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Last active January 9, 2024 06:39
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#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 難点
# client -> server には非同期送信なのでコールバックやタイマーで勝手なタイミングで高頻度に送信すると詰まって止まる→ループで定期送信
# server側の全(topic + type)を返すサービス(/rosapi/topics)が1HZくらいしか出ない.帯域が圧迫されると帰ってこない
# nodeがpubしたtopicを自分でsubしないように,そのtopicのpublishersをみてtopicを決める必要がある
# client側は全(topic + type + publisher)の情報が簡単に取得できるが(これもmelodic以降?),server側は(topic + type)までしかない
# server側からdownloadする有効なtopicsは,(全topic) - (/rosbridge_websocketがpubしているtopic)
# しかしそれだとserver側でsubしているだけのtopic名もclient側にpubが形成されてコンフリクトする
# server側とclient側で同じtopicに対してpubしているときはclient->serverへの送信を優先
# server側からしっかりと全(topic + type + publisher)の情報を返す仕組みを作ったらいいのでは.なんならserviceやめてtopicで定期的に垂れ流したほうが.
# 全topicのpublisher作るとubuntuの1プロセスのファイルディスクリプタの上限=1024に達する
# そしてserver側のプロセス負荷も高い
import rospy
import rostopic
import roslib.message
import roslibpy
from functools import partial
from rosbridge_library.internal import message_conversion
class ServerToClientConnection:
def __init__(self, topic, type, websocket_handler):
self.topic = topic
self.type = type
self.ws_sub = roslibpy.Topic(websocket_handler, self.topic, self.type)
self.ros_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.topic, roslib.message.get_message_class(self.type), queue_size=1)
def start(self): # start downloading from server
def stop(self): # just stop downloading from server
def shutdown(self): # unregister unpublished server topic from client topic list
def cb_server_sub_to_client_pub(self, ws_msg): # this callback is commonly called by any topic/type
ros_msg_instance = roslib.message.get_message_class(self.ros_pub.type)() # 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped' -> PoseStamped()
message_conversion.populate_instance(ws_msg, ros_msg_instance) # convert JSON to ros msg
class ClientToServerConnection:
latest_ros_msg = None # used for throttling
has_new_ros_msg = False
def __init__(self, topic, type, websocket_handler):
self.topic = topic
self.type = type
self.ros_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.topic, roslib.message.get_message_class(self.type), self.cb_client_sub_to_server_pub)
self.ws_pub = roslibpy.Topic(websocket_handler, self.topic, self.type)
def start(self): # start uploading to server
def stop(self): # just stop uploading to server
def shutdown(self): # unregister unpublished server topic from client topic list
def cb_client_sub_to_server_pub(self, ros_msg):
self.latest_ros_msg = ros_msg
self.has_new_ros_msg = True
# self.ws_pub.publish(message_conversion.extract_values(ros_msg)) # don't publish here, throttling is needed for save websocket traffic
def send_latest_msg_once(self):
if self.latest_ros_msg:
self.has_new_ros_msg = False
class WebSocketToClientROS:
HZ = 10 # actually, around 1~2 hz
s2c_cons = {} # { topic_name : ServerToClientConnection() } for server -> client
c2s_cons = {} # { topic_name : ClientToServerConnection() } for server <- client
# all published topics in server/client side except the ones which is published by this node
server_topics_and_types_without_mine = [] # [('/aaa', 'std_msgs/Float64'), ('/bbb', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped')] = rostopic.get_topic_list() like style
client_topics_and_types_without_mine = [] # [('/aaa', 'std_msgs/Float64'), ('/bbb', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped')] = rostopic.get_topic_list() like style
server_side_rosbridge_name = 'rosbridge_websocket'
client_side_rosbridge_name = 'websocket_to_client_ros'
def __init__(self, hostname, port):
import resource
print('Max connection limit is, ' + str(resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0])) # if exceed, 'IOError: [Errno 24] Too many open files'
rospy.loginfo('Init ROS node')
rospy.init_node(self.client_side_rosbridge_name, anonymous=False) # this node should be only one
rospy.loginfo('Setup WebSocket handler')
self.ws_handler = roslibpy.Ros(hostname, port)
def update_server_and_client_topic_info(self):
# if same topic name is published in both server and client, delete/stop download connection from server side
for t, ty in self.client_topics_and_types_without_mine:
if (t, ty) in self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine:
# rospy.logwarn('Same topic ' + t + ' is found both in server and client. Delete this from download list')
self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine.remove((t, ty))
def update_server_topics_and_types_without_mine(self): # call service of /rosapi node in server side to get all topics/types (except: published by server_side_rosbridge, /rosout, /rosout_agg)
topics_and_types = []
server_side_rosbridge_info = []
get_server_topics = roslibpy.Service(self.ws_handler, '/rosapi/topics', 'rosapi/Topics')
topics_and_types =, timeout = 1) # {'topics' : ['/aaa', '/bbb'], 'types' : ['std_msgs/Float64', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped']}
except Exception as e:
rospy.logwarn('Timeout in service response:' + + ' ' + str(e) + 'server topic info will not be updated now')
get_server_node_details = roslibpy.Service(self.ws_handler, '/rosapi/node_details', 'rosapi/NodeDetails')
server_side_rosbridge_info ={'node': '/' + self.server_side_rosbridge_name}), timeout = 1) # {u'services': [u'/aaa/bbb', u'/ccc/ddd'], u'subscribing': ['/eee'], u'publishing': [u'/fff', u'/ggg']}
except Exception as e:
rospy.logwarn('Timeout in service response:' + + ' ' + str(e) + 'server topic info will not be updated now')
if topics_and_types and server_side_rosbridge_info:
self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine = [ (t, ty) for t, ty in zip(topics_and_types['topics'], topics_and_types['types']) if t not in server_side_rosbridge_info['publishing'] and '/rosout' not in t]
def update_client_topics_and_types_without_mine(self): # get all published topics in client side (except: published by this node, /rosout, /rosout_agg)
client_topic_info = rostopic.get_topic_list()[0] # [('/aaa', 'std_msgs/Float64', ['/node1', '/node2]), ('/bbb', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped', [/node3'])] # over 18.04 ???
