy density and lower cost. Our Phase I project will use a superionic solid electrolyte and sulfur-immobilized carbon matrix to reduce sulfur loss to the electrolyte and to increase the sulfur utilization. The full lithium-sulfur button and pouch batteries based on these components will be constructed to evaluate their electrochemical performance. Based on our preliminary data, it is anticipated that a 400 Wh/kg energy density of Li-S pouch cells can be demonstrated for a minimum of hundreds of cycles."
747,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.01-8768 ,Self-Deploying Tent Array,"The Self-Deploying Tent Array (SDTA) is a modular power system that can be scaled to very large power levels for use on the Martian surface. The tent shape is structurally efficient and packages well with a flexible photovoltaic blanket. The tent array geometry produces a much more constant power output throughout a day than a non-tracking flat array, and provides significant power at sunrise and sunset. This results in efficiencies in the power processing and storage system, to which the array would be integrated, that reduce the total system mass significantly. The tent shape is also inherently resistant to dust buildup due to the slope of the arrays, and is amenable to a number of wind loading mitigations that will be examined in Phase I work. The module self-deploys and can naturally straddle large boulders. It can clear 0.5 m obstacles on the ground via two deployment schemes that will be examined. Phase I work will consist of conceptual design of the module, structural analysis & optimization, performance analysis, module sizing within a large array system, and mechanical design of a module. This will prepare for detail design, manufacture and deployment testing in Phase II."
515,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z8.04-9455 ,Electrically Activated Shape Memory Polymer for Smallsat Components,"CRG proposes to advance smallsat and cubesat deployable components enabling CRG's electrically activated shape memory polymer (EASMP) to transition a rigid component with characteristics representing a thermoset into lower modulus state as an elastomer for flexibility. This switch will be capable with a single momentary electrical activation. This bi-stable solution will allow for a lightweight, compact, and controlled solution of deployment for multiple smallsat components such as latches, hinges, reflectors, booms, etc. This technology will not be limited by mission size or application, it is capable of scalability for a large range of applications."
546,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-9457 ,Multifunctional Self-Aligning Reversible Joint using Space-Qualifiable Structural Fasteners,"Cornerstone Research Group (CRG) proposes the development of a multifunctional reversible attachment scheme to facilitate modular in-space construction. CRG will demonstrate a mechanically robust, easily reversible, self-aligning fastener system with integrated electrical connections. The proposed approach can be expanded to later include other types of integrated connections. Examples of other connectors could incorporate fluid flow or thermal load transfer. This state-of-the-art fastener system built on space-qualifiable thermoset shape memory polymer fasteners will be capable of >50 times assembly and disassembly using electrical power and embedded heaters providing NASA with a modular capability that can be used with autonomous assembly systems. Leveraging CRG's prior development work on shape memory polymer fastener systems, the proposed R&D herein will provide NASA with a multifunctional reversible attachment system with technology readiness level (TRL) of 3 at the conclusion of the Phase I effort."
559,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-9459 ,Ultra-Lightweight MG Syntactic for Insulation in Extreme Environments,"CRG proposes to demonstrate MG Syntactic as an incompressible, block-format, high-temperature insulation material for future Venus landers, Jupiter atmospheric probes, and other harsh environment space exploration applications. The MG Syntactic insulation includes a combination of (1) CRG's proprietary high temperature stable MG Resin as a binder, (2) light weight and high temperature insulation fillers for reduced weight and thermal conductivity, and (3) fiber reinforcements for structural performance as needed. The resulting material is incompressible, inherently tough compared with microporous ceramics, machinable, easy to work with, and highly conformable. Most importantly, its density is approximately 25% that of its ceramic counterparts and its porosity is closed-cell so the density of the gas environment that it's in should have no bearing on its thermal conductivity. All of these benefits translate to a lighter weight, more reliable insulation system in support of longer mission durations."
841,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.01-9469 ,"Single-Process, Unitized, Composite Fuselage","NASA seeks tailored airframes and structures to reduce structural mass in support of the NASA Aeronautics Strategic Implementation Plan (2015), following the Roadmap for Ultra-Efficient Commercial Vehicles, Subsonic Transport. Tailored structures are comprised of the right materials, at the right place, in the right orientation, in the right amount. Whatever the material or structural configuration, excess weight is driven out through optimization, within the limitations of the manufacturing approach. CRG has been laying the foundation for the design and production of tailored structures for more than a decade. CRG's vision for tailored airframes and structures begins with unitization, enabled by Smart Tooling for affordable manufacturing of complex composites. CRG began work on Smart Tooling for fuselages in 2005, targeting fully-integrated, single-process skins, stringers, and frames. CRG subsidiary Spintech launched in 2010 to commercialize Smart Tooling into the aerospace industry, and soon after demonstrated a quarter-scale unitized fuselage. Today, CRG brings robust capabilities in composite structural optimization, expanding capabilities in aerospace composite fabrication, leading-edge understanding of hybrid nano-composites, and Spintech's Smart Tooling technology to provide NASA with advanced, highly-tailored fuselage configurations with unmatched structural efficiency."
723,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9415 ,Portable spectroscopic scanning electron microscope on ISS: in situ nanostructural/chemical analysis for critical vehicle systems,"We will construct a novel field-portable miniature analytical electron microscope (EM+EDS) called Mochii ""S"" for in situ sensing in harsh/remote environments such as orbital and deep space flight. This lightweight, ISS-ready nano-analyzer will provide direct observation and chemical identification of the fine structure and correlated function of materials, contaminants, and biological agents down to the nanoscale. Nanostructural and spectrostropic analyses -- key ground capabilities -- can for the first time be launched with exploration vehicles and operated in-situ by virtue of unprecedented (10-100x) volume and weight reduction over traditional ground-based advanced analytical tools. Benefits include zero-latency nanoscale diagnosis and evolution tracking of previously invisible mission threats (i.e., presenting at the microstructural level and below) facilitating rapid mission team response and novel science.<l><l>Phase I will demonstrate a system capable of imaging structures well below the diffraction limit of visible light (below 350 nm) concurrent with chemical identification of species via X-ray spectroscopy, at orders of magnitude lower cost, size, and weight than any existing EM system. Native tablet-based wireless control enables remote and concurrent multi-node use, mirroring current orbital mission control systems. The system will achieve TRL 6 and be subsequently improved to be flight-ready (TRL 8+) in Phase II enabling in situ sensing and observation for life support systems, engineering systems, and new science on ISS and Orion spacecraft."
624,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-9009 ,Lightweight High Energy Density Capacitors for NASA AMPS and PPUs,"This NASA Phase I SBIR proposal addresses the development of lightweight, high energy density DC-link capacitors that are a key component of inverters used power processing units (PPUs). DC-link capacitors used in IGBT and MOSFET switching circuits are one of the largest and least reliable components in DC-DC and DC-AC inverter circuits. Tantalum capacitors used currently by NASA in such circuits, have significant parametric limitations in the temperature range of -125oC to >200oC. This development proposes the replacement of electrolytic capacitors with high temperature, solid state, Polymer Multilayer (PML) capacitors that have been recently developed for automotive inverter applications. PML polymer dielectrics can be used to produce capacitors with voltages in the range of 25V to 1000V. The high temperature PML polymers are amorphous with very high breakdown strength and can operate in a temperature range of -196oC to >200oC. PML capacitors are smaller than tantalums, they have 10X lower weight, lower leakage current, lower dissipation factor, lower inductance and lower equivalent series resistance (ESR). The Phase I development will focus in producing and evaluating PML capacitors designed for PPUs utilized in Hall thrusters and roll-out PV arrays for solar electric propulsion."
620,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-8513 ,AutoNav Mark 4: Autonomous Navigation Software,"The growing number of missions in deep space, from Discovery class missions like Psyche and Lucy down to very small spacecraft like Lunar Flashlight, is driving the need for standardized, flexible, full-featured flight software for spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control (GNC). Autonomous GNC allows a spacecraft to perform most of its own navigation activities without the need for ground-based personnel and DSN time, reducing cost and required DSN contact time, saving money, and allowing specialized navigation personnel from different NASA centers to be easily shared among missions.<l><l>Autonomous GNC activities include:<l>-spacecraft positioning<l>absolute and relative (helio, planet, small-body)<l>relative to small bodies, other spacecraft for rendezvous<l>-orbit determination<l>-target tracking of bodies, apertures, spacecraft, ground-based assets<l>-trajectory derivation<l>-low-thrust maneuvering for Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP)<l>-ephemeris calculations<l><l>AutoNav from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory implements these functions, and components have flown on Deep Space 1 and Deep Impact. With an appropriate application of software development process to reengineer the code, a new AutoNav Mark 4 could be made available as a commercialized product meeting NASA Class B software standards, thereby enabling its easy inclusion on a wide variety of NASA and non-NASA missions.<l><l>AutoNav Mark 4 source code is designed and tested to be compatible with a variety of different CPUs (e.g. SPARC, PPC, Intel), real-time operating systems (VxWorks, RTEMS), and flight software cores like NASA Core Flight System. This approach allows AN4 to be deployed in the widest-possible set of environments:<l>-within STRS-compatible space radios (e.g. Iris)<l>-in the flight software load of the spacecraft C&DH<l>-in a dedicated stand-alone instrument like the Deep Space Positioning System<l><l>AutoNav Mark 4 provides highly capable autonomous GNC while saving missions money."
744,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.01-9421 ,Solar Transportable Array Rover for Conformable Deployment Retraction on Mars,"SDC?s Solar Transportable Array Rover (STAR) Power system is an inflatable structure integrated with state-of-the-art solar blanket technology. The inflatable structure and solar blanket are stored in a roll as small as 0.5 m in diameter and 3 m wide for a 2500 m2 array, achieving a 150 kW/m3 packaging efficiency. The bladder membrane thickness will be optimized for the prescribed pressure, realize a rolled packaging volume as low as 5 m3, hold the solar cells more than 1 m off the ground, and weigh as little as 500-750 kg for a 2500 m2 array. The optimized rolled packaging makes the STAR Power system installable across landers, transport vehicles, habitats, and power plant sites, providing a universal power solution for Mars habitation and exploration. <l>In this Phase I SBIR, SDC will design, analyze, manufacture, and demonstrate a sub-scale STAR Power system inflatable structure. The design and analysis of the support inflatable bladders will focus on weight optimization to meet the pressurization requirements. The deployment/retraction demonstration will be conducted over both even and uneven terrain, and enable evaluation of initial packing factor, repacking factor, conformability, reliability, and durability."
567,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.02-8352,Model Inversion,"Forward and inverse modeling of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) are key needs for optimized, quantitative NDE. Some forward modeling tools exist commercially, but inverse modeling remains a topic mostly in low TRL research. The ill-posed nature of the problem in general requires data-driven methods that are computationally intensive and highly problem specific. We propose two innovations to provide significant improvement to inversion: First, modern classifier-based data reduction, to prepare data for the second innovation, Kriging methods for a generalized NDE inversion approach. Experimental data and/or modeled data can be used to define known points in a multi-dimensional solution space, and Kriging methods can provide efficient interpolation in this space to invert new NDE data. <l><l>TRI/Austin, AeroMatter, and Computational Tools are teaming to develop and demonstrate inversion of ultrasonic NDE on composite structures for quantitative damage assessment. The proposed innovations to be provided are:<l>1. Combined use of experiment and model data for developing the known solution points.<l>2. Dimensional reduction of the data for efficient inversion using state of the art classifier techniques.<l>3. Kriging methods for interpolation of new NDE data in the solution space.<l>4. High performance computing (HPC) technologies to speed data reduction and Kriging results.<l>The significance of the innovations are that this approach offers an ability to invert NDE data using known or truth data from experiment and/or models, and is readily adapted to high performance computing technologies for practical use.The NDEInverter will work with the rest of the tools in TRI/Austin's NDEToolbox. NDEToolbox serves as a foundational, evolving platform for the management and analysis of NDE data, interaction with NDE models, and risk / reliability prediction."
570,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.01-9048,Millimeter-wave Camera,"Traditional SAR imaging at millimeter wave frequencies can provide excellent, high SNR, 3D images of features inside dielectric solids. However, imaging at these frequencies requires thousands of measurements; raster scanning for data collection is time consuming; and data analysis and image rendering requires additional time. These limitations make millimeter wave SAR imaging for nondestructive evaluation prohibitive outside the lab. <l><l>We propose to show feasibility of overcoming these restrictions by designing a real-time, high-resolution, portable and 3D imaging system for terrestrial and in-space inspection applications. We will demonstrate ability to produce high-fidelity 3D images from substantially reduced data with minimal image quality degradation. We will also investigate further enhancements via spectral estimation or compressive sensing techniques.<l>In Phase I we will design an adaptive, custom sampled, SAR-based millimeter wave imaging system for nondestructive inspection of complex composites and structures. The design of this imaging system will be based on novel and substantial innovations to a well establish knowledge base. The innovations involve overcoming hardware and software limitations that currently make 3D imaging at millimeter wave frequencies slow, cumbersome and impractical for widespread use.<l><l>Our goal is to design a system with: center frequency in the millimeter wave range; significant bandwidth; high-spatial and range resolutions; rapid image data collection; real-time image rendering; ability to image multi-layer structures made of different materials; high system dynamic range (high detection sensitivity); electrical and mechanical design allowing adaptation to use in-space; modular and frequency-scalablity to accommodate large structures; user friendly design to allow operation by people of various skill sets. The Phase I effort will include simulations and small-scale testing."
798,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.01-9763 ,NAS Integrated Collaborative Planning Service,"NAS evolution points to different kinds of vehicles (e.g., UAS, on-demand mobility) operated by different kinds of organizations and individuals for different purposes. Currently, vehicles other than aircraft are accommodated in the NAS via manual licensing and planning processes or severe restrictions on acceptable operations. Ultimately, vehicle operators will demand access to airspace, which is a shared public resource. To date, most research has focused on vehicle characteristics and aggregate effects on NAS performance. There has been limited focus on planning needs of the various stakeholders involved in these operations or on envisioning a future NAS that supports collaborative operations planning for a wide variety of vehicles and operations.<l>Planning systems need to evolve to support collaborative planning among all stakeholders' requirements and equitable access to the NAS for different kinds of vehicles used by different stakeholders for different missions that present different safety and planning challenges. Mosaic ATM proposes NICoPS, the NAS Integrated Collaborative Planning System, which works across vehicle types, missions, and planning time scales. Not only does it support a variety of vehicle operators, but it also support traffic management personnel in evaluating different vehicle operations proposals in the context of all other proposed operations, expanding their current capabilities beyond evaluating aircraft operations. It leverages Mosaic's SWIM Gateway and Mosaic Analytics Suite capabilities, among others, to facilitate data exchange and operations analysis.<l>In Phase I, we propose to characterize different stakeholders' planning needs, and design the NICoPS prototype. We will implement the design into an early-stage NICoPS prototype sufficient for initial stakeholder evaluations in Phase II. In Phase II, we propose to iteratively enhance the NICoPS design and prototype, and carry out stakeholder evaluations including field evaluation."
799,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.01-9704 ,Transition Airspace Resource Management,"Similar to how the FAA's Terminal Flight Data Manager will bring runway use configuration support to a large number of airports in the National Airspace System, there exists a need to support how controllers use capacity constrained arrival and departure fixes. This project will develop and validate the Transition Airspace Resource Manager (TARM) concept. The goal of TARM is to increase the efficiency with which capacity-limited transition fixes connecting the enroute and terminal airspaces are used in both clear and disruptive weather conditions, by proactively suggesting reroutes to balance arrival and departure demand across available fixes, relative to capacity, and temporarily reallocating fixes between arrivals and departures when extreme demand or weather conditions warrant. TARM uses stochastic weather and capacity forecasts. The TARM concept represents an important step toward Trajectory Based Operations by integrating a traffic management decision with individual flight trajectories, and applying a TBO paradigm in which arrival and departure flights are separated by trajectory rather than procedural airspace regions."
701,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8897 ,Autonomous Alignment Advancements for Eye-safe Coherent Lidar,"Eye-safe coherent lidar technology holds increasing promise of meeting NASA's demanding remote 3D space winds goal near term. Highly autonomous, long-range coherent lidar systems may suffer significant SNR loss due to environment-induced component misalignment. Although systems can be engineered with the required alignment stability, the overall size, mass, and cost to produce coherent lidar systems will benefit from incorporating technology into the design that allows alignment to be optimized automatically while the system is in the field. This will especially benefit autonomous airborne and space based lidar systems where maintaining peak performance is critical without regular human intervention. Auto-alignment technologies will result in lower-cost sensors with greater autonomy and less-exotic mechanical engineering, resulting in high commercial potential due to the rapid introduction of lidar systems into the commercial marketplace for various applications. The technology aimed at maintaining laser and lidar alignment also has potential to correct for receiver lag angle in scanning lidar systems, which will facilitate faster scan rates, larger apertures, and greater area coverage rate capability. Beyond Photonics has a strong interest in solving these technological problems for relevant ground-based, airborne, and space-based unattended lidar systems. This Phase I effort will investigate auto-alignment designs exhibiting a high level of synergy between NASA's and other commercial vendor?s requirements for laser auto-alignment, transmit/receive transceiver auto-alignment, and lag angle compensation."
796,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8684 ,Airport Movement Area Closure Planner,"This SBIR research develops an automation tool improving temporary and permanent runway closure management. The Movement Area Closure Planner (MACP) provides airport stakeholder capability to improve decision processes and decision outcomes during surface closure events by developing a what-if simulation functionality to explore multiple operational decision choices during surface closure events. MACP ensures realistic simulation of airport traffic operations by relying on a high-fidelity airport simulator which has been used in multiple high-fidelity airport operations analyses for FAA and airport operational improvement evaluation projects. The key innovation added to a high-fidelity simulator is a machine learning based predictive engine which realistically projects multiple probable future evolution trajectories for key factors influencing the airport operations under surface closure events (e.g., predicted gate pushback rates, predicted runway arrival and departure demands, predicted departure queue lengths, predicted de-ice pad queue lengths). Reliable what-if analysis is enabled by taking each of these probable evolution trajectories of key variables and kicking off multiple airport traffic simulations, each simulating airport traffic under one of these probable scenarios. Another variable input for the simulations is surface closure operational decision parameters, e.g., start and end times for runway closure. Multiple probable futures are simulated for each choice of surface closure operational decision parameter, thereby enabling us to predict not just one value for key airport performance metrics, but multiple probable values each associated with its probability of occurrence."
801,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.01-8685 ,Collective Inference based Data Analytics System for Post Operations Analysis,"Current-day capabilities for performing post operations analysis (POA) of air traffic operations at airports, airlines and FAA facilities are mostly limited to creating reporting type of analysis results which compare mean values of key performance indicators against the respective expected nominal levels (e.g., average daily delay). This single point comparison method does not directly enable a POA analyst to identify the root-cause for a particular observed inefficiency, nor does it help in identifying a solution for mitigating that inefficiency. This SBIR develops a machine learning based approach for improving POA and for potentially making it more autonomous. We call this tool Collective Inference based Data Analytics System for POA (CIDAS-P). CIDAS-P will provide airport, airline, FAA and NASA personnel with a fast, flexible and streamlined process for analyzing the day-of-operations, rapidly pinpointing exact causes for any observed inefficiencies, as well as recommending actions to be taken to avoid the same inefficiencies in the future. It does this by developing an innovative, collective inference algorithm for cross-comparing performance of the same facility on different days as well as cross-comparing performance across different facilities. The algorithm leverages sophisticated probabilistic modeling techniques that consider the subtle nuances by which cross-facility and cross-day operational scenarios differ to enable apples-to-apples comparisons across traffic scenarios and identify what works well and what does not in similar situations. User acceptance of NASA Trajectory Based Operations research products stands to benefit from CIDAS-P because CIDAS-P's automated recommendations can help identify and fix problems with these products early on in their deployment life-cycle."
516,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.03-9396 ,Dynamically Reconfigurable Electrical Power System(EPS) with Integrated Thermal Management and High Voltage capability for Small Spacecraft,"The proposed electrical power system (EPS) aims to improve modularity, scalability, and efficiency of small spacecraft and CubeSat power systems (up to 100W) by implementing a novel dynamically reconfigurable converter architecture that integrates high reliability components and novel thermal management techniques to enable safe operation in extreme radiation and temperature environments. The new Dynamically Reconfigurable Electrical Power System (DREPS) fully featured small-satellite power system modular architecture incorporates a number of new technologies enabling a solution that is capable of input and output power levels up to 100W in a 0.5U CubeSat form factor. Integration of state-of-the-art technologies such as Wide Bandgap MOSFETs, heat pipes, printed circuit board (PCB) integrated planar magnetics, digital system control and three-dimensional circuit layout techniques will aid in the ability to deliver an unparalleled level of system control while providing a solution focused on extreme environmental conditions needed for long duration space missions. The new approach also provides solution for proposed new electric propulsion technologies via recent advances in high voltage ceramic-based power converter technology. Integration of cutting edge thermal management technology will enable adaptive retention or rejection of heat as a fully integral portion of the system packaging. Additionally, an array of configurable Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Battery Control Regulators (BCR) will allow compatibility with all available industry standard solar cells and energy storage technologies."
631,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9837 ,Iodine Hollow Cathode,"Plasma Controls, LLC will develop an iodine compatible hollow cathode for use in Hall-effect thrusters. Materials in current state-of-the-art electron emitters, and many of the materials used in mounting hardware, are not compatible in a high-temperature iodine environment. This includes cathodes that use inserts made from porous tungsten impregnated with ceramics containing barium oxide, which can be susceptible to rapid decomposition of the ceramic by iodine, and lanthanum hexaboride-based inserts, which are subject to rapid surface decomposition by iodine. The work function of both types of inserts increases in the presence of iodine, and the temperature of the cathode increases, which further exacerbates the decomposition processes. We will use a materials science based approach to evaluate the chemical interactions between iodine and a range of potential materials at elevated temperature. We will construct and experimentally test candidate cathodes in relevant iodine environments to identify robust, safe-to-handle, chemically-stable material systems. In follow-on work, we will (1) perform long duration wear tests to demonstrate adequately long lifetime capability and (2) integrate the cathodes into iodine storage, feed, and thruster systems through industry and government partnerships."
509,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9204 ,Flight Demonstration of a Micropump-based Stage Pressurization System,"Vector Launch, Inc. proposes to apply recent advances in micropump and additive manufacturing technologies to develop and demonstrate a micropump-based autogenous pressurization system for its commercial Vector-R first stage and mature the technology with multiple static-fire-tests leading to a demonstration flight test (TRL 6). The Vector-R is a 2-stage pressure-fed, LOX/subcooled propylene commercial small launch vehicle, designed to place up to 60 kg in low earth orbit. In the proposed concept, electrically-driven micropumps drive a small portion of each propellant over a heat exchanger at the engine to pressurize the tanks. Excess flow can be diverted to the engine as needed.<l><l>This approach reduces system mass, complexity and acquisition cost as well as operational costs. It eliminates the need for all high-pressure tanks and associated components. It can be used on any pressure-fed stage, for launch vehicle and in-space application when using high vapor pressure propellants such as LOX/methane or LOX/propane. As such, it is an enabler for missions targeted to use in-situ propellants since the need for a separate pressurant like helium is either greatly reduced or eliminated. <l><l>By leveraging Vector's ongoing Vector-R micro-launcher development, it is possible to reach TRL 6 with demonstration flight testing during Phase II."
669,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9809 ,SmallSat Stirling Cryocooler for Earth Science and Interplanetary Exploration,"West Coast Solutions (WCS) and the Georgia Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Creare and Micro Cooling Concepts, proposes the development a SmallSat Stirling Cryocooler (SSC). In Phase I WCS will develop and mature the concept design of a Stirling cryocooler and control electronics, with extreme miniaturization enabled through very high frequency (nominally 300 Hz) operation. Building off previous research conducted by the principles, leveraging recent advances in manufacturing and digital technologies, and supported by analyses and proof of concept experiments, WCS will develop a complete cryocooler system design encompassing both the thermo<l>mechanical unit (TMU) and the cryocooler control electronics (CCE). In Phase II the detailed design for a SSC System will be completed and a high fidelity<l>brassboard system will be built, tested to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5, and delivered to NASA. Immediate commercialization in support of NASA, Department of Defense, and commercial low Earth orbit (LEO) missions will follow."
748,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.03-8974 ,Sensor to Measure Space Suit Interactions with the Human Body,"The team has identified and is proposing a single sensor technology that targets the above requirements including readout capability. Our novel technology will utilize a proprietary 3D optical fabrication process and fabric combination for small form factors to achieve the required results. The sensor fabric will be developed so that it is mechanically equivalent with human skin to eliminate interfacial decoupling and allow accurate pressure readings. Multiple sensors will be integrated into a prototype and the flexible packaging will be where multiple sensors are integrated such that that they are compatible with attachment to human skin or the spacesuit comfort garments.<l>By using a nanocomposite sensor approach, the team will maximize spatial resolution and accuracy at the same time minimize weight. A replaceable fabric approach will also be developed to address failure rates with component spares."
754,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.04-9315 ,Vapor Compression Refrigeration System for Cold Storage on Spacecrafts,"NASA is looking for a high efficiency long term food storage system for space crafts. Previous refrigerator/freezer systems developed for this application such as ISS RFR, use thermoelectric thermal control system with overall system COP around 0.36 in freezer mode. Terrestrial cold food storage systems however, utilize a much more efficient vapor compression thermal control systems, making the systems lighter and more compact. Currently, these systems do not have provisions for the load and reliability requirements of space applications, and are also not designed for microgravity operation.<l><l>To achieve NASA's targets, Air Squared is proposing to develop a scroll driven vapor compression refrigerator/freezer system. It's a highly efficient (COP ~ 3.5), lightweight (secondary mass penalty of <l><l>There are four significant innovations in the vapor compression cycle. For expansion work recovery, a scroll expander will be used to recover power from the expansion process to improve the system performance (Innovation 1). The Air Squared compressor and expander will integrate two stages on either side of the orbiting scroll, to increase the total pressure ratio (Innovation 2), this enhances the performance, without increasing the size or weight of the scroll devices. In order to further reduce the size and weight, both the compressor and expander will be integrated into one hermetic shell with both units driven off a common shaft on either side of the motor (Innovation 3). And last, both the compressor and expander will operate oil-free (Innovation 4). This will remove the cycles operational reliance on gravity while keeping the design compact & lightweight at higher efficiencies."
782,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H1.01-9317 ,High Capacity Multi-Stage Scroll Compressor for Mars Atmosphere Acquisition,"There are several ways to capture and pressurize CO2, including freezing at cryogenic temperatures, mechanical compression, and absorption. Completed studies on each approach, have generally favored cryogenic temperature and mechanical compression solutions. Recently, mechanical compression has gained momentum through the Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE), which utilizes an Air Squared compressor for mechanical compression of CO2. If this approach is pursued further for a larger system, there are still several questions concerning reliability over 10,000 hours of autonomous operation in Mars environment and scalability. Air Squared plans on addressing these issues as part of Phase I.<l><l>Air Squared proposes the development of a Multi-Stage Scroll Compressor (MSSC) that will be configured to support a store-and-utilize strategy (high pressure) or a collection-only strategy (high flow). If a store-and-utilize approach is required, the MSSC will be set up to pressurize the gas over the triple point (>77 PSIA), which provides the ability to liquefy CO2 downstream of the MSSC as it cools, while N2 and Ar remain a gas. If only collection is necessary, the MSSC will be configured to maximize flow at a pressure above 15 PSIA.<l><l>There will be two ?types? of MSSCs pursued during the Phase I, an orbiting and spinning MSSC. The orbiting MSSC has the advantage of longer design heritage and lowers associated risk, as this scroll configuration is widely used at Air Squared and the compressor industry as a whole. The spinning MSSC has the advantage of achieving an aggressive size and weight target but has little design heritage. <l><l>The orbiting MSSC and spinning MSSC both have substantial advancement over state of the art mechanical compression technologies, such as high-speed turbo-compressors. Size, weight, and power requirements are all reduced. Reliability is also improved, as both MSSCs operate at significantly lower speeds than turbo-compressors."
822,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-8887 ,A Mathematical Model to Assess CMAS Damage in EBCs,"As the power density of advanced engines increases, the need for new materials that are capable of higher operating temperatures, such as ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), is critical for turbine hot-section static and rotating components. Such advanced materials have demonstrated the promise to significantly increase the engine temperature capability relative to conventional super alloy metallic blades. They also show the potential to enable longer life, reduced emissions, growth margin, reduced weight and increased performance relative to super alloy blade materials. Environmental Barrier Coatings (EBCs) are required for SiC-based composites used in hot-section components of aircraft turbine engines to limit degradation from reaction of the composite with combustion gases. EBCs themselves are subject to degradation when debris composed of calcium-magnesium alumino-silicates (CMAS) is ingested into the engine melts in the turbine hot-section, and deposits on the coated components. The CMAS reacts with the coating and degrades the mechanical properties of the coating during temperature cycling which occurs during normal engine operation. Models linking the thermochemical and thermomechanical degradation of the EBCs due to CMAS are needed to understand life of the coatings and to identify best strategies for developing improved coating systems. MR&D is proposing a combined analytical and experimental program to develop a mathematical model for CMC EBCs exposed to CMAS."
642,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9023 ,Game-Changing Photovoltaic Flexible Blanket Solar Array Technology with Spectrolab Flexsheets,"Deployable Space Systems, Inc. (DSS) in collaboration with Spectrolab, Inc. has developed a modular multi-junction photovoltaic flexible blanket technology that uses innovative Spectrolab flexsheet SPM's that enable/enhance the ability to provide ultra-low cost, low mass, modularity, and high voltage operability for high power arrays to support solar electric propulsion (SEP) Human Exploration and Space Science missions. The proposed multi-junction flexible blanket assembly with the innovative Spectrolab flexsheet SPM technology, when coupled to an optimized structural platform (such as DSS's ROSA / IMBA solar array, and/or other optimized flexible blanket solar array structures) will produce revolutionary array-system-level performance in terms of high specific power, lightweight, rapid assembly and re-configurability, compact stowage volume, reliability, unparalleled modularity, adaptability, affordability, reliable high voltage operability, adaptability to all flexible solar arrays, and rapid commercial infusion. The proposed flexible blanket technology accommodates all space photovoltaics (PV) including standard XTJ PV and emerging IMM PV technologies. Once successfully validated through the proposed Phase 1 and Phase 2 programs, the innovative lightweight and modular multi-junction flexible blanket technology will provide incredible performance improvements over current state-of-the-art, and will be mission-enabling for future NASA and non-NASA applications."
643,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-8886 ,Mission-Enabling Photovoltaic Flexible Blanket Solar Array with SNC/SJ Surface Mount Technology,"Deployable Space Systems, Inc. (DSS) in collaboration with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has developed a modular multi-junction photovoltaic flexible blanket technology that uses innovative Surface Mount Technology (SMT) photovoltaic SPM's that enable/enhance the ability to provide ultra-low cost, low mass, modularity, and reliable operation for high power arrays to support solar future NASA Human Exploration and Space Science missions. The proposed multi-junction flexible blanket assembly with the innovative SNC SMT SPM technology, when coupled to an optimized structural platform (such as DSS's ROSA / IMBA solar array, and/or other optimized flexible blanket solar array structures) will produce revolutionary array-system-level performance in terms of high specific power, lightweight, rapid assembly and re-configurability, compact stowage volume, reliability, unparalleled modularity, adaptability, affordability, high voltage operability, adaptability to all flexible solar arrays, and rapid commercial infusion. Once successfully validated through the proposed Phase 1 and Phase 2 programs, the innovative lightweight and modular multi-junction flexible blanket technology will provide incredible performance improvements over current state-of-the-art, and will be mission-enabling for future NASA and non-NASA applications."
749,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.03-8726 ,Flexible Polymer Sensor for Space Suits,"Perception Robotics has developed an innovative new type of compliant tactile sensing solution, a polymeric skin (PolySkinTM) that can be molded into any form factor, supports a variety of mechanical properties, and is inherently inexpensive and durable. This novel tactile sensor surmounts the failures of prior tactile solutions with sophisticated multi-modal sensing capabilities, modeled after human hand sensing specifications, coupled with robust design for industrial and space applications. PolySkin is a perfect choice for measuring space suit interactions with the human body because it was designed for a similar problem: detect contact to allow robots to safely operate in an unstructured environment. PolySkin measures mechanical pressure accurately, has a good resistant to aberrant readings when under moderate bending, shear or torsion, is sufficiently pliant to follow anatomical curves on the human skin without discomfort or lack of mobility, it can be fabricated in thin profiles (~mm) and packaged sufficiently small, free of rigid or sharp points, and it consumes low power. During this project, we will fabricate a flat prototype of our novel tactile sensor and characterize and optimize the elastomer formulation to achieve desired properties: accuracy within 10%, dynamic range: 0.1 to 10N, and high repeatability (<5% error). We will build conditioning electronics to provide serial output signal through a USB port. After passing initial test, calibration, and validation, the conditioning electronics will be used to test in-sleeve embedded sensor. In a final proof-of-concept milestone, we will fabricate a working prototype wearable sleeve embedded with PolySkin to validate the performance. The deliverables include a 4x4 inch pad sensor at the end of 3rd month, and a wearable sleeve with embedded PolySkin sensor combined with conditioning electronics kit at the end of the project."
714,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.03-8573 ,Spacecraft Rendezvous Guidance in Cluttered Dynamical Environments via Extreme Learning Machines,"DeepAnalytX, Inc. proposes to investigate a new approach to perform real-time, closed-loop optimal and robust rendezvous guidance in space environments comprising a potentially large number of spacecraft. More specifically, we propose to research and develop an advanced guidance system that is able to learn and track a fuel-efficient, collision-avoidance velocity vector field thus enabling safe, robust and effective relative motion guidance for autonomous rendezvous in space dynamical environments cluttered with cooperative and non-cooperative resident space objects. The guidance approach implements the next generation of Artificial Potential Functions Guidance (APFG) using an innovative combination of optimal control methods and Extreme Learning Machines (ELMs). Phase I of this proposal seeks to develop and demonstrate software for autonomous rendezvous guidance using a combination of optimal control theory and new machine learning approaches. The key critical innovation is to use ELM algorithms that enable a dramatic training speed-up of many order of magnitude. Phase I development will directly support NASA mission needs for autonomous guidance algorithms in relative motion that execute in real-time autonomous collision avoidance in a fuel efficient fashion with the goal of reducing operational risks (i.e.. increase safety) and operational costs."
651,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-8837 ,"Lightweight, Stable Optical Benches in Silicon Carbide and Beryllium","As the world community, has become aware that exoplanets exist in abundance, it has inspired new observatories in search of Earth-like worlds. Technology development studies have highlighted the need for structures with extraordinary dimensional stability. Advanced materials such as silicon carbide and beryllium are costly and time consuming to manufacture. Using methods pioneered in carbon fiber composites, sandwich panels from silicon carbide and beryllium are proposed for lightweight, stiff, ultra-stable optical benches for instruments on new observatories such as LUVOIR and WFIRST. Assembled from flat stock and waterjet machined, the panels are extremely lightweight. A prototype panel is shown whose stiffness is a close match to the FEA. Fittings machined from Invar 39 for silicon carbide and AlBeMet for beryllium can be bonded to the panels to provide interfaces to optical mounts and optical components."
827,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.06-8527 ,Intelligent Electronic Speed Controller,"This project intends to design and develop an Intelligent Electronic Speed Controller (IESC) for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The IESC will advance the state-of-the-art of health-state awareness. This will be achieved through the integration of propulsion system health monitoring sensors that - in unison with an Intelligent Rule Set - will be able to monitor system and component performance trends and predict propulsion system faults. The system is designed to provide the analytic capability necessary to predict propulsion system degradation, maintenance or repair needs. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) will be trained on data from IESC sensors from nominal flights and those with known faults leading to failure. After training, an initial Intelligent Rule Set will be extracted to represent the knowledge of the ANN and used in the system to predict failures. This set of rules will be periodically updated as more flight data is collected."
617,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-9783 ,Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS),"Recent efforts led by the PI of this proposal have studied the benefits of a satellite navigation technique known as Linked Autonomous Interplanetary Satellite Orbit Navigation (LiAISON). LiAISON makes it possible to achieve absolute, inertial navigation of two or more satellites using only relative satellite-to-satellite tracking data. LiAISON removes the need for ground tracking and permits a constellation to achieve autonomy with on-board navigation software. A good example of LiAISON involves one satellite traversing a libration orbit about the Earth-Moon L2 point (perhaps providing communication services to the lunar far-side) and another satellite traversing a low lunar orbit. The time-series of range data between the two satellites is unique in that it cannot be reproduced by any other two orbits. The uniqueness of these two orbits based on their relative position and/or velocity permits the estimation of the absolute positions of both spacecraft. Another example configuration places one satellite in a distant retrograde orbit about the Moon (a desirable orbit for many mission concepts including Orion, the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), and various Mars sample return concepts) and a second satellite anywhere else in cislunar space. Numerous recent academic studies have shown that processing satellite-to-satellite tracking data for these vehicles yields absolute navigation states for both vehicles. Extensive academic studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this algorithm over the past 10 years. Advanced Space proposes to develop this innovative technology into a robust, expandable in-space navigation system, simulated through a representative real-time environment, positioning it for infusion into spaceflight missions. The resulting system lays the foundation for the proposed Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS), which infuses the strength of LiAISON into an operational network."
767,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H12.02-9775,Advanced Display Interface Technology,"CMC proposes, along with our collaborator, Dr. Mica Endlsey of SA Technologies, to produce a framework from which an Adaptive User Interface (AUI) can be modeled and ultimately developed that utilizes Augmented Reality (AR) to improve Situational Awareness (SA) for spaceflight users in a high-workload scenario. This effort includes a thorough literature review related to the effects of modality and format on workload, as these are key factors informing our framework. Additionally, we will develop a display philosophy to guide how information is presented to the user. The effort includes a survey, assessment and technical summary of currently available and developing hardware and software technologies related to AR. Finally, we will develop a proof-of-concept prototype to demonstrate our AUI model framework and display philosophy targeted at a specifically defined task."
697,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-9278 ,Fast Electro-optic Switch for Pulsed Space-based Lidar Beam Steering,"Lidar is a core technology in NASA's arsenal for science measurements from ground, air-borne and space based platforms. AdvR is proposing a beam steering mechanism for space-based Lidar based on AdvR's electro-optic deflector technology with no moving parts, making it favorable for space-based operation. The system operates on the principle of electro-optically controlled prisms engineered into a ferroelectric substrate, and is designed to have low loss, fast switching speed and settling time, good isolation and operation from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. AdvR has previously built and tested electro-optic switches and scanners and the demonstrated performance shows promising potential for use in discrete angle beam steering for Lidar. This Phase I SBIR will investigate the use of the EO deflector technology for a fast beam steering mechanism to improve the sampling density, coverage and signal to noise ratio of NASA's Space-based Lidar systems."
707,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2017,H9.05-8528 ,Polarization entangled photon pair source for space-based quantum communication,"The overall goal of this NASA effort is to develop and deliver efficient, single-pass quantum optical waveguide sources generating high purity hyper-entangled photon pairs for use in high-rate long-distance links. The new devices will produce hyper-entangled photon pairs with high efficiency, pure spectral properties, and low attenuation, providing the key technology required for deployment of ground-to-space links and future construction of a global quantum network. The waveguide-based technology is compact, robust, and power efficient for deployment on space-based platforms such as the International Space Station."
725,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-9296 ,Utilization of the International Space Station to verify photonic devices for enhanced space-based atmospheric profiling,"The overall goal of the SBIR effort is completion of Technical Readiness Level (TRL) 5, component validation in a relevant environment, of the key photonics devices for a diode-based, locked wavelength, seed laser system currently being developed for space-based, High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) measurements. To achieve this goal, AdvR is proposing to the utilize the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE-FF) Flight Facility for accelerated and accurate testing of the key materials and components of the seed laser system, all of which have been successfully integrated into NASA High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) flight missions, but none of which have been in a space environment. Exposure and successful operation of AdvR developed materials and devices in a relevant space environment will complete the TRL 5 requirements for this technology and allow advancement to TRL 6 for the system, thus directly addressing the need for space technologies already developed under the NASA Langley SBIR Program that would mature in TRL due to successful demonstration in the space environment, as described in the NASA SBIR topic H8.01 ISS Utilization and Microgravity Research."
531,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z7.02-9990 ,Novel Spider 3D Woven Seamless ADEPT Aero-Shell,Bally Ribbon Mills will demonstrate the proposed novel weaving technique and produce a one-piece spider weave for the ADEPT aero-shell. NASA AMES has been working with Bally Ribbon Mills for several years on the Adaptable Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT). To date the ADEPT test articles have been made with 3D woven flat broad cloth which is cut and sewn into the desired shape. BRM will use current equipment to demonstrate that a scaled down (or Sprite C sized) spider weave aero shell is feasible.
633,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9525 ,Cathode for Electric Space Propulsion Utilizing Iodine as Propellant,"We propose a hollow reservoir cathode suitable for use in ion or Hall thrusters which utilizes iodine as a propellant. Reservoir cathodes have several unique features which will allow them to resist the corrosive effects of iodine. Chief amongst these is that the barium-emission-material-containing reservoir is isolated from the iodine flow. This allows free barium to be produced in an environment free of iodine. <l>Furthermore, barium production rates in reservoir cathodes can be adjusted to very high levels -- high enough to overcome the deleterious effects of iodine at the cathode's emitting surface. Reservoir cathodes carry a barium supply that is 100 times that of conventional cathodes. <l>Furthermore, the reservoir cathode inserts can be made of materials other than tungsten. This is not possible with impregnated cathodes. These materials can be selected for their resistance to iodine attack. They include osmium, rhodium, and iridium.<l>NASA is pursuing iodine EP because of iodine's advantages over xenon, especially for small satellite propulsion. Most important are its low cost and its high storage density. Also, it requires no high-pressure, large and heavy pressure vessels."
778,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2017,H10.01-9576,Advanced Propulsion Systems Ground Test Technology,"IFOS proposes to develop a test rig sensor suite to measure pressures/acoustics, static and dynamic strains and tempersures for advanced propulsion systems such as that used for NASA?s Space Launch System (SLS) and SpaceX?s proposed Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). IFOS will leverage off its experience in the turbine engine industry and harsh environment sensors."
596,Science,JPL,2017,S4.04-9095 ,Essential Silicon Carbide Based Integrated Circuits for Extreme Environments,"This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will design Silicon Carbide based integrated circuits that will be capable of surviving and functioning at harsh environments. There are numerous design and fabrication challenges that are required to be addressed for a successful Silicon Carbide integrated circuit development. Silicon Carbide devices have already been fabricated and tested. During the Phase I, essential integrated circuit for harsh environment applications will be designed, and the prototypes will be fabricated during the Phase II effort."
682,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.05-8877 ,Design and Development of High Gain AlGaN Avalanche Photodiode Arrays,"Future NASA missions that include Explorers, Discovery, Cosmic Origins, Vision Missions and Earth Sciences, and Planetary Science Missions will benefit from development of High Gain AlGaN UV APD Arrays. High resolution imaging in Ultraviolet (UV) band has a lot of potential applications for various NASA systems. UV band offers exciting opportunities for NASA systems as one can use short wavelength and various solar blind regions for high spatial resolution. As part of the proposed NASA Phase I SBIR program, Magnolia working with Professor Russell Dupuis of Georgia Tech will model, design and develop high performance with high gain GaN/AlGaN UVAPD's that can be implemented in future NASA missions."
738,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.02-9054 ,"Resilient Autonomous Systems: Life-Cycle Design, Metrics and Simulation-based Assessment","With more ambitious space exploration programs, which aggressively push the envelope beyond lunar missions, it is therefore projected that a shift in mission planning and system design is necessary for addressing this new breed of resiliency-oriented challenges<l><l>An opportunity exists to support the NASA in the development of a framework for the assessment and life-cycle design of more resilient autonomous space habitats. Global Technology Connection, Inc. (GTC), in collaboration with the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), seeks to develop a state-of-the-art capability focused on providing an a resilience assessment framework, including a set of application-relevant metrics, analysis algorithms, as well as computational tools, which would demonstrate the modeling and simulation-based approach on design space exploration and optimization for a resilient SoS space habitat application. Overview of the analysis framework that will be leveraged and evolved to realize this opportunity has been discussed in detail in the proposal."
741,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.01-9055 ,Operation-Aware ISHM for Environmental Control and Life Support in Deep Space Habitants,"Global Technology Connection Inc, in collaboration with the University of South Carolina, an academic leader in real time diagnosis and prognosis, proposes to develop a Operation-Aware ISHM for Environmental Control and Life Support in Deep Space Habitants. <l><l>The core innovations include: 1) Application of advanced fast diagnosis and prognosis algorithms in Lebesgue sampling framework for distributed life support systems; 2) A hierarchical structure that enables to deal with multidimensional FDP in LSS with capabilities of FDP reasoning from the health condition of devices to subsystems, which are grouped devices to realize certain functions in the LSS; and 3) Development and implementation of an automated contingency management model to incorporate the diagnostic and prognostic results from distributed monitoring system to mitigate the fault and find the optimal solution with regard to mission goals and constraints; 4) Case-Based Reasoning Engine to enable incorporation of human feedback on the operational significance;"
788,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8388 ,"Low-Cost, Low-Power Sensor For In-Flight Unsteady Aerodynamic Force and Moment Estimation","Tao Systems and University of Minnesota propose to develop a sensor system providing sectional aerodynamic forces and moments with fast response, low volume/size/power requirements for ease of installation, and minimal calibration requirements. Aviation loss of control (LOC) accidents often result from stall and uncertain weather/flow conditions, often at low altitudes e.g., take-off/landing. The sensor system: (1) uses a robust transduction mechanism, (2) has a one-time lifetime calibration requiring minimal maintenance, (3) provides monotonic output with speed and circulation, and is (4) relatively insensitive to environmental parameters such as flight altitude, pressure, temperature, and density. This technology provides real-time output for energy state awareness under both nominal and off-nominal flight conditions."
582,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.02-9685 ,"Bifunctional Membrane for High Energy, Long Shelf Life Li-S Batteries","The adoption of high energy lithium sulfur batteries hinges on significant improvements in charge/recharge cycle life. Cycle life is limited by migration of dissolved polysulfide species which creates an electrochemical short circuit. In this NASA SBIR, Navitas Systems will demonstrate and scale up a bifunctional membrane separator that impedes polysulfide transport. Bifunctionality will combine pore structure engineered for high capacity and selectivity to polysulfides with metal-like electronic conductivity to support electrochemical regeneration. The proposed membranes will be fabricated using slurry cast methods that readily scale to continuous roll-to-roll production. The slurry will combine a nanoporous conductive ceramic powder with a binder and solvent. Slurries will be castable onto conventional porous polyolefin battery separators. In Phase I, membrane separators will be produced at bench scale and evaluated to assure good adhesion and uniform dispersion at the target weight loading, with minimal added impedance to lithium ion transport. Membrane separators will be incorporated into prototype lithium sulfur batteries and subjected to commercially relevant performance and life testing."
628,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8430 ,"Ultra-High Energy Density, High Power and High Efficiency Nanocomposite Capacitor for Aerospace Power System","NASA requires high energy density, high voltage, high power and high efficiency capacitor that can be integrated into the system to decrease the mass and space at the system architecture level and increase the efficiency. The current state-of-the-art of the capacitor has low energy, low power density and low energy storage efficiency, making them bulky and costly for the applied system. For the NASA application, in order to maintain the energy or power system work property, onboard cooling systems has been installed, which in turn increase the mass and space. Therefore, it is important to develop improved capacitors in energy density, speed, efficiency to minimize the size and mass of future powr system. In this proposal, Powdermet proposed to develop another type advanced nanocomposite capacitor with ultra-high energy density, high voltage, high power and high energy storage efficiency. This novel capacitor will feature ultra-high energy density (>40 J/cc), high operating voltage (>kilovolt), high powder density (> MW/cc), especially high energy storage efficiency (>95%)."
630,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9845 ,I-Sail: 2500-Square-Meter Solar Sail Prototype Demonstrator,"A team of CU Aerospace and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign proposes the Phase I design and development of a 25 kg spacecraft for initial flight test of a 2,500 m^2 UltraSail demonstrator, called I-Sail. This technology represents a next-generation high-risk, high-payoff solar sail system for the launch, deployment, stabilization and control of very large (km^2 class) solar sails, enabling very high payload mass fractions for interplanetary and deep space spacecraft. UltraSail is an innovative, non-traditional approach to propulsion technology achieved by combining propulsion and control systems developed for formation-flying microsatellites with an innovative solar sail architecture to achieve controllable sail areas approaching 1 km^2, sail subsystem area densities less than 5 g/m^2, and thrust levels many times those of ion thrusters used for comparable deep space missions. Phase I effort will focus on the design of this next generation I-Sail demonstrator, a two-order of magnitude scale up from the prior subscale 20 m^2 CubeSail hardware, along with potential mission selection with requirements. I-Sail represents the next stage of risk reduction for the UltraSail technology prior to full scale deep space development in the next decade."
