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Ricardo Silva k1ltr0

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k1ltr0 /
Created March 24, 2020 15:47
base para buscaminas en español
import random
import copy
ancho = int(input("ancho:"))
alto = int(input("alto:"))
probabilidad = float(input("p:"))
def generarCampo(ancho, alto):
campo = []
for y in range(0, alto):
id integer NOT NULL,
name text,
region_id integer
INSERT INTO "City" (id, name, region_id) VALUES (15101, 'Arica', 15);
INSERT INTO "City" (id, name, region_id) VALUES (15102, 'Camarones', 15);
INSERT INTO "City" (id, name, region_id) VALUES (15201, 'Putre', 15);
INSERT INTO "City" (id, name, region_id) VALUES (15202, 'General Lagos', 15);