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Ready, Set, Yocto! (v0.3) : A short guide to getting started with Yocto
Ready, Set, Yocto! (v0.3)
A short guide to getting started with Yocto
using YP Rocko 2.4 the Raspberry Pi
1. Intro
If you're looking to build Linux-based firmware for embedded platforms, Yocto
is a good option for you.
If you're looking to create reproducible and version-controlled automated
firmware builds with excellent traceability, change tracking, license auditing,
and configurable QA tests... Yocto is a great option for you.
The purpose of this guide is to get you up and running with a minimal build for
a Raspberry Pi (Zero) so that you can dive into the documentation while you wait.
Keep the following at an arms length:
Yocto Quick Start Guide:
Yocto Mega Manual
Bitbake User Manual
2. Build Environment
The nature and configuration of your build machine(s) will vary depending your
needs. This guide DOES NOT cover a configuration suitable for production build
deployments. Instead, this covers a "personal dev setup" installed onto a
portable SSD that can be moved from machine to machine.
My minimum recommended setup is:
+ (X|K)Ubuntu 16.04 or later (I use XUbuntu 17.10 and it works great.)
+ 4 GiB of RAM
+ Intel i5
+ Over 200 GiB of disk space, preferably on an SSD
To enable me to move from machine to machine (e.g., desktop to travel laptop)
with my build environment, I use a portable SSD with the following restrictions,
+ The SSD is formatted with EXT4
+ All machines mount the SSD to the same exact mountpoint, i.e. "/portable"
+ The User and Group IDs I use between machines match. If you can't
guarantee this with already existing users, consider making a new uid and
gid for your builds.
If you deviate from those restrictions, you'll probably run into problems.
3. Dependencies
You'll need some basics!
$ sudo apt install build-essential chrpath gawk git texinfo
4. Build System and Required Layers
So, let's assume the portable SSD I'm working with is always mounted to a
/portable mountpoint.
Often times I'll be working with multiple version of Yocto, so let's create
a directory for the current version:
$ mkdir -p /portable/yocto/rocko
$ cd /portable/yocto/rocko
Let's also make some directories we'll use later:
$ mkdir /portable/yocto/rocko/builds
$ mkdir /portable/yocto/rocko/downloads
Now lets check out the Rocko branch of "Poky" - Yocto's Build system:
$ git clone -b rocko git://
The bitbake tool used by Yocto parses "recipes" that describe how to fetch,
patch, configure, compile, install, and package software. Collections of related
"recipes" are grouped into "layers" and their names are typically prefixed
with "meta-".
There's a layer dedicated to Raspberry Pi support. Let's fetch that. Note that
we're still in /portable/yocto/rocko still!
$ git clone -b rocko
If you take a look at meta-raspberrypi/, you'll note that it has
dependencies on meta-oe, meta-multimedia, meta-networking, and meta-python.
Fortunately, these are all in one repo:
$ git clone -b rocko git://
5. Enter your build environment
Any time you want to work with the Yocto build system, you'll need your
environment to be in the proper state. A provided script sets everything up for
The argument to this script is the build directory you want to work out of. This
will be created and initialized if it doesn't exist. Lets start a new build
directory called "rpi0":
$ source /portable/yocto/rocko/poki/oe-init-build-env /portable/yocto/rocko/builds/rpi0
You should see some text welcoming you into the environment. You will be placed
into the rpi0 directory that was just created.
There are two files to configure in this directory:
* conf/local.conf Build variables and options
* conf/bblayers.conf Points Yocto to the meta-* items you downloaded before
5. Edit conf/local.conf
First, edit conf/local.conf and make the folowing changes:
* MACHINE ??= "qemux86" --[to]--> MACHINE = "raspberrypi0"
* Change #DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads" --[to]--> DL_DIR = "/portable/yocto/rocko/downloads"
The first item specifies what platform we're targeting. (The name "raspberrypi0"
refers to the "machine" defined by the meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi0.conf
The second item specifies where we want to store downloaded files. For my own
sanity, I generally have separate per-platform build directories. However, to
save some time, I share the downloads between those builds so that I don't have
to re-download items I already have. This is purely preference.
6. Edit conf/bblayers.conf
Now edit conf/bblayers.conf. We use this file to tell Yocto (well, bitbake)
where to find layers.
Use full paths here and add the paths to meta-raspberrypi, meta-oe,
meta-multimedia, meta-networking, meta-python. Below is a sample of what your
file will look like:
# POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/poky/meta \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/poky/meta-poky \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-raspberrypi \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
/portable/software/yocto/rocko/meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems \
7. Build core-image-minimal
First, let's build a minimalist Linux setup called "core-image-minimal". This
will boot and drop you into a busybox environment as root. It won't include
much beyond that.
$ bitbake core-image-minimal
And now you wait. The first build will take a lot of time, as you'll be fetching
and building your cross-compiler toolchain, libc, linux, u-boot, an so on...
