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Created December 7, 2019 06:36
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scholar-alert-digest #12
# Google Scholar Alert Digest
**Date**: 2019-12-07T09:29:56+03:00
**Unread emails**: 50
**Paper titles**: 117
**Uniq paper titles**: 79
## New papers
- [Dependency Management 2.0–A Semantic Web Enabled Approach]( (6)
<summary>Software development and evolution are highly distributed processes that involve</summary> a multitude of supporting tools and resources. Application programming interfaces are commonly used by software developers to reduce development cost and complexity …
- [Challenges in the collaborative evolution of a proof language and its ecosystem]( (6)
<summary>In this thesis, I present the application of software engineering methods and kn</summary>owledge to the development, maintenance, and evolution of Coq—an interactive proof assistant based on type theory—and its package ecosystem. Coq has been …
- [Dependency Management 2.0–A Semantic Web Enabled Approach]( (5)
<summary>Software development and evolution are highly distributed processes that involve</summary> a multitude of supporting tools and resources. Application programming interfaces are commonly used by software developers to reduce development cost and complexity …
- [Understanding Developer Commenting in Code Reviews]( (4)
<summary>抄録 Modern code review is a well-known practice to assess the quality of soft</summary>ware where developers discuss the quality in a web-based review tool. However, this lightweight approach may risk an inefficient review participation, especially when …
- [Challenges in the collaborative evolution of a proof language and its ecosystem]( (3)
<summary>In this thesis, I present the application of software engineering methods and kn</summary>owledge to the development, maintenance, and evolution of Coq—an interactive proof assistant based on type theory—and its package ecosystem. Coq has been …
- [Natural language processing in mining unstructured data from software repositories: a review]( (3)
<summary>With the increasing popularity of open-source platforms, software data is easily</summary> available from various open-source tools like GitHub, CVS, SVN, etc. More than 80 percent of the data present in them is unstructured. Mining data from these …
- [Understanding Developer Commenting in Code Reviews]( (3)
<summary>抄録 Modern code review is a well-known practice to assess the quality of soft</summary>ware where developers discuss the quality in a web-based review tool. However, this lightweight approach may risk an inefficient review participation, especially when …
- [How Do Contributors Impact Code Naturalness? An Exploratory Study of 50 Python Projects]( (3)
<summary>Recent studies have shown how software is comparable to natural languages, meani</summary>ng that source code is highly repetitive and predictable. Other studies have shown the naturalness as indicators for code quality (ie, buggy code). With the rise of …
- [Can everyone use my app? An Empirical Study on Accessibility in Android Apps]( (3)
<summary>Universal design principles aim to improve accessibility by ensuring product des</summary>igns consider all users, including those with certain disabilities (eg, visual impairments). In the case of mobile apps, accessibility is mostly provided by existing features in …
- [A Survey on Research of Code Comment Auto Generation]( (3)
<summary>A code comment is an explanation of the code. As an important part of software d</summary>evelopment process, code comment plays an important role in software maintenance, software reuse and other fields. Automatic generation of code …
- [JCaliper]( (2)
<summary>Technical Debt (TD) reflects problems in software maintainability along evolutio</summary>n. TD principal is defined as the effort required for refactoring an existing system to an ideal one (aka optimal) that suffers from no maintainability problems. One of the open …
- [A Study on the Current Status of Functional Idioms in Java]( (2)
<summary>抄録 Over the past recent decades, numerous programming languages have expande</summary>d to embrace multi-paradigms such as the fusion of object-oriented and functional programming. For example, Java, one of the most famous object-oriented …
- [Evaluating and Comparing Size, Complexity and Coupling Metrics as Web Applications Vulnerabilities Predictors]( (2)
<summary>Most security and privacy issues in software are related to exploiting code vuln</summary>erabilities. Many studies have tried to find the correlation between the software characteristics (complexity, coupling, etc.) quantified by corresponding code metrics …
