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Last active December 20, 2015 03:38
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  • Save k0f1sh/6064640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save k0f1sh/6064640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(require 'dash)
(defconst PI 3.1415)
(defconst a 0.05)
(defvar scale-x 0.3
(defvar scale-y 0.3
(defun uzumaki (n)
(let* ((k (/ n 10.0))
(theta (* k PI))
(x (* a theta (cos theta)))
(y (* a theta (sin theta))))
(cons x y)))
(defun get-nth (x y width)
(+ x (* y width)))
(defun scale-update (point-alist)
(mapcar (lambda (point-cell)
(floor (* scale-x (car point-cell)))
(floor (* scale-y (cdr point-cell)))))
(defun str-update (str x y ox oy)
ー => 中心からの角度によって文字を変える
英数字 => 半角スペースを足して全角1文字と同じ幅にする"
(cond ((string= "ー" str)
(let ((r (atan-360 (- y oy) (- x ox))))
; 角度によって"ー"を変換
;; |
((or (or (and (> 22.5 r)
(<= 0 r))
(< 337.5 r))
(and (<= 157.5 r)
(> 202.5 r)))
;; /
((or (and (<= 112.5 r)
(> 157.5 r))
(and (<= 292.5 r)
(> 337.5 r)))
;; \
((or (and (<= 22.5 r)
(> 67.5 r))
(and (<= 202.5 r)
(> 247.5 r)))
(t "ー"))))
((multibyte-string-p str)
(t (format " %s" str))))
(defun atan-360 (y x)
(let ((a (atan y x)))
(if (< a 0)
(+ 360 (/ (* 180 a) PI))
(/ (* 180 a) PI))))
(defun translate (zip-list)
(let ((min-x (apply #'min (mapcar (lambda (p) (cadr p)) zip-list)))
(max-y (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (p) (cddr p)) zip-list)))
(ox (cadr (first zip-list)))
(oy (cddr (first zip-list))))
(mapcar (lambda (p)
(str-update (char-to-string (car p)) (cadr p) (cddr p) ox oy)
(+ (abs min-x) (cadr p))
(- (abs max-y) (cddr p)))))
(defun render (zip-list)
(let* ((max-x (1+ (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (p) (cadr p)) zip-list))))
(max-y (1+ (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (p) (cddr p)) zip-list))))
(nl (-repeat (* max-x max-y) nil))
(ox (cadr (first zip-list)))
(oy (cddr (first zip-list))))
(-each zip-list (lambda (z)
(setf (nth (get-nth (cadr z)
(cddr z)
(car z))))
(switch-to-buffer "*naruto-render*")
(dotimes (y max-y)
(dotimes (x max-x)
(let ((mass (nth (get-nth x y max-x) nl)))
(if (null mass)
(insert " ")
(insert mass))
(insert "\n"))))
(defun naruto (str)
(let* ((point-alist (mapcar (lambda (k)
(let* ((p (uzumaki k))
(x (car p))
(y (cdr p)))
(cons (round (* 100 x)) (round (* 100 y)))))
(number-sequence 0 (* 2 (length str)) 1)))
(distinct-list (-take (length str) (-distinct (scale-update point-alist))))
(zip-list (-zip (string-to-list str) distinct-list))
(render (translate zip-list))))
;;(naruto "あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー")
;; 実行結果
;; ー ー
;; / ー
;; \
;; /
;; \
;; |
;; |
;; かおえう
;; き い
;; | く あ |
;; け
;; |
;; こ
;; |
;; さ /
;; し そ
;; す せ
;; \
;; \
;; ー
;; ー
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