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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Scala training
def binarySearch(number: Int, numbers: List[Int]): Try[Int] = {
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def recursive(number: Int, numbers: List[Int], left:Int = 0): Try[Int] = {
(numbers.length / 2) match {
case i if (numbers == Nil) || (numbers.length == 1 && numbers(i) != number) => Failure(new NoSuchElementException)
case i => numbers(i) match {
case n if n == number => Try{i + left}
case n if n > number => recursive(number, numbers.take(i), left)
case n if n < number => recursive(number, numbers.drop(i), left + i)
recursive(number, numbers, 0)
def countFruitsFromLines(lines: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = {
lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")).foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int]) { (m, w) =>
m.updated(w, m.getOrElse(w, 0) + 1)
def fact(n: Int): Long = {
Range(1, math.max(n + 1, 2)).reduceLeft(_ * _)
def fact(n: Int): Long = {
def from(a: Long, b :Long): Stream[Long] = {
Stream.cons(b, from(a + 1, a * b))
from(1, 1).take(n + 1).last
def fib(n: Long): Long = {
def from(a: Long, b :Long): Stream[Long] = {
Stream.cons(a, from(b, a + b))
from(0, 1).take(n.toInt + 1).last
def getSum(numbers: List[Int]): Long = {
numbers.reduceLeft(_ + _)
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