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Last active January 8, 2024 02:27
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Twinprimes generator, multi-threaded, using SSoZ (Segmented Sieve of Zakiya), written in D
/* This D source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an
* extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
* Inputs are single values N, or ranges N1 and N2, of 64-bits, 0 -- 2^64 - 1.
* Output is the number of twin primes <= N, or in range N1 to N2; the last
* twin prime value for the range; and the total time of execution.
* Code originally developed on a System76 laptop with an Intel I7 6700HQ cpu,
* 2.6-3.5 GHz clock, with 8 threads, and 16GB of memory. Parameter tuning
* would be needed to optimize for other hadware systems (ARM, PowerPC, etc).
* To compile with ldc2: $ ldc2 --release -O3 twinprimes_ssoz.d
* To reduce binary size do: $ strip twinprimes_ssoz
* Then run executable: $ ./twinprimes_ssoz <cr>, and enter range values.
* Or alternatively: $ echo <range1> <range2> | ./twinprimes_ssoz
* Range values can be provided in either order (larger or smaller first).
* This D source file, and updates, will be available here:
* Mathematical and technical basis for implementation are explained here:
* Twin_Primes_Sieve_of_Zakiya_SoZ_Applications_to_Number_Theory_and_Implications_
* for_the_Riemann_Hypotheses
* This code is provided free and subject to copyright and terms of the
* GNU General Public License Version 3, GPLv3, or greater.
* License copy/terms are here:
* Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Jabari Zakiya -- jzakiya at gmail dot com
* Version Date: 2024/01/07
module twinprimes_ssoz;
import std.algorithm : min, max, swap, sort;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;
import std.math : sqrt;
import std.parallelism : parallel, totalCPUs;
import std.range : iota;
import std.stdio : readf, write, writeln, readln;
import std.numeric : gcd;
import std.array: appender;
import core.bitop: popcnt;
import core.atomic: atomicOp;
/// Compute modular inverse a^-1 of a to base b, e.g. a*(a^-1) mod b = 1.
int modinv(int a0, int b0) pure @nogc
int a = a0;
int b = b0;
int x0 = 0;
int result = 1;
if (b == 1) { return result; }
while (a > 1) {
immutable q = a / b;
a = a % b;
swap(a, b);
result -= q * x0;
swap(x0, result);
if (result < 0) { result += b0; }
return result;
// Global parameters
shared uint Ks = 0; // segment size for each seg restrack
shared ulong start_num; // lo number for range
shared ulong end_num; // hi number for range
shared ulong Kmax; // number of resgroups to end_num
shared ulong Kmin; // number of resgroups to start_num
shared ulong[] primes; // list of primes r1..sqrt(N)
shared uint[] cnts; // holds twin primes count for each tp|thread
shared ulong[] lastwins; // holds largest twin prime for each tp|thread
shared uint modpg; // PG's modulus value
shared uint res_0; // PG's first residue value
shared ulong[] restwins; // PG's list of twinpair residues
shared ulong[] resinvrs; // PG's list of residues inverses
shared uint bn; // segment size factor for PG and input number
/// Creates constant parameters for selected Prime Generator at runtime.
void genPGparameters(int prime)
writeln("using parameters for P", prime);
static immutable primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23];
uint modpn = 1;
uint res0 = 0; // compute Pn's modulus and res_0 value
foreach (prm; primes) { res0 = prm; if (prm > prime) break; modpn *= prm; }
restwins = []; // save upper twin pair residues here
resinvrs = new ulong[modpn + 2]; // save Pn's residues inverses here
uint rc = 5; // use P3's PGS to generate residue candidates
uint inc = 2; // init value in its seq: 2 4 2 4 2 4 ...
auto res = 0; // init residue value
while (rc < (modpn >> 1)) { // find PG's 1st half residues
if (gcd(rc, modpn) == 1) { // if rc is a residue
auto mc = modpn - rc; // create its modular complement
resinvrs[rc] = modinv(rc,modpn); // save rc and mc inverses
resinvrs[mc] = modinv(mc,modpn); // if in twinpair save both hi residues
if (res + 2 == rc) { restwins ~= rc; restwins ~= mc + 2; }
res = rc; // save current found residue
rc += inc; inc = inc ^ 0b110; // create next P3 sequence rc: 5 7 11 13 17 19 ...
restwins.sort; restwins ~= modpn + 1; // last residue is last hi_tp
resinvrs[modpn + 1] = 1; resinvrs[modpn - 1] = modpn - 1; // last 2 residues are self inverses
modpg = modpn; res_0 = res0; // save global variables
/// Select at runtime best PG and segment size factor to use for input range.
