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Created December 5, 2014 09:25
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(defun escape-string (str)
(let ((ret ""))
(dotimes (i (length str))
(cond ((eq (schar str i) #\")
(setq ret (concatenate string ret "\'\'")))
((eq (schar str i) #\*)
(setq ret (concatenate string ret "\\textasteriskcentered ")))
((eq (schar str i) #\<)
(setq ret (concatenate string ret "\\textless ")))
((eq (schar str i) #\>)
(setq ret (concatenate string ret "\\textgreater ")))
(if (memq (schar str i) '(#\& #\# #\* #\_)) (setq ret (concatenate string ret "\\")))
(setq ret (concatenate string ret (format nil "~c" (schar str i)))))))
(defun make-class-document (cls super slots)
(labels ((write-classdesc (cls super slots)
(let (slots-str (doc-str ""))
(dolist (slot slots)
(setq slots-str (concatenate string slots-str (format nil "~A " slot))))
(case *output-format*
(format t "~A" (escape-string (format nil "\\classdesc{~A}{~A}{~A}{}~%" (send cls :name) (send super :name) slots-str))))
(format t "### ~A~%- :super **~A**~%- :slots ~A~%~%" (send cls :name) (send super :name) slots-str)))
(write-methoddesc (method args doc)
(let (args-str)
(dolist (arg args)
(setq args-str (concatenate string args-str (format nil "~A " arg))))
(case *output-format*
(format t "~A" (escape-string (format nil "~A{~A}{~A}{~A}~%" (if doc "\\methoddesc" "\\metdesc") method args-str doc))))
(if (not (equal doc ""))
(format t "##### **~A** ~A~%- ~A~%~%" method args-str doc)
(format t "~A ~A~%~%" method args-str))))
(cond ((eq (class cls) metaclass)
(write-classdesc cls super slots)
(let ((method-with-document) (method-without-document))
(dolist (method (reverse (send cls :methods)))
(cond ((stringp (third method))
(push method method-with-document))
((listp (second method))
(push method method-without-document))
(warning-message 1 ";; re-defined method? ~A in ~A~%" (car method) (send cls :name))
(dolist (method method-with-document)
(write-methoddesc (first method) (second method) (third method)))
(case *output-format*
(format t "{\\footnotesize ~%"))
(dolist (method method-without-document)
(write-methoddesc (first method) (second method) ""))
(case *output-format*
(format t "\\vspace*{-5mm}~%"))
(case *output-format*
(format t "}~%"))
(format t "~%")
(defun make-function-document (funcname args)
(let (args-str doc)
(if (stringp (documentation funcname)) (setq doc (documentation funcname)))
(if (null doc)
(case *output-format*
(format t "{\\\footnotesize~%"))
(dolist (arg args)
(setq args-str (concatenate string args-str (format nil "~A " arg))))
(case *output-format*
(format t "~A" (escape-string (format nil "~A{~A}{~A}{~A}~%" (if doc "\\funcdesc" "\\fundesc") funcname args-str doc)))
(format t "##### **~A** ~A~%" funcname args-str)
(if (null (equal doc "")) (format t "- ~A~%" doc))
(format t "~%" ))))
(if (null doc)
(case *output-format*
(format t "\\vspace*{-5mm}~%}~%"))
(defun make-document (file &optional output-filename)
(defvar *classdoc* nil)
(defvar *funcdoc-public* nil)
(defvar *funcdoc-private* nil)
(cond ((equal (pathname-type output-filename) "md")
(defvar *output-format* :md))
(defvar *output-format* :html)))
(unless (fboundp 'defclass-org)
(setf (symbol-function 'defclass-org) (symbol-function 'defclass)))
(unless (fboundp 'defun-org)
(setf (symbol-function 'defun-org) (symbol-function 'defun)))
(defmacro defclass (cls &key super slots)
(defclass-org ,cls :super ,super :slots ,slots)
(push '(make-class-document ,cls ,super '(,@slots)) *classdoc*)))
(defmacro defun (symbol args &rest body)
(defun-org ,symbol ,args ,@body)
(if (stringp (car ',body))
(push '(make-function-document ',symbol ',args) *funcdoc-public*)
(push '(make-function-document ',symbol ',args) *funcdoc-private*))
(load file)
(if output-filename
(setq *standard-output* (open output-filename :direction :output)))
(case *output-format*
(format t "\\begin{refdesc}~%"))
(dolist (e (reverse *classdoc*)) (eval e))
(dolist (e (reverse *funcdoc-public*)) (eval e))
(dolist (e (reverse *funcdoc-private*)) (eval e))
(case *output-format*
(format t "\\end{refdesc}~%"))
(setq *standard-output* t)
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