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Last active April 17, 2019 22:46
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JAGS/BUGS helper functions (define model as R code, execute JAGS code in R /simulate/, etc.)
### BUGS/JAGS helper functions
### Example usage:
## Define JAGS model (currently only `model` section
#mocode <- bugsmodel({
# alpha ~ dunif(0, 1)
# for(i in 1:10) {
# beta[i] ~ dunif(0, 1)
# }
# },
# var = list(a, b[nn, mm]),
# data = { foo <- 10; bar <- 1:10 }
#as.character(mocode) # get model code
## Run BUGS/JAGS code in R (i.e. simulate).
# 'data' may provide all/some of the used variables
# e <- run(mocode, data = list())
# print(e)
## Example 2:
### use `bugs` wrapper for use with 'rjags'
#mocode <- bugsmodel({
# mu ~ dunif(-10, 10)
# sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
# for(i in 1:N) {
# x[i] ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)
# }
# })
## simulate:
#run(mocode, data = list(
# x = rnorm(10, mean = 6.66, sd = 1.1), N = 10,
# mu = 0, sigma = .1
#mo <-
#bugs(data = list(
# x = rnorm(10, mean = 6.66, sd = 1.1), N = 10
# ), inits = list(
# mu = 0, sigma = .1
# ), parameters = c("mu", "sigma"),
# mocode, n.chains = 1, n.thin = 10, n.iter = 1000, n.burnin = 100)
.jagsenv <-
"[<-" = function(x, ..., value) { # subscripted assignment with dynamic resize
d <- sapply(list(...), max, na.rm = TRUE)
g <- dim(x)
if(any(g == 0)) { # new size from 0
x <- array(NA_real_, dim = d)
#message("resized from 0 to ", paste(d, collapse = " "), "\n")
} else if(any(d > g)) { # resize
d <- pmax(d, g)
nx <- array(NA_real_, dim = d)
i <-"[", c(list(array(seq_along(nx), dim = d)), lapply(g,
nx[i] <- x
x <- nx
#message("resized from ", paste(g, collapse = " "), " to ", paste(d, collapse = " "), "\n")
base::`[<-`(x, ..., value)
# categorical distribution random function
rcat = function(n, p), n, replace = TRUE, prob = p),
# Bernoulli distribution
rbern = function(n, p) stats::rbinom(n, 1L, p),
dbern = function(x, p) stats::dbinom(x, 1L, p),
pbern = function(q, p) stats::pbinom(q, 1L, p),
qbern = function(x, p) stats::qbinom(x, 1L, p),
dchisqr = function (x, df) dchisq(x, df),
pchisqr = function (q, df) pchisq(q, df),
qchisqr = function (p, df) qchisq(p, df),
logit = function(x) stats::qlogis(x),
ilogit = function(x) stats::plogis(x),
"logit<-" = function(x, value) stats::plogis(value),
"log<-" = function(x, value) exp(value),
cloglog = function(x) log(-log(1 - x)),
icloglog = function(x) pmax(pmin(-expm1(-exp(x)), 1 - .Machine$double.eps), .Machine$double.eps),
"cloglog<-" = function(x, value) pmax(pmin(-expm1(-exp(value)), 1 - .Machine$double.eps), .Machine$double.eps),
probit = function(x) stats::qnorm(x),
phi = function(x) stats::pnorm(x),
"probit<-" = function(x, value) stats::pnorm(value),
equals = identical,
arccos = acos,
arccosh = acosh,
arcsin = asin,
arcsinh = asinh,
logfact = lfactorial,
loggam = lgamma,
step = function(x) x >= 0,
pow = function(x, z) x^z,
inverse = function(x) solve(x),
logdet = function(m) determinant(m, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[[1L]],
inprod = function(x1, x2) x1 %*% x2,
interp.lin = function(e, v1, v2) approx(v1, v2, e)$y
parent.env(.jagsenv) <- as.environment("package:stats")
exprapply <-
function(expr, what, FUN, ..., symbols = FALSE, parent = NULL) {
self <- sys.function()
if ((ispairlist <- is.pairlist(expr)) || is.expression(expr)) {
for (i in seq_along(expr)) expr[i] <- list(self(expr[[i]],
what, FUN, ...,
symbols = symbols, parent = expr
return(if (ispairlist) as.pairlist(expr) else expr)
n <- length(expr)
if (n == 0L) {
} else if (n == 1L) {
if (! {
if (symbols && (anyNA(what) || any(expr == what))) {
expr <- FUN(expr, ..., parent = parent)
else {
if (expr[[1L]] == "function") {
if (n == 4L) {
n <- 3L
expr[[4L]] <- NULL
for (i in, n)) {
y <- self(expr[[i]], what, FUN, ...,
symbols = symbols,
parent = expr
if (!missing(y)) {
expr[i] <- list(y)
if (anyNA(what) || (length(expr[[1L]]) == 1L && any(expr[[1L]] ==
what))) {
expr <- FUN(expr, ..., parent = parent)
replaceStochasticNodes <-
function(expr) {
exprapply(expr, "~", function(x, ...) {
x[[1L]] <-"<-")
rhs <- x[[3L]]
f <- as.character(rhs[[1L]])
substr(f, 1L, 1L) <- "r" # assume r<distr> counterpart exists, if not it should be defined
rhs[[1L]] <-
n <- length(rhs)
rhs <- rhs[c(1L, NA, if (n > 1L), n))]
rhs[[2L]] <- 1
rhs -> x[[3L]]
createVars <-
function(expr) {
vars <- integer(0L)
exprapply(expr, c("<-", "~"), function(x, ...) {
v <- x[[2L]]
if( && v[[1L]] == "[") {
d <- length(v) - 2L
v <- v[[2L]]
} else d <- 1L
a <- deparse(v, control = NULL)
vars[a] <<- max(vars[a], d, na.rm = TRUE)
vars <- lapply(vars, function(d)
if(d == 1) numeric(0L) else array(numeric(0L), dim = rep(0, d))
cat("Variables defined: \n")
cat(paste0("* ", names(vars), sapply(vars, function(x) if(is.array(x))
if(is.matrix(x)) " = matrix" else
paste0(" = array<", length(dim(x)), ">")
else "")), sep = "\n")
bugsmodel <-
function(model, var, data) {
cl <-
has.var <- !missing(var) &&$var) <- !missing(data)
.asstr <- function(a, x)
gsub(" *%% *(?=[IT] *\\()", " ",
paste(a, paste0(deparse(x, control = NULL), collapse = "\n")),
perl = TRUE)
rval <- expression()
text <- character(1L + + has.var)
if (has.var) {
var <- cl$var
n <- length(var)
var[[1L]] <- as.symbol("expression")
n <- length(var)
a <- character(n - 1L)
for (i in 2L:n)
a[i - 1L] <- deparse(var[[i]], control = NULL, nlines = 1L)
text[1L] <- paste0("var ", paste0(a, collapse = ", "), ";")
rval$var <- var
if ( {
data <- cl$data
if (data[[1L]] != "{") data <- call("{", data)
text[1L + has.var] <- .asstr("data", data)
rval$data <- data
model <- cl$model
if (model[[1L]] != "{") model <- call("{", model)
text[1L + + has.var] <- .asstr("model", model)
rval$model <- model
attr(rval, "text") <- paste0(text, collapse = "\n")
class(rval) <- "bugscode"
as.character.bugscode <-
function(x, ...) attr(x, "text")
print.bugscode <-
function(x, ...) {
run <-
function(model, data, envir = .jagsenv) {
dataenv <- as.environment(data)
parent.env(dataenv) <- envir
vars <- createVars(model$model) # TODO: $data
vars <- vars[!(names(vars) %in% names(dataenv))]
for(a in names(vars)) assign(a, vars[[a]], dataenv)
eval(replaceStochasticNodes(model$data), dataenv)
eval(replaceStochasticNodes(model$model), dataenv)
jags.model2 <- function(file, data = NULL, inits, n.chains = 1, n.adapt = 1000,
quiet = FALSE) {
if (inherits(file, "bugscode") || (is.character(file) && !file.exists(file))) {
file <- textConnection(as.character(file))
rjags::jags.model(file, data, inits, n.chains, n.adapt, quiet)
bugs <-
function(data, inits, parameters, file, n.chains, n.thin, n.iter, n.burnin,
debug = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.character(file) || length(file) > 1L || !file.exists(file)) {
file <- textConnection(as.character(file))
model <- rjags::jags.model(
data = data, inits = inits,
file = file, n.chains = n.chains, n.adapt = n.burnin
if(!missing(n.iter) && is.numeric(n.iter) && n.iter > 0) {
samp <- rjags::coda.samples(model, n.iter = n.iter, thin = n.thin,
variable.names = parameters)
list(samples = samp, model = model)
} else model
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k-barton commented Apr 17, 2019