- [Identifying, Structuring, and Evolving Features in Software Product Lines]( (2)
<summary>Software product lines (SPLs) are a set of similar software products that are de</summary>veloped in a coordinated manner, sharing commonalities. Software product line engineering (SPLE) aims to better manage SPLs through the use of both source …
- [Text2SQLNet: Syntax Type-Aware Tree Networks for Text-to-SQL]( (2)
<summary>Building natural language interfaces to relational databases is an important and</summary> challenging problem in natural language processing (NLP), it requires a system that is able to understand natural language questions and generate corresponding SQL …
- [Attentive Sequences Recurrent Network for Social Relation Recognition from Video]( (2)
<summary>抄録 Recently, social relation analysis receives an increasing amount of atten</summary>tion from text to image data. However, social relation analysis from video is an important problem, which is lacking in the current literature. There are still some challenges: 1) …
- [A Multi-Modal Intelligent Agent that Learns from Demonstrations and Natural Language Instructions]( (2)
<summary>Intelligent agents that can perform tasks on behalf of users have become increas</summary>ingly popular with growing ubiquity in “smart” devices such as phones, wearables, and smart home devices. They allow users to automate common tasks …
- [Test Transfer Across Mobile Apps Through Semantic Mapping]( (2)
<summary>GUI-based testing has been primarily used to examine the functionality and usabi</summary>lity of mobile apps. Despite the numerous GUI-based test input generation techniques proposed in the literature, these techniques are still limited by (1) lack of context …
- [Serious Games como herramienta de transformación sociocultural para fomentar la cultura tributaria en Colombia]( (2)
<summary>El sistema tributario de Colombia ha sido afectado negativamente por el fenómen</summary>o de la informalidad y la cultura colombiana que exalta la evasión de responsabilidades individuales, el uso de trampas o atajos. Aunque el Estado …
- [SMT-based Multi-objective Optimization for Scheduling of MPSoC Applications]( (1)
<summary>Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a promising interconnecting paradigm in the state-of-th</summary>e-art multi-core architectures. Its communication network can increase the capacity of parallel data transfer such that system performance is improved. In the design of …
- [Rethinking the Item Order in Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks]( (1)
<summary>Predicting a user's preference in a short anonymous interaction session instead </summary>of long-term history is a challenging problem in the real-life session-based recommendation, eg, e-commerce and media stream. Recent research of the …
- [Co-experience on Twitter: A study of information technology professionals]( (1)
<summary>Introduction. This paper presents findings from a study of information technolog</summary>y (IT) professionals' use of Twitter for their professional purposes. The study aimed to understand information technology professionals' co-experience and how it …
- [A Novel Approach for Measuring Developer's Discussion Switching Focus]( (1)
<summary>Dear editor, Social coding sites like GitHub has enabled developers to easily co</summary>ntribute their comments on multiple issues and switch their discussion between issues, ie multi-discussing. Discussing multiple issues simultaneously may enhance …
- [GOOL: A Generic Object-Oriented Language (extended version)]( (1)
<summary>We present GOOL, a Generic Object-Oriented Language. It demonstrates that a lang</summary>uage, with the right abstractions, can capture the essence of object-oriented programs. We show how GOOL programs can be used to generate human-readable …
- [Extraction de motifs spatio-temporels: co-localisations, séquences et graphes dynamiques attribués]( (1)
<summary>Je souhaite remercier les membres du jury pour avoir bien voulu consacrer une pa</summary>rtie de leur temps à mon HDR. Je remercie plus particulièrement Stéphane Bressan, Philippe Fournier-Viger et Alexandre Termier d'avoir accepté d'être mes …
- [Infraestructura como código]( (1)
<summary>En el trabajo se evalúa, en un caso de estudio concreto, la aplicabilidad e imp</summary>acto de los principios de infraestructuras como código en la calidad de las arquitecturas de proyectos de investigación e innovación tecnológica, y en los procesos de …
