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Created November 25, 2008 18:32
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[12:01] <-> notlocalhorst> ready?
[12:02] <notlocalhorst> ready to rock?
[12:02] <notlocalhorst> can someone change the topic please?
[12:02] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: aren't you supposed to say "hello Cleveland" or something first?
[12:02] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> ok, let's start
[12:03] <jbrockmeier> who do we have attending for the marketing meeting/
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> Welcome to the openSUSE marketing team meeting.
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> I scanned through the list, here are some topics which are not really resolved or with unknown status (and are not older than a month), so here is the agenda:
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - about this meeting
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - 11.1 screenshots
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - Launch Parties
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - Hackfest "New to Linux"
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - Wide Banner
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> - "spokesperson" program
[12:03] <notlocalhorst> good question
[12:04] <jbrockmeier> is anyone here for the marketing meeting? suseROCKs? FunkyPenguin? decriptor?
[12:04] <jbrockmeier> everyone's signed in...
[12:04] <jbrockmeier> but who's "here"?
[12:04] <suseROCKs> ooops
[12:05] <suseROCKs> is that now? :-)
[12:05] <jbrockmeier> suseROCKs: yep
[12:05] * suseROCKs shoves everything else aside and attends the meeting
[12:06] <notlocalhorst> so "only" suseROCKs here?
[12:06] <FunkyPenguin> yup here boss
[12:06] <jbrockmeier> OK, well I have a quick intro and then I'm going to turn over to notlocalhorst
[12:07] <notlocalhorst> k
[12:07] <suseROCKs> okey doke
[12:07] --> judas_iscariote has joined this channel (n=cristian@opensuse/developer/judas-iscariote).
[12:07] <-- adrianS has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[12:07] <jbrockmeier> As you all know we haven't had a marketing meeting for some time.
[12:07] <jbrockmeier> Partially because I've been traveling and so forth.
[12:08] <jbrockmeier> However, Martin (a.k.a. notlocalhorst) has been gracious enough to agree to run the meetings
[12:08] <jbrockmeier> either in my absence or when I'm around -- he's going to take the reigns of working with the marketing team
[12:08] <jbrockmeier> though I'm not leaving entirely or anything.
[12:08] <jbrockmeier> Just think Martin is the right guy to start leading this.
[12:08] <jbrockmeier> with that, notlocalhorst please feel free to run the meeting :-)
[12:08] <FunkyPenguin> good he could do with being kept busy :P
[12:09] <suseROCKs> +1 Diversifying responsibilities is a good idea.
[12:09] * suseROCKs offers gifts to the gods as thanks for Martin's involvement.
[12:09] --> darkmatter has joined this channel (n=darkmatt@unaffiliated/darkmatter).
[12:10] <notlocalhorst> hehe, so zonker introduced alread, thats also the first topic:
[12:10] <notlocalhorst> We should do this regularly, maybe on Tuesdays, same week when the project meeting is. It looks that this don't collide with other meetings. Is it necessary to have also the alternating times or should we just say 18:00 CET?
[12:10] <yaloki> I think it's better to alternate
[12:10] <yaloki> not do the same week as the project meeting
[12:10] <suseROCKs> I'm not sure I agree with that, having too many meetings in one week is becoming daunting
[12:10] <yaloki> or we're gonna get swamped into meetings every 2nd week
[12:10] <notlocalhorst> sure, it would be also an option to make it in a non project meeting week
[12:11] * suseROCKs unhooks the cable of mind-sync between himself and yaloki
[12:11] * yaloki won't tell suseROCKs it was plugged to a dog
[12:11] <notlocalhorst> yaloki: alternating times i mean, so 18:00/14:00
[12:12] <suseROCKs> I dunno about alternating times, but alternating weeks is good.
[12:12] <yaloki> notlocalhorst: oh, why not, neither works for me ;)
[12:12] <suseROCKs> I think its better to wait and see how the meetings progress and poll for best times.
