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Last active October 25, 2021 22:38
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Using argument captors
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.kotlin.*
class RepositoryImplTest {
fun `without validating prefix`() {
// setup
val mockApi: Api = mock()
val repository = RepositoryImpl("TEST", mockApi)
var result: String? = null
val onResult: Callback = { result = it }
// test
repository.fetch("foo", onResult)
// verify
verify(mockApi).fetch(eq("foo"), any())
// but how do we assert the prefix was used correctly ???
fun `validating prefix using a fake`() {
// setup
class FakeApi : Api {
lateinit var data: String
lateinit var onResult: Callback
override fun fetch(data: String, onResult: Callback) { = data
this.onResult = onResult
val fakeApi = FakeApi()
val repository = RepositoryImpl("TEST", fakeApi)
var result: String? = null
val onResult: Callback = { result = it }
// test
repository.fetch("foo", onResult)
// verify
assertEquals("[TEST] bar", result)
fun `validating prefix using a captor`() {
// setup
val mockApi: Api = mock()
val repository = RepositoryImpl("TEST", mockApi)
val captor = argumentCaptor<Callback>()
var result: String? = null
val onResult: Callback = { result = it }
// test
repository.fetch("foo", onResult)
// verify
verify(mockApi).fetch(eq("foo"), captor.capture())
val callback = captor.firstValue
assertEquals("[TEST] bar", result)
fun `validating prefix using an inline captor`() {
// setup
val mockApi: Api = mock()
val repository = RepositoryImpl("TEST", mockApi)
var result: String? = null
val onResult: Callback = { result = it }
// test
repository.fetch("foo", onResult)
// verify
val captor = argumentCaptor<Callback> {
verify(mockApi).fetch(eq("foo"), capture())
val callback = captor.firstValue
assertEquals("[TEST] bar", result)
typealias Callback = (String) -> Unit
interface Repository {
fun fetch(data: String, onResult: Callback)
class RepositoryImpl(private val prefix: String, private val api: Api) : Repository {
override fun fetch(data: String, onResult: Callback) {
api.fetch(data) { onResult.invoke("[$prefix] $it") }
interface Api {
fun fetch(data: String, onResult: Callback)
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