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Created May 28, 2015 16:37
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Easy way to pull items from a public Google Doc
$doc = new GoogleDoc('1eJZsnDQ991VjHRqt9e9VUiDvp8s6WywSTAlqULPpx4g');
$distributors = $doc->getEntries();
<table class="table distributors tablesorter">
<?php foreach ($distributors as $distributor): ?>
<td><?php echo $distributor->name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $distributor->location; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
class GoogleDoc {
public function __construct($docId, $sheetId = 1)
$this->docId = $docId;
$this->sheetId = $sheetId;
$this->json = file_get_contents('' . $docId . '/' . $sheetId . '/public/values?alt=json');
$this->response = json_decode($this->json);
public function getEntries()
$entries = array();
foreach ($this->response->feed->entry as $entry):
$entries[] = new GoogleDocEntry($entry);
return $entries;
class GoogleDocEntry {
public function __construct($entry)
$this->object = $entry;
// clean up Google's content field with better delimiters
$delimited = preg_replace_callback(
'|, (\w+): |',
return str_replace(', ', '<==>', $matches[0]);
$this->object->content->{ '$t' }
// create an empty object to put the data in
$this->content = new stdClass;
// explode on the new delimiters
$data = explode('<==>', $delimited);
// loop through the data and explode it to get the keys and values
foreach ($data as $part)
$pieces = explode(': ', $part);
// set the keys and values in the object we created earlier
$this->content->{ $pieces[0] } = $pieces[1];
public function title()
return $this->object->title->{ '$t' };
public function __get($field)
if (isset($this->object->{ 'gsx$' . $field }))
return $this->object->{ 'gsx$' . $field }->{ '$t' };
return $this->content->$field;
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