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Created July 17, 2019 06:54
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  • Save jzavisek/c240aaeb1275e85bbc1830a25825a8c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"Object.getPrototypeOf": {
"prefix": "op",
"body": "Object.getPrototypeOf(${0})"
"Object.getOwnPropertyNames": {
"prefix": "opn",
"body": "Object.getOwnPropertyNames(${0})"
"setTimeout": {
"prefix": "st",
"body": "setTimeout(() => {\n\t${0}\n}, ${1:delay})"
"setInterval": {
"prefix": "si",
"body": "setInterval(() => {\n\t${0}\n}, ${1:delay})"
"setImmediate": {
"prefix": "sim",
"body": "setImmediate(() => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"await": {
"prefix": "a",
"body": "await ${0}"
"await Promise.all": {
"prefix": "aa",
"body": "await Promise.all(${1:value})"
"await Promise.all map": {
"prefix": "aam",
"body": "await Promise.all(${1:array}.map((${2:value}) => {\n\t${0}\n}))"
"Node callback": {
"prefix": "cb",
"body": "function (err, ${1:value}) {\n\tif (err) throw err\n\t${0}\n}"
"Promise.all": {
"prefix": "pa",
"body": "Promise.all([${1:value}])"
"Promise.resolve": {
"prefix": "prs",
"body": "Promise.resolve(${1:value})"
"Promise.reject": {
"prefix": "prj",
"body": "Promise.reject(${1:value})"
"Promise": {
"prefix": "p",
"body": "Promise"
"new Promise": {
"prefix": "np",
"body": "new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"Promise.then": {
"prefix": "pt",
"body": "${1:promise}.then((${2:value}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"Promise.catch": {
"prefix": "pc",
"body": "${1:promise}.catch(error => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"describe": {
"prefix": "desc",
"body": "describe('${1:description}', () => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"it asynchronous": {
"prefix": "ita",
"body": "it('${1:description}', async () => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"it asynchronous with done": {
"prefix": "itad",
"body": "it('${1:description}', done => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"it synchronous": {
"prefix": "it",
"body": "it('${1:description}', () => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"mocha before": {
"prefix": "bf",
"body": "before(function () {\n\t${0}\n})"
"mocha beforeEach": {
"prefix": "bfe",
"body": "beforeEach(function () {\n\t${0}\n})"
"mocha after": {
"prefix": "aft",
"body": "after(function () {\n\t${0}\n})"
"mocha afterEach": {
"prefix": "afe",
"body": "afterEach(function () {\n\t${0}\n})"
"require": {
"prefix": "rq",
"body": "require('${1:module}')"
"const module = require('module')": {
"prefix": "cr",
"body": "const ${1:module} = require('${2:value}')"
"exports.member": {
"prefix": "em",
"body": "exports.${1:member} = ${2:value}"
"module.exports": {
"prefix": "me",
"body": [
"module.exports = {",
" $1,",
"module.exports short": {
"prefix": "mes",
"body": [
"module.exports = $1",
"description": "Exported values."
"module as class": {
"prefix": "mec",
"body": "class ${1:name} {\n\tconstructor (${2:arguments}) {\n\t\t${0}\n\t}\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ${1:name}\n"
"event handler": {
"prefix": "on",
"body": "${1:emitter}.on('${2:event}', (${3:arguments}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"dom event cancel default and propagation": {
"prefix": "evc",
"body": "ev.preventDefault()\nev.stopPropagation()\nreturn false"
"addEventListener": {
"prefix": "ae",
"body": "${1:document}.addEventListener('${2:event}', ${3:ev} => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"removeEventListener": {
"prefix": "rel",
"body": "${1:document}.removeEventListener('${2:event}', ${3:listener})"
"getElementById": {
"prefix": "gi",
"body": "${1:document}.getElementById('${2:id}')"
"getElementsByClassName": {
"prefix": "gc",
"body": "Array.from(${1:document}.getElementsByClassName('${2:class}'))"
"getElementsByTagName": {
"prefix": "gt",
"body": "Array.from(${1:document}.getElementsByTagName('${2:tag}'))"
"querySelector": {
"prefix": "qs",
"body": "${1:document}.querySelector('${2:selector}')"
"querySelectorAll": {
"prefix": "qsa",
"body": "Array.from(${1:document}.querySelectorAll('${2:selector}'))"
"createDocumentFragment": {
"prefix": "cdf",
"body": "${1:document}.createDocumentFragment(${2:elem})"
"createElement": {
"prefix": "cel",