[12:12] <notlocalhorst> ok, so every week after the project meeting, same time ... makes it easier to plan
[12:12] <suseROCKs> no no
[12:12] <notlocalhorst> no what?
[12:12] --> krish has joined this channel (n=krish@
[12:13] <suseROCKs> every week that project doesn't have a meeting
[12:13] <yaloki> notlocalhorst: one week with project meeting, next week with marketing meeting, next next week with project meeting, ..
[12:13] <notlocalhorst> yes, thats what i said
[12:13] <yaloki> ok :)
[12:13] <notlocalhorst> every week _after_ ....
[12:13] <suseROCKs> ahh
[12:13] <|dl9pf|> evening - a bit late ...
[12:14] <notlocalhorst> tuesdays should work, there is no other regular meeting, we just have to talk with the education team, they have sometimes one
[12:14] <FunkyPenguin> im happy with that
[12:14] <notlocalhorst> good
[12:14] <notlocalhorst> next:
[12:14] <notlocalhorst> - 11.1 screenshots
[12:14] <notlocalhorst> Who is taking care to make 11.1RC1 shots?
[12:15] <suseROCKs> kevin dupy seems to be doing a bang-up job of keeping up with it for the GNOME side
[12:15] *** mhwork|gone is now known as mhutch.
[12:15] <notlocalhorst> yes, kde guys are lazy :-)
[12:15] <krish> grr
[12:15] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[12:15] <AlbertoP> notlocalhorst, it has to do with the K ;)
[12:15] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: there's one way to motivate ;-)
[12:16] <notlocalhorst> if there is no volunteer, i will do it
[12:17] * suseROCKs is starting to see a pattern that if we don't want to do work, just let Martin pick it up. Works well.
[12:17] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[12:17] <|dl9pf|> please post a note to the ML, then we'll have it on radar for the newsletter, too
[12:17] <-> suseROCKs> why do you think I'm letting him run the meetings?
[12:17] <notlocalhorst> ok, i will send a mail to the list, to make sure kevin is doing gnome for rc1, or somebody else
[12:17] <notlocalhorst> next
[12:18] <notlocalhorst> -Launch Parties
[12:18] <notlocalhorst>
[12:18] <notlocalhorst> 6 Parties so far (14 last time), I'm planing also one in Nuremberg
[12:18] <notlocalhorst> Robert is working on posters for that (pdf or whatever, not real paper this time)
[12:18] <michl> notlocalhorst: then put it up there ;-)
[12:18] <suseROCKs> robert whom?
[12:18] <notlocalhorst> i have tomorrow a meeting with frank, if everything is clear i will
[12:19] <notlocalhorst> robert lihm
[12:19] <suseROCKs> ah
[12:19] <krish> oh man, had it not been my exams, I'd love to do another launch party
[12:19] <notlocalhorst> any ideas how to get more parties?
[12:19] <suseROCKs> Keggers?
[12:20] <notlocalhorst> what is that?
[12:20] <krish> send this to loads of LUGS
[12:20] <suseROCKs> notlocalhorst: keggers... parties with lots of kegs of beer. :-)
[12:20] <notlocalhorst> you know, germans usually don't drink that much ...
[12:20] <notlocalhorst> jk
[12:21] <notlocalhorst> at least we should do more promotion after the parties, use them for the next release to show how much fun it is
[12:21] * FunkyPenguin has to drop off - sorry :(
[12:22] <notlocalhorst> i will blog about it tomorrow, when announcing the nuremberg party
[12:22] <notlocalhorst> cu FunkyPenguin
[12:22] <-- detlef has left this server ("Verlassend").
[12:22] <notlocalhorst> and in the future i hope we have a launch party package with posters and other stuff ...
[12:23] <notlocalhorst> ok, let's go on ... next
[12:23] <michl> and kegs of beer
[12:23] <suseROCKs> We need to find ways to sustain promotion after releases as well. Things get too quiet in the interim between releases. And undoubtedly, 11.1 to 11.2 will be longer.
