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Last active October 3, 2019 19:16
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My Spectrum ISP injected this page into a third-party site delivered over HTTP. It displays a warning message customized with my account ID and includes unsecured javascript loaded from a Spectrum-controlled IP.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh"
<script type="text/javascript">var version = 2; var webServer = "";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<frame src="">
<body style="margin:0;">
<script type="text/javascript">Bulletin("policy=109&policyname=DMCA-Weekday-Mornings&time=1570107741");</script>
var version, noSize, fullBulletin, originalUrl, searchTags = [], directDelivery, linked, bdiv, oiframe, display, displayUrl, bulletinRendered = !1, bulletinHeight = 0, ua = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor, isIpad = 0 <= ua.indexOf("iPad;"), isApple = 0 <= ua.indexOf("iPhone;") || 0 <= ua.indexOf("iPad;") || 0 <= ua.indexOf("iPod;"), namePrefix = "", bulletinPrefix = "__BULLETIN__", bulletinForm = bulletinPrefix + "bulletinForm", bulletinDiv = bulletinPrefix + "bdiv", bulletinJS = !1, bulletinIncluded = !0;
function parseDbcli(a) { var b = { nf: !1, dup: !1, err: "", text: "" }; a || (a = ""); a = a.split("\n"); for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = a[c], g = d.charAt(0); if (":" == g || "!" == g) { for (g = 1; g < d.length && " " < d.charAt(g);)g++; var e = d.substring(1, g); if ("NF" == e) = !0; else if ("DUP" == e) b.dup = !0; else if ("ERR" == e || "INT" == e) { for (; g < d.length && " " >= d.charAt(g);)g++; b.err && (b.err += "\n"); b.err += d.substr(g) } } else 0 < d.length && (b.text && (b.text += "\n"), b.text += d) } return b }
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function loadXML(a, b, c, d, g) { var e = new XMLHttpRequest; if (!e) return b && b(e, a), 400; d && b && (e.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 == e.readyState && b(e, a) }); c ?"GET", a, d ? d : !1) : ("POST", a, d ? d : !1), e.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); e.send(g); !d && b && b(e, a); return e.status } function buildCGI(a) { for (var b = webServer + cgiFilesDir + cgiCmdPrefix + a, c = cgiCmdSuffix, d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++)arguments[d] && 0 < arguments[d].length && (b += c + arguments[d], c = "&"); return b }
function originalTags(a, b) { for (var c = "", d = "", g = !1, e = 0; e < searchTags.length; e++) { var f = searchTags[e]; f[0] != originalTag && (c += d + f[0] + (f[1] ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(f[1]) : ""), d = "&", g || f[0] != linkedTag || (g = !0)) } b && !g && (c += d + linkedTag, d = "&"); null != a && (c += d + originalTag + (a.length ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(a) : "")); return c } function setLocation(a, b, c) { c || display ? a.location.href = b : a.location.replace(buildCGI(redirectCGI, originalTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b))) }
function noBulletin(a) {
display ? (alert("Bulletin cannot render: " + (a ? a : "reason unknown")), bulletinJS || setLocation(self, originalUrl, !1)) : notifyBailout ? (a = buildCGI(redirectCGI, 0 <= renderDelay && 1 < notifyBailoutActionRender ? statusTag + "=" + (notifyBailoutActionRender - 1) : "", 0 > renderDelay && 1 < notifyBailoutActionNonRender ? resetTag + "=true" : "", a ? reasonTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a) : "", reasonPassUp ? passTag + "=true" : "", originalTags(bulletinJS ? noOriginalValue : originalUrl)), bulletinJS ? (new Image).src = a : self.location.replace(a)) :
bulletinJS || (directDelivery ? self.location.reload(!0) : setLocation(self, originalUrl, !1))
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var isMobileResult = -1; function isMobile() { -1 == isMobileResult && (isMobileResult = 0 <= ua.indexOf("Mobi") && !isIpad); return isMobileResult } function setCSS(a, b) { a = webPath(a, b); if (document.createStyleSheet) document.createStyleSheet(a, 0); else { var c = document.createElement("link"); c.rel = "stylesheet"; c.type = "text/css"; c.href = a; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c) } } function setBulletinHeight() { bulletinHeight = "" != ? 0 : bdiv.offsetHeight + bdiv.offsetTop }
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function resizeIFrame() { if (oiframe) if (-1 == bulletinHeight) oiframe.height = getWinHeight(); else { setBulletinHeight(); var a = getWinHeight() - bulletinHeight; isMobile() ? oiframe.height = getWinHeight() : oiframe.height = 0 > a ? 200 : a } } function orientationChange() { var a =; = "none"; = a; setTimeout(resizeIFrame, 200) } function sendRenderBulletin() { 0 <= renderDelay && (renderDelay = -1, (new Image).src = buildCGI(notifyCGI, statusTag + "=0", originalTags(null))) }
function renderBulletin() {