"body": "${1:document}.createElement(${2:elem})"
"classList.add": {
"prefix": "cla",
"body": "${1:el}.classList.add('${2:class}')"
"classList.remove": {
"prefix": "clr",
"body": "${1:el}.classList.remove('${2:class}')"
"classList.toggle": {
"prefix": "ct",
"body": "${1:el}.classList.toggle('${2:class}')"
"getAttribute": {
"prefix": "ga",
"body": "${1:el}.getAttribute('${2:attr}')"
"removeAttribute": {
"prefix": "ra",
"body": "${1:el}.removeAttribute('${2:attr}')"
"setAttribute": {
"prefix": "sa",
"body": "${1:el}.setAttribute('${2:attr}', ${3:value})"
"appendChild": {
"prefix": "ac",
"body": "${1:el}.appendChild(${2:elem})"
"removeChild": {
"prefix": "rc",
"body": "${1:el}.removeChild(${2:elem})"
"forEach loop": {
"prefix": "fe",
"body": "${1:iterable}.forEach((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"map": {
"prefix": "map",
"body": "${1:iterable}.map((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"reduce": {
"prefix": "reduce",
"body": "${1:iterable}.reduce((${2:previous}, ${3:current}) => {\n\t${0}\n}${4:, initial})"
"filter": {
"prefix": "filter",
"body": "${1:iterable}.filter((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"find": {
"prefix": "find",
"body": "${1:iterable}.find((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"every": {
"prefix": "every",
"body": "${1:iterable}.every((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"some": {
"prefix": "some",
"body": "${1:iterable}.some((${2:item}) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
"var statement": {
"prefix": "v",
"body": "var ${1:name}"
"var assignment": {
"prefix": "va",
"body": "var ${1:name} = ${2:value}"
"let statement": {
"prefix": "l",
"body": "let ${1:name}"
"const statement": {
"prefix": "c",
"body": "const ${1:name}"
"const statement from destructuring": {
"prefix": "cd",
"body": [
"const {${1:name}} = ${2:value}",
"const assignment awaited": {
"prefix": "ca",
"body": "const ${1:name} = await ${2:value}"
"let assignment awaited": {
"prefix": "la",
"body": "let ${1:name} = await ${2:value}"
"const assignment yielded": {
"prefix": "cy",
"body": "const ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}"
"let assignment yielded": {
"prefix": "ly",
"body": "let ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}"
"const object": {
"prefix": "co",
"body": "const ${1:name} = {\n\t${0}\n}"
"const array": {
"prefix": "car",
"body": "const ${1:name} = [\n\t${0}\n]"
"class": {
"prefix": "cs",
"body": "class ${1:name} {\n\tconstructor (${2:arguments}) {\n\t\t${0}\n\t}\n}"
"class extends": {
"prefix": "csx",
"body": "class ${1:name} extends ${2:base} {\n\tconstructor (${3:arguments}) {\n\t\tsuper(${3:arguments})\n\t\t${0}\n\t}\n}"
"module export": {
"prefix": "e",
"body": "export ${1:member}"
"module export const": {
"prefix": "ec",
"body": "export const ${1:member} = ${2:value}"
"module default export": {
"prefix": "ed",
"body": "export default ${1:member}"
"module default export function": {
"prefix": "edf",
"body": "export default function ${1:name} (${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"import module": {
"prefix": "im",
"body": "import ${1:*} from '${2:module}'"
"import module as": {
"prefix": "ia",
"body": "import ${1:*} as ${2:name} from '${3:module}'"
"import module destructured": {
"prefix": "id",
"body": "import {$1} from '${2:module}'"
"typeof": {
"prefix": "t",
"body": "typeof ${1:source} === '${2:undefined}'"
"instanceof": {
"prefix": "iof",
"body": "${1:source} instanceof ${2:Object}"
"Array.isArray()": {
"prefix": "ia",
"body": "Array.isArray(${1:source})"
"let and if statement": {
"prefix": "lif",
"body": "let ${0} \n if (${2:condition}) {\n\t${1}\n}"
"if statement": {
"prefix": "i",
"body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"else statement": {
"prefix": "el",
"body": "else {\n\t${0}\n}"
"if/else statement": {
"prefix": "ife",
"body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0}\n} else {\n\t\n}"
"else if statement": {
"prefix": "ei",
"body": "else if (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"for loop": {
"prefix": "fl",
"body": "for (let ${1:i} = 0, ${2:len} = ${3:iterable}.length; ${1:i} < ${2:len}; ${1:i}++) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"for in loop": {
"prefix": "fi",