[12:23] <notlocalhorst> yes
[12:24] <notlocalhorst> any ideas how? beside more blogging, visiting events ...
[12:24] <suseROCKs> ok what's the link to today's agenda?
[12:24] <notlocalhorst> /home/mlasars/mysecretagenda
[12:25] <suseROCKs> ahh yes I see it now
[12:25] <notlocalhorst> it's not online, sorry .. i just wrote it together before the meeting
[12:25] <notlocalhorst> if something is not covered, we can talk about it at the end
[12:25] <suseROCKs> notlocalhorst: unless there's somthing significantly new in between releases, its hard. All the reviews are usually done, etc.
[12:25] <notlocalhorst> agreed
[12:26] <suseROCKs> its too bad we can't do some interim addition midway through a release. Just to grab headlines.
[12:26] <|dl9pf|> hmm ...
[12:27] <suseROCKs> uh oh.. |dl9pf| is thinking...
[12:27] <|dl9pf|> promote add-ons like -edu and -ltsp more in between
[12:27] <|dl9pf|> *lol*
[12:27] <suseROCKs> that's not a bad idea. Try to schedule them to coincide at specific intervals of a distro's release period?
[12:28] <notlocalhorst> i have no idea what the roadmap of edu is, but sounds good to get more attention after a release
[12:28] <suseROCKs> certainly sounds good, and I think edu would love the idea of knowing marketing is behind them when its "their turn in the spotlight"
[12:28] <darkmatter> or promote a severe beating of packagers as a stop-gap solution to avoiding critical bugs
[12:29] <notlocalhorst> i will talk with the edu guys
[12:29] <|dl9pf|> you can keep attention up and -edu gets more attention, too
[12:29] <suseROCKs> exactly.
[12:29] * suseROCKs pats |dl9pf| for a great idea
[12:29] <notlocalhorst> good, next?
[12:30] <|dl9pf|> shoot
[12:30] <suseROCKs> I have a topic to discuss, but first, what are your topics?
[12:30] <-- mw has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[12:30] <notlocalhorst> scroll up
[12:30] <notlocalhorst> - Hackfest "New to Linux"
[12:30] <notlocalhorst> We will make it, if nobody complains, on Monday, 2008-12-08. Yes, it was planed for next week, but due to the release we might have to much stress :-)
[12:30] <|dl9pf|> Hackfest "New to Linux"
[12:30] <suseROCKs> are you telling me to scroll up or that the topic is "scroll up"? :-)
[12:31] <suseROCKs> Refresh my memory again about that hackfest?
[12:31] <|dl9pf|> yes, please.
[12:31] <notlocalhorst> zonker is in nuremberg, we sit together and do some wiki articles for beginners, or improve some
[12:31] <suseROCKs> ahh
[12:31] <notlocalhorst> and everybody is welcome to come to the irc and help us
[12:32] <suseROCKs> that actually goes hand in hand with the topic I wanted to discuss. :-)
[12:32] <|dl9pf|> ok announcement somewhere ?
[12:32] <notlocalhorst> i will after the meeting
[12:32] <suseROCKs> it was on the marketing -ml
[12:32] <notlocalhorst> there is already a mail
[12:32] <|dl9pf|> okidoki
[12:33] <suseROCKs> notlocalhorst: lemme latch onto this topic...
[12:33] <notlocalhorst> so if nobody says "i hate mondays", we will do it on this day
[12:33] <notlocalhorst> yes
[12:33] <suseROCKs> I had an interesting situation the other day where I was interviewed for an online magazine. Totally unrelated to Linux, but still I took it as my opportunity to promote openSUSE
[12:34] <suseROCKs> but there interesting thing was, I realized I had a hard time really conveying what Linux and openSUSE was about to people who never even heard of Linux.
[12:34] <suseROCKs> we spend so much time promoting ourselves to people who already know *something*
[12:34] <suseROCKs> and I think we need to come together and work on polishing how we market to non-techies, etc.