if (!bulletinRendered) {
bulletinRendered = !0; = "visible"; 0 == renderDelay ? sendRenderBulletin() : 0 < renderDelay && setTimeout(sendRenderBulletin, renderDelay); var a = document.createElement("style"); a.type = "text/css"; a.styleSheet ? a.styleSheet.cssText = "* { max-height: 1000000px; }" : a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("* { max-height: 1000000px; }")); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a); noSize || fullBulletin || resizeIFrame(); "function" == typeof afterRender &&
} function getUrlOf(a) { var b = null; if (a) try { b = a.contentWindow.location.href } catch (c) { a.src && (b = a.src) } return b } var lastTitle = null, iframeLoading = 0;
function iframeLoad() {
if (iframeLoading) {
var a = oiframe ? getUrlOf(oiframe) : null; if (bailoutCrossDomain && 0 <= renderDelay) { if (!a && !display) return noBulletin("cross-domain"); 0 < bailoutCrossDomain && bailoutCrossDomain-- } 1 == iframeLoading && (iframeLoading = 2, 0 != bulletinDelay && renderBulletin()); if (oiframe) { var b = null; try { b = oiframe.contentDocument ? oiframe.contentDocument.title : oiframe.Document.title } catch (c) { b = null } b && b != lastTitle && (document.title = lastTitle = b); a && (originalUrl = a) } "function" == typeof afterIframeLoad &&
function load() {
if (bailoutOpener && self.opener) return noBulletin("In pop-up"); document.body.rightMargin = 0; document.body.leftMargin = 0; document.body.bottomMargin = 0; bdiv = document.getElementById("bdiv"); oiframe = document.getElementById("oiframe"); noSize || fullBulletin || (self.onresize = resizeIFrame, addListener(self, "orientationchange", orientationChange)); if (bdiv) {
if (0 < fullMinHeight && getWinHeight() < fullMinHeight) return noBulletin("Full window too small (" + getWinHeight() + "<" + fullMinHeight + ")"); if (isMobile()) {
var a =
document.createElement("meta"); = "viewport"; a.content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)
} if (!fullBulletin && (document.body.scroll = "no", noSize || setBulletinHeight(), oiframe)) {
oiframe.hspace = 0; oiframe.vspace = 0; if (!noSize) { a = getWinHeight() - bulletinHeight; if (!isMobile() && 0 < iframeMinHeight && a < iframeMinHeight) return noBulletin("Window too small"); isMobile() ? oiframe.height = getWinHeight() : oiframe.height = 0 > a ? 200 : a } iframeLoading = 1; setLocation(oiframe.contentWindow,
originalUrl, !1)
} isMobile() || fullBulletin || ( = "hidden"); 0 == bulletinDelay || fullBulletin ? renderBulletin() : 0 < bulletinDelay && setTimeout(renderBulletin, bulletinDelay); "function" == typeof afterLoad && afterLoad(); return !0
} setLocation(top, originalUrl, !1)
} function getDisplayUrl() { return webPath(displayUrl) }
function bulletinSetup(a) {
searchTags = parseUrl(a); "node" == getTag(displayTag) ? display = 2 : display || null == getTag(displayTag) || (display = 1); if (!linked && null != getTag(linkedTag)) { linked = !0; a = self.location.pathname; var b = a.lastIndexOf("/"); 0 <= b && "/index.html" == a.substr(b) && (a = a.substr(0, b), b = a.lastIndexOf("/"), 0 <= b && (namePrefix = a.substr(b + 1) + ": ")) } display || linked || directDelivery || null != getTag(policyTag) || (display = 1); originalUrl = getTag(originalTag); null == originalUrl && (directDelivery ? originalUrl = display ? getDisplayUrl() :
self.location.href : linked ? fullBulletin = !0 : originalUrl = getDisplayUrl()); bulletinJS || version || (version = getTag(versionTag), version && !isNan(parseInt(version))) || (version = 2); if ("false" == getTag(renderTag) || linked || display) renderDelay = -1
} function bulletinInit(a) { directDelivery = !1; renderDelay = -1; a || (a =; bulletinSetup(a) }
function nesting(a) { (directDelivery = "<$bt>" != a) || (a =; bulletinSetup(a); if (!(1 < display)) { if (isApple && 0 > ua.indexOf("Safari")) return noBulletin("iOS app"); a = !1; try { parent != self && (a = !0) } catch (b) { a = !0 } a ? noBulletin("Nested") : self.onload = load; return a } }
function dragOBJ(a, b) {
var c, d, g, e, f; Math.max(ua.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie"), 0) ? (c = event.clientX, d = event.clientY) : (c = b.clientX, d = b.clientY); g = parseInt(; e = parseInt(; = "hidden"; document.onmousemove = function (b) { if (!f) { var h; Math.max(ua.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie"), 0) ? (h = event.clientX, b = event.clientY) : (h = b.clientX, b = b.clientY); = g + c - h + "px"; = e + d - b + "px" } }; document.onmouseup = function () {
f = 1; document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup =
null; document.onselectstart = null; = "visible"
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function closeBulletin() { if (1 < display) alert("Close does not function in preview"); else if (bulletinJS) bdiv.parentNode.removeChild(bdiv); else if (bdiv && !fullBulletin && directDelivery) switch (closeMode) { case 1: loadInParent(); break; case 2: maximizeIFrame() } else directDelivery && !display ? self.location.reload(!0) : originalUrl ? setLocation(top, originalUrl, !1) : (, "_self").close(), self.close()) }
