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Last active May 31, 2019 13:53
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### nuber of reruns ###
nsims <- 10000
## parameter table defining the parameter space --------------------
params <- tibble(param_name = c("NNIG", "NPUE", "NANC", "TDIV", "TMIG", "MIGRPROBN2P", "MIGRPROBP2N"),
log10min = c(rep(3,3), 1, 1, rep(-5, 2)),
log10max = c(rep(log10(2.5e5), 3), rep(4, 2), rep(-2, 2)),
units = c(rep("haploid inds", 3), rep("generations", 2), rep("m", 2)),
log10mid = (log10min+log10max)/2)
## the actual sampler ----------------------------------------------
param_table <- tibble(NNIG = round(10^runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[1], max = params$log10max[1])),
NPUE = round(10^runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[2], max = params$log10max[2])),
NANC = round(10^runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[3], max = params$log10max[3])),
TDIV = runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[4], max = params$log10max[4]),
#TMIG = round(TDIV* runif(nsims, min = 0, max = 1)), # uniform [0-1] * max
TMIG = runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[5], max = TDIV), # the coditional part
MIGRPROBN2P = 10^runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[6], max = params$log10max[6]),
MIGRPROBP2N = 10^runif(nsims, min = params$log10min[7], max = params$log10max[7])) %>%
mutate(TDIV = round(10^TDIV),
TMIG = round(10^TMIG))
## summary table for the vertical lines ------------------------------------------
sumtab <- param_table %>%
gather(key = 'param_name', value = 'val') %>%
group_by(param_name) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(val),
median = median(val))
# distribution among the parameter space of the two conditional parameters -------
param_table %>%
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x = TDIV, y = TMIG))+
# geom_hex(aes(x = TDIV, y = TMIG),bins=80)+
# the old historgams -------------------------------------------------------------
param_table %>%
gather(key = 'param_name', value = 'val') %>%
ggplot(aes(x=val)) +
#geom_density() +
geom_vline(data = sumtab, aes(xintercept = mean), color = "red",size = .5)+
geom_vline(data = sumtab, aes(xintercept = median), color = "red",size = .5,linetype=2)+
geom_vline(data = params,aes(xintercept = 10^log10mid), color = "black",size = .5)+
facet_wrap(param_name~.,scales = 'free')
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