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Last active September 4, 2017 20:52
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Find primes <= N, using sequential Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) with P5 prime generator, written in Nim
This Nim source file will compile to an executable program to
perform the Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find primes <= N.
It is based on the P5 Strictly Prime (SP) Prime Generator.
Prime Genrators have the form: mod*k + ri; ri -> {1,r1..mod-1}
The residues ri are integers coprime to mod, i.e. gcd(ri,mod) = 1
For P5, mod = 2*3*5 = 30 and the number of residues are
rescnt = (2-1)(3-1)(5-1) = 8, which are {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}.
Adjust segment byte length parameter B (usually L1|l2 cache size)
for optimum operational performance for cpu|system being used.
Verified on Nim 0.17, using clang (smaller exec) or gcc
$ nim c --cc:[clang|gcc] --d:release ssozp5.nim
Then run executable: $ ./ssozp5 <cr>, and enter value for N.
As coded, input values cover the range: 7 -- 2^64-1
Related code, papers, and tutorials, are downloadable here:
Use of this code is free subject to acknowledgment of copyright.
Copyright (c) 2017 Jabari Zakiya -- jzakiya at gmail dot com
Version Date: 2017/08/28
This code is provided under the terms of the
GNU General Public License Version 3, GPLv3, or greater.
License copy/terms are here:
import math # for sqrt function
import strutils, typetraits # for number input
# Global var used to count number of primes in 'seg' variable.
# Each value is number of '0' bits (primes) for values 0..255.
let pbits = [
# The global residue values for the P5 prime generator.
let residues = [1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31]
# Global parameters
modpg = 30 # mod value for P5 prime generator
rescnt = 8 # number of residues for P5 prime generator
pcnt = 0 # number of primes from r1..sqrt(N)
primecnt = 0'u64 # number of primes <= N
nextp: seq[uint64] # table of regroups vals for primes multiples
primes: seq[int] # list of primes r1..sqrt(N)
seg: seq[uint8] # segment byte array to perform ssoz
# This routine is used to compute the list of primes r1..sqrt(input_num),
# stored in global var 'primes', and its count stored in global var 'pcnt'.
# Any algorithm (fast|small) can be used. Here the SoZ using P7 is used.
proc sozp7(val: int | int64) = # Use P7 prmgen to finds primes upto val
let md = 210 # P7 mod value
let rscnt = 48 # P7 residue count and residues list
let res = [1, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67
, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,101,103,107,109,113,121,127,131,137,139
var posn = newSeq[int](md) # small array (or hash) to convert
for i in 0 .. <rscnt: posn[res[i]] = i-1 # (x mod md) vals -> -1,0,1,2..46
let num = (val-1) or 1 # if val even then subtract 1
var k = num div md # compute its residue group val
var modk = md * k # compute its base num
var r = 1 # from 1st residue in num's resgroup
while num >= modk+res[r]: r += 1 # find last pc val|position <= num
let maxprms = k*rscnt + r - 1 # max number of prime candidates <= num
var prms = newSeq[bool](maxprms) # array of prime candidates set False
let sqrtN =int(sqrt float64(num)) # compute integer sqrt of input num
modk = 0; r = 0; k = 0
# process to mark the prime multiples in the list of pcs r1..sqrtN
for prm in prms: # from list of pc positions in prms
r += 1; if r > rscnt: (r = 1; modk += md; k += 1)
if prm: continue # if pc not prime go to next location
let prm_r = res[r] # if prime save its residue value
let prime = modk + prm_r # numerate the prime value
if prime > sqrtN: break # we're finished if it's > sqrtN
let prmstep = prime * rscnt # prime's stepsize to mark its mults
for ri in res[1..rscnt]: # mark prime's multiples in prms
let prod = prm_r * ri # residues cross-product for this prime
# compute resgroup val of 1st prime multiple for each restrack
# starting there, mark all prime multiples on restrack upto end of prms
var prm_mult = (k*(prime + ri) + prod div md)*rscnt + posn[prod mod md]
while prm_mult < maxprms: prms[prm_mult] = true; prm_mult += prmstep
# prms now contains the nonprime positions for the prime candidates r1..N
# extract primes into global var 'primes' and count into global var 'pcnt'
primes = @[7] # r1 prime for P5
modk = 0; r=0
for prm in prms: # numerate|store primes from pcs list
r += 1; if r > rscnt: (r = 1; modk += md)
if not prm: primes.add(modk + res[r]) # put prime in global 'primes' list
pcnt = len(primes) # set global count of primes
# This routine initializes the [rescnt x pcnt] global var 'nextp' table with
# resgroup vals of the 1st prime multiples for each prime r1..sqrtN along the
# the residue tracks for the used prime generator.
proc nextp_init() =
var pos = newSeq[int](modpg) # create small array to
for i in 0..<rescnt: pos[residues[i]] = i-1 # convert (x mod modpg) vals
pos[1] = rescnt-1 # to restracks -> 0,1..rescnt-1
# load 'nextp' with 1st prime multiples regroups vals on each residue track
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
let k = (prime-2) div modpg # find the resgroup it's in
let r = (prime-2) mod modpg + 2 # and its residue value
for ri in residues[1 .. rescnt]: # for each prime|residue pair
let prod = r * ri # compute res cross-products
let row = pos[prod mod modpg] * pcnt # compute restrack address
# compute|store resgroup val of 1st prime mult for prime|ri residue pair
nextp[row + j] = uint(k*(prime + ri) + (prod-2) div modpg)