function findFormTag(a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a.elements.length; c++) { var d = a.elements[c]; if ( == b) return d } return null } function displayFormTags(a) { for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.elements.length; c++)var d = a.elements[c], b = b + (", " + + " = " + d.value); return b } function addFormTag(a, b, c) { var d = findFormTag(a, b); d || (d = document.createElement("input"), d.type = "hidden", = b, a.appendChild(d)); d.value = c ? c : "" } function buttonOk() { return display ? (alert("Button does not function in preview"), !1) : !0 }
function getButtonName(a) { namePrefix.substr(0, nameTag.length + 1) == nameTag + "=" && (namePrefix = decodeURIComponent(namePrefix.substr(nameTag.length + 1))); return namePrefix + a }
function doCgi(a, b, c) {
if (buttonOk()) {
sendRenderBulletin(); c = createForm(c); a.substr(0, webServer.length) == webServer && (a = a.substr(webServer.length)); a.substr(0, cgiFilesDir.length) == cgiFilesDir && (a = a.substr(cgiFilesDir.length)); var d = a.indexOf("?"); if (0 <= d) { var g = a.substr(d + 1); a = a.substr(0, d); g = parseUrl(g); for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) { var e = g[d]; e[0] != commandTag && e[0] != buttonTag && "web" != e[0] && addFormTag(c, e[0], e[1]) } } addFormTag(c, commandTag, a); b && addFormTag(c, buttonTag, getButtonName(b)); addFormTag(c, "web",
webFilesDir); c.action = buildCGI((b ? buttonPrefix : "") + a); c.submit(); && setTimeout(closeBulletin, 100); return !1
} function sendButton(a, b) { !display && a && (sendRenderBulletin(), (new Image).src = buildCGI(buttonCGI, nameTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(getButtonName(a)), originalTags(noOriginalValue))); b && setTimeout(b, 100) } function doClose(a) { sendButton(a, closeBulletin); return !1 } function doNav(a, b) { sendButton(b, function () { setLocation(self, a, !0) }); return !1 }
function doPrint(a) { sendButton(a, self.print); return !1 } function doButton(a, b, c) { sendButton(a); b(c); return !1 } function buttonEvent(a, b, c) { null != a && setTimeout("self.status = '" + a + "';", 0); b && c && document.images && document.images[b] && document.images[b].src != c && (document.images[b].src = c); return !0 } var buttonImgClass = ""; function setButtonClass(a) { buttonImgClass = a ? ' class="' + a + '"' : "" } var buttonNum = 0, html, buttons = [];
function createForm(a) {
var b = document.createElement("div"); b.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); = "none"; var c = document.createElement("form"); = bulletinForm; c.action = ""; c.method = "post"; a || c.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); for (i = 0; i < searchTags.length; i++) { var d = searchTags[i]; d[0] != originalTag && d[0] != buttonTag && addFormTag(c, d[0], d[1].replace(/"/g, '\\"')) } a && originalUrl && addFormTag(c, originalTag, originalUrl.replace(/"/g, '\\"')); b.appendChild(c); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(b);
return c
function makeButton(a, b, c, d, g, e) {
var f = "", l = "button" + buttonNum++, h = bulletinPrefix + l, m = !1, q = !1; "!" == c.charAt(0) ? (m = !0, c = c.substring(1)) : "~" == c.charAt(0) && (q = !0, c = c.substring(1)); if (d || e) {
var n, k; "!" == d.charAt(0) ? n = d.substr(1) : (k = d.split(",", 2), d = webPath(k[0]), 1 < k.length ? (k = webPath(k[1]), (new Image).src = k) : k = d); f = (e ? f + "<area" : f + "<a") + (' id="' + h + '"'); if ("Nav" == b) {
var p; "javascript:" == c.substr(0, 11).toLowerCase() && (p = m = !0, c = c.substr(11).replace(/"/g, '\\"')); b = p ? "#" : isUri(c) ? c : webPath(c) + "?" + originalTags(m ?
originalUrl : null, !0); f += ' href="' + (display || p ? b : buildCGI(buttonCGI, nameTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(getButtonName(a)), originalTags(b))) + '"' + (m ? "" : ' target="_blank"'); bulletinJS ? p && "function" == typeof doJavaScript ? buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doJavaScript, c, a)) : q && buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doClose)) : p ? f += ' onclick="' + c + '"' : q && (f += ' onclick="doClose(); return true;"')
} else "Cgi" == b ? (f += ' href="#"', bulletinJS ? buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doCgi, c, a, m)) : f += " onclick=\"return doCgi('" + c + "', '" +
a + "', " + m + ');"') : "Close" == b ? (f += ' href="#"', bulletinJS ? buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doClose, a)) : f += " onclick=\"return doClose('" + a + "');\"") : "Print" == b ? (f += ' href="#"', bulletinJS ? buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doPrint, a)) : f += " onclick=\"return doPrint('" + a + "');\"") : (f += ' href="#"', bulletinJS ? buttons.push(new button(h, "click", doClose, a)) : f += ' onclick="return do' + b + "('" + c + "', '" + a + "');\""); bulletinJS ? n ? (buttons.push(new button(h, "mouseover", buttonEvent, a, "")), buttons.push(new button(h, "mouseout",
