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k2-hectagon /
Created June 24, 2022 04:21
why Hectagon <> BNB Chain

Please describe how you can contribute to the BNB Chain ecosystem

Hectagon contribute to BNB Chain ecosystems by (1) encouraging more projects into BNB (2) building a social layer on BNB chain

A Decentralized VC built in BNB will encourage more projects into BNB Chain

Hectagon is a decentralized Venture Capital that leverage retail's large information source and professional investors' experience & best practise in invesment. Hectagon mainly focus on seed/stragic round when projects have no token yet while $HECTA is built on BNB Chain so Hectagon will encourage its portfolio to build on BNB Chain for better support.

Adding a social layer on BNB Chain

With the boom of GameFi, there are many new users on BNB Chain over 2021. However, there is no social layer adding to those new active wallets: no name (even pseudo one) and no connection between those wallets. Hectagon is building the concept of "proof of value contribution" of which each wallet can link to a name while labeling the connection of

k2-hectagon / Snapshot.sol
Created July 11, 2022 11:44
Hectagon snapshot voting strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import "./interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "./interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "./interfaces/IHectaCirculatingSupply.sol";
import "./interfaces/IsHECTA.sol";
import "./interfaces/IgHECTA.sol";
contract Snapshot {
graph TD
  Retail --> |1.0_Buy Bond_BUSD/LP|Treasury
  Treasury --> |1.1_Mint_a HECTA|Retail
  Treasury --> |1.2_Mint_a HECTA|Investment[Investment Fund]
  Treasury --> |1.3_Mint_4.5a HECTA|Reward[Community Reward]
  Treasury --> |1.4_Transfer LP|LP[Treasury LP Pool]
  Investment --> |2A_Optimize_HECTA|Guardian
  Guardian --> |3B_Campaign_HECTA|Airdrop[Reward System]
 Guardian --&gt; |2B.1_Swap HECTA for BUSD_HECTA|Pancake[PancakeSwap]

1. Users buy bond

Users buy bond to build up Treasury with either BUSD or HECTA-BUSD LP token. HECTA smart contract will mint new HECTA for User and Investment Fund and Community Reward

1A. Users buy LP Bond

graph LR
 User --> |1. Transfer LP|TreasuryLP[Treasury_LP]
 User ==> |2. Interact|HECTA[HECTA contract]
 HECTA --> |3. Mint 1x HECTA|User

 HECTA --> |4. Mint 4.5x HECTA|CommunityReward[Treasury_Community Reward]

Main Channel:

  • Public Audience: Telegram, Website (LandingPage), Twitter
  • HECTA holder, Investment Council: Discord, App, Docs, Medium/Mirror
  • Project Owner: Investment Portal (App), Website (Project LandingPage)
  • pHECTA & tHECTA owner: Telegram, App

1. Public audience

Team wants to educate and get interest of the public to expand the number of token holder (buyer). Public audience is the one never bought from Hectagon or have just bought HECTA without understanding Hectagon mechanism.

How Hectagon Governance Flow works?

graph TD
 Suggestion[Community create a Suggestion]:::_start --> IsPopular{Is popular within 30 days on Discord?}
 ModCreateCampaign[Mod create a Campaign]:::_start -->OpenCommentCampaign[Campaign: Open for Comment]
 IsPopular:::_decision --> |Yes|ClosedSuggestion[Suggestion: Closed and cannot comment]
 ClosedSuggestion --> |Mod draft a Campaign|OpenCommentCampaign
 ClosedSuggestion --> |Mod draft a Proposal|OpenCommentProposal
 ModCreateProposal[Mod create a Proposal]:::_start --> OpenCommentProposal[Proposal: Open for Comment]

What is a DAO?

DAO starts with community, to be precise: A community use DAO technology and techniques to bond its members.
A community will start with an Interest, e.g: learning about a new technology, share a common interest about a celebrity, a hobby (e.g: reading book), etc. However, interest only does not make a community thrive. A community need a Purpose to make its members unite and make impact to the world which make the bond stronger.

For example:

  • A fan-club can hold a birthday party for its celebrity, host a trip for its members to join a concert, even fund a team to make a movie about their celebrity.
  • A book-lover community can fund a team to translate its long-love book into their native language, fund a team to open a book-coffee that meet their style, or build libraries in remote and poor areas.
    People can do a lot of crazy thing for their love, they only need a tool.

What is a DAO?