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Last active September 11, 2022 16:21
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  • Save k-hench/53eaaa943d7789f9e9bf56b10679fd10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save k-hench/53eaaa943d7789f9e9bf56b10679fd10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shiny app to create a yaml file for a research project
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
update_name <- function(name){yaml_obj$`project_name` <- name; yaml_obj}
new_person <- function(name, inst, email, role, date){
new_id <- str_c("person_",sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"person_")) + 1)
yaml_obj[[new_id]] <- list(name = name,
institute = inst,
email = email,
role = role,
date = str_c(date, collapse = " - "))
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
new_location <- function(country, region, park, field_station, lat_log){
new_id <- str_c("location_",sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"location_")) + 1)
yaml_obj[[new_id]] <- list(country = country,
region = region,
park = park,
field_station = field_station,
lat_log = lat_log)
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
new_data_type <- function(data_type){
if( sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"data_file_type_overview")) == 0 ){
yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview <- list()
new_id <- str_c("file_type_",sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview),"file_type_")) + 1)
yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview <- c(yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview, new_id = data_type)
names(yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview)[names(yaml_obj$data_file_type_overview) == "new_id"] <- new_id
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
new_data_desc <- function(data_desc){
if( sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"data_description")) == 0 ){
yaml_obj$data_description <- list()
new_id <- str_c("data_desc_",sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj$data_description),"data_desc_")) + 1)
yaml_obj$data_description <- c(yaml_obj$data_description, new_id = data_desc)
names(yaml_obj$data_description)[names(yaml_obj$data_description) == "new_id"] <- new_id
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
new_fund <- function(fund_id){
if( sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"funding_sources")) == 0 ){
yaml_obj$funding_sources <- list()
new_id <- str_c("fund_",sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj$funding_sources),"fund_")) + 1)
yaml_obj$funding_sources <- c(yaml_obj$funding_sources, new_id = fund_id)
names(yaml_obj$funding_sources)[names(yaml_obj$funding_sources) == "new_id"] <- new_id
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
new_date <- function(date_id, date_date){
if( sum(str_count(names(yaml_obj),"dates")) == 0 ){
yaml_obj$dates <- list()
yaml_obj$dates <- c(yaml_obj$dates, new_id = date_date)
names(yaml_obj$dates)[names(yaml_obj$dates) == "new_id"] <- date_id
yaml_obj <<- yaml_obj
yaml_obj <- list( project_name = "")
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("Downloading Data"),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
textInput("proj_lab", "Project Name", value = "new_project",
width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
# Input: Choose dataset ----
selectInput("next_field", "Next Field",
c(person = "person", location = "location",
file_types = "data_file_type_overview",
data_description = "data_description",
dates = "dates",
funding_sources = "funding_sources"
condition = "input.next_field == 'person'",
textInput("person_name", "Person Name", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("person_institution", "Institution", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("person_email", "Email", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
selectInput("person_role", "Role", c("PI", "collaborator")),
# textInput("person_role", "Role", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
dateRangeInput("person_date", "Field Date"),
actionButton("add_person", "Add Field")
condition = "input.next_field == 'location'",
textInput("loc_country", "Country", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("loc_region", "Region", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("loc_park", "Park", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("loc_field_station", "Field Station", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
textInput("loc_lat_log", "Lat/Long", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
actionButton("add_location", "Add Field")
condition = "input.next_field == 'data_file_type_overview'",
textInput("data_type", "Data Type", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
actionButton("add_type", "Add Field")
condition = "input.next_field == 'data_description'",
textInput("data_desc", "Data description", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
actionButton("add_desc", "Add Field")
condition = "input.next_field == 'dates'",
textInput("date_id", "Date Specifier", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
dateInput(inputId = "date_date",label = "Date"),
actionButton("add_date", "Add Field")
condition = "input.next_field == 'funding_sources'",
textInput("fund_src", "Funding Source", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
actionButton("add_fund", "Add Field")
# fileInput("load_file", "Open Yaml", multiple = FALSE, accept = NULL, width = NULL),
# Button
# actionButton("loadData", "Open File"),
downloadButton("downloadData", "Download")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# tableOutput("table")
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
# Downloadable csv of selected dataset ----
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste(input$proj_lab, ".yml", sep = "")
content = function(file) {
tmp_file <- tempfile()
write_lines(x = str_c("# Project Metadata: ", input$proj_lab), file = file)
write_yaml(x = update_name(input$proj_lab), file = tmp_file)
write_lines(read_lines(tmp_file), file = file, append = TRUE)
output$title <- renderText(paste0("Project Title: ",input$proj_lab))
# yaml_obj <- reactive({inFile <- input$file1
# if (is.null(inFile))
# return(test)
# read_yaml(inFile$datapath)
# })
observeEvent(input$add_person, {
new_person(name = input$person_name,
inst = input$person_institution,
email = input$person_email,
role = input$person_role,
date = input$person_date)
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
observeEvent(input$add_location, {
new_location(country = input$loc_country,
region = input$loc_region,
park = input$loc_park,
field_station = input$loc_field_station,
lat_log = input$loc_lat_log)
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
observeEvent(input$add_type, {
new_data_type(data_type = input$data_type)
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
observeEvent(input$add_desc, {
new_data_desc(data_desc = input$data_desc)
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
observeEvent(input$add_date, {
new_date(date_id = input$date_id, date_date = as.character(input$date_date))
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
observeEvent(input$add_fund, {
new_fund(fund_id = input$fund_src)
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
# output$yaml <- renderText(as.yaml(list(foo = list(bar = 'baz')), indent = 3))
output$yaml <- renderText(str_replace_all(string = as.yaml(update_name(input$proj_lab),
indent = 6),
pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
str_replace_all(" ", "&nbsp"))
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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k-hench commented May 21, 2021

species and open text field still need to be added

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k-hench commented May 21, 2021

the app has the following dependencies:


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