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Created November 16, 2012 18:45
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Emacs Shortcuts + Commands

Emacs Commands


  • C-f: move cursor forward one char
  • C-b: mover cursor back one chart
  • C-n: mover cursor to next line
  • C-p: go to previous line
  • M-f: forward one word
  • M-b: move backward one word
  • C-a: move to beginning of line
  • C-e: move to end of line
  • M-a: move to beginning of sentence
  • M-e: move to end of sentence
  • C-v: down one page
  • M-v: up one page
  • C-l: center on current line
  • M-<: Move cursor to beginning of file
  • M->: Move cursor to end of file


  • C-d: delete char
  • M-d: delete word forward
  • M-del: delete word backwards
  • C-k: delete line
  • M-u: make uppercase
  • M-c: make first letter uppercase
  • M-1: make lowercase


  • C-Space: Set mark start
  • C-W: delete marked region
  • M-W: copy marked region
  • C-y: paste
  • M-y: yank/paste earlier text
  • C-x C-x: swap cursor and mark

On Buffers

  • M | An asterisk means it has been modified since last sav
  • R | A % sign if read olny
  • Buffer | Name of buffer
  • Size | Size of buffed
  • Mode | Mode of buffer
  • File | Name of file for buffer


  • C-x C-f: find file
  • C-x C-s: save file
  • C-x s: save any unsaved files
  • C-x C-w: Save As
  • C-x C-v: find alternate file
  • C-x i: insert file at cursor position


  • C-x C-b: List Buffers
  • C-x b : Switch to buffer with name
  • C-x k: close current buffer


  • C-x 0: Close current window
  • C-x 1: Close all windows except current
  • C-x 2: split window vertically
  • C-x 3: split window horizontall
  • C-x o: switch to other windowƒ
  • C-x ^: enlarge window
  • M-x shrink-window: shrink window
  • M C-v: scroll other window
  • C-x 4 f: find file in other window
  • C-x 4 o: change to other winow
  • C-x 4 0: kill buffer and window

Buffers and Windows

  • buffer-move: Move window
  • buf-move-right: swap buffer with one right
  • buf-move-left: swap buffer with one left


  • C-x 5 2: Create a new frame
  • C-x 5 0: Delete current frame
  • C-x 5 o: change to other frame
  • C-x 5 1: Delete all but current frame


  • C-x r m: set bookmark at cursor
  • C-x r b: jump to bookmark
  • M-x bookmark-rename:
  • M-x bookmark-delete:
  • M-x bookmark-save:
  • M-x bookmark-write:
  • M-x bookmark-load:
  • C-x r 1: list bookmarks
    • d mark bookmark for deletion
    • r rename bookmark
    • s save all listed bookmarks
    • f show bookmark the cursor is over
    • m mark bookmarks to be shown in multiple window
    • v show marked bookmarks (or the one the cursor is over)
    • t toggle listing of the corresponding paths
    • w " path to this file
    • x delete marked bookmarks
    • Del ?
    • q quit bookmark list


  • M-x shell: starts shell modus
  • C-c C-c: same as C-c in terminal (stop running job)
  • C-d: delete char forward
  • C-c C-d: Send EOF
  • C-c C-z: same as C-z in terminal
  • M-p: show previous commands


  • C-g: quit running command
  • M-n: repeat command n times
  • C-u: repeat the following command 4 times
  • C-u n: repeat n times
  • C-x u: undo
  • M-x revert-buffer: revert to last save
  • M-x recover-file: revert to autosavefile
  • M-x recover-sessions: revert to autosave for all files


  • C-z: suspend emacs
  • C-x C-c: exit emacs


  • C-h c: which command does invoke
  • C-h k: which command does invoke and what does it do
  • C-h l: last 100 typed keys
  • C-h w: what key-combo does have?
  • C-h f: what does do?
  • C-h v: what is and what is its value?
  • C-h b: show key commands for buffer
  • C-h t: start the emacs tutorial
  • C-h i: start the info reader
  • C-h C-k: start up info reader and go to a certain key-combo poin
  • C-h F: show emacs FAQ


