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Twinprimes generator, multi-threaded, using SSoZ (Segmented Sieve of Zakiya), written in Nim
This Nim source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an
extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
Inputs are single values N, or ranges N1 and N2, of 64-bits, 0 -- 2^64 - 1.
Output is the number of twin primes <= N, or in range N1 to N2; the last
twin prime value for the range; and the total time of execution.
Code originally developed on a System76 laptop with an Intel I7 6700HQ cpu,
2.6-3.5 GHz clock, with 8 threads, and 16GB of memory. Parameter tuning
would be needed to optimize for other hardware systems (ARM, PowerPC, etc).
For Nim >= 2.0.0 compile as:
$ nim c --cc:gcc --mm:arc --d:danger --d:release --threads:on --d:useMalloc twinprimes_ssozgist_new.nim
Then run executable: $ ./twinprimes_ssozgist1 <cr>, and enter range values.
Or alternatively: $ echo <range1> <range2> | ./twinprimes_ssoz
Range values can be provided in either order (larger or smaller first).
This source file, and updates, will be available here:
Mathematical and technical basis for implementation are explained here:
This code is provided free and subject to copyright and terms of the
GNU General Public License Version 3, GPLv3, or greater.
License copy/terms are here:
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Jabari Zakiya -- jzakiya at gmail dot com
Version Date: 2024/01/07
import math # for sqrt, gcd, mod functions
import strutils, typetraits # for number input
import times, os # for timing code execution
import osproc # for getting threads count
import threadpool # for parallel processing
import algorithm # for sort
import bitops # for countSetBits
{.experimental: "parallel".} # required to use 'parallel' (>= 1.4.x)
proc modinv(a0, b0: int): int =
## Compute modular inverse a^-1 of a to base b, e.g. a*(a^-1) mod b = 1.
var (a, b, x0) = (a0, b0, 0)
result = 1
if b == 1: return
while a > 1:
result -= (a div b) * x0
a = a mod b
swap a, b
swap x0, result
if result < 0: result += b0
proc genPGparameters(prime: int): (int, int, int, seq[int], seq[int]) =
## Create prime generator parameters for given Pn
echo("using Prime Generator parameters for P", prime)
let primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
var (modpg, res_0) = (1, 0) # compute Pn's modulus and res_0 value
for prm in primes: (res_0 = prm; if prm > prime: break; modpg *= prm)
var restwins: seq[int] = @[] # save upper twin pair residues here
var inverses = newSeq[int](modpg+2) # save Pn's residues inverses here
var (rc, inc, res) = (5, 2, 0) # use P3's PGS to generate residue candidates
while rc < (modpg shr 1): # find PG's 1st half residues
if gcd(modpg, rc) == 1: # if rc is a residue
let mc = modpg - rc # create its modular complement
inverses[rc] = modinv(rc,modpg) # save rc amd mc inverses
inverses[mc] = modinv(mc,modpg) # if in twinpair save both hi residues
if res + 2 == rc: restwins.add(rc); restwins.add(mc + 2)
res = rc # save current found residue
rc += inc; inc = inc xor 0b110 # create next P3 sequence rc: 5 7 11 13 17 19 ...
restwins.sort(system.cmp[int]); restwins.add(modpg + 1) # last residue is last hi_tp
inverses[modpg + 1] = 1; inverses[modpg - 1] = modpg - 1 # last 2 resdiues are self inverses
(modpg, res_0, restwins.len, restwins, inverses)
# Global parameters
cnts: seq[uint] # holds twinprimes count for each twinpair
lastwins: seq[uint] # holds largest twinprime for each twinpair
proc setSieveParameters(start_num, end_num: uint): (uint, int, uint, uint, uint, uint, int, seq[int], seq[int]) =
## Select at runtime best PG and segment size factor to use for input value.
## These are good estimates derived from PG data profiling. Can be improved.
let range = end_num - start_num