/// These are good estimates derived from PG data profiling. Can be improved.
void setSieveParameters(ulong start_range, ulong end_range) {
ulong range = end_range - start_range;
int pg = 3;
if (end_range < 49) {
bn = 1; pg = 3;
} else if (range < 77_000_000) {
bn = 16; pg = 5;
} else if (range < 1_100_000_000) {
bn = 32; pg = 7;
} else if (range < 35_500_000_000uL) {
bn = 64; pg = 11;
} else if (range < 14_000_000_000_000uL) {
pg = 13;
if (range > 7_000_000_000_000uL) { bn = 384; }
else if (range > 2_500_000_000_000uL) { bn = 320; }
else if (range > 250_000_000_000uL) { bn = 196; }
else { bn = 128; }
else {
bn = 384; pg = 17;
auto pairscnt = restwins.length; // number of twin pairs|threads for selected PG
Kmin = (start_num-2) / modpg + 1; // number of resgroups to start_num
Kmax = (end_num - 2) / modpg + 1; // number of resgroups to end_num
auto krange = Kmax - Kmin + 1; // number of range resgroups, at least 1
auto n = (krange < 37_500_000_000_000uL) ? 4 : (krange < 950_000_000_000_000uL) ? 6 : 8;
auto b = bn * 1024 * n; // set seg size to optimize for selected PG
Ks = cast(uint)((krange < b) ? krange : b); // segments resgroups size
writeln("segment size = ",Ks," resgroups; seg array is [1 x ",((Ks-1) >> 6) + 1,"] 64-bits");
auto maxpairs = krange * pairscnt; // maximum number of twin prime pcs
writeln("twinprime candidates = ", maxpairs, "; resgroups = ", krange);
/// Return the primes r0..sqrt(end_num) within range (start_num...end_num)
void sozP5(ulong val) {
uint md = 30; // P5's modulus value
ulong rescnt = 8; // P5's residue count
static immutable res = [7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31];
static immutable bitn = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,128];
ulong range_size = end_num - start_num;// integers size of inputs range
ulong kmax = (val - 2) / md + 1; // number of resgroups upto input value
ubyte[] prms = new ubyte[](kmax); // byte array of prime candidates init '0'
ulong sqrtn = cast(ulong) sqrt(cast(double) val); // integer sqrt of val
auto k = sqrtn/rescnt; auto resk = sqrtn-md*k; auto rr=0; // sqrtn resgroup|residue values, 1st res posn
while (resk >= res[rr]) rr++; // find largest residue <= sqrtn posn in its resgroup
auto pcs_to_sqrtn = k*rescnt + rr; // number of pcs <= sqrtn
foreach (i; 0..pcs_to_sqrtn) { // for r0..sqrtn primes mark their multiples
k = i/rescnt; auto r = i%rescnt; // update resgroup parameters
if ((prms[k] & (1 << r)) != 0) continue; // skip this pc if not prime
auto prm_r = res[r]; // if prime save its residue value
ulong prime = md*k + prm_r; // numerate its value
auto rem = start_num % prime; // prime's modular distance to start_num
if (!(prime - rem <= range_size || rem == 0)) continue; // skip prime if no multiple in range
foreach (ri; res) { // mark prime's multiples in prms
uint prod = prm_r * ri - 2; // compute cross-product for prm_r|ri pair
ubyte bit_r = cast(ubyte) bitn[prod % md]; // bit mask value for prod's residue
ulong kpm = k * (prime + ri) + prod / md; // resgroup for prime's 1st multiple
while (kpm < kmax) { prms[kpm] |= bit_r; kpm += prime; } // mark prime's multiples
// prms now contains the prime multiples positions marked for the pcs r0..N
// now along each restrack, identify|numerate the primes in each resgroup
// return only the primes with a multiple within range (start_num...end_num)
primes = []; // create empty dynamic array for primes
foreach (i, res_i; res) { // along each restrack|row til end
foreach (kn, resgroup; prms) { // for each resgroup along restrack
if ((resgroup & (1 << i)) == 0) { // if bit location a prime
ulong prime = md * kn + res_i; // numerate its value, store if in range
// check if prime has multiple in range, if so keep it, if not don't
ulong rem = start_num % prime; // if rem is 0 then start_num multiple of prime
if (((res_0 <= prime) && (prime <= val)) && (prime - rem <= range_size || rem == 0)) { primes ~= prime; }
} } } } // primes stored in restrack|row sequence order
/// Initialize 'nextp' array for given twin pair residues for thread.