  • C-s: search forward
  • C-r: search backward
  • C-g: return to where search started (if you are still in search mode)
  • M-%: query replace
    • Space or y replace this occurence
    • Del or n don't replace
    • . only replace this and exit (replace)
    • , replace and pause (resume with Space or y)
    • ! replace all following occurences
    • ^ back to previous match
    • RETURN or q quit replace

Emacs commands for various plugins

Textmate Mode

  • ⌘T: Go to File
  • ⇧⌘T: Go to Symbol
  • ⌘L: Go to Line
  • ⇧⌘L: Select Line (or expand Selection to select lines)
  • ⌘/: Comment Line (or Selection/Region)
  • ⌘]: Shift Right (currently indents region)
  • ⌘[: Shift Left (not yet implemented)
  • ⌥⌘]: Align Assignments
  • ⌥⌘[: Indent Line
  • ⌥↑: Column Up
  • ⌥↓: Column Down
  • ⌘RET: Insert Newline at Line's End
  • ⌥⌘T: Reset File Cache (for Go to File)

DDIRectory EDitor (dired)

  • C-x d: launch dired
  • C(large C not CRTL): copy
  • d: mark for erase
  • D: delete
  • f: open
  • g: reread directory structure
  • G: change permissions for group (chgrp)
  • k: remove listing from screen but don't actually delete
  • m: mark with *
  • n: move to next line
  • o: open file in new window and make window active
  • C-o: open file in new window but don't go there
  • P: print
  • q: quite dired
  • Q: find-replace in marked files
  • R: rename file
  • u: remove mark
  • v: view contents (probably different from open views inline I bet)
  • x: delete files marked with D
  • z: compress file
  • M-Del: remove all marks
  • ~: mark backup files for deletion
  • #: mark auto-save files for deletion
  • */: mark directory with * (C-u * removes that mark again)
  • =: compare this file with marked file
  • M-=: compare this file with it's backup file
  • !: apply shell command to file
  • % d: mark files described through regular expression for deletion
  • % m: " (with *)
  • +: create directory
  • : changed to next dir

  • <: change to previous dir
  • s: toggle between sorting by name or date


  • M-x speedbar: launch speedbar

Text Mode

  • M-s: center line
  • M-s: center paragraph
  • M-x center-region:

Programming modes

  • M C-: indent region between cursor and mark
  • M-m: move to first non-space
  • M-^: attach line to previous
  • M-a: beginning of statement
  • M-e: end of statement
  • M C-a: beginning of function
  • M C-e: end of function
  • M-x outline-minor-mode: collaspe
  • M-x show-subtree: uncollaspe
  • M-.: got to method/function definition

Version Control

  • C-x v d: show all registered files in this dir
  • C-x v =: show diff between versions
  • C-x v u: remove all changes since last checkin
  • C-x v ~: show certain version in different window
  • C-x v l: print log
  • C-x v i: mark file for version control add
  • C-x v h: insert version control header into file
  • C-x v r: check out named snapshot
  • C-x v s: create named snapshot


  • ⌘N new-frame-with-new-scratch Open a new empty window/frame
  • ⌘O mac-find-file-other-frame Open a new window/frame with a file
  • ⇧⌘S mac-key-save-file-as Save as (using file panel)
  • ⇧⌘O mac-key-open-file-other-frame Find file in another frame (using file panel)
  • ⌘A mark-whole-buffer Select all text
  • ⌘V cua-paste(yank) Paste text
  • ⌘C clipboard-kill-ring-save Copy text
  • ⌘X clipboard-kill-region Cut text
  • ⌘S mac-key-save-file Save file
  • ⌘L goto-line Go to specified line
  • ⌘F isearch-forward Search
  • ⌘G isearch-repeat-forward Repeat search
  • ⌘W close-window Close window
  • ⌘M iconify-or-deiconify-frame Minimize window to the Dock
  • ⌘Q aquamacs-save-buffers-kill-emacs Save file, exit program
  • ⌘Z undo Undo
  • ⇧⌘Z redo Redo
  • ⌘ spellcheck-now Interactive spell-checking
  • ^ toggle-pass-option-to-system Toggle: allow input of special characters with Option key / use Option key as Emacs Meta key

To access tabs quickly, the key commands Command-0,1,2 through 9 may be used; A-1 (normally: Command-1) will select the first, leftmost tab in the window.1 C-x v a: create changelog file in gnu-style

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