- [Ιεραρχική Σημασιολογική Ανάλυση για Αναγνώριση Λειτουργικότητας Κώδικα με σκοπό την Επαναχρησιμοποίηση]( (1)
<summary>Περίληψη Το διαδίκτυο έχει αλλάξει ριζικά τ</summary>ον τρόπο με τον οποίο επικοινωνούμε και ανταλλάσσουμε πληροφορίες. Επίσης, έχει δημιουργήσει πρόσφορο έδαφος για την ανάπτυξη αποθηκών ανοιχτού λογισμικού, στις οποίες έχουν πρόσβαση όλοι. Σε …
- [Efficiently Generating Test Data to Kill Stubborn Mutants by Dynamically Reducing the Search Domain]( (1)
<summary>Mutation testing is a fault-oriented software testing technique, and a test suit</summary>e generated based on the criterion of mutation testing generally has a high capability in detecting faults. A mutant that is hard killed is called a stubborn one. The …
- [D-Goldilocks: Automatic Redistribution of Remote Functionalities for Performance and Efficiency]( (1)
<summary>Distributed applications enhance their execution by using remote resources. Howe</summary>ver, distributed execution incurs communication, synchronization, fault-handling, and security overheads. If these overheads are not offset by the yet larger …
- [Machine Learning On Complex Networks: Dynamical Fingerprints, Embeddings and Feature Engineering]( (1)
<summary>Complex networks emerge as a natural framework to describe real-life phenomena i</summary>nvolving a group of entities and their interactions, ie, a social network. Furthermore, other problems involve a collection of networks, such as multi-layer, temporal, or …
- [Location-aware heterogeneous web service recommendation using Hybrid approach]( (1)
<summary>Web service has been emerged as a promising technique to support inter-operable </summary>machine-to-machine interaction which provides a method of communication between electronic devices over a network. As the number of web services with similar …
- [The Prevention of Chronic Diseases Through eHealth: A Practical Overview]( (1)
<summary>Disease prevention is an umbrella term embracing individual-based or population-</summary>based interventions aimed at preventing the manifestation of diseases (primary prevention), reducing the impact of a disease that has arisen (secondary prevention) …
- [Novel Code Plagiarism Detection Based on Abstract Syntax Tree and Fuzzy Petri Nets]( (1)
<summary>Those students who major in computer science and/or engineering are required to </summary>design program codes in a variety of programming languages. However, many students submit their source codes they get from the Internet or friends with no or few …
- [Ιεραρχική Σημασιολογική Ανάλυση για Αναγνώριση Λειτουργικότητας Κώδικα με σκοπό την Επαναχρησιμοποίηση]( (1)
<summary>Περίληψη Το διαδίκτυο έχει αλλάξει ριζικά τ</summary>ον τρόπο με τον οποίο επικοινωνούμε και ανταλλάσσουμε πληροφορίες. Επίσης, έχει δημιουργήσει πρόσφορο έδαφος για την ανάπτυξη αποθηκών ανοιχτού λογισμικού, στις οποίες έχουν πρόσβαση όλοι. Σε …
- [SEG-LM: A Factored-Output Model for Morphologically Rich Languages]( (1)
<summary>Neural language models (LMs) have shown to benefit significantly from enhancing </summary>word vectors with subword-level information, especially for morphologically rich languages. This has been mainly tackled by providing subword-level information as …
- [Development of a local cloud system based on P2P file sharing]( (1)
<summary>Nowadays, anyone dealing with computer systems has to work with a wide variety o</summary>f different files, often large ones. It is therefore essential to have effective tools for sharing them. Another important aspect is that of file synchronization, ie making the …
- [A Study on the Current Status of Functional Idioms in Java]( (1)
<summary>抄録 Over the past recent decades, numerous programming languages have expande</summary>d to embrace multi-paradigms such as the fusion of object-oriented and functional programming. For example, Java, one of the most famous object-oriented …
- [Samsung and University of Edinburgh's System for the IWSLT 2019]( (1)
<summary>This paper describes the joint submission to the IWSLT 2019 English to Czech tas</summary>k by Samsung R&D Institute, Poland, and the University of Edinburgh. Our submission was ultimately produced by combining four Transformer systems through a mixture of …
- [JCaliper]( (1)
<summary>Technical Debt (TD) reflects problems in software maintainability along evolutio</summary>n. TD principal is defined as the effort required for refactoring an existing system to an ideal one (aka optimal) that suffers from no maintainability problems. One of the open …
- [Attentive Sequences Recurrent Network for Social Relation Recognition from Video]( (1)
