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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save jy00295005/6caa7472d4be23600e40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use three search keywords in nuclear physics to search in solr index, get 3 sets of data as our clustering's truth ground
import requests
from pony.orm import *
##define the mysql database and the table Truth with pony
db = Database('mysql', host='localhost', user='root', passwd='xxxxxxxxx', db='clustering')
# sql_debug(True)
class Truth(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
systemid = Required(LongStr)
RefCode = Required(str)
Title = Required(str)
Abstract = Optional(LongStr)
label = Required(int)
## solr query and write results into a tuple
solr_base_url = ''
rows = 100
words = ['higgs','Neutrino*','dark matter']
iter_number = 2 ##manually change iter number of seerach key words
('q','(PSShortName_Group:NSF OR PSShortName_Group:FP) AND Title:(%s)' % words[iter_number] ),
r = requests.get(solr_base_url, params=params)
rsp = eval( r.text )
# print rsp['response']['numFound']
data = [
(doc['id'],doc['RefCode'],doc['Title'],doc['Abstract'] )
for doc in rsp['response']['docs'] if 'Abstract' in doc
# print len(data)
## insert tuple into Truth table
with db_session:
for (id, RefCode, Title, Abstract) in data:
systemid = id,
RefCode = RefCode,
Title = Title,
Abstract = Abstract,
label = iter_number
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