/// Compute 1st prime multiple resgroups in range for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
/// and store consecutively as lo_tp|hi_tp pairs for their restracks.
ulong[] nextp_init(ulong hi_r, ulong k_min) {
ulong[] nextp = new ulong[](primes.length * 2); // 1st mults array for tp
ulong r_hi = hi_r; // upper twin pair value
ulong r_lo = hi_r - 2; // lower twin pair value
foreach(size_t j, prime; primes) { // for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
auto k = (prime - 2) / modpg; // find the resgroup it's in
auto r = (prime - 2) % modpg + 2; // and its residue value
auto r_inv = resinvrs[r]; // and its residue inverse
auto rl = (r_lo * r_inv - 2) % modpg + 2; // compute the ri for r for lo_cp
auto rh = (r_hi * r_inv - 2) % modpg + 2; // compute the ri for r for hi_tp
auto kl = k * (prime + rl) + (r * rl - 2) / modpg; // kl 1st mult resgroup
auto kh = k * (prime + rh) + (r * rh - 2) / modpg; // kh 1st mult resgroup
if (kl < k_min) { // if 1st mult index < start_num's
kl = (k_min - kl) % prime; // how many indices short is it
if (kl > 0) kl = prime - kl; // adjust index value into range
} else { kl = kl - k_min; } // else here, addjust index if it was >
if (kh < k_min) { // if 1st mult index < start_num's
kh = (k_min - kh) % prime; // how many indices short is it
if (kh > 0) kh = prime - kh; // adjust index value into range
} else { kh = kh - k_min; } // else here, addjust index if it was >
nextp[j * 2] = kl; // lo_cp index val >= start of range
nextp[j * 2 | 1] = kh; // hi_cp index val >= start of range
return nextp;
/// Perform in a thread, the ssoz for a given twinpair, for Kmax resgroups.
/// First create|init 'nextp' array of 1st prime mults for given twin pair,
/// (stored consequtively in 'nextp') and init seg byte array for Ks resgroups.
/// For sieve, mark resgroup bits to '1' if either twinpair restrack is nonprime,
/// for primes mults resgroups, and update 'nextp' restrack slices acccordingly.
/// Find last twin prime|sum for range, store in their arrays for this twinpair.
/// Can optionally compile to print mid twinprime values generated by twinpair.
void twinsSieve(uint indx) {
uint s = 6; // shift value for 64 bits
uint bmask = (1 << s) - 1; // bitmask val for 64 bits
auto sum = 0; // twins count for twin pair for segment
ulong Ki = Kmin - 1; // first resgroup val for range for slice
ulong K_max = Kmax; // last resgroup val for range for slice
uint Kn = Ks; // resgroup seg size for each seg slice
ulong hi_tp = 0; // value of largest tp hi prime in seg
ulong r_hi = restwins[indx]; // hi tp residue for this thread
ulong[] seg = new ulong[](((Ks-1) >> s) + 1); // seg array for Ks regroups
if (r_hi - 2 < (start_num - 2) % modpg + 2) ++Ki; // ensure lo cp in range
if (r_hi > (end_num - 2) % modpg + 2) --K_max; // ensure hi cp in range
ulong[] nextp = nextp_init(r_hi, Ki); // 1st prime mults for twin pair restracks
while (Ki < K_max) { // for Kn resgroup size slices upto Kmax
Kn = min(Ks, K_max - Ki); // set segment slice resgroup length
foreach (j, prime; primes) { // for each prime index r1..sqrt(N)
// for lower pair residue track
ulong k1 = nextp[j * 2]; // starting from this lower resgroup in seg
while (k1 < Kn) { // mark primenth resgroup bits prime mults
seg[k1 >> s] |= 1uL << (k1 & bmask);
k1 += prime; } // set next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[j * 2] = k1 - Kn; // save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
// for upper pair residue track
ulong k2 = nextp[j * 2 | 1]; // starting from this upper resgroup in seg
while (k2 < Kn) { // mark primenth resgroup prime mults
seg[k2 >> s] |= 1uL << (k2 & bmask);
k2 += prime; } // set next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[j * 2 | 1] = k2 - Kn; // save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
} // set as nonprime unused bits in last seg[n]
// so fast, do for every seg[i]
seg[(Kn-1) >> s] = seg[(Kn-1) >> s] | (~1uL << ((Kn-1) & bmask));
auto cnt = 0; // count the cousinprimes in the segment
foreach (i; 0..((Kn-1) >> s) + 1) { cnt += popcnt(~seg[i]); }
if (cnt > 0) { // if segment has twin primes
sum += cnt; // add the segment count to total count
uint upk = Kn - 1; // from end of seg count backwards to largest tp
while ((seg[upk >> s] & (1uL << (upk & bmask))) != 0) --upk;
hi_tp = Ki + upk; // numerate its full resgroup value
Ki += Ks; // set 1st resgroup val of next seg slice
if (Ki < K_max) {foreach (b; 0..((Kn-1) >> s) + 1) seg[b] = 0;} // set seg all primes
// numerate largest twin prime in seg
hi_tp = ((r_hi > end_num) || (sum == 0)) ? 1 : hi_tp * modpg + r_hi;
lastwins[indx] = hi_tp; // store final seg tp value
cnts[indx] = sum; // sum for twin pair
/// Main routine to run twinprimes sieve, input ranges within 0..2^64 - 1.
