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Created March 21, 2013 08:02
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Trans.Attoparsec as PA
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- Our fancy data types
data Frame = Frame { frameTitle :: T.Text, frameBody :: T.Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Attoparsec parsers
{- Example full frame input:
A 11 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello WorldLambda
-- | Parse a 'Frame' header.
pFrameHeader :: Integral a => AT.Parser (a,a)
pFrameHeader = do
AT.string "A "
lenTitle <- AT.decimal
AT.string " characters long title and a body of length "
lenBody <- AT.decimal
AT.string ": "
return (lenTitle, lenBody)
-- Two alternative AttoparsecP proxies for parsing 'Frame's.
-- | Continuously parse raw input flowing downstream representing a 'Frame'.
-- Send downstream the title of each parsed frame and discard the body.
-- In case of parsing failures the parsing error is printed to stdout and then
-- parsing continues.
debugParseFrameD :: Proxy p => ()
-> Pipe (AttoparsecP T.Text p) T.Text T.Text IO r
debugParseFrameD () = loop where
loop = eitherT onFailure onSuccess $ do
let parser = pFrameHeader -- <|> mzero
-- ^The `mzero` here enables perfect backtracking in case of errors, and
-- might or might not be needed, depending of how you wrote your parser.
(lenTitle, lenBody) <- hoistEither =<< lift (eitherParseD parser)
lift $ passN lenTitle >> skipN lenBody
return (lenTitle, lenBody)
onFailure e = do
lift . putStrLn $ "debugFrameD parsing error: " ++ show e
skipN 1 >> loop
onSuccess x = do
lift . putStrLn $ "debugFrameD parsing success: " ++ show x
-- | Continuously parse raw input flowing downstream representing a 'Frame'.
-- Send downstream the title of each parsed frame and discard the body.
-- In case of parsing failures a warning notice is printed to stdout and then
-- parsing continues.
warnParseFrameD :: Proxy p => () -> Pipe (AttoparsecP T.Text p) T.Text T.Text IO r
warnParseFrameD () = loop where
loop = maybeT onFailure onSuccess $ do
let parser = pFrameHeader -- <|> mzero
-- ^The `mzero` here enables perfect backtracking in case of errors, and
-- might or might not be needed, depending of how you wrote your parser.
(lenTitle, lenBody) <- hoistMaybe =<< lift (maybeParseD parser)
lift $ passN lenTitle >> skipN lenBody
onFailure = do
lift . putStrLn $ "warnParseFrameD parsing error"
skipN 1 >> loop
onSuccess x = do
lift . putStrLn $ "warnParseFrameD parsing success: " ++ show x
-- Sample input
input1 :: [T.Text]
input1 =
[ "A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello 1Lambda"
, "A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello 2Øáµbðá"
, "A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello 3Lambda\
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length 0: Hello 4"
, "A 7 characters long title and a body of length 0: Hello 5"
, "A\
\A \
\A 7\
\A 7 \
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length\
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length \
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6\
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6:\
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello 6Lambda\
\A 7 characters long title and a body of length 6: Hello 7Lambda"
, "A " , "7 ch"
, "aracters long title and a body of "
, "length 1"
, "2: "
, "Hello 8LambdaLambda"
, "What?"
, "FooA 7 characters long title and WHAT? a body of length 6: HelloCCLambda\
\FooA 7 characters long title and WHAT? a body of length 6: Hello 9LambdaX"
output1 :: [T.Text]
output1 = map (\s -> T.pack ("Hello " ++ show s)) [1..9::Int]
-- Fun stuff
run :: Bool -> IO ()
run debug = void $ do
let p1 = if debug then debugParseFrameD else warnParseFrameD
p = fromListS input1 >-> p1 >-> printD
runProxy . PA.runParseK Nothing $ p
main :: IO ()
main = run True
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