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harmy /
Created August 23, 2012 14:30

中文翻译:梁山 英文原文:Adam Wiggins


如今,软件通常会作为一种服务来交付,它们被称为网络应用程序,或“软件即服务”(SaaS)。“十二要素应用程序”(12-Factor App)为构建如下的SaaS应用提供了方法论:

  • 使用标准化流程自动配置,从而使新的开发者花费最少的学习成本加入这个项目;
  • 和操作系统之间尽可能的划清界限,在各个系统中提供最大的可移植性
  • 适合部署在现代的云计算平台,从而在服务器和系统管理方面节省资源;
zhang2333 / [译]Visual Studio Code文档其1—基本使用.md
Last active March 8, 2017 14:23
[译]Visual Studio Code文档其1—基本使用

#Visual Studio Code的基本使用 全文翻译自[官方Docs][1]

Visual Studio Code的核心是一个代码编辑器。像许多其他代码编辑器一样,VS Code采用了普遍的UI设计,将显示所有可访问的文件及文件夹的目录树置于左侧,并将文件内容编辑器置于右侧。下面本篇将描述VS Code的几个独特之处。

译者注:NodeJS方面VS Code是Sublime很好的替代品,不妨试试

##文件与Project VS Code以文件、文件夹为基础——你可以通过VS Code打开文件夹来立即启动project。

VS Code可以读写不同框架或平台中不同类型的文件。即便你的VS Code同时打开了package.jsonproject.jsontsconfig.json甚至ASP.NET 5 Visual Studio的项目文件,VS Code仍然可以读取它们并为你提供相应的附加功能,如[IntelliSense][2]。

shijinkui / gist:5132586
Created March 11, 2013 07:41
$0 获取当前执行的shell脚本的文件名
$n 获取当前执行的shell脚本的第n个参数值,n=1..9
$* 获取当前shell的所有参数 “$1 $2 $3 …注意与$#的区别
$# 获取当前shell命令行中参数的总个数
snowwalf /
Last active April 16, 2019 14:38
bluesmilery /
Last active May 23, 2021 05:36
[create_virtual_env] Used to create a Anaconda virtual environment for CUDA and TensorFlow. If you want to use this shell script, please read the blog.
# Used to create a Anaconda virtual environment for CUDA and TensorFlow.
# If you want to use this shell script, please read the blog.
echo ""
echo "This script is used to create a Anaconda virtual environment for CUDA and TensorFlow."
echo ""
read -p "Enter the name of Anaconda virtual environment: " ENV_NAME
# download MS COCO dataset
# ref:
echo "Downloading..."
wget && \
danackerson / 100_base.conf
Last active October 20, 2023 10:11
using nginx + lua + redis for redirects and rewrites
# using such a setup requires `apt-get install lua-nginx-redis` under Ubuntu Trusty
# more info @
http {
lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/include.d/?.lua;;";
lua_socket_pool_size 100;
lua_socket_connect_timeout 10ms;
lua_socket_read_timeout 10ms;
server {
arunoda / gist:7790979
Last active February 16, 2024 14:05
Installing SSHPass

Installing SSHPASS

SSHPass is a tiny utility, which allows you to provide the ssh password without using the prompt. This will very helpful for scripting. SSHPass is not good to use in multi-user environment. If you use SSHPass on your development machine, it don't do anything evil.

Installing on Ubuntu

apt-get install sshpass

Installing on OS X

dashed / github-pandoc.css
Created September 26, 2013 13:42
GitHub-like CSS for pandoc standalone HTML files (perfect for HTML5 output). Based on's GitHub CSS. Added normalize.css (v2.1.3) in the prior to GitHub css.
/*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | */
/* ==========================================================================
HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9.

How to install dlib v19.9 or newer (w/ python bindings) from github on macOS and Ubuntu


  • Have Python 3 installed. On macOS, this could be installed from homebrew or even via standard Python 3.6 downloaded installer from On Linux, just use your package manager.
  • On macOS:
    • Install XCode from the Mac App Store (or install the XCode command line utils).
    • Have homebrew installed
  • On Linux: