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davidalger /
Created December 2, 2019 17:50
Install php-sodium on EL 8

There is currently no pre-built package available for the php sodium ext currently. And due to the changes made to the EL 8 packaging system, IUS no longer plans to maintain any packages for EL 8 (alternate versions of packages such as PHP should eventually become available via additional module streams published in the AppStream repo) so it's not available via IUS either beyond EL 7.

Magento will fallback on sha256 for password hashes when sodium is unavailable:

public function getLatestHashVersion(): int
    if (extension_loaded('sodium') && defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13')) {
        return self::HASH_VERSION_ARGON2ID13;

return self::HASH_VERSION_SHA256;