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Created February 9, 2013 10:26
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PHP: Login class
* @category PHP
* @author Steven King ( (skype: k1ngs.k1ngdom) (phone: +880 174 202 0548)
* @link
class Login extends library {
private $user_name;
private $pass;
private $data;
private $salt = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
public $cookiename = 'uhash';
* Validate login information against database.
* @param string $username Username to validate
* @param string $password Password to validate.
* @return mixed array containing user information if found else boolean false.
public function Validatelogininformation ($username, $password, $sha1encrypt = true) {
if($sha1encrypt === true) {
$password = sha1($password);
$this->data = parent::querySelectSingle("SELECT user_id, activated, fName, lName, email, user_name, password, last_login, status, country_name, lang FROM tbl_member WHERE user_name = :user_name AND password = :password", array(':user_name' => $username, ':password' => $password));
return $this->data;
* Validate logged in users.
* @return boolean Return true if the user logged in else false.
public function validate_loggedin_user() {
if (isset($_SESSION['user_name'], $_SESSION['password']) === true) {
if($this->Validatelogininformation($_SESSION['user_name'], $_SESSION['password'], false) === false) {
echo "string";
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else if ($this->Hashcheck() === true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* check if hashed remember cookie exists. if so set the $_SESSION
* @return boolen
public function Hashcheck () {
if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookiename]) === true) { // check if remember cookie
$hash = $this->hash_decrypt($_COOKIE[$this->cookiename], $this->salt);
$hash = json_decode(base64_decode($hash));
$username = $hash[0];
$password = $this->hash_decrypt($hash[1], $this->salt);
$userinfo = $this->Validatelogininformation($username, $password);
if ($userinfo !== false) { // check if login information is currect.
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Login user
* @param string $username Username to login
* @param string $password Password to login
* @param boolean $remember Set to true for remember me
* @return mixed boolean on Success. string on fail.
public function userlogin ($username, $password, $remember = false) {
$this->user_name = $username;
$this->pass = $password;
if (empty($this->user_name) || empty($this->pass)) {
return "Please enter valid username &amp; password.";
} elseif (strlen($this->user_name) < 5 || strlen($this->user_name) > 12) {
return "Please enter valid username &amp; password.";
} elseif (strlen($this->pass) < 6 || strlen($this->pass) > 18) {
return "Please enter valid username &amp; password.";
$logininfo = $this->Validatelogininformation($username, $password);
if ($logininfo !== false) {
$member_status = $this->member_status($this->data['status']);
if ($logininfo['activated'] != 'yes') {
return "You have not activated your account yet.";
} elseif ($member_status !== false) {
return $member_status;
// Set the $_SESSION.
// if remember me is true set encrypted cookie.
if ($remember === true) {
$userhash = $this->hash_encrypt(base64_encode(json_encode(array($username, $this->hash_encrypt($password, $this->salt)))), $this->salt);
setcookie($this->cookiename, $userhash, time() + (20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60));
// Upgrade last login information on database.
$userIP=parent::getRealIpAddr(); // get login user computer IP Address
parent::queryExecute("UPDATE tbl_member SET last_login = :last_login, last_login_ip = :last_login_ip, signin = 'yes' WHERE user_id= :user_id", array(':last_login' => $this->get_local_time('time'), ':last_login_ip' => $userIP, ':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));
return true;
} else {
return "Invalid username and/or password!";
* set $_SESSION if $data is an array
* @return boolean Success result
private function setsession() {
if (is_array($this->data) === true) {
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $this->data['user_id'];
$_SESSION['fname'] = $this->data['fName'];
$_SESSION['lname'] = $this->data['lName'];
$_SESSION['last_login'] = $this->data['last_login'];
$_SESSION['user_name'] = $this->data['user_name'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $this->data['password'];
$_SESSION['user_email'] = $this->data['email'];
$_SESSION['default_currency'] = $this->data['lang'];
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Encrypt with salt
* @param string $string string to encrypt
* @param string $key salt to encrypt
* @return string hash
private function hash_encrypt($string, $key) {
return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))));
* Decrypt encrypted hash with salt
* @param string $hash Hash to decrypt
* @param string $key Salt for decrypting (must be same as used to encrypt)
* @return string Unencrypted string
private function hash_decrypt($hash, $key) {
return rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), base64_decode($hash), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))), "\0");
public function check_is_login_user()
$this->query="SELECT * FROM tbl_member
user_name='".$_SESSION['user_name']."' AND
fName='".$_SESSION['fname']."' AND
if (parent::numRows($this->query) != 1) {header("Location: ".ABSOLUTE_HTTPS_PATH."login.php");exit();}
* Does nothing but returns string :P
* @param String $status Status from tbl_member table.
* @return Mixed return false on sccuess else error message.
public function member_status($status) {
if ($status=="close") {
return 'Account close by your self.';
} elseif ($status=="suspended") {
return 'Your account is suspended.';
} else {
return false;
* Email verification for forgotten password
* @param string $user_name Username
* @param string $email Email adress
* @param string $activation_number Activition number (sent via email).
* @return string errors
public function get_login($user_name, $email, $activation_number) {
$userinfo = parent::querySelectSingle("SELECT * FROM tbl_member WHERE user_name = :user_name AND email = :email AND activation_number = :activation_number", array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':email' => $email, ':activation_number' => $activation_number));
if ($userinfo !== false) {
if ($userinfo['activated'] != 'yes') {
return "You have not activated your account yet.";
} elseif ($member_status !== false) {
return $member_status;
} else {
return "You are not active yet.";
} else {
return 'You are not a registered user.';
* redirect user to user's pevious page or index page.
* @param boolean $fail Set to true to redirect users to login page.
* @param mixed $error set error message to show error on login page. (strign)
public function redirectuser ($fail = false, $error = false) {
if($fail === true) {
if($error !== false) {
$_SESSION['error_msg'] = $error;
header("Location: login.php");
} else if (isset($_SESSION['back_to_page']) === true) {
header("Location: ".$_SESSION['back_to_page']);
} else {
header("Location: ".BASE_URL);
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