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Created November 13, 2009 20:24
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#a simple network-based SIR model written in Python
#Jon Zelner
#University of Michigan
#October 20, 2009
#import this file (networkSIRWithClasses) to use the model components
#or run as 'python' to do sample runs
import igraph
import random
import copy
import pylab as pl
import scipy
from scipy import random
import heapq
#model constructor
class simpleNetworkSIRModel():
def __init__(self, b = .2, g = .01, S = 300, I = 1, p = .02, nei = 4):
self.b = b
self.g = g
self.t = 0
self.p = p
self.N = S + I
#make a small world graph with as many nodes as we have individuals
self.graph = igraph.Graph.Watts_Strogatz(1, self.N, nei=nei, p = p)
#we do this to get rid of multiple edges and self-loops that the
#randomly generated small-world graph might have
#we're going to keep track of who is next to who using a list of lists
self.adjacencyList = []
for i in range(self.N):
#now we're going to unpack the info from the graph
#into a more usable format
#this is an efficient way of doing it bust shows you
#how to turn the graph into an
#adjacency list
for edge in #looping over the graph's edge sequence
#indexing adjacency by node ID,so we can do quick lookups
#to use iGraph's internal method to do this, comment
#out above and uncomment the following:
#self.adjacencyList = graph.get_adjlist()
#going to use this to store the *indices* of agents in each state
self.sAgentList = []
self.iAgentList = []
self.rAgentList = []
#and here we're going to store the counts of how many agents are in each
#state @ each time step
self.sList = []
self.iList = []
self.rList = []
self.newIList = []
#and we'll use this to keep track of recovery times in the more
#efficient implementation
self.recoveryTimesHeap = []
#make a list of agent indices (easy because they're labeled 0-N)
allAgents = range(self.N)
#shuffle the list so there's no accidental correlation in agent actions
#start with everyone susceptible
self.sAgentList = copy.copy(allAgents)
#now infect a few to infect at t = 0
self.indexCases = []
for i in xrange(I):
indexCase = self.sAgentList[0]
# heap-based method for recovering agents using an arbitrary distribution of recovery times
def infectAgent(self,agent):
#uncomment for exponentially distributed recovery times
recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.exponential(1/self.g)
#comment out above and uncomment below to try different recovery
#lognormal with mean 1/g
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.lognormal(mean = scipy.log(1/g), sigma = scipy.log(20) )
#if recoveryTime <= self.t:
# recoveryTime = self.t + 1
#gamma distributed times with mean 1/g
#shape = 10.0
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.gamma(shape, scale = 1/(shape*self.g))
#normally distributed with mean 1/g
#recoveryTime = self.t + scipy.random.normal(1/self.g, 10)
#if recoveryTime <= self.t:
# recoveryTime = self.t + 1
#recoveryTime = self.t + (1/g)
#note that we're pushing a tuple onto the heap where the first element
#is the recovery time and the second one is the agent's unique ID
heapq.heappush(self.recoveryTimesHeap, (recoveryTime, agent))
return 1
def recoverAgents(self):
#when we recover agents, it's similar to the previous
#non-network implementation
recoverList = []
if len(self.recoveryTimesHeap) > 0:
while self.recoveryTimesHeap[0][0] <= self.t:
#we take advantage of python's built-in sequence sorting methods
#which compare starting from the first element in a sequence,
#so if these are all unique, we can sort arbitary sequences
#by their first element without a special comparison operator
recoveryTuple = heapq.heappop(self.recoveryTimesHeap)
if len(self.recoveryTimesHeap) == 0:
return recoverList
#again, the guts of the model
def run(self):
#same as while I > 0
while len(self.iAgentList) > 0:
tempIAgentList = []
recoverList = []
newI = 0
#we only need to loop over the agents who are currently infectious
for iAgent in self.iAgentList:
#and then expose their network neighbors
for agent in self.adjacencyList[iAgent]:
#given that the neighbor is susceptible
if agent in self.sAgentList:
if (random.random() < self.b):
#and then it's the same as the other models
newI += self.infectAgent(agent)
#then get the list of who is recovering
recoverList = self.recoverAgents()
#and do the bookkeeping with agent indices
#for recoveries
for recoverAgent in recoverList:
#and new infections
#then track the number of individuals in each state
#increment the time
self.t += 1
print('t', self.t, 'numS', len(self.sAgentList), 'numI', len(self.iAgentList) )
#reshuffle the agent list so they step in a random order the next time
#and when we're done, return all of the relevant information
return [self.sList, self.iList, self.rList, self.newIList]
#this method lets us plot the network and the states of individuals at the end
#of the run
def graphPlot(self):
for v in self.graph.vs():#loop over the nodes in the graph- in igraph the "vertex sequence"
v['label_size'] = 0 #if you don't do this, nodes will be labeled with their indices, which
#can be visually confusing
v['color'] = 'blue' #all nodes start blue
if v.index in self.rAgentList or v.index in self.iAgentList:
v['color'] = 'red' #if they were infected during the run, color them red
if v.index in self.indexCases: #color index cases green
v['color'] = 'green'
# a circular layout can be the best when the disorder parameter is pretty low
if self.p <= .05:
l = self.graph.layout_circle()
#as p grows larger, it's probably more useful to use a spring-embedder
#to see structure and clustering
elif len(self.graph.vs) < 500:
#this is the most common spring-embdedder layout for graphs
#but can be inefficient for large graphs
l = self.graph.layout_kamada_kawai()
#but this one is faster and gives qualitatively
#similar results
l = self.graph.layout_grid_fruchterman_reingold()
#now just plot the graph, passing it the layout we chose
igraph.drawing.plot(self.graph, layout = l)
if __name__=='__main__':
#transmission parameters (daily rates scaled to hourly rates)
b = .02 / 24.0
g = .05 / 24.0
#initial conditions (# of people in each state)
S = 500
I = 3
#network specific parameters
p = .05 #this controls the likelihood that connections will be rewired
nei = 4 #and this is the number of network neighbors each node has at t = 0
myNetworkModel = simpleNetworkSIRModel(b = b, g = g, S = S, I = I, p = p, nei = nei)
networkResults =
numNetworkCases = sum(networkResults[3])
pl.plot(networkResults[1], label = 'networked outbreak; ' + str(numNetworkCases) + ' cases')
pl.ylabel('# infectious')
#we put this inside of a try block so that if the sirWithClasses module from the
#previous tutorials isn't included, we just pass by without crashing
import sirWithClasses
#uncomment this to run the mass-action version to benchmark the network one for the same parameters
#note that only the disease parameters are relevant here, as the mass-action model includes no
#social structure.
mySimpleModel = sirWithClasses.simpleSIRModel(b = b, g = g, S = S, I = I)
simpleModelResults =
numMassActionCases = sum(simpleModelResults[3])
pl.plot(simpleModelResults[1], label = 'mass action outbreak; '+ str(numMassActionCases) + ' cases')
except ImportError:
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