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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module CssA where
import Data.Text hiding (concat, map)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (trace)
cssA :: (ArrowList a) => (Text, Text) -> a String String
cssA ("font-family", "serif") = arr $ ("\\textsf{"++) . (++"}")
cssA ("font-size", v) = arr $
(\s -> "\\fontsize{" ++ (unpack v) ++ "}{"
++ (unpack v) ++ "}\\selectfont " ++ s)
cssA ("display", "block") = arr (++"\\par\n")
cssA ("display", "inline") = this
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import System.Environment
import Text.CSS.Parse
import Data.Text hiding (concat, map)
import Text.Parsec hiding (many, (<|>))
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Parsec.Text
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (trace)
import Debug.Trace
import CssA
main = do
(fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
let css = case parseNestedBlocks $ pack contents of
-- Right nb -> nb
-- putStrLn $ show css
-- Left error -> ???
Right nb -> makeInstructions nb
text <-runX (readDocument [] "test.html"
catA (map applyCss css)
putStrLn $ concat text
return ()
applyCss :: (ArrowXml a) => CssInstruction -> a XmlTree String
applyCss (slctrs, instructions) = deepest $ ifA (seqA (map bySelector slctrs))
(getChildren >>> getText
>>> seqA (map cssA instructions))
(eelem "" >>> getText)
bySelector :: (ArrowXml a) => CssSelector -> a XmlTree XmlTree
bySelector (CSElement c _ True) = deepest $ (hasName (unpack c))
bySelector (CSElement c _ _) = hasName (unpack c)
bySelector (CSClass t) = hasAttrValue "class" (==(unpack t))
bySelector (CSId t) = hasAttrValue "id" (==(unpack t))
bySelector (CSAlt k v _ _) = hasAttrValue (unpack k) (==(unpack v))
-- parsing CSS selector
data CssSelector = CSElement { elemName :: Text
, isChild :: Bool
, isDescendant :: Bool}
| CSClass Text
| CSId Text
| CSAlt { altKey :: Text
, altVal :: Text
, includeVal :: Bool
, prefixMatch :: Bool}
| CSPseudo Text
deriving (Show)
data CssDirective = CssDirective Text [CssSelector]
deriving (Show)
type CssInstruction = ([CssSelector], [(Text, Text)])
makeInstructions :: [NestedBlock] -> [CssInstruction]
makeInstructions [] = []
makeInstructions (b@(LeafBlock _):bs) = (makeInstruction b):(makeInstructions bs)
makeInstruction :: NestedBlock -> CssInstruction
makeInstruction (LeafBlock cssblock) = (selectors s, snd cssblock)
where s = fst cssblock
selectors s = case parse parseSelector "" s of
-- Left _ -> ???
Right slctrs -> slctrs
-- if the length is more than 1, it's a grouped/decendant/child selector.
parseSelector :: Parser [CssSelector]
parseSelector = do
manyTill (choice [ try slctrElm <* spaces
, try slctrCls <* spaces
, try slctrIds <* spaces
, try slctrAlt <* spaces
]) eof
parseDirective :: Parser CssDirective
parseDirective = CssDirective <$> (oneOf "@" *> slctrLetters <* spaces) <*> parseSelector
slctrLetters :: Parser Text
slctrLetters = pack <$> (string "*" <|> many1 alphaNum)
--selectorLetters = many1 $ choice [ try (letter <* (try $ lookAhead $ oneOf ".#"))
-- , letter]
slctrElm :: Parser CssSelector
slctrElm = do
separator <- many $ char ','
cld <- many $ char '>'
name <- slctrLetters
return $ CSElement { elemName = name
, isChild = if "" == cld then False else True
, isDescendant = if "" == separator && "" == cld then True else False}
slctrCls :: Parser CssSelector
slctrCls = CSClass <$> (oneOf "." *> slctrLetters)
slctrIds :: Parser CssSelector
slctrIds = CSId <$> (oneOf "#" *> slctrLetters)
slctrAlt :: Parser CssSelector
slctrAlt = oneOf "[" *> altKeyVal <* oneOf "]"
altKeyVal :: Parser CssSelector
altKeyVal = do
key <- pack <$> many1 alphaNum
tld <- many $ char '~'
prf <- many $ char '|'
many $ string "="
val <- pack <$> many alphaNum
many $ string "\""
return $ CSAlt { altKey = key, altVal = val
, includeVal = if "" == tld then False else True
, prefixMatch = if "" == prf then False else True}
p {display: block}
p.b {font-family: serif;
font-size: 15pt}
<p class="a">
<a src="foo.png"/>
<p class="b">
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