buttonEvent, ""))) : (buttons.push(new button(h, "mouseover", buttonEvent, a, l, k)), buttons.push(new button(h, "mouseout", buttonEvent, l, d))) : f = f + (" onmouseover=\"return buttonEvent('" + a + "'" + (n ? "" : ", '" + l + "', '" + k + "'") + ');"') + (" onmouseout=\"return buttonEvent(''" + (n ? "" : ", '" + l + "', '" + d + "'") + ');"'); e && (f += ' coords="' + e + '"'); g && (f += ' shape="' + g + '"'); d && !e && (f = n ? f + (">" + n + "</a") : f + ('><img id="' + h + 'i" name="' + l + '"' + buttonImgClass + ' src="' + d + '" border=0></a')); f += ">"
} else f += '<form action="#" method="get"', "Nav" ==
b && originalUrl && (f += ' target="_blank"'), f += '><input type="button" value="' + a + '"', f += ' onclick="return do' + b + "('" + c + "', '" + a + "');\" border=0></form>"; html ? html += f : document.write(f)
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function button(a, b, c) { = a; this.type = b; this.func = c; this.params = []; for (var d = 3; d < arguments.length; d++)this.params[d - 3] = arguments[d] }
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function loadImage() { bdivMove() } function checkForBody() { document.getElementById(bulletinDiv) || document.getElementById("bdiv") ? noBulletin("Nested") : null == document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] ? setTimeout(checkForBody, 1E3) : display || parent == self ? (Bulletin(), "function" == typeof afterLoad && afterLoad()) : noBulletin("Window not parent") }
function jsBulletin(a, b) {
b && (bdivStyle = b == bdivStyleFixed ? "fixed" : null); bulletinJS = !0; var c = a.split(" "), d = 1 < c.length ? c[1].indexOf("?") : -1, c = -1 == d ? "" : c[1].substr(d + 1); -1 != (d = c.indexOf("cmd=dyn&name=")) && (c = -1 != (d = c.indexOf("&", d + 13)) ? c.substring(d + 1) : ""); (directDelivery = "" != c) || (c =; bulletinSetup(c); directDelivery && (webServer = getTag(webServerTag)); setTimeout(checkForBody, display ? 100 : 2E3); display || document.writeln('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + buildCGI(redirectCGI,
originalTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(originalUrl)) + '">\x3c/script>')
// Copyright 2016 PerfTech, Inc.
document.writeln('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + (webServer) + '/bg/manager.js"></script>');
function setLang(language) {
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bdiv.setAttribute('lang', language);
var bgv_cgiCmd;
function doAck () {
new Image().src = buildCGI(buttonPrefix + bgv_cgiCmd, buttonTag + '=' + encodeURIComponent("Ack"),
originalTags(originalUrl ? originalUrl : noOriginalValue));
setTimeout(closeBulletin, 200);
//bdiv.setAttribute('data-notice', "notice-ack");
function readMore() {
var bdiv = document.getElementById('bdiv');
bdiv.setAttribute('data-show', "expanded-mobile");
function Bulletin(tags)
if (isMobile())
fullBulletin = true;
if (nesting(tags)) return;
bgv_cgiCmd = "dmca_ack";
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bulletinWrite(' <div id="bdiv" lang="en" class="cl-modal-container" data-notice="notice-1" data-show="condensed-mobile" style="visibility:hidden;">');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="header">');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="headLogo">');
bulletinWrite(' <img src="' + (webServer + webFilesDir) + 'spectrum-logo-trans.png" border="0" alt="Charter">');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="headText">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">COPYRIGHT VIOLATION<br><span class="notice-1">FIRST WARNING</span><span class="notice-2">SECOND WARNING</span><span class="notice-3"> #3</span><span class="notice-4"> #4</span><span class="notice-ack"> ACKNOWLEDGEMENT</span></span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">VIOLACIÓN DE DERECHOS DE AUTOR<br><span class="notice-1">PRIMERA ADVERTENCIA</span><span class="notice-2">SEGUNDA ADVERTENCIA</span><span class="notice-3"> #3</span><span class="notice-4"> #4</span><span class="notice-ack"> ACKNOWLEDGEMENT</span></span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="white-bg-content">');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="notice-1">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title btn-lang">COPYRIGHT EDUCATIONAL WARNING</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'es\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>Espanol</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' It has been brought to our attention that your Spectrum Internet service was recently used to improperly copy or share copyrighted content such as