711,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.04-8331 ,Electrionically Steered Antenna for Advanced RF Communications,"Future robotic and human space exploration vehicles will be producing large quantities of data that needs transmitted between vehicles and to the ground stations. However, these vehicles will be tightly constrained in size, weight, and power sources. Traditional methods of using single function elements will not be able to meet these requirements. Therefore, advanced technologies that utilize state-of-the-art materials, packaging, and devices and components are urgently needed to minimize the size, weight, and power usage of the RF communication systems. <l>nGimat proposes to develop high performance Ka-band electrically steered antenna with phased array architectures using nGimat's proprietary BST based tunable dielectric materials. BST's unique voltage tunable characteristics make them promising candidates for critical microwave components in phased array communications and radar systems such as varactors, tunable filters, and phase shifters. The ability to efficiently change the RF complex impedance with low electrical loss could significantly impact future communication systems for both government and civilian applications. Successful maturation of tunable materials together with associated microwave and component circuit design techniques resulting from this effort could reduce the cost while simultaneously improving the performance of future RF communication systems. The resultant antenna will be capable of simultaneous full-duplex multiple beam operations."
825,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.06-9070 ,Onboard Generic Fault Detection Algorithm Development and Demonstration for VTOL sUAS,"In the proposed SBIR study, Empirical Systems Aerospace, Inc. (ESAero) will develop a fault detection and identification avionics system implementing a generic statistical fault detection algorithm and demonstrate the system's effectiveness through flight testing on board a VTOL UAV testbed. The algorithm is aimed to be generic in the sense that it is agnostic to the specific platform or avionics suite on which it is implemented, making the developed technology broadly applicable to VTOL aircraft configurations, other aircraft types, and beyond. Using a statistics-based method, the system will not need to have direct knowledge of the sensors, the system, or the vehicle configuration. By simply monitoring the available sensors and comparing their signals to a trained nominal statistical data model, abnormalities in systems, sub-systems and individual components can be detected before a major failure occurs, greatly improving system operational safety and potentially significantly reducing maintenance costs. To develop the fault detection system, the team will leverage previous ePHM (Prognostic and Health Management) investment and configure a COTS VTOL UAV with a sensor suite and onboard data acquisition and processing system. The team will operate this VTOL UAV testbed to acquire data for nominal operation and then intentionally inject failures into the system to gather data for various faulty operations. The algorithm will be adapted to this dataset and loaded onto the testbed. Finally, in Phase I, ESAero will demonstrate the fault detection algorithm in flight verifying that the algorithm is capable of both detecting and identifying faults during actual operation. In Phase II, ESAero envisions further productionizing the technology by working with commercial motor and speed control vendors to broaden the statistical dataset and miniaturize the sensor and processing modules with the goal to integrate into existing hardware offerings."
668,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9887 ,Regenerators for 10 Kelvin Cryocoolers,"Future NASA astrophysics and exploration missions will require various enhancements in multi-stage cryocoolers. These include increased efficiency, reduced vibration and reductions in overall system mass and power consumption. For the coolers required, Stirling and pulse tube coolers offer the best opportunities. At present, the efficiency of these coolers is limited by the effectiveness of low-temperature-stage regenerators. Below about 60 K, two factors play key roles in reducing the effectiveness of regenerators. The heat capacity of most materials falls rapidly with decreasing temperature, thus, reducing the efficiency. Also, materials commonly used are only available in powder form, a form known to raise reliability issues. In the proposed effort, we will address both the aspect of high-efficiency and regenerator durability. First, a Rare Earth alloy, that below 60 K has a heat capacity higher than that of commonly used materials, will be configured in a well-defined intricate porous matrix; Secondly, both the void fraction and the ratio of surface area to solid fraction of the regenerator matrix will be tailored using a new approach, addressing that both form and thermal characteristics are essential to achieving a high efficiency."
674,Science,ARC,2017,S1.08-8940 ,Compact CO2 Instrumentation for Small Aerial Platforms,"Over the past decade, the importance of understanding the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has been recognized. A variety of research studies funded by NASA, DOE and NOAA to measure the fluxes of CO2 from average conditions have been performed. In particular, flux measurements of CO2 in the boundary layer are critical toward understanding the carbon budget for this important greenhouse gas. The World Meteorological Organization has met its goal of 0.1 ppm CO2 accuracy for land based field sensors with gas chromatography and non-dispersive infrared instruments. However, these instruments are poorly suited for small aerial platforms because of their high power requirements, large size and/or weight specifications. This proposal directly addresses NASA's need for high accuracy, small aerial platform, CO2 instrumentation for their Sierra and Dragon Eye UAVs, other unmanned aircraft such as launched and tethered balloons, and remote, unattended ground platforms where low power, compactness and self calibration are important. This instruments fits in with NASA's Technology Roadmap for satellite validation under the ASCENDS program and the OCO-2 mission, as well as independent high resolution, non-integrated CO2 profiles. To address this instrumentation need, Southwest Sciences proposes to develop a compact (< 1 L), low power (< 2 watts), light weight (~1kg) diode laser based instrument designed to achieve dry-air corrected, high accuracy measurements of CO2. We will target NASA's desired accuracy of 1 ppm CO2 (~1 part in 400) or better in 1 second or less using wavelength modulation spectroscopy in the 2.7 micron CO2 absorption band."
680,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.06-8959 ,CubeSat Magnetometer,"Sensitive magnetometers play a key role in exploring the near-Earth environment, other planets and moons. Measurements using a constellation of spacecraft can provide a rich data set, but this approach requires magnetometers that have stable calibration as well as low size, weight and power. This proposal will develop an all-optical atomic magnetometer whose calibration can be traced to quantum properties of the atoms. It has already demonstrated high sensitivity in the laboratory. The Phase I work will show that it can be flown on a CubeSat by demonstrating that the form factor, weight, and electrical power can be made compatible with requirements for microsatellites. In Phase II we plan to build a version that could fly on balloons or aircraft."
817,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.08-9684 ,Novel Sensor for Wind Tunnel Calibration and Characterization,"Advances in computational capabilities for modeling the performance of advanced flight vehicles depend on verification measurements made in ground-based wind tunnels. As part of this process, the wind tunnels themselves must be well-calibrated and characterized. In particular to this project, the density, pressure and multi-component velocity of the air flow are of key interest. <l><l>Southwest Sciences, in collaboration with the Southwest Research Institute, proposes to develop a novel, non-intrusive, laser-based measurement system for characterizing and calibrating the flow conditions upstream and downstream of test articles in wind tunnels. It uses inexpensive visible diode lasers and could be configured to match the needs of any particular type of wind tunnel, ranging from subsonic to hypersonic. The Phase I research will concentrate on developing and demonstrating the basic methodology of the system over a modest range of conditions. In Phase II we would expand the operation to the full range of expected conditions and verify the performance of the system in NASA-provided wind tunnels."
683,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-9669 ,"Tunable, High-Power Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Local Oscillator","NASA and NASA funded missions/instruments such as Aura/MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder), SOFIA/GREAT and STO/STO-2 have demonstrated the need for local oscillator (LO) sources between 30 and 300 um (1 and 10 THz). For observations >2 THz, technologically mature microwave sources typically have microwatt power levels which are insufficient to act as LOs for a heterodyne receivers. LongWave Photonics is proposing to develop a high power, frequency tunable, phase/frequency-locked, single mode, External Cavity THz quantum cascade laser (ECT-QCL) system with >2 mW average power output and a clear path to increase the power to >10 mW. The system includes a THz QC gain chip based on SISP or metal-meal waveguide with integrated horn or lens structure to reduce facet reflectivity. Frequency selective external feedback will be frequency tunable over 100's of GHz, with center frequencies ranging from 2 to 5 THz. The gain chip will be packaged in a high-reliability Stirling cycle cooler. The source will be phase/frequency locked to a stable microwave reference synthesizer with"
560,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-9331 ,"Variable Gas-Conductance Radiator: Lightweight, High Turndown Spacecraft Radiator","Spacecraft thermal control is a critical element to maintaining spacecraft, manned, unmanned or robotic, at proper temperatures for humans, instruments and electronics to function properly. Simple, passive thermal control in which excess heat is radiated to space via blackbody radiators used to be adequate, however, as spacecraft power levels increase and mission environments become more complex, more flexible and capable thermal control systems and mechanisms are needed. Variable heat rejection is an enabling technology to reliably vary heat rejection during human and robotic spaceflight missions with wide variation in thermal environments & vehicle heat loads. Quest Thermal Group is proposing a novel Variable Gas-Conductor Radiator (VGCR) that uses variable gas conduction within an IMLI structure to control heat conduction. A VGCR could provide both high and very low heat rejection, operating as both effective radiators and high performance insulation, and capable of turndown ratios of 76:1. <l><l>The NASA 2012 TA14 Thermal Management Roadmap stated radiator advancement is perhaps the most critical thermal technology development for future spacecraft and space-based systems. NASA is seeking unique solutions for thermal control technology providing low mass highly reliable thermal control systems. As NASA moves beyond LEO, spacecraft must accommodate various mission scenarios and need variable heat rejection. Current state of the art variable radiators offer heat rejection turn-down ratios up to about 4:1. <l><l>Phase I goals are to develop a new variable spacecraft radiator that can simply and efficiently provide a highly variable heat rejection using variable gas conduction within IMLI insulation, and prove feasibility of the VGCR concept to help improve radiator capabilities for future NASA and commercial spacecraft. A VGCR prototype will be modeled, designed, built and tested for thermal performance and variable heat rejection."
578,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.01-9245,Multi-Environment MLI: Novel Multi-functional Insulation for Mars Missions,"Human exploration requires advances in cryogenic propellants for missions to Earth orbit, cis-lunar, Mars and beyond. NASA is interested in improving thermal insulation for future Mars missions, including Evolvable Mars Campaign, Mars Landers and Mars ISRU cryogenic fuel storage on Mars surface. Cryogenic propellants have the highest energy density of any chemical rocket fuel, propel most NASA and commercial launch vehicles, and would be used for Mars Lander EDL/ascent. Cryogenic propellants require good thermal insulation. Improvements in propellant storage and transfer are a critical need for future NASA missions, with zero boil off of cryogenic propellant an important goal. High performance insulation is needed for future Mars missions to store liquid methane obtained from the Mars regolith and stored on Mars surface. Quest Thermal Group proposes to design and develop an innovative, lightweight thermal insulation system, designed to perform and insulate cryogenic propellants in multiple environments, such as in-air on Earth prelaunch and launch ascent, in-space cruise phase, on-Mars surface and during Mars Lander ascent. <l><l>Multi-Environment MLI (MEMLI) is a novel multi-functional thermal insulation system that uses a ventable/sealable, lightweight supported vacuum shell, integrated and supported by Load Bearing MLI layers specifically tuned for Mars atmosphere. MEMLI will be engineered to provide high performance in-air, in-space and on-Mars, could provide <l><l>Phase I goals are to develop a new high performing insulation structure capable of supporting Mars missions and prove feasibility of the MEMLI concept for future NASA programs. A MEMLI prototype will be modeled, designed, built and tested for thermal performance in multiple environments."
613,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.06-9496 ,"Variable Conductance Radiator: A Novel Lightweight, High Turndown Spacecraft Radiator Using Variable Heat Conductors","Spacecraft thermal control is a critical element to maintaining spacecraft, manned, unmanned or robotic, at proper temperatures for humans, instruments and electronics to function properly. Simple, passive thermal control in which excess heat is radiated to space via blackbody radiators used to be adequate, however, as spacecraft power levels increase and mission environments become more complex, more flexible and capable thermal control systems and mechanisms are needed. Variable heat rejection is an enabling technology to reliably vary heat rejection during human and robotic spaceflight missions with wide variation in thermal environments & vehicle heat loads. Quest Thermal Group is proposing a novel Variable Conductor Radiator (VCR) that uses actuated heat conductors within an IMLI structure to control heat conduction. A VCR could provide both high and very low heat rejection, operating as both effective radiators and high performance insulation, and capable of turndown ratios of 80:1. <l><l>The NASA 2012 TA14 Thermal Management Roadmap stated radiator advancement is perhaps the most critical thermal technology development for future spacecraft and space-based systems. NASA is seeking unique solutions for thermal control technology providing low mass highly reliable thermal control systems. As NASA moves beyond LEO, spacecraft must accommodate various mission scenarios and need variable heat rejection. Current state of the art variable radiators offer heat rejection turn-down ratios up to about 4:1. <l><l>Phase I goals are to develop a new variable spacecraft radiator that can simply and efficiently provide a highly variable heat rejection using variable solid conduction within IMLI insulation, and prove feasibility of the VCR concept to help improve radiator capabilities for future NASA and commercial spacecraft. A VCR prototype will be modeled, designed, built and tested for thermal performance and variable heat rejection."
636,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9166 ,Hybrid Propulsion Technology for Robotic Science Missions,"C3 Propulsion's Hybrid Propulsion Technology will be applied to a NASA selected Sample Return Mission. Phase I will demonstrate Proof-of-Principle and Phase II will design, fabricate, and demonstrate a flight-like propulsion system for that application. HPT is non-toxic, safe, and has energy management (throttleable or pulse width modulated) capabilities. It is expected to be able to operate in the cold temperature of Mars and outer planet moons. Its simple design decreases risk, reduces size, and mass, and increases reliability. It has high volume and density specific impulses and is expected to increase performance and lower costs. It has been developed under MDA SBIR programs and is currently at a TRL level of 3."
746,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.01-8842 ,Modular Extendable Terrestrial Array,"For Mars mission program managers, who need a robust, structurally efficient solar array system to autonomously deploy on the Martian surface, the Modular Extendable Terrestrial Array (META) is an extremely high performance and cost-effective deployable solar array system that will enable manned missions. LoadPath's approach adapts a demonstrated, high packaging-efficiency array folding architecture for a Martian surface application delivering robust autonomous deployments over uneven terrain, retractability, modularity, portability, minimal CONOPS, and integrated dust mitigation. LoadPath recently invented and demonstrated the feasibility of an advanced, lightweight solar array system to deliver high power generation capability for small satellite systems with extreme stowed volume constraints. Establishing a functional solar array farm on the Martian surface to support manned missions shares many of the technical challenges and requirements of the small spacecraft, large deployable array problem. LoadPath leveraged the findings of this previous effort with its extensive experience in devising and delivering numerous innovative deployable structural systems in the development of the leading concept for an META autonomous deploying terrestrial array. In this Phase I effort, the conceptual design will be developed through a thorough engineering trade study of the required support components, culminating with a functional deployment demonstration with a fabricated prototype structure."
696,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-9826 ,2 Micron Wavelength Coherent Universal LIDAR With Adjustable Resolution and Sensitivity,"Discovery Semiconductors and Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories have teamed together to design a Universal LIDAR system that will work for NASA's diverse range of applications. We propose a fiber-based, self-heterodyne LIDAR, at 2050 nm wavelength, whose transmitted optical signal is modulated by a 10 Gbps programmable pseudo-random (PRN) sequence. The LIDAR's resolution and sensitivity will be tuned by choosing the appropriate PRN sequence. A PRN length of 1 will provide the finest resolution of 1.5 cm with 1 uW sensitivity. Increasing the PRN length to 100,000 will improve the sensitivity to 10 pW for 1.5 km resolution.<l><l>Several NASA applications will be covered by the new innovation including:<l><l>1) Thermometry and spectroscopy of rocket plumes and jet engine flames with cm scale resolution, <l>2) Laser Doppler Velocimetry in Hypersonic wind tunnels up to Mach 20,<l>3) Navigational LIDARs for planetary landing mission that need velocity and altitude measurements with sub-meter accuracy, <l>4) Clear air turbulence measurements having 10 m or higher resolution, and<l>5) Space based wind LIDAR for environmental sensing having 1 km resolution.<l><l>Our Phase I work will result in detailed LIDAR design, which will be corroborated by experimental demonstration of resolution-sensitivity trade."
726,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-8903 ,Space Flight of Ultra-Low Noise Quad Photoreceivers for Laser Interferometric Gravity Wave Detection,"Ultra-low capacitance quadrant InGaAs photoreceivers have been developed as part of the following successful NASA SBIR contracts by Discovery Semiconductors (DSC): (1) Phase I SBIR Contract # NNX09CD48P (01/22/09 to 07/21/09); and (2) Phase II SBIR Contract # NNX10CA59C (02/25/10 to 02/24/12). The photoreceivers are based on low capacitance per unit area photodiodes, combined with a commercial operational amplifier, and have achieved low cross talk, low capacitance, and low noise. With the successful completion of the design goals of the Quad Photoreceivers, the LISA community worldwide is eager to have these devices space-flight ready. Thus, the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) FF is a perfect vehicle to launch these quad receivers in space, and operate them for 12 to 18 months in harsh conditions. This view is strongly supported by Dr. Jeff Livas, Chief, Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory, at NASA GSFC. <l><l>Based on our prior experience with launching LIDAR InGaAs Photoreceivers on a MISSE 7 Flight, it is unrealistic to expect a MISSE FF launch in the 6 months short duration of this Phase I SBIR. Thus, our Phase I objective will be to perform the five key MIL-STD Tests, on the LISA Gravity Wave InGaAs Quad Photoreceivers. These tests will serve as a foundation for a potential MISSE FF Space Flight in Phase II SBIR of this program.<l><l>MIL-STD reliability tests to be carried out in this Phase I SBIR are : (1) Mechanical Shock; (2) Vibration; (3) Thermal Shock; (4) Temperature Cycling; and (5) Damp Heat (humididty)."
532,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z7.02-9630 ,3D Polar Woven Deployable Skirt with Integrally Woven Attachment Features,"T.E.A.M., Inc. proposes to develop and demonstrate a manufacturing method for a 3D woven deployable skirt structure with polar fiber orientation and integrally woven rib attachment features and trailing edge radii. The novelty of our approach comes from the combination of several unique textile manufacturing technologies that to our knowledge have never been successfully combined into a single process. This includes application of traditional ""2D"" polar weaving techniques to a variable thickness 3D weave architecture and conical geometry, respectively. 3D woven acreage material will leverage 3D-TPS weave architectures previously developed and arc-jet tested by T.E.A.M., Inc. Likewise the single radial joint resulting from the polar woven approach will be reinforced using TEAM's previously arc jet tested 3D-TPS stitching technology. Multiple iterations of the acreage 3D polar weave, radial joint configuration, trailing edge radii and seamless trailing edge close-outs will be demonstrated and quantitatively compared in both flat and formed states. The developed process will be scalable to >3m base diameter on existing T.E.A.M., Inc. 3D weaving equipment. The overall goal of the Phase I effort will be to optimize the manufacturing process parameters for scale-up to 1-3m scale in Phase 2. Heat flux exposure and post heat flux mechanical testing of the developed solution are also planned in Phase 2."
7615,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.05-8877 ,Design and Development of High Gain AlGaN Avalanche Photodiode Arrays,"Future NASA earth science systems and missions, specifically those involving high resolution Lidar measurements, will benefit from the development of large-area, high gain AlGaN ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes (UV-APD) arrays operating at room temperature at the 355 nm wavelength. The high quality GaN/AlGaN UV-APD detector arrays are epitaxially grown using an optimized metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique. The use of lattice-matched bulk GaN substrates provides low dark/leakage current by minimizing defects from the substrate, while alternately AlN substrates can be used to provide backside-illuminated, high fill factor UV-APD devices. In addition to low dark current noise, the solid-state UV-APD devices demonstrate high quantum efficiencies with very high avalanche gains (>10^5). For the Phase II SBIR effort, we shall model, design, develop, and demonstrate the AlGaN UV-APD array technology for implementation in future NASA missions. We will work with NASA for modelling UV-APD arrays for performance improvements in NASA Earth Science systems. Magnolia will collaborate with Prof. Russ Dupuis of Georgia Tech, an expert in III-N material growth and device technology, for MOCVD growth, fabrication, and characterization of the UV-APD array devices. This will entail the enhancement of surface passivation techniques for further performance improvements, developing high quality, low resistivity n- and p-type contacts, as well as incorporating antireflection coatings. It is expected based on measurement data that these devices can perform in Geiger-mode at ~355 nm with high single-photon detection efficiencies for operation in photon-starved environments. Based in part on results attained from the Phase I effort, the AlGaN-based UV-APD technology can meet and/or exceed system requirements in applications such as high resolution Lidar to benefit NASA systems for advancing future missions"
7624,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9655 ,Next-Generation Deformable Mirrors for Astronomical Coronagraphy by Utilizing PMN-PT Single Crystal Stack Actuators in integration with Driver ASIC,"This SBIR Phase II project aims to develop innovative manufacturing methods for batch fabrication of single crystal PMN-PT stack actuator deformable mirrors (DM) at low cost of up to one order of magnitude reduction to those offered by the state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques. The methods, being applicable to produce high-performance deformable mirrors with a large variety of pixel densities and actuator counts, are also proposed to seamlessly integrate the DM manufacturing process with a novel large-scale driver ASIC, hence an enhancement of the proposed batch manufacturing process by reliably packaging DMs with high yield, zero failure pixel, and with high optical qualities, and on top of these offering the demanded high-resolution mirror surface control. Low payload, high performance, low cost, and low power, are the four keys that can lead a DM to successful implementation into NASA's high-performance systems. For lab testing, concept inspiration, and concept validation, the AO communities need high-performance but low-cost DMs to study wide variety of AO concepts on a tight budget and in a timely fashion; on the other hand, once an AO concept is approved, a space-based adaptive optics system will additionally demand low payload and low power dissipation for space-based deployment. The proposed DM manufacturing and ASIC integration aims to develop DMs to meet the two staged needs through one joint DM-ASIC development program."
7629,Science,GRC,2017,S2.03-9933 ,3D Printed Silicon Carbide Scalable to Meter-Class Segments for Far-Infrared Surveyor,"Using technology spun out from Sandia National Laboratories, Goodman Technologies LLC with our Small Business and Minority Serving Institution partner(Team GT) has demonstrated the feasibility of 3D printed and additively manufactured SiC/SiC composite and Reaction Bonded SiC for low areal cost, ultra-lightweight mirrors and structures. Our technology development roadmap shows production of the first meter-class mirror segments in time for the 2020 Decadal Survey,and an excellent solution for multiple Priority 1, 2 and 3 Technology Gaps identified in the COR 2016 and 2017 PATRs. Our meter-class 3d/AM silicon carbide segments will meet or exceed all NASA requirements for the primary mirror of a FIR Surveyor such as the Origins Space Telescope (OST), and may also provide a solution for the LUVOIR Surveyor. During Phase II we achieved an areal density of 10 kg/square meter on our first attempt at a production rate of 1.44 square meter per day for a single small printer. Acost of $60K to 3D print/AM large segments looks readily achievable, as does an optical surface that has nanometer-scale tolerances. Our encapsulated lattice construction provides a uniform CTE throughout the part for dimensional stability, incredible specific stiffness, and the added benefit of cryo-damping. Our process will also allow for direct embedding of electronics for active structures and segments, and the potential for actively cooling with helium for unprecedented low emissivity and thermal control. Finally, the particulate paste extrusion process may be very suitable for printing mirrors in the zero gravity of space.During Phase II, we propose to optimize, mature and scale 3D printed silicon carbide mirrors and telescope structures traceable to OST and LUVOIR Surveyors through the demonstration of Pathfinder Surrogate components for a meter-class primary mirror for the NASAGondola for High Altitude Planetary Science (GHAPS) project."
7671,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.05-9148 ,Integrated Waveguide Optical Gyroscope,"We propose a radical new approach for to the design and fabrication of an integrated Waveguide Optical Gyroscope (iWOG) that enables the development of very small IMU with near tactical grade performance, higher reliability, high level of robustness and lower cost. Modeling demonstrate that the iWOG will have more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in bias stability over temperature (for the same volume) when compared to the highest performance commercially available MEMs gyroscope. The iWOG is also inherently radiation hardened and is the ideal technology for future CubeSat applications at NASA."
7676,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z10.02-869 ,High Response Control Valve,"WASK Engineering proposes to refine the design of an piezo actuated throttling valve fabricated in Phase 1 that has demonstrated the ability to open within 2.6 msec to meet the requirements of a 100 lbf RCS thruster. This includes verifying the valve cycle life and valve leakage amounts. Similar valves designed by WASK Engineering have operated for more than 2x109 cycles while maintaining a leakage rate of less than 1x10-3 sccm of He. The current valve design is configured to operate with cryogenic propellants and support the flow rates requried for a 100 lbf liquid oxygen/liquid methane thruster. A piezo actuated valve has many benefits for RCS thrusters. The speed with which the valve can adjust its throttle position means that with two such valves the thruster propellant mixture ratio can be rapidly adjusted to prevent<l>hardware damage. The valves have the ability to continuously throttle over a range of thrust levels, allowing the thruster to operate from zero to full thrust. The piezo crystals use very little power, reducing the overall power consumption, again reducing weight."
7583,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H5.02-9590 ,"Novel, Functionally Graded PIP Coating System for Hot Structures","NASA future missions place stringent requirements on high temperature and light-weight materials.This proposal addresses some of the most challenging materials issues with respect to Hot Structures, very high temperature, up to 4500 degrees F, applications.<p>The very successfulNASA led X-43A hypersonic flight proved the ability to use state of the art (SOTA) 2D C-C with oxidation coating system. However, current material systems can only offer limited temperature capability (<3000 °F) and mostly for single use application. <p>In Phase I, two innovative technologies, undercoat and FGM multi-layercoats, were developed and screened. They were further integrated into two SOTA C-C composites. Oxidation protected C-C samples were torch tested at 3500 F/ 30 minutes, at 4200 F/ 2 minutes up to 10 cycles, and at 3000 F/cool/ 4000 F cycles showing very promising results. The combined effects of the undercoat and FGM spray coats provide repeatable performance by creating a glass forming, conforming and adherent external coating to protect the C-C from being oxidized.<p>The overall objective of the proposed P-II is to further develop and optimize a robust, tailorable, and affordable oxidation protection system for C-C TPS and C-C hot structure by integrating ourundercoat and FGMmulti-layer spray coat technologies into at least twogrades C-C composites (T300and P30 2D C-C) meeting higher temperature performance up to 4500 Fand multi-use applications.<p>Work plan includes 12 tasks over 24 month grouped into 5 categories.<p>Once further optimized and validated under Phase II, these technologies can easily be integrated into SOTA C-C using current manufacturing facilities. The resulting oxidation protected C-C could be tailorable, affordable, and easily scaled up for large components or structure required in future NASA, DoD and commercial space applications."
7693,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9957 ,Additively Manufactured Bimetallic Combustion Chambers for Small Launch Vehicles,"Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc. (ASTS) is pleased to propose to continue the development of an additive manufacturing (AM) approach for fabricating bimetallic combustion chambers. Our chamber design, which is applicable to future NASA small launch vehicles, exploits the combined capabilities of selective laser melting (SLM) and magnetic pulse welding (MPW), in order to reduce manufacturing lead time and cost and to improve quality through ease of inspection. The chamber will use a two-piece GRCop-84 liner that is inserted and MP welded into a one-piece Inconel 625 structural jacket. The MPW step will be used to permanently join the two halves of the liner at the throat and the liner itself to the jacket in a structurally sound, watertight manner. Our structural jacket design includes integral propellant manifolds, which eliminates the time and expense associated with machining or casting separate components and welding them in place.<p>The benefits of such a design are substantial. First, it is well understood that for complicated components like a modern combustion chamber, an AM manufacturing approach can drastically reduce cost (by 50% or more) and lead time (weeks instead of months). Second, our particular design overcomes weaknesses of other additive designs by enabling easy inspection of the printed parts that otherwise would have to undergo CT scanning or X-ray inspection, which has proven to be exceptionally difficult for complex internal geometries like regenerative cooling channels and propellant manifolds. Third, our basic material and manufacturing approach is scalable to booster class combustion chambers at a rate controlled solely by scaling of the build volumes available in commercial SLM machines (which is occurring rapidly). In fact, commercial MPW systems are already being used in the automotive industry that can instantaneously weld parts of several meters in length"
7572,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A3.03-8665 ,HATIS: Human Autonomy Teaming Interface System for UTM Risks Management,"UTM is a key NASA initiative, and one of UTM’s key thrusts is to ensure safe usage of UAS. Technologies which can be used for real-time risk assessment of UAS flights are being developed by UTM Safety researchers, but there is currently no user interface to connect these technologies with the UTM managers and/or UAS operators. We propose to develop a human autonomy teaming interface system (HATIS) composed of specialized tools, multimodal interfaces, and human autonomy teaming software, which will permit human operators and UTM/UAS automation to collaborate for real-time risk management and mitigation (RMM). In Phase I, we collaborated with NASA to identify hazard categories and UTM RMM roles and automation capabilities; developed high-level system requirements and a system architecture along with three test cases; demonstrated a proof-of-concept with interactive mockup interfaces; and validated HATIS potential as a product for key market segments, including NASA labs conducting research in human autonomy teaming (HAT), landfills conducting real-time environmental monitoring and reporting, and UAS manufacturers. In Phase II, we will spiral the development in HATIS in two builds: 1) HATIS1, which includes both building basic interfaces that allow the operator to visualize risks and collaborate with the automation to manage risks, and conducting the first integrated test and evaluation with usability and software; and 2) HATIS2 which includes extending HATIS to include level-of-automation management, play-based control, voice interaction, and conducting the second integrated test and evaluation with usability, software, and interoperability. We will implement a comprehensive risk mitigation plan that involves creating emulators of UTM RM algorithms and testing with these emulators if direct testing with RM algorithms is infeasible, and incorporating NASA input in preliminary and critical design reviews throughout each build."
7614,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-9669 ,"Tunable, High-Power Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Local Oscillator","NASA and NASA funded missions/instruments such as Aura/MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder), SOFIA/GREAT and STO/STO-2 have demonstrated the need for local oscillator (LO) sources between 30 and 300 um (1 and 10 THz). For observations >2 THz, technologically mature microwave sources typically have microwatt power levels which are insufficient to act as LOs for a heterodyne receivers. LongWave Photonics is proposing to develop a high power, frequency tunable, phase/frequency-locked, single mode, External Cavity THz quantum cascade laser (ECT-QCL) system with >2 mW average power output and a clear path to increase the power to >10 mW. The system includes a THz QC gain chip based on SISP or metal-metal waveguide with an integrated horn or lens structure to reduce facet reflectivity. Frequency selective external feedback will be tunable over 100's of GHz, with center frequencies ranging from 2 to 5 THz. The gain chip will be packaged in a high-reliability Stirling cycle cooler with all external component integrated under the same enclosure."
7578,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.03-9217 ,Solid State Oxygen Concentrator and Compressor,"Sustainable Innovations has developed a novel solid state technology for gas separation and is applying it for the first time to meet a critical life support function: to develop an oxygen concentration module that minimize the hardware mass, volume, and power footprint while still performing at the required NASA capabilities. The Sustainable Innovations Oxygen Concentration Module is an extension of our proven H2 concentration, generation and compression technology that we are currently developing for NASA applications, including several configurations specifically designed for operation in Zero Gravity. This cell hardware has been demonstrated in mock zero and negative gravity on the bench-top and is currently being scaled for greater throughput applications."
7625,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9865 ,Technology Development for High-Actuator-Count MEMS DM Systems,"Boston Micromachines Corporation proposes high-precision deformable mirror (DM) systems with one hundred actuators across the active aperture, corresponding to almost eight thousand actuators in the device’s circular aperture, using an innovative new approach for packaging and integration. The proposed work focuses on a technology gap that NASA has identified as critical for space-based exoplanet imaging: production techniques for small-stroke, high-reliability, high-precision deformable mirror systems. The main objective in this Phase II project is to substantially increase the state-of-the-art for the number of actuators in a compact MEMS DM system using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) production processes and employing a multiple-layer approach to integrating routing line layers in the device. MEMS DMs will be bonded to custom manufactured printed circuit boards using conductive epoxy bonds and flip-chip alignment based on anew stencil printing process demonstrated in the Phase I project. The proposed work includes testing and evaluation of surface topography of DMs before and after bonding and assessment of actuator yield and reliability."
7591,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.01-8624 ,High Power (50W) WDM Space Lasercom 1.5um Fiber Laser Transmitter,"Fibertek proposes to develop and demonstrate a spaceflight prototype of a wideband, high power 50W, 1.5-um fiber laser transmitter, supporting high data rate wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) operation for space optical communication links. The fiber laser transmitter will support up to 8x WDM channels with high power conversion efficiency. The proposed 10x scaling of the average and peak power performance for such a space-qualifiable WDM 1.5-um transmitter enables >100x data-rate scaling of current space laser communication links. In Phase 1 of the program all proposed performance objectives were exceeded or achieved. The successful outcome of Phase II will be to develop a prototype, space-qualifiable, high-efficiency, high-power (50W), 1.5-um WDM space lasercom transmitter. This advances the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 3 to 5."
7602,Science,LaRC,2017,S1.01-8776 ,High Speed Frequency Locking Module for Lidar Based Remote Sensing Systems,"A basic requirement for all Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) systems is wavelength switching of the probe laser on and off of an absorption line of the species of interest. For most trace gas species switching accuracy on the order of 10 MHz is also required. Further complications for many DIAL systems are that the platform moves (airborne or space craft) and that the lasers are often high peak power, pulsed lasers. The combination of a moving platform, pulsed laser, and the requirement that the online and offline measurements be made in essentially the same volume implies that the online/offline switching time be less than ~ 1 ms, and many cases even shorter. To date, most lasers used in DIAL systems rely on piezo-electric (PZT) mechanisms for the cavity length changes needed for the frequency switching. Typically this limits wavelength switching speeds to a few hundred Hz. This relatively slow frequency switching prevents researchers from fully exploiting DIAL systems utilizing the high efficiency, multi-kHz lasers or the lower repetition rate, dual pulse lasers systems that are now available. In Phase I, Fibertek demonstrated a brassboard version of a high speed, non-mechanical frequency locking module that allowed shot to shot frequency switching of a 1645.5 nm Er:YAG laser at >1 kHz with a spectral purity of 1,000:1. Our approach to the proposed locking module was an innovative synthesis of all electro-optic (EO) based switching and locking, a compact and efficient EO driver design that reduces voltage requirements by 4x over conventional designs, a novel EO voltage profile that eliminates electrochromic darkening, and a larger off-set locking capability that eliminates the requirement for an additional phase shifter in the cavity. In Phase II we will advance the TRL of the key technology components and incorporate a hardened version of the locking module into a 1645.5 nm Er:YAG laser that is being developed for a methane lidar being built at NASA Langley."
7579,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2017,H3.03-9928 ,Regenerable Carbon Filter,"A Regenerable Carbon Filter (RCF) is proposed for the removal of carbonaceous particulate matter produced in Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) processes. Successful development of this technology will result in a device that effectively collects ultrafine carbon particles in a high density, high storage capacity volume which is subsequently regenerated in-situ using self-cleaning techniques. Various reactors considered for use in air revitalization in NASA's exploration life support closed habitat mission concepts result in the generation of solid carbon compounds as byproducts. These include the Carbon Formation Reactor (CFR) within a Bosch-type carbon dioxide reduction system and, what the proposed RCF technology specifically addresses, the methane Plasma Pyrolysis Assembly (PPA) within a Sabatier-type carbon dioxide reduction system. Capture and oxidation of this carbon material in a manner that eliminates crew handling while maximizing equipment operating capacity and lifetime is of paramount importance within manned space habitats that rely upon these processes."
7680,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A3.02-8740 ,Selecting Days for Concept and Technology Evaluation in SMART-NAS Test-Bed Scenario Generation,"Crown Consulting, Inc. (CCI) will investigate and demonstrate methods to enable rapid selection of days for scenario generation in the development and evaluation of Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts and technologies (C&T) in the NASA developed Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the National Airspace System (SMART-NAS) Testbed (SNTB). The proposed capability will enable the rapid generation of highly operationally relevant scenarios for use in the development and evaluation of technology demonstrators such as the NASA Airspace Technology Demonstrator (ATD)-2 and ATD-3, as well as future ATM concepts such as Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM), and Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X). The latter includes new mid-term operational concepts such as Integrated Demand Management (IDM), and far-term operational concepts such as Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Increasingly Diverse Operations (IDO), which considers the integration of supersonic aircraft, spacecraft and UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS)<p><p>The proposed innovation seeks to augment the scenario generation capability of NASA’s SNTB with methods and tools for selecting traffic, winds and weather based on the needs of the experiment allowing for highly operationally relevant scenarios. These methods and tools would actively categorize incoming and historical data using advanced machine-learning algorithms, allowing fast access to NAS streaming and legacy data in a big-data warehouse such as the NASA’s ATM-Data-Warehouse through queries generated via a simple user interface for specifying desired characteristics. In addition to historical data, processed data such as benefit metrics, generated by SNTB simulations implementing the concept and technology of interest, can also be categorized by machine-learning algorithms for selecting days to generate scenarios for HITL tests to verify conditions for most or least C&T benefit."
7683,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H8.01-8465 ,Evaluation of Multifunctional Radiation Shielding Material Against Long Duration Space Environment - Utilization of MISSE-FF,"NASA’s vision for space exploration includes long duration human travel beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and sustained human presence on other planetary surfaces. For this vision to be a reality, one of the major challenges is to minimize radiation exposure to the crew and equipment. A material based solution typically results in paying a penalty due to additional weight. During this effort, a multifunctional composite is being developed as an integral part of a spacecraft or habitat to provide shielding against Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and secondary particles, enhanced structural integrity, and durability against overall space environment. During Phase 1, innovative fabrication methods have been developed to produce the radiation shielding composite. Mechanical testing showed that compared to traditional aerospace aluminum alloys significant enhancements in specific strength and stiffness were obtained. During Phase 2, the composite will be optimized and samples will be produced for testing. A primary task will be to use the MISSE-FF facility to test the composite against the combined space environment. Samples tested on ground for mechanical and radiation properties will be compared to samples tested on LEO to unambiguously demonstrate the multifunctionality of the composite."
7565,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.02-8755 ,Developing a Certifiable UAS reliability Assessment Approach Through Algorithmic Redundancy,"Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) into the US National Airspace (NAS) is crucial for advancement of UAS applications in different fields like transport, surveillance, disaster management, and geospatial applications. Airworthiness certification by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is a critical step towards NAS integration. To match the expected FAA safety and reliability standards for UAS certification, novel technologies are needed. Conventional manned air vehicles meet FAA standards via hardware redundancy, an option unavailable for UAS due to size, weight, and power constraints. This challenge was addressed in Phase I via the so-called algorithmically redundant approach, where multiple fault detection and isolation algorithms work in parallel to detect faults more reliably. Using FAA-approved procedures like fault tree analysis or failure modes and effects analysis, reliability of algorithmically redundant systems is computed. This approach will be extended in Phase II to include flight control system hardware and control laws in the loop, and will involve validation via flight testing. A comprehensive methodology and accompanying software toolbox will result: STI Approach for Fault Estimation and Reliability for UAS (SAFER-UAS). SAFER-UAS is an overall reliability estimation approach based on theoretical analysis, simulation runs, and flight tests, serving as a vital step toward certification."
7585,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H6.01-9516 ,Flexible Integrated System Health Management for Sustainable Habitats using TEAMS,"QSI proposes to field a ""Flexible"" ISHM Solution for Sustainable Habitats utilizing the TEAMS Toolset and concomitant model-based and data-driven diagnostic/prognostic reasoning technologies to enable the habitat crew and ground support personnel to obtain crucial alerts that affect the operation of critical habitat subsystems. Automated health assessment, crew alerts and future degradation estimates will be generated to facilitate corrective actions in the face of off-nominal and failure conditions. The ISHM solution would reduce the cognitive load on the crew given the abundance of information that has to be reasoned upon in a timely fashion. This will be critical for improving mission and system safety. The solution will utilize habitat's real-time system health assessment, anomaly and failure detection, machine learning and active learning techniques to provide clear and concise decision support to improve situational awareness and perform proactive corrective actions. The solution provides the ability to report and incorporate previously undiscovered anomalies through a visually intuitive active learning interface. QSI's Hybrid modeling concept leverages domain information from various knowledge sources such as SysML, VISIO, etc. to augment its data-driven models with system-level interdependencies, which provide critical insight into the system when new anomalies need to be identified by the human-in-the-loop. Additionally, the TEAMS framework will enable integration of third-party Machine Learning modules to leverage best-in-class anomaly detection techniques for an integrated solution. These technologies would reduce the cost and risk of habitat operations, across all its phases: development, flight unit production, launch, and operations."
7666,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z8.01-8547 ,Multi-Mode Micropropulsion,"This project will further development of a thruster capable of both chemical monopropellant and electrospray propulsion using a single ""green"" ionic liquid propellant. the thruster concept consists of an integrated microtube/electrospray thruster that shares all propulsion system hardware between electric and chemical thruster modes, i.e. one propellant, one propellant tank, one feed system, and one thruster. Thus, the thruster is not significantly more massive than a standalone state-of-the-art chemical or electric thruster, but capable of either thrust mode and selectable as mission needs arise. This has several benefits, including the optimization of trajectories using both chemical and electric thrust manuevers as well as a significantly increased mission design space for a single propulsion unit. The propulsion system is capable of both high impulse per unit volume and high thrust per unit volume as the total impulse per unit volume is 1500 N-s/U in the chemical thrust mode and 2750 N-s/U in the electric thrust mode, where either type of manuever could be selected on-the-fly. Operation and high performance in both modes has previously been demonstrated at the single emitter level.The specific objectives for this study are to design and build a cubesat sized multi-emitter thruster and test in both chemical and electrospray modes of operation. Two thrusters will be built and separate chemical and electric thrusters tested in parallel. Then, back-to-back operation of a single thruster will be demonstrated andindirect and direct performance measurements will be acquired. Additionally, the development of the multi-mode monopropellant will be furthered through material compatibility tests and hazard classification. Finally, system level items including PPU and and feed system components will be researched and selected and/or designed."
7588,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-9767 ,ISS Multi-Material Fabrication Laboratory Using Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing Technology,"The goal of this program is to demonstrate the use of Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing (UAM) solid state metal 3D printing to provide in-space, on-demand manufacturing capabilities to support the unique challenges of long-duration human spaceflight. Previous and ongoing work in NASA SBIR programs has demonstrated the ability to 3D print quality metal parts using UAM. The goal of this Phase I program is to demonstrate the feasibility to reduce the size and power consumption of current UAM machine technology to 3D print aerospace grade aluminums for In-Space manufacturing. In fact, for the UAM process, operation in a micro-gravity environment contributes to power reduction goals expressed in recent NASA documents (NASA, 2016)."
7616,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.06-9292 ,Simplified High-Performance Roll Out Composite Magnetometer Boom,"In response to NASA’s need for compact, low-cost deployable magnetometer booms for CubeSats, Roccor proposes to develop a Simple High-performance Roll-Out Composite (SHROC?) Magnetometer Boom. The boom is capable of motor-less self-deployment and lock-out through a unique combination ofbi-stablecomposite laminate design and features that increase torsional rigidity and deployed precision at the end of deployment. The boom can be built to diameters ranging between 1.6 cm (5/8 in) and 2.5 cm (1 in) and fully deployed lengths ranging from 0.5 m to 10 m while being packaged in less than ?-U volume. A launch-retention mechanism is provided to lock the tip-mounted instrument package for launch. For deployment, this launch retention mechanism is released and the strain energy stored within the high-strain composite boom drives the deployment with predictable and nearly constant motive force.<p>During Phase II Roccor will address the key engineering development risks, mature the system design to a CDR level of development, and validate performance objectives through a series of ground-based qualification tests on engineering development units. Overall, the anticipated outcome of the program is development and proto-flight validation of a SHROC? Boom system for a wide range of future Heliophysics missions."
7687,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.02-9418 ,Trussed TRAC Boom for Solar Sails,"In response to NASA’s need for 1,000m2-10,000m2 class solar sails for future exploration missions, Roccor is developing the composite Trussed TRAC (T-TRAC) Boom system.Like the original TRAC boom to be flight validated on the upcoming NEA (Near-Earth Asteroid) Scout mission (McNutt, et al [2014]), T-TRAC has a triangular cross-section that flattens and rolls around a spool for packaging. Unlike the original TRAC, T-TRAC is applicable to much larger scale sail systems. The proposed T-TRAC boom is advancing TRAC technology through: 1) scaling up the cross-section size and length of the boom, 2) light weighting the boom through material re-distribution and removal, and 3) cross-section geometric modification and closing. Preliminary analyses indicate these steps will achieve more than a 5X increase in TRAC Boom structural mass efficiency over recently developed high strain composite (HSC) TRAC Booms, while maintaining an extremely compact roll stowed configuration that leverages the solar sail mechanical design heritage established with the recent Nanosail D (Alhorn, et al [2011]) and upcoming NEA Scout TRAC-deployed sail systems.<p>The overarching Phase II objective is to further develop and mature the T-TRAC technology such that it can be considered for NASA’s future mid-sized solar sail missions. Multi-scale micro-mechanics, laminate, cross-section, and full section analyses will be performed to optimize laminate architecture and TRAC geometry. The Phase II effort will culminate in the design, production and demonstration of a four-boom T-TRAC deployment system."
7648,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.02-8904 ,"Highly Efficient, Durable Regenerative Solid Oxide Stack","Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) proposes to develop and advance a highly efficient regenerative solid oxide stack design. Novel structural elements allow reforming of regolith off-gases (e.g., methane and high hydrocarbons) within a solid oxide stack as well as efficient H2O/CO2 electrolysis, overcoming shortcomings of traditional approaches. The resulting design offers the potential for light-weight and simple design with high efficiency and durability. This effort would be valuable to NASA as it would significantly reduce the known spacecraft technical risks and increase mission capability/durability/efficiency while at the same time increasing the TRL of regenerative solid oxide systems for ISRU application. The technology concept of our highly-efficient regenerative Solid Oxide Stack was demonstrated in Phase I and will be advanced in Phase II."
7558,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.07-9737 ,Integrated Fluid and Materials Modeling of Environmental Barrier Coatings,"Environmental barrier coatings (EBC) prevent oxidation of ceramic materials in reactive, high temperature environments such as the exhaust regions of gas turbine engines. CFDRC proposes to develop a physics based model of an EBC system interacting with the flow environment to provide better understanding of the dynamic processes that effect EBC durability under propulsion conditions. The model uses computational fluid dynamics to establish the conditions and species concentrations across the surface of the structure. The response within the coating to the environments is predicted using microscale simulations where each component of the composite coating system is discretely resolved. The micromechanics models are based on peridynamics, a mesh free theory of continuum mechanics that simultaneously solves for thermal, mechanical and concentration gradients coupled with damage to the material. Results of numerous microscale simulations are used to inform a time, temperature and stress based damage criteria for a homogenized coating material which in turn can be used to predict the extent of coating break down and mass loss at each integration point within boundary of a CFD simulation."
7561,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.10-9734 ,Non-Intrusive Computational Method and Uncertainty Quantification Tool for Isolator Operability Calculations,"Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology plays a strong role in the design and development of aerospace and defense vehicles such as high-speed applications where testing under the correct operational conditions is not yet viable. Despite decades of research towards making CFD predictive and reliable, it has not proven so due to the significant uncertainties in physical models, initial/boundary conditions, computational mesh, numerical schemes and methods. In the proposed effort CFDRC in partnership with Virginia Tech and UTSI, aims to directly address these issues by integrating dimensionally adaptive sparse grid uncertainty quantification (UQ) method with an existing reacting CFD solver. The proposers demonstrated this approach to be suitable for achieving this objective during Phase I on a NASA-LaRC nozzle-isolator lab-scale setup. The proposed effort will deliver a practical user-friendly automated software tool combining UQ with CFD (UQCFD), capable of identifying and characterizing regions of high-uncertainty in the CFD code and the associated work-flow, and thereby, provide guidance to the CFD modeler to increase fidelity of those regions. UQCFD software has the potential to make significant impact on a wide variety of application utilizing CFD predictions including design and development of next generation supersonic and hypersonic flight vehicles."
7601,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.01-8484 ,1.57 Micron High Pulse Energy Single Frequency Fiber Laser,"We propose to demonstrate and build a 1.572 micron single frequency high pulse energy and high peak power fiber laser by using an innovative Er-doped gain fiber with large core diameter and high gain per unit length. 1.572 micron single frequency high energy and high peak power fiber laser is needed for accurately measuring column CO2 concentrations. In Phase II, we will optimize the doping concentrations, increase the SBS threshold, improve the slope efficiency, and demonstrate high pulse energy and high peak power fiber laser with a short piece of gain fiber. Successful demonstration of such a fiber laser will enable many new NASA and commercial applications."
