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Created October 20, 2009 18:24
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#a simple object-based SIR model written in Python
#Jon Zelner
#University of Michigan
#October 20, 2009
#import 'sirWithClasses' to use the components of this model as you wish
#or just run this script as 'python' to do a sample model run
import random
import heapq
import scipy
from scipy import random, stats
class simpleSIRModel():
#this is the constructor for the model object
def __init__(self, b = .1, g = .01, S = 1000, I = 1, R = 0):
#we use keyword arguments so we can set one parameter at a time
#and so we have default values for demo runs
self.b = b
self.g = g
#use these lists to keep track of how many
#people are in each state at each time
self.sList = []
self.iList = []
self.rList = []
self.newIList = []
#this will be used for a more
#efficient implementation of the recovery process
self.recoveryTimesHeap = []
#setting up the initial conditions
self.S = S
self.I = I
self.R = R
self.N = S+I+R
self.N = float(self.N)
self.t = 0
#telling the model we're starting
#with I initial infecteds
for i in xrange(I):
# heap-based method for recovering agents using an
#arbitrary distribution of recovery times
def infectAgent(self):
#uncomment for exponentially distributed recovery times
#same as looping over and drawing a random number every time, but more efficient
#use 1/gamma to get the expected duration of infectiousness
#and just add it to the current time
recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.exponential(1/self.g)
#these are other distributions to give you some
#idea of what happens when you try different
#assumptions about recovery times
#lognormal with mean 1/g
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.lognormal(mean = scipy.log(1/g), sigma = scipy.log(20) )
##this is to make sure that we don't get anyone recovering in the past or at the moment of
#if recoveryTime <= self.t:
# recoveryTime = self.t + 1
#gamma distributed times with mean 1/g
#shape = 10.0
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.gamma(shape, scale = 1/(shape*self.g))
#normally distributed with mean 1/g
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.normal(1/self.g, 10)
#if recoveryTime <= self.t:
# recoveryTime = self.t + 1
#recoveryTime = self.t + (1/g)
#we use the 'heappush' method from heapq to
#put the next recovery time on the heap
#if you add them using some other method,
#it is important to use heapq.heapify(heap)
#to maintain it's heap-ness
heapq.heappush(self.recoveryTimesHeap, recoveryTime)
return 1
def recoverAgents(self):
recoverI = 0
if len(self.recoveryTimesHeap) > 0: #make sure we have folks to recover
while self.recoveryTimesHeap[0] <= self.t: #top item will always be the smallest, i.e., nearest
#to self.t
#all we need to know is that the top item on the list
#should have recovered by now, so we pop it off the list
#using heapq.heappop and let it disappear into the magical
#land of garbage collection
recoverI += 1
#if we run out of individuals to recover, just stop looping
if len(self.recoveryTimesHeap) == 0:
return recoverI
#simplest (and inefficient) way to recover individuals
#with exponentially distributed recovery times
# def infectAgent(self):
# #this is just a wrapper that increments the count of infected
# #individuals in the model
# return 1
# def recoverAgents(self):
# #drawing a random value on each step for every infected
# recoverI = 0
# for i in range(self.I):
# if random.random() < self.g:
# recoverI += 1
# return recoverI
#this method contains the real guts of the model
def run(self):
#while individuals are still infectious, we run the process
while self.I > 0:
newI = 0
for i in range(self.S):
if random.random() < self.b*(self.I/self.N):
newI += self.infectAgent()
#let the model take care of any mechanics involved in recovering agents
#and record the number who will recover @ the end of this step
recoverI = self.recoverAgents()
#do the bookkeeping
self.S -= newI
self.I += (newI - recoverI)
self.R += recoverI
#and keep track of how many individuals were in each state on this step
print('t', self.t, 'numS', self.S, 'numI', self.I)
#don't forget to increment the time!
self.t += 1
return [self.sList, self.iList, self.rList, self.newIList]
if __name__ == '__main__':
#transmission parameters
b = .6 / 24.0
g = .5 / 24.0
#initial conditions
S = 2000
I = 1
import pylab as pl
myModel = simpleSIRModel(b = b, g = g, S = S, I = I)
simpleModelResults =
numMassActionCases = sum(simpleModelResults[3])
pl.plot(simpleModelResults[1], label = 'mass action outbreak; '+ str(numMassActionCases) + ' cases')
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