# This routine performs the prime sieve for a segment of Kn resgroups|bytes.
# Each 'seg' bit represents a restrack of Kn resgroups, which are processed
# sequentially. The 'nextp' resgroup values mark the prime multiples in 'seg'
# along each restrack, and are udpated for each prime for the next segment.
# Then the prime count for each 'seg' byte is added to global var 'primecnt'.
proc segsieve(Kn: int) = # for Kn resgroups in segment
for b in 0 .. <Kn: seg[b] = 0 # initialize seg bits to all prime '0'
for r in 0 .. <rescnt: # for each prime generator residue
let biti = uint8(1 shl r) # set its residue track bit mask
let row = r * pcnt # set address to its restrack in 'nextp'
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
if nextp[row + j] < uint(Kn): # if 1st mult resgroup is within 'seg'
var k = int(nextp[row + j]) # starting from this resgroup in 'seg'
while k < Kn: # for each primenth byte to end of 'seg'
seg[k] = seg[k] or biti # mark restrack bit in byte as nonprime
k += prime # compute next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[row + j] = uint(k - Kn) # save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
else: nextp[row+j] -= uint(Kn) # do if 1st mult resgroup not within seg
# now count the primes in the segment
for byt in seg[0..<Kn]: # for every resgroup|byte in the segment
primecnt += uint(pbits[byt]) # count the '0' bits as primes
# Print segment primes. Can store as: $ ./ssozp5 {| less} or {> <primesfile>}
# to make viewing primes easier
proc printprms(Kn: int, Ki: uint64) = # starting at resgroup value Ki for seg
var modk = Ki * modpg # compute its base num
for k in 0 .. <Kn: # for Kn residues groups|bytes in seg
for r in 0 .. <rescnt: # for each restrack bit in byte
if (int(seg[k]) and (1 shl r)) == 0: # if it's '0' it's a prime
write(stdout, modk + uint(residues[r+1]), " ") # numerate|print value
modk += modpg # incr base num to next resgroup in seg
echo "\n"
proc ssozp5() = # Perform SSoZ using P5 prime generator
stdout.write "Enter integer number: "
let val = stdin.readline.parseBiggestUInt # input integer value (7..2^64-1)
const B = 256 * 1024 # adjust size to optimize for system cache
let KB = uint(B) # number of segment resgroups
seg = newSeq[uint8](B) # create segment array of B bytes size
echo("segment has ", B, " bytes and ", KB, " residues groups")
let num = uint64((val-1) or 1) # if val even subtract 1
var k = num div modpg # compute its resgroup
var modk = k * modpg # compute its base num
var r = 1 # from 1st residue in num's resgroup
while num >= modk+uint(residues[r]): r += 1 # find last pc position <= num
let maxpcs = k*rescnt+ uint(r-1) # maximum number of prime candidates <= num
let Kmax = (num-2) div modpg + 1 # maximum number of resgroups for num
echo("prime candidates = ", maxpcs, "; resgroups = ", Kmax)
let sqrtN=int(sqrt float64(num)) # compute integer sqrt of input num
sozP7(sqrtN) # get pcnt and primes <= sqrt(num)
echo("create nextp[", rescnt, "x", pcnt, "] array")
nextp = newSeq[uint64](rescnt*pcnt) # create size of global 'nextp' table
nextp_init() # load with first prime multiples resgroups
primecnt = 3 # 2,3,5 the P5 excluded primes count
var Kn = int(KB) # set sieve resgroups size to segment size
var Ki = 0'u64 # starting resgroup index for first segment
echo("perform segmented SoZ")
while Ki < Kmax: # for KB resgroup size slices up to Kmax
if Kmax-Ki < KB: Kn = int(Kmax-Ki) # this is to set last segment size
segsieve(Kn) # sieve and count primes for this segment
#printprms(Kn,Ki) # print primes for the segment (optional)
Ki += KB # first resgroup index for next seg slice
var lprime = 0'u64 # get last prime and primecnt <= num
modk = (Kmax-1) * modpg # set mod for last resgroup in last segment
var b = Kn-1 # set val for last resgroup in last segment
r = rescnt-1 # starting from last restrack
while true: # step backwards from end of last resgroup
if (int(seg[b]) and (1 shl r)) == 0: # if restrack bit indicates a prime
lprime = modk + uint(residues[r+1]) # numerate the prime value
if lprime <= num: break # if its <= num its the last prime, so exit
primecnt -= 1 # else reduce primecnt, keep backtracking
# reduce restrack, next resgroup if needed
r -= 1; if r < 0: (r = rescnt-1; modk -= modpg; b -= 1)
echo("last segment = ", Kn, " resgroups; segment slices = ", Ki div KB)
echo("total primes = ", primecnt, "; last prime = ", lprime)
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