music, movies, video or software using Peer-to-Peer or Torrenting software. <br><br>As an Internet Service Provider, Spectrum is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as expressly stated in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' It has been brought to our attention that your Spectrum Internet service was recently used to improperly copy or share copyrighted content such as music, movies, video or software using Peer-to-Peer or Torrenting software. As an Internet Service Provider, Spectrum is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as expressly stated in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [read more]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' By using Spectrum service, you agreed to this AUP. It is possible that this activity has occurred without your permission or knowledge by a minor who may not fully understand copyright laws, by an unauthorized user, or even as a result of a computer virus. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p class="emphasize">');
bulletinWrite(' Please take immediate action to stop this unauthorized activity. Repeated violation of Spectrum’s AUP may result in remedial action, up to and including suspension of your Spectrum Internet service and loss of any discounts and promotional rates related to your service. ');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>I ACKNOWLEDGE</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' View notice we received from Copyright content owner: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' You will need your account number and reference number: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Call the Customer Security Operations Center (CSOC) at <strong><a href="tel:+1-855-222-7342" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-855-222-7342</span></a></strong> Monday through Sunday, 6 AM – 11 PM (MT) for assistance.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">COPYRIGHT AVISO EDUCATIVO</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'en\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>English</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Se nos ha informado que su servicio de Spectrum Internet fue utilizado recientemente de forma indebida para copiar o compartir contenido con derechos de autor tal como música, películas, videos o software usando software torrent o redes entre pares.<br><br>');
bulletinWrite('Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, Spectrum está obligado a cumplir con leyes sobre derechos de autor, indicadas expresamente en nuestra Política de uso aceptable (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Se nos ha informado que su servicio de Spectrum Internet fue utilizado recientemente de forma indebida para copiar o compartir contenido con derechos de autor tal como música, películas, videos o software usando software torrent o redes entre pares.<br><br>');
bulletinWrite('Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, Spectrum está obligado a cumplir con leyes sobre derechos de autor, indicadas expresamente en nuestra Política de uso aceptable (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. <br> ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [lee mas]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' Al usar el servicio de Spectrum, usted acepta esta AUP. Es posible que esta actividad haya ocurrido sin su consentimiento o conocimiento por parte de un menor de edad que no comprenda cabalmente las leyes sobre derechos de autor, por un usuario no autorizado, o incluso como resultado de un virus informático. Recomendamos que instale el software Security Suite de Spectrum para ayudar a prevenir estos ataques. Security Suite viene incluido de manera gratuita en su servicio de Spectrum Internet. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p class="emphasize">');
bulletinWrite(' Por favor tome medidas inmediatas para detener esta actividad no autorizada. La violación reiterada de la AUP de Spectrum puede dar lugar a acciones resolutivas, incluyendo la suspensión de su servicio de Spectrum Internet y la pérdida de cualquier descuento o tarifa promocional relacionada con su servicio. ');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>Reconozco</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Para ver el aviso que recibimos del propietario del contenido de Copyright: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' Necesitará su número de cuenta y número de referencia: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Por Favor llame al Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad del Cliente (CSOC) al <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-855-222-7342</span></a></strong>, de lunes a domingo, de 6 am a 11 pm (MT) para obtener.