If you immediately run into an issue, you may have a missing dependency that I
failed to note. Check the log reference in the failure message.
8. Copy core-image-minimal to an SD card
When the build completes, an image that's ready to be dd'd to an SD card will
be in ./tmp/deploy/images
Insert an SD card and write the SD card image to it:
$ sudo dd if=./tmp/deploy/images/core-image-minimal-raspberrypi0.rpi-sdimg \
of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync
9. Enable the RPi UART
Now before you go booting the SD card, we need to make one quick change
that we'll automate later.
Remount or reinsert the SD card and note the presence of a config.txt on a FAT32
volume. This is some raspberry pi (or broadcom bootloader) shenanigans -- we
need to enable the console UART and disable some conflicting bluetooth
Add the following lines to config.txt:
Save this file and unmount the SD card.
10. Boot core-image-minimal
Attach a USB UART adapter to the UART pins on the raspberry pi. Here's
a terrible ASCII art diagram. Maybe just Google the pinout instead.
.----------------------------- --------------.
| +5 +5 GND TX RX |
| 2 40|
| o o x x x o . . . o o |
| o o o o o o o o |
| 1 39|
| |
. . .
| |
`--| |---------------------- --| |--| |--`
Plug in in the SD card and power on. You should see boot text and then a login
prompt akin to the following:
Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 2.4.1 raspberrypi0 /dev/ttyAMA0
raspberrypi0 login:
Enter "root" and you'll be logged in. Look in your local.conf for an
"EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES" to understand why password-less root login is enabled.
11. Boot rpi-hwup-image
You may notice that lots of Raspberry Pi-specific drivers are missing. That's
because core-image-minimal did not include the platform-specific kernel modules.
The following image recipe adds these to the core-image-minimal build:
To build this, run:
$ bitbake rpi-hwup-image
When that's done, look for the rpi-hwup-image-raspberrypi0.rpi-sdimg in
Go through the same procedure for parts 8-10 to boot this.
12. Making your own layer
Having to manually edit the SD card to add those two tweaks to config.txt is
annoying, so let's use this as an opportunity to learn how to make our own
layer and automate this addition to our image.
To do this, we don't need to be in the bitbake environment that we were
doing builds in. Feel free to open a new terminal.
Let's make a new directory. Let's name our layer "meta-mypi":
$ cd /portable/yocto/rocko
$ /portable/yocto/rocko/poky/scripts/yocto-layer create meta-mypi
Accept the default value for the "layer priority" when prompted.
Select "n" for the example recipes -- let's not do too many things at once
here. Go back and create a separate layer to work through those later. :)
When done, you should now have a /portable/yocto/rocko/meta-mypi directory,
complete with a conf/ directory, an MIT license, and a boilerplate README.
For more info about creating layers, see:
13. Creating a rpi-config_git.bbappend
Recipes are stored in files with a .bb extension.
If we want to add "stuff" or otherwise override definitions
in an existing recipe, we can do so by creating a corresponding .bbappend file.
A .bbappend file should have the same name as its .bb counterpart, and should
be located in the same relative path within the layer.
The recipe responsible for creating the config.txt file in the Raspberry Pi
image is: meta-raspberrypi/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/
In particular, the do_deploy() function queries variables, which you can set in
your local.conf file, and uses them to toggle various features in a config.txt
pulled from
What we'll do is add a function that gets run after the do_deploy() and appends
out items to the end of the file.
First, let's create the proper directory structure:
$ /portable/yocto/rocko/meta-mypi
$ mkdir -p recipes-bsp/bootfiles
$ cd recipes-bsp/bootfiles
Next, create a rpi-config_git.bbappend file and place the following in it:
do_deploy_append() {
echo "" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt
echo "# Enable UART and disable conflicting bluetooth functionality" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt
echo "enable_uart=1" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt
echo "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt
That's it, as far as the bbappend goes. The last thing to do is enable your new layer in your bblayers.conf.
For more info about recipes and bbappends, check out the trusty MegaManual:
14. Build with new layer enabled
To make use of our bbappend, we have to make our build aware of it.
Let's drop back into our build environment:
$ source /portable/yocto/rocko/poki/oe-init-build-env /portable/yocto/rocko/builds/rpi0
Edit conf/bblayers.conf and append the following:
Now we can build and our changes will take effect:
bitbake hwup-rpi-image
When this completes, the SD card image should be updated to contain the new
config.txt file. All successive builds will include your changes to this file.
Note that you can check on the state of the config.txt before you spend time
writing the SD card image. During the build process, this file is written to:
15. Final words
Well, that covers about < 1% of Yocto, but it's a great start on some commodity
hardware. Having done this, you'll hopefully now have a better sense of what's
discussed in the documentation.
If you ever get yourself into trouble, or find that a particular recipe is in a bad state,
check out the `bitbake cleanstate <recipe>` and `bitbake cleanall <recipe>` commands.
I'll leave it to you to look those up in the reference manual.
Happy hacking!
- jynik
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