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Created November 19, 2008 13:47
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[08:03] *** notlocalhorst sets the channel topic to "Welcome to the openSUSE project meeting -".
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> Welcome to the openSUSE project meeting!
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> Agenda:
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> -Old Action Items
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> -Status Questions
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> -Introducing the new openSUSE board
[08:03] <notlocalhorst> -Q & A
[08:04] <notlocalhorst> let's start with old AIs ... they are all blocked
[08:04] <notlocalhorst> if there are no questions on this, i will move on to Status questions ....
[08:05] <Beineri> when will they unblock? :-)
[08:05] <notlocalhorst> when we can clone you 10 times
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: is 352722 going to happen?
[08:06] <Beineri> notlocalhorst: will not help as long those action items are assigned to you
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> should we maybe take it off AI and make it as wishlist?
[08:06] <suseROCKs> What's the link to the -project AI's again?
[08:06] <jbrockmeier>[AI]&long_desc_type=fulltext&long_desc=&product=openSUSE+10.2&
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> FIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=REOPENED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailinfoprovider2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emaillongdesc2=1&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&known_name=Action+Items&que
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> ry_based_on=Action+Items&field0-0-0=component&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=Action+Items&field0-0-1=short_desc&type0-0-1=substring&value0-0-1=[AI]&columnlist=status_whiteboard,bug_id,short_desc,assigned_to_realname
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> ugh, sorry
[08:06] <jbrockmeier> suseROCKs: it's on the meeting wiki page
[08:07] <Beineri> suseROCKs:
[08:07] <notlocalhorst> jbrockmeier: no, but it seems that she is working in it
[08:07] <suseROCKs> thanks Beineri
[08:07] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: OK
[08:08] <notlocalhorst> ok, next ... questions about the status
[08:09] <Beineri> coolo: how is RC1 doing? :-)
[08:10] <michl> coolo: ?
[08:10] <dragotin> coolo is typing faster than we think
[08:10] <dragotin> so he is not there.
[08:12] <notlocalhorst> maybe he is fixing rc1 :-) we will see ... if there are no further questions, let's move to the board introduction ... someone from the board here?
[08:13] <notlocalhorst> ah, michl
[08:13] <michl> yes,
[08:13] <michl> hi, I'm michl ;-)
[08:13] * coolo just returned from vacation - 688 unread emails still
[08:13] <suseROCKs> hi I'm suseROCKs :-)
[08:13] <michl> you probably saw the board meeting minutes last wee
[08:13] <michl> k
[08:13] <Beineri> mhm, that's a copy'n'paste error from last meeting?
[08:14] <michl> will have another meeting today
[08:14] <michl> and will publish minutes
[08:14] <michl> Beineri: I agree
[08:14] * Beineri concludes we need somebody new to prepare the meeting page
[08:14] <notlocalhorst> very good. is there a plan to do an "ask the boardmembers" irc meeting soon?
[08:14] <michl> notlocalhorst: yes, there is
[08:15] <michl> we plan to habe public meetings once in a while
[08:15] <suseROCKs> The last meeting was a transitional meeting. Today is going to be our first fully New Board meeting, so we'll likely be rolling up our sleeves today.
[08:15] <notlocalhorst> have fun with that :-)
[08:15] <michl> no date yet set but probably sooner than later
[08:16] <suseROCKs> notlocalhorst: in addition to michl's answer. Yes we do plan public meetings, but also want to add that we also intend to make ourselves accessible and transparent in different ways, so if anyone wishes to approach us, please don't wait for the public meeting in order to address anything you wish.
[08:17] --> wob has joined this channel (
[08:17] <notlocalhorst> suseROCKs: i meant more an introduction meeting, but public meetings are for sure welcome
[08:18] <suseROCKs> That's actually one of our plans yes :-)
[08:18] <notlocalhorst> super
[08:18] <suseROCKs> We'll be selling tickets to the event. :-)
[08:18] <notlocalhorst> any other questions to the board?
[08:18] <notlocalhorst> roftl
[08:19] <notlocalhorst> i see henne and michl every day, so no thanks :-)
[08:19] * suseROCKs sends sympathy flowers to notlocalhorst
[08:19] <FunkyPenguin> suseROCKs: you just wasted your money, notlocalhorst just steps outside when he wants peace :)
[08:20] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[08:20] <FunkyPenguin> one on topic question.... is there going to be a roadmap or something for/by the board?
[08:20] <dragotin> roadmap about what?
[08:21] <dragotin> maybe it would be good to clearify the question "What do we expect from the board?"
[08:21] <FunkyPenguin> well have the board identified anything in particular that they need to help out with, and when by?
[08:22] <suseROCKs> I think at this point its too early for us to think about a roadmap, if one is needed.
[08:23] <suseROCKs> One of the biggest challenges we have at the moment is vetting all our existing membership applications. It is a time consuming process and there was a backlog when we got on.
[08:23] <dragotin> you are handling them after the existing policy?