var (Bn, pg) = (0, 3)
if end_num < 49'u:
Bn = 1; pg = 3
elif range < 77_000_000:
Bn = 16; pg = 5
elif range < 1_100_000_000'u:
Bn = 32; pg = 7
elif range < 35_500_000_000'u:
Bn = 64; pg = 11
elif range < 14_000_000_000_000'u:
pg = 13
if range > 7_000_000_000_000'u: Bn = 384
elif range > 2_500_000_000_000'u: Bn = 320
elif range > 250_000_000_000'u: Bn = 196
else: Bn = 128
Bn = 384; pg = 17
let (modpg, res_0, pairscnt, restwins, resinvrs) = genPGparameters(pg)
let Kmin = (start_num - 2) div modpg.uint + 1 # number of resgroups to start_num
let Kmax = (end_num - 2) div modpg.uint + 1 # number of resgroups to end_num
let krange = Kmax - Kmin + 1 # number of range resgroups, at least 1
let n = if krange < 37_500_000_000_000'u: 4 elif krange < 975_000_000_000_000'u: 6 else: 8
let B = uint(Bn * 1024 * n) # set seg size to optimize for selected PG
let Ks = if krange < B: krange else: B # segments resgroups size
echo("segment size = ",Ks," resgroups; seg array is [1 x ",((Ks-1) shr 6) + 1,"] 64-bits")
let maxpairs = * pairscnt; # maximum number of twinprime pcs
echo("twinprime candidates = ", maxpairs, "; resgroups = ", krange);
(modpg.uint, res_0, Ks, Kmin, Kmax, krange, pairscnt, restwins, resinvrs)
proc sozp5(val: int | int64, res_0: int, start_num, end_num: uint): seq[int] =
## Return the primes r0..sqrt(end_num) within range (start_num...end_num)
let (md, rescnt) = (30, 8) # P5's modulus and residues count
let res = [7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31] # P5's residues list
let bitn = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,128]
let range_size = end_num - start_num # integers size for inputs range
let kmax = (val - 2) div md + 1 # number of resgroups to input value
var prms = newSeq[uint8](kmax) # byte array of prime candidates init '0'
let sqrtn = int(sqrt float64(val)) # compute integer sqrt of val
var k = sqrtn div md # compute its resgroup value
var (resk, r) = (sqrtn - md*k, 0) # compute its residue value; set residue start posn
while resk >= res[r]: r += 1 # find largest residue <= sqrtn posn in its resgroup
let pcs_to_sqrtn = k*rescnt + r # number of pcs <= sqrtn
for i in 0..pcs_to_sqrtn: # for r0..sqrtN primes mark their multiples
let (k, r) = (i div rescnt, i mod rescnt) # update resgroup parameters
if (prms[k] and uint8(1 shl r)) != 0: continue # skip pc if not prime
let prm_r = res[r] # if prime save its residue value
let prime = md*k + prm_r # numerate its value
let rem = start_num mod uint(prime) # prime's modular distance to start_num
if not(uint(prime) - rem <= range_size or rem == 0): continue # skip prime if no multiple in range
for ri in res: # mark prime's multiples in prms
let prod = prm_r * ri - 2 # compute cross-product for prm_r|ri pair
let bit_r = uint8(bitn[prod mod md]) # bit mask value for prod's residue
var kpm = k * (prime + ri) + prod div md # resgroup for prime's 1st multiple
while kpm < kmax: prms[kpm] = prms[kpm] or bit_r; kpm += prime
# prms now contains the prime multiples positions marked for the pcs r0..N
# now along each restrack, identify|numerate the primes in each resgroup
# return only the primes with a multiple within range (start_num...end_num)
result = @[] # create empty dynamic array for primes
for r, res_r in res: # along each restrack|row til end
for k, resgroup in prms: # for each resgroup along restrack
if (resgroup and uint8(1 shl r)) == 0: # if bit location a prime
let prime = md * k + res_r # numerate its value, store if in range
# check if prime has multiple in range, if so keep it, if not don't
let rem = start_num mod prime.uint
if (prime in res_0..val) and (prime.uint - rem <= range_size or rem == 0): result.add(prime)
proc nextp_init(hi_r: int, kmin: uint, modpg: int, primes: seq[int], resinvrs: seq[int]): seq[uint64] =