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="notice-2">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">Copyright Educational Warning</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'es\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>Espanol</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' It has been brought to our attention that your Spectrum Internet service was recently used to improperly copy or share copyrighted content such as music, movies, video or software using Peer-to-Peer or Torrenting software. <br><br>As an Internet Service Provider, Spectrum is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as expressly stated in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' It has been brought to our attention that your Spectrum Internet service was recently used to improperly copy or share copyrighted content such as music, movies, video or software using Peer-to-Peer or Torrenting software. As an Internet Service Provider, Spectrum is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as expressly stated in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('. ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [read more]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' By using Spectrum service, you agreed to this AUP. It is possible that this activity has occurred without your permission or knowledge by a minor who may not fully understand copyright laws, by an unauthorized user, or even as a result of a computer virus. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p class="emphasize">');
bulletinWrite(' Please take immediate action to stop this unauthorized activity. Repeated violation of Spectrum’s AUP may result in remedial action, up to and including suspension of your Spectrum Internet service and loss of any discounts and promotional rates related to your service. ');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>I ACKNOWLEDGE</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' View notice we received from Copyright content owner: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' You will need your account number and reference number: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Call <strong><a href="tel:+1-855-222-7342" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-855-222-7342</span></a></strong> Monday through Sunday, 6 AM – 11 PM (MT).');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">Copyright Aviso educativo</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'en\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>English</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Se nos ha informado que su servicio de Spectrum Internet fue utilizado recientemente de forma indebida para copiar o compartir contenido con derechos de autor tal como música, películas, videos o software usando software torrent o redes entre pares.<br><br>');
bulletinWrite('Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, Spectrum está obligado a cumplir con leyes sobre derechos de autor, indicadas expresamente en nuestra Política de uso aceptable (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Se nos ha informado que su servicio de Spectrum Internet fue utilizado recientemente de forma indebida para copiar o compartir contenido con derechos de autor tal como música, películas, videos o software usando software torrent o redes entre pares.');
bulletinWrite('Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, Spectrum está obligado a cumplir con leyes sobre derechos de autor, indicadas expresamente en nuestra Política de uso aceptable (AUP): ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [lee mas]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' Al usar el servicio de Spectrum, usted acepta esta AUP. Es posible que esta actividad haya ocurrido sin su consentimiento o conocimiento por parte de un menor de edad que no comprenda cabalmente las leyes sobre derechos de autor, por un usuario no autorizado, o incluso como resultado de un virus informático. Recomendamos que instale el software Security Suite de Spectrum para ayudar a prevenir estos ataques. Security Suite viene incluido de manera gratuita en su servicio de Spectrum Internet. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p class="emphasize">');