<summary>抄録 Recently, social relation analysis receives an increasing amount of atten</summary>tion from text to image data. However, social relation analysis from video is an important problem, which is lacking in the current literature. There are still some challenges: 1) …
- [A Novel Approach for Measuring Developer's Discussion Switching Focus]( (1)
<summary>Dear editor, Social coding sites like GitHub has enabled developers to easily co</summary>ntribute their comments on multiple issues and switch their discussion between issues, ie multi-discussing. Discussing multiple issues simultaneously may enhance …
- [Program Synthesis for Images using Tree-Structured LSTM]( (1)
<summary>Program synthesis has recently emerged as a promising approach for image parsing</summary>. However, prior work has relied on supervised learning using training images paired with ground truth generating programs. We present an unsupervised …
- [Studying Test Flakiness in Python Projects: Original Findings for Machine Learning]( (1)
<summary>Flaky tests can fail or pass without any changes to the code under test. They ca</summary>n destroy developers trust in a test suite and if ignored lead to bugs in released code. This thesis performs an empirical study of the most popular open source Python …
- [Spatially Encoded Biological Assays]( (1)
<summary>The present invention provides assays and assay systems for use in spatially enc</summary>oded biological assays. The invention provides an assay system comprising an assay capable of high levels of multiplexing where reagents are provided to a …
- [Blockchains: a Systematic Multivocal Literature Review]( (1)
<summary>Blockchain technology has gained tremendous popularity both in practice and acad</summary>emia. The goal of this article is to develop a coherent overview of the state of the art in blockchain technology, using a systematic (ie, protocol-based, replicable) …
- [Ordering Matters: Word Ordering Aware Unsupervised NMT]( (1)
<summary>Denoising-based Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation (U-NMT) models typically</summary> employ denoising strategy at the encoder module to prevent the model from memorizing the input source sentence. Specifically, given an input sentence of …
- [A data-driven approach to spoken dialog segmentation]( (1)
<summary>In this paper, we present a statistical model for spoken dialog segmentation tha</summary>t decides the current phase of the dialog by means of an automatic classification process. We have applied our proposal to three practical conversational systems …
- [Identifying Transitional High Cost Users from Unstructured Patient Profiles Written by Primary Care Physicians]( (1)
<summary>Identification and subsequent intervention of patients at risk of becoming High </summary>Cost Users (HCUs) presents the opportunity to improve outcomes while also providing significant savings for the healthcare system. In this paper, the 2016 HCU status of …
- [Automatic Identification and Recovery of Errors in Programs-A Rigorous Approach]( (1)
<summary>Modern software development practices have shifted to a fast and agile release p</summary>rocess. Software is automatically compiled, tested, verified, and shipped to the users. Formal methods and their implementation in tools are difficult to integrate into …
- [Geo-spatial Screening using Anomaly Detection for Efficient Security Analysis of V2X Sensor Data on C-ITS Service]( (1)
<summary>Security for cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), which are expect</summary>ed to contribute to realizing a safe and efficient transportation environment, will become more important in the near future. Among various proposed C-ITS services, this study …
- [Does your code need comment?]( (1)
<summary>Code comments convey information about the programmers' intention in a more expl</summary>icit but less rigorous manner than source code. This information can assist programmers in various tasks, such as code comprehension, reuse, and …
- [Análise do Método HTA (Análise Hierárquica de Tarefas) para Decomposição de Tarefas em Crowdsourcing]( (1)
<summary>Trabalhadores de plataformas crowdsourcing encontram barreiras que dificultam a </summary>sua participação, tendo como exemplo as que estão relacionadas à tarefas. Tarefas consideradas complexas podem limitar o número de trabalhadores em potencial. A …
- [Applying Matrix Factorization for Predicting Click Through Rate on Advertizing in Apps on Mobile Devices]( (1)