## Initialize 'nextp' array for twinpair upper residue rhi in 'restwins'.
## Compute 1st prime multiple resgroups for each prime r0..sqrt(N) and
## store consecutively as lo_tp|hi_tp pairs for their restracks.
var nextp = newSeq[uint64](primes.len * 2) # 1st mults array for twinpair
let (r_hi, r_lo) = (hi_r, hi_r - 2) # upper|lower twinpair residues vals
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r0..sqrt(N)
let k = (prime - 2) div modpg # find the resgroup it's in
let r = (prime - 2) mod modpg + 2 # and its residue value
let r_inv = resinvrs[r] # and its residue inverse
var ri = (r_lo * r_inv - 2) mod modpg + 2 # compute r's ri for r_lo
var ki = uint(k * (prime + ri) + (r * ri - 2) div modpg) # and 1st mult
if ki < kmin: # if 1st mult index < start_num's
ki = (kmin - ki) mod prime.uint # how many indices short is it
if ki > 0'u: ki = prime.uint - ki # adjust index value into range
else: ki = ki - kmin # else here, adjust index if it was >
nextp[j * 2] = ki # lo_tp index val >= start of range
ri = (r_hi * r_inv - 2) mod modpg + 2 # compute r's ri for r_hi
ki = uint(k * (prime + ri) + (r * ri - 2) div modpg) # and 1st mult
if ki < kmin: # if 1st mult index < start_num's
ki = (kmin - ki) mod prime.uint # how many indices short is it
if ki > 0'u: ki = prime.uint - ki # adjust index value into range
else: ki = ki - kmin # else here, adjust index if it was >
nextp[j * 2 or 1] = ki # hi_tp index val >= start of range
result = nextp
proc twins_sieve(r_hi, kmin, kmax, Ks, start_num, end_num, modpg: uint, primes: seq[int], resinvrs: seq[int], indx: int) =
## Perform in thread the ssoz for given twinpair residues for Kmax resgroups.
## First create|init 'nextp' array of 1st prime mults for given twinpair,
## stored consequtively in 'nextp', and init seg array for Ks resgroups.
## For sieve, mark resgroup bits to '1' if either twinpair restrack is nonprime
## for primes mults resgroups, and update 'nextp' restrack slices acccordingly.
## Find last twin prime|sum for range, store at array[indx] for this twinpair.
## Can optionally compile to print mid twinprime values generated by twinpair.
const S = 6 # shift value for 64 bits
const BMASK = (1 shl S) - 1 # bitmask val for 64 bits
var (sum, Ki, Kn) = (0'u, kmin-1, # init these parameters
var (hi_tp, Kmax) = (0'u, kmax) # max twinprime|resgroup val
var seg = newSeq[uint](((Ks-1) shr S) + 1) # seg array for Ks resgroups
if r_hi - 2 < (start_num - 2) mod modpg + 2: # ensure lo tps in range
if r_hi > (end_num - 2) mod modpg + 2: Kmax.dec # ensure hi tps in range
var nextp = nextp_init(, Ki,, primes, resinvrs) # init nextp array
while Ki < Kmax: # for Ks resgroup size slices upto Kmax
if Ks > (Kmax - Ki): Kn = int(Kmax - Ki) # adjust Kn size for last seg
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r0..sqrt(N)
# for lower twinpair residue track
var k1 = nextp[j * 2].int # starting from this resgroup in seg
while k1 < Kn: # mark primenth resgroup bits prime mults
seg[k1 shr S] = seg[k1 shr S] or (1'u shl (k1 and BMASK)).uint
k1 += prime # set next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[j * 2] = uint(k1 - Kn) # save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
# for upper twinpair residue track
var k2 = nextp[j * 2 or 1].int # starting from this resgroup in seg
while k2 < Kn: # mark primenth resgroup bits prime mults
seg[k2 shr S] = seg[k2 shr S] or (1'u shl (k2 and BMASK)).uint
k2 += prime # set next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[j * 2 or 1] = uint(k2 - Kn) # save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
# set as nonprime unused bits in last seg[n]
# so fast, do for every seg[i]
seg[(Kn-1) shr S] = seg[(Kn-1) shr S] or (not 1'u shl ((Kn-1) and BMASK)).uint
