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Last active July 6, 2022 20:10
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import * as solanaWeb3 from '@solana/web3.js';
const theblockchainapi = require('theblockchainapi')
const jsonfile = require('jsonfile')
let defaultClient = theblockchainapi.ApiClient.instance;
let APIKeyID = defaultClient.authentications['APIKeyID'];
let APISecretKey = defaultClient.authentications['APISecretKey'];
APIKeyID.apiKey = 'xxx';
APISecretKey.apiKey = 'xxx';
const conn = new solanaWeb3.Connection(
let apiInstance = new theblockchainapi.SolanaTransactionApi();
let network = 'mainnet-beta'; // String | The network ID (devnet, mainnet-beta)
async function getTransactionsOfAddress(address: PublicKeyInitData, options: any, connection: { getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2: (arg0: PublicKey, arg1: any) => any; getConfirmedTransaction: (arg0: any) => any; }) {
// console.log({ address, options });
try {
const publicKey = new PublicKey(address);
const transSignatures =
await connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(publicKey, options);
// console.log({ transSignatures });
const transactions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < transSignatures.length; i++) {
const signature = transSignatures[i].signature;
const confirmedTransaction = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction(
if (confirmedTransaction) {
const { meta } = confirmedTransaction;
if (meta) {
const oldBalance = meta.preBalances;
const newBalance = meta.postBalances;
const amount = oldBalance[0] - newBalance[0];
const transWithSignature = {
fees: meta?.fee,
return transactions;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
(async () => {
// Create connection
const masterEditionAddresses = [
let transactionSignatures = [];
let mintAddresses = []
try {
for (const address of masterEditionAddresses) {
transactionSignatures = await getTransactionsOfAddress( new solanaWeb3.PublicKey(address), {}, conn)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error getting tx for master edition')
try {
for (const tx of transactionSignatures) {
const solanaTx = await apiInstance.solanaGetTransaction(network, tx.signature)
//filter out failed tx
if (solanaTx.result.meta.err || solanaTx.result.meta.status._err ) {
const instructions1 = solanaTx.result.transaction.message.instructions
const instructions2 = solanaTx.result.meta.inner_instructions[0].instructions
const mintAddress1 = instructions1.find( (i:any) => {
return i.parsed?.type == "mintTo"
const mintAddress2 = instructions2.find( (i:any) => {
return i.parsed?.info.authority_type == "mintTokens"
mintAddresses.push( mintAddress1 )
mintAddresses.push( mintAddress2 )
} catch(e) {
mintAddresses = mintAddresses.filter(add => add).map(add => {
return {
const outputFile = 'listOfMintAddresses.json'
await jsonfile.writeFile(outputFile, mintAddresses, { spaces: 2 } );
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