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Last active September 20, 2022 06:31
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What is a DAO?

DAO starts with community, to be precise: A community use DAO technology and techniques to bond its members.
A community will start with an Interest, e.g: learning about a new technology, share a common interest about a celebrity, a hobby (e.g: reading book), etc. However, interest only does not make a community thrive. A community need a Purpose to make its members unite and make impact to the world which make the bond stronger.

For example:

  • A fan-club can hold a birthday party for its celebrity, host a trip for its members to join a concert, even fund a team to make a movie about their celebrity.
  • A book-lover community can fund a team to translate its long-love book into their native language, fund a team to open a book-coffee that meet their style, or build libraries in remote and poor areas.
    People can do a lot of crazy thing for their love, they only need a tool.

What is a DAO?

A DAO is a community built in the digital age so it is a Digital-first Organization. Most of its members meet online and bond online (with no border).
A Digital-first Organization can reach global audience from day 1. However, the principle stay the same: the quality of a community stay with its quality not the quantity of members.
This community will use Crypto technology to facilitate its multiple Purposes. Smart Contract is a good tool for a community to raise fund and work toward its purpose transparently. Coincidentally, transparency is the best way to earn trust and make community member stay. Doing just that, you got a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

How to build a DAO?

You don't build a DAO from nothing, you build a DAO from a community. So, these are the steps:

Step 1:

You build a community. There are many guideline on how to build a community, take this one for example:
Tips on How to Build a Community | CMX
By building a community, you identify your stakeholders: who are they? what is their need? etc. Knowing your audience is the foundation of your future activities.

Step 2:

You run your community and you make your life easier by implementing Crypto technology (if it really make your life easier).
Does your community want to pool money together to invest in web3? Yay, let's build a Decentralized Venture Capital. Hectagon | The 1st DAO Web3 VC platform for everyone
Does your community want to build kick-ass product on Crypto? Let's fund builder to do so. Nouns DAO
Does your community want to buy the original Constitution-copy? Let's do it. ConstitutionDAO | Juicebox
Does your community want to build bridge in a remote village in Africa? Err, if crypto technology make your life easier then go for it. Otherwise, stay away from Crypto.


DAO is a great tool to leverage online community collaboration. One day, DAO can help solve some of the humongous problems for humanity such as: Climate change, Energy crisis, a healthy Global Trade route, bring human to Mars and beyond, etc.
However, let's start small. Look around you, find a community that is in need and introduce Crypto to them. That's might be one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.

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