[12:35] <krish> It is hard time convincing people who fear linux more than viruses
[12:35] <notlocalhorst> right ... we have a lot of stuff in the wiki, but there is for sure a lot of room for improvement ... especially on this topic
[12:35] <notlocalhorst> krish: i guess it's more for the already interested people
[12:35] <suseROCKs> everything we have thus far is aimed at people who know.
[12:35] <jbrockmeier> suseROCKs: agree with this, I think that's a long-haul kind of thing
[12:36] <notlocalhorst> nah, i bet there is also stuff in the wiki for starters ...
[12:36] <suseROCKs> no doubt jbrockmeier, no doubt at all. But we need to start thinking towards it.
[12:36] <krish> you should read this -
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[12:37] <suseROCKs> the funny thing is these days society is all about the good things. Green earth, peace and harmony, freedom, anti-establishment, etc. And FOSS fits right into that ideology strongly and yet I don't think we're making significant dents
[12:38] <notlocalhorst> i guess we do, but we could do more, no question about that ...
[12:38] <krish> suseROCKs: we are to mend the dents heh.
[12:38] <|dl9pf|> ok, back to wiki/hackfest - this sounds like we should do
[12:38] <|dl9pf|> some good intro-pages (like a slideshow) for beginners
[12:38] <suseROCKs> I'm not promising my availability on the 8th, but will make an effort to do so
[12:39] <krish> best way is get the LUGs involved ( use some perks like geekos) and let the LUG do a installfest or launch parties
[12:39] <|dl9pf|> krish: this also means: they need a package with geeko's , posters and live-cds
[12:39] <suseROCKs> krish: again, thats for people who at least *know* the existence of linux.
[12:40] <|dl9pf|> right
[12:40] * AlbertoP doesn't agree with the geeko distributions!
[12:40] <AlbertoP> :)
[12:40] <krish> suseROCKs: not really, at our LUG we approach students of astronomy and many such departments who've believe what they see on their computers is only THE system software in this world
[12:41] <|dl9pf|> the problem is (as i learned with my father) - most ppl with zero knowledge about linux get to like it, but the first steps need some assistance
[12:41] <krish> +1 to that
[12:41] <AlbertoP> some = some months of
[12:42] <krish> people who've actually heard rumors about linux are the tough ones to give in
[12:42] <krish> AlbertoP: nope
[12:42] <suseROCKs> ok so we have a hackfest, with an eye towards pumping things up for extending our market reach.
[12:42] <krish> yep
[12:42] <notlocalhorst> yes
[12:43] <|dl9pf|> btw
[12:43] <AlbertoP> krish, I don't really want to start that discussion. But saying they need "just some hours" of attention is not true. They would be stuck at the first problem.
[12:43] <|dl9pf|> the 11.0 boxed version had some nice video's on the add-on dvd
[12:43] <AlbertoP> |dl9pf|, in german :)
[12:43] <|dl9pf|> yes, they were in german ...
