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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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Test for new vimproc data handling routine
" Encode a 32-bit integer into a 5-byte string.
function! s:encode_size(n)
" Set each bit7 to 1 in order to avoid NUL byte.
return printf("%c%c%c%c%c",
\ ((a:n / 0x10000000) % 0x80) + 0x80,
\ ((a:n / 0x200000) % 0x80) + 0x80,
\ ((a:n / 0x4000) % 0x80) + 0x80,
\ ((a:n / 0x80) % 0x80) + 0x80,
\ ( a:n % 0x80) + 0x80)
" Decode a 32-bit integer from a 5-byte string.
function! s:decode_size(str)
\ (char2nr(a:str[0]) - 0x80) * 0x10000000 +
\ (char2nr(a:str[1]) - 0x80) * 0x200000 +
\ (char2nr(a:str[2]) - 0x80) * 0x4000 +
\ (char2nr(a:str[3]) - 0x80) * 0x80 +
\ (char2nr(a:str[4]) - 0x80)
" Encode a list into a string.
function! s:encode_list(arr)
" End Of Value
let EOV = "\xFF"
" encoded size0, data0, EOV, encoded size1, data1, EOV, ...
return empty(a:arr) ? '' :
\ (EOV . join(map(copy(a:arr), 's:encode_size(strlen(v:val)) . v:val'), EOV) . EOV)
" Decode a list from a string.
function! s:decode_list(str)
let err = 0
" End Of Value
let EOV = "\xFF"
if a:str[0] != EOV
let err = 1
return [[a:str], err]
let arr = []
let str = a:str[1:]
while strlen(str) >= 5
let size = s:decode_size(str)
let arr += [str[5 : 5 + size - 1]]
let str = str[5 + size + 1 :]
return [arr, err]
" test
let n = 123456789
let res = s:encode_size(n)
echo res[0] res[1] res[2] res[3] res[4]
echo s:decode_size(res)
let arr = [1, "hoge", 3, "", "\n", 0]
let str = s:encode_list(arr)
echo "str: " str
echo s:decode_list(str)
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