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Created October 8, 2009 15:55
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#a simple SIR model written in Python
#Jon Zelner
#University of Michigan
#October 8, 2009
#import random number and plotting libraries
import random
import pylab as pl
#set quantities of individuals in each state
S = 1000
I = 1
R = 0
#here, we calculate the total number of individuals in the system
N = S+I+R
#convert to a float so that we can use it in division without rounding errors
N = float(N)
#set the clock to zero
t = 0
#transmission parameters
#infectivity (probability of generating a new case at each step)
b = .09
#probability of recovering @ each step
g = .05
#lists for keeping track of number of individuals in each state @ each time step
sList = []
iList = []
rList = []
newIList = []
#here, we make a loop that runs as long as there are still infectious individuals
while I > 0:
newI = 0
#there is a single random trial for each susceptible individual
for i in range(S):
#here, we're using a frequency dependent transmission process;
#density dependence would be b*I
if random.random() < b*(I/N):
newI += 1
#keep track of how many individuals are recovering on this step
recoverI = 0
for i in range(I):
if random.random() < g:
recoverI += 1
#then do the accounting at the end of the step
S -= newI
I += (newI - recoverI)
R += recoverI
#keep track of these values in a list
#spit out the time to stdout and increment the timestep
print('t', t)
t += 1
print('sList', sList)
print('iList', iList)
print('rList', rList)
print('newIList', newIList)
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