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Created May 7, 2012 21:43
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SR hydrodynamics eigenvectors
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors: Jonathan Zrake, Bez Laderman: NYU CCPP
# Date: May 7th, 2012
# This piece of code implements the left and right eigenvectors of the ideal
# special relativistic hydrodynamics equations. The formulas are an exact
# translation of those given in the literature:
# R. Donat, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibanez, & A. Marquina
# JCP, 1998, 146, 58
# Having these eigenvectors in a hydrodynamics code is good. They can be used
# for any scheme which requires flux splitting with characteristic
# decomposition, such as high order ENO or WENO schemes.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
Gamma = 1.4 # adiabatic index
def run_evec():
D = 1.0 # rest mass density
p = 1.0 # pressure
u = 0.2 # vx (three velocity)
v = 0.3 # vy
w = 0.4 # vz
sie = (p/D) / (Gamma - 1) # specific internal energy
h = 1 + sie + p/D # specific enthalpy
cs2 = Gamma * p / (D*h) # sound speed squared
V2 = u*u + v*v + w*w
W = 1.0 / sqrt(1 - V2) # Lorentz factor
W2 = W*W
K = h # for gamma-law only, K = h
hW = h*W
# equations (14) and (15)
lp = (u*(1-cs2) + sqrt(cs2*(1-V2)*(1-V2*cs2-u*u*(1-cs2))))/(1-V2*cs2)
lm = (u*(1-cs2) - sqrt(cs2*(1-V2)*(1-V2*cs2-u*u*(1-cs2))))/(1-V2*cs2)
Ap = (1 - u*u) / (1 - u*lp)
Am = (1 - u*u) / (1 - u*lm)
# Equations (17) through (20)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
RR = [[K/hW, u, v, w, 1-K/hW],
[W*v, 2*h*W2*u*v, h*(1+2*W2*v*v), 2*h*W2*v*w, 2*h*W2*v - W*v],
[W*w, 2*h*W2*u*w, 2*h*W2*v*w, h*(1+2*W2*w*w), 2*h*W2*w - W*w],
[1, hW*Ap*lp, hW*v, hW*w, hW*Ap - 1],
[1, hW*Am*lm, hW*v, hW*w, hW*Am - 1]]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (1) Font writes the columns of the left eigenvector matrix
# horizontally, which is how they are written below. So we take the
# transpose at the end of the day.
# (2) Font's notation uses L_{-/+} for the last left eigenvectors, but that
# naming is weird, since L_{+} contains lm and Am and vice-versa.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Delta = h*h*h*W*(K-1)*(1-u*u)*(Ap*lp - Am*lm) # equation (21)
a = W / (K-1)
b = 1 / (h*(1 - u*u))
c = 1 / (h*(1 - u*u))
d = -h*h / Delta
e = +h*h / Delta
LL = [[a*(h-W), a*W*u, a*W*v, a*W*w, -a*W],
[-b*v, b*u*v, b*(1-u*u), 0, -b*v],
[-c*w, c*u*w, 0, c*(1-u*u), -c*w],
[d*(hW*Am*(u-lm) - u - W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(u - Am*lm) + K*Am*lm),
d*(1 + W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(1 - Am) - K*Am),
d*(W2*v*(2*K - 1)*Am*(u - lm)),
d*(W2*w*(2*K - 1)*Am*(u - lm)),
d*(-u - W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(u - Am*lm) + K*Am*lm)],
[e*(hW*Ap*(u-lp) - u - W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(u - Ap*lp) + K*Ap*lp),
e*(1 + W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(1 - Ap) - K*Ap),
e*(W2*v*(2*K - 1)*Ap*(u - lp)),
e*(W2*w*(2*K - 1)*Ap*(u - lp)),
e*(-u - W2*(V2 - u*u)*(2*K - 1)*(u - Ap*lp) + K*Ap*lp)]]
R = np.matrix(RR)
L = np.matrix(LL).T
print np.around(R*L, 14) # ignore values near machine precision
if __name__ == "__main__":
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