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Last active March 16, 2023 14:57
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Windows batch script to combine mutiple pdfs into one using Ghostscript
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set result=
set outfile=
set nextisoutfile=
set "self=%~n0"
if "%1" EQU "/?" goto :showHelp
if "%%j" EQU "--help" goto :showHelp
if "%1" EQU "" goto :endHelp
goto :startHelp
for %%j in (%*) do (
set "x=%%j"
if "!nextisoutfile!" NEQ "" (
set "outfile=!x!"
set nextisoutfile=
) else if "!x:~0,2!"=="-o" (
set nextisoutfile=true
) else if "!x:~0,9!"=="--outfile" (
set nextisoutfile=true
) else (
set "infile=%%~dpnxj"
if not exist "!infile!" (
echo Warning: file "!infile!" does not exist.
) else (
echo ^+ %%~nxj
set "result=!result! ^"!infile!^""
set nextisoutfile=
if "!outfile!" EQU "" (
echo Error: no output file given.
) else if exist "!outfile!" (
echo Error: file "!outfile!" already exists.
) else (
gswin64c -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dOptimize=true -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sOUTPUTFILE=!outfile! -dBATCH !result!
goto :end
echo. Combines two or more pdf files into one.
echo. Usage:
echo. %self% input_file [^+ ...] [--output= ^| -o] output_file
Copy link

command line:

combine file1.pdf file2.pdf [...] -o output.pdf
combine file1.pdf file2.pdf [...] --output=output.pdf
combine /?

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