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Created April 29, 2021 17:33
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XHR Logging Typescript
type XHRRequestBody = string | Document | Blob | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null | undefined;
interface XHRLog {
method: string;
url: string;
requestHeaders: Record<string, string>;
responseHeaders: Record<string, string>;
requestBody: XHRRequestBody;
responseBody: any;
status?: number;
statusText?: string;
xhrLogCounter: string;
performance?: PerformanceResourceTiming;
payloadsCaptured: boolean;
interface XHRCaptureOptions {
capturePayload: boolean;
redactFunction?: (xhrLog: XHRLog) => XHRLog;
suppressFunction?: (xhrLog: XHRLog) => boolean;
type PerformanceResourceTimingList = Array<PerformanceResourceTiming>;
(function(opts?: XHRCaptureOptions) {
// Init options if not specified
const options = opts || {
capturePayload: false,
// Store a reference to the native method
const oldOpen =;
let xhrLogCounter = 1;
// Overwrite the native method = function(method: string, url: string, async = true, username?: string | null, password?: string | null) {
const that: XMLHttpRequest = this;
let xhrLog: XHRLog = {
requestHeaders: {},
requestBody: null,
responseHeaders: {},
responseBody: null,
xhrLogCounter: `xhrLog${xhrLogCounter}`,
payloadsCaptured: options.capturePayload || false
// Capture headers set
const oldSetRequestHeader = that.setRequestHeader;
that.setRequestHeader = function(name: string, value: string) {
xhrLog.requestHeaders[name] = value;, name, value);
// Capture what is sent up
const oldSend = that.send;
that.send = function(body?: XHRRequestBody) {
if (typeof body !== 'undefined' && options.capturePayload) {
xhrLog.requestBody = body;
// Set a mark before we trigger the XHR so we can find the performance data easier
window.performance.mark(xhrLog.xhrLogCounter);, body);
// Assign an event listener
that.addEventListener('load', function(/*event*/) {
if (options.capturePayload) {
xhrLog.responseBody = that.response;
}, false);
that.addEventListener('loadend', function(/*event*/) {
// Get the raw header string
const rawHeaders: string = that.getAllResponseHeaders();
// Convert the header string into an array
// of individual headers
const headers: Array<string> = rawHeaders.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/);
// Create a map of header names to values
headers.forEach((line) => {
const parts = line.split(': ');
const header = parts.shift();
const value = parts.join(': ');
if (typeof header === 'string') {
xhrLog.responseHeaders[header] = value;
xhrLog.status = that.status;
xhrLog.statusText = that.statusText;
// It seems that getEntries() really returns Array<PerformanceResourceTiming>, but it is
// defined as returning PerformanceEntryList, which does not expose the 'initiatorType'
// property. Cast to PerformanceResourceTimingList so typescript knows about 'initiatorType'
const entries = window.performance.getEntries() as PerformanceResourceTimingList;
let markIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
const entry = entries[i];
if ( === xhrLog.xhrLogCounter) {
markIndex = i;
if (markIndex >= 0) {
for (let i = markIndex; i < entries.length; i++) {
const entry = entries[i];
if (
entry.initiatorType === 'xmlhttprequest'
&& >= 0
) {
xhrLog.performance = entry;
// Opportunity to redact anything on the record
if (typeof options.redactFunction === 'function') {
xhrLog = options.redactFunction(xhrLog);
} else if(typeof options.redactFunction !== 'undefined') {
console.warn('options.redactFunction must be a function.');
// Opportunity to suppress
if (typeof options.suppressFunction === 'function') {
if (options.suppressFunction(xhrLog)) return;
} else if(typeof options.suppressFunction !== 'undefined') {
console.warn('options.suppressFunction must be a function.');
// Fire an event with this XHR capture
const xhrEvent = new CustomEvent('xhrLog', {
detail: xhrLog,
}, false);
// Call the stored reference to the native method, method, url, async, username, password);
// Sample listener to collect the xhrLog records
document.addEventListener('xhrLog', (event: CustomEventInit<XHRLog>) => {
console.log('xhrLog', JSON.stringify(event.detail, null, 2));
}, false);
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