7552,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9411 ,Low AC-Loss Superconducting Cable Technology for Electric Aircraft Propulsion,"The availability of low AC loss magnesium diboride (MgB2) superconducting wires enables much lighter weight superconducting stator coils than with any other metal or ceramic superconductor. This, together with Hyper Tech’s capability to fabricate long piece-length (potentially 60 km) wires, in turn enables lighter superconducting motors/generators, essential components in the turboelectric aircraft propulsion system with high power densities (over 10 kW/kg) and high efficiency superconducting components envisioned in next generation Air Vehicle Technologies. To that end, this proposed SBIR Phase II program focuses on developing MgB2 multifilament superconducting cables with exceptionally low AC losses (targeting a loss budget of 1 W/cm3) because superconductors in a cable form is arguably the only easily-accomplished and viable way to push down AC losses while retaining high operating current levels in the stator coils. Two recent advancements at Hyper Tech greatly increase the odds of success in developing superconducting cable technology in the Phase I: 1) the development of cutting-edge superconductor strand architecture designs with fine filaments, small twist pitches and resistive components for reducing AC losses and 2) improved wire manufacturing capability to fabricate multi-strand cables in significant length. A second benefit of using superconducting cable technology, beyond AC loss reduction, is the much lower heat load produced or enabled by the conductor."
7612,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.04-8720 ,Wafer level Integration on PolyStrata(R) Interposer (WIPI) Phase II (17028),"Over the course of this program, Nuvotronics will develop of a robust wafer-level chip integration technology using our proprietary PolyStrata? process to enable sub-millimeter monolithic integrated chip (IC). This new process offers a disruptive wafer level packaging, capable of monolithically integrating dis-similar semiconductor substrates such as silicon, SiGe, GaAs, GaN and InP while reducing the interconnects losses and removing the need wirebonds. Using the 8” PolyStrata process on wafer, different chips (Low Noise Amplifiers, PAs, Mixers, switches) can be monolithically integrated and interconnected using copper microfabrication process to create a IC module. To demonstrate the performance of the new wafer level packaging approach, during the Phase II, Nuvotronics will leverage the new process to fabricate a complete W-band monolithic radiometer IC. The PolyStrata IC will be surface mountable using industry standard reflow process and will not require wirebonding, high accuracy placements or expensive RF circuit board. Nuvotronics aimed in this program a revolutionizing the way mm-wave circuit are fabricated by improving the interconnection performance up to 220 GHz and significantly reducing the packaging cost."
7563,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-8971 ,"Tunable Laser for High-Performance, Low-Cost Distributed Sensing Platform","The proposed effort will integrate identified performance optimization approaches to produce a tunable laser module exhibiting cost and performance characteristics appropriate for NASA’s needs. The technology will considerably improve NASA's flight test measurement and in-situ monitoring capability over the current state of the art, opening up new distributed sensing possibilities for real-time, in-situ airframe / space frame measurements. In addition to supporting distributed static strain and temperature measurements, the technology helps enable distributed modal analysis, non-destructive evaluation, and identification / characterization of transient events. With an improved understanding of distributed airframe / space frame structural dynamics, the technology will lead to improved airframe and component designs. With improved, integrated real-time feedback control signal generation and structural health monitoring, future aircraft and space-flight vehicles will operate more safely, predictably, and efficiently."
7642,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.08-9948 ,Rad-Hard Embedded Processing SIP,"VORAGO Technologies has created a product design and MIL-PRF-38534 qualification plan for a radiation-hardened miniaturized System-In-Package (SIP) that comprises an ARM? Cortex?-M0 microcontroller (VORAGO VA10820), a 16-channel 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (Cobham RHD5950) and a 2Mbit FRAM (Cypress CYRS15B102). All the design work and planning has been put in place to produce working packaged SIP devices and qualify them in phase II.<p>Each of the three rad-hard die will be mounted on substrate within a hermetic 68-pin ceramic package. Individual signals from each device are routed via the substrate within the chip, which also includes decoupling capacitors and pull-up resistors in the SIP. This optimizes the number of useful pins that are available to the system designer.<p>The SIP design optimizes the size, user simplicity and reliability of the solution. Using this SIP solution rather than three discretely packaged parts means that the area of the functionality can be reduced by approximately a factor of five and the number of pin interconnections on a PCB can be reduced by a factor of more than three.<p>In phase II, we propose to build 85units of the device and qualify it. In addition, we will build evaluation boards and a software board support package so that the device can be easily evaluated and used for development work by NASA engineers. Our objective is to get as many units / evaluation boards onto NASA engineers desks as possible.<p>We have discussed this device with NASA engineers from GSFC, Ames, JPL, JSC and MSFC and have received very positive feedback that the SIP device would be useful to them and would help simplify and miniaturize their electronics designs. Comments from NASA engineers have been included in the Phase II Technical Proposal."
#N/A,Space Technology,SSC,2017,Z10.03-8922,Multi-Physics NTR Safety Analyses,"Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) offers high promise to reduce launch mass, decrease mission costs and increase mission effectiveness, particularly for crewed missions to the planets. However, NTP has been plagued with high uncertainties in cost, schedule and safety, particularly launch safety. To reduce programmatic uncertainty, an unambiguous approach to documenting NTP safety prior to, during and after launch needs to be made. Until recently, the multi-physics models and computing power were not available to perform compelling analyses, and testing is prohibitively expensive, and unrevealing in many cases. This proposal directly addresses programmatic uncertainty by providing benchmarked, definitive product capable of documenting the safety of a NTP system during all launch phases. The proposal takes work performed by the SBC under IR&D which has performed detailed hydrocode modeling of a NTP impacting an unyielding surface from heights of 50 and 150 meters. To initiate the effort, it is important to start with simple compaction model, which was accomplished in Phase I with the Taylor impact simulation. Instead of a single neutronics code, LPS demonstrated viability with three codes to better insure reliable results. Phase II will extend this work. It will continue to update the SCCTE-2 NTR design and include any design modifications by NASA contractors. The NTR model will be updated to include important peripherals suchs as turbooo pump assemblies, thrust vector control hardware, plumbing and a propellant tank. These are essential items for a more realistic impact scenario. Further, during Phase I, LPS determined there are a number of materials whose mechanical database is insufficient for unambiguous hydrocode simulations. LPS will deliver a comprhensive test program plan, costs and schedule to resolve these deficiencies. The technical readiness will be improved so End to End Software elements are implemented and interfaced with existing system concepts.<p>"
7647,Science,GSFC,2017,S5.03-9687 ,"Open-Source Pipeline for Large-Scale Data Processing, Analysis and Collaboration","NASA's observational products generate petabytes of scientific data, which are highly underutilized due to computational requirements; disjoint data access protocols; and task-specific, non?reusable code development. Our overall objective is to accelerate NASA science through development of an open-source, Python-based Pipeline for Observational Data Processing, Analysis, and Collaboration (PODPAC). The PODPAC software framework will enable widespread exploitation of earth science data by enabling multi-scale and multi-windowed access, exploration, and integration of available earth science datasets to support both analysis and analytics; automatically accounting for geospatial data formats, projections, and resolutions; simplifying implementation and parallelization of geospatial data processing routines; unifying sharing of data and algorithms; and enabling seamless transition from local development to cloud processing. To achieve these objectives, we will work with NASA Science Team members involved with the SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) and EOSDIS (Earth Observing System Data and Information System) programs and the wider scientific community to define technical specifications for the software, and plan a list of prioritized enhancements for each quarterly release cycle; further develop the core Python library based on user feedback and using agile development practices; develop integrations with cloud computing resources, specifically targeting Amazon Web Services; develop and demonstrate best-available remotely sensed soil moisture, high-resolution downscaled soil moisture, and flood/drought monitoring applications to promote infusion into NASA programs; and engage with scientific community through conferences, meetings, webcasts, and by providing support in order to promote adoption of the software."
7619,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9725 ,Low Cost Cryocooler Control Electronics for Small Space Platforms,"Many of NASA’s future space science missions will utilize small spacecraft, and many of these missions will require cryocoolers for cooling detectors, sensors, shields, and telescopes. For Class C and D missions, the cryocooler technical requirements for performance, size, and mass, coupled with the programmatic requirements for minimal cost and development time, are extremely challenging. Flight?ready cryocoolers and associated control electronics developed for traditional satellites do not meet these technical, cost, or schedule requirements for future small space platforms. Creare proposes to develop a low cost cryocooler control electronics package that leverages technologies and capabilities previously demonstrated on prior programs. During PhaseI, we developed a set of requirements, designed low cost electronics to meet these requirements, and verified production cost is low enough to compete with commercial off-the-shelf solutions. During PhaseII, we will continue to work closely with our partners to fabricate and qualify protoflight electronics with representative cryocoolers. Successful completion of this program will enable advanced sensor systems for cost constrained space-borne science, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions."
7640,Science,JPL,2017,S3.06-8949 ,A Two-Phase Pumped Loop Evaporator with Adaptive Flow Distribution for Large Area Cooling,"NASA’s future remote sensing science missions require advanced thermal management technologies to maintain multiple instruments at very stable temperatures and utilize waste heat to keep other critical subsystems above minimum operational temperatures. Two-phase pumped loops are an ideal solution for these applications. A critical need for these pumped loops is a microgravity-compatible evaporator having a large cooling area to maintain the temperatures of multiple electronics and instruments. The evaporator must be able to accommodate multiple heat loads with a wide range of heat flux densities and allow heat loads to be mounted on any available locations of its cooling surfaces to facilitate vehicle-level system integration. To this end, Creare proposes to develop a lightweight, compact evaporator with innovative internal design features to adaptively distribute liquid refrigerant to heated areas, preventing dryout in areas with high heat flux. This advanced flow distribution feature reduces liquid recirculation flow in the pumped loop and thus the system power input. The design features also provide strong internal structural support for the evaporator, reducing the size and mass of the evaporator cover plates. In Phase I, we proved the feasibility of the evaporator by developing a preliminary evaporator design, predicting its overall performance, and demonstrating its key performance features and fabrication processes by testing. In Phase II, we will optimize the evaporator design, fabricate a 0.5 m x 0.5 m evaporator, demonstrate its steady state and transient performance in a representative pumped loop, and deliver it to NASA JPL for further performance evaluation."
7670,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z8.04-9706 ,MakerSat,"As SmallSats become the “Satellite of Choice” for NASA and other Government and Private Space Missions, there is a growing need to enable SmallSats to perform “Long Baseline” and “Spatially Diverse” observation, measurement and collection missions. Traditionally, these types of missions would be performed either by using formation flying or by using “large” satellites equipped with complex / advance deployable structures. The proposed “MakerSat Demonstration Mission” effort addresses a third alternative for accomplishing this class of missions: In-Space Manufacturing “Constructable” technologies, that allow SmallSats to “grow / evolve” into significantly larger structures. A SmallSat that once on orbit can increase its size from one to two orders of magnitude provides an exciting option to formation flying or deployable structures. The goal of the proposed effort is to develop a demonstration mission that proves the viability of Constructable technologies as an alternative solution for “Long Baseline” and “Spatially Diverse” observation, measurement and collection missions."
7682,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-9710 ,Metal Advanced Manufacturing Bot-Assisted Assembly (MAMBA) Process,"Tethers Unlimited, Inc. (TUI) proposes to develop the Metal Advanced Manufacturing Bot-Assisted Assembly (MAMBA) Process, a robotically managed metal press and milling system used to create precision parts on orbit. This manufacturing process provides an alternative to 3D printing metals in space, which is difficult due to space environment, feedstock safety concerns, and print quality issues. Instead, the MAMBA-Process relies on an ingot forming technology to create a metal ingot. This ingot can then be milled and machined to form a precision part using a standard CNC milling technique. In order to minimize astronaut time and exposure to the process, the MAMBA-Process will be highly automated and outfitted with a robotic assistant, capable of removing the ingot from the press and placing the ingot in the mill. Automated tool changes are also possible for the mill, enabling complex shapes with fine edge finishes. Testing of the process technologies led to a lab demonstration of ingot formation and milling in the Phase I effort, maturing the MAMBA Process to TRL-3. In the Phase II effort, a full scale engineering unit will be built and tested, maturing the various the payload subsystems to TRL-5 and preparing the work needed to validate this technology for flight."
7694,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z10.02-9316,Spinning-Scroll Pump for Cryogenic Feed System,"The proposed innovation is the world's first cryogenic spinning scroll pump (CSSP) capable of pumping liquid methane or oxygen at flows of 8-10 lbm/s. The primary goal is to develop a versatile proof of concept CSSP, capable of pumping liquid or two-phase methane or oxygen at a wide range of speeds (i.e. 1,000-8,000 RPM) and a wide range of differential pressures while maintaining high-reliability and a compact size. The pump will be configurable, to allow multiple pumps to be placed in series for high-pressure multi-stage operation. During Phase I, Air Squared successfully designed, fabricated and tested a prototype CSSP on liquid nitrogen.<p>For Cryogenic pumping, state of the art (SOA), consists of two vastly different technology options. Centrifugal turbopumps and positive displacement pumps. Turbopumps utilize an impeller-inducer combination that relies on high impeller speeds to create a differential pressure. While the high-speed operation makes turbopumps compact, it also limits bearing life, differential pressure, and they can't handle two-phase flow. Positive displacement pumps can handle larger pressure differentials and don't have issues with two-phase flow. However, they can't achieve speeds over 3,000 RPM without bulky and high-load bearings making them less desirable for aerospace applications.<l><l>The CSSP offers the best of both options. As a positive displacement pump, it can achieve high-pressures with minimal reduction in flow and pump saturated liquids at low net-positive suction heads. Due to the spinning motion of the pump, various centrifugal loads are eliminated allowing speeds over 8,000 RPM possible and making the design compact and lightweight. Additionally, the spinning motion of the scrolls eliminates the need for a counterbalance common in orbiting scroll designs. This further reduces weight by eliminating counterweights and eases bearing loads. Air Squared believes the proposed CSSP is a perfect fit in support of Methane In-space Propulsion."
7581,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.01-8870 ,"Impact-Resistant, Damage-Tolerant Composites with STF Energy Absorbing Layers","We propose an innovative hybrid composite material containing shear thickening fluid (STF) Energy Absorbing Layers (SEALs) that provides superior impact protection and novel, self-healing functionality to prevent leakage after impact. The proposed innovation directly addresses the need for thin, lightweight, impact-resistant composite materials that can be fabricated in complex geometries for next-generation space suits. The proposed Phase II research leverages successful Phase I R&D and extensive composite materials and space suit expertise of our partners to advance commercialization and TRL of impact-resistant, damage-tolerant SEAL-composites innovation to produce a prototype suit component suitable for system-level integration and testing. In Phase I it was shown that the SEAL-composites provide significantly improved impact properties and weight savings vs. leading conventional composite materials from the Z-2 prototype.Futhermore, SEAL-composites impart self-healing functionality to mitigate air leakage if damaged. The Phase II objectives and work plan follow a logical sequence to test and downselect improved SEAL-composite materials, to develop and validate a computational model and conduct model-based design optimization, to develop high-fidelity test methods, to refine the manufacturing process to make aerospace-grade SEAL-composites, and to deliver a validated suit prototype component made from SEAL-composites. Further, we will leverage synergistic environmental protection garment (EPG) research being conducted at STF Technologies and the University of Delawareto perform system-level development and optimization of the SEAL-composites combined with emerging, state-of-the-art EPGs. Overall, the proposed Phase II will produce a validated SEAL-composite prototype suit component meeting the needs for improved impact-resistance and damage-tolerance to offer superior astronaut protection in a wide range of future Martian and Lunar surface EVA scenarios."
7653,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z3.01-8823 ,In-Line Inspection of Additive Manufactured Parts Using Laser Ultrasonics,"At present there are no reliable, cost-effective process control techniques to minimize defect production and for qualification of finished parts fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM). In our Phase I project we have demonstrated the feasibility of filling this gap by applying laser ultrasonic testing (LUT) for nondestructive evaluation of each AM deposited layer in real time as it is formed. This in-line inspection qualifies the part layer-by-layer, directs defect removal during the manufacturing process, and ensures qualified finished parts that require no further testing. In this proposed Phase II project we will team with a manufacturer of powder bed fusion AM machines to develop a three-step layer-by-layer inspection and validation system, consisting of: (1) optical profilometry for defect detection, (2) laser ablation to remove the defect indications and (3) LUT to validate the removal of the defects. The IOS technology development will include advanced signal processing and optimized beam parameters for optimized signal-to-noise, as well as integration of the controls with the AM machine controls. A preliminary and a full-scale prototype LUT system will be developed and tested on the manufacturer’s AM machine. At the beginning of the project we will be at TRL 4; at the end of the project we will be at TRL 6."
7636,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-8373 ,GaN-Based High Power High Frequency Wide Range LLC Resonant Converter,"SET Group will design, build and qualify a Gallium Nitride (GaN) based High Power High Frequency Wide Range LLC Resonant Converter capable of handling high power and high frequency operation. The GaN LLC Converter will operate at 1 MHz with an input voltage of 95V - 160V and output of 600V - 2kV, capable of handling up to 5 kW. Current technology utilizes silicon-based solutions for power conversion and distribution. GaN can fundamentally perform well beyond current silicon based hardware. GaN has direct benefits such as higher power density, reduced footprint, increased power capacity, and improved power efficiency. Increasing frequency of operation results in smaller components but it also creates a challenge for thermal management and magnetic component design. SET Group will develop a novel thermal management system utilizing additive manufacturing which will consolidate the housing and cooling in a single part. Similarly, SET Group will design a novel transformer that will integrate the resonant inductor, transformer, and output voltage multiplier stage into a single unit. SET Group's goal of integration is to reduce the number of parts to decrease size of unit, mass and volume. This results in higher power density, lower manufacturing costs and higher reliability. SET Group will design the GaN-LLC Converter to be used for Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP), but the outcome of this work will serve as a platform for other power conversion products utilizing GaN technology to be developed."
7571,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.03-8309 ,Detecting Anomalies by Fusing Voice and Operations Data,"Robust Analytics team will add real-time speech-to-text (STT) monitoring of controller-pilot radio communications to the risk state analytical framework previously demonstrated by Robust Analytics. The combination of our successful Phase I application of STT to ATC communications with the risk state analysis data fusion and analytical framework will provide a real-time risk and safety margin monitoring capability for the NAS.<p>Adding voice communications monitoring remains crucial for achieving NASA’s system-wide safety monitoring goals. Voice is still the main source of ATC-pilot communications and a large body of airspace situational awareness and operationally-related information is contained therein that never makes it effectively back into broader National Airspace Systems (NAS) use.Our innovation provides access to that information, in real-time, and with the built-in analytics to use that information to identify anomalies and provide alerts.When combined with the other factors included in our risk state assessment framework, our innovation would have identified recent crashes such as Asiana 214 and UPS 1354 as high risk flights, before the events occurred.<p>Robust Analytics offers a vision for NAS-wide, real-time safety monitoring based on analyzing controller-pilot voice communications for anomalies and clearance deviations, and combining that insight with information from other data sources (flight plans, position reports, weather, infrastructure status, and traffic density) through advanced analytics with cloud computing for a scalable, reliable 24/7 solution."
7594,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H9.04-8557 ,GaN MMIC Ka-Band Power Amplifier,"NASA is seeking innovative Advanced RF Platform technologies at the physical level, specifically Ka-Band high efficiency high linearity 10 to 20 Watt solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs), to meet the needs of future space missions for communications and sensor applications. Space missions require small size, weight, and power (SWaP) among the hardware components. As a result, monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are well suited to fill this need. In Phase I of this SBIR, Custom MMIC Design Services, Inc. (Custom MMIC) analyzed a number of commercially available Gallium Nitride (GaN) MMIC process technologies from domestic foundries based in the United States, and selected the optimum process for linear power amplifiers (PAs) -the 0.2 um GaNprocess as offered by Northrop Grumman Space and Technology (NGST). Custom MMIC’s use of novel small- and large-signal linear power amplifier (PA) circuit design techniques led to circuit simulationsexhibiting a large signal gain greater than 22 dB from 31.7 to 32.3 GHz, a linear output power of 13 W, input and output return losses of better than -20 dB, a PAE of 41% PAE, and an error vector magnitude (EVM) of 4.5% for 8PSK 500 MHz modulation. In addition, Custom MMIC’s use of the balanced amplifier topology allowed the simultaneous independent optimization of input/output return losses and internal PA impedances for linearity and PAE. As a result, Custom MMIC has produced a design that represents a new industry state-of-the-art benchmark for linear Ka-Band GaN MMIC PAs. In Phase II, we will develop not only the MMIC hardware that represents this design for JPL at Ka-Band (31.8 - 32.3 GHz) but also a similar linear PA for GSFC at K-Band(25.5 - 27 GHz) and a saturated radar PA for JPL at 35 GHz."
7645,Science,GRC,2017,S4.04-9333 ,Large Area Diamond Tribological Surfaces with Negligible Wear in Extreme Environments,"In Phase I we demonstrated a methodology for processing large area diamond-hardfaced composites for tribological surfaces and bearings. Sliding experiments showed low friction and wear of the superhard-faced composites at both low and high temperatures. The measured wear against sand and dust was so low that it could not be detected. In contrast, all other tested materials experienced rapid abrasive wear. Most importantly, alow-costmethod to producelarge areafabric reinforced diamond composites for tribological applications has been developed. The primary trust of Phase II will be to optimize the processing technology for producing tribological surfaces and bearings, and to evaluate their performance in extreme environments, such as that encountered in high temperature exploration of Venus. We will continue to collaborate with NASA and industrial partners to optimize and scale the new processing technology, and to fabricate prototype bearings for performance testing at NASA’s test facility. Hence NASA will acquire patented technology and qualified supplier of superhard-faced composite bearings to operate in extreme planetary environments."
7632,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9061 ,Radiation Tolerant >35% Efficient Phosphide-Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells with Epitaxial Lift-Off,"As the world leader in volume production of large-area epitaxial lift-off (ELO) III-V inverted metamorphic multi-junction (IMM) solar cells, MicroLink proposes to develop phosphide-based ELO-IMM four-junction (4J) and five-junction (5J) solar cells that will enhance the performance and capabilities of solar photovoltaic arrays for a variety of future NASA missions. Relative to state-of-the-art incumbent (Al)GaInP/GaInAs/Ge wafer-based 3J space solar cells, the proposed 4J and 5J solar cells have superior radiation tolerance, higher beginning-of-life (BOL) and end-of-life (EOL) efficiencies (η), lower areal mass density, higher specific power, higher operating voltage, lower cost, and inherent flexibility."
7556,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-8731 ,High Order Mesh Curving and Geometry Access,"Phase II effort will focus on enhancements to CurveMesh, interfacing with geometry through Project Geode and enabling surface splining of discrete geometry in a commercial mesh tool using SLUGS. CurveMesh will be modifiedto enable mixed order meshes and h-p adaptation in a parallel computing environment. A demonstration of the h-p adaption will be performed by loosely coupling CurveMesh with FUNSAFE (UTC FEM solver) on simple to realistic configurations. A schema will be developed and documented that allows geometry to mesh associativity to be defined for mesh operations downstream of the original mesh creation. The surface splining software, SLUGS, will be incorporated into the Graphical User Interface for Pointwise to permit users to create smooth analytic surfaces from discrete tessellated input geometry."
7564,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A2.01-9699 ,Active Battery Management System with Physics Based Life Modeling Topology,"Robust Data Acquisition on flight applications enables Researchers to rapidly advance technology. Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) and Hybrid Electric architectures rely heavily on batteries to achieve fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. DEP Aircraft of the future have demands for Energy Storage Systems with large counts of cells put in series and parallel to achieve needed voltage and energy levels. The X57 Maxwell Battery comprises of over 6000 cells. As the pack goes through repeated charge/discharge cycles, as well as environmental cycles, each individual cell begins to lose its capacity. Advanced high energy density chemistries (>300Wh kg) are particularly vulnerable. Cell to cell capacity variation causes the entire pack to be limited by the weakest cell. Traditional Passive Balancing topologies are limited in their ability to address cell mismatch on the discharge cycle. Active balancing allows a dynamic measurement & control system to discharge cells at variable rates. With a more robust measurement & control architecture, Active topologies have the ability to integrate more advanced algorithms. These algorithms include predictive health monitoring, life based management, physics based cell modelling. Batteries can last longer, avoid thermal runaway, and avoid maintenance. EPS is proposing development of an active BMS concept, with associated algorithms to achieve a 40% life improvement on the X57."
7622,Science,JPL,2017,S1.11-8595 ,WOLFEChip: Wholly-Integrated Optofluidic Laser-Induced Fluorescence Electrophoresis Chip,"In this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) effort, Leiden Measurement Technology LLC (LMT) proposes to design and build the Wholly-integrated Optofluidic Laser-induced Fluorescence Electrophoresis Chip (WOLFEChip) System, a microchip capillary electrophoresis (MCE) system using a miniaturized optofluidic approach for packaging all critical optical elements necessary for laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) on-chip. WOLFEChip uses cutting-edge laser micromachining to fabricate fully-three-dimensional optical elements that focus excitation laser light into a MCE microchannel to excite fluorescence. The fluorescence emission is collected using custom-designed high-numerical aperture collection optics immune to misalignment of the chip up to 1-mm. This improves on current and past implementations of MCE-LIF by (1) greatly miniaturizing the optical elements which comprise a significant amount of space in MCE-LIF systems; (2) making the entire LIF optical system monolithic and immune to misalignment which greatly enhances the vibration-resistance of the entire system; (3) making the system immune to operator-to-operator variations caused by the periodic need to carefully align traditional MCE-LIF systems; and (4) greatly reducing measured stray light and thereby potentially increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the MCE-LIF system by employing right-angle excitation/emission optical geometries and through the use of high-quality fluorescence-free fused silica. LMT will deliver a complete MCE-LIF system featuring a refined WOLFEChip design created in Phase I."
7586,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H6.03-9503 ,User Cognitive Modeling to Enhance Task Execution,"Procedures are commonly used by organizations to specify, document, and disseminate prescribed methods for performing tasks efficiently and effectively. However, even well-trained personnel can make errors when carrying out procedures. The risk of these errors increases when task loads are too low or too high, when multi-tasking or switching between tasks, when interrupted, when complex team coordination or handovers are required, and/or during stressful situations. In these situations, users can become fatigued or complacent, or they can lose situation awareness due to overloaded working memory, automaticity, loss of vigilance, cognitive tunneling, ineffective information scanning, or susceptibility to confirmation and other biases. When these cognitive states occur, users are prone to committing errors such as wrong steps, skipped steps, mode errors, completion errors, default errors, and perseveration.<p>The goal of this project is to develop an intelligent assistant that monitors users, such as crewmembers performing procedural tasks, maintains estimates of the crewmembers' cognitive states (including situation awareness and affective state), identifies situations where the user is at risk of making errors, and selects appropriate interventions that reduce the likelihood of errors. Depending upon the situation and the cognitive state of the user, the assistant will select an intervention that increases user awareness of important situational elements that the user may be missing; and by changing the level of automation, the assistant will reduce user workload.<p>The assistant's modular architecture facilitates plugging in of different data models and algorithms required to monitor user performance, assess situation awareness and cognitive states, identify states that might lead to errors, and intervene to prevent those errors."
7608,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9973 ,Deployable Ku/Ka/W Tri-Band Cylindrical Parabolic Antenna,"MMA has proposed a technical approach creates a highly simplistic antenna architecture by taking advantage of natural mechanics of high-strain composite materials to create a 1D parabolic reflector surface. At smaller scales (1-2 m2), the architecture allows continuous reflector surfaces for ESPA-class spacecraft, while at larger scales a modular architecture is taken advantage of to produce much larger apertures without requiring comparatively large spacecraft. The effort will develop a large aperture at Ku, Ka, and W frequencies using rollable shell surfaces that combine the surface accuracy of rigid reflectors with the packaging advantages of flexible reflectors. Developing a stowable, “morphing”, high-strain composite reflector surface with sufficient surface roughness and position knowledge for frequencies up to 94 GHz will enable large apertures with reduced stowed envelope and can dramatically reduce the hardware, instrument and mission implementation costs. Originally inspired by the shape of a beam being deflected under load, MMA is using analysis and lab testing to determine the prescribed loading configuration capable of deflecting a semi-rigid member into a parabolic curve. By using the mechanics of bending rather than molding and manufacturing to prescribe the reflector’s shape, the system provides a repeatable method of forming a parabolic surface. This architecture lends itself to a structurally simple system, providing high reliability and low complexity. Phase I efforts demonstrated through analysis and prototyping that loading conditions exist for isotropic beams to form a surface closely matching a parabola, while RF performance simulations verified the reflector’s ability to perform with minimal gain losses up to 95 GHz. The phase II effort will build upon this early development to design, build, and test a deployable tri-band antenna system."
7592,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.01-8838 ,Geiger-Mode SiGe Receiver for Long-Range Optical Communications,"The objective of this program is to develop, demonstrate and implement a 1550-nm sensitive photon-counting detector array with monolithically integrated time-tagging electronics, suitable for free-space optical communications, where high data volume returns from space missions are critical, such as in the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD) and other future NASA missions. Conventional photon counting detector arrays are implemented in either Silicon (Si) or Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe), negating detection at 1550 nm in the case of Si or incurring high cost and complexity for HgCdTe. In this program, Freedom Photonics will partner with the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and Arizona State University (ASU) to develop a novel Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode (APD) arrayreceiver for photon counting applications with sensitivity for wavelengths in the range from 1000 nm to 1600 nm, which utilizes standard CMOS processing for electronics, coupled with selective growth of APDs in the SiGeSn materials system, resulting in a low-cost, high-sensitivity, high-speed and radiation hard receiver for long-range optical communications."
7568,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A3.01-9556 ,Turbulence Awareness for Strategic Aircraft Re-Routing (TASAR-R),"We develop a system composed of two displays, one for the Flight Deck (FD) and one for the Airline Operational Control (AOC) dispatcher. The FD and AOC displays form a shared situational awareness of the different forms of turbulence hazards that are ahead of the aircraft.A wide range of turbulence measurement, sensing, and forecasting systems are available, and we determined the most appropriate foraviation weather hazards originating from convective induced turbulence, mountain wave turbulence, and clear air turbulence. The FD and AOC displays are used to exchange candidate flight plan amendments that can mitigate the turbulence weather hazards ahead of the aircraft, meeting the additional requirements known to the FD or the AOC. Agreement from both the FD and AOC is required to thereafter file the flight plan amendement with the air traffic service provider."
7573,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A3.03-9117 ,Turbulence Awareness via Real-Time Data Mining,"Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) has been mandated by the FAA for all aircraft that fly in Class A airspace in year 2020 and beyond. ADS-B will be the foundation of surveillance, and in this SBIR effort, we exploit the fact thta ADS-B data can also provide evidence of aircraft flying through known sources of aviation turbulence. Phase I R&D showed that moderate or greater levels of turbulence can be identified by analyzing in real-time certain key features observable from ADS-B data. Mountain wave turbulence, clear air turbulence, and convective induced turbulence events can all be identified from the data mining approach that we have developed. Analysis results can be performed in near real time and in an automated fashion, and can trigger safety alerts on AOC dispatcher displays or can be used to build better turbulence forecasts and nowcasts."
7681,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-9118 ,Machine Learning of Multi-Modal Influences on Airport Delays,"This SBIR system is a machine learning system that uses a very large database of airside and landside data to predict pushback and takeoff times of aircraft at a given airport. Airside data sources describe the state of the system after TSA security screening is complete, and includes information about the crew and passengers arriving at the departure gate, turnaround and pushback preparation, ramp and taxiway movement, and aircraft arrival to and departure from the gates. Landside data sources describe the state of the airport prior to TSA screening, including TSA queue line delays, passenger movement through the airport via cameras, parking availability, road transit delays, congestion, and accidents, and weather conditions. These data are used to classify the current day data using cluster analysis, and take off time and pushback time predictions are made based on the cluster analysis results."
7690,Science,JPL,2017,S4.02-9202 ,Extended Length Marsupial Rover Sensing Tether,"Luna proposes to continue the development of extended length capabilities for its marsupial rover sensing tether (MaRS Tether). Luna’s revolutionary technology measures the distributed tension and curvature of a tether that connects a rover to its base station and can identify pinch points, snags, or high tension. Previous SBIR programs with NASA JPL have demonstrated the capabilities of a 50m tether to identify a snag location with JPL’s Axel Rover, and proved the feasibility of future miniaturization of the tether’s acquisition system. During this multiphase effort, Luna is building upon these successes to extend the sensing length to 1000m, to enable NASA to pursue more complex exploration missions, such as navigating a large crater to study features on the crater wall.During Phase I, Luna demonstrated the feasibility of sensing tension up to 800m, and curvature up to 400m, and added a spot scan mode to enable fast update rates over a short section of the tether. In addition to increasing the sensing length for curvature measurements, during this Phase II Luna will increase the system robustness and deliver a prototype acquisition system, 1000m extended length tether, and a shorter 50m tether for testing at JPL."
7598,,,2017,H10.03-9438,Helium and Hydrogen Mixed Gas Separator,"This product innovation is directed toward separating hydrogen from helium gas mixtures using a micro-channel separation unit with thin walls of a palladium-silver alloy. The micro-channels are produced in a size range of 100-200 microns such that the boundary layer thickness inside is drastically reduced when mixtures of helium and hydrogen gas flow through the channels. This thin boundary layer enhances the thermal and mass transport fluxes to the channel walls increasing the separation rate. With this micro-channel approach, the membrane surface area to volume ratio is maximized reducing the operating costs and capital costs for the unit.<p>The present cryogenic separation process for this helium-hydrogen gas mixture is energy intensive, and newer demonstrations using proton-exchange membrane based separation processes are difficult and costly to scale to the size needed to process this large quantity of gas. Accordingly, Reactive Innovations is developing a metal membrane based micro-channel separation unit that is readily scalable and inexpensive to produce and operate. The micro-channel separation technology maximizes the separation area per unit volume giving enhanced thermal and mass fluxes to separate hydrogen from the helium mixture."
7669,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z8.02-9571 ,Efficient and Secure Network and Application Communications for Small Spacecraft,"For complex missions that are away from Earth's resources, there is an unmet need for more autonomous operations with minimal Earth contact. Additionally, secure proximity- and autonomous-communication among various types of space vehicles are needed to implement complex and time-varying networks of spacecraft and sensors, which are capable of sharing rich, near-real-time streams of information. Efficient, secure, mission-configurable, and dynamic key management and cipher suites supporting multiple QoS levels for the bundle protocol are required to augment current and future Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) solutions to satisfy these mission requirements. Antara’s innovation will enhance the security of NASA’s DTN implementations, specifically, the Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION), and deliver a standards driven adaptation of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) over the bundle protocol (CoAP-over-bp). Phase II activities include the development oftaraCoAP Cyber-Physical Autonomous Asset Observation and Management module. Further R&D will drive the Elliptical Curve Crypto Key Management and Distribution module, the interoperable AntaraTek Cipher Suite for BPSec, and the scalabletaraCoAPto TRL-7. The AntaraTek software will also be tested withISS DTN payload communications (e.g., TReK). Additionally, the software will be infused to rad-hard FPGAs and future compute platforms such as theHigh Performance Spaceflight Computing chiplet.Utilizing the ION framework will lower the cost and the time to develop a high TRL solution and reduce implementation risk. Antara's innovations will deliver higher security and performance relative to existing system technology, support complex and time-varying networks, scale to large networks, and enable secure communications for the Solar System Internet.Successful deployment of the innovation will address NASA technology gaps TA5.3.1 and TA5.3.3 and enhance the state-of-art for DTN implementations."
7597,,,2017,H10.01-9546,An Affordable Autonomous Hydrogen Flame Detection System for Rocket Propulsion,"NASA has long used liquid hydrogen as a fuel and plans to continue using it in association with their advanced nuclear thermal propulsion technology. Hydrogen fire detection is critical for rocket propulsion safety and maintenance. A significant fire at a rocket test or launch facility could be catastrophic to infrastructure or even worse, to human life. Detection monitoring is problematic as hydrogen flames can be nearly invisible during the day. Non-imaging, Non-visible fire detection technology has limited range and can suffer from false alarms from sources outside the region of interest. Low-cost visible imagers, commonly used for wide-scale routine surveillance, have limited utility detecting hydrogen fires. Although it has been known for decades that multispectral imaging outside the visible range can be used to detect fires with low false alarm rates, the price of such systems and the lack of processing algorithms and ability to implement them in real-time has largely prohibited their use. During this project we will develop a low-cost imaging capability that fuses data collected from sensors operating in the (1) solar blind ultra-violet, (2) thermal infrared, (3) mid-wave infrared, and (4) visible spectrum, using advanced spectral, spatial and temporal processing techniques optimized to detect and generate alerts associated with hydrogen fires in real-time. This multi-sensor, multi-processing approach will enable us to automate flame detection with extremely low false alarm rates. This multisensory imaging research could also support NASA's important cool flame microgravity research occurring on the International Space Station."
7686,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-8778 ,Pyramid Nanostructured Coatings for Stray Light Suppression,"Vertical arrays of carbon nanotubes have been shown to yield values as low as 0.1 % of total hemispherical reflectance, while this improvement would afford significant gains for in-space telescopic imagery, the complexities and cost with fabrication pose significant barriers to capturing this level of stray light suppression. The current work is directed to capturing the same or comparable levels of reflectance, with SCCNT coating which can be applied at room temperature using conventional spray-up method onto flat and curved objects. Applied Sciences SCCNT coatings demonstrated a total hemispherical reflectance of 1%, 5x better than the legacy material – Z306, in Phase I. The proposed innovation seeks the development of practical and affordable SCCNT coatings into an aerospace qualified polymer for stray light suppression. In Phase II, the cost and simplicity of this approach will be exploited to optimize reflectance over the desired spectral range. The SCCNT can be tuned for absorption/scattering over a broad spectral region by altering the geometry and functionality, allowing degrees of freedom in optimizing absorption. Additionally, a novel method of graphene growth on SCCNF offers further enhancement of absorption of stray light, at low cost and ease of application. This new approach comes at a much lower cost, is readily scalable and safer than the competing technology."
7603,Science,LaRC,2017,S1.01-8884 ,High Speed Beam Steering Components for Lidar,"Boulder Nonlinear Systems (BNS) proposes to pursue development of low size, weight, and power (SWaP) beam scanner technology for entry, descent and landing (EDL) or wind sensing Lidar NASA applications that can redirect the beam of light at 1 kHz (threshold) to 10 kHz (goal) framerates. The prototype scanner will steer to 8 spots over at least a 60o field of regard. BNS will employ their current liquid crystal polarization grating (LCPG) technology and ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC) switches to meet scanner speed and resolution requirements. Advantages of applying BNS’ LCPG and switch component technology specific to the space-based Lidar applications will include accuracy, reliability, and improved SWaP as well as high rate (at least 1 kHz ) scanning. In addition, BNS will develop low SWaP dedicated drive electronics and environmentally test the scanner prototype which will be built in Phase II."
7689,Science,LaRC,2017,S4.01-9312 ,Non-mechanical High-Resolution Low-SWaP Lidar,"This Phase II effort will be a proof-of-concept demonstration of a non-mechanical (no moving parts) 3D lidar system that provides in real time high-resolution terrain point cloud information. The objective is to build a compact sensor that meets the low size, weight and power (SWaP) requirements of planetary landers being developed for future NASA planet, moon and asteroid exploration. The lidar sensor will provide 5cm by 5cm by 5cm resolution over a 30-degree by 30-degree field of regard at a standoff distance of 1 km or more. This will be accomplished using a unique electro-optic scanner that provides the largest angle-aperture product of any commercially-available non-mechanical scanning technology."
7606,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.02-9097 ,"Deployable Microwave Antennas for CubeSats, NanoSats, and SmallSats","The goal of this project is to develop an offset-fed paraboloidal mesh reflector antenna for operation onboard small, low cost satellites such as CubeSats, in the frequency range up to 100GHz. The Phase II component of this goal is to fully test the performance characteristics of a prototype deployable antenna reflector, with an aperture greater than 0.5m under controlled conditions. The mesh used in the reflector is gold plated molybdenum. The weave of the mesh will be developed early in Phase II to achieve the tight tolerances required for operation up to 100 GHz (W-Band). Characterization measurements of the currently available mesh have been completed and will be used as a baseline to quantify improvements measured from the newly developed mesh samples. Analysis of surface error contributions from faceting, thermal stresses, manufacturing tolerances, and operational forces will be performed. Micro-machining and small-scale manufacturing techniques will be refined to achieve an overall reflector surface accuracy of less than 60 micrometers (1/50 of the wavelength at 100GHz).<p>The fully constructed mesh reflector antenna with feed will be measured to obtain the full gain pattern of the antenna to characterize the antenna performance and determine the overall efficiency of the mesh reflector. The deployment mechanism will also be tested and refined to ensure repeatable operation of the antenna.<p>The proposed antenna can be stowed within less than 1.5 U of a CubeSat. Doing so can significantly lower the cost of any satellite system requiring a high gain reflector antenna, including radars, scatterometers, radiometers, and deep space communication links. Successful completion of the Phase II goals will increase the technical readiness of the project from TRL 3, at the end of Phase I, to TRL 6."
7684,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.04-9289 ,Type-II Superlattice Based Low Dark Current Short-Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors With Optical Response From 0.4 to 2.5um,"In recent years, Type-II superlattices have experienced significant development. However, the full potential of Type-II superlattice has not been fully explored and alternate superlattice architectures hold great promise. Despite demonstration of SWIR photodetectors based on this material system, there has been no report about Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors that have been sensitive to visible light. We propose to develop Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors and focal plane arrays for NASA's imaging and spectroscopy applications in the spectral band from visible to extended short-wavelength infrared (0.4–2.5 um) with a very low dark current density. In mid- and long-wavelength infrared spectral bands, Type-II superlattice-based photodetectors already offers performance comparable to the state-of-the-art mercury cadmium telluride but at a fraction of the cost due to the leveraging of commercial growth and process equipment. Our goal is to extend that benefit into the short-wavelength infrared. Using the best material currently available and a novel bandgap-engineering design and process, we will fabricate photodetectors and, ultimately, focal plane arrays.<p>In Phase I, we are going to demonstrate photodetector designs based on Type-II superlattices, which can cover spectral range between 0.4 to 2.5 um with a very low dark current density (<10^(-11) A/cm2) at temperatures below 100K.. In Phase II, we are going to continue reduction of the dark current density to <10^(-13) A/cm2-level at temperatures below 100K. Then, we will use the optimized device design to develop and deliver 1K×1K imagers to NASA for planetary sciences."
7611,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.04-8477 ,VLWIR Sensors for Detecting and Tracking Near-Earth Asteroids,"An important NASA mission is to detect, count and track near-earth asteroids for a variety of reasons including the hazards of collisions with our planet. Such asteroids are mostly dark, small and cold (~ 200K); so they are best detected in the very longwave infrared (VLWIR) wavelengths greater than ~ 12 microns where they glow brightest. To accomplish this, we developed in Phase I a record-performing focal plane array (FPA) of antimony-based strained layer superlattices (SLS) with cutoff wavelength = 13.5 microns, quantum efficiency = 30-50% in the 3.0-13.5 micron spectral band, dark current = 1/4th that of incumbent mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) per Rule07, and operating with background-limited-performance (BLIP) at 75K with superb array uniformity, operability and image stability. In Phase II, we propose to increase array format to 1024x1024, integrate the FPA with three spectral filters (one fire channel and two thermal channels), and package it into a compact camera. The camera will be delivered to NASA for evaluation for missions like Landsat Data Continuity Mission - Thermal Infrared Sensor (LDCM-TIRS), where it will offer greater ground resolution in a small, lightweight, low-power package."
7659,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z5.02-9041 ,Deft Control Software (DCS) for Remote Robotic Operations with Underlying Structure,"Future space missions will increasingly rely upon tele-operated robots to perform work remotely. This will require substantial improvements in robotic function, cognition, and human/machine interaction. The goal of this work is to realize this future by addressing key challenges in robotic space operations.<p>BluHaptics has successfully demonstrated both the feasibility and potential impact of using ourDeft Control Software (DCS)to provide pilot assistance to enable safe, intuitive and efficient remote teleoperation of NASA’s robotic systems. The primary goal of our Phase II effort is to develop and deliver a solution that enables intuitive tele-robotic control in dynamic scenarios, such as when targets and possibly interfering objects are moving in the workspace. This proposed approach combines 3D sensing and novel machine learning algorithms with simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for workspace visualization SLAM, to obtain real-time tracking that provides pilot guidance. By increasing situational awareness and implementing safety features such as collision-avoidance, DCS can garner pilot trust, improve<l>safety, mitigate training time and support rapid task switching.<p>We will perform physical experiments and task demonstrations using two separate robotic platforms that are readily available to our team: (1) MANTIS -- a compact and highly dexterous manipulator designed to fit inside an ExpressRack locker; and (2) Schilling Titan4 -- a work-class hydraulic manipulator commonly used in offshore oil and gas operations. Phase II work will demonstrate how these operator assistance capabilities impact the feasibility and effectiveness of complex robotic operations in two task scenarios that are key to the success of future NASA missions."
7570,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A3.02-9829 ,Predictor of Airport Runway Capacity (PARC),"The Predictor of Airport Runway Capacity (PARC) is a decision support tool for air traffic managers to estimate the near-term capacity of the individual runways of an airport for traffic planning and control. To estimate runway capacity, PARC analyzes historical data describing an airport’s traffic movements, operating conditions, operating procedures, and geospatial data to determine the time intervals between successive aircraft using an airport’s runway and variables that influence it. Variables may include facility, aircraft, flight plan and weather conditions. Second, PARC uses the data to construct Bayesian Network (BN) statistical models of the joint probability of inter-aircraft time spacing and the variables for each airport’s runway. Third, PARC performs Monte-Carlo simulations of the traffic planned to use each runway, sampling the BN models to estimate the spacing of successive takeoff, landing and taxi crossing aircraft, to obtain a distribution of possible runway capacities. Fourth, PARC selects a a target runway capacity from the distribution for airport traffic management. The advantages of PARC are adapting to the characteristics of the airport and accounting for the anticipated operating conditions to provide accurate estimates of runway capacity. Phase I demonstrates processing of FAA System Wide Information Management (SWIM) traceable data sources for modeling for 1-year of data for Atlanta-Hartsfield International Airport (KATL). Phase I uses the data to constructs BN models of inter-aircraft time spacing and to validate the models. Phase I demonstrates the greater accuracy of the BN models in representing and predicting inter-aircraft time spacing than a simpler single-event probability model. Phase I demonstrates sampling of the BN models for different airport, aircraft and flight plan conditions to obtain inter-aircraft spacing values to be used in Monte-Carlo simulations for capacity prediction."
7551,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A1.02-9654 ,"High Channel Count, High Density Microphone Arrays for Wind Tunnel Environments","The Interdisciplinary Consulting Corporation (IC2) proposes the development of high channel count, high density, reduced cost per channel, directional microphone arrays for noise source measurement using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based piezoelectric microphones with backside contacts and advanced packaging technology. The goal of this research is to develop an advanced phased-array technology to revolutionize array measurement capabilities through increases in array density and channel count while easing installation into wind-tunnels and significantly reducing cost per channel. Specifically, this array technology will be developed to address NASAneeds for acoustic and relevant flow field measurement methods for subsonic, transonic and supersonic vehicles targeted specifically at airframe noise sources and the noise sources due to the aerodynamic and acoustic interaction of airframe and engines, as per Subtopic A1.02 Quiet Performance - Airframe Noise Reduction of the NASA FY 2017 SBIR/STTR Solicitation. This work is aimed at meeting the aerospace industrys need for economically viable array technology that meets required metrics.The focus of this project is to combine proven MEMS design principles and established device structures to develop high channel count, high-density acoustic arrays.The end results of this innovative approach are higher density acoustic arrays, with significantly-reduced cost per channel enabling higher channel arrays comprised of high bandwidth, high dynamic range, flush-mounted aeroacoustic microphones. Further, the thin form factor of the resulting array eases installation constraints and placement restrictions."