"body": "for (let ${1:key} in ${2:source}) {\n\tif (${2:source}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {\n\t\t${0}\n\t}\n}"
"for of loop": {
"prefix": "fo",
"body": "for (let ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"while iteration decrementing": {
"prefix": "wid",
"body": "let ${1:array}Index = ${1:array}.length\nwhile (${1:array}Index--) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"while loop": {
"prefix": "wl",
"body": "while (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"throw new Error": {
"prefix": "tn",
"body": "throw new ${0:error}"
"try/catch": {
"prefix": "tc",
"body": "try {\n\t${0}\n} catch (${1:err}) {\n\t\n}"
"try/finally": {
"prefix": "tf",
"body": "try {\n\t${0}\n} finally {\n\t\n}"
"try/catch/finally": {
"prefix": "tcf",
"body": "try {\n\t${0}\n} catch (${1:err}) {\n\t\n} finally {\n\t\n}"
"anonymous function": {
"prefix": "f",
"body": "function (${1:arguments}) {${0}}"
"named function": {
"prefix": "fn",
"body": "function ${1:name}(${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"async function": {
"prefix": "asf",
"body": "async function(${1:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"async named function": {
"prefix": "asfn",
"body": "async function ${1:name}(${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"async arrow function": {
"prefix": "asa",
"body": "async (${1:arguments}) => {\n\t${0}\n}"
"immediately-invoked function expression": {
"prefix": "iife",
"body": ";(function (${1:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n})(${2})"
"function apply": {
"prefix": "fa",
"body": "${1:fn}.apply(${2:this}, ${3:arguments})"
"function call": {
"prefix": "fc",
"body": "${1:fn}.call(${2:this}, ${3:arguments})"
"function bind": {
"prefix": "fb",
"body": "${1:fn}.bind(${2:this}, ${3:arguments})"
"arrow function simple": {
"prefix": "afs",
"body": "${1:arguments} => ${2:statement}"
"arrow function": {
"prefix": "af",
"body": "(${1:arguments}) => ${2:statement}"
"arrow function with body": {
"prefix": "afb",
"body": "(${1:arguments}) => {\n\t${0}\n}"
"generator function": {
"prefix": "gf",
"body": "function*(${1:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"named generator": {
"prefix": "gfn",
"body": "function* ${1:name}(${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"console.log": {
"prefix": "cl",
"body": "console.log(${0})"
"console.error": {
"prefix": "ce",
"body": "console.error(${0})"
"console.warn": {
"prefix": "cw",
"body": "console.warn(${0})"
"console.dir": {
"prefix": "cod",
"body": "console.dir(${0})"
"constructor": {
"prefix": "cn",
"body": "constructor () {\n\t${0}\n}"
"use strict": {
"prefix": "us",
"body": "'use strict'"
"JSON.stringify()": {
"prefix": "js",
"body": "JSON.stringify($0)"
"JSON.parse()": {
"prefix": "jp",
"body": "JSON.parse($0)"
"method": {
"prefix": "m",
"body": "${1:method}(${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"getter": {
"prefix": "get",
"body": "get ${1:property}() {\n\t${0}\n}"
"setter": {
"prefix": "set",
"body": "set ${1:property}(${2:value}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"getter + setter": {
"prefix": "gs",
"body": "get ${1:property}() {\n\t${0}\n}\nset ${1:property} (${2:value}) {\n\t\n}"
"prototype method": {
"prefix": "proto",
"body": "${1:Class}.prototype.${2:method} = function (${3:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
"Object.assign": {
"prefix": "oa",
"body": "Object.assign(${1:dest}, ${2:source})"
"Object.create": {
"prefix": "oc",
"body": "Object.create(${1:obj})"
"Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor": {
"prefix": "og",
"body": "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(${1:obj}, '${2:prop}')"
"Object.defineProperty": {
"prefix": "od",
"body": "Object.defineProperty(${1:dest}, '${2:prop}', {\n\t${0}\n})"
"Object.keys": {
"prefix": "ok",
"body": "Object.keys(${1:obj})"
"return": {
"prefix": "r",
"body": "return ${0}"
"yield": {
"prefix": "y",
"body": "yield ${0}"
"return this": {
"prefix": "rt",
"body": "return this"
"return null": {
"prefix": "rn",
"body": "return null"
"return new object": {
"prefix": "ro",
"body": "return {\n\t${0}\n}"
"return new array": {
"prefix": "ra",
"body": "return [\n\t${0}\n]"
"return promise": {
"prefix": "rp",
"body": "return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t${0}\n})"
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