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Created November 6, 2022 14:01
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Autonomous Vehicle Project as part of CUED IB coursework
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>
#include <BlockNot.h>
#include <math.h>
// Pin IO
const int pinLineSensor1 = A0;
const int pinLineSensor2 = A1;
const int pinLineSensor3 = A2;
const int pinLeftMotor = 1;
const int pinRightMotor = 2;
const int pinHallEffectRedLED = 0;
const int pinHallEffectGreenLED = 1;
const int pinFlashingLED = 2;
const int pinDistanceEcho = 7;
const int pinDistanceTrigger = 6;
const int pinPushButton = 4;
const int pinHallEffectSensor = 5;
// Using BlockNot for timings
// --------------------------
// It is very useful to schedule things to occur in the future. For example, we
// need to update the PID system roughly every 50 milliseconds. This can be
// implemented like so:
// void loop() {
// doPIDMotorControl();
// delay(50);
// }
// This is problematic when it comes to scheduling many simultaneous events. For
// example, we need to update PID control every 50 milliseconds and update the
// flashing LED every 250 milliseconds. With a bit of thought, you can implement
// this like so:
// void loop() {
// for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// // this code gets executed once every 50 milliseconds
// doPIDMotorControl();
// delay(50);
// }
// // this code gets executed once every 250 milliseconds
// updateFlashingLED();
// }
// What if requirement were changed so that the LED operated at 4Hz? What if
// physical testing showed us that PID motor control needed to occur every 30ms?
// What if doPIDMotorControl() took 30ms to fetch data over WiFi?
// The code above does cannot work effectively in any general case.
// The Solution: BlockNot
// ----------------------
// BlockNot is a library that manages these sorts of timers for you. The previous
// code becomes:
// BlockNot updatePIDTimer(50, MILLISECONDS);
// BlockNot flashingLEDTimer(250, MILLISECONDS);
// void loop() {
// if (updatePIDTimer.TRIGGERED) {
// // this code gets executed once every 50 milliseconds
// doPIDMotorControl();
// }
// if (flashingLEDTimer.TRIGGERED) {
// // this code gets executed once every 250 milliseconds
// updateFlashingLED();
// }
// }
// Simply put this method is far more flexible. We could add many more
// components, each executing at arbitary intervals, all with relative ease.
// This timer is responsible for updating PID control every 50 milliseconds
const int timeStep = 50;
BlockNot updatePIDTimer(timeStep, MILLISECONDS);
// This timer allows us to update the LED's status at a frequency of 2Hz. Since
// the LED changes state four times every second, we set the timer to be
// triggered every 250 milliseconds. Every time the timer is triggered, we
// update the value of flashingLEDStatus and write to the LED.
BlockNot flashingLEDTimer(250, MILLISECONDS);
bool flashingLEDStatus = false;
// Unfortunately, we are using a push-switch to switch the robot on and off.
// This is problematic because the "Button Pushed" signal is not debounced, and
// lasts anywhere between 200 to 600 milliseconds. To deal with this, we use
// BlockNot to keep track of when the button was last pushed and ignore button
// presses that occur in close succession to each other.
BlockNot pushButtonTimer(1, SECONDS);
bool robotIsOn = true;
// Unfortunately, the distance sensor tends to pick up erroneous values while
// the vehicle is turning. This is fixed by simply ignoring the distance sensor
// output for the first 70 seconds.
BlockNot distanceSensorTimer(70, SECONDS);
// Rather than detecting junctions, we instead set a timer that gets triggered
// when the robot is (empirically) at the red/green box. The timer begins when
// the robot has picked up the box, and is triggered upon reaching the box
BlockNot greenBoxTimer(52, SECONDS);
BlockNot redBoxTimer(81, SECONDS);
// Global State
bool pickedUpBlock = false;
int numDistanceShort = 0;
// Create the motor shield object with the default address
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield();
// Select which 'port' M1, M2, M3 or M4
Adafruit_DCMotor *leftMotor = AFMS.getMotor(pinLeftMotor);
Adafruit_DCMotor *rightMotor = AFMS.getMotor(pinRightMotor);
const float MOTOR_SPEED_DEFAULT = 0.6; // default linear speed of motors
const float MOTOR_ACCELERATION = 0.008; // rate of increase in MOTOR_SPEED per millisecond
float MOTOR_SPEED = 0; // the desired MOTOR_SPEED
// At any given time, the motor speeds are given as
// rightMotor: 255 * tanh(MOTOR_SPEED + curvature)
// leftMotor: 255 * tanh(MOTOR_SPEED - curvature)
// this has the following advantages:
// - `tanh()` gaurentees the speed to be between -255 and 255, meaning that we can
// use PID while still ruling out overflow issues! This eliminates quite a nasty
// class of bugs where the motors abruptly stutter to zero with little warning.