[12:44] <krish> AlbertoP: tell you what, at some of my corporate clients who outsource linux training to us - employees there wouldn't give a damn if you said linux is secure, low virus, blah blah
[12:44] <AlbertoP> they were not included in the English box because untranslated unfortunately
[12:44] <krish> just show them compiz fusion and you'd see the stars in their eyes
[12:44] <michl> AlbertoP: yes, the vendor does them only in german
[12:44] <suseROCKs> oh yeah, I forgot about that "controversy". I haven't opened my box because I'm saving it as a collectors item worth millions someday
[12:44] <AlbertoP> michl, I know that
[12:45] <AlbertoP> krish, that's right... then they find out that, say, it is not that easy to make wireless work in all situations, and bang :)
[12:46] --> cgoncalves has joined this channel (
[12:46] * suseROCKs gets frustrated getting his wifi to work at times on his lone windows machine
[12:46] <notlocalhorst> q:do you think that videos are really helping? I'm not sure ... i like the idea, but i would never watch a video because of the time it needs ... but thats probably just me
[12:47] <suseROCKs> it's you
[12:47] <notlocalhorst> ok :-)
[12:47] <AlbertoP> notlocalhorst, but a new user might find help and info there in a shorter time than reading manuals or googling
[12:47] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: I agree I'm unlikely to watch videos
[12:47] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: but many others will
[12:48] <suseROCKs> There's a guy here in the united states that sells how-to videos of Windows stuff. I forget his name, but I'm sure jbrockmeier knows who I'm talking about. Always has a commercial on tv
[12:48] <AlbertoP> suseROCKs, the one on CNN? The "IT Professor" ¬¬
[12:48] <notlocalhorst> good, i'm not alone .. so we should make videos, if everybody is doing one, we have enough stuff to cover :-)
[12:48] <suseROCKs> Something like that, yeah
[12:48] <AlbertoP> I saw that maaaaany times
[12:48] <suseROCKs> newbies to computers tend to buy how-to videos (even if they're lousy) thinking it will make them experts.
[12:49] <notlocalhorst> so lets make good videos to make them ueberexperts!
[12:49] --> mw has joined this channel (n=mw@
[12:49] <notlocalhorst> :-)
[12:49] <notlocalhorst> i will start a discussion on the ml
[12:49] <|dl9pf|> and as last chapter (of the videos)
[12:49] <suseROCKs> hmm this is the first time I've seen an actual German use "uber" :-)
[12:50] <|dl9pf|> hand over the "geeko diploma" :D
[12:50] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[12:50] <notlocalhorst> ok, anything else on the hackfest?
[12:51] * |dl9pf| offtopic: what app to use to do those videos ??
[12:51] <notlocalhorst> recordmydesktop
[12:52] <notlocalhorst> iirc there is a wiki page about it
[12:52] <suseROCKs> there's many actually
[12:52] <suseROCKs> but record seems to be the most popular
[12:52] <|dl9pf|> ok, tnx - next :)
[12:53] <notlocalhorst> yes, it's quite easy ... there is no page, so i have to write something ....
[12:53] <notlocalhorst> ok, next
[12:53] <notlocalhorst> - Wide Banner
[12:53] <AlbertoP> there was a page on the wiki about screecasts
[12:53] <notlocalhorst> i could not find the status about it ...
[12:53] <AlbertoP> and we can steal procedures from ubuntu :)
[12:54] <notlocalhorst> who made the countdown pic? jimmax?
[12:54] <notlocalhorst> c
[12:54] <AlbertoP>
[12:54] <AlbertoP> notlocalhorst, yes
[12:54] <notlocalhorst> so i will ask him to make a wide version i guess
[12:55] <AlbertoP> Oo
[12:55] <suseROCKs> of a countdown?
[12:55] <notlocalhorst> yes, was on the ml, but still open
[12:55] <suseROCKs> do we have widebanners in general (not countdown)?
[12:56] <notlocalhorst> not really
[12:56] <notlocalhorst> but to make one without the countdown should not be that hard for him
[12:57] <suseROCKs> so we should make a project of doing a variety of widebanners then. I'd love to put a widebanner on my blog with some cool witty slogan in it.
[12:57] <notlocalhorst> yes
[12:57] <|dl9pf|> just do also some template banners ...
[12:58] <suseROCKs> put out an RFC to people to come up with maybe 5 or more witty lines.
[12:58] <suseROCKs> or even one that rotates through several versions
[12:59] <notlocalhorst> i will talk with jimmac
[12:59] <notlocalhorst> ok, next
[12:59] <notlocalhorst> - spokesperson program
[12:59] <notlocalhorst> Marko finished the voting system on users.o.o, when it's online i will start it.
[12:59] <suseROCKs> voting?