bulletinWrite(' Por favor tome medidas inmediatas para detener esta actividad no autorizada. La violación reiterada de la AUP de Spectrum puede dar lugar a acciones resolutivas, incluyendo la suspensión de su servicio de Spectrum Internet y la pérdida de cualquier descuento o tarifa promocional relacionada con su servicio. ');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>Reconozco</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Para ver el aviso que recibimos del propietario del contenido de Copyright: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' Necesitará su número de cuenta y número de referencia: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Por Favor llame al Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad del Cliente (CSOC) al <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-855-222-7342</span></a></strong>, de lunes a domingo, de 6 am a 11 pm (MT) para obtener');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="notice-3">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">Confirmation of Copyright Infringement</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'es\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>Espanol</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Thank you for speaking with a Charter Subscriber Services representative. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Thank you for speaking with a Charter Subscriber Services representative and acknowledging your recent copyright violation notice(s). ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [read more]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' As you acknowledged, Charter has received multiple complaints claiming that your account has been used to infringe copyrights owned by third parties. As an Internet Service Provider, Charter Communications is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as stated in our ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)");
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p> ');
bulletinWrite(' You have confirmed your understanding that use of your account to infringe copyrights violates Charter\'s AUP and that <span class="emphasize">if Charter receives additional infringement notices for your account, your service will be terminated.</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("GoToCharter", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>I ACKNOWLEDGE</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' View notice from content owner: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' You will need your account number and reference number: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Call <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-866-229-7286</span></a></strong> for assistance.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">CONFIRMACIÓN DE ALERTA DE DERECHOS DE AUTOR</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'en\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>English</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Gracias por hablar hoy con un especialista en seguridad. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Gracias por hablar hoy con un especialista en seguridad. Como usted reconoció, Charter Communications, que opera con el nombre comercial Spectrum, ha recibido varias quejas que alegan que su cuenta ha sido usada para violar derechos de autor que corresponden a terceros. ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [lee mas]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, Spectrum está obligado a cumplir con las leyes de protección de derechos de autor, como se establece en nuestra política de ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!uso aceptable (AUP, siglas en inglés)");
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p> ');
bulletinWrite(' Usted ha confirmado que entiende que el uso de su cuenta para copiar y compartir contenido protegido por derechos de autor viola la AUP de Spectrum y que si Charter recibe notificaciones adicionales para su cuenta, su servicio de Internet será cancelado, lo que ocasionará la pérdida del acceso al correo electrónico, Security Suite, Spectrum TV™ Stream and Spectrum TV Stream Plus y descuentos o tarifas promocionales que disfruta actualmente.</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>Reconozco</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Ver la notificación del propietario del contenido: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' Necesitará su número de cuenta y número de referencia: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Llame al <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-866-229-7286</span></a></strong> para recibir ayuda.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="notice-4">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">Disconnection Notice</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'es\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>Espanol</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Charter Communications has sent you multiple letters regarding complaints that your account is being used for copyright infringement. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Charter Communications has sent you multiple letters regarding complaints that your account is being used for copyright infringement. ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [read more]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' As an Internet Service Provider, our company is obligated to comply with copyright laws, as stated in our ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)");