// - the input `curvature` is not the true curvature of the vehicle, but this
// doesn't matter for PID tuning. The requirements are that 1) the true
// curvature is zero for an input curvature of zero 2) the true curvature always
// increases for increasing values of input curvature
// - `MOTOR_SPEED` allows us to increase the linear speed of the vehicle. This
// is inceased when the motor is heading in a straight line, and reset when the
// line following reports an error
void set_motor_curvature(float curve) {
float motor_right_speed = 255 * tanhf((MOTOR_SPEED + curve) * 0.92);
float motor_left_speed = 255 * tanhf(MOTOR_SPEED - curve);
rightMotor->run((motor_right_speed > 0) ? BACKWARD : FORWARD);
leftMotor->run((motor_left_speed > 0) ? BACKWARD : FORWARD);
const float Kp = 0.56; // related to the proportional control term;
const float Ki = 0.002; // related to the integral control term;
const float Kd = 0.4; // related to the derivative control term;
// error is the approximate number of centimeters between the center of the
// distance sensor and the center of the white line
float error = 0;
// lastError is the previous error, also measured in centimeters
float lastError = 0;
// I is the error integrated over time, in units of centimeter-milliseconds (eeew!!)
float I = 0;
float PID_control() {
float P = error;
float D = (error - lastError) / timeStep;
I = I + error * timeStep;
lastError = error;
return P * Kp + I * Ki + D * Kd;
// Sets motor curvature to follow the line using the line sensor reading in a
// binary format.
// line_sensor_bits is to be an integer in the range 0-7, such that:
// - 100b corresponds to only the left line detector reading a line
// - 010b corresponds to only the central line detector reading a line
// - 011b corresponds to the central and right line detector reading a line
// - ect. ect.
void follow_line(int line_sensor_bits) {
// We need to convert line_sensor_bits into error. Since line_sensor_bits is
// an integer, we can use a table to lookup the approximate number of
// centimeters of error. This is far nicer than a nested series of if
// statements. To summarize:
// - error values at 010b and 000b are 0
// - error values at 100b and 110b are positive, with 001b being a much larger error
// - error values at 001b and 011b are negative, with 100b being a much larger error
// - error values at 101b and 111b are undefined
float table[] = {0, -5, 0, -1, 5, NAN, 1, NAN};
error = table[line_sensor_bits];
// We want the robot to accelerate fast along straight lines, and turn corners
// slowly. This is achieved by the MOTOR_SPEED variable, which increases
// while there is a small error, and reset when there is a large error.
if (error == 0 || error == -1 || error == 1) {
} else {
float curvature = PID_control();
// move forward a number of centimeters in a blocking manner
void move_forward_centimetres(float distance) {
// hardware weirdness: Motor->run(BACKWARD) moves the motors forward
delay(int(distance * 890.0));
// move backward a number of centimeters in a blocking manner
void move_backward_centimetres(float distance) {
// hardware weirdness: Motor->run(FORWARD) moves the motors backward
delay(int(distance * 890.0));
// rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise in a blocking manner.
void rotate_90_degrees_anticlockwise() {
// rotate 90 degrees clockwise in a blocking manner.