[12:59] <notlocalhorst> for the name
[12:59] <suseROCKs> ahh
[13:00] <|dl9pf|> good
[13:00] <suseROCKs> I propose: notlocalhorst's disciples
[13:00] <notlocalhorst> sounds good for me! :-)
[13:01] <notlocalhorst> i want to start it asap
[13:01] <suseROCKs> the disciples?
[13:01] <notlocalhorst> hehe
[13:01] <-- michl has left this channel ("Kopete 0.10 :").
[13:01] <suseROCKs> more like kool-aid with you ;-)
[13:02] <suseROCKs> seriously, what are the proposed names now?
[13:02] <notlocalhorst> hans, peter and suseROCKs
[13:03] <suseROCKs> Why am I last?
[13:03] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: wasn't representiative very popular?
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> Evangelist, Spreader, Agent, Representative, Delegate, Emissarie
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> Envoy, Attache, Consul, Minister, Officer, Agent, Procurator
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> Lizard, Evangelizard, openSUSE local coordinator, openSUSE Local Spokeman
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> Foreman, Diplomat
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> these are the names from the mails
[13:03] <jbrockmeier> (Although I still like evangelizard...)
[13:03] <suseROCKs> that's too many for a vote
[13:03] <suseROCKs> You need to reduce it to 5 max
[13:03] <notlocalhorst> evangelizard is also my fav
[13:03] <jbrockmeier> I thought we'd agreed to reduce it to names that translated well, though?
[13:04] <notlocalhorst> is there one who doesnt?
[13:04] <jbrockmeier> well, evangelizard :-)
[13:04] <|dl9pf|> ;)
[13:04] --> Geronimo has joined this channel (n=gresco@
[13:04] <notlocalhorst> nah
[13:04] <|dl9pf|> (but i like it)
[13:04] <suseROCKs> me too
[13:04] <notlocalhorst> everybody will recognize the meaning
[13:04] <jbrockmeier> there was a discussion about names that wouldn't make sense to people outside the project
[13:05] <suseROCKs> or Embassalizard
[13:05] <suseROCKs> Since some people didn't like the connotation of Evangelist
[13:05] <notlocalhorst> right, like the latin names, but i will keep evangelizard in the list :-)
[13:05] <suseROCKs> but I do agree that whatever we pick, lizard should be in the name somewhere.
[13:05] <-- mw has left this server ("bbiab").
[13:06] <notlocalhorst> suseROCKs: strip down the list ... dunno, i put all the names which are more or less sane ...
[13:06] <notlocalhorst> i don't want to make a unfair preselection
[13:06] <suseROCKs> 19 names on the list?
[13:07] <suseROCKs> Yeah but you're also one of the chief marketing liasons of openSUSE. So we rely on you to at least narrow it down before putting to a vote. We trust your judgement
[13:07] <notlocalhorst> there were more ...
[13:08] <notlocalhorst> i would not trust me :-)
[13:08] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: I'd recommend narrowing it down to 10
[13:08] <jbrockmeier> before going community wide vote
[13:08] <jbrockmeier> maybe that can happen on the list?
[13:08] <suseROCKs> +1
[13:08] <notlocalhorst> a pre vote for the vote?
[13:08] <notlocalhorst> nahhh
[13:08] <jbrockmeier> notlocalhorst: sure. A primary. I hear those work well. ;-)
[13:09] * suseROCKs just peed his pants laughing so hard
[13:09] * AlbertoP still thinks that name is NOT that important ¬¬
[13:10] <notlocalhorst> that will maybe influence the voting ... just put up the names and let them vote ... come on, i saw the voting sheets they used in the US, this is nothing compared to it! :-)
[13:10] <suseROCKs> MIGs? Men-In-Green
[13:10] <AlbertoP> just pick one that is _simple_ and _easy_ to remember and avoid fantasy exercises...
[13:11] <suseROCKs> notlocalhorst: Will these spokespersons wear special uniforms? Like Green trenchcoats?
