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Created November 28, 2023 07:18
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
output = `pgrep -f 'unicorn worker'`
pids = output.split("\n")
processes = {}
pids.each do |pid|
process_name ="/proc/#{pid}/cmdline").strip.gsub("\0", ' ')
smaps_rollup ="/proc/#{pid}/smaps_rollup")
pss = smaps_rollup.match(/Pss:\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_i
processes[pid] = { pss: pss, name: process_name }
rescue Errno::ENOENT
sorted_processes = processes.sort_by { |pid, info| -info[:pss] }
# Calculate the total PSS
total_pss = sorted_processes.reduce(0) { |sum, (pid, info)| sum + info[:pss] }
# Determine the width of the PSS column
pss_column_width = total_pss.to_s.length
sorted_processes.each do |pid, info|
pss_mib = (info[:pss] / 1024.0).round
# Calculate the percentage of the total PSS consumed by this process
pss_percent = ((info[:pss].to_f / total_pss) * 100).round(2)
# Format the percentage to always show two decimal places
formatted_pss_percent = format("%.2f", pss_percent)
# Use rjust to add padding to the left of the PSS value
puts "#{pss_mib.to_s.rjust(pss_column_width)} MiB (#{formatted_pss_percent}%): #{info[:name]}"
# Print the total PSS in MiB
total_pss_mib = (total_pss / 1024.0).round
puts "Total PSS: #{total_pss_mib} MiB"
# Calculate and print the average PSS in MiB
average_pss_mib = (total_pss / pids.size / 1024.0).round
puts "Average PSS: #{average_pss_mib} MiB"
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