void rotate_90_degrees_clockwise() {
// stop moving all motors entirely, non-blocking
void stop_all_motors() {
void setup() {
Serial.println("Running Setup Code!");
if (!AFMS.begin()) {
Serial.println("Could not find Motor Shield. Check wiring.");
while (1);
Serial.println("Motor Shield found.");
// setup pin inputs and outputs
pinMode(pinLineSensor1, INPUT);
pinMode(pinLineSensor2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinLineSensor3, INPUT);
pinMode(pinDistanceEcho, INPUT);
pinMode(pinDistanceTrigger, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinHallEffectRedLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinHallEffectGreenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinHallEffectSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(pinFlashingLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinPushButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
digitalWrite(pinDistanceTrigger, LOW);
while (digitalRead(pinPushButton)) {
// this is the "boot sequence"; the code which moves the robot out of the box
// and rotates it onto the line
Serial.println("Starting loop code");
float read_distance_sensor() {
digitalWrite(pinDistanceTrigger, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinDistanceTrigger, LOW);
int duration = pulseIn(pinDistanceEcho, HIGH);
return duration / 58.0;
// line detector readings are returned in a binary format, such that:
// - 100b corresponds to only the left line detector reading a line
// - 010b corresponds to only the central line detector reading a line
// - 011b corresponds to the central and right line detector reading a line
// ect.
int read_line_detectors() {
// sets a variable for the analog signal as a num between 1 and 1023
// scales the range to 0-5V so to put out a voltage
float voltage1 = analogRead(pinLineSensor1) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
float voltage2 = analogRead(pinLineSensor2) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
float voltage3 = analogRead(pinLineSensor3) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
Serial.print("Voltages: ");
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(' ');
int bits = 0;
// hardware issue: the leftmost line sensor (corresponding to voltage1) has a
// reduced sensitivity to lines, so it has an increased threshhold voltage
bits += (voltage1 < 2.3) ? 1 : 0;
bits += (voltage2 < 1.8) ? 2 : 0;
bits += (voltage3 < 1.8) ? 4 : 0;
Serial.print(" BITS: ");
Serial.print(bits, BIN);
return bits;
void loop() {
// In many cases, it is useful to have function sensors and LEDS even when the
// robot is "off". This proves to be most useful in testing, where we can keep
// the robot physically stationary while printing sensor information to the
// serial port.
// read the hall effect sensor and update the LEDs
bool isMagnetic = !digitalRead(pinHallEffectSensor);
digitalWrite(pinHallEffectGreenLED, isMagnetic ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(pinHallEffectRedLED, isMagnetic ? LOW : HIGH);
if (!digitalRead(pinPushButton)) {
// We are using a push button to switch the robot on and off, which is
// problematic because the "Button Pushed" signal lasts anywhere between 200
// to 600 milliseconds and is not debounced. To deal with this, we use
// BlockNot to keep track of when the button was last pushed and ignore
// button presses that occur in close succession to each other.
if (pushButtonTimer.TRIGGERED) {
robotIsOn = !robotIsOn;
// Always read the line detectors, regardless of robotIsOn. Very useful for
// testing, as `read_line_detectors` prints debugging information over serial
int line_sensor_bits = read_line_detectors();
if (!robotIsOn) {
// Robot is off, set the FlashingLED high to signify that the robot is still
// plugged in to the battery pack
digitalWrite(pinFlashingLED, HIGH);
// Using the BlockNot library, `flashingLEDTimer.TRIGGERED` evaluates to true
// once once every 250 milliseconds. This allows us to update the flashing LED
// without resorting to precarious use of Arduino's `millis()`
if (flashingLEDTimer.TRIGGERED) {
flashingLEDStatus = !flashingLEDStatus;
digitalWrite(pinFlashingLED, (flashingLEDStatus ? HIGH : LOW));
float distance = read_distance_sensor();
if (distance < 4 && !pickedUpBlock && distanceSensorTimer.HAS_TRIGGERED) {
if (numDistanceShort > 6) {
bool isMagnetic = !digitalRead(pinHallEffectSensor);
digitalWrite(pinHallEffectGreenLED, isMagnetic ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(pinHallEffectRedLED, isMagnetic ? LOW : HIGH);
pickedUpBlock = true;
} else {
numDistanceShort = 0;
if (updatePIDTimer.TRIGGERED) {
if (pickedUpBlock) {
if (isMagnetic && redBoxTimer.TRIGGERED) {
robotIsOn = false;
} else if (greenBoxTimer.TRIGGERED) {
robotIsOn = false;
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k12ish commented Nov 6, 2022

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