Example usage

Define JAGS model ('model' is required, 'data' and 'var' are optional)
model and data is JAGS code passed as R expressions (i.e. plain code, not a quoted string).
var is a list of variable names optionally followed by brackets with dimensions.

mocode <- bugsmodel({
    alpha ~ dunif(0, 1)
    for(i in 1:10) {
        beta[i] ~ dunif(0, 1)
  var = list(a, b[nn, mm]),
  data = { foo <- 10; bar <- 1:10 }
as.character(mocode) # get model code

Run BUGS/JAGS code in R (i.e. simulate data).
data argument may provide all/some of the used variables. If missing, they will be automatically defined.

run(mocode, data = list())

Example: Using bugs wrapper for use with 'rjags'

mocode <- bugsmodel({
    mu ~ dunif(-10, 10)
    sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
    for(i in 1:N) {
        x[i] ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)

Simulate with R:
Note that the code must follow R logic, not the typical backwards BUGS order, e.g.:
wrong: mu is defined after it has been used

y[i, t] ~ dbern(mu[i, t])
mu[i, t] <- p[i, t - 1]


mu[i, t] <- p[i, t - 1]
y[i, t] ~ dbern(mu[i, t])
run(mocode, data = list(
    x = rnorm(10, mean = 6.66, sd = 1.1), N = 10,
    mu = 0, sigma = .1

Sample with JAGS:

mo <-
bugs(data = list(
        x = rnorm(10, mean = 6.66, sd = 1.1), N = 10
    ), inits = list(
        mu = 0, sigma = .1
    ), parameters = c("mu", "sigma"),
    mocode, n.chains = 1, n.thin = 10, n.iter = 1000, n.burnin = 100)


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