self.client_topics_and_types_without_mine = []
for t, ty, node_list in client_topic_info:
if '/rosout' in t:
node_list.remove('/' + self.client_side_rosbridge_name)
except ValueError:
if node_list:
def update_server_to_client_connection(self): # advertize all server side topics, but not publish yet
# (1) clean up about unadvertised topics in server
for k, c in self.s2c_cons.items():
if (c.topic, c.type) not in self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine:
rospy.loginfo('Del websocket subscriber and ros publisher: ' + c.topic + ' (' + c.type + ')')
del self.s2c_cons[k]
# (2) add newly found topics in server
for t, ty in self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine:
##### hotfix: pr2 has over 1300 topics, reduce here #####
if '_stereo' in t or '_gripper_sensor_controller' in t:
if len(self.s2c_cons) > 1000: # ubuntu default ulimit of a process = 1024
rospy.logwarn('Too many topics !! Skip: ' + t + ' (' + ty + ')')
if not self.ros_msg_class_exist_in_client(ty):
rospy.logwarn_throttle(10, 'Can not get ros message class in client. Skip: ' + t + ' (' + ty + ') ' )
if not self.s2c_cons.get(t):
rospy.loginfo('Add websocket subscriber and ros publisher: ' + t + ' (' + ty + ')')
self.s2c_cons[t] = ServerToClientConnection(t, ty, self.ws_handler)
# (3) start receiving from server if the topic is subscrived now
for c in self.s2c_cons.values():
if c.ros_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and not c.ws_sub.is_subscribed: # if the advertising ros topic is subscribed, start websocket subscriber
rospy.loginfo('Sub websocket subscriber: ' + c.topic + ' (' + c.type + ')')
elif c.ros_pub.get_num_connections() <= 0 and c.ws_sub.is_subscribed: # if the advertising ros topic is not subscribed, and websocket subscriber is still exist
rospy.loginfo('Unsub websocket subscriber: ' + c.topic + ' (' + c.type + ')')
def update_client_to_server_connection(self): # subscribe all client side topics
# (1) clean up about unpublished topics in client
for k, c in self.c2s_cons.items():
if (c.topic, c.type) not in self.client_topics_and_types_without_mine:
rospy.loginfo('Del websocket publisher and ros subscriber: ' + c.topic + ' (' + c.type + ')')
del self.c2s_cons[k]
# (2) add newly found topics in client
for t, ty in self.client_topics_and_types_without_mine:
if not self.ros_msg_class_exist_in_client(ty):
rospy.logwarn_throttle(10, 'Can not get ros message class in client. Skip: ' + t + ' (' + ty + ') ' )
if not self.c2s_cons.get(t):
rospy.loginfo('Add websocket publisher and ros subscriber: ' + t + ' (' + ty + ')')
self.c2s_cons[t] = ClientToServerConnection(t, ty, self.ws_handler)
# (3) stop sending to server if the topic is not subscrived at server side ?
# ?????????? currently, all published ros msg in client will be sent to server if has_new_ros_msg
def ros_msg_class_exist_in_client(self, msg_type):
cls = roslib.message.get_message_class(msg_type)
if not cls: # e.g. msg_type = 'unknown_msgs/UninstalledType'
return None
return cls
except Exception as e: # e.g. msg_type = 'CompletelyNonsenseStr'
return None
def run(self):
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
for c in self.c2s_cons.values():
if c.has_new_ros_msg:
# rospy.loginfo_throttle(1,\
'[server] topic: ' + str(len(self.server_topics_and_types_without_mine)) + \
' / ws pub: (' + str(sum(1 for c in self.c2s_cons.values() if c.ws_pub.is_advertised)) + '/' + str(len(self.c2s_cons)) + ')' + \
' / ws sub: (' + str(sum(1 for c in self.s2c_cons.values() if c.ws_sub.is_subscribed)) + '/' + str(len(self.s2c_cons)) + ')' + \
' <==> [client]' + \
' / ros pub: (' + str(sum(1 for c in self.s2c_cons.values() if c.ros_pub.get_num_connections())) + '/' + str(len(self.s2c_cons)) + ')' + \
' / ros sub: (' + str(sum(1 for c in self.c2s_cons.values() if c.ros_sub.get_num_connections())) + '/' + str(len(self.c2s_cons)) + ')' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
instance = WebSocketToClientROS('', xxxx)
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