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Created December 16, 2021 12:37
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# khench implementation -------------------
# updating funtion for an individual year
progress_year <- function(data, year, max_age = 65, n_births = 20, aom = 18){
# initialize new cohort (new row for the population table)
new_cohort <- tibble(
age = 1,
married = as.integer(0),
happiness = seq(from = -2, to = 2, length.out = n_births),
year_of_birth = year)
# update the population table
data %>%
# age the population
mutate(age = age + 1) %>%
# introduce new cohort into the population
bind_rows(., new_cohort) %>%
# determine this years marriages
mutate(married = if_else(age >= aom & married == 0,
rbern(n(), inv_logit(happiness - 4)),
married )) %>%
# move people "to spain"
filter(age <= max_age)
sim_tidy <- function(seed = 1977, n_years = 1000, max_age = 65, n_births = 20, aom = 18){
# initialize the population
empty_tibble <- tibble(age = double(),
married = integer(),
happiness = double())
# simulate the progressive years
1:n_years %>%
reduce(.f = progress_year,
.init = empty_tibble,
max_age = max_age, n_births = n_births, aom = aom)
# rpruim implementation ----------------------------------
new_borns <- function(n = 20) {
A = 1, # 1 year old
M = 0, # not married
H = seq(-2, 2, length.out = n) # range of happiness scores
# Everyone ages;
# Some unmarried adults get married (happier people are more likely to)
# Old people die;
# New people are born.
update_population <- function(
pop, N_births = 20, aom = 18, max_age = 65) {
pop %>%
A = A + 1, # everyone gets one year older
# some people get married
M = ifelse(M >= 1, 1, (A >= aom) * rbinom(nrow(pop), 1, inv_logit(H - 4)))
) %>%
filter(A <= max_age) %>% # old people die
new_borns(N_births) # new people are born
# wrapping aproaches into simgle function for comparison
k_fun <- function(){
Pop <- sim_tidy(n_years = 65, n_births = 21)
r_fun <- function(){
Pop <- new_borns(20) # year 1
for(i in 2:65) { # years 2 through 65
Pop <- update_population(Pop, aom = 18, max_age = 65, N_births = 21)
# running the comparison
tictoc::tic(); k_fun(); tictoc::toc()
#> 0.555 sec elapsed
tictoc::tic(); r_fun(); tictoc::toc()
#> 0.382 sec elapsed
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