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Forked from winhamwr/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Celery base task aimed at longish-running jobs that return a result.
``AwesomeResultTask`` adds thundering herd avoidance, result caching, progress
reporting, error fallback and JSON encoding of results.
from __future__ import division
import logging
import simplejson
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from hashlib import md5
from uuid import uuid4
from celery import states
from celery.backends import default_backend
from celery.task import Task
from celery.result import BaseAsyncResult
from celery.signals import task_prerun, task_postrun
from djcelery.models import TaskMeta
from johnny.middleware import QueryCacheMiddleware, LocalStoreClearMiddleware
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
def task_prerun_handler(*args, **kwargs):
Before each Task is ran, we have to instantiate Johnny's query cache
monkey patch. This will make sure that any table writes invalidate table
caches, and reads pull from any existing caches.
def task_postrun_handler(*args, **kwargs):
After each task is ran, the LocalStore cache (similar to threadlocals) is
cleared, as is the case with views (instead of celery tasks).
clear_middleware = LocalStoreClearMiddleware()
clear_middleware.process_response(None, None)
def acquire_lock(lock_name):
for _ in range(10):
value = cache.incr(lock_name)
except ValueError:
cache.set(lock_name, 0)
value = cache.incr(lock_name)
if value == 1:
cache.set(lock_name, 0)
def get_task_meta_error(exception):
Take an exception and turn it in to a Celery result tombstone that mimics
what would happen if that error were thrown during a Task run.
This is copy/pasted from pstat.core.utils
# Need to return an object that has a uuid attribute, and need to store the
# result in the cache
fake_result = TaskMeta()
task_id = str(uuid4())
fake_result.task_id = task_id
default_backend.store_result(task_id, exception, status=states.FAILURE)
return fake_result
class AwesomeResultTask(Task):
A base ``Celery.Task`` class that provides some common niceties for running
tasks that return some kind of result for which you need to wait.
To create a task that uses these helpers, use ``AwesomeResultTask`` as a
subclass and define a ``calculate_result`` method which returns a
dictionary to be turned in to JSON. You will also need to define the
following class variables:
* ``cache_prefix`` A unique string representing this task. Eg.
* ``significant_kwargs`` The kwarg values that will be converted to strings
and hashed to determine if two versions of the same task are equivelent.
This is a list of 2-tuples with the first item being the kwarg string and
the second being a callable that converts the value to a hashable string.
If no second item is given, it's assumed that calling ``str()`` on the
value works just fine.
* ``herd_avoidance_timeout`` Number of seconds to hold a lock on this task
for other equivelant runs. Generally, this should be set to the longest
estimated amount of time the task could consume.
* ``cache_duration`` The number of seconds for which the result of this
task should be cached, meaning subsequent equivelant runs will skip
computation. Set this to ``-1`` to disable caching.
Provided are helpers for:
1. Handling failures to connect the task broker by either directly
running the task (`delay_or_run`) or by returning a task that
contains the connection error (`delay_or_fail`). This minimizes
the user-facing impact of a dead task broker.
2. Defeating any thundering herd issues by ensuring only one of a task with
specific arguments can be running at a time by directing subsequent calls
to latch on to the appropriate result.
3. Caching the final result for a designated time period so that subsequent
equivelant calls return quickly.
4. Returning the results as JSON, so that they can be processed easily by
client-side javascript.
5. Returning time-based, continually updating progress estimates to
front-end code so that users know what to expect.
def delay_or_run(self, *args, **kwargs):
Attempt to call self.delay, or if that fails, call
Returns a tuple, (result, fallback). ``result`` is the result of
calling delay or run. ``fallback`` is a boolean that is True when was called instead of self.delay.
result = self.delay(*args, **kwargs)
fallback = False
except IOError:
result =*args, **kwargs)
fallback = True
return result, fallback
def delay_or_fail(self, *args, **kwargs):
Attempt to call self.delay, but if that fails with an exception, we
fake the task completion using the exception as the result. This allows
us to seamlessly handle errors on task creation the same way we handle
errors when a task runs, simplifying the user interface.
Returns a ``TaskMeta`` object that is either the result of calling
delay or the faked task result.
return self.delay(*args, **kwargs)
except IOError as e:
return get_task_meta_error(e)
def delay(self, *args, **kwargs):
Put this task on the Celery queue as a singleton. Only one of this type
of task with its distinguishing args/kwargs will be allowed on the
queue at a time. Subsequent duplicate tasks called while this task is
still running will just latch on to the results of the running task by
synchronizing the task uuid. Additionally, identical task calls will
return those results for the next ``cache_duration`` seconds.
