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Last active November 20, 2020 11:07
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Add a versatile map scale onto the plot (with base graphics).
mapscale <-
function(mapunit, unitname = "km", pos = c("bottom", "left", "right", "top"),
width = 0.15,
style = c("line", "bar", "double"),
height = 0, n = 5,
fine.part = NULL, lab.below = FALSE,
cex = par("cex.axis") * par("cex"),
line.lab = 0.8, offx = 0.25, offy = offx,
tcl = par("tcl"), extreme.ticks = FALSE, = FALSE,
cex.lab = .66,
col = par("col"), fill = NA,
bg = par("bg"),
lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
) {
col1 <- cbind(col2rgb(col[1L], alpha = TRUE),
col2rgb(bg[1L], alpha = TRUE))
col2 <- apply(col1, 2L, function(x) paste0("#", paste0(sprintf("%02x", x), collapse = "")))
if(!missing(style)) {
style <- match.arg(style)
switch(style, line = {
height <- 0
lab.below <- FALSE
}, bar = {
height <- .25 <- FALSE
lab.below <- TRUE
fill <- col2
tcl <- c(.25, 0)
fine.part <- TRUE
}, double = {
height <- .35 <- TRUE
lab.below <- TRUE
fill <- col2
tcl <- c(0, 0)
fine.part <- TRUE
I2Ux <- function(x) grconvertX(x, from = "inch", to = "user")
I2Uy <- function(x) grconvertY(x, from = "inch", to = "user")
U2Ix <- function(x) grconvertX(x, from = "user", to = "inch")
U2Iy <- function(x) grconvertY(x, from = "user", to = "inch")
pos <- match.arg(pos, several.ok = TRUE)
usr <- par("usr")
dusrx <- usr[2L] - usr[1L]
xa <- pretty(c(0, dusrx/mapunit * width), n = 2, min.n = 1)
if(isTRUE(fine.part)) fine.part <- median(xa)
if((is.numeric(fine.part) && fine.part < xa[length(xa)])) {
x <- c(pretty(c(0, fine.part), n = max(n, 1), min.n = 1),
nx <- length(x)
tckmain <- c(1L, if(nx > 2 && !isTRUE(extreme.ticks)) nx - 1L, nx)
} else {
x <- pretty(c(0, dusrx/mapunit * width), n = max(n, 1), min.n = 1)
tckmain <- c(1L, length(x))
N <- length(x)
tcktype <- rep(2L, N)
tcktype[tckmain] <- 1L
if("right" %in% pos) {
x2 <- I2Ux(U2Ix(usr[2L]) - offx)
x1 <- x2 - (x[N] * mapunit)
} else { # if("left" %in% pos)
x1 <- I2Ux(U2Ix(usr[1L]) + offx)
x2 <- x1 + (x[N] * mapunit)
if("bottom" %in% pos) {
y1 <- I2Uy(U2Iy(usr[3L]) + offy)
} else { # if("top" %in% pos)
y1 <- I2Uy(U2Iy(usr[4L]) - offy)
x12 <- x1 + x * mapunit
lineheight <- (strheight("X\nX\nX", cex = cex) - strheight("X", cex = cex)) / 2
#lineheight <- strheight("X", cex = cex)
if(height > 0) {
h <- lineheight * height
if( {
rect(x12[-length(x12)], y1, x12[-1L], y1 - (h / 2), col = fill, border = col,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
rect(x12[-length(x12)], y1 - (h / 2), x12[-1L], y1 - h, col = rev(fill), border = col,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
} else {
rect(x12[-length(x12)], y1, x12[-1L], y1 - h, col = fill, border = col,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
} else h <- 0
tcl <- rep(tcl, length.out = 2L)[tcktype]
tclen <- lineheight * tcl
tcy <- ifelse(tcl < 0, y1 - h, y1)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y1, col = col, ...)
segments(x12, tcy, x12, tcy + tclen, col = col, ...)
lab <- format(x)
ylab <- y1 - h + min(c(0, tclen))
if(lab.below) {
lx <- range(x12)
text(lx[1] + (diff(lx) /2), ylab, unitname,
adj = c(0.4, 2.5 + line.lab), lheight = 1, cex = cex.lab, ...)
} else {
lab[length(lab)] <- paste(lab[length(lab)], unitname)
text(x12, ylab, lab, adj = c(0.4, 1 + line.lab), lheight = 1, cex = cex.lab, ...)
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k-barton commented Aug 7, 2019

plot(c(0, 1000), c(0, 10000), type = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, asp = 1)

mapscale(mapunit = 1000,
         pos = c("top", "left"), style = "bar",
         cex.lab = .5, n = 3)
mapscale(mapunit = 1000,
         pos = c("top", "left"), style = "double",
         offy = 1, cex.lab = .5, width = .2)
mapscale(mapunit = 1000,
         pos = c("bottom", "left"), style = "line",
         offy = .4, cex.lab = .5, n = 2)

mapscale(mapunit = 1000, pos = c("top", "right"), = FALSE,
         height = .5, fill = c("black", "white"),
         offy = .1, offx = .2, cex.lab = .5, n = 3)

mapscale(mapunit = 1000, pos = c("top", "right"), = TRUE,
         height = .5, fill = c("black", "white"),
         fine.part = TRUE,
         offy = .9, offx = .2, cex.lab = .5, n = 4)

mapscale(mapunit = 1000, pos = c("bottom", "right"), 
         height = 0, fill = c("black", "white"),
         lab.below = TRUE, tcl = .5,
         fine.part = TRUE,
         offy = .4, offx = .2, cex.lab = .5, n = 4)


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