void twinPrimesSsoz() {
ulong[] x;
foreach (_; 0 .. 2) { ulong a; readf!" %d"(a); x ~= a; }
end_num = max(x[0], 3);
start_num = max(x[1], 3);
if (start_num > end_num) swap(start_num, end_num);
start_num = start_num | 1; // if start_num even add 1
end_num = (end_num - 1) | 1; // if end_num even subtract 1
if (end_num - start_num < 2) { start_num = 7; end_num = 7; }
writeln("threads = ", totalCPUs);
auto stopWatchSetup = StopWatch();
stopWatchSetup.start(); // start timing sieve setup execution
setSieveParameters(start_num, end_num);
auto pairscnt = restwins.length;
auto krange = Kmax - Kmin + 1;
// create sieve primes <= sqrt(end_num), only use those whose multiples within inputs range
if (end_num < 49) primes ~= 5; // generate sieving primes
else sozP5(cast(ulong) sqrt(cast(double) end_num)); // <= sqrt(end_num)
writeln("each of ", pairscnt, " threads has nextp[", 2, " x ", primes.length, "] array");
ulong twinscnt = 0; // number of twin primes for range
auto lo_range = restwins[0] - 3; // lo_range = lo_tp - 1
foreach (tp; [3, 5, 11, 17]) { // excluded low tp values for PGs used
if (end_num == 3) break; // if 3 end of range, no twin primes
if ((start_num <= tp) && (tp < lo_range)) ++twinscnt; // count small tp if any
stopWatchSetup.stop(); // sieve setup time
writeln("setup time = ", stopWatchSetup.peek());
writeln("perform twinprimes ssoz sieve");
auto stopWatchExecution = StopWatch(); // start timing ssoz sieve execution
cnts = new uint[](pairscnt); // count of tps for each thread
lastwins = new ulong[](pairscnt); // largest hi_tp for each thread
shared uint threadscnt = 0; // count of finished threads
foreach (indx; parallel(iota(0, pairscnt))) { // do in parallel for each tp
twinsSieve(cast(uint) indx); // sieve selected twinpair restracks
write("\r", threadscnt.atomicOp!"+="(1), " of ", pairscnt, " twinpairs done");
write("\r", pairscnt, " of ", pairscnt, " twinpairs done");
ulong last_twin = 0uL;
foreach(i; 0..pairscnt) {
twinscnt += cnts[i];
if (last_twin < lastwins[i]) last_twin = lastwins[i];
if ((end_num == 5) && (twinscnt == 1)) last_twin = 5;
auto Kn = krange % Ks; // set num of resgroups in last slice
if (Kn == 0) Kn = Ks; // if mult of segsize set to seg size
stopWatchExecution.stop(); // sieve execution time
writeln("\nsieve time = ", stopWatchExecution.peek());
writeln("total time = ", stopWatchSetup.peek() + stopWatchExecution.peek());
writeln("last segment = ", Kn, " resgroups; segment slices = ", (krange-1) / Ks + 1);
writeln("total twins = ", twinscnt, "; last twin = ", last_twin - 1, "+/-1");
void main()
{ twinPrimesSsoz(); }
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veelo commented Nov 11, 2018

Hi, just in case you didn't notice, I made a small contribution to the compile time part of this code:
I didn't cross-check the results with the Nim code, you might want to do that before publishing it.


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