7559,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.08-9629 ,"Fast Response, Fiber-Optic Micromachined Five-Hole Probe for Three-Dimensional Flow Measurements in Harsh Environments","The Interdisciplinary Consulting Corporation (IC2) proposes the development of a fiber-optic, micromachined five-hole probe for three-dimensional flow measurements in harsh environments. The goal of this research is to develop a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based, optical probe capable of significantly improved performance compared to existing available sensors, by enabling faster response time, higher bandwidth transduction and increased angular measurement range while reducing sensor power requirements. The proposed technology offers these benefits in a compact, high-temperature capable package, extending past successes in fiber-optic, micromachined pressure sensing technology. Specifically, this sensor technology will be developed to address NASAs objective to develop innovative tools and technologies that can be applied in NASA ground-based test facilities to revolutionize wind tunnel testing and measurement capabilities and improve utilization and efficiency as per subtopic A1.08 Aeronautics Ground Test and Measurements Technologies of the NASA FY 2017 SBIR/STTR Solicitation.<p>The proposed innovations will specifically provide the following benefits for wind-tunnel applications:<p>Faster response/settling time, higher bandwidth performance and increased angular resolution<p>Micromachined pressure transducers for high bandwidth transduction<p>Optical transduction for lower power, EMI-immune operation<p>Compact package for high spatial resolution<p>High temperature, harsh-environment capability via use of advanced materials<p>Modular for extension to other probe tip geometries"
7650,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.03-9659 ,Linear Acoustic Nuclear Conversion Engine (LANCE),"Nirvana Energy Systems (NES) has pioneered and is commercializing an innovative ThermoAcoustic Power Stick (TAPS), partially based on technology developed by Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and NASA. NES has demonstrated and is building a 1 kW TAPS for use in remote power applications where reliability for 15+ years is of paramount importance. Moreover, NES is developing the Thermoacoustic Radioisotope Generator (TRG), a 300 W Radioisotope Power System (RPS), under the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program for NASA based on TAPS technology. The novel TAPS technology has no hot moving parts and incorporates well proven, reliable linear motors and alternators in an engine based on the Stirling cycle. NES has designed, optimized, built and tested all sub-systems for reliability, ease of manufacturing and cost reduction over currently available Stirling engines. The TRG is a 300 W tunable power thermoacoustic device which is insensitive to radioisotope heat degradation, capable of 20+ years continuous operation, is inexpensive to manufacture using well established methods, and yields greater than 25% thermal to electrical efficiency all while being designed for a convertor specific power greater than 30 W/kg and anticipated system specific power near 10 W/kg. The 1 kW remote power device served as the foundation for the Linear Acoustic Nuclear Conversion Engine (LANCE), which will satisfy all of the Z1.03 solicitation requirements, as a robust and redundant 2.5 kW tunable power supply, representing the ultimate in remote power devices and the next step in reliable dynamic power conversion for space."
7577,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.02-9612 ,"Micro-Electro-Analytical Sensor for Sensitive, Selective and Rapid Monitoring of Hydrazine in the Presence of Ammonia","Hydrazine, a volatile and flammable colorless liquid, is classified as a carcinogen by the US Environmental Protection Agency. It can cause chromosome aberrations negatively affecting the lungs, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, and central nervous system. NASA’s existing hydrazine measurement technology is sensitive, selective and reliable, but it takes 15 minutes to collect and analyze a sample. For future missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, NASA will need a measurement system that responds within 30 seconds without any performance limitations such as lack of specificity and maintenance challenges. To fulfill NASA needs, InnoSense LLC (ISL) will continue developing a space-worthymicro-electro-analytical sensor for rapid monitoring of hydrazine (Micro-Zin?) in the presence of ammonia in spacecraft cabin atmosphere (SCA) for long-term performance without maintenance. In Phase I, ISL developed a compact Micro-Zin working model and demonstrated its performance detecting hydrazine with high sensitivity and selectivity over ammonia, fast response time (T90 >30 seconds), reversibility, cyclability and reproducibility under NASA-required SCA conditions, meeting or exceeding performance targets. In Phase II, ISL will focus on optimization and scale-up of Micro-Zin following fine-tuning of performance and analyzing life expectancy by rigorous testing. Complex modeling, package design, and construction of a Micro-Zin prototype for SCA-level testing are also planned. At the end of Phase II, a compact, battery-operated, handheld Micro-Zin prototype will be delivered to NASA for further evaluation."
7595,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.04-9007 ,"Row Column Phased Array Architecture for Low Cost, Low Profile Millimeter Wave Phased Array Antennas","There is high demand for electronically steered antennas particularly at millimeter wavelengths. However, the cost to develop and procure this type of antenna prohibits this technology from widespread use. The proposed innovation substantially reduces the control complexity of phased arrays by reducing the control set from MxN phase controls to M+N phase controls where M and N represent the number of rows and columns in the phased array. By reducing the control complexity, not only are the phased array devices simplified, but the control distribution network is substantially reduced. This simplification ripples across the entire phased array to improve physical integration and thermal management which often cost as much as the phased array components. This is particularly important for high frequency antennas where unit cell sizes become a significant impediment to system implementation. This proposal summarizes the Phase I SBIR findings definitively demonstrating the phased array innovation feasibility and applicability to future NASA Ka band communications and sensors. This phased array technology does not rely on future advancements in device technology and controls but is realizable using proven, inherently radiation hardened MMIC device technology widely available today. A prototype demonstration is proposed that will operate from 25.25 to 27.5 GHz with 8 dBm output power at each unit cell to illustrate millimeter wave phased array capabilities."
7553,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.03-9836 ,A Software Toolkit to Accelerate Emission Predictions for Turboelectric/Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion,"Electric propulsion represents an attractive path for reducing overall emissions. For larger commercial aircrafts operating in the mega-watt range, power turboelectric and hybrid electric aircraft propulsion will continue to rely on gas turbine engines/generators to provide part of the thrust, charging batteries and driving generators. As a result, reduction of emissions such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx) remains a key concern. The innovation proposed is a software toolkit supporting high-fidelity yet computationally-tractable predictions of NOx emissions and other pollutants in gas-turbine engines/generators within the context of unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. A well-known difficulty limiting the accurate prediction of NOx levels in turbulent flames is related to the fact that NOx production can evolve through several different chemical pathways characterized by drastically different time scales. In this regard, a fast-running turbulent combustion approach called Multi-TimeScale Flamelet/Progress Variable (MTS-FPV) is being developed to address NOx emissions in a computationally-tractable manner and by capturing the relevant characteristic chemical time scales. The MTS-FPV formulation will be matured and extended to model two-phase droplet vaporization and then subsequently packaged as a software toolkit. Furthermore, this software toolkit will be interfaced with NASA&rsquo;s OpenNCC CFD code. As a result, at the conclusion of the SBIR program, NASA will have available in-house (i) the enhanced emission prediction capabilities of OpenNCC as well as (ii) a methodology for leveraging these capabilities in system-level trade analyses of hybrid electric aircraft propulsion concepts.</p>"
7662,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z6.01-9874 ,Double Data Rate 3 Controller for Use in Radiation Environments,"Manned and robotic space missions require high-performance electronic control systems capable of operating for extended periods in harsh environments subject to radiation, extreme temperatures, vibration and shock. Semiconductor technologies capable of meeting these demanding requirements tend to have limited capabilities, are expensive, and are not easily configured for specific mission requirements. Leading-edge applications will benefit from the ability to implement high speed interconnect protocols between host processors and system slaves, such as sensors, actuators, power managers, imagers and transceivers. The development of a Radiation Hardened Double Data Rate (DDR3) embedded memory controller macro is proposed for insertion into digital integrated circuits suitable for scalable single and multi-core processors, special purpose logic functions and scalable memory blocks on a space-qualified, radiation hardened integrated circuit digital fabric. A Structured ASIC architecture is under development at Micro-RDC capable of meeting space-grade requirements while creating a cost-effective, quick-turn development environment. The SASIC fabric will implement known Radiation-Hardened-By-Design (RHBD) techniques on an advanced 32nm CMOS SOI process, supporting high-density, high-speed, low-power implementations. A unique Master Tile architecture with through-seal-ring connections allows the designer to define dedicated logic functions, scalable memory blocks and user-defined I/Os; all on a single, scalable integrated circuit. The 32nm SOI CMOS process technology platform incorporates RHBD building-blocks (e.g. flip-flops, gates, distributed memory, block memory, I/O) required for the systems designer to implement functional blocks for application-specific requirements. During this project key blocks for a DDR3 memory controller macro will be developed and prototyped for insertion into the Micro-RDC platform allowing more complex digital processing elements."
7587,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H7.02-8696 ,The Vulcan Advanced Hybrid Manufacturing System,"Building on previously funded work by NASA and DARPA, its internal research and development projects, and manufacturing activities occurring on the International Space Station (ISS), Made In Space, Inc. (MIS) is developing the VULCAN system to address NASA’s requirement to produce high-strength, high-precision polymer and metallic components on-orbit with comparable quality to commercially-available, terrestrial machined and inspected parts. Such capability enables the in-situ manufacturing of critical parts for human and robotic spaceflight and without dependence on terrestrial resupply. MIS combines spaceflight-proven microgravity process controls and payload support systems, such as environmental and thermal controls, with a modular manufacturing and post processing system that generates a net shape final product."
7639,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.04-9428 ,Versatile Attitude Control Actuators for Sub-Milliarcsecond Precision Pointing,"In cooperation with ROCCOR LLC, Busek seeks to develop thruster heads integrated with deployable booms. The high resolution, low quiescence and extreme throttling capabilities of Busek electrospray propulsion, combined with the customizable moment arms afforded by ROCCORs compact deployables will ensure the system is applicable to a wide variety of mission concepts. A preliminary performance map was obtained for the BET-1mN thruster, demonstrating hundreds’ of μN’s of thrust from a single emitter. Time of flight measurements indicated mixed mode operation (droplets/ions), indicating that updated thrust control algorithms may be necessary, as present implementations focus on droplet or ion dominated emission. Thrust modulations were demonstrated via control of flow rate and beam voltage, demonstrating deep throttling and operation over a wide range of conditions. Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) for two integrated BET-1mN thruster systems were provided to the ROCCOR LLC and used to develop requirements for the boom. A notional 2m deployable boom design was developed and static load modeling performed to identify deflection. Under the Phase II effort, Busek shall update test setups to include in-situ mass flow measurement during direct thrust measurement in order to fully assess thruster performance. Additional thruster characterization shall focus on completing parameterized thruster performance while also measuring thrust noise, stability, and capturing electrospray plume sweeps. Updated thrust control algorithms will be implemented in hardware/firmware and commanded thrust control demonstrated as part of an integrated test with the BET-1mN thruster. Deployable boom requirements will be updated and a prototype boom fabricated and tested. Static load testing will be performed to validate Phase I modeling results."
7672,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.05-9429 ,Milliarcsecond Small Spacecraft Attitude Control System,"Busek proposes to develop a highly modular attitude control system (ACS) which will provide orders of magnitude improvements over state-of-the-art alternative ACS for CubeSats. The low inertia of CubeSats combined with vibrational disturbances and resolution limitations of state-of-the-art ACS presently limit body-pointing and position control accuracy. Busek’s electrospray thrusters aboard the ESA LISA Pathfinder spacecraft recently demonstrated precision control at nm scales; this work extends that success to CubeSat platforms. Passively fed electrospray thrusters are highly compact, including fully integrated propellant supplies, and are capable of ~100nN thrust control at 10’s of nN noise. Thrust can be throttled over >30x, to a scalable maximum of 10’s of uN. These traits, combined with >900s Isp enable these systems to replace traditional reaction wheel ACS; improving pointing error from arcsecs to 10’s of milliarcsec. This work addresses critical development gaps, in both thruster-heads and a multi-axis power processing unit, presently gating the technology. Phase I established a thorough baseline dataset, which confirmed critical performance metrics, and established development gaps. Phase II will emphasize total impulse goals and thruster system maturation. Task 1 will execute design modifications developed in Phase I and augment existing test capabilities. Task 2 will identify and address impulse limiting mechanisms. Task 3 will develop and validate solutions to known mechanical risks and incorporate evolved requirements into a low-mass engineering-model thruster module. Task 4 will focus on power processing development, targeting a control architecture which maximizes the precision control capabilities of the technology and serves multiple thruster heads. These efforts will converge in Task 5 where engineering model thruster performance will be rigorously evaluated over a complete life demonstration."
7623,Science,ARC,2017,S1.11-9800 ,Electro-Kinetic Ice Gun for Frozen Ice Plume Simulations,"This proposal evolved as a result of a conversation with a NASA scientist regarding plans for a mission to one of several icy moons in the solar system to seek signs of life based on observed water plume emissions. In preparation for such a mission, spacecraft will have to pass through clouds of ice particulates, which will pose challanges in organic species collection, and possible damage to instruments. Accordingly, there is a need for simulating the production of hyper velocity ice in the size range of 50nm through 2 microns. The NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range was designed to propell solid projectiles for studying the effects of meteorite impacts on celestial bodies and potential micro-meteoroid damage to spacecraft. “At the far end of the barrel, a gunpowder explosion is used to compress hydrogen gas to as much as 1 million times atmospheric pressure, firing a projectile pellet at speeds between 7,000 and 15,000 mph”. This approach is not suitable for ice particles, so we have developed a novel ice gun using electrosprays that can achieve a hyper velocity net result without damage to the sample grain."
7574,Human Exploration and Operations,KSC,2017,H1.01-9111 ,ISRU CO2 Recovery,"Human exploration of Mars and unmanned sample return missions can benefit greatly from the resources available on Mars. The first major step of any Marsin-situpropellant production system is the acquisition of carbon dioxide and its compression for further processing.<p><p>TDA Research Inc. proposes to develop a compact, lightweight, advanced sorbent-based compressor to recover high-pressure, high purity CO2 from the Martian atmosphere. The system eliminates the need for a mechanical pump, increasing the reliability with relatively low power consumption. TDA’s system uses a new, high capacity sorbent that selectively adsorbs CO2 at 0.1 psia and regenerates by temperature swing, producing a continuous, high purity CO2 flow at pressure (> 15 psia).<p>In the Phase I work, we successfully completed bench-scale proof-of-concept demonstrations, elevating the TRL to 3. In Phase II, we will further optimize the sorbent and scale-up its production using advanced manufacturing techniques such as continuous microwave synthesis. We will carry out multiple adsorption/desorption cycles to demonstrate the sorbent's cycle life. Finally, we will design and fabricate a sub-scale prototype to fully demonstrate the technology under simulated Martian atmospheres (TRL-5); this unit will be sent to NASA for further testing and evaluation."
7677,Space Technology,SSC,2017,Z10.03-910 ,Novel Sorbent to Remove Radioactive Halogens and Noble Gases from NTP Engine Exhaust,"Solid-core Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) has been identified as the advanced propulsion concept which could provide the fastest trip times with fewer Space Launch System (SLS) launches for human missions to Mars. Current environmental regulations require that radioactive halogens, noble gases, aerosols and particulates must be filtered out of NTP engine exhaust during ground testing. In Phase I, we demonstrated the ability of our sorbent to remove ppm levels of halogens and noble gases from helium at high space velocities over multiple regeneration cycles.<p>In this SBIR Phase II project, TDA Research, Inc. proposes to develop a novel scrubber that contains our high-capacity sorbent to remove of the radioactive halogens and noble gases from NTP engine exhaust, as part of NASA's larger exhaust treatment system. In Phase II, we will continue to optimize the sorbent formulation, scale up its production, and design and build a portable sub-scale unit to demonstrate its ability to selectively remove >99.5% radioactive halogens and noble gases under simulated NTP engine exhaust conditions. Based on the performance results, we will carry out a detailed design of the full-size scrubbing system for treating NTP engine exhaust and estimate its size, cost and energy requirements."
7590,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2017,H8.01-9770 ,Rodent Centrifuge Facility Quad Locker for ISS Life and Microgravity Science Research,"According to the decadal report titled, Life and Physical Sciences Research for a New Era of Space Exploration, a Report, ""...the AHB Panel would be remiss if it did not strongly recommend an animal centrifuge capable of accommodating rats/mice at variable gravity levels."" Furthermore, the panel stated, “...research on animal models will be constrained without the ability to manipulate the gravity variable as a factor modulating the fundamental processes underlying organ system homeostasis.” In response, Techshot has proposed to develop an innovative Rodent Centrifuge Facility (RCF-QL) that utilizes four locker locations (Quad Locker) in the EXPRESS Rack for life science research. The counter-balanced centrifuge is designed to provide a facility to allow rats and mice to live and be observed in simulated gravity between 0-1 g for up to 90 days. This streamlined design is more cost efficient and provides up to five cages. Each cage can accommodate at least six 30 gram mice, three 200 gram rats, or two 400 gram rats per cage. Each individual cage has adlib food and water, controllable lighting, and video monitoring. The habitat is temperature controlled with constant airflow throughout the cages. Air flow entraps waste in a filter that also treats the waste for bacteria and odor. Additional air filters will remove odors and ammonium from the animal enclosure. The subsystems design will minimize crew time. Each subsystem requiring change-out during the 90 day experiment will be designed to be simple and intuitive in operations. The RCF-QL will be the only facility capable of providing group housing for rats and mice, with a medium diameter centrifuge (20 in., 0.508 m) and a large rotating cage volume (up to 850 in3, 13,929 cm3 for the cage). All hardware cage features are designed to utilize the NIH animal care and use standards."
7605,Science,LaRC,2017,S1.01-9205 ,Compact Integrated DBR Laser Source for Absorption Lidar Instruments,"Modern water vapor differential absorption lidar (WV-DIAL) uses a single frequency distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser diode to seed a pulsed semiconductor amplifier. To meet the demand of these advanced instruments, the development of DBR lasers at multiple wavelengths in the 700-950nm region is required.<p>Current DIAL systems use free-space lasers that require bulk optics and are subject to misalignment and contamination. A compact integrated laser module is desirable for future cost-effective, rugged and fieldable systems.<p>Build on the design and prototype demonstration of Phase I, we propose to further the development of the compact integrated laser modules. Our approach, with the fabrication of high precision DBR laser of 935nm and 817nm wavelengths; and the package engineering of compact integration, will provide the narrow linewidth and high power laser modules for numerous Lidar applications with the advantages of reduced size, weight and power (SWaP)."
7555,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.05-8647 ,HeldenSurface: A CAD Tool to Generate High-Quality Surfaces,"One of the primary shortcomings identified during the NASA sponsored CFD Vision 2030 Study conducted during 2012-2014 was that the generation of meshes suitable for CFD simulations constitutes a principal bottleneck in the workflow process as it requires significant human intervention. Our solution to this problem is the development of HeldenSurface, which is a robust tool for automatially converting arbitrary starting geometry definitions into a collection of watertight CAD surfaces. These CAD surfaces are then used as the starting point for existing commercial grid generators such as our HeldenMesh unstructured grid generator. This represents a critical capability needed to automate the CFD mesh generation process – permitting the thousands of engineers performing CFD to focus their efforts on interpreting results instead of generating meshes. The feasibility of HeldenSurface was proven during our Phase I effort through its successful demonstration on multiple test cases. Our Phase II effort builds upon this past success by focusing on its further development and demonstration, testing, and completion of commercialization assessments. We offer a proven path to commercialization of HeldenSurface by leveraging our current success with the commercialization of our HeldenMesh grid generation software and we anticipate offering HeldenSurface as a commercial product within 2 years of completion of the Phase II effort."
7685,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.01-8266 ,Proximity Glare Suppression using Carbon Nanotubes,"In Phase I we demonstrated each aspect required for design and fabrication of Lyot Stops and Apodization Masks for use in a coronagraphic instrument and delivered working components to collaborators at NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute for evaluation. The technical achievements included: 1) first high quality mirror with carbon nanotubes 2) First nanotubes grown on metallic coatings 3) Dark patterned carbon nanotubes with micron-scaled features. During Phase II we will work with the NASA and STScI collaborators to determine how to improve these components and deliver second generation components to extend the performance of the STScI test bed in support of implementation on future NASA missions such as HABEX or UVOIRS. In addition we will work with NASA collaborators to design and fabricate carbon nanotube coated Lyot Stops for the Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC) test bed, also of key importance to the decadal missions referenced above. Lastly, we plan to collaborate with the LISA telescope team at NASA GSFC to design and fabricate a carbon nanotube apodization mask on a powered secondary mirror that could be used in single crystal silicon telescope as a pathfinder for LISA. One of the technical goals of Phase II are to pattern more complex Lyot Stop geometries while maintaining geometrical accuracy through the nanotube growth process. Further optimization of the apodization masks for coronagrahic use include: 1) increasing the metallic coating reflectance to near ideal 2) optimization of the nanotube darkness on the metallic coatings 3) greyscale patterning of carbon nanotubes and medium reflectance coatings on the mirrors to achieve enhanced diffraction suppression. For the LISA telescope diffraction spoiler application we will demonstrate patterning and growth of carbon nanotubes at the micron scale which when combined with metallic nanostructures can provide enhanced field suppression; another enabling technology to NASA missions."
7628,Science,MSFC,2017,S2.03-9674 ,Additive Manufactured Very Light Weight Diamond Turned Aspheric Mirror,"The innovation proposed is a method for the fabrication of a very low cost, very light weight large aperture<l>Al10SiMg aluminum alloy mirror by the combination of three manufacturing processes. 1. Additively<l>manufactured mirror substrates as demonstrated in previous Phase 1 NASA SBIR S2.03-9125 with 0.2 mm<l>contour accuracy. 2. Precision robotic welding of hexagonal on-axis and hexagonal off-axis segments to produce a larger mirror. 3. Large capacity diamond turning can produce any desired mirror aspheric contour<l>to visible tolerances on the monolithic large mirror."
7665,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z7.03-8438 ,"High-Capacity, High-Speed, Solid-State Hydrogen Gas Generator","Deployable aerodynamic decelerators are an enabling technology for missions to planets and moons with atmospheres as well as for returning payloads to Earth. These decelerators require a gas source for inflation, and the objective is to provide an improvement over existing pressurized gas inflation systems.<p>A hydrogen gas generator suitable for the inflation of Hypersonic Aerodynamic Inflatable Decelerators (HIADs) was developed and tested. Key areas of Phase I work included the design of a heat generation and transfer system to function under zero-g conditions, component designs resistant to damage from the launch environment, design of an associated filtration and containment system, the fabrication and test of generators incorporating the foregoing designs, and the development of thermal models of the system. Live tests successfully proved the operation of all of the new design features developed in Phase I.<p>Phase II work will include: scaling up Phase I generator designs, building and testing larger generator examples with the largest being suited to 12-meter HIADs, environmental testing of the generators, nondestructive testing to assess the effects of environmental testing, a zero-g drop test, development of handling and lifecycle plans for the generators, and the deliverable of a fully functional generator to NASA."
7674,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9883 ,Affordable Small Satellite Launch Vehicle Reaction Control System,"Due to the rapid maturity of small satellite technologies to meet near term commercial, science and military space applications there is a driving need for development of increased affordable space launch system capability. To address this need, Valley Tech Systems is proposing a SBIR Phase II development of a new solid propulsion Reaction Control System (RCS) that leverages over 12 years and $12M of parallel MDA and USAF controllable solid propulsion missile interceptor and strategic deterrent propulsion technology investments. This new technology will replace older, heavier and less preforming Cold Gas ACS products providing NASA and future launch system providers with increased capability with improved affordability. Our solid RCS is applicable to both a future commercial booster flyout Attitude Control System (ACS) applications and future Post Boost Propulsion System (PBPS) payload delta-v and ACS providing increased satellite orbital insertion accuracies. The Phase II program will mature the new solid RCS technology to a TRL-6 ready for insertion into follow-on commercial launch system integration and flight testing. The result is a new affordable solid RCS that fills an identified critical technical gap for future affordable access to space."
7618,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.09-9255 ,Cryomechanical Preconcentration System for Trace Gas Analysis,"Advanced cryogenic cooling systems are required to enable the high levels of sensitivity and precision needed for the measurements of trace atmospheric gases and isotopes that are used to evaluate anthropogenic impacts on the atmosphere and assess compliance with international regulations. This SBIR Phase II project will commercialize a robust cryogen-free pre-concentrator based on a Stirling cryocooler and a novel sample trap design. This system was successfully demonstrated in Phase I to have better thermal performance with lower maintenance than current pre-concentration systems used in NASA programs. The new sample traps are backward compatible with the existing cryogenic system to provide continued support for research groups using pre-concentrators with less advanced cooling. In Phase II, alternative sample traps will be developed to expand the utility of the pre-concentrator to a broader set of atmospheric trace gases, and to enhance the sensitivity of optical-based isotopic measurements. Selective and sensitive detection of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances will be further enhanced by coupling the pre-concentrator, via a gas chromatograph, to the high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer system evaluated in Phase I. In Phase II, improvements in the data acquisition and analysis software of this combined system will enable rapid automated analysis for field and laboratory measurements while providing new chemically-resolved information that was previously unavailable."
7641,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.06-9615 ,3D Manufacturing of Integrated Heat Exchangers,"This NASA SBIR Phase II proposal presents an unprecedented method to do additive manufacturing of high temperature materials for NTP with a femtosecond (fs) fiber laser. A proof of concept demonstration has been carried out at the end of Phase 1. It is the enabling technology for 3D manufacturing of high temperature materials. With our successful history in ultrafast laser AM and SM processing, this proposal has a great potential to succeed in phase II. A prototype will be developed and sample coupons will be delivered during Phase II time frame."
7562,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A2.01-8831 ,A Combined Health Estimation and Active Balancing Electronic System for the Life Enhancement of Batteries in Hybrid and/or All-Electric Propulsion Systems,"NASA seeks intelligent monitoring for hybrid and/or all electric propulsion systems, as well as methods to significantly extend the life of electric aircraft propulsion energy sources and their safety. The requirement to advance towards more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly aircrafts demands battery systems that can operate for longer periods of time in a safer and more reliable manner. An attractive technique that can be used to increase battery pack life is that of active balancing. Active balancing is typically used to increase the amount of energy put into or extracted out of a battery. If performed efficiently and accurately, active balancing can translate into longer battery life and more efficient battery utilization. Active balancers presently equalize either voltage or State of Charge (SOC) in a group of cells or super-cells in series. The more accurate in-operando SOC active balancers depend on on-line SOC estimation algorithms that are typically based on terminal voltage, current, and temperature. These algorithms (e.g., Coulomb counting, Kalman-based filter estimation, etc) accumulate errors and/or become unstable as a consequence of measurement errors, model simplifications, and the lack of an accurate battery parameter determination and tracking method, which is critical as the battery ages and/or operates under unforeseen conditions. To assist with this problem we propose to develop an active balancing electronic system that can jointly balance the battery pack and measure battery health related parameters without additional hardware. We propose to use this efficient electronic system to demonstrate an improved active balancing system capable of battery life enhancement and safety operation."
7620,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.10-8423 ,Cold Atom Laser Module (CALM),"Precision Navigation and Timing (PNT) is a critical resource for government and commercial aerospace. Given the high launch cost and shift toward smaller payloads, reducing the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of space-based navigation systems is a critical need. Atom-interferometric inertial sensors have demonstrated superior performance over conventional inertial devices owing to the intrinsic stability of atomic systems. Central to making cold atom sensors practical is their ability to reliably operate for extended periods without user intervention. Current laser diodes, which are at the heart of atomic sensors, suffer from power degradation and mode hops on timescales incompatible with long term deployment. Because these properties are inherent to the diodes, it is prudent to circumvent these problems with diagnostic protocols aimed at early detection and action. Diodes close to mode hopping can be temporarily taken offline to tune away the mode hop via current and temperature. Diodes with degraded power can be taken offline entirely in favor of a healthy diode. This approach will provide a robust, wavelength-agnostic technique to deliver reliable, long-lived laser sources at atom sensor-relevant wavelengths. AOSense proposes to develop a cold atom laser module (CALM) capable of supporting a broad range of atomic sensors. Development of the CALM laser module will result in a ruggedized and reliable laser source capable of autonomously driving an atom-based sensor within the space environment. Such an effort would enable space-based applications for atomic sensors such as IMUs, clocks, and magnetometers, opening up significant market opportunities in the defense and commercial sectors."
7584,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2017,H6.01-9055 ,Operation-Aware ISHM for Environmental Control and Life Support in Deep Space Habitants,"A life support systems’ reliability and survivability are critical to NASA especially in long-term space exploration missions. The Health Management of life support systems consists of several components among which power, water recovery, and biomass processing systems etc. which are of primary importance. Due to the crew’s critical dependence on such a complex system, the health management of life support systems becomes crucial to NASA’s mission success rates. In Phase I, we focus on the WRS system for proof-of-concept of ACM system. In Phase II, the work will be expanded to full scale LSS, including WRS, oxygen, food generation, waste processing, air revitalization, biomass production, etc. This will yield a system model which involves mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, chemical and biological components. We will also leverage existing models, such as BioSim, HabNet, V-HAB . With the LSS model, we will fully mature and develop the ACM system, which integrates data driven modeling, sensor/component failure isolation, hierarchical ACM system, and dynamic case-based reasoning."
7626,Science,JPL,2017,S2.01-9936 ,Polymer Coating-Based Contaminant Control/Elimination for Exo-S Starshade Probe,"Our First Contact Polymer (FCP) is an easy-to-apply, residue-less, peelable strip coat that protects and cleans optics, detectors, and other sensitive surfaces, restoring them to a pristine condition. Using FCP is as simple as spraying or brushing it on a surface of interest, allowing it to dry for 15 minutes, and stripping off the rugged coating when desired. Multiple measurements, including at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, show that FCP cleans better than any existing method, including the complicated, expensive, and hazardous CO2 snow, leaving no detectible residue. FCP is used to clean telescope optics at the Keck Observatory, GTC in the Canary Islands, Vandenberg Airforce Base, etc. The polymer was used by LIGO to clean the optics that enabled its breakthrough discovery of gravitational waves, and enables the THAAD missile interceptor by protecting and cleaning its optics. FCP was even used at the Smithsonian Institute to clean irreplaceable gems such as the Hope Diamond, demonstrating potential uses far beyond optics. Our technology is a crosscutting solution enabling the demanding cleanliness requirements of the Exo-S Starshade probe’s occulter, reducing the duration and cost of meeting Planetary Protection requirements without damaging sensitive components, and providing cleanroom-level cleanliness without the cleanroom, including for semiconductor manufacturing. Since our Red FCP exhibits anomalously high adhesion to certain metals and the amorphous metallic glass of Starshade petal edges, we developed in Phase I a variant with lower adhesion to metals. While the resulting adhesion was too low to be optimal, it demonstrated the adhesion tunability of our product. In Phase II, we produce 18 variants, identifying the lowest-cost one that provides optimal adhesion to protect, clean, and minimize the contribution of peeling to a mission’s alignment error budget. We also develop Standard Operation Procedures and training for application and removal."
7657,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.01-9019 ,Modules and Software for Free-Flying Robots,"Energid Technologies will develop an articulated arm for modular attachment to the Astrobee platform. The arm design includes new actuators with wiring and structural support that will robustly operate with the Astrobee platform. Arms may be attached singly, in pairs, or in multiple pairs for bracing and manipulation. Grippers will use an innovative design that allows tool-free customization to new tasks. To control the arms, grippers, and base, Energid's Actin software toolkit will be extended and applied to control the arms in manipulation and acrobatic modes. Momentum management and conservation is integral to the control during acrobatic mode. Included will be dynamic simulation software that, by leveraging Energid's commercial Actin software, will be cross platform, fast, and feature rich. The simulation, modeling both the Astrobee and the arms, will support design validation efforts as well as mission planning and testing. It will seamlessly transition between simulating terrestrial test beds and the fielded Astrobee. The full system will be validated using a custom hardware testbed and granite table operation."
7643,Science,JPL,2017,S4.01-8340 ,An Enhanced Modular Terminal Descent Sensor for Landing on Planetary Bodies,"Remote Sensing Solutions (RSS) proposes the development of a modular, small, high performance terrain relative Terminal Descent Radar (TDR) for range and velocity sensing of planetary landing and vehicles engaging in proximity operations. The innovation builds off of and improves upon the highly successful Curiosity / Mars Science Laboratory sky crane Terminal Descent Sensor. Our improvements include significant improvements to the size, weight, and reproducibility of the design; a modular design; and improvement in the ability to detect and remove the effects of airborne debris.<p>In this effort we propose to realize prototypes of our recurring, reproducible designs at Ka-band and W-band. We also propose to develop, implement, and validate through field demonstration new measurement algorithms that can mitigate issues of false velocity measurements due to moving dust and sand, particularly at low altitudes where thruster fire can cause movement of surface particles. Such algorithms mitigate that concern for planetary bodies where dust or sand are a concern (i.e. the Moon, Mars, comets, asteroids, and even Europa), and, by extending measurements closer to the surface, save mission cost and complexity by decoupling the landing problem from errors in the inertial measurement unit."
7646,Science,GSFC,2017,S5.02-8498 ,An Interoperable Decision Support System for Flood Disaster Response Assistance,"For flood monitoring and response, NASA and other agencies are increasingly stepping up to the challenge to harness its remote sensing and modeling resources during an event. As these capabilities are designed and then progressively improved, there is a coupled need for mechanisms to sustain them. There is to date no global decision support system for flood disasters that ingests all the data from existing systems and provides real-time critical information that can guide operational reactions on the ground. Because these capabilities evolve over time, any such interoperable system must incorporate changes and improvements thereof, it must be flexible, and itself robust and able to be maintained into the future. These challenges are addressed in this SBIR where Remote Sensing Solutions collaborates with existing efforts of the Dartmouth Flood Observatory to develop an interoperable one-stop-shop based on open geospatial data standards that unifies information relevant to flood disaster response. Four primary objectives have been defined to achieve this goal (product, i.e. data layer, design; system development; demonstration; commercialization plan). The technical approach to meet the objectives is streamlined into specific work packages, each one including a milestone target to ensure successful project completion."
7560,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2017,A1.09-8639 ,Improved UAS Robustness Through Augmented Onboard Intelligence,"The overall goal of the technology developed in this SBIR is to aid in enabling ubiquitous operations of UAS in the national airspace. This includes beyond-line-of-sight operations, flights over populated areas, and fully autonomous operations without direct human oversight. This overarching vision will require many new advancements such as collision avoidance capabilities, GPS denied navigation, and improvements in overall system reliability and robustness. The specific technology gap addressed in this SBIR is focused on improving reliability, subsystem failure tolerance, and automated diagnostics. The specific technical objectives of this Phase II include:<p>Finalize and validate the design of the new subsystems including the actuator and battery monitoring nodes, the vision node, and the flight management node.<p>Continued iterative design and testing of machine learning techniques for identifying failures and required maintenance as well as machine learning algorithms for safe landing detection. These will be built and improved using the new hardware and additional flight experiments.<p>Bench-top testing and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of monitoring systems to gather training data, validate sensor selection, processing bandwidth, and algorithm implementation<p>Implementation of new features in the current user interface to alert the operator in an intuitive manner of subsystem failures or required maintenance. This will be based on standards and concepts that have been proven in manned aircraft.<p>Deployment of a customer-facing online portal to iteratively test and deploy algorithms in a commercial space using flight data.<p>Validation of the full system through flight testing on the BST S2 aircraft with analysis on the achieved reliability metrics. This tasks will include early-on flight experiments to gather training data with certain features and failures along with testing of the full system to validate the overall performance towards the end of the Phase II project."
7609,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.03-8764 ,Low-Power Radiation Tolerant 4GHz Bandwidth 16k Channel Spectrometer ASIC,"Spectrometers currently employed by NASA include field programmable arrays (FPGAs), analog to digital converters (ADCs) and a number of other discrete components assembled on a printed circuit board (PCB). An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) based spectrometer offers a great reduction in weight, volume and power consumption compared to the FPGA/PCB based implementation. This proposal aims to develop a low-power (LP) poly-phase spectrometer (PPS) ASIC. The proposed ASIC aims to achieve a 4GHz bandwidth and 8192 usable frequency bins. In order to implement the required functionality and meet the specifications while consuming below 1.5W of power, the proposed ASIC will include a state-of-the-art 6-bit ADC, a demultiplexer, a poly-phase filter bank, a windowing function, a fast-Fourier-transform core, a frequency-domain data analysis block, a data readout, a digital control unit and testing features. Tolerance to at least 500Krads of total ionizing dose (TID) radiation will be achieved by implementing the ASIC using an ultra-thin gate oxide CMOS technology. Low power consumption will be achieved by employing special multiplier-less-accumulators and multiplier-less-“butterflies”. The power consumption will be further reduced by minimizing the redundant states in the poly-phase filter’s FIR and IFFT block. Additional power-saving can be achieved by switching off the ASIC’s unused blocks, and by internally dividing the clock frequency. Phase I work provided the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed spectrometer ASIC. Phase II will result in the silicon proven ASIC’s prototypes ready for commercialization in Phase III."
7610,Science,JPL,2017,S1.03-9385 ,Correlation Radiometer ASIC,"The proposed project aims to develop an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for the NASA’s microwave correlation radiometers required for space and airborne Earth sensing applications. The radiometer instrumentation installed on CubeSats and SmallSats is required to have small volume, low weight and consume low power. Currently used correlating radiometers rely on analog signal processing, thus are bulky, power hungry and cannot be reprogrammed. Analog filter parameters tend to be unstable over temperature, power supply voltage, may degrade over time, and need tuning.<p>The proposed low-power, rad-hard ASIC will operate with microwave correlation radiometer front ends down-converting the RF to up to 10GHz IF quadrature signals. The ASIC will include digitizers, bandpass filters, cross-correlators, totalizers, serializers, an output data interface, and an I2C interface for the ASIC’s programming. Bandpass filters will split up the digitized quadrature IF input signals into bands (up to 16), will cross-correlate the signals within each band, and will ship out the resultant data in a convenient format. Instead of analog signal processing performing a strictly defined function, the ASIC will employ a digital signal processing which can be reprogrammed to adopt specific parameters of the filter block such as the number of bands, each filter’s corner frequency, bandwidth and filter’s order. A number of innovations will be introduced to the ASIC in order to combine programmability, low power consumption and radiation tolerance.<p>The project’s Phase I will provide the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed ASIC. Phase II will include finishing the design, chip fabrication, testing and delivering the ADC prototypes which will be ready for commercialization in Phase III."
7613,Science,JPL,2017,S1.04-8763 ,A Low Power Rad-Hard ADC for the KID Readout Electronics,"The proposal aims to develop an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) required for the Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID) readout electronics. KIDs are developed for photometers and spectrometers for astrophysics focal planes, and earth or planetary remote sensing instruments. ADCs employed in space based KIDs are required to combine several features: radiation hardness, low power consumption, high resolution and high-sampling rate to facilitate increase in the number of the readout tones and to reduce the size of the electronics.<p>The proposed SAR ADC aims to achieve a 12-bit resolution and the lowest to date reported figure of merit (FOM) at the 1GSps rate. A number of innovations will be introduced to the ADC in order to combine low power consumption (below 100mW) with the signal to noise and distortion ratio (SINAD) of at least 65dB. Tolerance to at least 100Krads of total ionizing dose (TID) radiation will be achieved through application of ultra-thin gate oxide CMOS technology. A novel calibration technique for the capacitor mismatch will be introduced to improve linearity and increase the sampling rate. The proposed calibration technique introduced to the sub-ranging architecture with application of the asynchronous SAR logic will facilitate reduction of switching power.<p>Phase I work provided the proof of feasibility of implementing the proposed ADC. Phase II will result in the silicon proven ADC prototypes being ready for commercialization in Phase III."
7691,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-8473 ,Robust Multicore Middleware,"Emerging radiation-hardened and commercial space-capable processors are leveraging general-purpose multicore and niche-application cores to satisfy the ever increasing onboard processing demands required by planned NASA missions. Such architectures can provide increased processing bandwidth and power efficiency for onboard processing applications. However, these advantages come at the cost of increased hardware and software complexity and decreased fault tolerance in the case of commercial technology. As software development is a major cost driver for missions, this increased complexity has the potential to significantly increase cost for future missions. In addition, maintaining mission assurance and fault tolerance is critical. To address these risks, Troxel Aerospace Industries, Inc. (Troxel Aerospace) proposes to continue develop and commercialize a robust middleware management technology for spacecraft heterogeneous multicore processing systems. The middleware technology will enable a fault tolerant computing environment that is portable to different processors and is largely transparent to mission applications executing upon the middleware to provide a standardized, resource-aware, fault tolerant interface for configuration management and heterogeneous resource allocation. This Phase II will include developing the remainder of the middleware, executing a representative application using it across two or three different processor architectures, undertaking a heavy-ion radiation test campaign to quantify its effectiveness in a relevant mission environment, and continuing the commercialization activities begun in Phase I."
7679,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.02-990 ,Electromagnetic Characterization of Advanced Composites by Voxel-Based Inverse Methods,"The nondestructive<l>characterization of advanced composites, such as<l>carbon-fiber reinforced polymers (cfrp), by electromagnetic means is<l>well established [6]-[24]. What is<l>needed to advance the state of the art are sophisticated inversion<l>algorithms that allow layup and impact damage to be determined in<l>localized regions, which means that the more traditional methods of<l>model-based inverse methods must be replaced by voxel-based methods.<l>Thus, one will be able to better distinguish such things as<l>delaminations from fiber-breakage due to impact damage, or other<l>parameters that<l>characterize the mechanical state of the cfrp structure, such as<l>elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio on a<l>voxel-by-voxel basis. This information can then be input to damage<l>evolution models. We describe<l>two such methods, bilinear conjugate-gradients and set-theoretic<l>estimation. The challenge is to extend these methods to anisotropic<l>materials. We do that in this project, and will develop the<l>algorithms for inclusion<l>in our proprietary eddy-current code, \vic, during Phase II.<l>In addition, we continue our program of discovering and exploiting<l>parallelism in VIC-3D(R) to speed up the modeling and processing of<l>problems that involve massive data generation."
7607,Science,JPL,2017,S1.02-9250 ,Enabling Larger Deployable Ka-Band Antenna Apertures with Novel Rib,"The significance and relevance of the proposed innovation is to design and develop a novel rib that will enable 2-6m aperture parabolic reflectors and antennas for smallsats. The rib will be rollable and allow 100: 1 compaction ratios. It will provide deployment authority and deployed structural integrity meeting Ka-band precision requirements. Higher communication data rates, longer transmission distances, increased sensor capacity for active radar and radiometers are all directly related to larger aperture sizes."
7627,Science,JPL,2017,S2.02-8520 ,Redundant StarShade Truss Deployment Motor/Cable Assembly,"The proposed innovations are as follows: 1) A fully redundant electrical and mechanical motor/cable deployment assembly 2) A redundant motor/cable deployment assembly that is integrated and deploys a perimeter truss for a starshade 3) A truss strut mechanism that allows petal and truss deployment and provides a stiff and repeatable support 4) A truss node light seal the suppressess all sun and starlight through a truss node with articulatinig truss elements and inner disk and petal interfaces.The significance and relevance of the proposed innovations is to meet the technical challenges of deploying a large scale perimeter truss (10-30m diameter) for a starshade. The STDT's ""Exo-S Final Report"" identified an open issue to ""Mature perimeter truss technology readiness."" This is part of a defined starshade technology gap S-5 that is titled ""Demonstrate inner disk deployment with optical shield."" In the NASA JPL starshade design the petals are placed into their precise position by the deploying truss and truss strut. The truss also deploys the spiral wrapped inner disk and at the end tensions the precision spokes. If the truss was not able to fully deploy or meet the on-orbit load (deployment and deployed) and positioning requirements then the mission would fail. Obviously the truss deployment mechanism needs to be a robust and reliable system."
7576,Human Exploration and Operations,KSC,2017,H2.01-8820 ,Cuberover for Lunar Science and Exploration,"CubeRover is a robust miniaturized rover for built for lunar science and exploration. With its 2-kg mass, the robot would be the smallest (and likely the least costly) planetary rover ever deployed. CubeRover’s mobility, power and sensing enable 0.5 km traverses, or greater, even over challenging lunar terrain. The rover is based on a highly-integrated single board computer (rover-on-a-board) with reliable flight software, has integrated lander stowage and deployment capability, and uses WiFi for teleoperation and shared computation between rover and lander. The system incorporates a flexible thermal design and includes mass and power allocation for small science instruments, opening up a range of novel applications, landing sites, and mission concepts. Finally, the design offers an approach toward standardization and commercialization of CubeRover parts and designs.<p>This proposal describes a detailed plan for the development, testing, and delivery of flight hardware by the end of the contract in 2020. Phase II work will mature the Phase I design and retire risks in pursuit of developing and delivering a flight-ready CubeRover. The proposed program consists of five technical objectives that address the key challenges of small size and mass, the harsh lunar environment, and broad applicability and flexibility for future missions and payloads. Work will mature subsystems to develop the final flight configuration to environmental specifications, build flight hardware, and perform qualification and acceptance testing. The key artifacts that will result include: a flight-qualified version of the single board computer, several prototype rovers for testing, and a flight-qualified CubeRover that can survive the trip to the Moon and perform its mission."
7566,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A2.02-9133 ,"Low-Power, ultra-Fast Deep Learning Neuromorphic Chip for Unmanned Aircraft Systems","Artificial Intelligence realized through Machine Learning algorithms seems to be the only viable solution to implement perception, enable pilot assistants and eventually full autonomy to UAS. Currently, many UAS have some kind of conventional Computer Vision (CV) helping them in obstacle avoidance or target acquisition. Interestingly though, since 2012 Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have dramatically outperformed conventional CV algorithms in those tasks and pushed Artificial Intelligence (AI) limits in a variety of other applications including, but not limited, to object recognition, video analytics, decision making and control, speech recognition, etc. Unfortunately, the computational power required for real-time DNN operation can still only be delivered by bulky, expensive, slow, heavy and energy-hungry digital systems like GPUs.<p>This is why Mentium is devoted to delivering disruptive technology in the field of Machine Learning hardware accelerators, and in particular for this project, into the Deep Learning Hardware Accelerators field. Experimental data and Phase I results confirm that our hardware can deliver 100x to 1000x gain in speed and in power efficiency compared to other state-of-the-art accelerators. Our final product will be able to analyze, in real-time, big data streams coming from cameras, sensors and/or avionics and to categorize (classify) them for the purpose of decision making or object localization to achieve better navigation and collision avoidance in UAS. The same hardware processor will be deployable in the Air Traffic Systems, for real-time data analysis and decision-making. All with more than 10x reduction in cost and power consumption. This distruptive technology is based on an analog-computational core, exploiting the memory devices to carry out the computation at a physical level. Analog computation is inherently faster and more efficient than the digital one, while the in-memory computation removes the data transfer bottleneck."
7654,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z3.02-8909 ,Thermoplastic Forming of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Precision Robotics Components,"Demand for novel manufacturing methods for space systems brings unique properties of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) into the spotlight. In addition to superior mechanical properties associated with enhanced reliability, BMG technology can offer new manufacturing processes that result in components with higher precision and complexity, eliminating machining and minimizing final assembly. In this project, we propose to utilize the unique thermoplastic forming (TPF) ability of BMGs to net shape high precision robotic gears. Within Phase I, we have proven feasibility of this technology. The technical objectives for Phase II is to further advance the technology to a level that allows NASA to test and use BMG gears in NASA missions. This requires high precision, repeatability, robustness, and consistency of fabricated parts. In addition, a technical focus will be on expanding the versatility of TPF-based fabrication process in terms of the range of geometries and sizes of flexsplines and the range of BMG alloys that can be used with TPF processes. Identifying the suite of BMG alloys that can be used for TPF-based molding would provide NASA with an option to select the best property combinations in terms of specific strength, ductility, wear, friction, and costs. An additional technical objective is to develop strategies to reduce friction and wear through surface finish of the molded flexsplines and fabrication of surface composites in a one processing step. The outcome of the project will be manufacturing capabilities for precision robotic components and ready-to-test flexspline gear parts with complex thin walled geometries, improved properties and dimensions suitable for Europa Lander and Kennedy Space Center and other NASA’s locations. Beyond space applications, the use of versatile thermoplastic forming processes for precision gears has a strong potential to bring cost savings for a wide range of industries that use robotic mechanisms."
7663,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z7.01-8404 ,Weaved Distributed Plastic Optical Fiber Sensor (DIFOS) SHM system,"ROI with the support of a strategic partners from the decelerator vehicle business will complete the engineering development, produce, extensively laboratory test, environmentally qualify on a relevant parachute platform, and deliver to NASA a low power lightweight, small form factor, weaved DIFOS SHM system. At the end of the Phase II program, ROI will identify a relevant parachute platform an instrumented with a large array of POF sensors weaved within the textile fabrics of the parachute. The instrumented parachute demonstration platform will be laboratory and airborne tested under simulated load test conditions encountered by NASAs decelerator systems, and it will evaluate the time synchronize data collection and wireless data transferring fidelity and quality of the DIFOS SHM system. ROI will also develop am airworthiness qualification plan, including compliance with environmental, vibration, shock, pressure, and water immersion."
