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Created October 8, 2009 18:08
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#A simple SIR model written in Python
#Jon Zelner
#University of Michigan
#October 8, 2009
#Ok, so first we're going to import our random number and plotting libraries
# this is Python's standard random number library.
#For heavy-duty applications you'll want to use something else
#(like Scipy) but for this example, this will be more than adequate.
import random
#Now we're going to import pylab, which lets us do plotting and a
#bunch of other useful stuff. Notice the 'as' on the import.
#This means that when we want to use pylab tools, we have to
#reference them as pl.blah where 'blah' is the name of the tool.
#Although this entails a little more typing than
#'from pylab import *', it makes your code more readable
#in the long run. It's commented out for the time being,
#but if you have Matplotlib installed and want to plot your
#output, go ahead and uncomment it.
#import pylab as pl
#Ok, so now we're going to set the initial state of our model.
S = 1000 #this is the number of susceptibles
I = 1 #we seed the outbreak with one infectious individual
R = 0 #and no one has recovered yet
#here, we calculate the total number of individuals in the system
#we'll be using this for reference as we go along
N = S+I+R
#Python is pretty informal about types - integers, floating point numbers, etc.,
#but if you try to divide two integers by each other, you will get zero as a result.
#So, here, we convert N to a float so that we can use it in division without
#rounding errors.
N = float(N)
#Now we're going to set the simulation clock to zero.
t = 0
#Here are the model transmission parameters
#Infectivity (probability of generating a new case at each step)
#This is often called 'beta', and we'll abbreviate it here by 'b'
b = .09
#Probability of recovering @ each step. Similarly, this is often called
#gamma, and we will abbreviate it here to 'g'.
g = .05
#Here, we make some lists to keep track of number of individuals
#in each state at each time step. These will be useful at the end
#of the run when we want to see what the model actually did.
sList = [] #we'll keep the number of susceptible individuals at each step on this list
iList = [] #the number of infected individuals here
rList = [] #the number who have recovered here
newIList = [] #and we'll use this to record the number of newly infected people on each step.
#Ok, so now we're done setting up the initial state of the model and it's time to actually
#get down to running it!
#We make a loop that runs as long as there are still infectious individuals
while I > 0:
# so far, no one has been infected yet
newI = 0
#there is a single random trial for each susceptible individual
for i in range(S):
#here, we're using a frequency dependent transmission process;
#density dependence would be b*I
#we use the method 'random.random()' to draw uniformly distributed numbers
#in the range [0,1).
if random.random() < b*(I/N):
newI += 1
#to switch to density dependence, comment out the block above and
#uncomment the following:
#if random.random() < b*I:
# newI += 1
#Now we're going to see how many individuals recovery on this step.
recoverI = 0
for i in range(I):
if random.random() < g:
recoverI += 1
#Then, we wait to the all of the final accounting at the end of the step.
#This is because we're making the assumption that all events on a step
#happen simultaneously, so that individuals are infected on this step
#at the same time as others recover.
S -= newI
I += (newI - recoverI)
R += recoverI
#Then we add these values to their respective lists
#This prints the time to standard out - usually the terminal you're running from -
# and increments the timestep.
print('t', t)
t += 1
#We'll drop out of the loop above when we satisfy the stopping condition, I = 0
#and then print out the values to the terminal
print('sList', sList)
print('iList', iList)
print('rList', rList)
print('newIList', newIList)
#And if you want to plot the time series of how many people were
#infectious on each step (and have matplotlib installed),
#go ahead and uncomment these lines:
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