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Created September 12, 2016 06:39
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ri String(r56141)
$ bin/ruby -v
ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-09-12 master 56141) [x86_64-linux]
$ bin/ri
ri 5.0.0.beta2
$ bin/ri String
= String < Object
= Includes:
Comparable (from ruby core)
(from ruby core)
BigDecimal extends the native String class to provide the #to_d method.
When you require BigDecimal in your application, this method will be available
on String objects.
additions to class String for Unicode normalization
A String object holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes,
typically representing characters. String objects may be created using
String::new or as literals.
Because of aliasing issues, users of strings should be aware of the methods
that modify the contents of a String object. Typically, methods with names
ending in ``!'' modify their receiver, while those without a ``!'' return a
new String. However, there are exceptions, such as String#[]=.
= Class methods:
new, try_convert
= Instance methods:
%, *, +, +@, -@, <<, <=>, ==, ===, =~, [], []=, ascii_only?, b, block_scanf,
bytes, bytesize, byteslice, capitalize, capitalize!, casecmp, center, chars,
chomp, chomp!, chop, chop!, chr, clear, codepoints, concat, count, crypt,
delete, delete!, downcase, downcase!, dump, each_byte, each_char,
each_codepoint, each_line, empty?, encode, encode!, encoding, end_with?,
eql?, force_encoding, freeze, getbyte, gsub, gsub!, hash, hex, include?,
index, initialize_copy, insert, inspect, intern, iseuc, isjis, issjis,
isutf8, kconv, length, lines, ljust, lstrip, lstrip!, match, next, next!,
oct, ord, partition, prepend, replace, reverse, reverse!, rindex, rjust,
rpartition, rstrip, rstrip!, scan, scanf, scrub, scrub!, setbyte,
shellescape, shellsplit, size, slice, slice!, split, squeeze, squeeze!,
start_with?, strip, strip!, sub, sub!, succ, succ!, sum, swapcase,
swapcase!, to_c, to_d, to_f, to_i, to_r, to_s, to_str, to_sym, toeuc, tojis,
tolocale, tosjis, toutf16, toutf32, toutf8, tr, tr!, tr_s, tr_s!,
unicode_normalize, unicode_normalize!, unicode_normalized?, unpack, upcase,
upcase!, upto, valid_encoding?
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