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Last active December 13, 2015 19:08
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  • Save k-ohtani-is-deleting/4960027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save k-ohtani-is-deleting/4960027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(define (join . xs) (string-join (map x->string xs) ""))
(define (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(join actual-expr " " matcher-expr " " expected-expr))
(define-macro (assert actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(display (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr))
(let* ((env (interaction-environment))
(a (eval actual-expr env))
(e (eval expected-expr env))
(m (eval matcher-expr env))
(matched (eval (m a e) env))
(result (if matched 'OK 'FAIL)))
(display (join " ... " (if matched
(join "expected: " e " , but: was " a))))
(symbol->string result)))
(define-macro (todo actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(let ((result 'TODO))
(display (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr))
(display (join " ... " result))
(symbol->string result)))
(define (report results) (hash-table-map
(fold (^(item ht) (begin
(hash-table-update! ht (string->symbol item) (cut + 1 <>) 0)
(make-hash-table 'eq?)
(define (state report) (let1 x (assq 'FAIL report)
(if (or (not x) (= (cdr x) 0)) 'OK 'FAIL)))
(load "./game-of-life.scm")
(define (assert env)
(let* ((actual (car assertion))
(matcher (cadr assertion))
(expected (caddr assertion))
(a (eval actual env))
(m (eval matcher env))
(e (eval expected env))
(matched (eval (m a e) env))
(result (if matched 'OK 'FAIL))
(message (if matched "" (join "expected: " e " , but: was " a))))
(list actual matcher expected result message))))
(define (make-condition env)
(^ (condition)
(let* ((var (car condition))
(expr (cadr condition))
(def `(define ,var ,expr)))
(eval def env)
(define-macro (quand conditions . assertions)
`(let1 env (make-module #f)
(let ((defs (map (make-condition env) ',conditions))
(results (map (assert env) ',assertions)))
`(,defs ,results))))
(define assertion-results cdr)
(define ok-or-fail cadr)
(let1 suite
(quand ((x 1)
(y (+ 1 2)))
((+ x y) = 3)
((* x y) = 3))
(print suite)
(print (assertion-results suite))
(print (map ok-or-fail (assertion-results suite))))
(let* ((results
(assert (board-width (s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0))))
= 3)
(assert (board-height (s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0))))
= 3)
(assert (board-alive-cells (s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0))))
equal? '((3 3) (2 3) (3 2)))
(assert (board->s-expr (s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0))))
equal? '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0)))
(board->s-expr (next-board
(s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (1 0 0) (0 0 0)))))
equal? '((1 1 0) (1 1 0) (0 0 0)))
(board->s-expr (next-board
(s-expr->board '((1 1 0) (0 1 0) (0 0 0)))))
equal? '((1 1 0) (1 1 0) (0 0 0)))
(board->s-expr (next-board
(s-expr->board '((0 0 0) (0 1 1) (0 0 0)))))
equal? '((0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0)))
(board->s-expr (next-board
(s-expr->board '((1 1 1) (1 1 0) (0 0 0)))))
equal? '((1 0 1) (1 0 1) (0 0 0)))
(rep (report results))
(st (state rep)))
(print rep)
(print st))
(use srfi-1)
(define (list-contains? item list)
(cond ((null? list) #f)
((equal? item (car list)) #t)
(else (list-contains? item (cdr list)))))
(define (cell-status w h alive-cells)
(let1 cell (list w h)
(if (cell-alive? cell alive-cells)
(define (s-expr->board expr)
(if (null? expr)
(make-board 0 0 '())
(let* ((height (length expr))
(width (length (car expr)))
(cells (all-cells width height))
(alives (filter
(= 1 (list-ref (list-ref expr (- width (cadr cell)))
(- height (car cell)))))
(make-board width height alives))))
(define (make-board width height alive-cells)
(list width height alive-cells))
(define (board->s-expr board)
(define (make-rows width height alive-cells)
(define (make-row width height)
(if (= width 0)
(cons (cell-status width height alive-cells) (make-row (- width 1) height))))
(if (= height 0)
(cons (make-row width height) (make-rows width (- height 1) alive-cells))))
(let ((width (board-width board))
(height (board-height board))
(alive-cells (board-alive-cells board)))
(make-rows width height alive-cells)))
(define (board-width board)
(car board))
(define (board-height board)
(cadr board))
(define (board-alive-cells board)
(caddr board))
(define (all-cells width height)
(define (row-cells width)
(if (= width 0) '()
(cons (list width height) (row-cells (- width 1)))))
(if (= height 0) '()
(append (row-cells width) (all-cells width (- height 1)))))
(define cell-alive? member)
(define (neighber-cells cell)
(let ((x (car cell))
(y (cadr cell)))
(list (- x 1) (- y 1))
(list (- x 1) (- y 0))
(list (- x 1) (+ y 1))
(list (- x 0) (- y 1))
(list (- x 0) (+ y 1))
(list (+ x 1) (- y 1))
(list (+ x 1) (- y 0))
(list (+ x 1) (+ y 1)))))
(define (next-board board)
(let* ((cells (all-cells (board-width board) (board-height board)))
(alive-cells (board-alive-cells board))
(next-alive? (^(cell)
(let* ((alive-neighber-number
(length (filter (^(c) (cell-alive? c alive-cells))
(neighber-cells cell))))
(alive (cell-alive? cell alive-cells)))
(cond ((and alive
(or (= alive-neighber-number 2)
(= alive-neighber-number 3))) #t)
((and (not alive)
(= alive-neighber-number 3)) #t)
(else #f)))))
(next-alive-cells (filter next-alive? cells)))
(make-board (board-width board) (board-height board) next-alive-cells)))
(+ 1 1) is 2...ok
(+ 1 2) is 4...expected: 4 , but: was 3
(* 2 2) is (+ 2 2)...ok
(* 2 2) === (+ 2 2)...ok
(* 2 2) > (+ 2 3)...expected: 5 , but: was 4
(+ x y) is 4...expected: 4 , but: was 3
(+ hoge fuga) is 'foo...TODO
(define (join . xs) (string-join (map x->string xs) ""))
(define (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(join actual-expr " " matcher-expr " " expected-expr))
(define-macro (assert actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(display (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr))
(let* ((env (interaction-environment))
(a (eval actual-expr env))
(e (eval expected-expr env))
(m (eval matcher-expr env))
(matched (eval (m a e) env))
(result (if matched 'OK 'FAIL)))
(display (join " ... " (if matched
(join "expected: " e " , but: was " a))))
(symbol->string result)))
(define-macro (todo actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr)
(let ((result 'TODO))
(display (assertion->string actual-expr matcher-expr expected-expr))
(display (join " ... " result))
(symbol->string result)))
(define is eq?)
(define === is)
(define x 1)
(define y 2)
(define results (list
(assert (+ 1 1) is 2)
(assert (+ 1 2) is 4)
(assert (* 2 2) is (+ 2 2))
(assert (* 2 2) === (+ 2 2))
(assert (* 2 2) > (+ 2 3))
(assert (+ x y) is 4)
(todo (+ hoge fuga) is 'foo)))
(define report (hash-table-map
(fold (^(item ht) (begin
(hash-table-update! ht (string->symbol item) (cut + 1 <>) 0)
(make-hash-table 'eq?)
(print report)
(define state (let1 x (assq 'FAIL report)
(if (or (not x) (= (cdr x) 0)) 'OK 'FAIL)))
(print state)
all: test
env gosh game-of-life-test.scm
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