[08:24] <dragotin> are you thinking of opening the membership discussion again?
[08:24] <FunkyPenguin> fair enough, so as it stands the only mechanism for us to see progress is through the minutes? not an issue for me, im just trying to clarify how we can see what our elected are doing for use ;)
[08:24] <suseROCKs> At this point in time, no. We are merely trying our best to get the existing applications approved (or rejected)
[08:25] <suseROCKs> FunkyPenguin: We intend to do minutes, reports, etc. Exactly the best approach is what we're trying to flesh out at the moment.
[08:26] <suseROCKs> I assure you that we do not want to appear secretive, or disassociated with the community. We represent the community and we intend to fully engage the community in bi-directional conversations whenever possible.
[08:27] <dragotin> sounds great
[08:27] <notlocalhorst> yes
[08:28] <notlocalhorst> anything else on the board?
[08:28] * FunkyPenguin has heard that line from someone on capitol hill before :)
[08:28] <suseROCKs> FunkyPenguin: I haven't worked on Capitol Hill in 23 years.
[08:28] <jbrockmeier> FunkyPenguin: yes, but the board isn't in a position to make out like bandits by lying to us
[08:28] <dragotin> suseROCKs: bet on the future ;-)
[08:28] <FunkyPenguin> heh
[08:29] <suseROCKs> not yet anyway :-)
[08:29] <notlocalhorst> ok, next topic: Q&A ... there is one question on the wiki "On the roadmap is mentioned that, wiki team will work on the release new localized Wikis in the near future. I sent request to create the Slovak wiki pages." i awnsered him when he send the mail, the awnser is "no time, i try to make it when we have the new wiki, if i see that will take to long, i wil make it before. because of the release it needs time anyway.
[08:30] <notlocalhorst> other questions?
[08:30] <Beineri> notlocalhorst: how about giving an answer?
[08:30] <notlocalhorst> did you read what i just wrote?
[08:31] <notlocalhorst> i send an email
[08:31] <Beineri> notlocalhorst: when will we have the new wiki? :-)
[08:31] <suseROCKs> oh, I was a little confused by that too :-)
[08:31] <notlocalhorst> Beineri: it takes roughly a day to make, i don't have that time right now
[08:32] <notlocalhorst> probably after the release
[08:32] <Beineri> nor had you during the last two years :-(
[08:32] <notlocalhorst> bs
[08:32] <Beineri> remind me, when had we the last new wiki?
[08:33] --> erikja has joined this channel (
[08:33] <notlocalhorst> good question ... but i told it 1000 times, i want the wiki update first ...
[08:33] <notlocalhorst> this has higher prio
[08:33] * Beineri hears for two years then "it's blocked by the wiki update"
[08:33] <suseROCKs> let's take this in a new direction... What can be done to help alleviate the workload on any one person for this?
[08:34] <notlocalhorst> Beineri: 2 years, sure
[08:34] <Beineri> and someone was asked to escalate if he gets blocked something like... 4 months? ago
[08:35] <notlocalhorst> i was working on it, until the admin broke his leg or whatever, than i had to stop again ...
[08:35] <-> notlocalhorst> what can't be put aside for a day to update the wiki?
[08:36] <-> notlocalhorst> if it's a blocker, let's get it done
[08:37] <michl> Guys, it looks like the discussion doesn't lead anywhere
[08:37] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: can you give a definite "done by" date?
[08:39] *** mw|out is now known as mw.
[08:39] <notlocalhorst> no, i can't ... nobody can. i'm trying to do it, which is not my job, but if i don't do it nobody will ...
[08:39] <suseROCKs> Is this something that can only be done internally at NUE?
[08:40] <michl> notlocalhort: let's discuss this in a small round what blogs us here and how to solve
[08:40] <notlocalhorst> not in NUE, the servers are in provo
[08:40] <notlocalhorst> michl: i told this 1000 times, even in the last internal meetings
[08:40] <notlocalhorst> but yes
[08:41] <notlocalhorst> ok, let's move on, any other general questions?
[08:41] <suseROCKs> okay
[08:41] <Beineri> seems Finish was the last new wiki in July 2007,
[08:41] * Beineri stands corrected, just more than one year.
[08:41] <notlocalhorst> ah, thats 2 years?
[08:42] <Beineri> notlocalhorst: you get the basic critism, or?
[08:42] <notlocalhorst> no, i'm dumb
[08:43] <notlocalhorst> so anything else?
[08:44] <suseROCKs> Beineri: Don't make me criticize your spelling of criticism :-)
[08:45] <notlocalhorst> ok, so let's call it a day ... next meeting in 2 weeks, one day before the GM at 18:00 CET ...
[08:45] *** notlocalhorst sets the channel topic to "Welcome to #openSUSE-project (no support)".
[08:45] --> jpr has joined this channel (n=jpr@opensuse/member/Jproseve).
[08:46] *** notlocalhorst takes channel operator privileges from notlocalhorst.
[08:46] <suseROCKs> thanks for leading the meeting notlocalhorst
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