7582,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H4.01-9146 ,Impact Resistant Composite Structures for Space Suit Applications,"Composites Automation (CA) proposes to collaborate with the University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (UD-CCM) and our industry transition partner ILC Dover, to develop innovative material and structure concepts for next generation Space Suit hard composite components. The SBIR goals are develop material systems that survive an impact of 300 J at <0.125” thickness and <1.7 g/cc density with no leaks. Phase I demonstrated a material solution that met these requirements and the ability to balance impact and structural performance with composite design. Phase II will study additional material choices, develop and optimize composite architectures, and demonstrate impact, structure and joint/interface performance. A complete material specification including material composition, process methods and properties will be developed for the optimized solution(s) for use in product design. Phase II will culminate in the design, analysis and manufacture of a full-scale Hatch, based on NASA requirements, with the optimized composite material solutions."
7658,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z5.02-8656 ,Tensegrital Wheel for Enhanced Surface Mobility,"ProtoInnovations, LLC is developing an inventive system for wheeled mobility that exploits the geometric and mechanical attributes of tensegrity to engage with the terrain in an effective and efficient manner. Dubbed the tensegrital wheel, this unique wheel design emulates the behavior of a variable pressure tire without the need for an inflation system. The construction of the tensegrital wheel is such that it absorbs and diffuses ground forces evenly. The stiffness of the tensegrital wheel can be tuned to match the demands of a given terrain that the wheel is to operate on or can be adjusted on-the-fly. These attributes allow for better adaptation to the terrain thus increasing the amount of thrust that can be generated at the wheel/ground interface, and improving a vehicle’s dynamic response and obstacle negotiation. We assert that the tensegrital wheel can be designed to achieve an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and capacity for long-life specifically in the context of planetary exploration. In Phase I of this SBIR we proved the feasibility of the concept through analysis, testing, and demonstrations. In Phase II we will optimize various tensegrtial wheel designs and advanced the maturity and readiness of this system for filight worthiness."
7630,Science,GSFC,2017,S2.04-8407 ,Freeform Optics for Optical Payloads with Reduced Size and Weight,"For the purposes of supporting planned and future NASA missions and addressing an unmet NASA need for high-quality visible through shortwave-infrared telescope phase-correction optics manufactured and delivered quickly and inexpensively, Voxtel proposes a Phase II effort to develop a new class of three-dimensional freeform optics and to demonstrate the optical precision and size reduction possible for NASA satellite optical systems. The Phase I optic and ink design will be executed to improve the focus of the NASA dual freeform mirrored optical system, reduce aberrations fundamental to the design, and correct measured manufacturing process variations. Both aperture-side and field-side freeform GRIN optics will be combined in nonrotationally symmetric forms and additional freeform mirror design variables will be explored—including variations in the spacing and angular tilt of freeform mirrors—and solutions will be developed that includes polychromatic performance. Material properties will be characterized in radiation conditions expected at near-earth orbit and low-earth orbit, and new or existing nanocomposites will be developed as needed to demonstrate highly reliable operation in space radiation and harsh environment applications. Voxtel’s Phase II effort will increase the technology-readiness level from 4 to 6 by delivering to NASA a flight-capable optic produced on production-ready processes."
7660,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z5.02-9047 ,A General Purpose Software Toolkit for Robot Control and Application Programming,"Over previous Phase I, II, and III NASA SBIR projects, TRACLabs has created a software toolkit for<l>programming and controlling humanoid robots and other mobile manipulators. This open-source toolkit,<l>called theCaRtesian-based AFfordance Template Suite for MANipulation(or CRAFTSMAN), incorporates<l>state-of-the-art motion generation techniques along with principles of user interface design and software<l>engineering to fill a gap in the robotics research community foradvanced sensor-driven application<l>development. While this toolkit was initially supported by NASA, further support from a large-scale<l>automotive client and robotics manufacturers has allowed TRACLabs to mature the code-base for its<l>deployment in industrial and commercial contexts. Despite this commercialization success, the capabilities<l>of CRAFTSMAN motion control have mainly been focused on a small set of robot-independent trajectory<l>generation algorithms, and the deployment of the system has been limited to classes of manipulation tasks<l>where goals can be represented as spatial waypoints for the robot’s end effectors or navigation systems.<p>It is the goal of this work to refactor CRAFTSMAN into a more general plugin-based control framework that supports techniques for advanced motion planning, reactive control, and automous stance location. We argue that this refactor would be beneficial by providing a common application programming framework that can be used on multiple systems in a variety of environments, and where new functionality can quickly be integrated to facilitate a number of NASA-relevant missions. We call this next generation of out toolkitCRAFTSMAN++."
7593,Human Exploration and Operations,GSFC,2017,H9.03-8954 ,CUA OpenMP Nonlinear Optimization Tool,"Nonlinear programming (NLP) allows for the solution of complex engineering problems, however, none of the currently available solvers fully capitalize on parallel computing. Many NASA trajectory design packages (OTIS, EMTG, MALTO) have already had their own code streamlined, and it is now the serial execution of existing NLP solvers that represents the largest bottleneck. It is the goal of this Phase II effort to further develop the CUA OpenMP Nonlinear Optimization Tool (COMPNOT), which will utilize shared memory systems to significantly improve the time-to-solution of NLP problems. As large-scale shared memory parallel systems, such as Intel’s Xeon Phi family, become more commercially available, COMPNOT will greatly expand the market for a parallel NLP solver, even enabling most modern desktop computers to effectively run it. Phase II will focus largely on creating a distributed/shared memory hybrid mode, enabling COMPNOT to take advantage of the shared memory nodes that comprise large distributed memory systems. Additionally the development of hardware-specific optimization, focusing on the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), will be a priority. At the end of Phase II, COMPNOT can begin integration into NASA trajectory design packages, significantly reducing the time-to-solution."
7655,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-8593 ,Reversible Adhesion Concept for In-Space Assembly,"ATSP Innovations will develop a reversible adhesion concept for use in reconfigurable space frame construction. This reversible adhesion concept is based on application of aromatic thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) to selected adhesive contact points. By virtue of a class of reversible solid-state chemical reactions (called interchain transesterification reactions - ITR) intrinsic to the polymer, ATSP was shown to bond and debond with itself for >50 cycles during the Phase I with high mechanical strength allowing load values >6 the requirement of the solicitation in an very small contact area.<p>In Phase II of this project we will apply this reversible adhesive concept to assembly and reconfiguration of truss structures composed of tubular beams and we will do electrical, thermal and mechanical characterizations of the reversibly joined tube segments. Based on the reversible adhesion concept developed and demonstrated in Phase I, a self-aligning attachment mechanism for tubular beams and hub joints with integrated heating is proposed. Designed attachment mechanisms and developed processes will be applied to assembly and reconfiguration of truss unit cell. Polymeric reversible adhesive will be subjected to outgassing and radiation experiments (to determine applicability to space environment) in simulation of low earth orbit with additional bond/debond cycles following radiation exposure implemented via a toolkit developed in Phase I. The high mechanical strength provides design flexibility for space in the joints for electrical contacts, thereby allowing multifunctionality of the space structures; with full scale dimension of the real truss structure, the joint would be able to reach a bond strength of 56,760N (113 times the required500N)."
7667,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z8.01-9758 ,Fiber-fed Advanced Pulsed Plasma Thruster (FPPT),"CU Aerospace (CUA) proposes the continued development of a Fiber-fed Pulsed Plasma Thruster (FPPT) that will enable cis-lunar and deep space missions for small satellites. While classic PPT technology is mature, it has historically been limited by its propellant load to precision pointing and small delta-V applications. A recent thruster advancement by CUA, Monofilament Vaporization Propulsion (MVP), adapted extrusion 3D printing technology to feed polymer propellant fiber to a resistojet thrust chamber. FPPT leverages this advancement by feeding PTFE fiber to its discharge region, enabling class-leading PPT propellant throughput and variable exposed fuel area. An innovative, highly parallel ceramic capacitor bank dramatically lowers system specific mass. FPPT is inherently safe; its non-pressurized, non-toxic, inert propellant and construction materials minimize range safety concerns. The Phase I effort accumulated more than 582,000 pulses, with thrust-stand measured Ibits from 0.057 – 0.241 mN-s at 960 – 2400 s specific impulse, representing a dramatic enhancement from state-of-art PPT technology. A Phase II 1U FPPT thruster will provide 2200 – 4900 N-s total impulse, enabling 0.4 – 1.0 km/s delta-V for a 5 kg CubeSat. A 1U design variation with 590 g propellant enables as much as ~10,000 N-s and 2 km/s for a 5 kg CubeSat. Advancing the technology to a 2U form factor increases propellant mass to 1.4 kg and delta-V to 10.7 km/s for an 8 kg CubeSat. CUA anticipates delivering to NASA a life-tested flight-like > 2,000 N-s 1U integrated system by the end of Phase II including the advanced thruster head with igniter system, PTFE fiber feed system, power processing unit, and control electronics."
7668,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z8.02-9171 ,Compact Multi-Protocol Modem,"Legacy SDR (Software Defined Radio) has been somewhat hailed as the “be all, end all” solution to communications systems. Reality is that SDR platforms are challenged by the clock speed of the underlying processor, and the fact that waveform design is not a simple process. As missions keep pushing for higher throughput communications platforms, it is often the case that legacy SDR platforms cannot. It is also a common end result that the SDR power consumption is very high when compared to non SDR platforms. These factors pose quite a challenge for mobile platforms – spacecraft platforms in particular.<p>Innoflight is introducing advance Hybrid-SDR platforms together with Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) design flow. The combined technologies will provide a streamlined approach for the design of advanced multi-mode communications system that are applicable to NASA’s NEN (Near Earth Network), SN (Space Network), and DSN (Deep Space Network) infrastructure and are ready to support next generation optical (i.e. laser) communications."
7661,Space Technology,JPL,2017,Z6.01-8732 ,FLASHRAD: A Non-Volatile 3D Rad Hard Memory Module for High Performance Space Computers,"The computing capabilities of onboard spacecraft are a major limiting factor for accomplishing many classes of future missions. Although technology development efforts are underway that will provide improvements to spacecraft CPUs, they do not address the limitations of current onboard memory systems. In addition to CPU upgrades, effective execution of data-intensive operations such as terrain relative navigation, hazard detection and avoidance, autonomous planning and scheduling, and onboard science data processing and analysis require high-bandwidth, high-capacity memory systems to maximize data storage and provide rapid access to observational data captured by high-data-rate instruments (e.g., Hyperspectral Infrared Imager, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar).<p>Three-dimensional ICs, after a long wait, are now a reality. The first mainstream products are 3D memory cubes that offer manifold improvements in size, capacity, speed, and power. Unfortunately, none of these are ready for space. The purpose of this research and development is to pursue a non-volatile, 3D memory module that can meet the high-reliability requirements of space and interface to the High Performance Space Computer (HPSC) using a high-speed serial interface. Development will include fabricating a 3D memory cube and RTL for a FPGA based memory controller which will eventually be migrated to a rad-hard ASIC. The FPGA based platform will integrate a 3D memory cube to produce a 3D memory module prototype that will validate and demonstrate the features, reliability, and performance of the envisioned 3D module."
7554,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.04-8890 ,Active Flow Control System for Commercial Aircraft Using Synthetic Jet,"In order to enable widespread application of Active Flow Control (AFC) technology on commercial aircraft, Actasys, Inc. (Actasys), in collaboration with The Center for Advanced of Multifunctional Material Systems at University of California, Los Angeles (CAMMS-UCLA) , The University of Michigan (UMich), and The Boeing Company (Boeing) intend to build upon the foundational work implemented in phase I to develop and prepare for flight tests a module containing an array of Synthetic Jet Actuators (SJA). Over a period of 18 months, the project will be divided into two parts. The first part will be dedicated primarily to improving actuator power output as well as preparing a module prototype. In order to achieve the required SJA performance levels, system properties, and functionality as determined by Boeing, the team shall use the computational approach developed in phase I coupled with investigations into new active materials. In the second part, Actasys and Boeing shall collaborate on testing the prototype in order to determine flight test readiness. Actasys’ post Phase II plans include testing SJA module performance on a Boeing 757 commercial aircraft to demonstrate targeted aerodynamic impact and fuel efficiency."
7678,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z11.01-904 ,Millimeter-Wave Camera,"The primary objective of this effort is todesign and builda practicalmillimeter wave imagingsystem capable of effectively addressing a myriad ofnondestructive inspectionissues related to complex composites and structures during manufacturing and use. The design of this imaging system will be founded on a long history and extensive experience by the proposing team facilitating and ensuring a successful outcome. The system is expected to be designed to:<p>i)operate in the frequency range of 30-40 GHz:<p>ii)have high-spatial and range resolutions in the few millimeter range rendering the system a 3D imager<p>iii)produce and render images inreal-time,<p>iv)providehigh system dynamic rangefor high detection sensitivity<p>v)small and portablefor in-space applications,<p>vi)modular in designto accommodate large structures interrestrialinspection applications while also suitable forin-spaceapplications by personnel with varied technical skill-sets namely,technicians, engineers and astronauts.<p>The proposed work in this Phase II to develop, built and test a practical prototype imaging system builds on the Phase I design work."
7644,Science,JPL,2017,S4.03-8399 ,"Advanced Ignition System for Hybrid Rockets for Mars Sample Return, Phase II","To return a sample from the surface of Mars or any of the larger moons in the solar system will require a propulsion system with a comparatively large delta-V capability. Consequently, significant propellant mass will be required. While it is technically feasible to generate O2 and CO propellants by electrolysis of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere, it will only work on bodies where there is significant CO2 in the atmosphere, and the mass of the required infrastructure (electrolyzer, batteries, solar panels) is substantial. A recent study showed that a hybrid rocket with multi-start capability trades more favorably than either a CO2 electrolysis system or a bipropellant system where the propellants are generated on Earth. Using a high-performance hybrid propellant combination and being able to restart the hybrid rocket are the keys. In previous and ongoing work, Ultramet has demonstrated that electrically heated open-cell silicon carbide foam can be used as an igniter for both monopropellant and bipropellant rocket engines. Due to its low mass, excellent oxidation resistance, and favorable electrical characteristics, the foam can be heated to 1300°C in just seconds, which enables it to quickly ignite any propellant flowing through it. The Phase I project demonstrated that a foam heater could be turned on and off any number of times and that it was capable of heating oxygen and igniting paraffin. Applied to a portion of the oxidizer stream in a hybrid rocket engine, this will provide multi-start capability. In Phase II, Ultramet will team with Parabilis Space Technologies to design, fabricate, and test a hybrid rocket ignition system suitable for use with O2, NTO, or MON-25 on a Mars ascent vehicle."
7550,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2017,A1.01-9469 ,"Single-Process, Unitized, Composite Fuselage","NASA seeks tailored airframes and structures to reduce structural mass in support of the NASA Aeronautics Strategic Implementation Plan (2015), following the Roadmap for Ultra-Efficient Commercial Vehicles, Subsonic Transport. Tailored structures are comprised of the right materials, at the right place, in the right orientation, in the right amount. Whatever the material or structural configuration, excess weight is driven out through optimization, within the limitations of the manufacturing approach. NASA’s Advanced Composites Project is focused on the manufacturing approaches that enable more efficient composite structures. CRG has been laying the foundation for the design and production of tailored structures for more than a decade. CRG’s vision for tailored airframes and structures begins with unitization, enabled by Smart Tooling for affordable manufacturing of complex composites. CRG began work on Smart Tooling for fuselages in 2005, targeting fully-integrated, single-process skins, stringers, and frames. CRG subsidiary Spintech launched in 2010 to commercialize Smart Tooling into the aerospace industry. Today, CRG brings robust capabilities in composite structural optimization, expanding capabilities in aerospace composite fabrication, and Spintech’s Smart Tooling technology to provide NASA with unitized fuselage configurations with an unmatched combination of affordability and structural efficiency."
7656,Space Technology,LaRC,2017,Z4.01-9457 ,Multifunctional Self-Aligning Reversible Joint Using Space-Qualifiable Structural Fasteners,"Cornerstone Research Group, Inc. (CRG) proposes to develop a multifunctional reversible attachment method to facilitate modular in-space construction. CRG will demonstrate a mechanically robust, easily reversible, self-aligning fastener system with provisions for installation of electrical power connections. The proposed approach is highly versatile and can be extended to include other types of system support connections such as data transfer, fluid flow, or thermal load transfer. This state-of-the-art fastening system leverages CRG’s space-qualifiable thermoset shape memory polymer (SMP) fasteners providing NASA with a scalable, modular joining capability that can be used with autonomous assembly systems. In Phase I representative SMP fastening devices successfully demonstrated >50 simulated use cycles including: assembly, reaction of design loads, and disassembly. Leveraging CRG’s prior development work on shape memory polymer fastener systems, the proposed R&D herein will provide NASA with a multifunctional, reversible structural attachment system with technology readiness level (TRL) of 5 at the conclusion of the Phase II effort. In follow-on development CRG’s joining technology will be integrated with automated assembly robotic systems in support of critical mission demonstrations."
7637,Science,GRC,2017,S3.03-9009 ,Lightweight High Energy Density Capacitors for NASA AMPS and PPUs,"All NASA Power Processing Units (PPUs) including DC to DC and DC to AC converters and inverters require a DC-link capacitor, placed between the DC source (PV solar array or battery) and the switching power semiconductors. NASA technical personnel has identified a failure mode in Multi-Layer Ceramic (MLC) DC-link capacitors currently used in PPUs that can cause them to short. Polymer Multi- Layer (PML) capacitors that Sigma Technologies proposed as a solution, have self-healing properties and do not short. The Phase I development demonstrated that the PML parts have superior capacitance stability with temperature and voltage bias. MLC capacitance drops by as much as -80% at -196oC and -40% at +200oC , while PML capacitance variation is limited to -15% and 0% respectively. Furthermore, PML capacitors have approximately 5X higher energy density and 10X higher specific energy. In the Phase II program plug compatible PML capacitors with multi-pin electrodes will be produced and evaluated with a voltage rating specifically designed for 120V PPUs. Some PML parts will be produced with the same capacitance as that of MLCs and others with higher capacitance but equal or lower volume. Equal capacitance parts will dramatically reduce capacitor size and weight and will improve reliability. Higher DC-link capacitance is always desirable in PPU circuits, because and it can further minimize ripple current, voltage fluctuations and transient suppression. Use of higher capacitance PML parts, will improve the functionality and reliability of the overall PPU circuit, without a penalty in weight and volume. PML capacitors will be supplied to NASA technical personnel during the development period for electrical and environmental evaluation. The potential business opportunity of expanding the PML capacitor market to that of high voltage and high capacitance MLCs, which are prone to micro-cracking, are costly and have inferior dielectric properties, will be explored."
7638,Science,JPL,2017,S3.04-8513 ,AutoNav Mark 4: Autonomous Navigation Software,"The growing number of missions in deep space, from Discovery class missions like Psyche and Lucy down to very small spacecraft like Lunar Flashlight, is driving the need for standardized, flexible, full-featured flight software for spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control (GNC). Autonomous GNC allows a spacecraft to perform most of its own navigation activities without the need for ground-based personnel and DSN time, reducing cost and required DSN contact time, saving money, and allowing specialized navigation personnel from different NASA centers to be easily shared among missions.<p>Autonomous GNC activities include:<l> -spacecraft positioning<l> absolute and relative (helio, planet, small-body)<l> relative to small bodies, other spacecraft for rendezvous<l> -orbit determination<l> -target tracking of bodies, apertures, spacecraft, ground-based assets<l> -trajectory derivation<l> -low-thrust maneuvering for Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP)<l> -ephemeris calculations<p>AutoNav from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory implements these functions, and components have flown on Deep Space 1 and Deep Impact. With an appropriate application of software development process to reengineer the code, a new AutoNav Mark 4 could be made available as a commercialized product meeting NASA Class B software standards, thereby enabling its easy inclusion on a wide variety of NASA and non-NASA missions.<p>AutoNav Mark 4 source code is to be designed and tested to be compatible with a variety of different CPUs (e.g. SPARC, PPC, Intel), real-time operating systems (VxWorks, RTEMS), and flight software cores like NASA Core Flight System. This approach allows AN4 to be deployed in the widest-possible set of environments:<l> -within STRS-compatible space radios (Iris, UST)<l> -in the flight software load of the spacecraft C&DH<l> -in a dedicated stand-alone instrument like the Deep Space Positioning System<p>AutoNav Mark 4 provides highly capable autonomous GNC while saving missions money"
7604,Science,LaRC,2017,S1.01-8897 ,Autonomous Alignment Advancements for Eye-Safe Coherent Lidar,"In this Phase II effort we propose to advance the development of autonomous alignment technology allowing improved performance and reliability from coherent lidar systems and demonstrate the technologies in a working coherent lidar system.&nbsp; Eye-safe coherent lidar technology holds great promise of meeting NASA&#39;s demanding remote 3D space winds goal near term. &nbsp;Highly autonomous, long-range coherent lidar systems may however suffer significant signal loss due to environment-induced component misalignment, as well as varying receiver lag-angle alignment errors in space-based platform applications.&nbsp; Although such systems can be engineered with the required alignment stability, the overall size, mass, and cost to produce coherent lidar systems will benefit from incorporating technology into the design that allows alignment to be optimized automatically while the system is in the field.&nbsp; Autonomous space- and air-borne lidar systems will especially benefit, where maintaining peak performance is critical without regular human intervention.&nbsp; Auto-alignment technologies will result in lower-cost lidar sensors with greater autonomy and less-exotic opto-mechanics, spurring strong commercial potential due to the rapid introduction of lidar systems into the commercial marketplace for various applications.&nbsp; The technology aimed at maintaining laser and lidar alignment also has potential to correct for receiver lag angle in fast-scanning long-range lidar systems, which will facilitate faster scan rates, larger apertures, and greater area coverage rate capability.&nbsp; Beyond Photonics has a strong interest in solving these technological problems for relevant ground-based, airborne, and space-based unattended lidar systems.&nbsp; This Phase II effort will further mature auto-alignment designs exhibiting a high level of synergy between NASA&#39;s and other commercial vendors&rsquo; requirements for laser auto-alignment, transmit/receive transceiver auto-alignment, and receiver lag angle compensation.</p>"
7692,Space Technology,GSFC,2017,Z8.03-9396 ,Dynamically Reconfigurable Electrical Power System(EPS) with Integrated Thermal Management and High Voltage Capability for Small Spacecraft,"The proposed program addresses the fundamental issues of lack of commonality across SmallSat platform power management. The DREPS aims to improve modularity, scalability, and efficiency of small spacecraft and CubeSat power systems (up to 100W) by implementing a novel reconfigurable architecture that integrates high reliability components and novel thermal management techniques to enable operation in extreme radiation and temperature environments. Integration of state-of-the-art technologies such as Gallium Nitride MOSFETs, micro-channel oscillating heat pipes, and digital control systems will enable an unparalleled level of system control while providing a solution focused on extreme environmental conditions required for long duration space missions. The DREPS includes digitally controlled power architecture providing 20+ configurable switched output services that can be commanded by any desired space communication protocol (I2C, SPI, CAN, SpaceWire).<p>Compatibility with new electric propulsion technologies can be obtained by the addition of QorTek’s recent advances in high voltage piezoceramic-based power converter technology. Integration of cutting edge thermal management technology will enable adaptive retention or rejection of heat as a fully integral portion of the system’s packaging through a partnership with ThermAvant Technologies. An array of configurable MPPT Battery Control Regulators will allow compatibility with industry standard solar and energy storage. The goal of Phase II is to achieve a modular SmallSat power system based on matrix interconnectivity of small power converters (cells) that is universally applicable to small satellite platforms and missions. The work plan will exit with fully tested ?U solution that is immediately applicable to all three target markets of ruggedized COTS (LEO), Radiation Tolerant (MEO/GEO) and long duration High Reliability (High-Rel) as vendor projected product availabilities are realized."
7635,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9837 ,Iodine Hollow Cathode,"Plasma Controls, LLC will develop an iodine-compatible hollow cathode for use in Hall-effect thrusters. Materials in current state-of-the-art electron emitters, and many of the materials used in mounting hardware, are not compatible in a high-temperature iodine environment. This includes cathodes that use inserts made from porous tungsten impregnated with ceramics containing barium oxide, which can be susceptible to rapid decomposition of the ceramic by iodine, and lanthanum hexaboride-based inserts, which are subject to rapid surface decomposition by iodine. The work function of both types of inserts increases in the presence of iodine, and the temperature of the cathode increases, which further exacerbates the decomposition processes. We will use a materials science based approach to evaluate the chemical interactions between iodine and a range of potential materials at elevated temperature. We will construct and experimentally test candidate cathodes in relevant iodine environments to identify robust, safe-to-handle, chemically-stable material systems. In Phase II work, we will (1) perform long duration wear tests to demonstrate adequately long lifetime capability and (2) integrate the cathodes into iodine storage, feed, and thruster systems through industry and government partnerships."
7673,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z9.01-9204 ,Flight Demonstration of a Micropump-based Stage Pressurization System,"Vector Launch, Inc. proposes to applyrecent advances in micropump and additive manufacturing technologies to develop and demonstrateamicropump-based autogenous pressurization systemfor its commercial Vector-R and mature the technology with multiple static-fire-tests leading to a demonstration flight test (TRL 6). The Vector-R is a 2-stage pressure-fed, LOX/subcooled propylene commercial small launch vehicle, designed to place up to 60 kg in low earth orbit. Electrically-driven micropumps drive a small portion of each propellantover anovel 3D-printedheat exchangeratthe engine to pressurize the tanks.Excess flow can be diverted to the engine as needed.<p>This approach reduces system mass, complexity and acquisition cost as well as operational costs. It eliminates the need for all high-pressure tanks and associated components. It can be used on any pressure-fed stage, for launch vehicle and in-space application when using high vapor pressure propellants such as LOX/methane or LOX/propane. As such, it is an enabler for missions targeted to use in-situ propellants since the need for a separatepressurantlike helium is either greatly reduced or eliminated.<p>By leveragingVector’songoingcommercially-fundedVector-R micro-launcherdevelopment, it is possible toreachTRL6-ready systemduring Phase IIandtransition to the Vector-R operations (TRL-9)soon after."
7575,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2017,H1.01-9317 ,High Capacity Multi-Stage Scroll Compressor for Mars Atmosphere Acquisition,"The proposed innovation supports technologies for In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) processes by collecting and pressurizing gasses from the Mars atmosphere for eventual oxygen production by use of Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOXE). There are several ways to capture and pressurize CO2, including freezing at cryogenic temperatures, mechanical compression, and absorption. Completed studies on each approach, have generally favored cryogenic temperature and mechanical compression solutions. Recently, mechanical compression has gained momentum through the Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE), which utilizes an Air Squared compressor for mechanical compression of CO2. If this approach is pursued further for a larger system, there are still several questions concerning reliability over 10,000 hours of autonomous operation in Mars environment and scalability. Air Squared plans on addressing these issues as part of Phase II.<p><l>The proposed innovation is a Martian Atmosphere Scroll Compressor (MASC). Dealing with the low pressures of the Martian atmosphere, the MASC functions like a vacuum pump utilizing Air Squared scroll compressor technology. During Phase I, Air Squared tested several orbiting and spinning scroll prototypes on CO2 at a wide range of discharge pressures and superior efficiencywas demonstrated with lower discharge pressures. Parallel efforts by NASA-JPL on MOXIE, showed no performance degradation of the SOXE at reduced pressures down to 4.4 PSIA. Additionally, reducing the cathode pressure provides more margin against starting to electrolyze CO. For this reason, Air Squared has decided to focus exclusively on collection-only in an attempt to concentrate efforts on a lightweight and efficient MASC, supporting oxygen generation. The following proposed Phase II work will further develop both a spinning and orbiting scroll MASC for providing 2.7 kg/hr of CO2 at discharge pressures between 4.4 and 15 PSIA."
7580,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H3.04-9315 ,Vapor Compression Refrigeration System for Cold Storage on Spacecrafts,"NASA is looking for solutions for its long-term or distance food storage and transport applications. Achieving high thermal efficiencies and reliability while maintaining volumetric and mass efficiency has been the key challenge with these kinds of refrigeration/freezing systems in a microgravity environment. Previous state of the art refrigerator/freezer systems such as the ISS RFR, use thermoelectric thermal control with very low overall system COP of around 0.36 (in freezer mode).<l><l>Alternatively, terrestrial cold food storage systems utilize much more efficient vapor compression thermal control systems, making the systems lighter and more compact. Currently, these systems do not have provisions to fulfill the load and reliability requirements of space applications and are also not designed for microgravity operation. An example would be Kelvinator KCCF220QW chest freezer. This freezer can maintain temperatures as low as 26?C at COPs of around 2.2 to 2.4.<l><l>Air Squared is proposing the development of a Zero-gravity Vapor Compression Refrigerator (ZVCR). The ZVCR is an oil-free, scroll driven, vapor compression food storage system that is thermally efficient, lightweight and reliable. Similar to conventional systems, the ZVCR will include four major components: compressor, condenser, expansion device and evaporator. But, instead of a heavy and oil lubricated working fluid compressor, it will use an advanced oil-free orbiting type scroll compressor and expander developed by Air Squared. Its oil-free design will remove system’s operational reliance on gravity while keeping the design compact & lightweight at higher efficiencies. For expansion work recovery, a scroll expander based on the same technology as the compressor will be used to further improve the system’s performance. Custom heat exchangers will be designed for efficient operation in microgravity while considering the size, weight and reliability requirements."
7631,Science,GRC,2017,S3.01-9023 ,Game-Changing Photovoltaic Flexible Blanket Solar Array Technology with Spectrolab Flexsheets,"Deployable Space Systems, Inc. (DSS) in collaboration with Spectrolab, Inc. has developed a modular multi-junction photovoltaic flexible blanket technology that uses innovative Spectrolab flexsheet SPM's that enable/enhance the ability to provide ultra-low cost, low mass, modularity, and high voltage operability for high power arrays to support solar electric propulsion (SEP) Human Exploration and Space Science missions. The proposed multi-junction flexible blanket assembly with the innovative Spectrolab flexsheet SPM technology, when coupled to an optimized structural platform (such as DSS's ROSA / IMBA solar array, and/or other optimized flexible blanket solar array structures) will produce revolutionary array-system-level performance in terms of high specific power, lightweight, rapid assembly and re-configurability, compact stowage volume, reliability, unparalleled modularity, adaptability, affordability, reliable high voltage operability, adaptability to all flexible solar arrays, and rapid commercial infusion. The proposed flexible blanket technology accommodates all space photovoltaics (PV) including standard XTJ PV and emerging IMM PV technologies. Once successfully validated through the proposed Phase 2 program, the innovative lightweight and modular multi-junction flexible blanket technology will provide incredible performance improvements over current state-of-the-art, and will be mission-enabling for future NASA and non-NASA applications."
7557,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2017,A1.06-8527 ,Intelligent Electronic Speed Controller,"This project will result in the commercialization of an Intelligent Electronic Speed Controller (IESC) for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The IESC will advance the state-of-the-art of health-state awareness. This will be achieved through the integration of propulsion system health monitoring sensors that - in unison with an Intelligent Rule Set - will be able to monitor system and component performance trends and predict propulsion system faults. The system is designed to provide the analytic capability necessary to predict propulsion system degradation, maintenance or repair needs. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) will be trained on data from IESC sensors from nominal flights and those with known faults leading to failure. After training, an initial Intelligent Rule Set will be extracted to represent the knowledge of the ANN and used in the system to predict failures. This set of rules will be periodically updated as more flight data is collected."
7688,Science,GSFC,2017,S3.04-9783 ,Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS),"Future missions operated by NASA, commercial entities, and international agencies will face increasing congestion due to limited communication and navigation infrastructure. To address this potential bottleneck, Advanced Space proposes to continue developing a high-impact navigation technology that will enable future missions. Specifically, the proposed effort will further develop capabilities to enable autonomous onboard flight navigation that incorporates spaceborne and ground-based measurements. The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS) will use the existing flight radio, antenna, attitude determination and control, and other subsystems of the spacecraft to provide the host spacecraft with an autonomously generated absolute position estimate. CAPS is a peer-to-peer navigation solution that is a self-sustaining, scalable, and evolvable innovation that operationalizes and leverages investments made in algorithms, flight computers, and radios over the past decade. CAPS can be thought of as a subsystem of a host spacecraft that can process inter-spacecraft range and range-rate measurements between multiple spacecraft in cislunar space to determine absolute position estimates for all participating spacecraft. The focus of the proposed effort is to design and develop key software components that will prepare CAPS for flight demonstrations and ultimately broad adoption by future missions to the lunar vicinity."
7596,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2017,H9.05-8528 ,Polarization Entangled Photon Pair Source for Space-Based Quantum Communication,"The overall goal of this NASA effort is to develop and deliver efficient, single-pass quantum optical waveguide sources generating high purity hyper-entangled photon pairs for use in high-rate long-distance links. The new devices will produce hyper-entangled photon pairs with high efficiency, pure spectral properties, and low attenuation, providing the key technology required for deployment of ground-to-space links and future construction of a global quantum network. The waveguide-based technology is compact, robust, and power efficient for deployment on space-based platforms such as the International Space Station."
7664,Space Technology,ARC,2017,Z7.02-9990 ,Novel Spider 3D Woven Seamless ADEPT Aero-Shell,"Bally Ribbon Mills will focus on the advancement, development, and demonstration of the proposed innovation, ADEPT Spider Weaving. Phase 2 will demonstrate and produce one-piece ADEPT spider woven aero shells for the Sprite C and SR-1 configurations. The Sprite C aero shells shall be delivered and ready to attach to the current Sprite C understructure for arc jet testing. The SR-1 aero shells will demonstrate the ability to scale-up the Spider Weaving process and provide aero shells ready to attach to the current SR-1 understructure. The proposed technology to manufacture aero-shell will allow each mission to utilize an aero-shell design that fits within existing launch vehicle systems and later transforms into a low ballistic coefficient configuration for descent and landing."
7634,Science,GRC,2017,S3.02-9525 ,Cathode for Electric Space Propulsion Utilizing Iodine as Propellant,"A hollow reservoir cathode for use in ion and Hall thrusters which uses iodine as propellant. Reservoir cathodes have unique features not found in conventional impregnated cathodes. The critical barium reduction process occurs in the reservoir, not in the matrix, and this isolates that process from iodine poisoning. Also, the barium supply is 100 times greater than is available in conventional cathodes. This allows much higher rates of barium to flow to the cathode’s surface – enough to overcome iodine poisoning. Also, metals resistant to iodine attack can be used in the cathode matrix. We propose constructing large numbers of reservoir cathodes with various compositions and activities. We propose a systematic study of these cathodes in iodine to discover the factors which provide the successful performance. We also propose a miniature reservoir cathode for use in CubeSats, where iodine's compactness is most appealing. NASA is pursuing iodine EP because of its many advantages over xenon. These include low cost and high storage density."
7621,Science,GSFC,2017,S1.11-8294 ,Compact UV Laser,"To advance the in-situ instrument technologies and components focused on the detection of evidence of life, Q-Peak proposes to develop a UV laser with very low Size-Weight-and-Power that can be used for laser-desorption-mass-spectroscopy (LDMS) to detect bio-signatures. A miniature LDMS, has been developed for the Mars-Organic-Molecule-Analyzer (MOMA) instrument at NASA-GSFC for the ExoMars mission, expected to launch in 2020. The MOMA instrument has a UV laser that is at least three times bigger in size compared to the Q-Peak laser. The MOMA instrument can be used in future missions to Titan and Europa to study the tholins and icy water. For mission like Europa-lander a radiation hardened instrument is needed and in this program Q-Peak will make the suitable laser. The laser will have a modular form factor to produce 1064-nm as the fundamental wavelength and then frequency-upconvert in two stages; second-harmonic-generation to produce 532 nm and fourth-harmonic-generation 266-nm using the appropriate nonlinear crystals. When the laser is set to produce 532-nm, it is suitable to perform Raman-spectroscopy as a complementary analysis of organic molecules. When set to produce 1064-nm, it is suitable for laser-induced-breakdown-spectroscopy which is another technique to perform compositional analysis of organic/inorganic samples."
7652,Space Technology,JSC,2017,Z2.01-9765 ,Passive Set-Point Thermal Control Skin for Spacecraft,"Current manned and unmanned spacecraft require sophisticated thermal control technologies to keep systems at temperatures within their proper operating range. Future manned and unmanned missions to the moon, mars, and other destinations will require new technologies to maintain spacecraft temperature near a set-point while under variable heat loads and thermal environments under increasingly stringent size, weight and power constraints. Passive components, such as coatings with variable emissivity, can greatly extend and expand NASA mission capabilities. Physical Sciences Inc. will develop a passive thermal control skin (TCS) with a constant emissivity from 8 C to 30 C and an infrared turndown ratio of greater than 8 between 8 C and -10 C. The TCS will control both the infrared emissivity as a function of thermal load while maintaining a low solar absorptivity at all radiator temperatures."
7649,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z1.02-9685 ,"Bifunctional Membrane for High Energy, Long Shelf Life Li-S Batteries","The adoption of high energy lithium sulfur batteries hinges on significant improvements in charge/recharge cycle life. Cycle life is limited by migration of dissolved polysulfide species which creates an electrochemical short circuit. In this NASA SBIR, Navitas Systems proposes to develop an atomically precise and bifunctional membrane separator for lithium sulfur batteries that impedes polysulfide transport. Bifunctionality will combine pore structure engineered for high capacity and selectivity to polysulfides with metal-like electronic conductivity to support electrochemical regeneration. Phase I results showed that the proposed separator significantly improves the energy density and cycle life of lithium sulfur batteries. The Phase I proof of concept effort focused on validating the membrane materials property advantages in lab prototype cells. Phase II will scale up production of separator using high volume roll-to-roll (R2R) coating. Phase II will demonstrate separator robustness to automated high-speed cell assembly operations and to variation in the porous polymer substrate. Membrane performance, cycle life, and abuse tolerance advantages will be validated in commercially relevant prototype pouch cells with at least 2Ah capacity. Phase II technical objectives are to reduce coating thickness to <5 μm, continuously coat at least 20m of separator, demonstrate a 400 Wh/kg lithium sulfur battery cell with 200% improvement in cycle life, and show immunity to thermal runaway under NASA mission-relevant abuse testing protocols.."
7589,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H8.01-8809 ,Industrial Crystallization Facility for Nonlinear Optical Materials,"Made In Space, Inc. (MIS) proposes the development, to a critical design level, of an Industrial Crystal Facility (ICF) for microgravity product manufacturing and applied research. The ICF is focused on advanced materials engineering, rather than biomedical research, and expands utilization of the ISS into new product areas not previously investigated. Intended applications include nonlinear optical single crystals and other relatively large material formulations, such as bulk single-crystal thin films and high temperature optical fiber. This is a critical next step in the development of Low Earth Orbit as an economic development zone. ICF uses the International Space Station (ISS) National Lab as a proving ground and utilizes the same value proposition as the forthcoming Made In Space Fiber (MIS Fiber) demonstration of manufacturing a product in space with economically-significant intrinsic value on the ground.<p>Semiorganic nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals generated from low temperature solution methods have only emerged in the past decade of academic research as an alternative to industry standards, such as lithium niobate, for improved performance and easier integration into opto-electronic devices. Lithium niobate single crystals must be manufactured by the Czochralski process, at temperatures in excess of 1260°C, which makes it energy-intensive to produce. Even with doping, lithium niobate products are typically limited to operate below 200°C or require active thermal control to limit photorefractive damage that distorts photon transmission. Microgravity production holds the potential for room-temperature production of NLO materials for high-energy applications with size and quality undiminished by the effects of sedimentation and convection. A new facility is needed to explore the feasibility of microgravity-enabled industrial crystals as a new product market for Low Earth Orbit."
7633,Science,MSFC,2017,S3.02-9166 ,Hybrid Propulsion Technology for Robotic Science Missions,"C3 Propulsion's novel Hybrid Propulsion System (HPS) will be applied to a NASA-selected Robotic Science Mission. Phase I demonstrated the Proof-of-Principle and Phase II will design, fabricate, and demonstrate a flight-like propulsion system for that specific application. The HPS is non-toxic, stable, and has energy management (throttleable or pulse-width modulated) capabilities. In Phase I, C3 Propulsion demonstrated that its hybrid fuel formulations can withstand storage at -78oC, with minimal effect on its physical or ballistic properties, and is expected to be able to operate in the cold temperature of Mars and outer planet moons. Its simple design decreases risk, reduces size, reduces mass, and increases reliability. It has high volume and density specific impulses and is expected to increase performance and lower costs.<p>In Phase II, a specific robotic science mission will be identified to determine system issues, including thrust, total impulse, weight, and volume. The selected mission will affect the design and operation of the system and will lead to a notional HPS design. A mini-thruster, Hybrid Screening Engine (HSE), will be designed, based on the notional system, to complete the development of a baseline fuel formulation. This formulation will be thoroughly characterized for mechanical properties, including the thermal coefficient of expansion. A full-scale heavyweight thruster will be designed and tested at the test stand of the Propulsion Research Center (University of Alabama in Huntsville), which is being upgraded by MDA. A preliminary HPS will be designed to determine the volume, shape, and weight of the selected propulsion system for future programs. A DoT Hazard Classification for the baseline fuel will be obtained, which is expected to be no more hazardous than 1.4C."
7617,Science,ARC,2017,S1.08-8940 ,Compact CO2 Instrumentation for Small Aerial Platforms,"Over the past decade, the importance of understanding the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide and other<l>greenhouse gases has been recognized. A variety of research studies funded by NASA, DOE and NOAA to<l>measure the fluxes of CO2 from average conditions have been performed. In particular, flux measurements ofCO2 in the boundary layer are critical toward understanding the carbon budget for this important greenhouse gas.The World Meteorological Organization has met its goal of 0.1 ppm CO2 accuracy for land based field sensorswith gas chromatography and nondispersive infrared instruments. However, these instruments are poorly suited for small aerial platforms because of their high power requirements, large size and/or weight specifications. This proposal directly addresses NASA's need for high accuracy, small aerial platform, CO2 instrumentation for their Sierra and Dragon Eye UAVs, other unmanned aircraft such as launched and tethered balloons, and remote, unattended ground platforms where low power, compactness and self calibration are important. This instruments fits in with NASA's Technology Roadmap for satellite validation under the ASCENDS program and the OCO2mission, as well as independent high resolution, nonintegrated CO2 profiles.<l><l>To address this instrumentation need, Southwest Sciences has developed a compact (< 1 L), low power (< 2 watts), light weight (<1kg) diode laser based instrument to measure dry air corrected CO2 concentrations. Phase I was successfully completed. We achieved the Phase III targets in Phase I with a drift accuracy of <1 ppm at >1 hr andshort term precision of 0.2 ppm at 1 second under static conditions. Over a 300 torr pressure range, 12°C temperature range, and 1.6% water addition, the system successfully measured within a standard deviationof 0.7, 0.8 and 0.4 ppm respectively of the actual concentration. The source of deviation was well characterized in Phase I and can be further reduced in Phase II."
7567,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.01-8685 ,Collective Inference Based Data Analytics System for Post Operations Analysis Phase II,"This SBIR research provides a significant improvement over current-day post operations analysis (POA) with significant commercialization potential. In Phase I, ATAC developed a machine learning based aviation POA decision support tool (DST), which improves the state of the art of today’s airline, airport and FAA POA processes by providing automated, results-oriented POA outcomes. We provided a proof-of-concept for this POA DST by demonstrating how the Phase I prototype allows airline, airport and FAA personnel at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) to perform faster, more efficient and results-oriented post analysis of individual departure banks to obtain actionable operational insights. Encouraged by our promising proof-of-concept demonstrations in Phase I, we propose to carry forward this research in Phase II of our SBIR project towards the eventual goal of developing a commercial licensable Cloud-based POA Platform that can be accessed by NASA, FAA, airline, airport or other commercial systems or personnel in a “Platform-As-A-Service” (PAAS) mode. This proposed capability provides a one-stop platform for gate-to-gate, complete POA including aviation data acquisition, storage, analytics, and root cause diagnosis, in a post-analysis mode as well as a real-time, continuous operations monitoring mode. The proposed continuous operations monitoring mode accelerates operations analysis work related to NASA’s ATD-2 project. The proposed second airspace focused use case supports multiple NASA research programs, including ATD-2's CLT to Northeast corridor (NEC) departure flow operations analysis, IDM NEC enroute constraints analysis, ATD-3 weather-efficient routing analysis and System Wide Safety anomaly detection. Moreover, by providing the ability to perform results-oriented POA on diverse operations (UAM, IDO), the SBIR enables the future NAS to rapidly learn from operational inefficiencies, and improve new traffic management and operations paradigms."
7569,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2017,A3.02-8684 ,NAS Element Closure Planner,"We propose a NAS Element Closure Planner, wherein the tool may be used to plan airspace closures and/or combined airport surface and airspace closures in advance, in addition to the exclusive airport surface closures. The proposed technology applies concepts from statistical modeling and machine learning to reliably predict likely future evolution of airport traffic as well as the evolution of other influencing factors such as runway capacity over time. A machine learning tool will drive multiple what-if analysis simulations, each with a slightly modified “initial condition” which may be defined by flight simulation start times (i.e., gate pushback times) as well as allocated taxi routes. Multiple simulations, each driven by one set of initial conditions will be run for each closure time-window option being investigated. Thereby, for each closure time-window option, we will obtain not just one but a distribution of performance metrics, which is a more realistic estimate of likely performance as opposed to a single point value. This ability to reliably predict future performance and the uncertainty associated with it, is a significant step up from the predictive analytics that are available today to airport airside operations staff. The technology would also be applied to determine the multiple futures of closing airspace for any variety of common reasons that would include a commercial space launch use case."
7651,Space Technology,MSFC,2017,Z2.01-9331 ,"Variable Gas-Conductance Radiator: Lightweight, High Turndown Spacecraft Radiator","Spacecraft thermal control is a critical element to maintaining spacecraft, manned, unmanned, robotic or instrument, at proper temperatures for humans, instruments and electronics to function properly. NASA Science Mission Directorate and STMD have need for advanced thermal control systems for future spacecraft and exploration vehicles. Variable Gas Radiator? technology, using variable gas conductance in an IMLI insulation to control, in a Phase I prototype achieved a turndown ratio of 36:1, was successfully proven feasible and TRL3 achieved. Quest believes VGR technology could provide high turndown ratios at any given temperature, in a lightweight radiator. This new technology and product has many applications within NASA and the commercial spacecraft/satellite market.<p>Phase II work will continue development of VGR technology, including enclosure redesign, more flight-like pressure control hardware, extensive characterization, and early flight-qual testing. During Phase II, Quest will mature the technology to TRL 5 and have prototypes for NASA and Prime Contractor evaluation.<p>Phase II development of theVariable Gas Radiator(VGR) program begins studying advanced spacecraft heat rejection requirements for NASA and commercial spacecraft and missions, continues with study and review of the Phase I results. VGR enclosure and hardware development will be a focus. VCR design will be iterated, and prototypes tested for radiant heat flow, with improvement expected in overall radiator performance and turndown capability."
7675,Space Technology,GRC,2017,Z10.01-924 ,Multi-Environment MLI: Novel Multi-Functional Insulation for Mars Missions,"Human exploration requires advances in cryogenic propellant storage for missions to Earth orbit, cis-lunar, Mars and beyond. NASA has need of new technology offering high performance insulation for Mars missions, including Mars LOX or LCH4 surface liquefaction and storage and Mars Lander/Ascent Vehicle. Quest Thermal Group has developedMulti-Environment MLI(MEMLI), a novel multi-functional thermal insulation system that uses a thin lightweight semi-rigid Vacuum Shell supported by Quest IMLI layers and spacers for low heat flux and optimized for Mars atmospheric pressure.<p>Quest engineers designed, modeled, analyzed, fabricated and tested a novel multi-functional insulation capable of providing high thermal performance both in-space and on-Mars surface for Mars missions. A thin metal semi-rigid vacuum shell is optimally supported by Quest IMLI spacers, providing low heat flux and low mass.<p>A 10-layer MEMLI prototype provided low 0.19 W/m2 heat flux both in-vacuum and at 4.5 torr CO2 (105-210K), with a low mass of 1.5 kg/m2. Multi-Environment MLI was successfully proven feasible, is at TRL4, and remains a strong candidate for NASA Mars surface liquefaction and Mars Lander needed new technology.<p>This Phase II program will continue developing MEMLI, with focus on further development of lightweight, supported Vacuum Shells for use on more real world tanks, development of flight-like hardware for vacuum control, increasing robustness and durability, and maturing the technology.<p>Tasks in the Phase II program include validation of Mars mission requirements, Phase I review, updating structural and thermal models, continued development of very thin welded semi-rigid vacuum shells (down to 0.005” thick) studying their application, performance and durability for Mars missions. MEMLI will be built, installed and tested on larger, more complex cryogenic tanks for performance in all mission environments (in-air prelaunch, in-space cruise, and on-Mars surface)."