bulletinWrite('. We explained that it is Charter\'s policy to terminate accounts of subscribers who repeatedly use their service for copyright infringement.</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Given the number of complaints against you, and the fact that complaints have continued even after you were notified and given an opportunity to remedy the violations, <span class="emphasize">we will terminate your Internet service on <span style="color: magenta;"><#Disconnect_Date></span></span>. ');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("GoToCharter", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>I ACKNOWLEDGE</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' View notice from content owner: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' You will need your account number and reference number: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Call <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-866-229-7286</span></a></strong> for assistance.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">NOTIFICACIÓN DE DESCONEXIÓN</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="btn-lang">');
bulletinWrite(' <a href="#" onclick="setLang(\'en\');">');
bulletinWrite(' <span>English</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="desktop-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Charter Communications, que opera con el nombre comercial Spectrum, le ha enviado varias notificaciones sobre quejas de que su cuenta se usa para copiar o compartir contenido protegido por derechos de autor. ');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="mobile-only">');
bulletinWrite(' Charter Communications, que opera con el nombre comercial Spectrum, le ha enviado varias notificaciones sobre quejas de que su cuenta se usa para copiar o compartir contenido protegido por derechos de autor. ');
bulletinWrite(' <a class="condensed-mobile" href="#" onclick="readMore();">');
bulletinWrite(' [lee mas]');
bulletinWrite(' </a>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="expanded-mobile">');
bulletinWrite(' Como proveedor de servicio de Internet, nuestra compañía está obligada a cumplir con las leyes de protección de derechos de autor, como se establece en nuestra política de ');
makeButton("AUP", "Nav", "", "!uso aceptable (AUP, siglas en inglés)");
bulletinWrite('. Le explicamos que es política de Spectrum cancelar las cuentas de suscriptores que de manera reiterada usan su servicio de Internet para violar derechos de autor.</span>');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Dada la cantidad de notificaciones en su contra y el hecho de que las quejas han continuado aun después de que usted fue alertado y tuvo la oportunidad de resolver las violaciones, <span class="emphasize">cancelaremos su servicio de Internet el <span style="color: magenta;"><#Disconnect_Date></span></span>. Tenga en cuenta que la cancelación del servicio ocasionará la pérdida del acceso al correo electrónico, Security Suite, Spectrum TV™ Stream, Spectrum TV Stream Plus y descuentos o tarifas promocionales que disfruta actualmente. Su nueva tarifa se verá reflejada en su próximo estado de cuenta.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
makeButton("Ack_DMCA", "Nav", "javascript:doAck();", "!<span class='btn'>Reconozco</span>");
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' Ver la notificación del propietario del contenido: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite(' Necesitará su número de cuenta y número de referencia: <span class="reference">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite(' Llame al <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><span class="telephone">1-866-229-7286</span></a></strong> para recibir ayuda.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="notice-ack">');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="en">');
bulletinWrite(' <h3 class="title">Thank you for acknowledging this copyright infringement notice.</h3>');
bulletinWrite(' <p>');
bulletinWrite(' View notice from content owner: ');
makeButton("Notices", "Nav", "", "!");
bulletinWrite('You will need your account number and reference number: <span style="color:magenta;">XXXXXXXX</span>.<br>');
bulletinWrite('Call <strong><a href="tel:+1-866-229-7286" onclick="sendButton("Call"); return true;"><font color="#747374">1-866-229-7286</font></a></strong> for assistance.');
bulletinWrite(' </p>');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' <span class="es">');
bulletinWrite(' Spanish Ack');
bulletinWrite(' </span>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' </div>');
bulletinWrite(' <div class="footer">©2019 Charter Communications, Inc.</div>');
bulletinWrite(' </div> ');
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