Passing a ``cache_duration`` keyword argument controls how long
identical task calls will latch on to previously cached results.
cache_key = self._get_cache_key(**kwargs)
# Check for an already-computed and cached result
task_id = cache.get(cache_key) # Check for the cached result
if task_id:
# We've already built this result, just latch on to the task that
# did the work
'Found existing cached and completed task: %s', task_id)
return BaseAsyncResult(task_id, self.backend)
# Check for an in-progress equivelant task to avoid duplicating work
task_id = cache.get('herd:%s' % cache_key)
if task_id:'Found existing in-progress task: %s', task_id)
return BaseAsyncResult(task_id, self.backend)
# It's not cached and it's not already running. Use an atomic lock to
# start the task, ensuring there isn't a race condition that could
# result in multiple identical tasks being fired at once.
with acquire_lock('lock:%s' % cache_key):
task_meta = super(AwesomeResultTask, self).delay(
*args, **kwargs)'Current status: %s', task_meta.status)
if task_meta.status in ['PROGRESS', 'PENDING']:
'herd:%s' % cache_key,
'Setting herd-avoidance cache for task: %s', cache_key)
return task_meta
def calc_progress(self, completed_count, total_count):
Calculate the percentage progress and estimated remaining time based on
the current number of items completed of the total.
Returns a tuple of ``(percentage_complete, seconds_remaining)``.
"calc_progress(%s, %s)",
current_time = time.time()
time_spent = current_time - self.start_time
self.logger.debug("Progress time spent: %s", time_spent)
if total_count == 0:
return 100, 1
completion_fraction = completed_count / total_count
if completion_fraction == 0:
completion_fraction = 1
total_time = 0
total_time = time_spent / completion_fraction
time_remaining = total_time - time_spent
completion_display = completion_fraction * 100
if completion_display == 100:
return 100, 1 # 1 second to finish up
return completion_display, time_remaining
def update_progress(self, completed_count, total_count):
Update the task backend with both an estimated percentage complete and
number of seconds remaining until completion.
``completed_count`` Number of task "units" that have been completed out
of ``total_count`` total "units."
# Store progress for display
progress_percent, time_remaining = self.calc_progress(
completed_count, total_count)
"Updating progress: %s percent, %s remaining",
"progress_percent": progress_percent,
"time_remaining": time_remaining,
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)"Starting %s", self.__class__.__name__)
self.cache_key = self._get_cache_key(**kwargs)
# Record start time to give estimated time remaining estimates
self.start_time = time.time()
# Report to the backend that work has been started.
self.task_id = kwargs.get('task_id', None)
"progress_percent": 0,
"time_remaining": -1,
)"Calculating result")
result = self.calculate_result(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
# Don't want other tasks waiting for this task to finish, since it
# won't
raise # We can use normal celery exception handling for this"Serializing result")
json_result = simplejson.dumps(result)
if self.cache_duration >= 0:
# If we're configured to cache this result, do so.
cache.set(self.cache_key, self.task_id, self.cache_duration)
# Now that the task is finished, we can stop all of the thundering herd
# avoidance
return json_result
def _validate_required_class_vars(self):
Ensure that this subclass has defined all of the required class
required_members = [
for required_member in required_members:
if not hasattr(self, required_member):
raise Exception(
"AwesomeResultTask's must define a %s" % required_member)
def on_success(self, retval, task_id, args, kwargs):
Store results in the backend even if we're always eager. This helps for
if getattr(settings, 'CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER', False):
# Store the result because celery wouldn't otherwise
self.backend.store_result(task_id, retval, status=states.SUCCESS)
def _break_thundering_herd_cache(self):
cache.delete('herd:%s' % self.cache_key)
def _get_cache_key(self, **kwargs):
Take this task's configured ``significant_kwargs`` and build a hash
that all equivelant task calls will match.
Takes in kwargs and returns a string.
To change the way the cache key is generated or do more in-depth
processing, override this method.
m = md5()
for significant_kwarg in self.significant_kwargs:
key, to_str = significant_kwarg
return '%s:%s' % (self.cache_prefix, m.hexdigest())
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