[13:11] <notlocalhorst> sure, germans are known for silly uniforms
[13:11] --> mw has joined this channel (n=mw@
[13:11] * suseROCKs wonders.. is it spokespersons or spokespeople?
[13:12] <jbrockmeier> suseROCKs: ultimately, I'd like to have green polo type shirts or something for our $reps
[13:12] * AlbertoP hands a grammar book to suseROCKs
[13:13] * jbrockmeier looks for the AP style guide
[13:13] <notlocalhorst> so next ... open Q&A ... any questions?
[13:14] <suseROCKs> yes
[13:14] <|dl9pf|> i've some news about the newsletter
[13:14] <|dl9pf|> but suseROCKs first
[13:14] <suseROCKs> what's your blog so we can keep track of your latest marketing developments?
[13:15] <suseROCKs> I love following jbrockmeier's articles, but since you'r enow his lieutenant, I want to follow yours as well.
[13:15] <notlocalhorst> i post on news or lizards ... if you read planet you cant miss me ... but i'm a lazy blogger
[13:15] <|dl9pf|> "/."
[13:16] <-- hurikhan|Work has left this server (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
[13:17] <|dl9pf|> ok, then about the newsletter - we'll get a polish translation for the next issue
[13:18] <suseROCKs> polish or polish?
[13:18] <|dl9pf|> Polish
[13:18] <suseROCKs> :-)
[13:19] <notlocalhorst> cool
[13:19] <notlocalhorst> who is it?
[13:19] <AlbertoP> |dl9pf|, just kick his ass when he gets annoying with English :P
[13:19] <|dl9pf|> atm i contact them all through email, we're about to move the -marketing-ML as zonker proposed
[13:19] <suseROCKs> AlbertoP: why would he kick the Polish guy?
[13:19] <AlbertoP> yours
[13:20] <suseROCKs> move the ML?
[13:20] <|dl9pf|> his name is PiotrJuzwiak
[13:20] <|dl9pf|> we have no ML atm ...
[13:20] <-- abock has left this server ("Ex-Chat").
[13:20] <suseROCKs> ml for translators or ml for... I'm confused
[13:22] <|dl9pf|> 2 AI's left: contact -KDE team and Forum ppl as these areas are not represented in the newsletter
[13:22] <jbrockmeier> |dl9pf|: One AI
[13:22] <|dl9pf|> ?
[13:23] <jbrockmeier> |dl9pf|: Rupert will be in touch with you shortly about helping with translations and forum summaries
[13:23] <|dl9pf|> :)
[13:23] <jbrockmeier> I'm sending an intro this afternoon
[13:23] <|dl9pf|> great
[13:24] <|dl9pf|> any objections that we move our communication to -marketing ?
[13:24] <|dl9pf|> (mostly: some "its ready")
[13:24] <notlocalhorst> no
[13:24] <suseROCKs> I think we've sort of already starting bringing translation into our topics, so no objections
[13:25] <suseROCKs> and it helps us to better understand the challenges translators face.
[13:25] <suseROCKs> So are we wrapping up?
[13:26] <|dl9pf|> ok, just one last note about our schedule:
[13:26] <suseROCKs> you came in after the scheduling discussion, didn't you?
[13:26] <|dl9pf|> we're finishing the main newsletter on thursday so if you've news, post at least a note until thursday afternoon
[13:27] <suseROCKs> oh that schedule
[13:27] <-- federico1 has left this server (Connection timed out).
[13:27] <|dl9pf|> ok, i'm done
[13:28] *** |dl9pf| is now known as dl9pf.
[13:28] <suseROCKs> oh sure, after he's done talking he makes it easier for us to <tab> his name...
[13:28] <notlocalhorst> ok, so i ask education team if we can have this slot for a regular meeting, if so ... see you in 2 weeks ... with a agenda on the wiki! :-)
[13:28] <suseROCKs> Thanks notlocalhorst
[13:29] <dl9pf> cu !
[13:29] <notlocalhorst> thanks, i guess we broke a record, timewise ... cu
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