7599,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2017,H11.01-9532,RSim: A Simulation Tool Integrating Radiation Codes and CAD.,"Tech-X will develop a standalone cross-platform application RSim. This application will have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for performing common radiation transport simulations. Without the need to write code in C++ or Fortran and inputs for models, users of RSim will be able to set up the radiation environment, geometry and materials of the analyzed system, choose the analysis type (tallies), run simulations and perform visualization of the simulation results. RSim will be use two simulation engines: Geant4 and MCNP6. RSim will be integrated with the Computer Aided Design (CAD) by supporting CAD data import and translating it into the format understood by the underlying codes.<p>In addition to providing the traditional geometry support used in these code, we will also implement the DAGMC technology under development at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that would allow us to improve simulations performance.<p>RSim will provide a unique innovative combination of features: (1) validated support for CAD needed for integration with CAD tools, (2) a cross-platform standalone GUI application working with two radiation codes, Geant4 and MCNP6 and (3) unified visualization of setups and simulations outputs."
7600,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2017,H12.01-8754,LGM2605 as a Mitigator of Space Radiation-Induced Vascular Damage,"LignaMed, LLC is developing LGM2605, an oral small molecule for use as a radiation mitigating agent. Here we aim to evaluate LGM2605 as a mitigator of space-radiation induced damage. NASA missions to Mars will expose astronauts to solar/galactic cosmic mixed radiation including low dose g and proton radiation, a source of harmful short and long-term health effects. Damage to the vascular network under mixed radiation types is not understood. Findings from our NASA-funded Phase I studies provided novel evidence that LGM2605 is an effective mitigator of radiation toxicity in cells exposed to mixed-field space-relevant radiation (high LET protons and gamma rays). In this application, LignaMed in collaboration with the researchers at the University of Pennsylvania will extend these initial studies to evaluate LGM2605 in anin vivomodel for protection from radiation-induced i) carcinogenesis in lung, liver and all major organs (Task 1) and accelerated lethality as a secondary endpoint and ii) tissue degeneration (Task 2) by evaluating long term lung deterioration and long-term damage mixed gender adult mice. We hypothesize thatmixedspace radiation increases cancer risk and induces chronic, pro-inflammatory changes in tissues leading to accelerated degeneration of the cardiovascular and pulmonary system.We proposethat LGM2605 will mitigate space radiation-induced carcinogenesis and tissue degeneration."
1098,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H12.01-7378,Task Analysis Data Processing and Enhanced Representations (TAPER),"Task Analysis (TA) is a fundamental part of NASA system design and validation. TAs are used to produce Master Task Lists that support engineering teams and operations specialists during development and validation of system design and procedures. However, current tools make it difficult to share TA insights between collaborators and do not adequately manage, maintain, and visualize complex TA data sets, making it challenging to integrate new data to support an iterative design and procedure development process. Improved TA tools that can better manage and visualize TA results have the potential to mitigate these shortcomings. Charles River Analytics proposes to design and demonstrate a system for Task Analysis Data Processing and Enhanced Representations (TAPER). TAPER will: (1) manage TA data through a modern web service-based data management framework that enables scalable storage, querying, and access to TA data between teams; (2) enable import and export of TA data that supports multiple forms of model development, including cognitive simulation, through a model representation engine; and (3) provide visualizations of TA data models tailored to the unique information needs of different users. Meeting these requirements will dramatically improve TA-supported collaborative design and development in large-scale engineering efforts."
1003,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2016,H9.01-7422 ,"200Gb/s WDM Optical Transceiver Chip Modules with RF Transmission, Quadrature Modulation and Fail-Safe Capabilities","There have been significant interests from NASA in integrated optical transceiver chips for space optical communications, in particular space-qualifiable 1550nm laser transmitter and receiver with optoelectronic laser, modulator, and detector, that are capable of data rates from 1Gb/sec to 200Gb/sec. The power efficiency shall be better than 10W per Gb/sec and weight less than 100g per Gb/sec. In addition, hybrid RF-optical technologies are sought, and technology based on integrated photonic circuit solution is strongly desired.Operational range of -20??? C to +50??? C unpowered temperature cycling from -40??? C to +40??? C are also desired.To address the above mentioned interests, our proposed works will focus on realizing 100-200Gb/sec high-data-rate Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed (WDM) photonic transceiver module with the capability to transmit RF signals on optical beam as well that will be able to meet the above NASA requirements, based on a few key technologies we have developed including: (a) WDM Laser Transmitter with Concurrent Wavelength Locking Capability;(b) Ultra-Compact Wavelength Mux/DeMux; (c) Integrated Narrow Linewidth Laser;(d) Integrated 20-40Gb/sec High-Speed Electro-Optic Modulator with Low-Voltage Capability; (e) Polarization-Insensitive Multi-Mode-Fiber-Capable Integrated 100-200Gb/sec WDM Optical Receiver with Fail-Safe Wavelength and Power Recovery Capabilities; (f) Ruggedized Wide-Temperature-Range Chip Packaging Module."
958,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.07-7253 ,Robotic Variable Interference Filter Imaging Spectrometer (R-VIFIS),"The innovation is a fast, lightweight, and miniaturized Robotic Variable Interference Filter Imaging Spectrometer (R-VIFIS) for a 350-2500nm wavelength range. A pair of custom narrow band Linear Variable Interference Filters (LVIFs) is tailored with 350-900nm range (VNIR) and 900-2500nm range (SWIR) wedge coatings for a 35mm format CMOS Focal Plane Array (FPA) and a 384x288 pixel 24um pitch FPA respectively. A pair of monolithic LVIF-FPA devices, each having its VNIR or SWIR LVIF coating precisely aligned and mounted in contact with its FPA sensing surface, are designed and assembled. Miniaturized robotic devices are developed to precisely position the LVIF-FPAs at a fast speed. A prototype R-VIFIS integrates fast frame robotic positioning LVIF-FPAs behind a pair of co-boresighted 35mm film format lenses for fast LVIF HyperSpectral Imaging (HSI), taking 224 contiguous spectral bands into a 350-2500nm range datacube in 300 and a spectral resolution of 1% center wavelength at each band. Tightly integrated with GPS/INS with real time embedded computing, R-VIFIS collects directly georeferenced photographic perspective HSI measurement with a throughput up to 1.65GB/sec, providing simultaneously high spectral, spatial, radiometric, and temporal resolutions. A typical R-VIFIS photographic perspective datacube, consisting of well fused 6480x5400 pixel VNIR bands and 1580 x1300 pixel SWIR bands. R-VIFIS is versatile and easily-deployable. It is operational on a tripod, surface vehicles, aerostats, and fixed/rotating wing aerial platforms for field/aerial 3D imaging spectroscopy. It is also well suited to be gimbaled for wide angular field of view and long distance enhanced remote sensing."
911,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.04-7619 ,High Efficiency Advanced Lightweight Fuel Cell (HEAL-FC),"Infinity's High Efficiency Advanced Lightweight Fuel Cell (HEAL FC) is an improved version of its current fuel cell technology developed for space applications. The fundamental operation of this Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is improved over comparable fuel cell technologies, providing simplified system design and longer duration missions. The Non Flow Through (NFT) nature of reactant consumption within the fuel cell stack produces a much higher utilization of reactants. The Advanced Product Water Removal (APWR) embodied within each repeat element of the fuel cell stack allows for the elimination of the water separation devices usually residing in the balance of system. This drives system simplification while increasing overall reliability and reducing system cost. <l>The HEAL FC can be operated as a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell for long endurance missions and also as a hydrogen-air fuel cell. This transition from pure oxygen to air can be accomplished dynamically in flight, allowing for reduced mass of the oxygen storage subsystem. This is a critical advantage for UAS flying to and from dense air environments consuming air as the fuel cell oxidant and switching over to pure oxygen when in the dense air region of concern. <l>The fuel cell stack improvements to be made as part of this topic are planned to make the fuel cell stack more amenable to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) by reducing mass and volume. The current configuration of the fuel cell stack was driven by performance only. Now that the NFT and APWR technologies have been proven, the stack hardware itself must be minimized to fit the UAS markets. Costs for this advanced fuel cell system will inherently be reduced through the implementation of mass production design methodology to transform a well-functioning power system for space applications to lower altitude uses."
938,Science,MSFC,2016,S2.03-8014 ,Ultra-Stable Zero-CTE HoneySiC and H2CMN Mirror Support Structures,"NASA MSFC, GSFC and JPL are interested in Ultra-Stable Mirror Support Structures for Exoplanet Missions. Telescopes with Apertures of 4-meters or larger and using an internal coronagraph require a telescope wavefront stability that is on the order of 10 pico-meters RMS per 10 minutes. Interest is also for IR/FIR missions requiring 8-meter or larger diameter mirrors with cryogenic deformations <100 nm RMS. Fantom Materials is specifically responding to the need for ultra-stable mirror support structure traceable to the needs of Cosmic Origins for UVOIR, Exo and FIR telescopes, including mirror support structures, whiffle plates, delta frames and strongbacks. HoneySiC material has multiple features that make it very attractive as a potential future deployment hinge and latching material: 1) It's an additively manufactured Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) with no Coefficient of Moisture Expansion (CME). Individually molded parts become a monolithic construct, thus it is possible to manufacture an entire telescope using HoneySiC, 2) It's extremely light weight; laminate HoneySiC sheets have the same density as beryllium and honeySiC panels have about 1/5 the density of beryllium, 3) It's extremely dimensionally stable due to a zero-CTE across a temperature range of -200 to +25C. The thermal conductivity can be supercharged by addition of extremely high thermal conductivity carbon nanotubes. To achieve a stability of 10 picometer (e.g., LISA gravity wave detector mission) will require the distortion parameters to go to zero for a passive material. The overarching objectives of the project are to collaborate with NASA MSFC, GSFC, JPL and Northrop Grumman to demonstrate new mirror mounting materials with ultra-stability. Potentially every beryllium and M55J-954-6 part could be replaced by HoneySiC, resulting in a massive reduction in labor and schedule, as well as weight. Stiffness and dimensional stability would be greatly enhanced by HoneySiC or H2CMN."
845,Space Technology,LaRC,2016,Z6.01-7431 ,Multi-Use Passive RFID Sensor Tag System for NASA,"This proposal will provide NASA with a family of UHF RFID sensor tags and system components supporting very reliable, robust, convenient and economical deployment into a range of aerospace and terrestrial systems. We propose designs that can be manufactured in quantity. Several of these tags have SPI,I2C and other data busses and adequate harvested power to enable on-tag microcontroller and multiple discrete sensors. The Phase1 deliverable systems include passive and semi-passive tags both with an application example precision temperature sensor and 3-D accelerometer. The RFID sensor tags have as standard SPI, I2C, UART and other busses together with a rad-hard supported on an on-tag MSP430FR5739 microcontroller. The data busses on delivered sensor tags can be used to interface with any bus-compatible sensors of NASA choice. The technology we propose in Phase1/2 work provides NASA with features considerably beyond present day commercial offerings. The antennas for Phase1 sensor tag delivery utilize our ultra-long range ribbon antenna design which currently holds the world record for maximum UHF fully passive read-range (150ft). In Phase1 we introduce our patents-pending resonant rectenna which provides additional passive power for sensors in addition to our basic ultra-long range antenna.The UHF transponders ICs selected for NASA from NXP and EM have the best RFID tag security algorithms currently available. In Phase1 we introduce our patents-pending rectenna which provides additional passive power for sensors continuing to use our basic ultra-long range antenna (rectenna uses an innovative resonant voltage multiplier circuit). It is our vision that New Jersey Microsystems, Inc and its partners following Phase3 work can earn selection from NASA as a preferred supplier of customized UHF RFID passive and semi-passive sensor tags. During Phase1 we will deliver tags with demo sensors for precision temperature and 3-D inertial application."
894,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.07-8563 ,Loop Heat Pipe Manufacturing via DMLS for CubeSAT Applications,"Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. (ACT) proposes to develop a low-cost Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) evaporator using a technique known as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), otherwise known as 3D printing, to produce low-cost LHPs to be used in CubeSat and SmallSat applications. The wick structure in an LHP assumes the role of a pump in a standard loop, pumping liquid from the lower pressure condenser to the higher pressure evaporator by capillary forces. The overall thermal performance of the system is therefore highly dependent on the in-situ characteristics of the wick structure. Current LHP wick manufacturing and installation processes are cumbersome, labor intensive, and suffer from a low yield rate. Specifically, the primary wick???s hydrodynamic characteristics and sealing integrity to the envelope are critical to heat transport, start-up, shut down and overall reliability. It is estimated that the cost to produce an LHP evaporator, including the attachment of the bayonet, secondary wick and compensation chamber, accounts for approximately 75% of the total system???s manufacturing cost. By 3D printing an evaporator envelope with an integral porous primary wick structure, the overall complexity and cost of the design can be significantly reduced."
895,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.07-8558 ,Flexible Methane & Ethane Heat Pipes,"Specific mission requirements can often requirecall for some degree of flexibility such as minimizing mechanical loads induced into payloads containing highly sensitive positional sensors or allowing containment of radiator panels within spacecraft fairing until deployment into fully operational positions. Flexible thermal straps and Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) are typically used for this flexible thermal link. Thermal straps are a lower technology solution for lower heat transport applications (<10 Watt) that need small mechanical displacement. LHPs can transport kilowatts of heat over long distances and have transport lines and condenser tubes that are flexible, bendable, and easily routed through complex paths. Drawbacks of LHPs include being significantly more expensive to fabricate and qualify. Flexible Constant Conductance Heat Pipes (CCHPs) can fill the gap between flexible thermal straps and loop heat pipes. The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program proposed by Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. (ACT) will design, fabricate, and demonstrate a cryogenic flexible CCHP for a passive thermal management device."
1042,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H5.02-7447 ,"Novel, Functionally Graded Coating System for Reusable, Very High Temperature Applications","This proposal addresses some of the most challenging materials issues with respect to multi-mission, very high temperature, up to 4000???F, applications. The very successful, record breaking, NASA led X-43A hypersonic flight proved the ability to use state of the art (SOTA) material/coating system for short duration, single mission, and very high temperature applications. The transition into multi-mission applications requires a total paradigm shift. Allcomp proposes an extremely innovative solution to this problem by using functionally graded (FGM) CVD coatings to alleviate interfacial shear stresses and greatly reduce transverse thermal cracking, which historically have plagued ceramic coatings applied to very low thermal expansion coefficient 2-D C-C composite substrates. The success of this Phase I will totally open new avenues in the area of high temperature materials. That, in turn, will enable NASA designers to implement hot structure solution in lieu of parasitic passive insulation system, resulting in significant weight reduction in future NASA Space Exploration vehicles, as well as a plethora of other applications."
1159,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.07-8448 ,Design Concepts for Low Aspect Ratio High Pressure Turbines for High Bypass Ratio Turbofans,"The proposal is to identify cycle improvements and verify structural feasibility of shrouding a low aspect ratio High Pressure Turbine(HPT) rotor designed to use ceramic blades. When the clearance-to-span ratio between the rotating blades and the stationary casing is the same as the clearance-to-span ratio between the rotating shroud and the stationary casing, stage efficiency improves. However, shrouding rotor blades increases centrifugal stresses, and metallic HPT rotor blades are typically unshrouded in order to maximize stage output. Ceramic Matrix Composite(CMC) blades weigh much less than metallic blades. Shrouded CMC blades have lower centrifugal stresses than unshrouded metallic blades. The fuel burn reduction from an increase in stage efficiency due to shrouded HPT blades will be determined. The fuel burn reduction due to the higher temperature capability of CMC blades will also be determined. Cycle efficiency improvements from shrouding HPT rotor blades will increase for future engines. The HPT blade aspect ratio will decrease as engine Overall Pressure Ratio(OPR) increases. Future HPT blade aspect ratios may be less than half of current aspect ratios. While the absolute clearance may decrease in future engines, the relative clearance is likely to increase. Aerothermal analyses will determine the improvement in fuel burn from shrouding cooled HPT rotor blades. Structural analyses will determine stresses for unshrouded metallic and CMC rotor blades, and for shrouded CMC blades."
1160,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.07-8447 ,Fan Duct Heat Exchanger for Turbine Cooling Air,"The proposal is for the design of a fan duct heat exchanger in order to improve aircraft fuel burn. The fan duct heat exchanger decreases the temperature of the 15% to 20% of compressor discharge air used to cool the High Pressure Turbine(HPT). Reducing the HPT cooling air temperature reduces the amount of cooling air needed for HPT cooling, and reducing vane and rotor blade cooling improves engine Specific Fuel Consumption(SFC). Fuel burn is adversely affected by any added engine weight due to the heat exchanger. Fan duct air is much colder than compressor discharge air, and can be used as a cold sink for cooling the HPT cooling air. Parametric analyses will be done to determine the SFC reduction as a function of cooling air temperature decrease. Pressure losses for both sides of the heat exchanger will be part of the analyses. The fan duct heat exchanger has large pressure differentials between the high pressure compressor discharge air and the relatively low pressure fan duct air. Structural analyses will be done for the heat exchanger to determine heat exchanger weight."
1087,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H13.02-8093,Active Metamaterial Based Ultrasonic Guided Wave Transducer System,"An active and tunable metamaterial phased array transducer for guided wave mode selection with high intensity per driving channel and with dramatically lower modal noise when compared to the state of the art. The innovation exploits aspect of phased array based guided wave mode selection theory, whose practical significance seems to be ignored in the state of the art. These aspects include a) low modal noise when the phased array has small inter-element distance and a large number of elements and; b) phased delays necessary for driving the phased array elements have an apparent periodicity and anti-symmetry. As a consequence of exploiting the first factors the proposed phased array transducer can be classified as an active tuneable metamaterial. The second factor is mentioned above is exploited to reduce the number of driving channels by using switching matrices to interface between the driving channels and the metamaterial transducer. Fidelity of inspection and cost-effectiveness are the primary features of the innovation."
1089,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H13.02-7477,Printed Ultra-High Temperature NDE Sensors for Complex Structures,"This Phase I SBIR proposal will address the use of innovative additive manufacturing technologies applicable to Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) strain and temperature sensors at ultra-high temperatures up to 1000 C. Technologies are required that enable flaw detection on atmospheric and space flight vehicles during deep space missions, hypersonic flight and reentry in harsh environments including high temperatures, combustion, high vacuum, high pressure, vibration, turbulence and cryogenic space conditions. Accurate strain gage readout at high and varying temperatures also requires temperature sensing for calibration. The prior art technologies of making strain gages and thermocouples have distinct limitations in direct application/integration to large 3D parts, cost, weight/resolution/feature size and operation to high temperatures. Direct-write printing has established itself as an enabling technology for production of both circuits and sensors on 3D and flexible surfaces that could not otherwise be fabricated with conventional techniques. This project will develop the specialized inks and deposition techniques necessary to implement additive manufacturing of hardened ultra-high temperature, lightweight strain gages and thermocouples with low profiles suitable for thin components. Fully integrated and modular sensors and arrays can be implemented for NDE and SHM of complex parts and hard-to-address locations that were previously out-of-bounds. Hardened inks may be applied by a variety of additive manufacturing techniques directly onto three-dimensional components or on high temperature substrates that can be adhered to complex components by refractory joining. High temperature stable strain gages will be proven feasible in Phase I to a Technology Readiness Level of at least 3. Phase II work on readout technology will focus on wireless techniques to take data remotely at high temperatures and on embedded components."
1153,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.09-7646 ,Durable Icephobic Cellulose Nanopaper Composite for Aircraft Icing Mitigation,"Existing aircraft ice protection systems operate at the expense of other payload and add significant weight, power requirements, system complexity, or cost. A completely passive technology that would prevent ice accretion is highly desired, but no known technique has reached a level of effectiveness, durability and cost-efficiency to merit commercialization. Helicity Technologies proposes to integrate our proprietary icephobic liquid into a durable, easily renewable, environmentally friendly, icephobic composite that does not distort airflow and adds negligible weight. In Phase I, we will develop a cellulose nanopaper base layer for the storage and replenishment of our functional fluid to dramatically extend its useful life. Methods for increasing cellulose nanopaper strength and elasticity, and improved control of porosity will be explored. The resulting icephobic composite prototype will be tested for performance under simulated icing conditions in an icing wind tunnel."
862,Space Technology,GSFC,2016,Z1.01-7407 ,Nanostructured Dielectrics for High-Temperature Capacitors,"Space operation places extra physical and structural demands on the power components, including capacitors. Nanostructured dielectrics offer the opportunity to tailor the dielectric material on the nanometer scale to provide tremendous improvements in electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, and enable high-temperature, high-energy-density, and high-voltage capacitors.<l><l>In this project, the team of Thermosolv and Arizona State University targets the development of novel ceramic dielectrics with the unique nanostructured architecture comprised of closely packed parallel one-dimensional chains of dipoles. The proposed structure will realize dramatic enhancements in dielectric constant (by orders of magnitude) in comparison with conventional dielectrics, while preserving high voltage breakthrough strength and low dielectric losses. Such a large leap in performance, in combination with the robust, reproducible, and manufacturable structure, will enable high-energy-density, high-power, thermally stable, and long-lived capacitors for energy storage and power conditioning.<l><l>Phase I work will demonstrate feasibility of the technology by fabricating and testing capacitor prototypes utilizing novel nanodielectrics."
1146,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2016,A2.01-7618 ,Automated Tools and Technologies for Enhancing Long-Range Imagery,"One of the mandates of NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) is participating in the flight testing of experimental aircraft, which includes monitoring these tests with long-range, ground-based cameras. Because these cameras track and capture flight tests occurring multiple kilometers away, the imagery collected is often degraded by the atmospheric turbulence between the camera and subject. In the summer of 2015, EM Photonics delivered the ATCOM TM-1, a rack-mountable system that is capable of taking a live HD-SDI video from a NASA long-range tracking camera, enhancing that video in real time, and outputting the resulting video in the same format; however, the current approach still requires user configuration to achieve the best results.<l>The focus of our work in this project will be on both automating system configuration to adjust automatically to changing system and scene parameters, as well as improving human factors related to operator's use of an inline video processing solution. The former requires research on methods for estimating turbulence and determining motion in complex videos with significant distortion and warping. In the course of this project, we will develop technology in four primary areas, each of which are useful in themselves but with the ultimate goal of including them as features in the ATCOM TM-1 system currently used by NASA AFRC."
1095,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H12.03-7975,Novel Methods for the Flexible Ultrasound System utilizing Augmented Reality Just-In-Time Procedural Guidance,"NASA's future manned spaceflight missions will require medical diagnosis and treatment capabilities that address both the anticipated health risks and perform well in austere, remote operational environments. Spaceflight- ready medical devices will need to be capable of an increased degree of autonomous operation, acquiring clinically relevant and diagnosable data by every astronaut, not just select physician crew members credentialed in spaceflight medicine. Ultrasound is a diagnostic and treatment technology that currently fulfills mission medical capability support on ISS and is planned to accompany future deep-space missions. The Flexible Ultrasound System (FUS) is a new platform that is currently being developed by NASA and research partners to support this mission role. We propose three specific aims for this project proposal for methodological development utilizing the FUS platform:<l>1.) Develop and implement a group of vascular diagnostic methods related to health conditions on the Exploration Medicine Condition List (Carotid assessments, DVT, Cardiogenic shock, sudden cardiac arrest secondary to traumatic injury) and vascular access procedural guidance (central venous or arterial cannulation) utilizing the exposed API for the FUS platform<l>2.) Implement an Augmented Reality (AR) user interface for these vascular methods that provides procedural guidance in acquiring and initially diagnosing sonographic data for one or more ultrasound procedures to enhanced degree of procedural competency.<l>3.) Prototype the integration of Volume Navigation on the FUS platform to allow for 3-dimensional ultrasound procedural guidance through the Head Mounted Display."
1118,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.03-7366 ,Plug-and-Play ATM-Centric Speech-Enabled Agent for SMART-NAS Testbed,"To accelerate the acceptance of new concepts developed under NextGen, the Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the National Airspace System (SMART-NAS) testbed, which enables integrated examinations of NextGen or beyond-NextGen concepts under distributed environment, becomes critical to the Air Traffic Management (ATM) community. To support human-in-the-loop (HITL) testing for NAS-wide simulation using SMART-NAS testbed, this proposal addresses the feasibility of constructing an ATM-centric speech-enabled agent as a plug-and-play service of the SMART-NAS testbed. This service addresses the gap of HITL testing that is currently limited to small regions of airspace and few airports with a small number of controllers and pseudo-pilots. Leveraged from our prior development on noise-robust speech recognition system for the Navy and virtual agents for NASA to support HITL simulations, an infrastructure of ATM-centric speech-enabled agent will be developed. A feasibility demonstration of the speech agent as a service component of the SMART-NAS testbed will be provided by the end of the Phase I research. Phase II work will utilize the infrastructure built in Phase I to expand the speech-enabled agent to a full-scale prototype that supports HITL testing for NAS-wide simulation using the SMART-NAS testbed."
987,Science,LaRC,2016,S1.01-8414 ,Spaceflight 1.94 micron Tm Fiber Laser Transmitter,"Fibertek proposes to develop a spaceflight prototype 1940 nm, 100 W thulium (Tm) laser suitable for NASA spaceflight and long-duration unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) missions. The proposal is innovative because it demonstrates 100 W of polarization maintaining (PM) performance at 1940 nm. We expect a 2x to 3x improvement in efficiency compared to available commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) unpolarized Tm fiber lasers, and the laser will be packaged for high reliability for spaceflight operation. This SBIR leverages commercial Tm laser technology, published scientific test data, available optical components, and Fibertek's validated Tm fiber laser model. A spaceflight 100 W PM Tm laser is enabling and provides a path to space for a pulsed, Q-switched 2 um Ho:YLF laser with up to 80 mJ/pulse at 100-200 Hz. Lidar performance design studies from a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite indicate that 80 mJ of pulsed 2 um energy enables the simultaneous measurements of CO2 and water vapor using Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) and global wind light detection and ranging (lidar). NASA laser experiments have shown the 100 W of 1940 nm peak pump power is needed to generate 80 mJ/pulse."
1001,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2016,H9.01-8407 ,High Speed Lasercom Signal Processing and Ground Station,"Space laser communications offer the promise and opportunity to downlink greatly increased data volumes from space as a supplement to radio frequency (RF) systems. The objectives of this SBIR support NASA's deep space and near-earth optical communications needs by developing and making key technologies available to spacecraft/instrument developers and ground station operators that scale data volumes dramatically at a cost point that enables operational use for NASA missions. We propose to develop a modular optical ground station architecture that can scale to hundreds of Gbps data rates from lunar and near-earth orbits in a gradual, low-cost, readably scalable manner accommodating the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) network standards and in the future supporting multiple protocols. This SBIR will also develop a spaceflight high speed Serially Concatenated Pulse Position Modulation (SCPPM) data channel encoder for the spaceflight modem and the complementary decoder for ground station use. Current and future space technology demonstration programs have been successful in maturing laser optical technology and have primarily focused on the space segment of the link. Fibertek will develop an integrated spaceflight and ground station optical communication architecture that provides NASA and/or its potential commercial suppliers with the ability to support hundreds of Gbps downlink. space missions with laser and lidar instrument payloads."
902,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.05-8104 ,DRG-Based CubeSat Inertial Reference Unit (DCIRU),"CubeSats currently lack adequate inertial attitude knowledge and control required for future sophisticated science missions. Boeing?s Disc Resonator Gyro (DRG) integrated into a DRG-based CubeSat Inertial Reference Unit (DCIRU) in conjunction with a star tracker or sun sensor would provide the Inertial Attitude Knowledge (IAK) and position measurements needed for precision acquisition, pointing, and tracking (APT) control. Accurate attitude and position measurements provided by the DCIRU would also be required for future CubeSat constellation or formation flying missions, and for laser communication between other CubeSat?s, other satellites or Earth. <l>There are currently no small Inertial Reference Units (IRU?s) suitable for CubeSats exist due to size, weight, and power constraints. The ATA/SNL Team is proposing the development of the DRG for potential integration into the DCIRU in Phase II. The highly symmetrical and scalable DRG disc standing wave design was selected by DARPA and NVESD as the only MEMS design capable of navigation grade performance. The DRG consists of a MEMS disk resonator that provides rotation sensing capable of both tactical and navigation grade precision."
1052,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H4.02-8142 ,Advanced Supported Liquid Membranes for Ammonia and Formaldehyde Control in Spacesuits,"With plans to transition to the Rapid Cycle Amine system for CO2 control in the Portable Life Support System used for extra vehicular activities (EVA), NASA has a need to improve the method for controlling trace contaminants, specifically ammonia (NH3) and formaldehyde (CH2O), which have the potential to exceed space craft maximum allowable concentrations (SMAC) by the end of the EVA. <l><l>A very simple way to remove ammonia and formaldehyde would be with a membrane that would allow ammonia and formaldehyde to escape to space vacuum while retaining oxygen (O2). Reaction Systems, Inc. (RSI) proposes to develop a supported liquid membrane (SLM) that incorporates a facilitated transport mechanism for the control of ammonia and formaldehyde in spacesuits. An SLM consists of a reactive liquid supported within a porous membrane and takes advantage of the difference in chemical reactivity between the compound of interest and oxygen to achieve the needed selectivity and permeation rate. In addition to reacting with the contaminant, the liquid must have extremely low vapor pressure to prevent loss by evaporation, and it must have low viscosity to allow diffusion across the membrane. As part of the development, RSI will prepare and characterize new functionalized liquid sorbents with near zero vapor pressure, and evaluate their effectiveness for ammonia and formaldehyde removal."
1079,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H2.01-7193 ,Diamond_Copper Materials Based Solution for Improved Engine Performance,"A Narloy-Z-diamond particulate composite providing increased thermal conductivity and light weight will be developed for use in liners for liquid rocket engine thrust chamber designs at similar cost to NarloyZ. Shortcomings of previous copper-diamond products have been poor resistance to thermal cycling and high cost. In the current work, attention will be given to developing a strong, chemically bonded metallurgical interface between the copper alloy and diamond phases to resist thermal cycle damage under operational conditions for the thrust chamber"
1007,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H8.04-7232 ,Aerogel-Ionic Liquid Hybrid Electrolytes,"NASA energy storage requirements for extended human and robotic missions to space require energy generating systems with high specific energy, high volumetric efficiency, greater reliability, reduced parasitic impedance, and low cost/ease of manufacture. Current lithium ion batteries cannot meet the energy requirements of these missions. Lithium-air batteries, where lithium directly reacts with air can potentially have specific energy in the range of in the order 5.2 X 103 Wh kg?1. Realizing such high performance metrics however requires significant advances in component design. The electrolyte to be used in lithium air batteries, for example, must be compatible with lithium metal, and have high ionic conductivity in the order of 10-3 Siemens/cm to achieve the promised performance metrics. MMI proposes a novel aerogel-supported ionic liquid electrolyte with very high ionic conductivity for use as electrolyte in high performance lithium air batteries. With ionic conductance in the range of milli-Siemens/cm, this electrolyte, when combined with appropriate electrodes can potentially be used to fabricate lithium air batteries with specific energies as high as 500 Wh/kg and volumetric energy densities in the order of 700 Wh/L."
1060,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H3.02-7349 ,Multipurpose Waste Disposal Bags for Heat Melt Compactor Application,"Trash bags from the International Space Station (ISS) are currently stored on-board until they are returned to earth for disposal. Alternate methods are seriously being considered for long duration missions such as travel to Moon and Mars. NASA Exploration Life Support system is currently developing an Heat Melt Compactor (HMC) for waste management for long duration missions. Using HMC, trash can be compacted into disks instead of allowing the trash-filled containers to occupy valuable space in the spacecraft. Such compacted trash can potentially be useful as radiation shields. In order to assist the HMC process, MMI will develop a multipurpose trash bag that will be capable of storing waste generated during travel in space. The waste bag will allow water vapor to pass through during hot melt compactor processing. The bag will also enable encapsulation of the compacted product and will be amenable for sterile storage. In the Phase I effort, waste container bags will be tested for containment of simulated trash typically used on a space mission. The waste container bag material will be tested for removal of water from the bag during the hot melt compaction process. After removal of water, the dehydrated solid compacts will be tested for the prevention of harmful microbial growth. In the Phase II effort, the waste bag material design and volume will be optimized to fit the NASA's hot melt compactor systems that will be used in long duration travels in space."
1154,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.09-7073 ,Thin-Film Hybrid Coating for Ice Mitigation on Aircraft,"Current aircraft utilize electro-thermal/mechanical protection systems to actively remove ice from vital aircraft surfaces. These systems have high power requirements and only protect certain areas of the aircraft; thus such technology is not considered for next generation vehicles as it will greatly diminish the allocation of power for other vital components. The accumulation of ice on an aircraft (airframe or engine components) results in a drastic decrease of performance (decrease in thrust and lift, increase in weight and drag). To this effect, Materials Modification, Inc. (MMI), proposes to develop a thin-film coating that will combat dynamic icing conditions with a two-part solution; in which the top layer coating consists of a smooth superhydrophobic coating to combat the supercooled water droplets and a base layer that consists of a smooth silicone elastomer to reduce ice adhesion strength from possible ice nucleation. Phase I efforts will be primarily dedicated towards developing and synthesizing the hybrid thin-film coating and evaluating its ice adhesion strength, coating durability, and surface morphology. Phase II efforts will build upon the results of the Phase I findings and incorporate the material/coating into NASA???s constructed vehicles such as UAVs, manned aircrafts, and next generation aerial vehicles (N+2)."
869,Science,JPL,2016,S4.05-7912 ,"Large-Area, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for Spacecraft Surface Sterilization for Planetary Protection","The planetary science community is interested in exploring solar system bodies with the potential for life detection, which requires technologies that implement Contamination Control for Planetary Protection. Currently, the only approved full-system microbial reduction method is dry heat microbial reduction, which requires heating of the spacecraft to high temperature for a fixed length of time at a specific humidity. While this technique is practical and effective, some state-of-the-art electronics and other thermally sensitive components make this technique unusable for certain materials.<l><l>One potential alternative technique for surface sterilization of a fully assembled spacecraft or components is the use of atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ), which has been an area of investigation within the biomedical community. The APPJ has the advantage that the plasma is ejected from a device (up to several centimeters) and travels to the surface to be sterilized. Eagle Harbor Technologies (EHT), Inc. is proposing to develop a large-area APPJ for spacecraft surface sterilization. EHT will leverage the previously developed EHT nanosecond pulser, which provides unprecedented control of output voltage, pulse width, and pulse repetition frequency. This capability will allow EHT researchers to develop and optimize an APPJ for surface sterilization."
1088,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H13.02-7827,Precision Eddy Current Sensor for Nondestructive Evaluation of Spacecraft Structures,"NASA develops and manufactures complex high-performance structures for space applications. In order to mitigate risk to equipment and crew, NASA needs nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques and sensors that are capable of detecting cracks and corrosion of structures when these defects reside below conducting and non-conducting surfaces. Eagle Harbor Technologies, Inc. (EHT) is developing an eddy current NDE tool based their high gain integrator developed for fusion science applications. The high gain integrator sensitivity is comparable with superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS), without the need for low temperature components. EHT proposes further evaluation and optimization to produce a NDE for NASA applications."
922,Science,GRC,2016,S3.02-8312 ,Green Monopropellant Propulsion for Small Spacecrafts,"One of the biggest obstacles preventing the widespread implementation of small satellites is the process of actually getting them into space. Current methods include hitching rides as secondary payloads. Although this initiative has provided significant new launch capacity for CubeSat-class spacecraft, it is not without issues, most specifically limited orbits and orbital lifetime. Many missions need higher orbits to perform their missions; and lower orbits are subject to atmospheric drag that may cause premature reentry. Safe and affordable miniaturized propulsion can overcome these limiting factors and is a high-visibility capability sought by the CubeSat community. Even basic capabilities to push in one direction will allow nanosats to remain in orbit longer, or allow a satellite placed into low-Earth orbit to nudge itself to a higher geostationary orbit. In support of this technological need, Plasma Processes will design, fabricate and demonstrate combustion of a miniaturized propulsion system compatible with non-toxic HAN- and ADN-based green monopropellants for small spacecraft propulsion. The use of advanced, non-toxic propellants can increase mission capabilities including longer mission durations, additional maneuverability, increased scientific payload space, and simplified launch processing. Adding propulsion will also enable de-orbiting of the satellite after completion of the mission."
1076,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2016,H2.02-7555 ,Joining of Tungsten Cermet Nuclear Fuel,"Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) has been identified as a critical technology needed for human missions to Mars due to its increased specific impulse (Isp) as compared to traditional chemical propulsion systems. A critical aspect of the program is to develop a robust, stable nuclear fuel. One of the nuclear fuel configurations currently being evaluated is a cermet-based material comprised of uranium dioxide (UO2) particles encased in a tungsten matrix (W). Recently, hot isostatic pressure (HIP) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) processing techniques have been evaluated for producing W cermet-based fuel elements from powder feedstocks. Although both techniques have been used successfully to produce W cermet fuel segments, the fabrication of full-size W cermet elements (>20) has proven to be difficult. As a result, the use of W cermet segments to produce a full-size W cermet fuel element is of interest. However, techniques for joining the segments are needed that will not lower the use temperature, damage the UO2 particles, or compromise the nuclear performance of the fuel. For these reasons, joining of the segments using braze or weld techniques is not desired. Therefore, diffusion bonding techniques will be developed during this investigation for producing full-size nuclear fuel rods from W cermet segments. To promote diffusion during solid state bonding, different refractory metal interfacial coatings will be evaluated."
851,Space Technology,MSFC,2016,Z3.01-7698 ,Selective Laser Ablation and Melting,"In this project Advratech will develop a new additive manufacturing (AM) process called Selective Laser Ablation and Melting (SLAM). The key innovation in this project is the implementation of laser micromachining - guided by high resolution surface profilometry - as a subtractive method for making in-process corrections to traditional SLM builds. Currently such an approach to hybrid AM has not been created, but will significantly advance the state-of-the-art for advanced metallic materials manufacturing. <l>The SLAM process will build a layer of a part by conventional SLM, immediately determine deviations from intended part tolerance - which may result either from normal limits of SLM resolution or errors in powder spreading - and then use the micromachining laser to correct those deviations before continuing to the next layer of the build. Unlike other AM processes, SLAM will be able to produce micron-precision features and smooth surfaces on complex internal part structures that cannot be obtained by any other means. It will also produce high resolution external surface features and minimal roughness levels that will require little or no post-processing. Finally, by elimination of small build errors in situ, before they can propagate into larger errors, it will greatly enhance reliability relative to traditional SLM methods and current hybrid AM methods, leading to higher part confidence, better process documentation (LLP data can be stored to inform digital thread records and digital twin models), and thus easier part certification. <l>A new AM process with these improvements has been identified an area of need for NASA, where current processes struggle to produce validated, defect free parts in a reliable fashion. By achieving these improvements SLAM will also reduce costs and lead-time. Manufacturing possibilities are increased as well by enabling micro-AM components or internal features."
936,Science,GSFC,2016,S2.04-7686 ,UltraForm Finisher Optical Mandrel Fabrication,"The requirements for cost effective manufacturing and metrology of normal incidence and grazing incidence X-Ray optical surfaces is instrumental for the success of future NASA programs such as LISA, WFIRST, NGXO and X-ray Surveyor. Our plan in this Phase I effort would be to implement our UltraForm Finishing (UFF) (a sub-aperture compliant wheel and belt type polishing process for rapid material removal from the ground/machined state to a finished work piece), with a new work piece rotary axis configuration. The UFF rapidly removes residual grinding & cutter marks and sub-surface damage, while providing a robust solution for surface corrections on the required X-ray mandrels and cylindrical shells. Our UFF process was initially developed for high speed finishing of hard ceramic plano components and is now producing impressive test results for smoothing of critical aspheric components. OptiPro's technologically advanced optical manufacturing capabilities, along with our strong university and industry partnerships, gives us a very strong team and a clear path towards developing and commercializing the platforms which solve the difficult challenges associated with the fabrication of these large complex mirrors and cylindrical shells. The fabrication of shells with the electroforming process and glass replication process require very accurate mandrels. The proposed Phase I plan will include the design, manufacture and assembly of a precision rotary axis. The rotary axis will be tested on a host OptiPro UFF optical fabrication platform while polishing an Aluminum Mandrel. The part geometry will be measured with OptiPro???s ???UltraSurf??? a non-contact free-form measurement system. We envision that the work done during Phase I will be extended during Phase II to hyperbolic or elliptical shaped mirror surfaces. This research will position us with the information needed to develop the machine platforms needed for the fabrication and test of large mirrors and mandrels."
1050,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H4.03-7597 ,Speaker Driver and Wireless Transciever ASIC,"A robust and reliable wireless communication system capable of surviving the harshness and radiation of space is required for future space missions. Current EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) communications systems are out dated and in need of an overhaul. Silicon Technologies Inc. (STI) proposes to design a wireless communication ASIC that will include audio DACs, ADCs, and a Dual-band WLAN as well as speaker drivers for a complete communication solution. To minimize design and layout time, STI shall use its ADONIS Rad Hard by Design Analog Cell Library (RADL). RADL contains the basic components required for the design of the ASIC including radiation hardened by design operational amplifiers, voltage references, analog transistors, resistors and capacitors. STI has developed a revolutionary new design tool, ADONIS, which will be used for this ASIC design. One of the key benefits of using STI's ADONIS technology is that it provides NASA Rad Hard technology that is portable to new processes and will extend the potential life of the program by ensuring that the design can be manufactured in a new fab if the existing fab closes. Additionally, ADONIS can do this at a lower cost with reduced risk compared to existing design technologies. In Phase II, STI shall take the feasibility design in Phase I, build a prototype ASIC, and test the silicon electrically before and after radiation exposure. Other advantages of the patented ADONIS design technology are: (1)Consistent cell structures with Rad Hard design, (2)Reduced mask costs by 80% using conventional techniques, (3)Repeatable structures which control leakage, (4)Interactions between cells are known at design time, (5)Faster design cycle resulting in a savings of more than 2x standard design time, (6)Portability between different CMOS processes (7)Noise and IR reduction due to a proprietary power and ground mesh, (8)1D approach, and (9)Compatible with future Ebeam Direct Write Technology when it is commercialized."
978,Science,JPL,2016,S1.02-8474 ,640 GHz Heterodyne Polarimeter,"This proposal is responsive to NASA SBIR Subtopic S1.02: Microwave Technologies for Remote Sensing, specifically the interest in the development of a 640 GHz Heterodyne Polarimeter with I, Q, U Channels. Suitably compact, light-weight and power efficient heterodyne instruments are required to enable polarimetric measurements for microphysical parameterization of ice clouds applicable to NASA's planned Aerosol, Cloud and Ecosystems (ACE) mission. VDI will develop and demonstrate a compact heterodyne receiver technology that achieves the polarimetric capability required for ACE and other atmospheric remote sensing instruments throughout the frequency range from 100 GHz to about 1 THz. Through the Phase 1 effort, VDI will demonstrate the feasibility of achieving the 640 GHz polarimetric receiver capability required by NASA. This effort will include the development and characterization of a 640 GHz orthomode transducer (OMT), the demonstration of a 640 GHz low-noise amplifier, and the assembly and testing of a complete polarimetric receiver. Although the Phase 1 prototype will use discrete components (OMT, LNA, mixer, and multipliers); all of these components will be designed for full integration in Phase 2."
929,Science,GRC,2016,S3.02-7519 ,Non-Catalytic Thruster for High Performance Advanced Monopropellant,"Systima Technologies, Inc. has demonstrated a low power non-catalytic ignition technology for advanced green monopropellant thrusters operating with HAN-based monopropellant AF-M315E. This technology is also well suited for other HAN-based or ADN-based monopropellant formulations, such as LMP-103S, and will provide increased performance and new operating regimes for future NASA missions. The non-catalytic ignition system is a critical component for future high thrust in-space rocket engines operating with Ionic-salt based monopropellants, offering robust thruster design, higher chamber operation pressures, and cold-start capability. The proposed Phase I and Phase II programs will develop a model anchored with hot-fire test data and optimization of the ignition system and integrated thruster design to achieve performance targets for identified platforms."
847,Space Technology,JSC,2016,Z5.01-8101 ,The Station Manipulator Arm Augmented Reality Trainer,"One of the most demanding and high-stakes crew tasks aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is the capture of a visiting spacecraft by manual operation of the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System (SSRMS, or Canadarm2). The cost of a missed capture or improper arm/vehicle contact is likely to be very high. Since these operations may be performed up to six months after the most recent ground-based training, crews aboard the ISS prepare for such manual robotic tasks with the Robotics On-Board Trainer, a laptop-based graphical/dynamic simulator using NASA Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphic (DOUG) software from Johnson Space Center's Virtual Reality Laboratory. This system, however, does not utilize any real-world, 3-D, out-the-window views. Building upon recent advances in head-mounted augmented reality systems, the team of Systems Technology, Inc. and Dr. Stephen Robinson of UC Davis propose the Station Manipulator Arm Augmented Reality Trainer (SMAART) that will offer ISS crews significantly more realistic on-board refresher training for vehicle capture by manipulating the actual SSRMS with real out-the-Cupola-window views, but with a graphically-simulated vehicle overlaid on the astronaut's non-simulated view via a head-mounted display. Providing multi-sensory realism in on-board training for such high cognitive-demand skills is expected to increase crew readiness and therefore reduce operational risk for visiting vehicle capture."
1166,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.05-8105 ,Defining Handling Qualities of Unmanned Aerial Systems,"Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) are here to stay and operators are demanding access to the National Airspace System (NAS) for a wide variety of missions. This includes a proliferation of small UAS that will operate beyond line of sight at altitudes of 500 feet and below. A myriad of issues continues to slow the development of verification, validation, and certification methods that will enable the safe introduction of UAS to the NAS. These issues include the lack of both a consensus UAS categorization process and quantitative certification requirements including the definition of UAS handling qualities. Because of a lack of quantitative data, attempts to address core problems thus far have failed to achieve consensus support. Currently the UAS arena includes traditional airframers, established UAS manufacturers, academic institutions, and many newcomers such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook that see UAS as a means to other commercial ends. The program described herein does not propose to address the entire verification, validation, and certification problem, but instead to address the important need to define UAS handling qualities in both remotely piloted and autonomous operations with an end product being the UAS Handling Qualities Assessment Software System, a toolbox that will guide UAS stakeholders through a systematic evaluation process. The process begins with classification. Because of the wide variety of vehicle types and size there cannot be a one-size-fits-all set of requirements. Given an appropriate classification, missions are next considered wherein they are broken down into specific task elements. These mission task elements are then used to identify specific criteria that predict handling qualities analytically and test demonstration maneuvers that verify handling qualities in flight. Feasibility of this process will be demonstrated in Phase I with existing physics-based UAS analytical models and flight test data."
1151,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.09-8557 ,In-Flight Ice Accretion Hazard Mitigation with Low Surface Roughness Aluminum Airfoil,"Icing is a major problem for the aviation industry, but it has proven to be a difficult problem to solve as the physical processes that lead to icing are complex and interdependent. Recently, it has been shown that a 4X reduction in surface roughness resulted in a 250% decrease in ice-adhesion strength. Super polishing aluminum slurry and pad technology has been used in preliminary tests to polish aluminum airfoils to rms surface roughness levels to 100 nm and below. An aluminum surface polished to 10 nm surface roughness exhibited a 73% reduction in temperature adjusted ice adhesion strength at 1.7 psi. Designed experiments on polishing will be conducted to optimize the surface roughness that yields the lowest ice adhesion strength. Subsequently, the TiN erosion/corrosion coating will also be super polished after deposition to equivalent low surface roughness levels. The manufacturing process can be optimized for time and cost efficiency. A hybrid solution consisting of low surface roughness, a TiN erosion/corrosion coating, and thermal energy is proposed for icing mitigation."