<summary>The number of smart phone and smartphone users has increased rapidly, boosting t</summary>he growth of mobile advertising. Predicting the percentage of users who click on an advertisement when displayed on an application (CTR: Click Through Rate) plays an …
- [Learning Deep MRFs with Amortized Bethe Free Energy Minimization]( (1)
<summary>We propose to learn deep undirected graphical models (ie, MRFs), with a non-ELBO</summary> objective for which we can calculate exact gradients. In particular, we optimize a saddle-point objective deriving from the Bethe free energy approximation to the …
- [A Survey on the Latest Development of Machine Learning in Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization]( (1)
<summary>The concept of machine learning (ML) is becoming popular day by day among resear</summary>ch community for many reasons—capability of solving high-dimensional real-world problem, availability of quality data to build and validate models and most …
- [Steering Interpolants Generation with Efficient Interpolation Abstraction Exploration]( (1)
<summary>Craig interpolation has emerged as an effective approximation method and can be </summary>widely applied in hardware and software model checking. Since the quality of interpolants can critically affect the success and failure, or convergence and …
- [Developer Confidence in Continuous Integration: Definition and Supporting Aspects]( (1)
<summary>Context Organizations are facing a lot of challenges, both social and technical,</summary> in adopting continuous practices. In the midst of these challenges, little is known about how software developers are dealing with the usage of continuous integration as its …
- [Inferring How Novice Students Learn to Code: Integrating Automated Program Repair with Cognitive Model]( (1)
<summary>Learning to code on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has become more and more</summary> popular among novice students while inferring how the students learn programming on MOOCs is a challenging task. To solve this challenge, we build a …
- [Software Complexity Reduction by Automated Refactoring Schema]( (1)
<summary>As the scale of software systems is growing rapidly, software complexity is beco</summary>ming one of the main problems in software engineering. Higher complexity in software increases the potential risk and defects of software system, which makes it more …
- [How to Kill Symbolic Deobfuscation for Free]( (1)
<summary>Code obfuscation is a major tool for protecting software intellectual property f</summary>rom attacks such as reverse engineering or code tampering. Yet, recently proposed (automated) attacks based on Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) shows very …
- [Uma Adaptaç ao dos Operadores Genéticos para o Problema do Próximo Release com Interdependência entre Requisitos]( (1)
<summary>The Next Release Problem consists in selecting a set of requirements to be devel</summary>oped in the next release, aiming to maximize the overall importance value. When considering the requirements' interdependencies, more constraints are added …
- [A Multi-language Platform for Generating Algebraic Mathematical Word Problems]( (1)
<summary>Existing approaches for automatically generating mathematical word problems are </summary>deprived of customizability and creativity due to the inherent nature of template-based mechanisms they employ. We present a solution to this problem with the use …
- [Vehicle Occupancy Detection for HOV/HOT Lanes Enforcement]( (1)
<summary>High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) and HighOccupancy Toll (HOT) lanes have gained inte</summary>rest in recent years since they provide innovative solutions to roadway congestion and traffic safety in urban areas. Enforcement is one of the key …
- [A Survey on Research of Code Comment Auto Generation]( (1)
<summary>A code comment is an explanation of the code. As an important part of software d</summary>evelopment process, code comment plays an important role in software maintenance, software reuse and other fields. Automatic generation of code …
- [Improving Clone Detection Precision using Machine Learning Techniques]( (1)
<summary>Code clones or similar segments of code in a software project can be detected by</summary> using a clone detection tool. Due to modifications applied after copying and pasting of the cloned code, the current code clone detection tools face challenges to …
- [Does your code need comment?]( (1)
<summary>Code comments convey information about the programmers' intention in a more expl</summary>icit but less rigorous manner than source code. This information can assist programmers in various tasks, such as code comprehension, reuse, and …
