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Jenny Zurawell jzurawell

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jzurawell / TED Talk missing credits
Created July 29, 2013 19:24
Published TED Talk translations missing a translator or reviewer -- needs manual correction by Amara. (This is a subset of Alex's list, containing only the translations Amara needs to fix:
talkid culture altheadline translator_credit reviewer_credit
1266 vi Ben Kacyra: Ancient wonders captured in 3D missing missing
1382 eu A TED speaker's worst nightmare missing missing
1479 hu Rodney Mullen: Pop an ollie and innovate! missing missing
1547 ar Ivan Krastev: Can democracy exist without trust? missing missing
1547 fa Ivan Krastev: Can democracy exist without trust? missing missing
1553 zh-cn Candy Chang: Before I die I want to... missing missing
1564 pt-br Julian Treasure: Why architects need to use their ears missing missing
1565 tr Tristram Stuart: The global food waste scandal missing missing
jzurawell / TEDx and Ed missing credits
Created July 29, 2013 17:02
Published TEDx/TED-Ed translations with missing translator or reviewer -- needs manual correction by Amara. (This is a subset of Alex's list, containing only the translations Amara needs to fix:
video_id, language_code, title, translator_credit, reviewer_credit
_WLlHpCjrmE en Curing Cancer with Golden Nanoparticles: Dr. Amal Ayoub at TEDxJerusalem missing missing
0YzvupOX8Is es Una forma inteligente de estimar números enormes - Michael Mitchell present missing
9FCsyK4aRXQ en Modern Warrior: Damien Mander at TEDxSydney missing missing
AmFMJC45f1Q ar كيف يمكننا بطي الورق أن نصل الى القمر ؟ missing missing
b_lT6mJM_fA it Biocarburanti e bioprospezione per principianti - Craig A. Kohn missing missing
BMcduh1HEHA en Alzheimer and memory palaces: Kasper Bormans at TEDxLeuven missing missing
DD_8Jm5pTLk zh-tw 四季變化的原因 - Rebecca Kaplan missing missing
dlW0fa-FkPQ en The Happiness Advantage: Leda Karabela at TEDxThessaloniki missing missing