var cnt = 0 # count the twinprimes in the segment
for m in seg[0..(Kn-1) shr S]: cnt += (1 shl S) - countSetBits(m)
if cnt > 0: # if segment has twin primes
sum += cnt.uint # add segment count to total range count
var upk = Kn - 1 # from end of seg count back to largest tp
while (seg[upk shr S] and (1'u shl (upk and BMASK)).uint) != 0: upk.dec
hi_tp = Ki + upk.uint # numerate its full resgroup value
Ki += Ks # set 1st resgroup val of next seg slice
if Ki < Kmax: (for b in 0..(Kn - 1) shr S: seg[b] = 0) # set seg to all primes
# when sieve done for full range
# numerate largest twinprime in segs
hi_tp = if r_hi > end_num: 0'u else: hi_tp * modpg.uint + r_hi
lastwins[indx] = if sum == 0: 1'u else: hi_tp # store final seg tp value
cnts[indx] = sum # sum for twin pair
proc twinprimes_ssoz() =
## Main routine to setup, time, and display results for twin primes sieve.
let x = stdin.readline.split # Inputs are 1 or 2 range values < 2**64
var end_num = max(x[0].parseUInt, 3'u)
var start_num = if x.len > 1: max(x[1].parseUInt, 3'u) else: 3'u
if start_num > end_num: swap start_num, end_num
start_num = start_num or 1 # if start_num even add 1
end_num = (end_num - 1) or 1 # if end_num even subtract 1
if end_num - start_num < 2: (start_num, end_num) = (7'u, 7'u)
echo("threads = ", countProcessors())
let ts = epochTime() # start timing sieve setup execution
# select Pn, set sieving params for inputs
let (modpg, res_0, Ks, Kmin, Kmax, Krange,
pairscnt, restwins, resinvrs) = setSieveParameters(start_num, end_num)
# create sieve primes <= sqrt(end_num), only use those whose multiples within inputs range
let primes: seq[int] = if end_num < 49: @[5]
else: sozp5(int(sqrt float64(end_num)), res_0, start_num, end_num)
echo("each of ", pairscnt, " threads has nextp[", 2, " x ", primes.len, "] array")
var twinscnt = 0'u64 # init twinprimes range count
let lo_range = uint(restwins[0] - 3) # lo_range = lo_tp - 1
for tp in [3, 5, 11, 17]: # excluded low tp values for PGs used
if end_num == 3'u: break # if 3 end of range, no twin primes
if tp.uint in start_num..lo_range: twinscnt += 1 # cnt small tps if any
let te = epochTime() - ts # sieve setup time
echo("setup time = ", te.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 6), " secs")
echo("perform twinprimes ssoz sieve")
let t1 = epochTime() # start timing ssoz sieve execution
cnts = newSeq[uint](pairscnt) # array to hold count of tps for each thread
lastwins = newSeq[uint](pairscnt) # array to hold largest tp for each thread
#parallel: # perform in parallel
for indx, r_hi in restwins: # for each twin pair row index
spawn twins_sieve(r_hi.uint, Kmin, Kmax, Ks, start_num, end_num, modpg, primes, resinvrs, indx)
stdout.write("\r", (indx + 1), " of ", pairscnt, " twinpairs done")
sync() # when all the threads finish
var last_twin = 0'u # find largest twin prime in range
for i in 0 ..< pairscnt: # and determine total twin primes count
twinscnt += cnts[i]
if last_twin < lastwins[i]: last_twin = lastwins[i]
if end_num == 5'u and twinscnt == 1: last_twin = 5'u
var Kn = Krange mod Ks # set number of resgroups in last slice
if Kn == 0: Kn = Ks # if multiple of seg size set to seg size
let t2 = epochTime() - t1 # sieve execution time
echo("\nsieve time = ", t2.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 3), " secs")
echo("total time = ", (t2 + te).formatFloat(ffDecimal, 3), " secs")
echo("last segment = ", Kn, " resgroups; segment slices = ", (Krange - 1) div Ks + 1)
echo("total twins = ", twinscnt, "; last twin = ", last_twin - 1, "+/-1")
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It's ok for me I've already understood this 'facility' of caseInsensitive, and local/global difference.
This can be just confusing, and want to tell you.