- [Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation using Connectionist Temporal Classification]( (1)
<summary>Simultaneous machine translation is a variant of machine translation that starts</summary> the translation process before the end of an input. This task faces a trade-off between translation accuracy and latency. We have to determine when we start the translation …
- [Improving Clone Detection Precision using Machine Learning Techniques]( (1)
<summary>Code clones or similar segments of code in a software project can be detected by</summary> using a clone detection tool. Due to modifications applied after copying and pasting of the cloned code, the current code clone detection tools face challenges to …
- [Generative Adversarial Networks in Text Generation]( (1)
<summary>Abstract The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was firstly proposed in 2014, </summary>and it has been highly studied and developed in recent years. It has obtained great success in the problems that can not be explicitly defined by a math equation such as …
- [D-Goldilocks: Automatic Redistribution of Remote Functionalities for Performance and Efficiency]( (1)
<summary>Distributed applications enhance their execution by using remote resources. Howe</summary>ver, distributed execution incurs communication, synchronization, fault-handling, and security overheads. If these overheads are not offset by the yet larger …
- [Test Case Propagation in Related Applications]( (1)
<summary>Software is becoming increasingly complex and at the same time increasingly safe</summary>ty critical (for example in domains of robotics, autonomous systems such as cars, data-processing software, Android apps). To tackle these challenges, developers need to …
- [Social Media with Automated Moderation]( (1)
<summary>SnogJammers is a social media company based in Los Angeles, California, USA. It </summary>provides an application that enables users to match and connect for dating purposes. It is a mediumsized company with 500 fulltime employees: 150 of those employees …
- [On the Effective Use of Data Dependency for Reliable Cloud Service Monitoring]( (1)
<summary>Cloud computing is a large-scale distributed computing paradigm that aims at pro</summary>viding powerful computing and storage capability by dynamically sharing a pool of system resources (eg, network bandwidth, storage space, or virtualized devices) in …
- [Agent Based Modelling for Migration of Industrial Control Systems]( (1)
<summary>Keeping industrial control systems on par with state-of-the-art is required to (</summary>i) make industrial plants greener with reduced energy consumption and emissions,(ii) improve productivity due to better optimization and automation, and (iii) reduce …
- [GOOL: A Generic Object-Oriented Language]( (1)
<summary>We present GOOL, a Generic Object-Oriented Language. GOOL shows that with the ri</summary>ght abstractions, a language can capture the essence of object-oriented programs. GOOL generates human-readable, documented and idiomatic code in Python, Java …
- [Identifying, Structuring, and Evolving Features in Software Product Lines]( (1)
<summary>Software product lines (SPLs) are a set of similar software products that are de</summary>veloped in a coordinated manner, sharing commonalities. Software product line engineering (SPLE) aims to better manage SPLs through the use of both source …
- [Identifying AI talents among LinkedIn members A machine learning approach]( (1)
<summary>How to identify specific profiles among the hundred of millions LinkedIn's membe</summary>rs? LinkedIn Economic Graph thrives on skills, around 50 thousand of them are listed by LinkedIn and constitute one of the main signals to identify professions or trends …
- [Investigating backtranslation for the improvement of English-Irish machine translation]( (1)
<summary>In this paper, we discuss the difficulties of building reliable machine translat</summary>ion systems for the English-Irish (EN-GA) language pair. In the context of limited datasets, we report on assessing the use of backtranslation as a method for creating …
- [Revisiting memory assignment semantics in imperative programming languages]( (1)
<summary>This thesis studies the semantics of imperative programming languages. In partic</summary>ular, it explores the relationship between the syntax and semantics of memory assignment. The contributions are threefold. First, I developed a theoretical …
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