1099,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H11.01-7730,Process and Tool Innovation for CAD Integration with OLTARIS,"NASA uses computer aided design (CAD) capabilities to produce space vehicle designs. One aspect of the vehicle design is utilizing enough shielding to minimize dose on personnel. Currently, there is no set process for using NASA CAD models in NASA???s transport code, HZETRN. XL Scientific will develop a ray tracing tool that converts STEP files to an XML input for OLTARIS, which contains HZETRN. This tool will carry geometric, material and density information and automate the process. By doing so, less human intervention will be necessary to run radiation transport problems and NASA personnel can produce results at a much faster rate. This effort will analyze the properties of a poorly defined and well defined CAD model to create the foundations of a process for automating the entire CAD to transport process. Success in this task will mitigate months of human effort per spacecraft design. XL Scientific has produced CAD/radiation transport capabilities in the past and have identified additional uses for CAD integration in radiation transport codes. This innovation is not limited to calculating dose on personnel; one major additional function is to calculate dose on electronics for other potential NASA applications."
1171,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.04-7670 ,Colliding-Jet Fluidic Actuators for Active Flow Control,"We propose a novel method of producing sweeping jets using a simplified geometry that is very short in stream-wise length and no feedback channels inside. This rugged design is expected to be more efficient, occupies about 50% less space (and hence less weight) when scaled-up compared to the existing feedback-oscillator-based actuators and hence offers advantages in developing a flow control system that can be more suitable for integration into aerodynamic configurations. <l><l>In Phase I, we propose to optimize the geometry for stable operation with high momentum output, and minimum streamwise length. Scaling studies will be conducted for the best design to obtain scaling laws for scale-up to full-scale. We will also develop concepts of actuator arrays with integrated plenum chamber. In Phase II, we plan to demonstrate the use of these actuators for flow control in a blended wing or on a thin airfoil flap."
1175,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.03-7624 ,Fluidic Fuel Flow Modulation for Active Combustion Control,"We propose a novel method of high frequency, high control authority fluidic modulation of pilot fuel flow to enable implementation of active combustion instability control (ACIC) either by feedback control or decoupling of the heat release frequency with that of the resonance frequency of the combustion chamber. The possible rugged design of the fluidic device permits its installation in the harsh environment right upstream of the fuel injector thus enabling closer coupling for high-fidelity control action. The method also provides a means of accurate measurement of fuel flow metered through the device. In Phase I, we propose design, fabrication and testing of two fluidic methods of pulsing the fuel ??? one method is driven by a fluidic oscillator and a second method by a vortex diode using an externally triggered pulse for phase controlled pulsations. In Phase II, based on the obtained performance characteristics and the customer needs, we will down-select the best of the options for further development."
1125,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-7644 ,Autonomous Air Traffic Reporting and Operations for UAS,"A hardware/software solution for autonomous reporting of flight operations of a UAS is proposed. Such a system would enable the UAS to report identity, position, and other information to local human and autonomous traffic and air traffic controllers in an autonomous manner, in legacy terminology. This will improve the overall safety of UAS operations, and lead to easier integration of UASs into the national airspace system. In Phase I, the hardware will be developed and flight tested on a manned platform. In Phase II, refinements to the design will be implemented, and the system will be readied for production."
1126,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-7176 ,SDR-Based MicroADS-B for Low Altitude Small UAS Operations,"ADS-B is emerging as the defacto standard for manned aircraft in the context of NextGen ATM. There are several advantages to ADS-B, but most ADS-B gear was developed for manned aircraft, and some smaller versions have been developed for UAVs recently. However, even the smallest currently-available ADS-B transponder is still about 250g, which is not suitable for small UAVs, such as those becoming popular for civilian use in the US. KalScott proposes to develop a micro ADS-B unit, which is light enough, inexpensive enough, and uncomplicated enough that it can be adopted readily for small civilian UAVs."
1172,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.04-7639 ,Flow Control on a High Lift Airfoil Using High-Bandwidth Microactuators,"High-lift airfoils employ trailing edge flaps during takeoff and landing and are stowed during the cruise. These airfoils enhance the lift characteristics at subsonic speeds but suffer due to flow separation over the deflected flap surface. During cruise at transonic speeds, the shock induced separation results in drag penalty and structural fatigue. Traditionally, high-lift airfoils employ multi-element flaps to eliminate flow separation during takeoff and landing but at the cost of increased mechanical complexity and aircraft weight. Active flow control (AFC) has the potential to mitigate flow separation and enhance performance. The objective of proposed study is to design, develop, validate and implement a closed-loop, high-bandwidth active flow control technique. The technique will be based on high-momentum, resonance-enhanced unsteady microjet actuators and implemented on an NASA-EET high-lift airfoil configuration. Under the proposed program we bring a team of experts with the requisite knowledge and tools needed for successful development and implementation. We will deign and build a high-lift airfoil to suit the FSU polysonic wind tunnel for testing at high subsonic and transonic speeds (Mach 0.3 - 0.9). We will implement and demonstrate the applicability of Adaptive Sampling-Based Model Predictive Control (SBMPC) to control flow separation."
1178,Aeronautics Research,GRC,2016,A1.02-7604 ,Advanced Analytical Tools for the Characterization of Fundamental Jet Noise Sources and Structures,"There is a need for innovative technologies and methods for noise reduction, noise prediction, and noise diagnostics. A comprehensive approach to reducing noise from any flow is predicated on a clear understanding of noise sources, i.e., the turbulent flow itself. Although much has been discovered in the last several decades about the connection between turbulence and noise, the heuristic element of the analysis has prevented the development of breakthrough noise mitigation technologies. For example, it is known that larger structures are responsible for shallow-angle noise, and the formation of shocks at supersonic speeds results in a new mechanism of noise production due to the passage of turbulent structures, However, the precise mechanism by which this transformation occurs is not known. High-fidelity datasets that capture the above phenomena whether from simulation or experiment are increasingly accessible, and need to be harnessed in better ways. With this in mind, analytical tools must be used and developed to extract the most useful information from the data. Tool such as Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Stochastic estimation, Wavelet decomposition, Empirical Mode Decomposition, Dynamical Mode Decomposition and Doak?s decomposition have been shown to be useful for extracting such information. At present however, different practitioners use these tools differently, which makes the task of assimilating the data very difficult. The goal of the present effort is to develop a user-friendly software suite that unifies these advanced techniques to provide a standard approach. The development will be integrated with testing by exploring noise sources in ongoing experimental and computational rectangular and an axisymmetric multi-stream jet campaigns."
1114,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.03-8048 ,Automated Real-Time Clearance Analyzer (ARCA),"The Automated Real-Time Clearance Analyzer (ARCA) addresses the future safety need for Real-Time System-Wide Safety Assurance (RSSA) in aviation and progressively more trusted autonomy as will be explored in NASA's SMART-NAS and SASO within the Airspace Operations and Safety Program (AOSP). ARCA builds on recent advances in probabilistic (Bayesian) network modeling and the rapid expansion of big data capabilities. The application of ARCA that we propose to develop, ARCA-A, performs safety analyses of approach clearances based on multiple sources of relevant real-time data, such as real-time aircraft data, weather data, past and current operations data, and crew data. ARCA-A provides intelligent risk assessment of clearances over the lifetime of the operation, from planning to clearance delivery. As it matures, ARCA can play a range of roles at increasing levels of autonomy and authority. Initially, once it has trained to the level of generating insight, it can be used to identify hot spots in the NAS or in a region (specific areas, procedures, aircraft types, or times of day when risks increase) on a daily or weekly review basis. Next, it could be deployed to air traffic managers, dispatchers, or other users with real-time operational oversight. With further integration, it could optionally display real-time informational warnings on ATC displays, flight displays, or dispatcher screens. Eventually, ARCA could play a foundational role in automated clearance selection and delivery. For research purposes, in this project we propose to design and begin development of a specific ARCA-A application. The primary focus of the research will be core algorithms, information integration, performance, and feasibility. ARCA is a promising new concept that represents a major step forward in aviation safety from static, forensic, manual methods toward real-time, prognostic, automated capabilities, the end result of which will be safer and more efficient operations."
1128,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.01-8505 ,Integrated Multi-Mode Automation for Trajectory Based Operations,"Air Traffic Management's lack of support for aircraft with different capabilities is a long standing and persistent issue that can limit the ability of the National Airspace System (NAS) to take full advantage of advanced aircraft capabilities. To fully utilize the variety of Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) concepts planned for the NAS, some of which utilize advanced aircraft capabilities for implementing trajectories, an air traffic controller (ATC) must be able to simultaneously support a variety of TBO concepts using different aircraft automation systems to fly the desired trajectory. To accomplish this, the ATC needs automation support to simplify the inherent complexities of using a variety of different TBO concepts and trajectory implementation strategies and provide the controller with the tools needed to execute the desired trajectories, maintain situational awareness at all times, and support off-nominal situations. As depicted in Figure 1, IMMA (Integrated Multi-Mode Automation) provides the automation to simplify the inherent complexities of using multiple TBO concepts by focusing the controller interactions on common core functions (e.g., the initial clearance, compliance monitoring) that all TBO concepts must support. For example, monitoring compliance for an aircraft using speed/path to control delivery time at a metering point is different than monitoring compliance for an aircraft executing Flight Interval Management (FIM) which maintains a time-based spacing interval with another aircraft. Using IMMA, the controller doesn't need to track compliance differently for the two different implementations because the automation accounts for the difference and simply informs him if an aircraft is out of compliance."
977,Science,JPL,2016,S1.03-7310 ,Novel Read-Out Integrated Circuit with Individual Pixel Programmability for Astronomy Infrared Focal Plane Arrays,"One of the key components in many NASA missions is a large-format focal plane Focal Plane Array (FPA) to capture images or 2 dimensional, hyperspectral information, especially in the Infra-Red (IR) domain. Apart from the detector, the performance of these FPAs is determined by the Read-Out Integrated Circuit (ROIC) that amplifies and multiplexes photo generated charge for signal processing by peripheral circuitry.<l>In this project we propose to develop a new ROIC for low background applications, specifically designed to overcome present limitations of image persistence and inter-pixel capacitance (IPC). The main innovation in this project is an adaptive unit cell that can be individually and randomly programmed via on-chip logic to control bias state and reset duration of any pixel in the array while the integration of science data is on-going.<l>In Phase I we will conduct a pixel trade study and performance evaluation for a Capacitive Trans-Impedance Amplifier (CTIA) and a source follower per detector (SFD) type pixel using analog circuit simulations. Then we will generate the optimum unit cell layout, define the overall architecture and create the top level schematic. By the end of Phase I we will have completed the blue prints for the design. The completion of the top level schematics, verified through simulation, is a critical milestone in the development. It substantially reduces the risk associated with creating new ROIC technology and will allow us to efficiently fabricate and test the device in Phase II. All results from Phase I will be documented in a preliminary Interface Control Document (ICD) so that the new ROIC can be considered for future missions.<l>In Phase II we will produce the layout of the entire chip for fabrication using stitching lithography in a state of the art CMOS foundry and demonstrate its functionality on packaged prototypes. By the end of Phase II wafers of a known good ROIC design will be available for hybridization."
908,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.04-7731 ,Airfoil Controlled Glide and Directional Control,"There is a growing desire for recovery systems that provide extended cross range capability and are steerable to enable precision landing of payloads. Using a recovery system that enables landings to specific coordinates can dramatically reduce suborbital flight recovery costs, future space return flight costs in the Earth's atmosphere. It also has potential in the Mars' atmosphere where a lightweight, low volume flight system such as a parafoil can increase the range of motion across the planet with increased lift or reduced drag.<l>A fabric ram air canopy can be dramatically lighter weight than a foldable composite system while still being able to provide long range glide and descent rate control. Wizbe Innovations has developed a unique, lightweight fabric system to control airflow in textile based ram air canopies.Controlling the airflow provides glide and directional control to improve steering, potentially increase lift, and potentially reduce opening shock. Another potential advantage to moving the controls into the canopy is that it reduces field logistics by reducing retrieval to only the parachute canopy. Wizbe's controls are located within the parachute and have no winches, pulleys and wires outside the canopy."
1156,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.08-8296 ,"High-Repetition-Rate Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering for Velocity, Density, and Temperature Meas","Subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic ground test facilities are used extensively to evaluate forces and moments as well as surface measurements on test articles required to validate computational tools used to extrapolate wind tunnel data to realistic flight conditions and hardware. The development of fast and noninvasive instrumentation and measurement capabilities that can readily be integrated into the extreme environments is one of several major technological challenges associated with the design, building, and operation of these complex test environments. Accurately mapping velocity flow fields-undoubtedly one of the most critical parameters-remains a significant challenge. In addition, spatially and temporally resolved measurements of other flow parameters such as density, pressure, and temperature are of paramount importance. This proposal offers an integrated package of truly cutting-edge, multidimensional, seedless velocimetry and multi-flow-parameter diagnostics for wind tunnels and ground test facilities. The concepts and ideas proposed are ranging from proof-of-principles demonstration of novel methodologies using 10-100 kHz-rate nanosecond (10-100 nsec) duration burst-mode laser sources for measurements in realistic tunnel conditions. The proposed high-repetition-rate Rayleigh scattering which is suitable for any wind tunnel testing involving various gases is a state-of-the-art technique for analysis of unsteady and turbulent flows."
972,Science,JPL,2016,S1.03-8095 ,VIS-NIR Lightweight Spectrometer for the Sun and the Moon,"EPIR Inc. and Brimrose Technology Corporation propose a miniaturized spectrometer covering the 0.35 to 2.3um wavelength range by integrating a Hg1-xCdxTe (MCT) - based photodetector (PD) with an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). The goal is to achieve 4um spectral resolution with wide dynamic range to measure both the Sun's and the Moon's radiometric characteristics. Currently the best known infrared photon detectors used for spectroscopy are based on MCT. With an adjustable bandgap and little lattice mismatch, MCT photon detectors with high quantum efficiency are sensitive to a very broad spectral range. The proposing company, EPIR, is the leading small business in MCT growth, characterization and focal plane array (FPA) fabrication. The spectroscopic filter is an important component of any spectrometer. Compared with other technologies, e.g. Michelson or Offner interferometers, the proposed AOTF offers high spectral resolution, with the advantages of high speed, programmable waveband selection flexibility, and arbitrary wavelength step size. An AOTF has no moving parts and can be integrated with a MCT photodetector monolithically. The biggest advantage of the proposed spectrometer is its compact system design that reduced size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP), offering significant benefits to the payload as well as in the operation of missions."
859,Space Technology,GSFC,2016,Z1.01-8436 ,Characterization and Mitigation of Radiation and High Temperature Effects in SiC Power Electronics,"Future NASA science and exploration missions require significant performance improvements over the state-of-the-art in Power Management and Distribution (PMAD) systems. Space qualified, high voltage power electronics can lead to higher efficiency and reduced mass at the system architecture level, and serve as an enabling technology for operational concepts such as solar electric propulsion.<l>Silicon carbide (SiC) is a robust technology with superior electronic properties for power applications. SiC devices offer higher temperature operation, lower on-resistance, higher breakdown voltages, and higher power conversion efficiency than Silicon power devices. However, high vulnerability to heavy-ion induced degradation and catastrophic failure has precluded this promising technology from space PMAD applications. Importantly, physical mechanisms for this vulnerability are not well understood, resulting in the inability to develop radiation hardened SiC devices. <l>CFDRC, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University and Wolfspeed, a Cree company, will utilize a coupled experimental and physics-based modeling approach to address this challenge. In Phase I, we will perform heavy ion testing of commercial Wolfspeed SiC Schottky diode and power MOSFET to generate response data. Detailed TCAD models for the diode will be developed, validated, and applied to identify physical mechanisms behind measured radiation response. In Phase II, we will focus on SiC power MOSFETs and perform additional heavy ion and total dose testing as a function of temperature and bias. Extensive TCAD modeling will be performed to identify radiation and temperature dependent response mechanisms, and to investigate device structure/process modifications for improved radiation hardness. Promising solutions will be prototyped followed by electrical/radiation characterization. Participation by Wolfspeed in Phase II and beyond will ensure superior space-qualified, SiC power MOSFETs for NASA applications."
920,Science,GRC,2016,S3.02-8435 ,Propellant Gelation for Green In-Space Propulsion,"Concerns in recent years about the toxicity and safe handling of the storable class of propellants have led to efforts in greener monopropellants and bi-propellants. CFDRC has worked with researchers in designing and synthesizing propellants called ionic liquids. These are generally not as high-performing as traditional storables and still have toxicity issues. Other work by CFDRC and Army researchers (among others) has demonstrated that gelling of liquid propellants, even toxic hypergols, can enhance their insensitive munitions (IM) properties to a significant degree. Besides the IM benefits, gelling of the fuel allows the suspension of ultrafine particles that both densify the propellant and add to the combustion energy, and thereby the specific impulse.<l><l>CFDRC proposes to combine these research elements into a comprehensive assessment in Phase I to determine the degree to which the gelation of innovative propellant combinations can enhance the system benefits, including performance, safety, and launch costs. Then in Phase II, the desired propellants will be obtained or synthesized, and then gelled. A liquid apogee motor-class thruster will be fabricated and the gelled propellants will be hot-fired in the thruster for evaluation. The end Phase II will focus on identification of opportunities to transition and integrate this technology into NASA, DoD and commercial product lines, with special emphasis on NASA secondary payload propulsion applications."
879,Science,JPL,2016,S4.02-7734 ,Miniaturized Interrogation System for Marsupial Rover Sensing Tether,"Luna proposes to continue development of its marsupial rover sensing tether (MaRS Tether) technology by miniaturizing the sensor's interrogation system. Luna is currently engaged in a Phase II SBIR with NASA JPL (contract NNX13CP33P) to develop a revolutionary technology that monitors the distributed tension, curvature, and path of a tether that connects a marsupial rover robot to its base station. This sensing tether turns a passive cable that provides power and communication into a powerful tool that provides information about the health and state of both the rover and the tether, alerting the base station to possible pinch points, snagged cables, or high tension due to poor traction or steep slope encountered by the rover. Luna proposes to miniaturize the interrogation system of the MaRS Tether to enable JPL to realize the full potential of the rover. Reducing the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of the tether system will allow the rover to be tested in multiple realistic scenarios. In addition, miniaturization is the first step in preparing the entire sensing tether system for flight-readiness for missions to Mars, asteroids, and the rest of the Solar System."
1022,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H7.01-8143 ,Flexible Gap Filler for Ablative Thermal Protection Systems,"NASA's Orion spacecraft will serve as the exploration vehicle that will carry a crew to space, provide emergency abort capability, sustain the crew during the space travel, and provide safe re-entry from deep space return velocities. Planetary aerocapture and entry requires that the crew vehicle be equipped with a Thermal Protection System (TPS) comprised of lightweight, high performance ablator materials. Materials current under development include felt or woven material precursors impregnated with polymers (i.e. PICA) and/or additives to improve ablation and insulative performance, along with the block form of Avcoat ablator. There is a need for advancements in polymers for use in bonding and/or gap fills for tiles of advanced TPS for extreme entry conditions. The ideal binder would be a flexible, low glass transition temperature polymer with a high decomposition temperature/char yield (comparable to phenolic) and a high (>1%) strain-to-failure that is compatible with cured epoxy, phenolic, and/or cyanate ester. Engineers at Luna have developed a novel copolymer elastomer that has a very low glass transition (< -100 degrees F) and a decomposition temperature on par with typical phenolic ablatives. This resin can be highly filled to tune ablative properties and is compatible with glass and carbon fabric substrates."
1038,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H5.03-7999 ,Integrated Structural Health Sensors for Inflatable Space Habitats,"Luna will partner with Dr. Daewon Kim and Dr. Sirish Namilae of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University to develop a multifunctional structural health monitoring solution for lightweight composites used in long duration space habitats. A combination of fiber optic sensors, for strain and temperature monitoring, and piezo resistive sensors, for impact detection, will be utilized to provide a flexible and lightweight health monitoring solution. Luna's high definition fiber optic measurement system utilizes low cost optical fiber to report strain or temperature points every 1.25 mm to 5 mm along the sensing fiber. Fiber can be embedded in the composite materials to detect changes in the structure and predict early onset of failure, prior to visible damage. The piezo resistive sensors will be mounted on flexible soft goods materials. During Phase 1, Luna will fabricate a small-scale expandable composite test article and demonstrate the ability to sense strain using embedded optical fiber and detect impact events using surface mounted piezo resistive sensors. During Phase II, Luna will demonstrate a solution that fuses data from both sensing techniques into one platform for a cohesive SHM solution. Phase III will focus on transitioning the technology to NASA and NASA affiliates such as Bigelow Aerospace."
1112,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H1.01-7981 ,In-Situ Generation of Polymer Concrete Construction Materials,"Expanding the capability of human exploration is a primary goal for NASA and the In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) program which focuses on transforming available material resources on extraterrestrial surfaces into usable materials and products. By identifying, collecting, and converting local resources into products that can reduce mission mass, cost, and/or risk, a sustainable manned expedition to Mars becomes closer to reality. Bulk or modified regolith can be combined with a binder as a concrete aggregate to form a construction material that can be extruded into bricks or slabs for structures, shelters, landing pads, roads, and shielding. With this goal in mind, researchers at Luna have identified a polymer concrete formulation based on urea-formaldehyde (UF) that can be pressed into high compressive strength interlocking bricks suitable for construction. Luna???s binder system can also be produced in-situ from feed gases identified by NASA (N2, H2, CO2) while generating O2 and water. If successful, these UF polymers are also expected to have additional use in the production of plastic parts or components to support mission sustainability."
1165,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A1.06-7988 ,Rapid In-Place Composite Rotor Damage Detection,"Luna Innovations is proposing to develop the Rapid In-Place Composite Rotor Damage Detection (RIPCoRDD) for determining and tracking the structural health of composite rotorcraft blades. There is a need for accurate, reliable assessments of rotor condition, particularly for damage which may not be visible from the surface. The RIPCoRDD system is designed such that it will result in absolutely no increase in weight, power consumption, or volume of the rotorcraft. The core of the RIPCoRDD device is a unique, distributed, fiber optic strain sensor which provides spatially dense strain measurements (every 1.25-5 mm) within the composite structure of the blade, coupled with a ground based installation of Luna?s proven instrumentation. During Phase I Luna (with guidance from a rotorcraft OEM partner) will demonstrate the ability to detect and characterize damage which occurs in sample composite structures. During Phase II Luna will mature the technology to TRL6 by testing the system in a complete rotor. Commercialization will focus on transitioning the technology first to OEM manufacturers for non-destructive inspection applications, followed by deployment to rotorcraft end users for lifetime monitoring and diagnostics."
992,Science,LaRC,2016,S1.01-7292 ,Compact High Pulse Energy Single Frequency Fiber Amplifier,"Atmospheric methane is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas. The overtone lines of methane at 1.65 micron are well suited for remote sensing of atmospheric methane in the Earth's atmosphere. NASA have already demonstrated ground-based and airborne methane detection using Optical Parametric Amplifiers at 1651 nm using a laser with a narrow linewidth. In this setup a single frequency pulsed laser near 1 micron wavelength with several mJ pulse energy is needed. We propose to develop a compact pulsed single frequency fiber laser with greater than 3mJ pulse energy and 30ns pulse width using our innovative Yb-doping fiber. Highly efficient Yb doped glasses will be developed, double cladding fibers will be designed and fabricated, the amplifier performance will be characterized. In Phase II we will build a deliverable prototype high energy and high peak power fiber laser system for NASA."
993,Science,LaRC,2016,S1.01-7291 ,Polarization Maintaining Ho-Doped Fiber Amplifier,"The laser absorption spectrometer approach offers the potential to provide the high-accuracy carbon dioxide mixing ratio measurements with the vertical and horizontal spatial resolution that is desired by the carbon cycle research community. It is generally agreed that 2.05 micron wavelength absorption band of carbon dioxide can offer good differential absorption optical depth. An amplifier with output power of 15W is needed to burst the output power for airborne and space applications. We propose to develop a high average power polarization maintaining single frequency Ho-doped 2.05 micron wavelength fiber amplifier with output power of 15W by developing innovative radiation hardened Ho/Tm-co-doped silicate glass fiber. In Phase I we will demonstrate radiation hardened Ho/Tm co-doped silicate glass fibers, and PM fiber amplifier with greater than 10W output power."
946,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.09-7386 ,Low Loss Superconducting Magnets Operating at 15 - 40 K,"This proposal responds to the technological challenge of design and manufacture of shielded superconducting magnets generating 3-4 T at temperatures > 15 K. An efficient ADR or AMRR system is likely to be a multistage stage system having magnets operating at different temperatures. Known superconductors that can operate at > 15 K are: 1) YBCO tapes, 2) Bi2223 wires, 3) Bi2212 wires, 4) MgB2 wires, and 5) Nb3Sn wires. Our Phase I project will have the following technical objectives: a) development and testing of high current density low loss Nb3Sn wires, b) study of AC losses of shielded HTS ADR magnets, and c) development of magnet subcomponents with low eddy current losses. We expect our work on high critical current density low AC loss Nb3Sn wires to come to a successful fruition in the Phase I, and expect our Phase II R&D to be entirely dedicated to development of shielded HTS and MgB2 magnets."
1119,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.03-7315 ,Integration of 4D Airline Operation Control Systems into NextGen and the NAS,"WxOps patent pending OpsTablet(TM) software and 4D geospatial data are used by Hawaiian Airlines to achieve unprecedented Airline Operation Control (AOC) in a geobrowser-based Common Operating Environment (COE). Dispatchers and pilots coordinate flight operations in real time using identical Google Earth based visualizations on desktops and tablets both on the ground and in the cockpit during flight. Google has unilaterally deprecated critical functionality which causes the latest versions of the Google Earth application to be unsuitable for FAA regulated flight operations. Additional unilateral changes to Google licensing terms are impacting applications for international transportation, particularly for flight operations in Asia. WxOps has anticipated the need for an alternate geobrowser, and has tested NASA World Wind open source components for critical functionality needed at Hawaiian. NASA World Wind provides the equivalent or superior performance for critical functions when compared to Google Earth. WxOps proposes to enhance and harden NASA World Wind open source to achieve and potentially exceed the equivalent of Google Earth best practices. This includes the introduction of a COM API software interface for coupling of NASA World Wind with WxOps OpsTablet(TM) and other flight operations software. A successful outcome will provide a reliable geobrowser capability which can serve transportation community applications in the years to come without fear of deprecation by an uninterested commercial interest. WxOps proposes to: <l>A. Evaluate NASA World Wind Open Source for geobrowser equivalent of current geobrowser (Google Earth). <l>B. Prototype a World Wind based Application that demonstrates critical and required Common Operating Environment (COE) functionality. <l>C. Build a support community including Commercial Airlines Associations for continued support. <l>D. Share the COE Application with the support community."
980,Science,JPL,2016,S1.02-7872 ,mmWave PolyStrata(R) High Power Compact Transceiver,"In response to NASA SBIR Topic S1.02 on Microwave Technologies for Remote Sensing, Nuvotronics is pleased to propose a Phase I program focused on delivering an Ultra-compact W-Band High Power Transceiver. Our proposed plan is to take advantage of our PolyStrata??? ultra-low loss micro-coax transmission lines, high power high efficiency GaN power amplifier and Low Noise Amplifiers to provide a transceiver with over 10 Watts of CW RF power and with less than 6dB of received Noise Figure. The integrated PolyStrata micro-coax assemblies allow for a paradigm shift in design and manufacturing of advanced microwave and millimeter wave components supported by ultra-low loss transmission lines (0.03 dB/mm at 94 GHz), ultra-wideband (no cut-off), very high isolation (>80 dB) and no dispersion. This together with the highest functional density, integrated thermal management, scalability in power handling and frequency of operation enable novel architectures to be built in which the usual performance tradeoffs would no longer be necessary. In recent years, Nuvotronics has demonstrated multiple high power SSPAs from 30 GHz to 240 GHz, enabling mmW components using the disruptive PolyStrata micro-coax technology. Our architecture will also offer excellent thermal management using the PolyStrata bulk copper thermal conductivity of 400W/mK and the 3D RF backplane routing, which allow heat sink integrated directly under the MMICs for efficient heat spreading."
1136,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2016,A2.02-8065 ,Tool for Collaborative Autonomy,"Over the last 25 years, UAS have proven to be very valuable tools for performing a wide range of operations such as environmental disaster relief, search and rescue operations, wildfire suppression, multi-robot planetary exploration, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), precision agriculture, and weather forecasting. Envisioned missions often involve executing several different activities, sometimes simultaneously, where agents (Unmanned air, sea surface, or ground vehicle) must coordinate and interact with each other to perform the requisite tasks. Agents within these networked teams are usually heterogeneous, possessing different resources and capabilities, and some agents are better suited to handle certain types of tasks than others ? this leads to different roles and responsibilities within the mission. In other scenarios, independent vehicles, each with their own goals, must operate in the same space without interfering with one another . Ensuring proper coordination and collaboration between different agents is crucial to efficient and successful operations, motivating the development of autonomous planning methods for heterogeneous networked teams. Reducing the necessity for perfect communication is also critical.<l><l>Since operations involve dynamic environments, with situational awareness and underlying models changing rapidly as new information is acquired, so planning strategies must be computationally efficient to adjust solutions in real time. We propose to develop the Tool for Collaborative Autonomy (TCA) that will provide an automated planning capability that routes assets to optimize overall airspace utilization (e.g. in traffic management scenarios) or operational effectiveness (e.g. in cooperative scenarios), and to ensure spatial and temporal deconfliction/synchronization of the team under dynamically changing environments while considering cost factors (e.g. fuel and time), available resources and network constraints."
1163,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A1.06-8494 ,Distributed Contact Solver for 3D Dynamics Simulation of Drive Systems with Defects,"We propose a novel computational method for generating data needed to create decision strategies for condition-based monitoring algorithms that can effectively differentiate between a healthy system and different types of defects in a damaged system. Currently, the only means available to generate this data are physical testing which is time consuming and expensive, and simplified computer models- either lumped parameter models or 2D models.<l>The most advanced current computational model of drive systems with surface and crack damage can only be deployed on stand-alone computers. The existing contact algorithm relies on shared memory between CPUs, and quickly saturates memory bandwidth. We propose innovative modifications to the algorithm so that models may be efficiently deployed on very large clusters of computers connected by high speed networks. These changes will make possible realistic time-domain 3D modeling of drive systems with surface and crack damage."
959,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.07-7223 ,Compact Methane Sensing Lidar for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,"Even though gaseous methane (CH4) is a comparatively sparse constituent in Earth???s atmosphere, it is the third most impactful greenhouse gas after water vapor and carbon dioxide, and the second most important in terms of anthropogenic drivers. Methane is some 60 times more effective than CO2 in absorbing long-wavelength radiation, because the methane absorption lines in that part of the spectrum are less saturated and have less overlap with water vapor lines. Natural and agricultural sources of methane continue to dominate, but are difficult to separate and quantify. World-wide, rice cultivation, biomass burning, ruminant farm animals, and fossil fuel mining and usage have long been the most powerful drivers, but with climate change these sources could be dwarfed in the future by the release of enormous quantities of methane from melting permafrost and/or methane hydrates currently buried deep in ocean sediment. Innovative new remote sensing technologies need to address the atmospheric methane concentration measurement problem for NASA and other applications.<l><l>Beyond Photonics proposes to investigate specific very compact pulsed lidar designs near the 1.645-micron wavelengths of interest by NASA for atmospheric methane (CH4) and potentially water vapor in the same nominal wavelength region. Specifically, methane concentration from moderate-sized unmanned aerial vehicles of NASA???s choice will be a focus; this application puts particular emphasis on decreasing size, weight, and prime power (SWaP) and eliminating active laser component cooling. Particular emphasis will also be placed on ensuring that the lidar designs are compatible with scaling to space qualification in future such programs. Emphasis will also be placed on technical approaches with good operational flexibility in terms of pulse energy and duration, frequency agility, and application to other IR and SWIR wavelengths."
994,Science,LaRC,2016,S1.01-7246 ,Compact 2-Micron Transmitter for Remote Sensing Applications,"Beyond Photonics proposes to develop a highly compact, efficient next-generation single-frequency pulsed transmitter laser for current and future NASA missions focused on laser remote sensing in the short-wave infrared wavelength region near two microns. More reliable and compact sources of this type are required for NASA and commercial/military applications such as terrestrial and airborne Doppler winds, long-range measurement of molecular CO2 and H2O concentrations in the atmosphere, and identification and tracking of fast moving hard targets (e.g. space debris, asteroids, docking). We will emphasize the use of small but powerful lasers operating near 2 ?m and capitalize optimally on solid-state laser designs recently developed at Beyond Photonics as well as our team?s extensive past experience with this specific laser technology. Efficient, compact hybrid approaches using bulk solid-state pulsed transmitters followed by doped-fiber amplification will be a focus to reach flexible performance on the order of 200 ?J/pulse, 0.5-8 kHz PRF, which can serve as an effective transmitter for many applications as-is in both coherent or direct detection lidar architectures, or which can be increased via further amplification as needed. Operationally flexible Q-switched and injection seeded operation compatible with several different applications with differing requirements will be emphasized. Very compact efficient MO laser technology will also be exploited and a prototype MO delivered in Phase I. Techniques will be explored to increase output pulse duration to narrow the transform-limited pulse spectra while maintaining very compact laser cavity length. These innovations will apply directly to current NASA missions and instruments (Doppler lidar, IPDA, LAS) and accelerate commercial development and availability of practical ground-based and airborne systems (e.g. compact airborne CO2 concentration-measuring instruments) at BP and elsewhere."
1073,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H2.04-7581 ,Bubble Free Cryogenic Liquid Acquisition Device,"Recent results of fundamental capillary fluidics investigations conducted aboard the ISS have targeted families of geometries with direct application to Liquid Acquisition Devices for low-g propellant management. NASA's exploration goals will demand low-g cryogenic propellant management for the Exploration Upper Stage and other vehicles. The specific geometric requirements of a LAD providing bubble-free cryogenic rocket engine flows of 37L/min may now be readily determined using closed-form expressions validated from archived ISS investigations. In this effort we provide the precise geometric specifications and margins for a passive capillary fluidic LAD for cryogenic fluid management for in-space transportation. We will provide design tools such that dimensions may be tuned to adapt to changes in requirements, propellants, tank geometry, materials, flight, etc. We will employ the SE-FIT software to determine all a/symmetric global minimizing surfaces and myriad stability limits as functions of acceleration environment magnitude and orientation with special considerations for orbit and coast with drag, gravity gradient, spacecraft mass center, and self-gravitation. We will confirm predictions with experiments performed employing accurately-scaled devices in a drop tower. Our long term commercial interest is the broad deployment of our method to design highly configurable devices for a broad range of commercial aerospace tankage uses."
1168,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.05-7521 ,Robust Prediction of High Lift Using Surface Vorticity,"Research in Flight is proposing to advance the capabilities of its surface vorticity solver for aerodynamic loads on subsonic aircraft to include more robust solutions for high lift configurations. A compelling capability to accurately calculate lift for high lift configurations such as the NASA EET geometry and the DLR-F11 geometry. Generally, there is an upper limit on lifting surface incident angle past which potential flow solvers such as FlightStream can no longer accurately predict the lift due to flow separation. Furthermore, FLightStream does not currently have the functionality to include features for delaying flow separation such as blown flaps. The inclusion of a pressure difference rule has indicated great promise for using FlightStream ultimately to predict maximum lift coefficient given a reliable model for the separation. This adaptation of FlightStream to ""CLmax"" calculations is not broadly applicable because of the required empiricism based on discrete pressure points on a wing for a limited number of configurations. For the proposed work, separation criteria will be developed based on a more fundamental physics based analysis driven by surface vorticity rather than limited correlations to surface pressure. This approach will involve three phases of effort. The first phase of the effort will involve simply predicting whether or not flow separation has occurred on the wing to a significant enough level to affect lift. This will give rise to a simple ""CLmax"" calculation. The second, more advanced phase will identify the flow separation line on the wing based on a maximum allowable vorticity value, and the third phase of the effort will include the release of vortex filaments along this line of separation, resulting in a highly advanced approach for high lift prediction. This effort will be supplemented by blown flap functionality, robust weight estimates for the high lift system and a high lift system design optimization capability."
1133,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2016,A2.02-8328 ,Compact High Power 3D LiDAR System for (UAS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems,"Eotron has introduced a high performance 3D Time-of-Flight Laser illumination source based on its patented silicon packaging technology originally developed to improve power and brightness in high-power diode laser modules. Using proprietary design, fabrication and thermal management techniques, Eotron has developed a compact Laser illumination source that achieves a high pulse modulation rate and peak power output with fast rise times. This technology allows for real time 3D imaging and ranging using higher peak power and pulse rate to provide both long distance and high resolution imaging. Eotrons 3D Time-Of-Flight (TOF) technology will add new dimensions and capabilities to a seemingly endless number of applications. Whether it is for collision avoidance systems for manned or unmanned air or ground vehicles, surveillance system?s intruder detection or identification, robotic vision or artificial intelligence, all can benefit from this technology. Add to this that the technology is Wafer Scale Production ready, lowering the cost of production in volume."
1158,Aeronautics Research,LaRC,2016,A1.08-7188 ,Small Sub-Micron-Particle Position-Resolving Laser-Doppler Velocimeter for High-Speed Flows,"The technical objectives of this proposed work are to develop and prove the use of LDV and CompLDV for particle-position-resolving and flow velocity profile measurements using small sub-micron particles or facility-residual particles in higher speed test flows, making use of new hardware capabilities, miniature optical probe head designs for versatile use in facilities and models, and signal processing techniques that have not been simultaneously implemented. With the optical system feature, the expected results from this multi-SBIR-Phase work are improved low-collected-light LDV technology and a completely functional multi-velocity-component CompLDV system that can be used with only facility residual or small sub-micron seeding particles in low-speed and high-speed flow facilities for low uncertainty particle position and low uncertainty velocity profile measurements. Methods to generate 50 to 200 nanometer particles and clean evaporating particles for in situ local seeding in flow facilities appear to be possible and need to be examined for practical implementation in NASA facilities. Phase-Doppler anemometry signal processing will be used to determine the size of larger particles. The known measurement volume fringe light intensity variation for the LDV and CompLDV and light scattering theory also will be used to determine an estimate of particle size."
1061,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2016,H3.01-8576 ,Innovative Microbial Surface Sampler,The QS Team will develop an Innovative Microbial Surface Sampling (IMSS) device design and provide prototype kits for use in the International Space Station (ISS). The sampler will meet key design characteristics including: design based on QS?s BisKit macrofoam sponge; able to withstand Gamma irradiation and/or autoclave; allow sampling up to 1M2 in a single sample; contain up to 15 ml of buffer within the sampler and not release buffer during sampling at low pressure (8 psi); designed so as to allow a small sample of buffer to be extracted while in the ISS for local plating; be as compact as possible; have a two year shelf life; easy for ISS staff to use; stable in storage for up to six weeks; certified sterile and have a verified DNA background ? below 1000 rRNA gene copies.
973,Science,JPL,2016,S1.03-7569 ,High-Temperature Superconducting Thin Films for IR Detectors,"The development of the microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) has renewed interest in bolometric infrared detectors based on thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) high temperature superconductor (HTS). A compelling advantage of HTS bolometers is that they can be operated at temperatures of around 50 K, which significantly reduces the complexity of the cooling requirements.<l>To be viable for large-scale production of HTS bolometer detector arrays, high-quality, thin YBCO films are required on large-area Si wafers for increased throughput and to fabricate the membrane structures that support the YBCO bolometers. YBCO deposition on Si requires optimized MgO buffer layers deposited using ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). Currently there is no domestic commercial source for YBCO films. In Phase I, we propose to improve the uniformity of currently available YBCO films on Si, and to design an innovative reactive co-evaporation system for the deposition of high-quality films of YBCO on large-area substrates that will be built and commissioned in Phase II."
1002,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2016,H9.01-8402 ,Superconducting Magnesium Diboride Thin Films for Ground Receiver Detectors,"Superconducting films of magnesium diboride (MgB2) are very attractive for a range of detector and telecommunications applications owing to the high critical temperature of these films, ~40 K, which greatly simplifies the cooling requirements. We propose to develop a reactive evaporation technique for the deposition of MgB2 thick films on wafers up to at least 4"" diameter, and an etch back and passivation process to produce high-quality thin films that are needed for the development of superconducting single photon detectors (SNSPDs) and THz hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixers. Currently there is no domestic commercial source for MgB2 films; the only commercial source we are aware of is an overseas vendor that can supply films only on very small (<1 cm2) chips. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the feasibility of the etch back and passivation process and design the reactive evaporation system, in Phase II we will build the reactive evaporation system and develop a wafer-scale process for the deposition and production of MgB2 films."
1110,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H1.01-8072 ,Extraterrestrial Metals Processing,"The Extraterrestrial Metals Processing (EMP) system produces ferrosilicon, silicon monoxide, a glassy mixed oxide slag, and smaller amounts of alkali earth compounds, phosphorus, sulfur, and halogens from Mars, Moon, and asteroid regolith by carbothermal reduction. These materials, in some cases after further processing with other in-situ resources, are used for production of high-purity iron and magnesium metals (for structural applications), high purity silicon (for photovoltaics and semiconductors), high purity silica (for clear glass), refractory ceramics (for insulation, thermal processing consumables, and construction materials), and fertilizer (from phosphorus recovered from carbothermal reduction exhaust gases). Carbothermal reduction also co-produces oxygen at yields on the order of 20 percent of regolith feed mass when integrating downstream processes to recover and recycle carbon. Many of the EMP products can be prepared in a fashion suitable for casting or additive manufacture methods and have broad application in support of advanced human space exploration. The EMP methods are based on minimal reliance on Earth-based consumables; nearly all of the gases and reagents required for processing can be manufactured from Mars in-situ resources or can be recovered and recycled for applications using Moon or asteroid resources."
934,Science,GSFC,2016,S2.04-7976 ,Low Coherence Wavefront Probe for Nanometer Level Free-Form Metrology,"We propose an innovative, low coherence probe for rapid measurement of free-form optical surfaces based on a novel method of spectrally controlled interferometry. The key innovations are the use of a new interferometric modality and a novel non-contact optical probe that together measure high surface slope acceptance angles to nanometer sensitivity. When the probe is integrated with a precision motion, x, y, & z metrology frame (Phase II) (see Figure-1), it will meet NASA's need to measure free-form optical surfaces from 0.5 cm to 6 cm diameter ranging from F/2 to F/20, including slopes up to 20 degrees (with potential for 60 degrees), with an uncertainty targeted at 2 nm RMS. The probe operation does not require tilting to measure slopes. This results in this simplified cartesian metrology frame, also critical to achieve 2 nanometer measurement uncertainty. These features: nanometer resolution and 20 degree slope acceptance angle, have up to this time not been found in a single probe or sensor, non-contact or contact. This proposal integrates the spectrally controlled source and breadboard probe developed under a previous SBIR to develop a practical detection method reading the technology for a successful SBIR Phase II project."
1039,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H5.03-7546 ,Non-Invasive Environmental Sensing System for Lifecycle Management (NIEL),"SDC???s Non-Invasive Environmental sensing system for Lifecycle management (NIEL) can be integrated during manufacture of composites making up habitats and space structures to provide up to the minute environmental data on the system over the entire lifecycle of the part from the moment the first ply is laid down to the time when the structure is retired. The NIEL system will include a network of strain, thermal, radiation, and damage sensing fiber optic sensors that are seamlessly embedded at various depths within the composite plies, tows, or weave making up the structure. In this Phase I SBIR, SDC will design, analyze, manufacture, and test a non-invasive fiber optic sensor embedding manufacturing process that provides unparalleled manufacturing and performance data at each ply depth within the part. The process will be non-invasive such that the embedding process is an integral component of the composite material, the fiber optic sensors do not induce failure initiation, and the sensor connector ends are ingressed/egressed from the part through a robust capillary compatible with the resin matrix. SDC will evaluate the embedding processes for survivability and performance and test the integrated parts to demonstrate the capability of the NIEL system for space structure lifecycle management."
1093,Human Exploration and Operations,LaRC,2016,H13.01-7712,Algorithms for Structural Dynamics Based Fiber Optic Strain Gage Health Monitoring,"San Diego Composites Inc. (SDC) will develop techniques for the reduction and analysis of fiber optic data with a focus on developing associations between frequency domain behavior and structure aging and damage. The algorithms would relate changes in frequency domain behavior to changes in material energy interaction due to quantified material property change. The algorithms will also be coupled with visualization techniques which can help show changes in structural behavior compared to the baseline. In addition, the proposed algorithms would couple with fiber optic strain gage research that SDC is performing on other SBIR programs with a focus on the development of an integrated fiber optic SHM system. SDC believes that maintaining a focus on the full-scale system helps to better shape and direct the work on each component part of the system."
857,Space Technology,JSC,2016,Z2.01-7864 ,"Compact, Lightweight, Non-Venting, Phase-Change Heat Exchanger","Future exploration spacecraft will need to operate in extreme thermal environments, with highly variable conditions for heat rejection by thermal radiation. Thermal storage is a critical technology for these missions, since it enables the spacecraft's thermal management system to be sized for average conditions instead of the least favorable. We propose a new technology for thermal storage based on an innovative, non-venting phase-change heat exchanger. Creare's technology overcomes some of the key limitations of phase-change heat exchanger technology. Our design maximizes the amount of phase-change material, eliminates large thermal resistances due to the poor thermal conductivity of the phase-change material, and accommodates differences in solid vs. liquid volume without a heavy structure. In Phase I we will prove the feasibility of this approach through thermal, fluid, and structural analysis; assessment of critical trade-offs; proof-of-concept demonstrations; and design of a prototype phase-change heat exchanger sized to meet requirements for future space exploration missions. In Phase II we will design, build, and demonstrate operation of the prototype phase-change heat exchanger."
858,Space Technology,JSC,2016,Z2.01-7858 ,"Closed-Loop, Non-Venting Thermal Control for Mars EVA Suits","NASA seeks new thermal control technology for EVA suits on Mars. The system must be closed-loop and non-venting, have negligible impact on the Martian environment, and be capable of operating under Mars surface conditions. We propose to develop a space evaporator/absorber/radiator (SEAR) system with innovative features that will enable operation on Mars. The system uses a regenerable water absorption cooling system that rejects heat entirely by radiation. The key innovation needed for operation on Mars is an enhanced absorption process that enables thermal radiation at increased temperatures. In Phase I we will prove the feasibility of our approach through thermal/fluid/mechanical analysis and assessment of design trade-offs, proof-of-concept experiments, and design of a prototype SEAR for Mars. In Phase II we will build a prototype system and demonstrate its operation under conditions that simulate the Martian surface."
898,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.07-7413 ,"An Efficient, Reliable, Vibration-Free Refrigerant Pump for Space Applications","NASA's future remote sensing science missions require advanced thermal management technologies to provide effective cooling for multiple instruments and reject heat through multiple radiators. Two-phase pumped loops are an ideal solution for these applications. A critical need for these pumped loops is a refrigerant pump that reliably circulates very slightly subcooled liquid refrigerant in the loop. To this end, Creare proposes to develop an efficient, vibration-free pump that has design features to prevent cavitation in the pumping chamber and in the hydrodynamic fluid bearings, and thus enables the pump to achieve a long service life. The development of the refrigerant pump will be built on Creare's proven high-speed turbomachine technologies for space applications. In Phase I, we will prove the feasibility of the refrigerant pump by developing a preliminary pump design, predicting its overall performance, and demonstrating its key features by testing. In Phase II, we will optimize the pump design, fabricate the pump, demonstrate its steady state and transient performance in a representative pumped loop, and deliver it to NASA JPL for further performance evaluation."
945,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.09-7871 ,A 10 K Multistage Cryocooler with Very Low Vibration,"Advanced space-borne instruments require cooling at temperatures of 10 K and below. These coolers will be used for as upper-stage cryocoolers for sub-Kelvin cryocoolers and instruments or the primary cooler for electro-optical instruments. Cooling loads for these detectors will range from 0.25 W to 1.0 W at the primary load site, with additional loads at higher temperatures for other subsystems. Due to jitter requirements, a cryocooler with very low vibration is required. In addition, a multistage cooler, capable of providing refrigeration at more than one temperature simultaneously, can provide the greatest system efficiency and lowest mass. Turbomachine-based Brayton cryocoolers are ideal candidates for these applications because they are highly efficient, lightweight, vibration-free, multistage compatible, and have long maintenance-free lifetimes. Creare has developed state-of-the-art components needed to create turbo-Brayton cryocoolers for these missions. During the current program, we propose to develop and demonstrate a two-stage cryocooler that provides refrigeration at 10 K, with additional cooling at 60 to 70 K. On the Phase I project, we will optimize the performance of an existing cryocooler for a particular NASA mission class and measure its performance. During the Phase II project, we plan to build an advanced cold-stage turboalternator, integrate it with the cryocooler and measure its performance at cold load temperatures as low as 10 K. We will use the test results to develop a design for a fully optimized, flight cryocooler."