My last problem is the ability to debug each step, to determine when rewriting in another language produce a bad result.
ie mixing uint8/32/64 can be a good source of errors. (As I have for now between 1E9 and 5E9)

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line 252, to follow your heavy optimizations, 'mod 8' can be replaced by '& 7' ? (a mod 2^n -> a & (n-1))

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Pascal66 commented Nov 28, 2019 via email

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Another one to check please : For 5E9

> Task :SSOZ.main()
threads = 8
generating parameters for P 11
each thread segment is [1 x 65536] bytes array
twinprime candidates = 292207905; resgroups = 2164503
each 135 threads has nextp[2 x 6999] array
restwins [19, 31, 43, 61, 73, 103, 109, 139, 151, 169, 181, 193, 199, 223, 229, 241, 271, 283, 313, 349, 361, 379, 391, 403, 421, 433, 439, 463, 481, 493, 523, 529, 559, 571, 589, 601, 613, 619, 631, 643, 661, 691, 703, 733, 769, 799, 811, 823, 829, 841, 853, 859, 883, 901, 943, 949, 991, 1009, 1021, 1033, 1039, 1051, 1063, 1081, 1093, 1123, 1153, 1159, 1189, 1219, 1231, 1249, 1261, 1273, 1279, 1291, 1303, 1321, 1363, 1369, 1411, 1429, 1453, 1459, 1471, 1483, 1489, 1501, 1513, 1543, 1579, 1609, 1621, 1651, 1669, 1681, 1693, 1699, 1711, 1723, 1741, 1753, 1783, 1789, 1819, 1831, 1849, 1873, 1879, 1891, 1909, 1921, 1933, 1951, 1963, 1999, 2029, 2041, 2071, 2083, 2089, 2113, 2119, 2131, 2143, 2161, 2173, 2203, 2209, 2239, 2251, 2269, 2281, 2293, 2311]
setup time = 70 msecs
perform twinprimes ssoz sieve
135 of 135 threads done

sieve time = 2814 msecs
last segment = 1815 resgroups; segment slices = 331
total twins = 14618169; last twin = 705034274+/-1
total time = 2884 msecs

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jzakiya commented Nov 28, 2019

➜  nim echo 5000000000 | ./twinprimes_ssozdual
threads = 8
each thread segment is [1 x 65536] bytes array
twinprime candidates = 292207905; resgroups = 2164503
each 135 threads has nextp[2 x 6999] array
setup time = 0.000368 secs
perform twinprimes ssoz sieve
135 of 135 threads done
sieve time = 0.227 secs
last segment = 1815 resgroups; segment slices = 34
total twins = 14618166; last twin = 4999999860+/-1
total time = 0.228 secs

There's something wrong with the number of slices you do, which messes up the twins count.

What are the specs on your hardware?

Also, if you print out the twin pair residues it eats up time and display space, unless that's just for temporary diagnostics.
The number of threads used is the number of twin pair residues.

If you post your code in a gist, et al, so I can look at it I may be able to help you debug it.

I also encourage you to install Nim on your system (1.0.4 just released) and compile my code and use as your reference check.

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jzakiya commented Nov 29, 2019

I checked each proc independently to make sure that for given inputs they produced expected outputs.
So make sure sozpg, nextp_init, and then especially twins_sieve produce correct results and that's 95% of it.
It sounds like you're not doing multi-threading yet, which should make design verification easier.
Just take your time until you figure it out.

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jzakiya commented Dec 2, 2019

Lines 259 runs when s = 3, for "large" numbers (8 bits per byte used), and line 260 for "small" numbers (1 bit per byte used).
At the end of sieving each segment, if the segment has twin primes, you start from its end and count backward until you find the largest twin prime resgroup (k value) for that segment, and store it (its the largest twin prime in the segment). This should be very fast.

I suspect either your logic is wrong, or you are not starting from the end of the segment memory, or you are somehow skipping over the last twin pair occurrence and going through the whole segment, which would explain the amount of time you see for those lines.

Be sure your code is doing the same math as mine (for 8 bit bytes). You may need to mask off the low 8 bits to be sure the count is correct.
I could help you better if you shared your code for doing this.

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Pascal66 commented Dec 16, 2019

This doesnt work in Nim:
nim-1.0.4>twinprimes_ssoz 500000000000 600000000000
strutils.nim(1118) parseUInt
Error: unhandled exception: invalid unsigned integer: [ValueError]

This is working in Java:
Please enter an range of integer (comma or space separated):
5e11 6e11
Max threads = 8
generating parameters for P 13
each thread segment is [1 x 131072] bytes array
twinprime candidates = 4945055940; resgroups = 3330004
each 1485 threads has nextp[2 x 62068] array
setup time = 0.119 secs
perform twinprimes ssoz sieve with s=0
1485 of 1485 threads done
sieve time = 23.375 secs
last segment = 53204 resgroups; segment slices = 26
total twins = 328566078; last twin = 599999999772+/-1
total time = 23.494 secs

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jzakiya commented Dec 16, 2019 via email

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Pascal66 commented Dec 17, 2019 via email

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