1072,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H2.04-7766 ,A High Efficiency Cryocooler for In-Space Cryogenic Propellant Storage,"NASA is considering multiple missions involving long-term cryogen storage in space. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen are the typical cryogens as they provide the highest specific impulse of practical chemical propellants. These cryogens are stored at temperatures of nominally 20 K for hydrogen and 90 K for oxygen. Due to the large size of these tanks, refrigeration loads to maintain zero-boil-off are high, on the order of 10's of watts at 20 K and 100's of watts at 90 K. Space cryocoolers have been developed for cooling space sensors that have modest cooling loads and are not suitable for high capacity applications. On this program, we propose to develop a high capacity turbo-Brayton cryocooler that provides 150 W of refrigeration at 90 K. On the Phase I project, we will design the cryocooler, assessing the size, mass, and performance, and assess development risks. On the Phase II project, we will develop and demonstrate a critical cryocooler component. In Phase III, we will build and demonstrate an engineering model cryocooler. Successful completion of this project fills a clear void in space cryocooler technology."
888,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.09-8009 ,3D Printed Composite-Z and Graded-Z Radiation Shields (CoGZ-Rad),"Composite-Z and Graded-Z Radiation Shields (CoGZ-Rad) uses novel multi-material 3D printing techniques to fabricate a cost-effective and lightweight radiation shielding comprised of polymers and polymer composites. CoGZ-Rad relies on advancing the concept of the graded-atomic number (graded-Z) radiation shielding by utilizing new materials and materials configurations to form graded-Z, composite-Z, and compositionally graded-Z radiation shields utilizing lightweight and low cost polymers to increase the lifetime of COTS electronics in the space environment. Printing for the CoGZ-Rad effort requires a novel additive manufacturing technique in the form of multimaterial 3D printing through a single 3D printer nozzle which assists in materials mixing and the dilution of the composite 3D printer feedstock. This will allow for any of the materials configurations to be printed without a large number of materials or printer feedheads to be required. In addition to the 3D printing advancements, we will also be building a physics design tool to assess shield performance with respect to single event effects and single event upset. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the feasibility of CoGZ-Rad as a radiation shield through laboratory fabrication and testing. In phase II, we will demonstrate flight qualification of the technology to TRL-6."
999,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H9.02-7583 ,OpenSWIFT-SDR for STRS,"SWIFT is a small-form factor, highly-capable software-defined radio (SDR) platform whose strength lies in its flexible and modular hardware and software interfaces. TUI proposes to augment this existing, proven platform to make it compatible with the Space Telecommunication Radio System (STRS) architecture and other open standards. Furthermore, TUI proposes to leverage other ongoing work in the area of high-gain antenna pointing and electrically-steered antenna (ESA) control to augment these existing standards with antenna pointing and multi-antenna abstraction interfaces. The proposed STRS augmentations and ?OpenSWIFT-SDR? architecture will allow them to scale to large, multi-body networked systems, especially systems operating at multiple frequencies with multiple, steered antennas. The large existing code-base, availability of mature hardware solutions, and the ability to operate coherently at S-, X-, K-, and Ka-bands while connecting to multiple antennas makes SWIFT an ideal platform for both TUI and others to develop the next generation of communications architectures and protocols for current and future NASA missions."
1033,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H6.01-7743 ,Modular Advanced Networked Telerobotic Interface System (MANTIS),"With the goal to reduce astronaut time required to maintain experiments on the ISS and aid advances in vision processing and robotic arm control technology, TUI proposes to collaborate with NanoRacks to develop a ""Modular Advanced Networked Telerobotic Interface System"" (MANTIS) that will integrate an existing robotic arm in a NanoLabs payload on the ISS. The MANTIS system will reducing crew member burden for performing NanoLab experiments by enabling automated and/or supervised teleoperated operation of the Plate Reader, MixStix, and other systems in the NanoRacks instruments. The MANTIS development effort will leverage an existing KRAKEN robotic arm, integrate existing hardware and develop open source software to perform experiments on the NanoRacks platform. To aid design and integration in a Model Based Design (MBD) framework this SBIR will also develop an open simulation framework and tools, leveraging the Robot Operating System (ROS) environment. MANTIS will also enable advances in vision processing and arm control algorithms for the ISS by giving researchers an open software framework to develop on MANTIS. The Phase I effort will develop a detailed design for MANTIS. The Phase II effort will build MANTIS and mature it to TRL-6 through integrated testing with the KRAKEN arm and NanoRacks hardware aboard the ISS. NanoRacks has agreed to collaborate with us in these efforts to enable integration of MANTIS with their experiment platform, and will be our transition partner for Phase III commercialization."
1083,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H14.01-8013,ERASMUS: Food Contact Safe Plastics Recycler and 3D Printer System,"One of the goals of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) from 2012 is to ???utilize the ISS for developing the systems and protocols necessary to humans to venture beyond low Earth orbit for extended durations???, and with the push from Congress in 2015 to build a deep space habitat for a Mars mission by 2018, the goals of HEOMD are increasingly important to meet. ERASMUS will enable these goals by providing a technology suite which is both a trash recycling unit and a microbial sterilizer. The ERASMUS technology suite contains a plastics recycler, dry heat sterilizer, and 3D printer that accepts previously used utensils, trays, and food storage containers, sterilizes these pre-used materials, recycles them into food grade 3D printer filament, and fabricates food contact safe 3D printed parts. This effort intends to minimize the requirements for resupplying and/or storing excess wet wipes, utensils, food containers, and waste. It also intends to improve astronaut health and safety by providing utensils which are truly sterile and free of harmful contaminants for long duration missions. In the phase II effort, we will further enable the goals of HEOMD by expanding ERASMUS to provide a medical grade 3D printer."
916,Science,GRC,2016,S3.03-7462 ,"Monolithic Power Integrated Circuits for Merging Power Electronics, Management, and Distribution","APIQ Semiconductor proposes development of a scalable, wide bandgap (WBG) monolithic power integrated circuit (MPIC) technology for power electronic conversion, management, and distribution. The proposed WBG microelectronics are to be based upon low defect, homogeneous gallium nitride (GaN) based materials using native GaN substrates. The technology to be developed will replace silicon power switches and drivers in power electronics systems to yield high efficiency, high density, reliable module based systems. Inclusive in the proposal are devices for 1200 V or more power switching and digital integration. Devices will be evaluated for high temperature and heavy ion radiation hardness, with performance improvements over competing technologies expected from low materials defects and carefully managed electric field profiles."
935,Science,GSFC,2016,S2.04-7737 ,Advanced X-ray Telescope Material System,"Peregrine proposes the combination and use of of Be-38Al, electroless nickel plating, and single point diamond turning to create precision x-ray grazing optical surfaces. Large x-ray telescopes will demand large, high stiffness, and lightweight substrates to provide rigidity to support the production of nested optical surfaces while requiring accurate alignment through the use of stable support structures. Ideally, these nested x-ray mirrors would be of heavy metal, microns in thickness and be self-supporting through launch, this is currently impractical. However, near ideal x-ray optics can be produced with the low density material of Be-38Al backing a thin layer of electroless nickel with precision single point diamond turned surfaces. The use of Be-38Al can yield lightweight, precise, and stable substrates. Coefficient of thermal expansion matching electroless nickel can be deposited thinly on top of the Be-38Al substrates, and then single point diamond turned to optical finishes. In addition, Be-38Al is a proven structural material that can be readily fabricated into precision members to create support structures to align and create entire large, athermal x-ray telescopes."
1015,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H8.01-7759 ,Liquid Interface Diffusion Bonding of FPS Heat Pipes to Core,"Peregrine proposes the development of ???Liquid Interface Diffusion??? (LID) bonding to be the joining method to provide a homogeneous connection between the heat pipes and cores of Fission Power Systems (FPS). This innovation will create a high strength, high temperature and high integrity (homogeneous) joint between the Hanes 230 alloy comprising the NaK heat pipe wall and U-8Mo core. This homogeneous joint will allow for high efficiency heat transfer from the core to NaK heat pipes with no voids or separations that can act as thermal shunts that will become hot spots/cold spots at the heat exchanging surface that could lead to dead spots, or potential sites for thermal runaway. The creation of a high efficiency joint allows both the core and the heat pipe to both operate at their optimum performance supplying a maximum and balanced thermal load to the hot side of the sterling engines making up the operating component generating electricity within the Fission Power System."
1016,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H8.01-7742 ,Multi-Layer Radiation Shields,"Peregrine will develop a Multi-Layer Radiation Shield (MLRS) that will provide the equivalent insulation of a 30 layer 1.25??? thick MLI blanket in the vacuum of space but on the surface of Mars. MLRS will provide superior properties to MLI but in a much smaller profile, MLRS can be accurately modeled and simulated so it is predictable, it can be pre-qualified, provide higher performance with no outgassing, and, when placed onto the exteriors of systems, can provide micrometeorite protection. The use of MLRS will, in a thin cross section, provide thermal isolation of the core of Fission Power Systems (FPS) to the environment of Mars. This will allow the FPS to operate at its intended design level; maintaining the heat within the core by creating a high performance insulation with an effective emissivity of less than 0.01 and an effective thermal conductivity of less than 0.005 W/mK."
1120,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-8237 ,Innovation in the Sky,"This proposal presents a scope of work to develop a total product solution for Beyond Visual Line of Sight [BVLOS] Unmanned Aerial Vehicle [UAV] operations. Our focus is on technology development to increase the safety and efficacy of the commercial UAV air transportation system. The goal is to improve autonomous and safe UAV operations for the first/last 50 feet (and beyond) under diverse weather conditions.<l><l>In particular we focus on a UAV electronics package to provide the following system solution: a) BVLOS communications; b) track/locate; c) sense/avoid; d) long endurance flight; e) long range command/control; f) remote imaging and g) first person video. The solution we propose has a reasonably clear path to regulatory approval for spectrum and flight certification.<l><l>First and foremost, the regulatory agencies need to be satisfied that the industry is safe. To be safe we need to develop autonomous [and semi-autonomous] concepts that can be scaled into today's airspace operations. Second, there are still features missing from a whole product solution. The commercial world invests in productivity improvements - anything less is simply too much work for the potential customer. <l><l>We believe that it is possible to design/build a small, relatively inexpensive UAV that can a) reliably and ubiquitously communicate it's location vector; b) avoid obstacles; c) fly for more than 2 hours; d) do hover and horizontal flight; e) be commanded even outside of terrestrial radio line of sight; f) send back targeted high resolution images and g) (maybe) provide first person video. <l><l>We suggest in the interest of time-to-market, an initial focus on semi-autonomous UAV flight instead of full autonomy. Semi-autonomous flight permits a human in the loop for unusual events and extraordinary situations that are difficult to plan (like the first/last 50 feet). Fully autonomous flight is likely not worth that substantial incremental investment."
955,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.07-7494 ,"Compact, Robust, Low Power High Sensitivity Gas Sensor","Miniaturized gas sensors with high sensitivity that are compact, low power and low weight are needed to support for NASA's airborne science missions, particularly those utilizing the Global Hawk, SIERRA-class, Dragon Eye or other unmanned aircraft. These UAV gas sensors are intended as calibration/validation systems for space-based measurements and/or to provide local measurements not available from space-based instruments. <l>In this SBIR program, Amethyst Research will develop a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) gas sensor that is capable of measuring multiple gases with absorption in the Mid to far infrared spectra with high accuracy. The envisioned system will be compact, light weight and operate at low power with detection discrimination in the ppb range. The system???s performance is made possible by Amethyst???s recently developed high sensitivity narrow band infrared detector that can be tuned to detect only light in the absorption band of the individual gas. This unique detector enables a low cost / low power infrared source to be used to measure individual gas concentrations at high accuracy by measurement of the absorption of the gas's unique absorption band in this spectral region. Multiple detectors, each tuned to detect a certain gas, can be packaged together to construct a multi-gas sensor."
964,Science,JPL,2016,S1.06-7136 ,A Compact Fluorescence Lifetime Excitation-Emission Spectrometer (FLEXEMS) for Detecting Trace Organics,"In this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) effort, Leiden Measurement Technology (LMT) proposes to design and build the Fluorescence Lifetime Excitation Emission Spectrometer (FLEXEMS), a stand-off fluorescence spectrometer that uses multiple light-emitting diodes to excite fluorescence in samples from the deep-ultraviolet through the visible and employs time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) and steady-state photon-counting techniques to quantify the fluorescence properties of the target in order to detect and identify trace levels of organics in-situ. The addition of fluorescence lifetime measurements distinguishes it from other compact, field-portable instruments available. The instrument will require no reagents or consumables and by simply placing the instrument on a sample of rock, soil, or ice, or other material it will be able to detect a wide range of organics (at or below the 10-100 ppb-level) including free aromatic amino acids; biomarkers including F420 (specific to methanogens), NADH, and proteins; PAHs; and porphyrins (e.g. chlorophyll). It will be designed with flight in mind so that mass, volume, and power-usage will be minimized as much as possible. The use of multi-anode photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and/or avalanche photodiodes (APDs) will make the system compact and rugged and thus suitable for future missions and ongoing field and laboratory studies."
1103,Human Exploration and Operations,SSC,2016,H10.02-7667,Robust Cryogenic Cavitation Modeling for Propulsion Systems Ground Test Facilities,"Rigorous ground testing mitigates space propulsion system risk by enabling advanced component and system level rocket propulsion development and by demonstrating that designs reliably meet the specified requirements over the operational envelope before the first flight. The development of advanced ground test technology components and systems that are capable of enhancing environment simulation, minimizing program test time, cost and risk and meeting environmental and safety regulations is focused on near-term products that augment existing state-of-the-art propulsion system test facilities. Thus improved capabilities to model and predict component behavior in harsh ground test environments are needed for enhanced facility design. In particular, components such as valves, check valves and chokes that are subjected to high pressure, high flow rate cryogenic environments will experience potentially damaging two phase flow effects such as cavitation. Robust cryogenic cavitation models for real fluids equations of state in the presence of mixed supersonic/subsonic flows are demonstrated to deal with poor solution convergence and numerical instabilities. The proposed innovation leverages modifications to the local preconditioning formulation of the Roe flux with a barotropic equation of state and uses a representative component flow problem to demonstrate the effectiveness of enhanced modifications to the cryogenic liquid tabular equation of state. Instabilities arising from the single temperature assumption in the two phase mixture equation of state, which must often be evaluated by extrapolating data too far from the saturation curve, are eliminated with a nonlinear temperature limiter that precludes non-physical behavior, such as imaginary mixture sound speeds. The result is an efficient, robust cryogenic cavitation model suitable for application to propulsion systems ground test facility component design and analysis efforts."
1064,Human Exploration and Operations,JPL,2016,H3.01-7755 ,Compact Chemical Monitor for Spacecraft Water Recovery Systems,"The International Space Station (ISS) requires lightweight, low-power, easy-to-use, accurate, and stable sensor technology for monitoring wastewater content to ensure proper functioning of the ISS Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS). In particular, continuous and unattended pH, Ca2+, and conductivity monitoring in the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) in use in the ISS Water Recovery System is required. At present, no such sensor technology exists that can satisfy the demanding operational requirements of the ISS and future exploration missions. Intelligent Optical Systems (IOS) proposes to develop a luminescence-based optical sensor probe to monitor calcium, conductivity, and pH levels directly in ISS wastewater in real time. Optical sensors are superior to electrochemical ones in terms of robustness, reliability, and maintenance. These advantages are most notable in corrosive aqueous environments. Our monitor will incorporate robust sensor elements, interrogated via a compact, low-power optoelectronic unit. The proposed sensors will be remotely connected to the electronic circuitry by an electromagnetic interference (EMI)-proof optical fiber cable. For space systems control, miniature fiber optic sensors connected to the electronic circuitry by an optical fiber cable allow greater flexibility in placing the sensor system in the ISS, where space is highly valuable. Our flow-through monitor will include optical sensors for calcium and pH sensing based on previous sensor technologies developed at IOS. IOS will also incorporate a miniature conductivity sensor into the sensor probe system. In Phase II we will produce prototypes for integration in a Urine Processor Assembly and conduct extensive testing under simulated environmental conditions, culminating in delivery to NASA of a monitoring system, bringing the monitor to TRL 7."
913,Science,GRC,2016,S3.03-7942 ,Monolithically Integrated Rad-Hard SiC Gate Driver for 1200 V DMOSFETs,"This two-phase SBIR program targets the need for highly integrated SiC-based electronics systems by developing analog and digital circuits that can be fully integrated with 4H-SiC power switching devices, enabling eventual realization of a monolithic, highly integrated gate driver circuit. Specifically, the final goal of this program is to develop and demonstrate a fully integrated, isolated, high-side/low-side gate driver architecture, having an integrated SiC power MOSFET. In addition to integrated resistors and capacitors, development of SiC CMOS technology will entail the demonstration of lateral SiC NMOSFETs and the more challenging SiC PMOSFET devices with adequate performance and radiation hardness. During Phase I, the development of a rad-hard SiC PMOS process will be investigated. In parallel, capitalizing on GeneSiC???s already developed SiC NMOS process, an NMOS-only gate drive buffer circuit will be designed and implemented on the same host substrate as 1200 V SiC DMOSFETs. Compact device models will be generated during Phase II from the results of the SiC NMOS/PMOS process development. Pending successful development of a rad-hard SiC PMOS process during Phase I, Phase II will focus on building an entire SiC CMOS-based gate drive circuit and integrating it with a 1200 V SiC DMOSFET."
1121,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-8235 ,Avionic for Low Altitude High Density SUAS - Dynamic Configurable Dual ADS-B with Interrogation,"Avionic for Low Altitude High Density SUAS ??? Dynamic Configurable Dual ADS-B with Interrogation<l><l>Flight Safety in the NAS consists of multiple layers ??? Flight Planning, routing, Radar coverage, transponder coverage, and Dual band ADS-B are examples. This proposal will focus on optimization of the existing active RF Dual band ADS-B and transponder system for use with anticipated large numbers of SUAS. <l><l>SUAS will often be operating in areas and at altitudes that will not be visible to the existing FAA infrastructure. They will also have much higher densities of aircraft than the current infrastructure can handle. <l><l>This Proposal will investigate the use of very small software defined transceiver technology (under 1 oz) tri-band avionics that include the ability to receive full UAT including ADS-B, ES ADS-B, and Mode A,C, and S transponder responses that can keep track of all transmitting aircraft. The SUAS will also transmit low power UAT ADS-B with dynamically configurable time slots allowing very high density of SUAS. Included will also be the use of a low power ???all call??? interrogator when the operational area is not already interrogated by a local source."
1116,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.03-7425 ,Monitoring Real-Time NAS Safety with State-Dependent Risk Models,"NASA recently added real-time, system-wide safety assurance (RSSA) as one of its aeronautics strategic thrusts. As NASA, FAA, and industry introduce new technologies, concepts, and vehicles into a growing and evolving national airspace system (NAS), the need for monitoring of an increasingly complex, congested, and more automated system becomes greater. RSSA will develop risk models, methods, computational solutions, and prototype monitoring systems to move risk identification and mitigation from weeks and months to real-time.<l>The preliminary RSSA technology roadmap identifies the need for real-time NAS-wide status monitoring but does not describe how this information would be provided or used to assess real-time changes in safety risk. Our proposal aims to demonstrate how to accomplish those objectives and quantify risk for normal safe operations and degraded states, thereby accelerating RSSA milestones. Our approach enables real-time estimates of NAS risk and can also provide valuable insight into assessments of new technologies and procedures. FAA interest in this capability offers the potential for an FAA deployment platform by integrating the state-dependent risk models with an existing FAA safety analysis and monitoring tool, the Integrated Safety Assessment Model (ISAM)."
961,Science,JPL,2016,S1.06-8175 ,Lunar Borehole Seismometer,"We propose to adapt a miniaturized borehole seismometer for deployment with a heat probe below the Lunar surface. The heat flow probe has already been designed and tested to reach a depth of 3m and will be installed underground by an existing gas jet drilling method. By burying an innovative, broadband, optical seismometer along with the heat flow probe, we can accomplish all of the goals of a high-mass, high-power surface seismic station with minimal mass and power. While this method currently allows installation at depths of 3m - we make maximum use of this environment - our sensor anticipates possible deployments at much greater depths. <l>In the proposed work we will build and test a full working prototype of this seismometer. We will test it under lunar environmental conditions (vacuum, temperature and simulated regolith), bringing this instrument concept (TRL2) to a tested prototype (TRL4)."
1075,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2016,H2.02-8468 ,Accident Tolerant Reactor Shutdown for NTP Systems,"In this SBIR, USNC will develop an accident tolerant reactor shut-down system for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) systems that will guarantee sub-criticality in the event of a water submersion accident. Reactor shut down during a water submersion accident is a crucial issue that must be addressed in NTP systems. The technology that USNC will develop in this SBIR is a low risk design feature that has notable advantages over existing reactor shut-down systems during water submersion accidents.<l><l>USNC's accident tolerant reactor shut-down system will consist of enhanced control drums with significantly more criticality worth. USNC's enhanced worth control drums are a low risk modification to the traditional control drum where a small amount of fuel is added opposite to the neutron absorber. In addition, USNC's enhanced worth control drums will be moved deeper into the active core to further enhance the criticality worth of the control drums. The combination of adding fuel and moving the drums deeper into the active core will substantially increase the shutdown margin of the control drums and will be sufficient to maintain sub-criticality in the worst case water submersion accidents. Neutronic analysis codes such as MCNP6 and Serpent 2 will be utilized."
912,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.04-7152 ,Solar Powered Long Endurance Small UAS,"MicroLink Devices proposes to integrate its high-efficiency, lightweight, and flexible solar sheet technology to a small unmanned aircraft system (UAS) that will demonstrate a pathway to long endurance flights for several weeks. This will be a breakthrough technology that will enhance the performance and utility of NASA's Airborne Science fleet UAS. In previous work, MicroLink has demonstrated that its unique solar sheet technology enables significant extension of flight for small battery-operated UAS platforms. Further refinement of this solar technology and working in close collaboration with the small UAS manufacturer to optimize the UAS platform for long endurance flight will allow flight times even greater than first demonstrated in prototype experiments. <l>This project will leverage MicroLink???s recent advances in inverted metamorphic (IMM) multi-junction (ELO) solar cell technology. The unique nature of the ELO solar cells has given rise to new opportunities for solar cell packaging: the inherent physical flexibility of these high efficiency solar cells can be exploited in the manufacture of a new generation of photovoltaic (PV) blankets that are lightweight, flexible, and modular. Recent work has developed a solar cell device and solar sheet encapsulation process that is almost 50% the weight of earlier solar cells and sheets first used on the small UAS demonstrations while still maintaining the high-efficiency of earlier devices. The result resulting modular high-efficiency solar sheets are an ideal candidate and solution for maximum power generation in a limited area and within weight constraints such as air vehicle applications."
930,Science,GRC,2016,S3.01-8512 ,High Energy Long Life Betavoltaic Battery,"The proposed innovation will dramatically improve the performance of tritium-powered betavoltaic batteries through the development of an ultra thin p on n junction composed of indium gallium phosphide coupled to a thin film metal tritide. The thin cell will be built using MicroLink's signature epitaxial lift off technology and standard metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) along with City Labs' tritium betavoltaic expertise. The proposed betavoltaic p/n junction can be stacked in a box or rolled into a cylinder and will provide a cost saving of up to 90%, while increasing energy density to up to twenty times that of lithium batteries. Such an advanced semiconductor device will produce much higher power outputs than are possible with existing state-of-the-art devices as illustrated in the Figure. It will provide the battery a life span in excess of 20 years with the broad-range temperature-insensitivity benefits normally associated with betavoltaics. This increased power/energy density for tritium betavoltaics will open up pathways for significant advances in power solutions for diminutive sized, low-power microelectronic devices that may be used in Cubesat and in-space power systems. Example applications include microwatt-to-milliwatt autonomous 20+ year sensors/microelectronics for use in structural monitoring, mesh networks, tagging and tracking wireless sensors, medical device implants, and deep space power where solar is not easily available. Tritium betavoltaics are capable of addressing this power niche for devices requiring reliable, uninterrupted power through extremes of temperature, longevity and diminutive form factors where traditional batteries cannot operate."
1008,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H8.03-8153 ,38% Efficient Low-Cost Six-Junction GaAs/InP Solar Cells Using Double Epitaxial Lift-Off,"Double epitaxial lift-off (D-ELO) in conjunction with semiconductor bonding will be leveraged to produce 38% efficient six-junction solar cells. These solar cells will enable optimal performance for future NASA missions that require solar cells with high specific power, high power conversion efficiency, and lower cost than the incumbent solar cell technology. High efficiency is enabled by the use of six AM0 spectrum-matched subcell junctions. A reduction in mass compared to incumbent technology is enabled by removal of the thick semiconductor substrates while a cost savings compared to incumbent technology is enabled by the recovery and subsequent reuse of the expensive semiconductor substrates via the D-ELO process."
904,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.05-7207 ,RF Crosslink for Relative Navigation and Time/Frequency Distribution,"M42 Technologies proposes to develop a RF based crosslink with relative navigation and time transfer capabilities to enable autonomous precision formation flying (PFF) of spacecraft as small as nanosatellites (1 to 10 kg). The solution consists of a multi-channel software defined radio (SDR), small aperture antenna and innovative signaling and processing to enable CubeSat scaled spacecraft to measure positions with millimeter-level precision positioning thereby providing new capabilities such as autonomous rendezvous and docking (AR&D), and precision formation flying (PFF) both for human and robotic exploration missions. To improve navigation, the system also distributes time and frequency to enable cooperative and collaborative space science missions."
865,Science,JPL,2016,S5.04-8391 ,"Model Annotations and Tools for Teamwork, Execution, and Reuse (MATTER)","In order to carry out space-based science missions, NASA is responsible for designing, developing, and operating very complex, long-lived, and expensive systems. Early investment in analyzing a wide range of options can produce markedly better designs. That means pervasive modeling and simulation (M&S) early in conceptual design could pay large dividends for NASA, especially if M&S were cheaper to carry out, and if resulting models could be exploited throughout and across projects.<l>We propose to develop Model Annotations and Tools for Teamwork, Execution, and Reuse (MATTER). This innovative technology will increase the efficiency and value of model-based systems engineering (MBSE). MATTER will improve on existing SysML-based MBSE by defining new types of metadata that enable valuable processing capabilities not supported by the standard SysML language and existing tools: (1) Semantic descriptions capturing the intended uses of model fragments will encourage reuse, when combined with tools for managing and searching a model library; (2) Additional descriptions of model component interfaces will enable efficient composition and configuration of models; (3) Annotations on the behaviors and constraints of model elements will ease automation of simulation generation and analysis; (4) Tracking of model changes--including version branches representing alternate designs--will facilitate flexible trade analysis, model continuity and evolution across the project lifecycle, and teamwork; and (5) Generation and routing of change notifications will further coordinate team efforts, as awareness of shifts in inputs or the irrelevance of intended outputs will reduce wasted work.<l>During this project, we will design the system and develop a software prototype that illustrates the feasibility and utility of this approach."
1026,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H6.04-8395 ,Multiple Failure Response Procedure System,"When an ISHM module identifies a single failure, an associated response procedure, developed and validated in advance, can be selected for execution to verify the diagnosis, safe the system, and perform recovery. However, the ISHM system might return a diagnosis that indicates multiple failures. Or, it might return an ambiguity group that identifies more than one candidate failure. When multiple failures or ambiguous diagnoses occur, it seems attractive to exploit procedures that were developed in advance to handle each of the individual failures. However, simply combining procedures in just any order might not work due to interactions among the procedure goals and effects. <l><l>We propose to develop the Multiple Failure Response Procedure System, which will automatically generate and present procedures for responding to multiple failures and ambiguity groups. During this project, we will iteratively design, implement, and evaluate algorithms for generating multi-failure procedures from procedures developed for responding to single failures. Our approach is based on the belief that it is usually easier to develop procedures and plans from existing procedures that serve as large building blocks, compared to search-intensive methods that construct procedures from primitive steps. To identify and resolve procedure interactions, we will translate procedure specifications into planning domain actions, apply automated planning systems to generate a valid plan, and then translate the plan back into a combined procedure. We will design the procedure generation algorithm and user interface, develop a software prototype, and apply it to several scenarios to demonstrate our approach."
1028,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H6.03-8394 ,An Intelligent Consumables Management System Development Framework based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques,"The proposed innovation, called the Management of consumables Adaptive Execution, SynchronizaTion, Replanning/rescheduling, Optimization system (MAESTRO), would leverage the investment of NASA from originally funding the development of the Aurora Intelligent Scheduling framework and also leverage the previous NASA-funded Intelliface, to interface Aurora to diagnosis systems and extend it both to include more Course of Action (COA) development/planning and adaptive execution (i.e., executing the scheduled activities/procedures after scheduling). MAESTRO would be an open standards architecture and framework for the development of intelligent consumables management systems for autonomous and/or astronaut management of consumables. Each task (an abstract token) in a MAESTRO/Aurora schedule would be a procedure of several steps or actions that must be executed, and incorporating the Adaptive Execution capability of Intelliface (based on Open Source SimBionic) would allow the plans and schedules generated by MAESTRO to be adaptively executed. The Intelliface link to diagnosis systems allows the entire loop to be closed so that an autonomous or human-interfaced system can transition seamlessly between diagnosis, replanning, rescheduling, adaptive execution, etc. The generality of the proposed MAESTRO system will be proven, in Phase I, by using it to develop three separate consumable management systems for three separate applications using the same code base. Consumables management will be possible with significantly less skill and experience, less manpower, and reduced turnaround time. The multiple applications also show that MAESTRO is a general, open architecture."
1135,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2016,A2.02-8094 ,Smart COordination of UAV Teams (SCOUT),"Managing teams of unmanned vehicles is currently time-consuming and labor intensive. There needs to be a way to control multiple UAV teams with minimal human oversight. The proposed innovation builds on and combines several technologies we have developed to create an architecture and set of software methods that will achieve this goal, significantly advancing the state of the art. The proposed innovations are based on our NASA-funded Aurora planning, resource allocation, and scheduling framework, which has proved optimal in many, many diverse domains, including UAV scheduling; a Probabilistic RoadMap Planner (PRMP) to plan detailed real-time UAV routes to rapidly satisfy and optimize a large number of simultaneous constraints and objectives; the asynchronous consensus-based bundle algorithm (ACBBA) for UAV-to-UAV task negotiation; and the concept of a play (from sports) represented using behavior transition networks (BTNs).<l><l>The ultimate goal of this proposed effort is to allow intelligent UAV team coordination and control in an intelligent, predictable, and robust way, with little cognitive load on the human users. This will require intelligent real-time planning, role allocation, negotiation, and detailed path planning and, when communication is not possible, autonomous, intelligent, adaptive behavior by the UAVs. <l><l>In Phase I, we will develop the required AI techniques to automate all aspects of intelligently executing, recommending, and/or automatically selecting appropriate plays, robustly assigning roles and planning routes, and adaptively executing each role, robustly and predictably in environments with varying levels of uncertainty. We will design the ultimate system and, to absolutely prove its feasibility, prototype all aspects of it in Phase I on *actual, physical UAVs*."
1122,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-8204 ,IR Beacon System for Assisted or Automated Landing of Aircraft,"OKSI proposes to design an optical system to support assisted or automated precision approach of fixed or rotary wing aircraft, or other low altitude airspace operations, under diverse weather conditions. The Infrared Beacon System (IRBS) will utilize beacon lighting located near the landing site and an optimized imaging and processing system onboard the aircraft. Automated software will extract observed light positions to generate aircraft position and attitude data relative to the landing site. This precise navigational guidance will be provided to the pilot or to another control system for use during approach and landing. In Phase-I, the concept will be developed in detail, including selection of lighting sources, operating wavebands, imager technology, and frame rates. The end-to-end system performance and accuracy will be simulated over a diverse set of weather and solar conditions, and preliminary concepts for output interfaces will be developed. Based on the Phase-I investigations, a prototype system will be developed and demonstrated in Phase-II."
896,Science,GSFC,2016,S3.07-8451 ,Next Generation Thermal Management Materials: Boron Arsenide for Isotropic Diamond Like Thermal Conductivity - Affordable BAs Processing Innovations,"The purpose of this SBIR phase I proposal is to design, develop and carry out the materials and process engineering studies to demonstrate the feasibility of processing the Next Generation High Thermal Conductivity Materials for thermal management. In these efforts - we propose the synthesis & processing of the Boron Arsenide in Nano Crystal, Nano rod and Nano Whisker forms that can provide an affordable simple material system with High Diamond like Thermal Conductivity to design and develop affordable next generation thermal management material systems. The proposed material that has been identified through First principle predictive computational studies as a cubic phase III-V boron semiconductor compound that is isotropic and can have a diamond like high thermal conductivity. The AMSENG seeks support from the NASA for the exploitation of the unique Next Generation new material systems to develop the needed processing science & engineering that can provide desired enhancement in the product performance along with the affordability for high heat flux acquisition and transport."
852,Space Technology,MSFC,2016,Z3.01-7643 ,Net Shaping of Multifunctional Bulk Metallic Glass Containers and Structures,"Demand for novel manufacturing methods for space systems brings unique properties of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) into the spotlight. In addition to superior mechanical properties associated with enhanced reliability, BMG technology can offer new manufacturing processes that result in components with higher complexity, eliminate machining, reduce joining, and minimize final assembly. We propose to utilize the unique thermoplastic forming (TPF) ability of bulk metallic glasses to net-shape complex containers and structures with integrated sensors and connectors. These integrated and multifunctional BMG structures range in size from 1 cm to 10 cm and comprise of features with various length scales (1- 5000 microns). The available size range is suitable for small satellites, propellant tanks, and similar components. The fabrication method that we propose to develop for NASA applications will yield shapes and dimensional accuracies that can't be achieved with any other metal fabrication method. In addition, we will demonstrate capabilities of integrating sensors (e.g. pressure sensor) into the skin of the structure and fabricating functional surfaces. The outcome of the project will be a demonstration of capabilities to manufacture multifunctional components with superior mechanical properties for space applications with a novel, low-cost thermoplastic forming process."
956,Science,GSFC,2016,S1.07-7358 ,Widely Tunable Semiconductor Laser at 1650nm for Greenhouse Gas LIDAR Detection,"Methane is about 23 times more potent at trapping infrared radiation than carbon dioxide. The development of low-cost, accurate remote methane sensing technologies is becoming increasingly critical with the need to accurately analyze methane concentrations and distributions throughout the atmosphere. A ""Laser Sounder"" method is successfully used for carbon dioxide detection, and it utilizes a commercial, telecom grade tunable laser. In this program, we propose to develop a 1651 nm widely tunable laser, which will be based on wavelength scaling of our commercial, rad-hard tunable laser platform, currently available at 1300nm and 1550nm. This laser will allow the same LIDAR technique to be applied to Methane."
1149,Aeronautics Research,AFRC,2016,A2.01-7475 ,"Inexpensive, Rugged and Compact Tunable Laser with Simple Tuning Control for Airborne Fiber Optic Sensor (FOS) Interrogators","Dryden (Armstrong) Flight Research Center has developed a 4-fiber interrogation system for Fiber Optic Smart Structures (FOSS) sensor networks interrogation. Replacing the expensive, bulky, mechanically tuned swept laser technology used in the FOS system will help reduce the system cost, size and weight, and enable massive deployment. In this program, Freedom Photonics proposes to develop a novel, inexpensive semiconductor based widely tunable laser, which can be tuned using simple tuning algorithms and control."
863,Science,ARC,2016,S5.05-8295 ,Fault Management Simulation and Visualization Tool,"S&K proposes to design a tool, Fault Management (FM) Viewer, with multiple visualization models (viewers) to assist with planning FM development by providing new ways of visualizing FM concepts and data. State of the art tools to assist FM development include fault trees, success trees, and general Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) tools using SysML. S&K will structure the FM viewer to align with NASA's FM Handbook, a design reference mission from S&K Team experiences, and S&K Team experiences with past FM development support projects. The benefits of developing this approach and tool include improved FM quality, efficiency in developing FM, and a more cost-effective expenditure of FM resources on failures that are most important to control.<l><l>The S&K Team will deliver a Concept of Operations for this FM Viewer to support decisions about FM designs, displays designed to support the FM design decisions enabling comparison views of risk postures with and without implementation of the proposed FM measures, options for measuring FM effectiveness and for semi-autonomous estimation of effectiveness of alternative FM designs, and XML schema defining data models for the FM Viewer that can support the exchange of date with other tools used by system developers.<l><l>The S&K Team will first identify a design reference mission, plan a data exchange between related tools, design an XML schema, design information displays, explore options for measurements and automated FM estimates, develop a concept of operations, demonstrate feasibility with a partial prototype, and prepare for final report delivering the results of Phase I that also includes our proposal for Phase II."
1030,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H6.02-8297 ,cFS-Based Autonomous Requirements Testing Tool,"The S&K Team proposes design of a tool suite, Autonomy Requirements Tester (ART), to address the difficulty of stating autonomous requirements and the links to clear testing plans. ART will represent autonomy requirements, test plans, and test results, and the relationships among them so that it is less difficult to state autonomy requirements clearly, to communicate test plans clearly among the full development team, to guide software development from requirements through acceptance tests, and to communicate test results in terms of the completeness with which the requirements have been tested. This will extend the state of the art by clarifying the progression from autonomy requirements to test results and make the tests more modular and reusable.<l><l>The S&K team will first identify representative autonomy requirements for a design reference mission and high-level descriptions of how to test those requirements in the developed system. The team will then design XML schemas to represent data structures that define autonomy requirements, related test objectives, related cFS messages, test specifications and results. Next, they identify ways to generate and execute those tests by publishing and subscribing to appropriate cFS messages to run tests and examine the results. The S&K team will design information displays for showing relationship among requirements, test designs and results so that it is clear how thoroughly the autonomy requirements have been tested and how they performed. The team will develop a concept of operations for ART. They will prototype enough of the concept to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, write a final report, and deliver results along with submission of a Phase II proposal."
1017,Human Exploration and Operations,GRC,2016,H8.01-7513 ,Thermal Energy Conversion,"Solid-state thermoelectric (TE) devices provide many advantages in refrigeration (TE coolers) and power generation (TE generators). These highly reliable devices have no moving parts, operate over a large range of temperatures, and do not emit toxic or environmentally-unfriendly gases. These devices can be easily integrated into thermal energy conversion systems that meet NASA's needs for innovative space power generation on orbiting platforms, extraterrestrial surfaces, and space transportation vehicles. To date, the adoption of TE generator (TEG) devices in energy scavenging/power recovery applications has been hampered by three primary challenges:<l>- Lack of thermoelectric material compositions with large figures of merit, ZT, that function over a range of operating temperatures<l>- Lack of high throughput production methods that enable large-area, conformable TEG devices<l>- High cost-per-unit area for tiling rigid plate TE devices<l>Production of large-area sheets of high-ZT TEG devices that conform to space vehicle and other relevant thermal gradient surfaces acting to scavenge waste heat need specific processes (e.g. roll-to-roll). Nanohmics Inc. proposes to develop thermoelectric devices based on sintering of high-ZT thermoelectric powders. This TEG fabrication method will enable large-area, conformable devices with 1) high thermal-to-electric conversion efficiency, 2) high areal power conversion (W/cm2), 3) large total power recovery (W), 4) high specific power (W/kg), 5) low fabrication cost ($/W), and 6) durability and long operational life."
1124,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.02-7738 ,Landside-Aware Air Traffic Management,"We focus on the passenger as the key stakeholder of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. Air transport is only a portion of the passenger door-to-door journey, which also relies on other modes of transportation (a taxi ride, bus ride, drive over the freeways, rail, or other) to complete the journey. Transportation modes are usually studied separately as if not interacting, although they are intrinsically coupled through passenger transfers; in fact, the failure of one mode disrupts the entire passenger journey. In this effort, we gather specific passenger location data from individual passengers and aggregate data on passengers, both airside (within the terminal) and landside (within the airport and outside the airport) to build a better estimate for the expected time of departure for an aircraft at an airport gate. The system is composed of multiple technologies that either access specific data or aggregate data of passengers. A ""push"" technology is used to shape passenger behavior by informing the passenger about security delays, traffic delays, and other information that could encourage the passenger to be on time to the departure gate."
1131,Aeronautics Research,ARC,2016,A3.01-7346 ,Integrated Technologies Supporting Seamless Oceanic Transitions,"We integrate existing technologies and build an infrastructure that is ready to leverage emerging technologies to realize an oceanic TBO capability that is seamless with the domestic air traffic operations and a solution that is within the near-term horizon. Technologies include surveillance (both traditional ADS-B and space-based ADS-B) as well as domestic weather radar and other weather source (e.g., GOES satellite information), and a probing capability to allow oceanic traffic to plan TBO operations into domestic airspace. We investigate how to to assist the airlines in submitting oceanic flight plan amendments in Trajectory Options Set (TOS) formats for offshore airspace compatible with the FAA???s Collaborative Trajectory Options Program (CTOP)."
874,Science,JPL,2016,S4.04-7385 ,Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge Power Converter for Spacecraft Power Systems,"A bidirectional dual active bridge (DAB) dc-dc converter for electrical power systems (EPS) is proposed. The converter operates as a charger, upconverter, and downconverter using a single transformer. The converter uses smart technology to interleave DAB converter stages for ripple current reduction and optimized load sharing of stages to extend the high efficiency load range of the converter to 6.25% of full load. By using smart technology, the load condition of each DAB converter stage is monitored and its load sharing controlled depending on the converters total load condition. In this way, each converter stage is kept at or above 25% load. Therefore the minimum load of the new DAB converter with four interleaved stages is one fourth of 25% or 6.25%. The design employs radiation-resistant and cryogenic-temperature-capable GaN HEMT devices to process 2 kW of power per stage. Mainstream has tested GaN HEMT devices to -225 ?C. GS66508T GaN HEMT devices are rated for 650 VDC maximum drain-to-source maximum voltage stress allowing for a maximum steady-operating voltage of 400 VDC at 60% derating."
868,Science,JPL,2016,S4.05-8480 ,Vapor Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilization System for Contamination Control,"NASA mission planners continue to develop plans for investigating celestial bodies including Europa, Enceladus, and Mars for potential life detection. Contamination Control and Planetary Protection requirements focus on both forward and backward contamination from such bodies where a number of acceptable processes have been developed for sterilizing spacecraft hardware and sample return materials. In particular for backward contamination control, NASA has shown that vaporized hydrogen peroxide is an effective method for sterilizing samples and surfaces. However, for long duration exploration missions, stored hydrogen peroxide solutions lose their efficacy. To ensure an effective vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization process for return trips, Reactive Innovations, LLC proposes to develop a miniaturized vapor hydrogen peroxide generator that produces this sterilant in situ using only water and DC electrical energy. With this approach, surfaces and sample return materials can be effectively sterilized during sample collection using a NASA approved sterilant."
1077,Human Exploration and Operations,MSFC,2016,H2.02-7384 ,Electrolytic Method for Tungsten Coating of Uranium Oxide Spheres,"Tungsten clad uranium dioxide spheres are deemed an enabling technology for nuclear thermal propulsion. Current research has mainly focused upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technologies to apply the tungsten cladding. Although good progress has been made with this technique, the process still requires improvements to lower the impurity content, increase throughput and lower operating cost, . Reactive Innovations, LLC (RIL) proposes to develop an electrolytic process for coating high purity tungsten metal onto uranium dioxide spheres economically. The process is performed at ambient pressure and is expected to provide a uniform, dense, and adherent coating. <l><l>The Phase I effort will lead to demonstrating the electrolytic deposition of tungsten onto surrogate spheres. The coating will be evaluated for thickness, uniformity, and adhesion. A manufacturing cost model will be established for the process and a pathway to large scale economic production will be outlined. The Phase II effort is envisioned to further improve and characterize the coating's properties in terms of process capability, evaluate coated spheres in a suitable hydrogen environment, perform thermal cycling tests, scale the fabrication process, and provide coated material to NASA for evaluation."
1108,Human Exploration and Operations,JSC,2016,H1.01-8380 ,Micro-Channel Reactor for Processing Carbon Dioxide to Ethylene,"The processing of carbon dioxide is a continuing NASA need, ranging from separation processes to remove it from cabin air, to reaction processes that convert the Martian atmosphere to fuels. In support of future habitation activities on Mars, it is desired to process this high Martian concentration of carbon dioxide to ethylene, a chemical precursor that can be used to subsequently produce plastics including polyethylene, propylene, and polypropylene for building structures. Additionally, ethylene can be readily converted to ethanol and subsequently to sugar, nutrients that support biohabitation. Toward this goal, Reactive Innovations, LLC proposes to develop an electrochemical micro-channel reactor that can convert carbon dioxide to ethylene. The modular architecture of the micro-channel reactor enables the system to be scaled to increase throughput while the small feature sizes of the reactor enhance thermal and mass transfer processes increasing the ethylene yield. <l><l>During this Phase I program, the electrochemical reactions will be optimized to convert CO2 to ethylene maximizing the yield and rate. Single channel and multiple micro-channels will be produced using a new fabrication process that produces channels on the order of 100 microns wide. Characterization of the micro-channel reactor operating conditions will be conducted while producing ethylene to aid in scaling the process to larger production rates. Conversion of ethylene to polyethylene plastic will subsequently be demonstrated."
970,Science,JPL,2016,S1.03-8518 ,Lunar Spectral Irradiance Monitor,"During this effort an instrument for calibrating the lunar irradiance will be designed. Such an instrument will lead to reliable exoatmospheric calibration for past, current, and future earth-viewing instruments and improve the accuracy of their data products, which in turn will improve climate change and weather models. The instrument will measure both the solar and lunar irradiances, which will enable cross calibration with the TSIS mission. The proposed instrument concept has been formulated to take advantage of the near-collimated nature of the input signals. The work plan is to develop detailed ray-trace and radiometric models of the instrument. The error budget for the instrument will be analyzed and pre- and post-launch calibration plans will be formulated."
943,Science,JPL,2016,S2.01-7596 ,1015 PTT Segment MEMS DM Development,"Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has the potential to create deformable mirrors (DM) with more than 10^4 actuators with size, weight, and power specifications that are far lower than conventional piezoelectric and electrostrictive DMs. However, considerable development is necessary to take state-of-the-art MEMS DMs and make them flight-like for wavefront control in coronagraphs for exoplanet detection. This Phase I research proposal will begin development of a 1015-segment MEMS DM. It will result in a completed CAD layout of the DM, a conceptual package design, a conceptual electrical probe card design, and the fabrication of a key layer in the actuator process to demonstrate high-resolution field-stitched photolithography. The ultimate goal is to develop flight-like hardware based on Iris AO???s proven hybrid MEMS DM technology. The increased spatial resolution afforded by the development here will enable picometer resolution DMs required to reach 10^10 contrast levels necessary for direct detection of Earth-sized terrestrial planets."
949,Science,ARC,2016,S1.08-8041 ,Miniaturized Air Dropped Sensors for Environmental Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Water,"This NASA SBIR program would develop air-dropped wireless networked sensors using miniaturized chemical field effect transistors (ChemFET) for the detection and mapping of heavy metals in water for ecosystem monitoring. We would combine our advanced nanotechnology thin film deposition process - Electrostatic Self-Assembly (ESA) - and strained nanomembrane ChemFET technology to produce a wireless sensor network for in situ environmental monitoring. The nanomembrane structure combined with NanoSonic's patented self-assembly processing approach allow a unique way to tune sensitivity and selectivity. The wireless sensor system would be capable of sensing multiple heavy metal materials, improve upon conventional sampling methods in terms of cost, sensitivity, and selectivity, and benefit future environmental analysis programs. NanoSonic has demonstrated a prototype wireless chemFET sensor node for heavy metal detection."
1020,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H7.02-8111 ,"High Sensitivity, High Frequency Sensors for Hypervelocity Testing and Analysis","This NASA Phase I SBIR program would develop high sensitivity, high frequency nanomembrane (NM) based surface sensors for hypervelocity testing and analysis on wind tunnel models as well as operational aerospace vehicles, using SOI NM techniques in combination with our pioneering HybridSil ceramic nanocomposite materials. Such low-modulus, conformal nanomembrane sensor skins with integrated interconnect elements and electronic devices can be applied to new or existing propulsion systems for high frequency surface pressure analysis. During this program, large continuous NMs of single crystal Si, SiGe and Ge will be readily released from the engineered wafers using wet chemical etching and transferred to flexible substrates to form multi-axis surface pressure sensors and arrays. Sensors may be connected to external support instrumentation either through thin film and ribbon cable interconnects, or potentially wirelessly using RF communication directly from electronic networks incorporated into the sensor skin material."
1021,Human Exploration and Operations,ARC,2016,H7.
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